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Who are telling people go out and get fat versus a Lio Who's saying accept me the way I Am She's not just saying accept me the way I Am CH Is being fat a choice or not? You know what. Chat? You know what chat. Here's my take it: I Don't give a But here's the other. Take it.

I Think for most, No. I think for a small portion of people. Um, it is not. It is not a choice for a very small portion.

another portion. um, dressing Extremely scantly. It's not a choice, but a consequence. right? Um, at least it the rest of them.

probably. uh, consequences, their action and choices clad and then saying if you don't think that it's normal for a morbidly obese person to be wearing a G string in the middle of public, then you're the problem. What did he say? Plus siiz skinny. If the video is fat, why is it plus- size? Why don't you say fat? Okay, hold up the video on on a bad foot.

The TT video is is being fat a choice? But then they look at the people and it's skinny. Plus size. You be skinny. Fat.

Being fat or skinny is a choice. Wow, People really think you know I think it's because people that watch this show are like, are like radicalized, uh, lip tards. I'm going to say how it is cuz there. there's no way that 63% of people say it.

no otherwise. What do you mean no, What? What do you mean? No, that would mean chat. This would mean that you live life and it's just you're just an autopilot and you have no say in anything you do because one one of the things that forun or unfortunately, um, this is one of the things that about you that you control the most. This is a result of multiple actions that you're you're partaking in.

It has nothing to do with exercise. Most of the weight comes from diet. Almost all of it is just calor caloric intake. If you do not intake calories, you do not go fat.

It's just you learned this in like seventh grade. I Think seventh grade Not everything is gained. No no nothing is gained. Nothing is lost, Everything is transformed.

Let's let's do a PLL in chat. Is being fat a choice? Yes no I had no choice but to eat that 20 piece KFC bucket L Bro Shuts up damn see I Don't want to elimate the lot of people that said no cuz I because I do think that depending on your own circumstances it is a no I think I think this is this is the correct ratio I I Gen think this is almost an accurate ratio cuz for some people they are not wrong. It is not a choice. Um, some people uh are born with like uh, diabetes and some problems that are genetic that they can't fix and it's really really shitty.

Like was it a choice for NVM Some Some people have have, yeah it's still. Generally though. what was the question? agers oh wow, they all went on. no Well that's inter.

Of course not every factor is purely Choice um I don't think that every factor is, but I do think a majority of it is in most cases. For most people being skinny or being fat um is about willpower. It's about um, the envir you grow up in sure, but who you choose to associate with what sort of things you choose to listen to, who you choose to kind of have as your friends around you and support you. He's cooking something.
All of those things are choices. that and he cooking something. he also eating what he's cooking. but he is definitely cooking something that will lead you closer towards being one or the other I know what I do with my body I know what I put into it day in and day out I choose not.

he cooked hard here boys. um I Choose You know how I want to look and I don't fault anyone for how they want to look or how they want to be. but I think it's a choice at the day I'm very you know, always wish-wash on how I want to be presented and if I want to gain weight or not but the only person that's going to gain the weight at the end of the day is me and me myself. For me, it's calories guys guys.

I'm not going to disregard how easy some of some people have it. Okay, I'm very blessed I have a very high, very fast metabolism. Okay, even if I tried to get fat, I would have to try deliberately and I would have to do everything in my willpower to get fat. That's just the if I just coasted no way I have to literally try my very best and even then um, it it it would be hard.

So I'm blessed with that. So I won't disregard it. The people that that try that that that can't or having troubles because of I'm blessed in calories out. Go to the gym.

You'll get buffed. Don't go to the gym. You won't get buffed. I Understand that there's genetics that could cause you to want to eat more.

but even with the genetics that cause you to want to eat more, the same solution is calories in calories out I Think the the whole choice is. you know, always determined on who they are and it's not going to just be a thing done overnight. It takes a lot of I Think it's like Breaking the Barrier and breaking a lot of things not only your body but also breaking your mental state. Sure and again, that depends on who you are and what you want to go through.

Disagree your all. Let's see it. Let's hear it here. It comes.

laughing emoji G What am I doing aware I Felt like as a toddler I always viewed myself as big I grew up in a very like poor home so where my mom couldn't provide the meals that she could healthily so when we would get like free meals even then it would be like canned food and it would be like very much food that's not as edible. it was food for us yes But then I felt like once it reached a point where I was old enough to try to make my own choices I made all of the wrong choices I wasn't eating and I was only eating like grapes and lettuce and that was mainly because I was in a sport and that sport just worked me out so hard and it was to the point where I just was scared to eat I I didn't like it I would only drink water when you were eating grapes and lettuce. were you thin I was the thinnest I could be What's interesting is that she she describes what you would Quant qualify as Choice she's literally describing the word choice yet she says no to the prom that says choice So what the am I watching were you still big though I was still big but that was the skinniest I've ever been and that's coming for somebody who was only eating somewhat. salads that are just fruit and lettuce and water and maybe ice right before a practice.
Do you think that right now you would not be capable of becoming a thin woman? Poss no sorry, no shot, sorry no shot, no shot. okay no shot. is that what she said she? she was only eating lettuce and and uh, water and no shot because um from what I know anyway from guys, maybe maybe guys I I miseducated okay, some something that that that I read I watched somewhere was that um whatever, you're uh, um in like caloric deficiency or whatever right and and you are. Let's say fasting or doing better with your weight in your intake whenever you're in in deficit and then you do eat dog right? it'll it'll it'll come back really fast and you're going to get clapped by like that one or two mishap that you're doing that that that? that's how I heard it anyway.

but since I was young I was supposed to get blood tested probably when I was very very young and I never did and they had mentioned that it could have been because of my weight and how that connects with my thyroid cuz the I never made connection and I never had like that like leaning parent to be like go and get checked out. Go and do this like your weight is probably not your fault. It was always like your weight is your fault so that's your issue I mean I also struggle with you know, thyroid and my own blood issues I'm not quite sure but I do see an endocrinologist and I go see a doctor. It's a choice to do the requisite steps.

It's a choice to go grocery shopping instead of going to fast food when it's easy. It's a choice when you're grocery shopping to go to the outer aisles and like not go into the bread section and not go into the junk food section. These are all choices. As a disabled woman.

I Can't 100 Stones 100 Pebbles on the sea woman who used to be considered. Definitely a choice. Just stop eating. End of story when it comes to home anatomy and or physiology.

Bees being fat is there is not such thing as naturally fat. Just lose weight. Yeah, yeah, no, you ate right there. You ate just the right amount apparently.

Good job. Do a lot of the things that people say calories in calories out. Oh, you got to go work out and exerted a lot of the things that are typical. Oh, this is how you lose weight.

put me in the hospital I have to navigate weight differently I have to look at it differently. My weight is the way it is because of medication because doctors put me in this position and I had to learn. okay, Am I going to be so hateful of my own body that I am going to backlash and put myself through. Yeah, but okay.
okay again guys, this is going to sound really out of touch and I'm sorry about that. Okay, yes, a medication might. Yes, it might do that or push you do that. but not every person that is on that medication is probably overweight or fat because some people uh, will do the the the right things to not eat because at the end of the day again, the meds.

The little pills don't give you calories. You still have to intake the calories in order to get that fat. The pills don't say 1 2,000 gram of fat fat like extreme gym nights through keeping myself from eating things that I should be able to eat, you should be able to have a balance. You should be able to go into the junk food aisle like other skinny people do and still not have to worry about gaining 20.

PBS But I don't think skinny people go into this junk food a cly. We eat a lot of junk food I mean a lot of junk I mean my door Dash would tell you otherwise like guys I should I should be allowed to drink a six beers back to back like the other guy and I get up I should be allowed to okay but as a lightweight as okay my bad guys, the might bu out I know for to subscri I can't handle that I don't do that. There's a thing called set points. There's a ton of research on it that your body likes to be at specific weights.

It likes to be in a specific way. So if you are fighting yourself to lose weight by not eating OV exercising and you are damn near killing yourself to be at a specific weight, your body's unhappy. It's important to not note that a choice can be yeah. But if the body's unhappy, what about you? Are you happy? What about what your body wants? What about what you want? What about what you want.

If you look at the At at the Big Fat Burger and you go man I don't want to be fat the body says I really want the burger You could say I will not eat such Burger boom but you eat the burger be harder for people to make due to conditions in their life. But at the end of the day it's still a choice. I could say that I had food addiction I looked to food when I was stressed into this and that and this and so it's harder for me to choose it than for someone who has like the perfect lifestyle who, someone who has parents who are giving them this and that and this. but I definitely still acknowledge that it was my choice at the end of the day.

when I go there and I look and I see H should I order a second hamburger? I'm the one choosing whether or not I order that second hamburger I'm the one making that choice. The episode I would rather be skinny than fat. can the agre Here comes the cop. Here comes the Copa uh I think there's a lot of different bad question: Bad question: it shouldn't be skinny or fat, it should be whatever else and fat.

I think there's a lot of states in between fat and skinny that are acceptable okay and aren't really a problem whatsoever I think people are really scared of that I think even a lot of people sometimes in chat they call everybody fat okay and sometimes sometimes I make jokes and I find myself in that category as well. My bad about that. but there is a lot of states in between those two and struggles when it comes to being a bit bigger. I have a sister that is DJ sir.
love you x but you could eat 3,000 calories a day and still will be the Skeleton King yeah I mean I've always been like also I have a big uh um out output I have a bigger 65 months and also um high metabolism. she struggles a lot she has LPA to shower is really really hard. so I do think for like an overall happy life and like zero struggle I think I'd rather be skinny I Think that it is common in society to want to be skinny I think the average person typically wants to be skinny I'm actually surprised that I didn't see well. Also, because the world is built for for people that are not that fat.

A lot of seats, a lot of weight limits a lot of things. A lot of engineered things are engineered for the average abouts person and when when you are fat, the you're working against the world I I Guys I'm not trying to be discriminative, but you're you're You're going to see that a lot of designs are against you by Design more people come forward on that question. people treat you better. Um, it is what is considered standard of beauty.

Your life expectancy is longer, you tend to be healthier. I'm also really tall I'm 6'6 so I kind of wish I uh could just pick a single struggle because uh, finding the clothes and things like that when you're bigger both ways can make it really hard. So if I was skinnier, at least that's one last thing I have to worry about. But also I've got uh, two kids.

Okay, okay, one of the last PA Chat Guys guys. People need to be realize okay, your joints, your knees, the things that hold your body together between your bones and are all designed for a certain amount of weight. Okay, when you chat, if you're out there, okay, and you're walking around, okay, you have a big massive back full. The bricks.

Okay. these little things over here. Okay, they can be big Musard. Doesn't matter.

They're They're they're holding gravity's pulling down. Always went even a big like that, right? But when you're Mega okay you. you are carrying around bricks everywhere and the gravity says you your knees it bro. it's breaking brother.

That's just the reality though. that's just and a wife. That's reality though. And as you pointed out, I definitely think that I'm at less health risks if I'm a skinnier person.

if I'm a healthier person in that capacity and I would much rather be that so that I could be around for my kids. longer. Can the disagreer please step forward? Yeah, here it comes. I'm speaking as someone who actually was a former smaller person.
oh my God sorry I Miss D Very disrespectful of me I'm rep playing it sorry I'm A. All fans of the spectrum are extremely un healthy. The Nervosa. There is a reason that overeating and undereating are considered unhealthy.

Fat people are into the only people receiving criticisms. true the the and then this. going to gra out the party. this this Creator she has like bones.

like she's like bones. um and not a lot of fat. Okay and people people, people, uh, cook her as much as they cook anybody. uh bro.

um yeah, it was me I Met Myself I met the mirror actually my bad. yeah, both ends of the spectrum pleas meity I had the most body exp when I was small I was constantly living in fear of gaining weight and having people tell me oh, don't don't gain weight, Don't do this. Make sure that your weight is the same and once I finally gained weight I realized that first off life wasn't over I didn't feel any need to to not engage in life the previous way that I had and the attention that I got was different. but even as a smaller person, you get negative attention and rather than trying to control my body to avoid that negative attention I would prefer to address the situation as a society, make it more accessible for everybody to where we aren't feeling like I have to be a certain way that's normal in order to be treated like a human being and respected if I could because I was AIT bigger when I was yeah.

just just no Guys guys, um businesses um just everything costs. You can't make you have to make a a standard for what you do you cannot make S to to accommodate for the the the top whatever percent that are that are bigger you're just losing out on money guys. life is a business Okay if I if I make t-shirts I might make way less xxxl and it might run out of stock faster cuz there's less people that are big you can't go oh my God it's it's it's always out of stock. Well I mean brother there there's less and that's when I was the most.

Otherwise I make too many I have a lot of shirts that have made for no reason a lot of waste I was a lot of money. it's it's a business and secure I would look in the mirror I did have family members that were skinny but then I had a family that was much bigger and just the way that I perceived myself I hated it and I even became anorexic to like not be vix I Don't think skinny always equates to being healthy? Exactly? Absolutely. Uh, I am fairly skinny I 6'5 I'm 140 lbs last time I checked and I'm severely underweight and I I know about this on a day-to-day basis. That being said, I don't know where I'd want to lean at a appropriate weight level, but I think it's important to understand for some skinny people, it's we're not living great life by any means and sometimes I feel like that's always kind of Lost in Translation when they see someone who's really skinny I I guess it depends on what you mean when you think of the term skinny.
Are you thinking of just like an average weight person? or are you thinking of Yeah question Su for like women if we're talking about an average, like I'm going to be, depend on the season and what I'm doing I'll go from like 125 to like 150. Uh, in a span of like a month, the closest your biggest priority is to be in a smaller body. You need to reassess your priorities on skinniness and health. Like you emphasized, there is such a gap between one the research because the research has a huge fat phobic bias in it and there has been research that shows that they aren't even especially during let's say, covid Co and the correlation between obesity.

They rushed through those studies so fast because in society's mind, oh, of course, a fat person is going to equal someone who's going to get sick faster, who's going to get sick easier. It was an easy jump, so they didn't do all of the testing that they were supposed to do. They didn't check their bias by saying the study is bias. You're saying that the study didn't account for the variable that obesity may also take a factor into.

It's just that there's so many variables She blame people. blame the upbringing, Blame her parents, blame fast food. Blame Co blame the scientists, blame society brother. At one point, guys, at one point, like I got to keep it a buck.

You're going to have to find that these pharmaceutical companies can only account for that. People say oh, I am healthy. Obesity is not healthy, nor do I find it aesthetically pleasing. This new movement has ruined people's minds.

Any doctor will tell you you cannot be obese and or exic and healthy during their trials, and that doesn't necessarily mean that they're bias. However, if you want to talk about bias and studies. Actually, recently we've been doing the opposite. So for instance, a lot of our Studies have been based on BMI And so we've been showing that oh, fat people aren't necessarily extremely unhealthy if we look at people with a certain BMI.

However, bodybuilders also have a really high BMI and so they counted into that category. So it wasn't until very recently that they equated for that mistake and it shows. Oh my goodness. Being fat is actually extremely unhealthy.

like. Way way more unhealthy than we ever realized. You can't gauge Health by looking at somebody like. None of my health issues.

All of them precipitated my weight gain. but I Always man the the copium brother I Guys I Feel like with this much copium, it's crazy. Some of them are still standing. Get assumed: oh don't you want to be and you don't feel the way you feel? It's like no cuz I have Lupus and I'm always going to feel like this.

CRPS it's it's going to deteriorate. It's going to continue. America Has an OBD problem? I Mean no. Absolutely.
I Think it's pretty clear. you look at the weight of the average American You see how obesity has affected not just children. I mean the fact that we have more younger and younger people who are looking heavier and heavier. And you you see that like you know the way that weight affects us as a society and you compare that to how we were in the past.

No, not chat. eating enough, eating enough. when it's when it's fast, food is way too cheap. So of course people are going to eat more.

they're incentivized to do so. and also for the money that you're putting in when it goes with fast food. I mean you can get fat for nothing? Okay, so obvious. Obviously the the trends are the the system is built against you is what it is, not that we should always.

You know we shouldn't compare ourselves to the era of the Great Depression when people just couldn't find food of course but people are heavier now in an unhealthy way and people have are eating unhealthy. They are eating it through unhealthy access to food. They're eating diets high in seed oils they're eating. High Chad is saying not anymore brother.

You can still get your big gulp for like a doar. Okay, a Big Gulp eat you drink one a day. You are fat as corn syrup. They're they doing all this kind of stuff that's not good for them that we didn't used to do.

And it's bad. It's not a good thing. it's an epidemic. It needs to be.

It needs to be quashed in some capacity. There's so much access to just anything like. It's so crazy these days. and you know? I'm so surprised that we're actually supporting a lot of this, you know? And there's always people like you know, like it's fine that we have like three McDonald's like on the same street and it's just like we don't think that this is adding to the problem.

What I think is really sad about that is so many people in. America Just see the profit in it I Don't want to say I know that these people know the problem, but it's like how can you not see the problem, They have to see it and just not care. They have to just be like, well, we're gaining profit. Do you see how much this making put another I mean what are they going to do? Change the menus to more expensive on purpose, sell more salads, replace the menu I mean going across the street like that's just like it.

just the corporations. it's the medical industry. Having a fat country makes us money. It doesn't help that our cities aren't walkable either.

America Is a country of non walkable. That is why I I wavered a little bit because I think we problem argument I Think we have a problem with how to make it so that it is not an epidemic. This is a systemic thing, that we are in a society and in an environment that breeds this and we are doing it to ourselves. We are doing it to our children and our corporations and our Industries are doing it to and they're encouraging it with media and the mukbangs.
I was literally going to bring that up the mukbangs and like all those videos that just come up to Trends not only the mukbangs but also like Lizo and other big like media. I'm sorry there's a very there's a big difference between the people who are telling people go out and get fat versus a lizo who saying accept me the way I am she's not just saying no, not really um just no I don't necessarily agree accept me the way I am she's dressing extremely scant because the message is rarely just ex me the way I am it is. It's rarely just that the message is usually loaded with other copia mechanism and it spreads. coping to other people like like wildfire clad and then saying think that it's normal for a morbidly obese person to be wearing a g string in the middle of public, then you're the problem.

And they're trying to normalize Society to this obese culture which is extremely unhealthy. And what is an obese culture? A culture which like normalizes I Haven't even heard that well, obesity is already normal I Don't think it should be normalized and it and it wasn't normal. What's the difference? You do realize people refuse to take accountability for their actions. Even if all these problems walkability were remedied, Obesity would still be a problem due to the fact that when it comes down to it, people do not care about their well-being Thanks for 100.

The reality is that. um listen I got to be honest with you I have to go against you a little bit on this one. People don't care about their well-being that much Is that a lot of people um, economically like um just the economics. They can't almost like afford to I understand they that they eat more that they should.

it makes it makes L it's still by choice but still it's really the difference between overeating is not is not that big when it you go to fast food. if you like finish your fries and and and your big gulp and your large soda um bro, you're getting fat. That's just reality. that's just a reality of it.

Yeah, between a obese person walking around a string or a bathing suit as I do almost every day and a skinny person like is it okay that the skinny person is doing that I don't think so but that's for reason I get the whole to say that when Lizo does it is the same as a Victoria Secret Angel is just not the same. The difference. What you are you telling me they look, You're telling me it doesn't I'm not saying they look the same I me Implication: So if I walk down this street I'm a runway model I'm a print and runway model I Have walked down a runway in a thong so me doing that is shameful. but a skinny model is okay sh I didn't NE I Don't know if I use the phrase shameful I Don't think that nobody.

It's problematic if you're selling a if you're selling a product that's targeted towards big people and you're big wearing it, that's fantastic. You're just marketing the product. The thing is, when you're you're selling uh, clothes that are like tailored to to look skinny, whatever and like oh I'm fat as I'm going to go and fat the on this clo yo yo guys look well that's just not the real is that? um you're just you're not hitting your target if you're not even be hired for that job a lot of times. I Don't know I don't Society should be modeling Obes but I'm not modeling obesity I'm modeling the lingerie that obese people need to be able to have availability to buy.
so they've always had the ability to buy. Not a single underwear is like almost $20 and you go to like any other Walmart any Target and like all these underwears are in special for like5 to like $20 and stuff well it does take more fabric to make it. It does take more fabric to make it excuse but you make yards of fabric for gowns you like is a small a different price than an extra large or it for 3XL shirts I Got to pay more money I think people view models and Instagram people and all of us who are pluss and proud as we're pushing this obese lifestyle. Guys I realized that chat whenever I bought like the Louis Vuitton thing for for Jessie I think it was like a a 2XL they didn't even have his size.

they they did. um lot of designers they stop at 2XL uh they they don't go to three or four almost all of them. Well I'm just say guys I love Jessie to death. Okay but when I bought it when I bought his thing I just realized his his jet was a massive okay it was the same price as the other one and I realiz holy it's like almost 40% more fabric that no I'm pushing the fact that this is what I live in, this is my life and I need other people who feel this way to say hey I want to be able to wear clothes that look cute too I do think there's a problem with obesity in America but I think it's a first world country problem because it's spread across the globe.

and also I don't see it as a problem I do feel like healthwise people should try to be healthier, but there's no perfect body. There's no perfect person, there's no perfect size, and there's people who are underweight. There's a lot of them. And then there's a lot of people who are overweight.

So I I Really don't see it as like a problem but just to touch on what you were saying because I am in the fashion a problem brother people have to drive cards to Walmart do the be to go around and Shuffle their brother like that and if itself is a problem. dude. Meep Meep Like what the industry I Wanted to become a fashion designer my dad was one and they buy 10 rolls of fabric for one price so it really doesn't cost that much to make underwear. Sure, but don't you about distribution? I mean yes there people that still need they still need me meat know there's they're not, they're not fat, but just just a just a fact.

This it sounds sound like like a whatever problem. just the fact that you need to have a parking for the I don't know what it's called. um for the big ones is a problem they have to find a solution for that is costly. it is.
It is a big cost for a problem and you compound all those problems. It is a problem. What means not a problem if the average person is. Let's say in between small, medium large and you're sending clothes out for those you know you can send out 10,000 of this 10,000 of that 10,000 of that you can't always send out 10,000 3XL because you're not going to have that many people sitting in the 3XL because there's somebody who works in marketing and they research that that Um area.

There's a census so we have a database of what type of people are there. Now we don't know who's going in there, but we know the type of people that live in that area and the type of the people that come and visit the area. So that person is doing their job accordingly and usually large sizes are sold out. Okay, so somebody brought up the food desert ear.

Well then then they did their job wrong. bro. Then they then they didn't do their job correctly. Well, she was cooking, then she wasn't I Can't even think of an area that would have a so-called food desert.

Sorry, can someone explain? Like maybe just for my ignorance. I'm guessing a food desert is just there's no food anywhere. No, it's healthy options for food. so you can go into certain low income areas and you'll see a Starbucks a McDonald's a Chick-fil-A But Lady Lady Lady Wait, hold on.

Starbucks is not cheap bro. Starbucks As a cheap food bro, the the the the Mate L is like 8. Hello, there's no Trader Joe's a food desert. Actually, properly there isn't any like for a long period of driving there's one gas station and a liquor store.

Then you have to drive two more miles to hit the next grocery store. But with the food desert, it's not just that there can be a grocery store there. but if I'm making minimum wage I'm not going to spend all of my money on what is going to last me two meals versus what's going to last me an entire week. or if I'm on EBT and I have specific things that I have to choose to buy versus what I can't buy Colorado In the outskirts, there's so many small towns don't even know that most of them you won't see on a map, but if you're from there, then you'll know and they all have to drive a decent amount to be able to go to an actual grocery store.

Hold up. Hold up guys. Guys Guys elect allows state welfare departments to issue benefits via magnetically coded payment cord. average monthly EBT 200 $230 But how often are you going grocery shopping? maybe like once every two weeks would be okay.

Hold up. Hold up. Don't know Guys old. The fat person here in a don't it's I grew up on it.

Choosing unhealthy options is a choice. She literally just said she chooses to eat unhealthy EP his food stamps dummy. Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Do Not call me dummy Fat Zo I'm sorry about this.
so you have to do a drive a week. so you're making a drive once a week, once two weeks. access to the I don't have a I don't and if you don't have usually these food deserts also have very poor public transportation options so you are left with people who are stranded. Yeah, but then what are they eating at all? Yeah, crap.

But how are they surviving going through the drive through? they don't got a car to go they usually what? I seen when I go to K twiy Smalls those rural towns and those rural places is they have chickens and they have animals and guess what that's you can get some healthy food out of that. That's like you know having eggs and protein and things like that. I think I would be healthier if I lived early. In fact my wife and I are trying to leave the state so we're not near all the Uber Eats and all the grew up I've grew up in a ton of 500.

The Obesity problem there was not as significant as say in LA and we talk about like food deserts and stuff. The nearest Walmart where I grew up was 45 minutes in any direction. The nearest McDonald's was nowhere near to be seen for a long time. So when I hear these like and I oh dude dude Canada had McDonald's inside of the Walmart we had we had inside McDonald's inside.

that was crazy. There could be some evidence there as like the Obesity problem is very low lift. where are there grocery stores in your small time? I could buy dog while eating dog I'm like kind of baffled by the maybe I just need to go out there and like experience the food deserts. but like there was grocery stores where I grew up.

just because we lived in the middle of nowhere doesn't mean we didn't have access to food. And actually and I have to agree, we did have access to healthy food. Very healthy food all the time. I I I Don't think this is big of an issue.

In my personal opinion that shaming is worse than skinny shaming. Not true, not true, both bad, both bad. So I do agree that fat shaming is worth both bad and I still do both. Okay, I still the will because nobody in this should be a protected class.

Okay, in my opinion, we should protect uh, short people more than we, uh, protect fat or skinny people. Yet we don't. So I don't want to hear anybody about saying fat shaming is bad. oh my.

God I'm going to cancel for this if we don't do it first. to people that are short because they can't change their height but you can change your weight, you're just lazy. Okay, until we stop doing High shaming. I will do fat shaming and skinny shaming and any other arent is brain dead but the the fat person makes fun of a skinny person or someone struggling with Anex.

it's shaming just overall entirely the way that people like comment on people's weight. compared to somebody's skinny. They usually don't comment on somebody skinny. They don't think there's something wrong with them.
They don't. They'll maybe say like, oh, you're very thin. Um, do you want to eat a cheeseburger But that's not as bad as telling somebody you eat tin stop and you don't even know that they're eating tin Well, that that is libart d That's brain RW to take black mold D They say like on somebody skinny they don't think there's something wrong with them, they don't like. They'll maybe say like oh, you're very thin Um, do you want to eat a cheeseburger But that's not as bad as telling somebody you eat 10 stop and you don't even know that they're eating 10 Fat shaming is a systemic problem.

You're not going to not get a job because you're too skinny. And how do you not know that somebody somebody skinny isn't even anyone you can apply. The base of argument is the sheer number. That's it.

That's it. Skinny B are number you're putting behind whereas fat bodies like I don't get it as often as other people. but I get a lot of comments on my Instagram that are saying like you're really beautiful but you would look a lot better if you lost 50 60 lbs. True I mean sorry I wasn't thinking something that I always get a lot of comments on is my masculinity as a man because of how skinny I am.

It's always something that I've always kind of dealt with. My favorite comment is always like a a sickly ill Victorian child and that's horrible. Sorry, don't me to laugh at that? No, no, no I don't. It doesn't bother me as much, but this idea that skinny people can't also feel get get these kind of comments are just kind of mind-blowing That doesn't mean that they're You know that one side is getting it worse than the other.

I think that there are both sides getting piled on just at different varying degrees I think we're conflating to things as well. so there's a yeah so what you want about me Chad Okay, true about everything. Chat okay, but but chat. but some of the though they like they're like a nice skeleton twig Fanboy twink and I and there's more like that than they like.

they like the big balls. So I don't give a the difference between fat shaming and fat discrimination. Fat shaming is an aspect of fat discrimination, but some of the things you were touching on are specifically societal and systemic fat discrimination that goes into our medical system. It goes into employment.

It goes into all of our civil rights as fat people that skinny people don't necessarily have that same issue. And I come from cultures where they straight out called out skinny people, you look like bones. Oh fla. All like all of that.

So I watched my cousins go through it I went through it when I would get too skinny As people, we are just too scrutinized when it comes to our bodies. We don't let people live. but I think that's a good point you said you were called Skin and Bones when you got two my cousin. What: you're sorry, not whatever but your cousin.
So people using shame as a motivator, get your cin not be too skinny. Shame as a motivator is a powerful tool. So the reason I stood over there is fat shaming. Worse than skinny shaming.

Well you could argue that shaming somebody in order to motivate them towards a healthy lifestyle is actually a good even if the people don't Okay something. Chad Is this going to sound really really insensitive? but I I can't just enough chat guys. Life is is fat shaming life itself. Okay, your knees are fat shaming you when you are fat.

you go to the airplane, you sit down, the seat is fat shaving you. okay. You walk around, you walk around. the wood in your house is fat.

You walk I walk around. I You hear nothing. You're massive and you walk around on on the wooden floor it's almost. it's cracking.

It's saying yo get off, get off of my back. you are fat. literally the the the ground itself is fashing you. What about it thing now I Have a lot of empathy because hearing your story about how you've been struggling with this since you were a child since I was like a newborn baby like Health just everything's just been on that end where I've never known anything about being skinny or being fit or being athletic I've never known anything about that.

probably your situation I Don't think shame necessarily would motivate you, but for somebody where it is a option. So for instance, if you watch TLC you watch my 600b life it can be a motivator for a lot of people it is. It is motivation. Some people, some people stay some CH some people literally stay alive literally to prove some of the wrong.

literally I respect it. Thousand P sisters family by the ton. all of them can do it. All of them have had this systemic issue of w watched guys you know we watch the video max saying don't commit suicide brother.

you may have to worry about me okay brother I got too many to prove wrong. Okay and I know for a fact that me being alive angers them and just that is enough for me to stay alive. Okay flat out I know to just me just talking having a platform makes them mold and I want to see them suffer. so I stay alive for them.

like as a younger person it would make me feel disgusted with me when I was a kid so it would make me worse and it made my mental health worse cuz and I'm like is that how like everybody automatically views me, it's just like somebody who's oversized and could Poss possibly never even attain it cuz it's so just common I Don't think we should shame anyone to do anything I think everyone deserves to like themselves enough to like enjoy life and if you do that as a fat person, okay if you do it as a skinny person. Also, chill, it's not my business sh shame is a broad category. I Do think shame. Works In some cases I think that there has been good fat shaming towards me and bad fat shaming.
Bad fat shaming is just you know somebody just saying you're fat, that that doesn't really work but what does work is somebody looking at me and saying don't you want to be around for your kids so you live out of hate and spite, Are you happy? Not what I said I live on my own terms out of my own happiness but I'm saying I'm saying if I ever hit rock bottom I Know that some get M that's even. It's even a motivator. It's extra motivation to to hold on and that work that yeah, do you consider that sham I Do I think that's shaming I think they were telling you like you should lose weight to be around for your children I Think that's shame like like a an attempt to like try and say something bad about me. they're personalizing towards you and towards your kids like of course.

yeah yeah but I think and I think that worked I think that work that really encouraged me to go go to the gym and start trying to lose weight. That's to you though. sure I think you have to be specific to person I think that's one thing Is it? It depends on the person and if if someone wants to shame me and like you know it depends on the person. I've been shamed a couple times and it's kicked me in a gear to try to gain weight.

but uh it's rejection by default is is part of shaming and that's that's a good thing. Okay if you meet a lot of people okay and and you're too big for them and they reject you okay that's shaming by default and it might make you cause do a change if it get more accepted that's I don't want you say not true it is true. it is by default shaming. it's just not as outright and deliberate and nobody.

No people are going to say um I'm not going to get with you because you are fat. okay it's it's still indirect shaming it is. It is still really hard and it's you Know it depends on who you are I think when you making a comment about people questioning your masculinity I get the question of actually looking like a woman all the time and it's always in play. I always get compared to like male characters especially when I don't wear makeup and that's because I don't have boobs and I can't help that.

but definitely really really hard to like. Have people tell you constantly like here's the standard of how a woman should look and you don't look like that without even saying it. They don't say it, they're categorizing me. They're making fun of me saying that I look like this one soccer player or something and you know I think it's funny but also shame can also be hard cuz I I can see what you mean.

Sometimes it can really motivate you when it's out of love, but when it's yes. Yes, but you can't change that. Understand there's surgery but that we should. You shouldn't have.

uh, you shouldn't go to these. These were course okay. um boob size. You can't change that unless you go way out.
Whatever but com you Comparing that to weight which most time you can think about it is just a dising argument because it's just a disen argument. It's like comparing height to weight. There's nothing you can do when you're short. There's nothing you can do.

Shame can also be hard cuz I I can see what you mean. Sometimes it can really motivate you when it's out of love, but when it's out of and when it's out of like not knowing someone and just saying it. Yeah the people who said that to me about my kids were not some random guy online. it was people who were close to me and I knew cared about me who had had conversation with so I do think it it matters who says it but I still would consider it to an extent shaming.

um and I I'm okay with that I think there is good shame I think that's a I think sometimes it helps motivate yo yo. How do how do you show people? How do you think show people feel okay when okay I'm I'm guess I'm going to get weird okay when they're okay and they have to be on their tippy toes to get the correct angle? They get shamed by the by just just biology dude. but they can't do anything about it. they have to keep your toe.

man they have to. They have to fing get a little a little a little stool bro. it's man people in the right way. The Body Positivity movement promotes child skipping my way through Co spend my life savings really Lou What you stand for and really enjoy when you speak your mind.

where to find someone with common sense Lee consider starting a podcast, have a great stream. Oh thank you much love thanks for I mean I make jokes. it's it's a stream at the same time. but I think some of my thoughts are decent.

sometimes promotes childhood obesity. Thank you Felix No problem. Diet culture has positive effects I'd rather trust someone just if what the is a diet culture knowon I I don't even know what that is has positive effects Dude. dude, chat, chat.

I guess for me, here's the video idea. Okay, stop the buzzword spamming. Now it's like something shaming, something phobia, something culture for everything I don't even know what the dude it dude it I don't even know what's going on anymore. Diet culture is an important thing to have for people in the world.

What I've realized after we're about to finish this up is there wasn't a lot of talk on skinny culture like skinny people as a whole. Maybe that's because of how the prompt is I'm skipping the I'm going to skip the prompt because I don't give a it's it's it's a it's a buzz word that they made up and people don't even understand the question. you're always going to get those people who have the perfect answer they have the perfect solution to. It's usually a fad.

Diet is what we're talking about when we're talking about diet culture. and for me personally I know that I've seen a lot of especially women in my life going on fat diets that are just not sustainable and that's okay. Okay, okay what the is a fat diet? That? what the Am I Listening to what is a fat diet? Dude, that's just it's kind of. The purpose of diet culture is that it's not a sustain.
but we're all talking about like mainstream like keto like gluten-free and I I think it's everyone's just polarized on these certain ones that I believe that you should eat gluten I think if you take it out of your diet, you're actually going to get sick unless you're you are. unless CIA know it goes back to like what she said which is you know, intuitive eating. So what is the positive you think you've seen for people from diet culture which I think and I guess what do you consider diet culture I guess like Diet culture to me is the resources you need to get to where you want to be in your life in your body. That's how I've always viewed diting.

Do you mean like journaling what you're eating? Yeah, if you want to journal if you want to, you know, talk to a therapist if you want to work out if you want to see a doctor. If you want to go on meds like everyone's always, it's not being super Like when you diet, you're not being like I'm completely cutting out carbs or I'm completely doing this right. water, only watching macros and your micros and you're calculating. Guess if you're asking if I know how many calories I have to eat? Yeah, like I have to eat like 4,000 a day.

When most people talk about diet culture, they've done some sort of extremely restrictive thing. and when you do something really restrictive, it changes your brain chemistry and the way that you think about food and it makes you obsessive over food and then. But it sounds like the way that you're doing it is extremely healthy because you're not depriving your body of isn't That Just goes back to like you guys are talking about the extremes of diet culture. Diet culture is one thing and then a healthy lifestyle Tye are two different things.

I Personally don't think of living a healthy lifestyle as a diet you've been in like a model spheres. do. do you see diet culture and how has it impacted space? There was a point in my life like when I was a junior in high school where the person that I was with at the time he's like 6' six and super tall and so you know the mom was like Hey Like my son is going to go audition to this big agency which is still big to this day and you know you should come. So I went and I weighed 115 lbs and I was a decup and they said that I weighed too much and so seeing that really struck me in the beginning with the negative part of if you want all the jobs okay if you go to a job offer that's for plus size.

Okay, and you're too skinny. well you don't get the job, just don't apply the the super thin job offers. If you're not thin enough, that's the FR going Tell you to Oh yo, you're crazy. Thanks for the 200 pine trees.
Much love thanks for thanks for 200 you anything um lot dieting and just kind of went into this spiral of like okay well if I'm too big what C here's an argument chat. here's an argument chat guys guys I I just offer I just saw a job offer chat for hand modeling okay and look chat I eat I eat my fingers, look look oh my god look chat I didn't get the job What? the I have a mental illness that makes me chew my fingers. that's that's like that's mental illness toenail shaming? Weird. Well of course not.

I'm of story be this like how how can I make it to be to do what I want to do if this is my limitation to it It took years later to realize like I was really disciplining myself for no apparent reason except for this underlying underlying feeling from years ago that I could never get rid of when you're talking about like discipline I think it can be really positive with dieting and like intaking your calories. But for me personally and I'm a very specific case, seeing those numbers and knowing that I couldn't achieve it because I didn't have the appetite was also just so saddening to me because reading the bare minimum of what a woman needs 5'5 at my age I was like that's not that much and I still couldn't eat it at the time. and I'm like what's wrong with me? there's different ways to motivate people and one of them is out of pain and anger and there are different job openings though for the different. a lot of the diet culture, whether it's for positive or negative, is just trying to gear into that and you know I I just am more about being health I I hear diet and I think of something that's positive and it's been positive to me and you know it's something I'm always trying to achieve Guys guys, if I'm trying to sell something that looks really good on on girls that have uh, big breasts okay and iine I engineered this this thing that has like a nice model, whatever and and the model um has like a cup whatever.

Well I'm sorry yo, you're not getting the job I Want this to be appealing to the people that my target audience is and it's not you. You don't get the job. What the else I mean that's just what it is. Unlucky No job for this.

There are plenty of other job opportunities.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Is being fat a choice? xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dominic8171 says:

    Im 220 lil bro you skinny 😂😂😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @brendolbreadwar2671 says:

    Bro really said: me (myself)

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nocturnalanimal6815 says:

    If he’s not gonna watch the video why is he wasting an hour on oti

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Dirty2D says:

    Does not agree with me -> "radicalized libtard"

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Cujo71 says:

    I have been overweight most of my life and I will not blame that on genetics or anything other than I would eat a cookie before an apple. I don't go to the gym, I just make better food choices. I have lost 100 with diet alone. You can eat a lot, you just make better choices. For me, it is something I have to work on, not something I was predestined to. Medications to lose weight, I feel are only affective while you take them. I would rather eat right and change my habits then use chemicals to lose.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Billy_Herrington-ob4is says:

    If you've been fat and had bad eating habits since a child, especially if it runs in your family, it's not a choice, it's a spawn debuff at that point, you won't lose weight. I'm skinny as fuck and all of my family is just like that, my father, my brother, my grandparents. Of course you can exercise, but you can't fix your eating habits that easily. "Just eating less" is the most dumb fuck take out there.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Dom-zy1qy says:

    Being skinny and being fat are both consequences. Being healthy is a choice. And honestly as someone who's into fitness these days, "skinny" people who don't invest anytime into being fit (like xqc) basically live the same way fat people do, just with a higher BMR.

    It is though, really easy to lose weight. You just have to kick bad eating habits and go on a walk. FAD diets & excessive fasting just damage your metabolism. It legitimately doesn't even take long to completely change your physique. I lost 170 pounds in 16 months

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Dragau4 says:

    research is fat phobic, your body is fatphobic it's a literal fact it doesn't get deeper than that

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @depression9822 says:

    All I can say is it’s not fun being skinny either

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rdxvincee5535 says:

    the fat people are malding in chat, just dont eat and go to the gym

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gi4dtv230 says:

    I'm 5 feet 10 inches and weigh 290 pounds,so that's really fat for me, so at least for me, it's not a choice. I only eat three normal meals a day, and that's it.

    I don't really enjoy eating, btw; eating's not my passion in life. I'm not one of those people who salivates when they see food.

    My problem is that I live a sedentary life and lay in bed all day. I hate every time I have to go out and buy food,but I hate food delivery the most.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheClanBlade says:

    Prayers to the seats during this difficult time🙏🙏

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