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You feel Ken We haven't done the part that I'm not looking forward to. My husband's great. He really is. He's very, um, respectful to me.

I mean he spoils me. He takes care of me I am getting pretty close to that time. This is what I got to do to I don't even question it anymore at this point I don't know what's going to happen I may get uh caught right away I mean I could basically be dead in two weeks or 3 weeks I don't know it's all up chance at this point. nice look atot smoke.

Oh my gosh, what are you trying to game Though his family didn't yet know it. Um I was going to watch this, this documentary or some for like 3 minutes. Yeah, watch it. Okay, was off with Peter Keller What follows is found footage that just might be some of the most disturbing recordings ever filmed.

Documented like a YouTube video, the video diaries Peter created provide a rare glimpse into the mind of a killer and document how something that may have begun as an innocent hobby ultimately manifested as unbelievable cruelty. W How did I get the majority of the following footage has never been seen before. It has been analyzed by a licensed professional counselor. Okay, looks like everything's working just checking the camera out since this is the first time watching myself I Hate watching myself so man, that's the way other people see me.

so this is going to take some getting used to not used to talking into a camera. Let's see. so here you can look at the trail. There's not much of a trail I try to keep it as hidden as I can so other people will stay off of it which has worked so far.

It's pretty far out so nobody's been up here yet. I Usually come up with a between a 30 and 40 lb pack every time. I bring a load of something up. Actually starting to get a lot up here.

try to make it as easy as I can during the transition time. so far. I've got uh, a bed, blowup bed, mattress with blankets and pillows and clothes and stuff to keep me comfortable so just watching. see how long I last doing this? I don't know just what exactly Peter was doing in Northbend Washington isn't yet clear.

It's incredibly rare to have self-recorded footage of a killer, and is especially interesting in this case because the scope of Peter's chilling plans could hardly. Be Imagined from the Casual conversations he has with the camera. Basically come up here on the weekends or on a Friday weekday whenever the weather permits or depending on what I'm doing at least once a week and I tend to stay up here for about uh, well, with travel time probably around 9 hours a day or each time which is a long time when he wasn't traversing the Wilderness with his camera and dog 41-year-old Peter was also a father and a husband. hey Daddy Okay, I got to see cuz you guys won't let me take that me.

He and his wife Lynette had an 18-year-old daughter named Cen and the three appeared to be a normal, happy family. Hi, are you videotaping her? Yep, let's do a lot of vide tape and I just cut all the junk out. However, Peter's mysterious project in the woods would eventually take a terrible toll on his day-to-day life. Ken Ker All right, so how do you feel Ken No more high school? Yay! Feel different? No, you don't feel different.
You got a new life ahead of you. That's how everybody feel about high school. Oh high school? Yeah, yeah. you got tell tomorrow to get your stuff out of the house.

So no, she's living with us forever sorry sorry Carson forever Ken Graduated high school just a few months after her father started recording his video diaries and was on track to start at Belleview College in the fall. In addition to her interest in environmental preservation and gaming technology, she also appears to have shared her father's interest in cameras and dabbled in the hobby of videotaping as well. Can you take a picture of me and sell me on eBay sorry you doing Villa could have used your I came straight from your as soon as I heard? Yeah please come on Lynette Also sometimes used the camera to film videos she uploaded to YouTube Hi everyone my little puppies looking outside okay I got a lot of stuff to show you guys that I'm going to put in my store I'm so excited this is bag two and I had so much fun making these too. You guys are a lot of products in here I Want to first show you look at Dino He just got a haircut a couple days ago.

My husband was like he's looking too scruffy I am a very shy person and doing these videos really helps me open myself because I figured if somebody doesn't want to watch it then don't watch it I'm not forcing you to. so these videos really help and he really helped me. That's liable while Peter worked to refurbish computers Lynette struggled with medical issues and as a result wasn't able to work fulltime. My husband, oh few months ago went out and bought me this big recliner for my back and I'm just now starting to use it.

He's so happy usually I just sit on theed let's see I Love this chair. he's here, he's supporting me, he takes care of me. he even though I can't go back to work and I'm home in pain all the time. He gave me my scrapbook your room with my dream come true! She made and sold custom paper flowers and shared her scrapbooking Hobby in local fairs to bolster the family's income.

Oh my Gosh! I'm so excited! Pretty much this is my anniversary present I'm so thankful that my husband was able to give me that so I could um, stock up on supplies for me and I also got some stuff for you guys Jesus Yeah, this is really depressing actually more the other we seen. Oh My Gosh, look at the detail from an outside perspective. It appeared that although the family faced challenges, they scking together and making things work. but as later events would reveal, all wasn't going as well as it appeared.

you can watch me open this thing. This thing's always so heavy, but uh, works good. This impressive structure, affectionately nicknamed Camp Keller was what kept Peter occupied in the woods for so long, disguised as part of the hillside. The only thing that might give its presence away is a temporary tar stretched over part of the roof, but Peter took care to conceal that with brush.
This is something I wanted to do probably since I was a teenager to make a home underground somewhere. Deciding if I live around people. One of my projects today is to take all this wood that I've cut up recently and stack it up. pull it down so if somebody stumbles out here.

it, uh, not as noticeable just now. wait. But people are much more likely to go towards manmade or man altered objects than they are to go towards a complete nothing of nature if they're on a certain Trail what the is he talking about? have the means you just done actually pay for it I've spent a lot of money on this so far. thousands of thousands more on guns and other stuff other Hardware I'm going to need What am I talk about that.

That's how that works. Everything I can think of. the wood is cut up. The bunker was a shocking feat of engineering considering all of Peter's supplies were either gathered from the forest around him or carried in from his house, which was about an hour's hike away.

This is kind of an outside look my wood pile on this side, in addition to the tools and materials he needed to build the bunker Peter carried a significant amount of food, drinks and Creature Comforts into the camp. he brought enough to set up a kitchenet complete with an emergency vodka stash. The entire complex was powered with a generator which Peter some somehow managed to bring up the mountain. He even went out of his way to engineer a wood burning stove made out of an inverted metal garbage can.

He rigged a chimney to funnel the smoke up and out of the residence. This smoke would ultimately provide a valuable clue as to the Camp's location. Other highlights of Peter's stash include: multiple five gallon this is actually kind of like regardless of what he did like. Crafty, right? and like has some certain skills.

Whatever it's like cre or whatever. he could have used that for good of any kind that could have did something I all buckets which could not have been easy to move, heavy duty chains and a hacksaw. Resourceful? Yeah. But as impressive as the Wilderness construction may be, the question remains as to why Peter Built it in the first place I just feel like I'm getting knocked back every time financially.

my wife is just just going to suck all the money out that I have and I'm so excited because I can actually afford these. um the these deals my husband he gave me some money to to go in here I sound like so excited all right I'm getting ready to move one of these big beams in man. she seems very grateful and thankful that the thing that she's that she's getting she's guys maybe I'm making assumptions she it seems she seems like the type to ask for stuff and get it and not to like strong arm him into getting it. which is my assumption from what I'm seeing.
this thing is pretty heavy. soaked with water which makes them very heavy makes it a real I don't know, it's just a video so you can't really know. Let's see I met him when I was in high school but I just you know wasn't interested and then I met him again and he was so sweet and became like best friends. He said one of these days he wanted to get married and have kids and he asked me what I wanted and I said I don't I ever want to get married So then my sister we were getting along at the time she really liked him and she said well you you got to just you know you're going to regret it if you don't So I was like okay bro like bro like tell me this is not resourceful like this guy knows but the it's a hook for AOG he started talking about marriage and I was like dude I told you I don't want to get married stop pressuring me we've only been to with we've only officially been together for 3 months actually started within a month and I was just like no you got to stop So finally little over 3 months he asked me to marrow I was like of course I'll marry you and I grabbed the ring and play on my finger I was just so excited.

wait wait wait wa wait wait wa wait wait wait 2 months That's my story of my husband. who is, you know who is my husband, who's the love of my life at this point I don't know what's going to happen I may get uh caught right away I mean I could basically be dead in two weeks or three weeks I don't know. it's all up to chance at this point. So I don't think anyone knows where I'm at.

Yeah, but if they even if you in the past and you're friends with them okay you know understand that relationship before in my opinion. before it can go to marriage you have to get annoyed with them. get bored of them at certain point you have to have Liv with them. There's a lot of steps that are not as good as like all the all the glittery, all the really like the the just the it is what it is.

ups and down you have to go through all of it to re is after all that is it still somebody that I'm willing to be with the rest of my life. What is it? Put it together? Who knows at this point I have to take that chance. Three months is not enough ever. So it's just going to be a point of you know go as far as I can I I do have my escape and that's death and I'm okay with that.

So getting to the point where just trying to live and pay bills and live as a civilian and go to work. he's a great guy. he uh you know he's stuck around with me I'm uh you know some some guys are kind of leave when you get that you know it's it's part of your vows. But anyways I don't want to get on to that.

I just I just freaks me out. It's actually more comfortable for me to think about living out here. Um, Robin Banks Pharmacy just taking what I want for as long as I can. at least it'll be exciting.
Oh wait, was that the plan? It won't be boring and I don't have to worry about Lynette or Ken and everything will be taken care of. Just be me. Peter's complaints are all too common, but could indicate the presence of major depressive disorder. Additionally, Peter is doing a lot of fidgeting in this video, signifying that despite what he's saying out loud, his thoughts might be giving him a lot of anxiety.

Perhaps this stems from the fact that is some of Peter's cryptic comments end. There's a much darker aspect to his fantasy than he lets on. Well, I wanted to get a video log in cuz we haven't done part that I'm not looking forward to I am getting pretty close to that time I'm guessing probably a couple months away. maybe 3.

So yeah, I know I can once I do this I could either die then maybe something will happen or few days or weeks or maybe even years. My goal is to make it 10 years. but uh, that's the other hard part either to give a to not care about dying and to still care about the project Peter's comment that he wants to survive for 10. this is he.

He has still not been indicative of major problems within the family or the household I Feel like if this guy was really mauled and deeply upset about about the family. it's one of the first things he would talk about as the big like wanting to get it out on camera. 10 years out in the woods complicates an already strange situation even further. he isn't just aiming to leave his day-to-day life and job behind.

there are and Cen to think about and so far he hasn't shown any interest of bringing them along on his adventure. Oh my goodness, you are so sweet you guys sorry I'm whispering my husband's sleeping and our little doggy is sleeping with him. Last time I was doing a video I was talking too loud and he woke up and came out here. Part of me has a hard time even imagining doing what I'm going to do.

but as I think about it I always come up to the same conclusion every time I'm starting to get more okay with it. Other times I feel like I'm more than ready I've tried to to make it in this world and it just isn't happening I'm 40 now and I am running out of time. That's a very loser mentality. Very loser anymore.

It just seems like everything makes so much sense. Now you know just the more I've thought about it, the more I understand it I don't really feel bad about it. it's just the way it is. I'm not to touch you I to touch them.

You know certain things happen that cause this to happen so just kind of accepted it and just rolling with it. I call the life of crime and murder loser mentality when faced with with adversity and you guys say out of touch you're justifying actual murderous thoughts on the only basis that this guy is failing in life and can't get out of it. That is insane. You are absolutely insane.
Well this is it. Home sweet home that was L half the chat and you know you guys know you're just acting deliberately stupid. Got the lantern going so you can see a little bit. Not a lot, you know I often wonder if uh, what I'm doing is the right thing and I think it is.

These statements, though shocking, actually align with the earlier theory that Peter was suffering from a serious depressive disorder. you know as I do this for hour on hour. It's like I just sit there bck how did I get it? Do care? So manyong No I don't care and you shouldn't care either because the reality is, a lot of people have the major depent. ERS A lot of people deal with extreme hardships.

a lot of people are back against the wall. Not a lot of those people turn to murder and like that they don't do that Okay, because they're not okay. This is Behavior flat out so I Tell you dude, that's what it is I don't think it's it's all my fault I Think it's more that bringing family life that was just too ugly. Nobody cared Peter's recollection of feeling off also supports the depression Theory as it's common for symptoms to emerge during adolescence.

Additionally, it's known that individuals with unresolved trauma can become stuck developmentally. This could very possibly be what happened to Peter as he previously mentioned that he'd wanted to build a camp like this since he was a teen. If he became emotionally stuck at that point in his life, it could explain his apparent resentment for his family along with the continued desire to depart from society. Yeah, basically last year been really tough on me.

Been coming to terms realizing just how pathetic and there's just no hope. but uh, it's tough is this guys have energy to wake up, travel and build a World War bunker underground and record himself doing it. spend all that energy and say says he's hopeless bro so he has multiple layers of Luxy not not of people have it. that's insane.

motivate myself. All I did was work on this. This is the only thing that make me feel better. but uh I think I've come to terms with it uh, starting to feel better now.

Not quite sure why exactly. if it's just that I'm getting this further along or maybe I've just come to terms with what I am my situation and kind of working through it. you know I've tried I always keep going back to the same same person I am I guess it's also because I don't have anything I never did no money I'm I'm not for bad only actually gave me some money and I was going to go out and buy some of these but I'm two days before plans. Oh my gosh so awesome.

sorry I'm trying not to get too excited CU my H be like what did you do me no personality I mean I'm okay with it. it's just I understand now very clearly this is the only thing I have. It's just a single pick, but you know we all add single pick. Sorry my dog's being crazy.
my husband's probably chasing them around the living room I Know my husband's fails me. He hates seeing me in pain. So tonight he came home and he gave me another $20 cuz he knows I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and he wants me to stop at Michaels and get some more stuff. Well yo, you know what it's about two weeks now I'm going to go and confirm it.

Okay I was right earlier okay and I'm still right now. The amounts of money that that that she displays our c that she's getting aren't like massive chunks this guy spent he I think he say he spent 10K on his bunker right? Well she's getting 20 bucks there. 20 bucks there, maybe 100 bucks there. for for her like arts and crafts.

I don't think is I don't think he's getting like completely cut off and his life is in ruin because of her spending habits. There isn't a behavior of this I'm not seeing it unless and I miss the end. This is going to be my last video probably before till after that. um that's terrible I Wanted to give some items for my mom and and some other items but I just want to show you this.

Dino sorry my husband, home y mother dog bro making a video out here. Man, it's about two weeks before I finally drop out of society and start this project. Um, sorry the cute little puppy right? So these are the items that are in there now. they're hard plastic.

um stop. Well, it's about two weeks before we finally drop out of society. Fully commit to this. Um, this probably going to be my last video till after that.

Here, we can see that Peter actually does retakes instead of being fully candid like other videos suggest. This, along with the comments he's made about his appearance, seemed to indicate that Peter cares deeply about how people view him. The retake suggests he's purposely curating how he appears to anyone who views these tapes. He wants to make the best possible impression.

Again, this could tie back to major depressive disorder in childhood trauma. Teenagers often act as though they have what's known as an invisible audience. The idea that people are watching them all the time and judging their looks and actions from what we see in the videos. Peter seems to still be acting like this at age 41.

This type of behavior can also be found in individuals with narcissistic. Tendencies The question of Peter's intentions would be one of the first Mysteries police faced when they became involved in the situation on April 22nd, 2012. It was a quiet day in the mobile home park where the Keller family lived. When seemingly out of nowhere, several neighbors heard what they believed to be an explosion when they saw Flames coming out of the windows of the Kellerer home.

The neighbors summoned the fire department. firefighters swarmed the home climbing on top top of it. Even as the blaze ate through the roof, they had no idea just how seriously they were risking their lives until later. Once the fire was doused and investigators entered the residence, they discovered Peter Keller was nowhere to be found.
Ewu spoke with Cindy West a retired police Sergeant who worked on the Keller case in an exclusive interview I was actually the public information officer and it was a I think it was a weekend um cuz I was actually heading out of town and I got the phone call so I turned around, came back into town and uh arrived up there North Bend and then the investig investigation started there. And as the investigation went on, it just snowballed from what the heck happened to. wow. this is bigger than I think anybody thought at the start.

For those of you who aren't familiar, a public information officer handles all inquiries about an active case, providing private citizens as well as the media with information that's been approved for release. As such, Cindy was intimately familiar with the inner workings of the Keller case. The day of the fire tracking down Peter became the police's highest priority. In just a few hours, they located his vehicle parked downtown.

The keys were left inside, but there was no evidence as to where he might have gone when they entered his workplace to ask where Peter might be. All his co-workers could offer was that Peter had already left for the day and had stated that he might be back tomorrow next week or possibly never. Police also discovered that Peter had recently withdrawn $6,200 from the family bank account. Everything suggested that Peter was either in danger running or both.

For now, police had no idea where he could be hiding, but they weren't clueless for long. Police got lucky when searching Peter's home and Unearthed a hard drive containing Peter's video diaries combined with what else was discovered in the residence. The investigation went from serious to downright bone chilling. Well, before you know, a while ago I used to sit here and think know this whole thing is just crazy at times and then I think about it and and it would make sense and it's like okay, this is what I got to do Peter's decisiveness in this clip paired with the horrific details of what police had found in the remains of his home would likely be shocking to even the most seasoned law enforcement official.

Who? Who? Who? Um, Cas Canan label. there's a bunch of them. Oh no, no, this hold up ignite an ignitable liquid container in the kitchen. Severe fire damage to the kitchen likely be shocking to even the most seasoned law enforcement official.

They were at a complete loss when it came to explaining how and why this had happened. Only time would reveal the hunt haunting truth. When it came to the video entries, they supplied more than just a record of Peter's thoughts. As it turned out, other entries in the video diary and the accompanying photographs would become the key to tracking.
Peter retired Sergeant Cindy West Was able to share the creative technique the police ended up using. They had photographs that Keller had taken on the mountain side as he's constructing this bunker from nothing's there to a little bit more to a little bit more in one of the photos you can see I couldn't see it. It looked like a power line in the distance. Uh, so you're looking off the mountain toward which would be Northbend the city.

You can barely see this power line and something else again. I Didn't think it was a power line but our Detective Mike Melis says I think that's a power line I think that down there is probably the city and then according to these other photos, there's a couple streams nearby. So he does a lot of investigation and says well, it's got to be in one of these two points then and I I'm like I don't know how he came up with that, but he was exactly right. Combined with reports of Peter truck being regularly parked at a specific trail head, this was enough information for police to start canvasing the area to search for.

Camp Keller It took 6 days, but eventually they succeeded. days. The smoke visible in this footage came from Peter's makeshift chimney and was instrumental in leading the police to Camp Killer. However, rushing in and making an arrest wasn't going to be an option.

No, they had no idea how many people might be inside or what their intentions were I mean boob traps? maybe? remember Peter had been stockpiling weapons and ammunition at home and thanks to his videos which were discovered when police reviewed the recordings that were not destroyed in the house fire, they knew he likely had Firearms at his Camp Little did they know what else they would uncover him. They also knew that there was a chance they could be dealing with a hostage situation. A direct approach could endanger Peter's life life if he was being held captive or spook him if he had hostages of his own. They needed to make whoever was inside come to them.

You guys on a number three side, can you get to that window and break it out? Or throw a gas in there? Brian There's a there looks like a a a slot or a window that's propped open. uh in the back directly towards the uh, the dirt wall. but uh I couldn't see it. He's got something over it.

Maybe you guys can throw log through or something, but if we throw a number two in that ditch, it should cycle right up. Tarp should push it right into the struer. That's exactly what they decide to do. The response team keeps the bunker surrounded in the hopes that the gas canister will drive those inside out of the bunker and straight to the waiting forces.

But after about 10 minutes nothing has changed. Yeah, it's dissipating. Finally, the the first one you sent in is dissipating. You want me to throw a 98 to the window? the open window where we first gas gas.
You can do it from your position. With the gas canisters having no effect, the team is forced to reconsider their tactics. Frag grenade gas? Uh, is it going to work? We may have the command post try and locate like a Wildlands fire pump and hose that can pump a large volume of water into this place break. Okay, I think we could probably utilize this.

Creek We just need enough hose and a pumping station to get it. You know, up to where we want it. We've got new photos showing this bunker may have multiple levels big copy. this information actually came from Peter directly and the self-recorded videos that they found in his burned out house.

Well, this is the end of the day. I'm getting wrapped up getting ready to leave I Don't know if you can see me, but kind of one last look of everything. that's my fireplace, wood stove, whatever. Pretty dark when you has a window upstairs.

Guys guys guys, I don't want the watermarks because these these mother suckers. Okay, they're rabid like people on YouTube and they they counter yoink the yinks and like that and and it's It's a big market so since he's putting the in the effort to get the data out, the interviews with the lady, like really putting the effort I Mean he wants to at least have the upper hand on that. This is where most of my supplies are pretty well stocked up my window. This guy thought he was going to survive there for a long time looking down on the wood stove.

wait it is. M and that pretty much wraps it up for the day. Finally, police resorted to throwing a grenade towards the bunker when even an actual explosion failed to get results. Police knew that they would have to be the ones to approach.

After a full day of besieging the bunker, they decided to break through the roof. You might be wondering why a house fire investigation demanded such an extensive response. As a matter of fact, it didn't. After assessing the situation, investigators concluded that they were dealing with arson, but that would all change when they made their way into the home and stumbled upon a disturbing Discovery.

It wasn't a subtle attempt either. The remains of a red gas can were found melted onto the stove where it had been placed in a skillet to heat up until it ignited. Police found several other gas cans throughout the residence, boxes of ammunition and a homemade explosive device. Investigators could only assume it was meant to be triggered by the fire in order to destroy the house and everything inside.

and it failed them. Had the fire team arrived just a few moments later, it could have gone off while they were on the roof, potentially costing them their lives. That's what police believed that this evidence was meant to be destroyed in the fire along with the video diaries, but those items were hardly the most shocking thing they discovered. There were two bodies in the bedroom of the Keller home Untouched by the fire.
Tragically, the bodies were identified to be those of Lynette and Cen Keller. They had both been shot in the head. Nice nice look at all that smoke. Oh my gosh.

Okay, make sure you don't touch this. Okay cuz this gets really freaking hot. It seems that what Peter's video diaries have been hinting at the entire time was killing his own family. Part of me has a hard time even imagining doing what I'm going to do.

but as I think about it I always come up to the same conclusion. So why was he saying he was going to go rob place and I'm starting to get more okay with it retired Sergeant Cindy West Was once again willing to share her thoughts on the tragedy I Don't think either of them knew it was coming I mean again based on the conversations that uh, we had with friends of both of them after it sound like he was a loving great husband. Uh, so I think they're both blindsided by it and um, you know I I don't know I Just this case just racks my brain. I There's no way it's ever going to resolve in my brain because you just think why? Not only did he kill his wife and his daughter, but based on the friends and neighbors, he had this dog that went everywhere with him hiking or apparently to go build a bunker.

you know, for all these years and he killed the dog too. He was afraid that the dog would give him away in the bunker and so he killed the dog too. Again, there's no explanation I mean I Get that he obviously had some sort of mental illness. Dipstick wasn't hit in the oil with him, but it just makes you shake your head.

I've seen a lot of stuff in my career. a lot of bad things, uh, you just shake your head about, you know, sometimes when things happen. but this case really really got to me. Cindy Shared with us what happened when police finally made entry into Camp Keller and what they find inside the bunker is even more shocking than anyone expected.

When uh, our uh Tac 30 AKA SWAT Guys discover the bunker. Of course they surround it, make sure everybody's safe, let everybody know what's going on before they hail to him saying hey, you know, come on out with your hands up yada yada. All that and it was just a short time after they initially made tried to make contact with him that they heard a pop so they didn't know. Did he have an accidental discharge? Was it something else? Uh, they didn't know.

When the walls of Camp Keller were finally breached, police discovered that Peter had stayed true to his word and ended his life when faced with capture. Soon after, the police surrounded his stronghold. Perhaps this was Peter's only intention all along. He wanted to achieve this teenage fantasy of living out underground in the woods before he died, but he had no ingame other than his own death.
Well, the fact that he was found was significant. We worried what he might do to somebody else. Um, if he's you know, raised enough to kill his wife and his daughter, then what what's he going to do to somebody else? but I think there was a sense of relief that it was over. Uh, that he had been apprehend, you know, not apprehended, but that he was finished with his crime spree that nobody else got hurt.

Uh, there was so much potential for for injuries to Citizens and all the officers involved that it was a definitely a sense of relief. The camp was turned over to King County Department of Natural Resources who eventually destroyed the bunker. Peter's cash hord was donated to a Memorial Scholarship established in memory of Lynette and Kalen Man, that was kind of disturbing. the um I mean they're disturbing I just I just don't I just don't know I just don't get why.

like his story didn't didn't make sense like the pieces didn't didn't even match together like mad. That like mad his he said he was mad that his wife is like sucking his money when someone reason or cause for an action that is not a justification. For example, the kid shoots uper school after getting bullied is a statement that provides a reason or cause for the action, not justification. Dono justification is providing reasons that are intended to make the action seem right.

Example: Saying the kid thought it was the only way to stop the bullying is an attempt to justify the actions. Political adne. Make this mistake all the time. Is this a yon? Uh I Think in a case like this, they're both wrong I Think both are wrong.

Yeah, that's my take I Think they're both wrong. Nobody wants to hear your lamenting dog when you're making stupid ass decisions. I Don't think anybody gives a I mean I Clearly don't I have zero sympathy for people like that. Sorry.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “When a killer vlogs his murders xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @seed869 says:

    This guy unironically complained about the watermark, I don't care if you steal context just have enough shame to shout the people out

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @haustle7711 says:

    Future forsen

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @thyonlychief says:

    I am glad the channel is back up 🥰

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AthenaKozl0v says:

    Jesus loves you!:D

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kimchikin94minmin says:

    Lol 3months, mine's like 3 years in a relationship before he proposed to me. 3 months is not enough, feels bad for the victims.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jmaoo says:

    these family killers always fuck me up

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @minigamit says:

    XQC added 5 minutes of content to and made a 42 minutes video about a video of 36
    so crazy, how can he be so good at reacting?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kimchikin94minmin says:

    Man, this ruined my day. Shouldnt have watched it.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @loserxyro2173 says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @fourdeep6561 says:

    apparently dogs can even tell when someone is a bad person it for sure knew

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @theproGAMAS says:

    this case is one of the first to rly get to me thats crazy

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Adam-bq6ic says:

    chat's reaction to finding out the guy is 5 foot 5 speaks volumes.

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