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#xQc #Twitch #Leak

Have you laughing and why is this anything craziness, because i've been waiting and i'm sure you've all heard about it, twitch was hacked, they were blasted by the notorious hacker. Nobody got worse. This, mr 4chan, was able to infiltrate the mainframe itself jacking directly into the cyberspace and releasing a ton of information about twitch and the streamers on the platform. It was similar to what happened with the fappening.

If you remember that the fappening was when a bunch of celebrity nudes leaked all at once, and yesterday twitch experienced its own version of the fappening, but a lot less cool. It was mainly streamer income that got released. However, the whole hack was like 235 gigabytes. I believe it was labeled part one, so the hacker's already teasing a season two of this anime here, they're leaving it on a cliffhanger.

So it's just an appetizer apparently, but the main thing that everyone was focusing on yesterday from this hack was streamer income because they publicly released every streamer's income since 2019.. And i want to talk about that a little bit before going into like the hack itself, which is a pretty wild thing. I don't know: what's gon na be part two, i guess it could be something even crazier like he found jeff bezos and dick pics embedded deep in twitch's code or something that would be pretty wild. Honestly, i wouldn't even be surprised if he went when he didn't reveal that he found the twitch konami code.

You know, like kind of like how in melee, you could play his master hand with, like some cheats and some mods. This dude found that equivalent for twitch and he's able to just look at jeff bezos weiner. You know i don't know what to expect, but it's apparently like wild stuff, but the thing that i'm gon na focus on is the streamer income, since that was a hot topic yesterday, i want to start by saying that i think this is the least important topic Of this entire hack, they claim that they got the source code of twitch as well as some other extremely sensitive things, but for some reason all of that was overshadowed by the fact that they released streamer's income. So he released an entire write-up of every single streamer's income since 2019 and everyone lost their mind.

I made a video talking about this. It is publicly available information to at least i'm not surprised anybody care. No, because guys most sub counts are public, even the ones that are in public are still public. All the subjects are all out there.

I was like i was like dude. If someone wanted to know they could give you x, plus y or times what and then you get your mix on that platform. Sub numbers subscriber numbers are public and a subscriber is five dollars a month at tier one or prime there's a tier two and three which are factored in here, but just to give you a base, assume everything's tier one. If you take their sub number and multiply that by 2.5 or 3.5, you get a very close guess as to what that streamer is making, and that's just from subs now it's 2.5 3.5, because twitch obviously takes a cut of that five dollar sub again.
This is just assuming every sub is a tier one or a prime which obviously they all aren't. What was released yesterday in the leak is the streamer's total income from subs and ads. I believe it was ad's factored in there as well, and people acted like there's. Some big sister, like a big gotcha moment like this, is the smoking gun.

This was the hole in the condom that we needed to find it turns out. These streamers are making money on the platform, even though all of it's been public information from the get-go. The only thing that is a mystery, i guess, is made from ads and even then i'm not sure that those numbers even factor that in i'm only going off what i read there and the numbers they posted for me, i'm assuming ads, are factored in there because, If they are, then the number they posted for me is pretty close to the monthly now. The thing is, though, the only thing they really did is they did all the math for you.

If you just look at its twitch streamer subs and multiply by 2.5 or 3.5 - and you do that across two years, the number you will get is very, very close to the number they posted. They just did the homework for you, but all of it's public. So i don't know why people lost their mind like look at this. It turns out twitch streamers, are making a lot of money on the platform as if they just found the krabby patty secret formula.

It takes only a little bit of common sense and a little bit of just thinking rationally for a second to recognize, like. Ah, when i give this streamer a prime or i pay 5 15 25 to a streamer, they get money for that. It's you know like it's, not a hard concept to wrap your head around and exactly how much they get. Also isn't a mystery when the the numbers, the sub numbers, are literally public in your face.

Some streamers have their sub count on the screen in front of them at all times, they're begging you to do the math to see how much money they make. And yes, it's a lot. That's no surprise. I've been saying for years, streamers, make a ton of money significantly more than people seem to think they do, even when the numbers are right in front of them.

They still like to believe that the streamers they enjoy aren't well off for some reason and when they find out they do have money. A lot of people feel betrayed, as we saw yesterday, which is weird people were getting mad at me like, oh so charlie. It turns out you make money on twitch you're ranked 22 in the world on twitch in terms of earning how disgusting, how could you mislead us, charlie, and i just don't get it because i'm not misleading? Well, i guess you guys. As always, i feel like it's.

The people that that care, the less that um that are mad the most - if that makes sense, i think it's it's like it's like always everywhere same thing: it's like the people who don't care enough to watch streams every day, people who just don't care enough to Actually be part of communities who just watch like once, every whatever right people who don't care well after the no they're, the most manic. Oh, my god guys have you seen this and people who actually watch was like dude. It's it's on screen every day, dude like it's, it's lit, it's lit right there, man and i i think i think it draws a good picture of of how how things normally are with other topics that aren't as black and white and as uh as this one Is right things that are more subtle: the people that complain on twitter, people that write posts or threads of people that make articles don't watch streams. They don't watch, they don't consume any content.
They don't know what the is going on and they're the least involved. Yet they act like they're, the biggest victims or the ones that are the most hurt by things that happen. So it's like the people less involved are the most hurt by things it's so it's such a weird duality beating anyone just because i'm not some douchebag who flexes their wealth. All the time doesn't mean that i don't have money.

I know i dress like a cartoon character and all that, but it doesn't mean that i am not well off, i'm extremely lucky and fortunate to be in the position that i'm in, and i make that very clear all the time i understand how lucky i am To be in the position that i am, i don't go on stream and put on an act and pretend to be broke like oh guys, i'm starving and hungry. I can't afford warm clothing, so when winter comes around, it's always miserable yesterday i was eating chicken fries off of the burger king bathroom floor, and i just don't know how much longer i can do this without your primes. We i need your primes in order to survive, i'm actually starving to death. I was drinking water out of a dumpster just to get by because it was the only free water i had access to.

I need your primes. I don't do that. So i've never misled anyone. I've always been very upfront about the lucky situation.

I found myself in i understand when a lot of you look at me, you got guys. You guys want me to tell you the truth, because i always be transparent about this guys. I keep the donut, i keep the doughnut option there and i and i keep the the future that, because it's not it's, not that i need the money. I don't know it's always because i need the content.

The stream is boring. I need the unfunny pts to have something to laugh at out at or something to get mad at or um some unfundamental to to call out for content. He just forgot that man, it's just funny assuming i'm homeless but as i've stated multiple times and you want to know like the most incredible thing. That's going to blow some minds out here, i'm about to break the magician's code.

Apparently, the numbers that were released in the leak yesterday are wrong: they're too low the streamers on that list, every single one of them well, at least for like the top guys - and i know you guys - won't believe this - but by increasing the minimum amount for dono It it made me happy to do it because it makes people don't know less, because it's like it's like macro transactions, if you play a small game on your phone on your phone right and and buying buying, crystals or or buying energy for your little game. If it's two dollars you're gon na, do it if it's 10, you might never will right, but if it's two, you might do it like 20 times. If it's 10, you might do it zero times, and i knew that for a fact. Dude.
I've always known this, because when we went from three to five i was i didn't, give a from going to five to ten. That's just how it is, though, top 100 are making significantly more than is represented on those leaks. Those leaks only cover subs and ads. They are not covering the donations through stream labs because that doesn't go through twitch, so they wouldn't have access to those numbers and they're, also not counting sponsors and they're, also not counting twitch contra guys.

I don't give a saying it guys when we, when we did the default, uh fall guys no fight off us when we did um jump king. I i i leave this already when we were doing jump king, the first time donald's about three dollars right. We played jump king every day for, like two weeks right. The stream was making it 4.5 to 6k worth of donors every day for, like two weeks, just based off of three dollar donations tracks.

A lot of the top 50 streamers on there have contracts with twitch, which adds and it's what pushed me to put it to five, because i knew for a fact that people would have went for three one for five significant chunk of money to streamers income and Those are not represented there. Xqc is on there at like 8.6 mil or something like that and you're crazy. If you think that's all he's making from twitch - and i didn't think any of this information was something top secret or world changing where people's universes are melting. Around them right now and they're questioning everything they don't even trust their own parents anymore, because maybe they're successful, twitch streamer somewhere, like i thought all of this was common knowledge for most people because yeah, but then the taxes roll in and then and then please donate.

Please donate it's all right in your face. Most of the information is just right there at your fingertips, just look at their sub number and do basic math, and you get a very close guess on what they're pulling in what really shocks me about this whole thing is how big of a deal it was. A and b how many people felt betrayed by streamers they liked because it turns out they're successful. Like you know, i loved you.

You know i loved you sodapoppin until i found out that you actually are pretty wealthy. Now i just i just spit on you and you make me sick. I can't stand the sight of you anymore. You know like what i i think what was also uh, that i've always told you guys this and a lot of people then said that i was wrong and i i wish you guys paid more attention back in the days.
I told you guys if somebody has like 300 400 viewers consistently and they they do well and they're smart with their streams, and they do good content and they reward the people for watching and they make. I feel good at front of yours. They make a lot of money, people at 500 500 viewers, even though they make great money if they're good at what they do. Um some people, i'm about to make like a 100k a year, 120 130k with like 600 average viewers right and that's great dude.

I'm glad because they will pull a lot of effort, their streams, isn't scripted or isn't in a fabric in a way that it's going to grow that much, but at least they get rewired for the world that they put in dude. For some reason, people want the people they like to not be successful, or they only want them to be successful up into a certain point. It's like music hipsters when they find an artist that they find that's a little underrated and then that artist gets big. They get mad about it, like god, i love this artist until they became successful.

Now i hate them well, i liked them before it was cool, and now i hate them. You know it just doesn't make any sense to me, and i don't like that perspective or that mentality at all. For some reason, there was a threat about how i'm a hypocrite, because i called out a greedy twitch streamer in a video yeah that that's every lsf flavor of the month. Everybody they come on.

They have. They have takes that. Oh yeah. We like this guy.

We like this guy, this guy is the under and everybody roots of the underdog, and then they become tube. They become a little too big and he's like oh this guy yeah, he did he's a sellout. This guy changed yeah, look at it. I can't type in chain doesn't even read me anymore, it's like dude once and then it turns out that i make money on the platform.

How are those two things related at all? I was literally criticizing them because they were greedy on a platform where they are making a ton of that's. That's anybody who made it on the raj show anybody who made it. They all had the same sort of criticism. The same, the same come up the same, ending everything to begin with and shaming your viewers for not giving you more money when you're already making thousands upon thousands of dollars from them supporting you is greedy and me calling that out doesn't make me a hypocrite just Because it turns out, i also make a lot of money from twitch.

The difference is, i am not sitting there begging for it and demanding my followers give me money, i'm not sitting there sniffing my own farts your hand on my balls saying like what can we do? What about the knuckles eh holy smokes did? Excuse you say my name time to mention how my dick is rock hard in a around and stun luck hasn't for a week on twitter, i'm not starting the stream till i get a hype train of level five. I need 100 subs right now or not. I'm not i'm not streaming. You know these streams.
Aren't free, you're gon na have to give me tier, twos tier threes. Dear ones, give me your primes, i'm gluttonous. I need it all right now, i'm going full blown. Mr krabs, you know i'm not sitting there doing that, i'm just streaming and i just get lucky what is charlie's fascinating, spongebob, his entire life.

Everything he says is some parallel spongebob, so many people that just want to show support to the stream and support the members within the community. It doesn't go deeper than that. This wasn't some like nefarious secret that i was trying to keep under wraps, like, i hope, no one realizes that i actually make money on twitch. It's all been right there, the entire time and i'm not hiding anything, and i can't recall seeing any streamer hiding the fact that they're very successful on the platform you know, like hassan, for example, he's getting eaten alive for the fact that his money has come out.

He publicly shows his subscriber account like right above his face. You can see like 50 000 subs. It takes an actual toddler to just look at that, be like that's a high number, and each of those numbers represents a dollar amount like yeah, but he does politics and it appeals. It appeals to that extremely vocal, idiotic uh viewer base or or or interest group, and that's just that's a lot of money.

That's right like that's how it is you know it shouldn't be. Politics is like this. Like oh man, you gave me three binders full of information that is true and factual and tells me about this. But wait.

Wait! There's the this one folded paper here and it says the opposite: hey. Have you guys seen it it's just it's just how it is to anyone that streamers are making a lot of money all of it has been published now, of course, all this coming out has led to the classic argument. That's been around since the internet's inception of they don't deserve that money, these streamers, they don't deserve any of that. Firefighters.

Don't make that much money, my mom's a librarian and she makes half that amount of money. This is they shouldn't have that at all. Now, whether or not you think streamers deserve that much money, that's gon na be entirely on you, i'm not here to change your opinion or perspective on it. I'm not your dad! I'm not gon na take the belt to you.

If you think differently than i do about it, it doesn't really it's not something i'm trying to argue, but it's something you could say for pretty much everything else. When it comes to entertainment, why are athletes making that much money right yeah? They spend a lot of time, their sport they're extremely good at it, but at the end of the day, it's just entertainment for you as a spectator, you pay money to go to their games, to watch them play for an hour and a half two three hours. Whatever sport you're going through and then you leave being entertained, hopefully or heartbroken, if your team sucks some and then that's it, then you do it again next week or during the off season. You just get excited for when it comes back around.
It's just entertainment that you are paying for at the end of the day, it's pretty much the same thing on twitch i mean you guys are this that isn't that this isn't true, yeah, sports and whatnot is is actual entertainment. You think that who do you think they sell the basketball game to the the gods of basketball and they're like entities that that were war with money? Oh yeah, you played well today you get this amount of money. There's there's no arbitrary, like god of sports, whatever it's it's the tv deals and the whatever and people watch it's entertainment. The did you say about the answer to the game for like 16 hours at a time.

Sorry and i have a very close relationship for some time he my shoulder every night and i always clean him up afterwards. You have 16 hours worth of entertainment and maybe at some point across those 16 hours. You're, like you know what i feel like tossing five bucks, this dude's way he's he's entertaining me: it's been good company, it's been good background noise, i'll toss, five dollars and you forget about it and that adds up. There's millions upon millions of viewers on twitch around the world every month, so if you just have some people doing that, and the person that is entertaining people for 16 hours is getting five dollars pretty often like it's pretty simple actors is another one anything when it Comes entertainment, why is robert downey jr getting paid so much money when he only has to work like three or four day, three or four months out of the year on a film and he's making hundreds of millions of dollars? You could argue he doesn't deserve that? Much money because he's not putting in that much work, and he only entertains you for like two hours once a year at most without features, you could say it for the music industry.

Lil pump releases a song where he just says gucci gang 100 times does he deserve all the money he made from that like it's, just something that extends to everything in entertainment, and it truly just depends on what you find entertaining and whether or not you play Some monetary value like it's just pretty simple: it's not a competition of like what's harder or whatever, but he fell off the beneficial or productive. It's just a matter of whatever puts a smile on your face and, if that's worth anything to you like, i just don't really know why that's targeted when it extends to everything entertainment number, one, it's it really is the only difference is the amount of hours that Go into it most, like i said, most big streamers stream daily for like eight hours a day, so they are constantly online yeah. But a lot of people will push the argument. It's not! It's not only uh that they're entertained by it is that people say that uh, although many people feel it feel bad that they have to be uh uh.
It's entertaining people there's another angle, there's gon na be a ton of different faces coming in every day. At all hours and yeah, they abused parasocial they, whatever periscope, they they make, people feel bad and then, at some point someone decides to just support the stream, and all of that adds up so bingo bango bongo. The streamer makes a lot of money over time. I don't know why that's such a hard concept for a lot of people to grasp it works the same way in every other entertainment field and no one's like holy.

Can you believe how much money actors make? What the is this about or musicians? Can you believe lil nos x actually makes millions of dollars like i can't believe it? You know like no one's like shocked there, but for streamers. For some reason it's a little different, i'm not a psychologist, but i'm going to be involved. I think the reason why people got so mad is because, when it comes to streaming, a lot of viewers form some kind of relationship with the person they're watching whether or not they want to admit it or whether or not they're, even aware of it themselves. I feel like subconsciously some viewers that regularly tune in to a streamer want that streamer to be in the same position.

They are for the most part. So if a viewer's not financially well off - and they see the streamer they like - is that probably builds a little bit of resentment and a little bit of a trail because they have this, even if it's a small connection to this streamer, where they feel like they're, Closer than they are or should be so i think that's where it stems from streaming has always had a problem with parasocial relationships, and i think the response to seeing streamer income really helps highlight that, like it's, not a mystery where it all comes from and whether Or not, you think they deserve it. That's not something i'm here to argue with you about at all really. Anyway.

I think that covers like most of the things here. I think what people should be focused on with this leak is what i i think, use the same camera as i do, because everything he switches, the the the the lighting without any changes, the frame rate changes. Could it happen having twitch's source code completely out as well is a huge deal that i think not enough. People are focused on the whole twitch streamer income is completely overshadowed the most wild part about the entire thing and yeah.

So i just wanted to talk about this, because this is what everyone's been wanting to hear about. So i figured it was worth at least going over. That's about it, see ya all uses this phone interesting, okay, moving on tonight.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Huge Twitch Leak | #2 Reacts to #22”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Supreme Commander says:

    Not bad but ethically taking money from mental ill children is wrong. Your dishonest because your background of an empty back wall, but in fact you can afford a Hollywood Hill background.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Loke Grønbech says:

    why do "the streamers" feel like the have to defend them self? it is a job they get money! the end of that. you dont have to sit there and say oh i dont act poor, I have to pay tax! Fox it dont play in to this shit….. or is it just good content?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ljubomir žuna says:

    omg how dare you Xqc hahaha,you are now big boy play game call SCUM,game for big adult boys.or just for content,but first lern how this game works,for some noobs its tocomplicated.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sir Claver says:

    The sports example is in my opinion the most obvious and most powerful argument against any stream hater. Twitch is exactly THE SAME as for example football. You pay for something you like and I don't even understand why this is a discussion at all.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hannibal Shaco says:

    its crazy that at x2 speed there are moments when charlie seems to be speaking at an average human pace, just goes to show charlie is living life in slowmo

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeathSkull says:

    It's not even people that watch twitch, only people I've seen complaining about this are deluded teen socialists that don't understand basic mathematics. These people are not even involved in the community, they just like to be angry at any given moment. It's a weird mentality that's common among every single social media activist.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stay Calm says:

    "Everyone lost their mind" I've been annoyed at how dumb anyone who cares is since this started. WE ALREADY KNEW DAMN CLOSE TO HOW MUCH THEY MAKE WITHOUT THE EXACT NUMBERS. If you didn't know about this you've been staying in a pretty isolated part of twitch or you're a new frog

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pe pe says:

    litrally who asked? its only other streamers crying like bitches cas they dont make as much as the top, nobody else gives a rats ass

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the v01d says:

    Huh? How is it betraying if someone is rich? Am i missing something? If i watch X and i found out he's rich then he betrayed me? Like peoples are literally accepting that they don't want others to grow. What is this degen western mindset?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AlexAdo says:

    im just genuinely curious why people wont just download a free adblock extension so that they wont get ads while watching twitch? its literally just 1 click away and i have blocked a total of like 60k ads

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ADonTing says:

    Nah bro. I watch for the fun of shit. Idc what yall make or w.e. just keep this shit entertaining, do yo shit man. Funny as hell lol.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dead Excuses says:

    Charlie with the bad take. No one knows what lud made, you cant track his subs because of how hard it fluctuate from time to time (sub-a-thon). a rough estimate and an exact figure are wildly different. Also Ad's we have no idea how much they make from this, it was never a gotcha moment, it was just cool to see an exact dollar amount. I don't know why anyone is making this any bigger than that, Charlie included. Telling someone a rough estimate and giving them an exact figure are not even close to the same thing and you can tell that is factually true by how many people care to look at the numbers. You aren't a 5head 200iq for knowing you could multiply subs.

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