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We're now stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean and there goes our boat. We are now stranded for seven days. How much? Just No way s days unless you're Mr Beast at that point I Listen I ain't doing none of that I Will see you on court bro I Listen yo Jimmy Jimmy I Swear to God what I Just said it does not apply to you Okay yo guys I think get back I think I all back unless it's Jimmy then I ain't doing okay I Will battle this out Bro. We are now stranding on a raft in the middle of the ocean and there goes our boat.

We are now stranding for seven days longer. 7 Days Frick This raft is literally countless miles from the nearest civilization. and whether we like it or not, my four friends and I are stuck on this Rft and it's not going to be easy. This is brutal stoping we're all at.

Rock Bottom Now this challenge went from fun to a literal nightmare. very fast. That could be kind of cool actually. look how far away the boat is I can't even see it anymore.

So step one. Uh-huh we're going to get sunburn if we don't get shape and I had survival Specialists Equip this raft with tons of wood, rope, and everything else we would need to build ourselves a shelter. Get started. We are running out of life I Got this side.

oh my finger. Now we set these up like a TP We picked the worst day to start. As you can tell by the clouds it's literally about the storm. So first thing we want to do is set up some structure to cover us.

Also, since we're on this flab wood for the next 7 days, we need a place to hide from the Sun so we don't get sunburn. So two birds, one stone. Speaking of birds, while we were building this happened. bro.

it's a bird. It's coming right at us. Oh my. God oh my God it's a bird.

Yes wait really. this is crazy. We should name him. what's his name? Brian Brian Brian Brian What if you win and C some fish CH If you're Brian CH and you're you're selling above the ocean and you run out a Stam Are you not just dead? Is it? Are you not just you just die I don't know he's looking at me, he understands Jimmy just say the word Put The Knife away.

Okay, I'll put the knife away and the hatchet Brian that was a joke. Forget the bird. We got to build a shelter and while Brian watched, we worked on our first shelter for the rest of the day. except for my friend Tariq who spent the entire day getting cool drone shots and I'm not even mad about it.

Okay, inside this crate is the food for all five of us from for the next seven days. Oh my gosh, and in these two barrels is our entire water supply for all five of us. How does it taste? I got a wish they replicated raft the actual game right? and they had to like, um, purify their own water. Whatever.

And they they only had hint from the Survive a list on how to do it and it actually did that. That'd be kind of cool. Very hot. Never.

SC there was dirt in my cup. it's getting dark and that crate has sword sleep on it. Hopefully the survival guides gave us something soft. Why are they wet? Do get wet on a boat? Okay I'm ready for bed.
I Want to go to sleep? All right. This is night one and Brian is just yawning. This is miserable. This is all the coverage we have I didn't realize what I was signing up for.

It's hot. this thing will not stop sweating and I feel like I'm going to puke and I'm surrounded by a bunch of sweaty people. Hey sweaty men. If you guys smell this bad on day one, what are you going to smell like on day seven? Oh gosh, that's disgusting.

Actually, our first night of sleep was really rough. Sleeping is impossible. These waves are just making me miserable. And to make matters worse, our best friend Brian ended up leaving us that morning.

But regardless, today's objective is to build ourselves a permanent, weatherproof shelter. How do we turn that into a livable structure? There's definitely something here. luckily. I'd love to do that I Had them throw a bunch of wood on the wrap so we could build a nice house.

How we build the house. I'm not quite sure, but they said this is enough to build a house. but ironically, right as we got started, oh no, it's raining Jimmy Get my Shark pillow. This is miserable I I Can build I can build Jesus Christ you're not doing the right thing Nolan Listen with your ear.

why do you yell? Because CH if you if you're a skateboarder okay and you want Rich that way back when okay you can build. okay back. we built ramps. whatever.

Dude, we built it all. Me we used to get just wood from the whatever spots, get some nails and we would build whatever. Yep, that you know, you know. shut up.

At least we don't have to shower. Yeah, this is so bad and we still have over six days left we go. We have to build the pooper. What? We have to build everything that's here.

We have to build the toilet, build our shelter, the fire, everything. The moment the rain finished, boys and I needed to build all of our survival. Essentials Starting with the shelter, we're tearing this down to the name of something better. This shelter is sad.

5 minute break for Chris I Also need a break I'm ceasing I I'm I'm out of it. You got have to pick this up I Can't they have ranches and donuts I Feel like you're doing all the work but we got two other Goofs just laying down I'm miserable. We built one wall. Yeah, we built one wall all together I thought Nails Regardless of being seasick, it was going to take all of us if we wanted to finish this.

Now you guys bring It Forward There we go. Come on. How many YouTubers does it take to build a little structure? You know what? You know what? I'm disappointed I'm going to say chat I'm disappointed. Chat guys.

this is legoed out. Okay yo, this is legoed out. Guys this like it's like it's like buying a um a gingerbread house from. Ikea It's meant to go in in and in this it's like a pre-build Come on man.
what did to expect? Nails and wood? just 2x4s and and and and Nails a little structure. What whale? I Think that's a whale That's insane. Oh my go. that is unreal.

There are actually whales. This experience just keeps getting better. Shelter Water you guys are so never going to take that for granted again. is so young.

Probably would have been really useful to build the ladder first. Got a ladder now I Literally just built this. 4 minutes after hours of building we were finally getting somewhere. I Severely regret making this a 7-Day challenge instead of a 50-hour challenge.

like all our other videos. we keep rocking back and forth. It's freaking miserable. I'm going to puke and finally, just as the sun was going down, is now organized.

Night 2 My bed is still broken but I'm going to get some sleep tonight cuz I'm that tired I'm going to head to bed I Wake you up, just go back to bed I'm just walking I accidentally woke laser up I Feel bad now. This might be the most tired I've ever been in my entire life. that's a son chat chat that's the Sun for you chat if you don't go outside I Don't go outside I Went to the sun yesterday and just I thought I was going to die. Things were flashing on me dude guys I I I ran a little bit I ran a little bit and then it was like 100 something outside and bro things were like dude, it was like W W w I thought I was going to pass out.

then it's now day three and somehow our building didn't fall over. I'll take that as a dub noises that this structure made while I was sleeping last night filled me with nightmares. It's day three and we've really started to get into a rhythm. Our morning routine consisted of peeing in the corner bro who Vlogs in the peak cor I'm not moving, eating our breakfast, surviving on feast all you need and drinking hot barrel water so dehydrated I Need this? We're about 36 hours in and and we're almost halfway through a barrel of water.

Is that slow or fast? We're going to run out on day six. Running low on water and food gave me an idea. I'm kind of curious to see what's under the boat. Dude, there's so many fish below us.

so we decided to try to catch some dinner, but we weren't very good at it. Why does this take so long? I Just want something to put in my stomach Brian Brian Help us catch fish ran. Turns out fishing is a lot harder than you two. After hours we caught absolutely nothing.

Why can't we catch anything? I To dehydrated and hungry which forced us to dig into our rations. Let's have ourselves a feast. Call it a feast. a B in our suppli.

We have wood to build a fire and pans to cook with. You take big stick and make really little stick and then make medium sticks. then use the big sticks at the end. Look at them Beans baby! I'm so excited This looks awesome.

This a really bad. can you tell we've been at sea for 3? Days Literally when have I ever been this excited over canned chili? Hey I Put some love into this one. It's not just canned chili anymore, it's got Tomatoes kidney beans. You don't have to keep talking.
This was our first hot meal in days, but it was also a good chunk of our rations so we made sure to enjoy it. I'm feeling a lot better I think the first two days were definitely the most miserable I think we're slowly like losing our minds. It's actually becoming bearable I still haven't gone to the bathroom? That's my biggest concern now. Chat, chat, you know with some with some I'm struggling.

Honey Raft is just rocking like crazy. Not going to lie. I'm kind of miserable. Hopefully tomorrow's better.

None of us managed to get any sleep. We lost the back of our Fort last night. The house needs some repairs. Tensions are pretty high on the raft this morning.

Nolan's a little upset he broke his bed. oh my. God Nolan is struggling and he's just in his be. You probably would have quit the channel if I did that.

This is easily the worst. Oh there's Thunder I swear if it starts raining again. oh I Can't take that. And to make matters worse, we accidentally dropped our Ladle in the drinking water and since we haven't showered in 4 days, grabbing it technically contaminated the drink drinking water.

I'm never drinking out of that again. Fast forward to when we run out of water because of the contamination, a third of our water was no longer safe to drink. For whatever reason, the more I suffer, the more you guys watch. Some of our most popular videos are when I buried myself alive spend time in solitary confinement so I hope you're happy I'm suffering again.

It's not easy surviving on a raft, but after four long days lasers finally pooping chat chat is in is in the scope as potentially contaminated from the the elements and things around that. uh, his arm could be from from the same elements or whatever I mean it seem sort contamination at that point. Can you play a celebratory song? Laser beam is see how all those clouds over there are dark? Yeah 07 Yeah they're going to pour down on us tonight. Tonight's going to suck.

We didn't know it yet, but the biggest storm of the entire challenge was heading right towards us and when we saw it approaching, we tried to prepare as much as possible. Can't wait for another storm just to destroy all this again. TQ is fixing his side of the fort and Chris is fixing the roof and I'm now the cameraman. For some reason there's a storm of Ruin and while they're preparing the shelter for the storm, I'm going to tell you guys about Shopify because it might literally storm until the end of the challenge.

This is going to be a bit Rocky Shopify is a platform that makes it easy for anyone to start a business. They literally support millions of small businesses all around the world. I'm selling wood to nails to crates to Crocs they support businesses that sell it on Shopify Soon going to have absolutely zero tops covering this structure I Am worried about it 100% of what I sell online from Merch Toastables I do with Shopify It's actually getting pretty Rocky out here the wind is getting crazy. we're out of Na hard.
What a calm water though. Stop yelling and do things. Shopify even has a new AI tool called sidekick making running your entire business easier. just like surviving on this raft can be hard.

So can entrepreneurship and that's why they do everything in their power to make it as easy as possible. Is that my worst nightmare? So I'm miserable. Go to mrbeast to give it a try right now. Thank you Shopify Okay, okay really fast.

What causes actual waves? Is it like the movement of the ground? or is it the wind? or is it just like the the the wind the wind pushes and whatnot? No, the moon just no man. no that's not what the moon does. chat I think the moon. um Y what do I know? Man, shut up Soing W maybe you can start helping us Jimmy I I was paid for the r This song was really starting I Think the moon does.

That's what the moon does pick up but that night it got so much worse. This really puts the helter in shelter. eh? Oh no dude, are you kidding me? It's ly. Oh no.

This shelter is the opposite of waterproof. This is brutal. What do we do? We have three more. You guys really suck at this, don't they? By the way, there's water everywhere.

It's useless. This does nothing. This is the most. Suck at this not yet rling right now.

Is this safe anymore? We would have just filmed this in a studio but no we have channel that doesn't Fain Things oh we're going to die. We're getting just destroyed I'm getting hit. There's a hole that is completely opened up over my bed. I Can't do this I Can't do this.

You can end this video Jimmy Jimmy please I Tried to talk all you guys out of it. You all said yeah. This is the worst experience I've ever had in my entire life I Hate every part of thiso I'm just miserable right now. The storm was reaching a new Peak with every passing out.

We were desperate so we tried using our did like two. This guy this guy says like like something depressing and looks happy and did the guy doesn't matter what anything happy he says sounds depressing. It's kind of like pull opposites our beds as literal wall to protect us from the rain we're all at. Rock Bottom Now been raining for a few hours.

stuff's freezing cold. We don't have beds I'm getting nauseous I Don't know if we're going to make it this full seven days. To this point, it rained non-stop for around 20 hours straight and after standing the whole night completely soaked and exhausted, we had to push ourselves to dry off our supplies and rebuild. camp.
raft is just in shambles. look at our beds. we're trying them off. This is harder than Anarctica.

This is harder than a desert video. I'm just ready to be home and I hate this raft. I Never want to see it again. Our entire fire pit is completely drenched.

We couldn't start a fire if we wanted to tonight. no dinner. And to make matters worse, all of our food was completely soaked, meaning only a portion of it was still safe to eat. We had stability.

We had food from the water and we took it for granted. We cannot take another night like that. We need waterproof the shelter. We just rip that off, tied it here and then we'll leave the air to the side.

put the FIP it upside down on top of all the food and put a TB over it. Boom Done! Then then you have the dry spot to make you to make your food and then then you D you double double. They' have nothing that's dry now. I Mean last night we were shivering cold and wanted to die.

So would you rather be warm and dry or cold and wet? Put a zip tie here. Noan tie a rope to that zip tie there. We can use that to push this up so we get even more room. I'm thinking why don't I make a really big clothes line and hang up all our wet stuff.

Maybe we'll have dry towels by tomorrow I Want to die I'm sunburnt, tired, dehydrated, and I say tired. After fixing camp, we were so exhausted that we spent most of the day sleeping. but at least when we woke up, we were reunited with a familiar friend. Brian Bo He brought the squad out after being stuck on a raft for 5 days with these guys.

This really is a nightmare I'll admit it. I Miss Brian Brian Moved on. You may not have given up on Brian but Brian give up on you Brian's giving up on us. We have two days left we're running out of food.

our I'm going to be the grumpy old man you know, chat all these birds they're trained paid Birds They have another boat with some guy they hired right? and he comes with a cage with a bunch of birds and he has fake Birds go around and come back to the boat right as some sort of props for Content Boom, contaminated and we're all borderline d w going crazy These last two days will be interesting W What could go wrong now I can literally see 500 fish down there. that is crazy Oh my. God Poop bucket stinks I Almost had a mental break last night I Was shivering wet the entire time. could not sleep.

It was one of the worst nights of my life. last night shivering in the torrential rain in the middle of the deep dark ocean. You know we got through it. now.

the end of this challenge can not come soon enough. Making the challenge 7 days was, uh, a horrible decision. This is so much. the new reinforced waterproof Fortress actually worked Lennon said it rained last night, did it at 4:00 a.m.

sprinkled a little bit. Hey, here's the beauty. I didn't even know that was the best sleep I've ever gotten I actually got a full night sleep last night I can barely even open my eyeballs I Would say this is the hardest challenge we've ever done. Adding the extra 5 days on the end of a 50-hour challenge definitely makes it harder.
The fact that we're just drifting at Sea on this hunk of wood. That's pretty impressive. and while it seemed like the rain was over, I'm sorry for pausing so much. CH Guys I gu I just I just got an idea.

Is the people that that that uh, role play in real life? Like crazy enough to like have an old boat built just like the exploration time and try to recreate like dude I'm like I'm like I I'm like Christopher Columbus right? and I'm GNA Sail Out and they get a full a full squatty just like back in the days and try to sail across the ocean or whatever and explore it' be kind of cool no to try to of course they safy measure they have. they have a B following them if somebody to get sick, they just get them out. Whatever right? but they just try to just get a whole squatty just like back in the days and just just send it. They'd be kind of cool ourselves.

Encountering a new obstacle, we've gone from shivering cold like two nights ago to it being scorching hot. Unbelievably hot. I'm about to jump in the water cuz I'm getting too hot. we're going to go swimming I hope no one can swim and while they cooled off in their own way, we got creative with ours mean I'm guys, come on man guys I'll let him do it and I'll react guys I'm not doing that I'm the reactor guy I'm wait till somebody does it I Feel amazing a jellyfish hit me no no no, why does the ocean hate us I knew it was a great idea not to go swimming.

Are you okay? oh my To die I Found the Sweet Spot oh yeah, oh no yeah. I Got a little welts and some red lines for the majority of the day. It was so hot we literally couldn't walk on the deck. I'm hot hot I Don't Want to Be Alive because I'm hot.

It's very hot, but as the sun went down, we were optimistic about reaching the Finish Line We have less than 24 hours left in the challenge. This has genuinely been the hardest challenge video I've ever been a part of. Honestly, this whole experience has made me appreciate all the things we take for granted in life like your shower, your food I miss food a work in toilet I Never want to poo in a bucket again I Say we celebrate making it this far with the I Don't like food that much available in every Walmart Target 7-Eleven Albertson in America in 2023 if you're still buying Hershey's it's kind of lame. Hershey's for the Boomers they expend the HB oh break the chair why is my chair happening Jimmy I'm starting to think you ate all the I guess I'll just continue the time lapse with the broken chair I Guess this is our final night sleeping together everybody woo I'm so glad to sleep alone I'm going to miss sleeping By Your Side 100% I Would not rather sleep next to any other man and with that I'm going to bed after an amazing night's sleep.
We were visited by a familiar face Brian Brought his family to us on the last day. no thank you Brian Okay, I was right I was right. these the these birds are actually paid Birds CH I was right. actual pain burn and that meant a lot.

It's almost like we were family to Brian we were. He kept us safe during out like the night we had the least shelter. Maybe he's just a PE brain bird. Shut up Nolan off the raft I Wish that was emotional.

everything's gone full circle. We had so many crazy memories in this raft. Yep and I think my best memor is going to be leaving. Same We spent over 150 hours on this floating piece of wood and even though it was easily the hardest thing I've ever done the boys and I still had some good times.

Where's this boat? Where is the boat in the boat? Then finally the end was literally in sight. The boat is coming alert the ship of our location signaling the boat. Why is it moving so abnormally slow? Oh my. God I'm getting off this route.

The first 10,000 people to go to the shop at will get a free box. Fe Click the link in the description to download the shop app right now two hours ago. Some of the comments: are we expecting surveying on planet Mars Three days Jimmy looks fit True true Jimmy is looking fit I think he's been walking every day he's been walking every day CH One time F no chat one time I um actually C J me had a good time right? Sent a text and he replied and as soon as I replied he called me right and um I kind out a good time because he started his walk and I was able to talk about on his walk and I was walking too and it made me me happy. um I was walking he was walking it was kind of cool I was living by ciously they bugging yo this is X you my voice as well.

Anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so anyone knows that boy I don't know he's just so s.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “7 days stranded at sea xqc reacts to mrbeast”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars i love this song says:

    Чел легенда

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tinda says:

    Not piad birds

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Feel Sunbreeze says:

    This reaction literally changed my life!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MaskH says:

    Ain't no way bro just said the bird are paid

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cancer cell says:

    where is the 2 sec animation

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Turtle says:

    I can't see this video on MrBeast's channel for some reason anymore

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L0gas says:

    i would bet a thousand bucks that they didnt sleep a single night on that raft

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fvck Atheists says:

    Do you still have that banana in your mouth💀

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars naiI says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cruizu Hunter says:

    Watching xQc is like watching a caged animal. Sometimes it'll do something funny, but most of the time it just sorta sits there. Maybe if you're lucky you'll see it eating.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jayvee. 67 years and says:

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tears says:

    Lol xd nice.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars waketheprophet says:

    Christoffer Columbisis

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OhHiMoM says:

    we'll miss him….

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Young Death says:

    Thanks for reacting bro. I kinda wanted to see the video but don’t wanna give him the ad revenue

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