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When a 160 IQ Teen snaps this this say when a 160 IQ Teen Snaps exclusive interview with The Kill today Jesus Christ man you changed you Now you only gamber react, play games, and entertain me fully every day. Like come on brother, be more original. If you, where's G Do it. Don't do it Jesus Christ Human Same same thing still humans didn't act very smart.

Call caller my ambulance is already on the way. Okay, they are already coming I need you to take a breath so I can tell you what to do to help. Okay I need move the gun. What do I need to do? Do Not touch anything else other than what I am telling you to touch somebody needs to open the door I have units on the scene.

Son's trying to come again. Please Please No no CH Hang okay, chat. Hold just one remark one Mark Some Noti CH is that dispatchers seem to get annoyed? Um I Understand They have to remain kind of calm and kind of whatever. cuz they're already sending people over right? A lot of people don't don't When people are watching these videos that the person they're already sending the help, they're already doing all that they can right? At that point, they're just talking to the person to just get a little bit more information right? This much of their goals: to get more more more information and to kind of assess the situation.

Try to help a little bit, but often enough I they have to be kind of monotone to just kind of help and whatever. but they seem to be so detached I almost sound annoyed. So I don't know what's up with that. Why don't Why always sound? They're not being firm, they're sounding nonchalant and annoyed.

which is odd to me. To touch somebody needs to open the door. I Have units on the SC My son's trying to come again. Please please no, no, hang on somebody.

Go unlock the door please. The 911 call you just heard was placed by James Allan Brazelle just 6 days before Christmas in 2016 when he heard gunshots coming from somewhere in his family home Allan Raced through the house to find his stepdaughter Ashley and her 16-year-old brother Sunny standing over her with a gun in hand, his wife Nicole screaming in the background Allan frantically called for help. As haunting as the 911 call was, the interrogation would turn out to be even more chilling. 16-year-old Sunny proves to be one of the most stoic and emotionless suspects we've ever seen.

Really, it's hard to reconcile how someone like Sunny with an IQ of 155 to 160 described as highly to exceptionally intelligent has landed in this seat when police arrived on the I. I Think the C we've seen CH is the guy with the guy with the hat like the Fedora or whatever right? That like killed some guy from Walmart or some like that on his way. That guy, that guy, something else. Scene: They found the festively decorated exterior of the house masking a horror scene inside.

In an exclusive interview Allan and Nicole Brelle recount what they can remember from that terrifying night. Later we'll hear from Sunny himself self Ashley said she was going to go to bed Sunny was going to go to bed. he'd been awake too all day and at work so everybody was kind of tired Allan was already I think in the bedroom I think he came and told everybody good night I went straight into the room I just her and put on my robe and I think Ashley was going to go ahead and eat some soup that I had cooked. as soon as I go to sit down on the bed, the lights already off in the bedroom I Hear what I think is firecrackers? It's all my mind.
Po Po Po Firecrackers Sunny Being such a mild kid and Ashley being they both were kind of like little professors responsible kids I got great grades in school I know that I bought firecrackers for New Year's Eve and I'm thinking I cannot believe one of them let off firecrackers cuz I hear Ashley say Sunny very surprised in shock. that's all I hear through the door and then I hear firecrackers so I throw back on my robe I don't have clothes I throw back on my robe Allan jumps up and I so I go to go outside I mean I am furious like what? Who let off CH Let's not like Focus so much on her smiling whatever chat people deal with like trauma and very um, heavy in a lot of different ways that we don't really fathom or can understand. especially when something that this gra can can happen. No, some people laugh like when they talk about the stuff that happened to them.

it's just how goes firecrackers in the house? What? I can't even believe they would do this either one I don't even think the either one would do it I was closest to the door going out into the hallway and whenever I heard it, you know pretty much immediately I knew what it was. You know because I am a country boy I'm a country boy I'm a Hunter and I have guns and I've always had guns so I immediately knew what it was but I didn't put it that it was somebody from in the house like Ashley or sunny I thought somebody had came in the house. you know, like a Breakin So I immediately reached down and grabbed my handgun and started toward the door and something told me don't take your gun out there and of course you know you have these conversations with yourself really really fast like are you crazy I'm not going out there cuz I knew it was gunfire and I'm like I'm not going out there without some kind of protection. you know.

heard it again. pretty much you know don't take your gun out there, put it down so I Put the gun down and I kind of tossed it on the bed and headed out the door and when I got there I immediately saw Sunny standing there and he had a gun in his hand of course I didn't know where he got the gun because it was a Christmas present that I didn't know about. So I yelled at him I said sunny I said Put the gun down from who though. he was immediately obedient as he always was and he leaned down.

he put the gun down and I kind of grabbed him by his shirt and kind of sco wait but from who though it was for the dad pemer slung him over to the side up against the hallway there and I said you stand right here I said and do not move oh it was from the wife to the guy. probably he did he just stood there, he didn't say anything but he stood there so we went to check on Ashley that's when she went. This is all in a matter of inant seconds. I'm like Ashley Ashley because I see no I don't realize I'm still looking for like a firecracker damage I know this sounds strange but the mind you know like I'm still stuck on firecrackers.
It was at this point that Sunny's stepfather rushed back to the bedroom to find a cell phone and call for help that exact minute. I guess Sunny bends down picks up that gun again. it's on the ground. he's a little bit away from it I have pulled Ashley from the couch not being a I'm a tall gal but she was only about 5'5 lightweight.

but I trying to get her pull her from the couch and I realize he's so he's grabbed the gun. he runs to our bedroom. so I start scre oh my God this man runs through the house and runs to the bedroom Sunny You know when he took off to the bedroom and I turned around and I saw him go to the bedroom I started toward the door Sunny had ran around our bed to the furthest point away from the doorway. he was staring Straight Ahead at the door.

but he was trying to change the clip in the gun to change the magazine and the gun because he had shot everything out of the first clip. Whenever he was in the living room, he's holding the gun, he's holding both of the magazines in his hand and and he's not looking down to see what he's doing. And of course he had never. yeah, yeah, he corrected himself.

he said magazine after chat. Okay, stop it guys, it's a magazine CU I Saw the clip from a moist critical. Guys handled this gun before you know so by the time I ran over there, he pushed the magazine into the gun and he stuck the gun up to my chest from where I was at at this point in time I was up right in front of him you know and I was fixing to grab a hold of him and and he was just kind of staring straight ahead and he just started pulling the trigger. He had put the same magazine back in that he started with that was empty.

If he had gotten the right magazine I wouldn't be here today out of you know I definitely wouldn't have made it. and so I snatched the gun and everything out of his hands. What? I grabed him and just kind of walked him into the living room and set him on the little love seat and he was kind of looking over the living room where Nikki was still in there with Ashley on the floor. he's still in dad mode.

He says sit right there and don't move which is shocking to me because of the situation and the most wicked, horrible, whole heart, trembling, terrorizing thing happened. I I'm doing this and I look up he's he's trying to unlock the door. So then the police come and get a towel and I mean I'm frantic. his eyes are all the dark suddenly.
Now this is someone I've been with just 30 minutes. This is my son right? We've all been eating and snacking and on a video chat. Everything around here has become dark black and the the voice that comes out of the mouth says because I'm s I'm literally hysterical at this point I'm screaming what happened Ashley Answer me because there is no I Mean you would think if a whole clip right she would be, there would be blood right? there's none I'm screaming as what happened, what happened, what happened I hear the most darkest deep voice say she can't talk to you She's dead When police finally arrived to take control of the scene, they found bullets behind the couch and in the storage drawer beneath it. The gun was found in the master bedroom where Sunny's stepfather had left it after taking it from him, Police were put in the peculiar predicament of having both a suspect and weapon already established before they arrived.

As paramedics raced to save Ashley's life, Investigators arrested Sunny Kim and took him to be questioned before he learned his sister's fate. Please note that throughout the interview, police addressed Sunny by his middle name Christopher The following neverbe seenot footage has been analyzed by a qualified team, including a licensed professional counselor, a licensed clinical psychologist, and a licensed attorney. Sunny spends a good deal of his time waiting to speak with officers conversing with himself. While the audio isn't easily discernible, he appears to be talking about computers.

Yeah, was there to it was supposed to be I Think Supp supposed to be $5 mil for their s living uh mat speed 6 hey Christopher hey my name is Josh I'm coming Josh I'm investig with Columbia County How you doing man? Okay in Georgia a minor may be taken into custody during a lawful arrest Georgia Law states that a law enforcement officer taking a child or in this case 16-year-old Sunny into custody must promptly notify the parent, guardian, or legal custodian about why the child is being being brought into custody once in custody. If the police want to question the minor, they may do so without the parent present as there doesn't appear to be a definitive law that states parents must consent to interrogation of their minor child while police May interrogate the minor without parental consent. The court will still determine if any statements made under a Miranda waiver are admissible With this all in mind. Damn dude that that sounds crazy that they leave it up to the court.

whatever I mean I'm I'm guessing that that they okay, it's fine. The officer is free to get to the heart of the matter. He jumps right in and asks about the victim Sunny's sister Ashley tell me about your sister uh Ashley Kim uh I think she was 2022 she lived in Colorado she was she was Rec yeah she recently broke up, lost her job, broke up with boyfriend I who this, uh she move she came back over here for Christmas Okay, after attending a concert in Atlanta which she remembered 3 days ago. Something like that as far as actually goes, um, that's it I Any particular information Chillingly Sunny uses the past tense when discussing his sister even though he has no way of knowing her current medical status I mean has she been in town long? um, only for a few days.
When did she move out was about a year ago she got I the secretary yeah, secretary. paperwork stuff, paperwork stuff. boring stuff, right? Yeah, like that I understand the officer switches back to asking about Sunny just like when he was asked about his sister Sunny gives a superficial impersonal answer from what. I from what I GA you have a you have a job, you work, and you've already kind of graduated high school? Yes, Can you tell me a little bit about yourself 16 years old male.

Stating that he's 16 years old male is a highly atypical manner of speech and an indication that Sunny may be completely detached from what just happened with his sister since this description of himself seems to be made in third person. where did you go to? where did you go to High School uh I was some SP okay and then you uh, finished up and taking some classes at GMC Do you have a job where you work I got chat because I feel like there something that even happens in schools where they ask like yo tell us your name and present present yourself What? What? What do you say CH When people say present yourself, do you even know what to say I don't know what to say Most people that I know don't know what to say is they people just go like um I uh I uh I play games at the computer. Um, here's my name computer. It doesn't mean that it's been there a couple times.

Really nice, good, good service over there. Always been pleased with a a work that I know about. computers notice how intense his eye contact is. Normally this can be an indication that someone is watching to see if the other person accepts what they're saying, especially in the case of a lie as someone wants to see if they're being believed.

but Sunny has no reason to be looking for acceptance given what he's saying. Instead, this might indicate that he has some kind of social skills deficit and he's been taught to make eye contact rather than naturally making some eye contact is part of typical conversation. He comes across as robotic. So far here, we see the officer once again attempting to connect with Sunny on a personal level by establishing common ground and building Raor.

Just like before, though, Sunny doesn't appear to care and does not respond as the officer had likely hoped. With that technique rendered pointless, the officer is forced to ask Sunny more direct questions and his response is disturbing to say the least. I wanted to talk to you about the that happened tonight. Okay, can you walk me through everything that happened tonight? Christopher Kind of start: start at the beginning.
Uh so I suppose the beginning is yes, uh bit of pretext I suppose okay, uh. we had planned to get U my father new 1911 45 Tal pistol. uh about a week ago we picked up from academy. uh I we were hiding in my room and we could package it and put it under the tree.

uh basically. well this not yesterday night but U earlier couple hours ago coups. All right. this interaction all right CH I'm going to say cat, a bunch of na unhinge are going to get mad at me dude for talking about gun laws.

dude you know dude, the way that they have it here in Canada dude the the gun laws. Most of this would have been impossible if they if it was according to the to the sort of guidelines that um Canada has around how you locked the gun where you put the keys, how detached the bullets have to be the mag the gun the way they have to do all this every time we've seen things with guns, it seems like it would have been impossible to do any of this. um with that in place which is so simple and if people say it's my it's my amendments right? I Get the that's cool dude about forg about having a gun then you probably won't care that much about having detached Parts in your house and having certain guidelines around it. and you just won't care because that's just that's just how it is.

If you're going eni yes, you have your gun, you have whatever you want, but you just have to kind of be be safer about it which is not really a problem. Shows that Sunny may not be oriented to time, which could be considered typical given the stress of the situation he may not show any over. It's you saying it's impractical. Well, it seems that anything you said that it's impractical seems to be practical for somebody who wants to kill you instead or you to kill yourself with it.

That's see. That's that. That is something people often forget is that it's not because you have a gun that the gun is for is only for you, your name is not on it like guns will be used against you and that's just bro when on sence like vert signs of distress. but the way he described himself a couple of minutes ago plus his lack of awareness of exactly when he shot his sister are indications of emotional distress.

Uh, walked out of the room with the gun loaded F First magazine was be one of the extended grip. eight rounds in it. uh well was seven rounds in it and One in the Chamber and then second mag in my pocket. Uh, this one here was s rounds in it in your in your left pocket Yes, front pocket or back pocket? Uh, front pocket? uh I Also, I had a pair of gloves on.

Uh, yes, a pair of uh, work gloves is? these are classic gloves though Sunny is clearly a detail oriented guy as he describes his gloves sometimes suspects May provide these types of unnecessary details out of nervousness and their desire to cooperate with the interrogation process. Sunny must at least be aware that he's in trouble, so it makes sense that he wants to be cooperative at the same time. His mention of being male and the other details he's provided thus far could also give us a clue as to his personality type. possibly very rigid and perfectionistic.
after that I Walked out to the living room and I turned left I Saw my sister and I put about eight rounds into her chest. on hereo Sunny says is again. This also indicates his high degree of rigidity in Precision in the way he thinks and speaks. Sunny also maintains his highly formal and rigid manner of speaking, as if he was providing stepbystep instructions to someone or telling a story.

He's markedly detached from the actual event, His voice remains even, and he still is showing no signs of overt stress. Uh, after that, uh, my. both of my parents uh, ran from their bedroom door I came up St door held cl to G did Chad it seems to be a little bit maybe o overanalyzed, but I'm not going to go too over maybe I'm not going to go too crazy in details about it. it's just I feel like um, some events that happened in my life that maybe that bit traumatic.

The way that I recounted those events to myself and or or talk about it is almost exactly like that. My hands a meis me after they come out. uh mother my mother rushed to my sister's party. my father started calling 9 911 or 911 U The way that Sunny presents being being really out of touch with reality and definitely out of touch with emotions and empathy is similar to another case that of Michael Hernandez Michael told investigators that he wasn't angry when he killed his friend Haime Gof but that he wanted to try murder.

um I was planning to murder and is there any specific reason why you planned this? No, there's not. And this guy, uh yes. so the gun was left on the ground about 10 to 20 seconds after he' started calling. Uh, he walked away and I went for the gun and grabbed the Extra Magazine from my pocket.

However, I'm not very skilled in firearm so uh I didn't love the magazine correctly and was able to chamber around. Attempted to shoot my car once and then I sort of it. P Yes F ping the gun down and then try to shoot it again. not very good at firearm so I didn't I wasn't able to kill him, but after that that, uh yes, this took me I sat back down on the couch.

uh, waited for them to arrive. Um, basically the whole process of them, uh, tending to Sister RS I came back she was bed off on the ground. yes and then that's when the police arrived I was put in cups and carried up Squad guy and after that while after came. So his dad said that he loed the same mag by accident but he says that he load the correct mag but he just couldn't couldn't put it in properly.
What am I WR Sunny explains everything in a very distanced way, including his own arrest as if he's completely detached from the world around him. Depersonalization involves feeling detached from oneself as if observing one's thoughts, emotions, and actions from a distance. Fair enough. other include: feeling emotionally numb, disconnected from one's surroundings, and experiencing memory difficulties.

Sunny Makes no effort to hide his intentions either. He references his sister's body instead of calling her by name again at this point in time. Sunny doesn't know whether she's dead or alive. He also openly admits to trying to shoot his father twice.

He could have taken the opportunity to claim he had a change of heart in an effort to potentially look better, but instead admits that he wanted to and would have shot his father if the gun had not stopped working. Oh, unfortunately, there's no other information about why exactly the gun stopped working. Chillingly, he shows absolutely no remorse and continues to sound cold, detached, flat, and methodical. He might as well be describing how to put a computer together piece by piece.

When you were putting when you were putting the uh, the magazine into into the weapon and chambered around what? What? Were your? what was your plan? Uh, initially. uh, the my idea was uh, kill father, mother, sister in order of uh, thre. So for some reason though, I didn't go along with that I'm not sure suppose I didn't really act the way I was play. For some reason, Sunny ranks his family in order of threat.

It could be assumed that he means he intended to kill them in order of who was best equipped to disarm and stop him. Yeah, that's what you meant, but that isn't necessarily true. The the officer will have to follow up on this later. For now, though, he lets Sunny maintain his train of thought.

and it's important that the interrogator doesn't interrupt once they get a suspect talking. This is because it allows them to get their full, uninfluenced account of what happened and the interrogation only gets stranger. And uh, the idea was walk into the bedroom both B would by sleeping or resting your father CH mother and then walk out into the living room and kill her. uh you know that SM I forget the word but any that was the plan.

however as hum they miss a small thing right here. but I get the word but yeah it see it seems like he he kind of almost like rehearsed it, almost like he like he wrote it somewhere or he set on like a maybe like a like a video diary or something like that cuz he seems like he knows the word that was supposed to be there but he doesn't remember it. Get it hand however U as far as hum and me being human same same thing why I wore the gloves is because I figured my hands would get sweaty humans u n and such so I wor them so you know I would be able to maintain my grip on the weapon and such uh however uh still humans didn't act very smart way. uh basically unloaded all the rounds I meant to only put one or two in there but I don't know I never shots on before so they seemed like blanks I basically nothing I didn't could do was any understandable impact or anything.
so I I just kept on shooting and then after that put walked up to the and moved to the my P store and stood there with you know weapon in my right hand, right and then magazine left hand and I felt him ground ni Nicole Brazelle Sunny's mother ran an embroidery business out of the house teaching textile Arts to students his stepfather Allan had accepted Sunny like his own son Sunny's sister Ashley was known to be outgoing and had been enjoying her time at College in Colorado in the sixth grade Sunny asked his mother if he could drop out of school in large part because he felt bored. He was homeschooled for a while and at 13 he started working for a company who his mother had a contract with before working at a computer store. At 15, he started at the Georgia Military College where he completed High School classes alongside college classes. Altogether, they appeared to be the picture of a happy family.

In an exclusive interview Sunny talks about his childhood in more detail and about his relationship with his mother and sister. My biological father left the country and went to Soul Korea and my mother kept us a float tooth and nail and she fought for us prior of my incarceration. I was actively working at and taking classes at TMC and I was I Suppose living a good life I was always provided for I was always taking care of and I had Ling parents every step of the way and she got us out of dead. eventually we were, you know, a stable household she met Allan and he's a great guy I I have had a really wonderful set of parents I don't think I could have asked for I owe everything to them every pretty much everything good in my life they've been responsible for in some way, shape or form Ashley was uh, the bigger sister.

she had the kindest heart out of all of us. actually got a lot of our kindness I'm not sure what I got I lean on her a lot for a lot of things she was. Between her and my mother, they were the only two stable things I really had in my life as could always come through and she was always put together I could always trust her judgment wait say she had a real heart I Love that he was her favorite out of everybody and she favorite they had the most in common. They were both very smart, very high iq's yet Sunny manages to erase all of that personality and all of that love in the interrogation room.

This clinical and detached way of speaking appears to be a symptom of depersonalization, which is closely related to dissociative Amnesia and dissociative identity disorder two very serious mental illnesses. Okay, that's tough, but all okay. listen Jack guys I'm not professional chat but I think what I'm say has value here. Since he did get incarcerated though, he could have modified his speech and his vision and the way he sees these things right to a p certain way after the fact.
or maybe he's he got like therapy or some like that and he sees things in a different way than than before when he was in this integration. That's just how it is like there's no anger here, no emotion at all and no indication that he had major issues with his family. It's almost like he was possessed and is now just describing what he saw. He's speaking like the lights are on but nobody's home.

I suppose I just saw her and I not didn't recognize her as but shot the first person I saw I suppose m u not reaction obviously actually didn't Not the way I intended to I didn't make enough room or take into account you know the way humans act right being mainly me as far as humans go. So with sunny so forth coming regarding the details of the crime, the investigator seeks to confirm what Sunny's stepfather Alan Brazelle told them about the crime when your father went to chase after you uh in the bedroom. what bedroom was that was the? It was the largest bedroom. it's the master bedroom, the one where they sleep.

Okay so yeah, had a large king-sized bedroom and and you told me that you had at that point in time you had he had dropped the weapon and then and then you reached down and picked it up about 20 seconds. Uh, it was about 2 3 ft, about a meter away from me. so I ran from the C grabed it and then ran off and then take the magazine from my pocket and what were you trying to do when you ran away? uh my plan was to grab the weapon and load the magazine and shoot my father and then shoot my mother. okay and your father and caught you in the bedroom and you did not have a chance to load the magazine at that point in time or what happened at not load a MAG into that he was never going to be able to load bullet into this piece of they not absolutely zero shot as was going to do anything with that I I fumed with it and I did load it into the gun.

not all the way though, right? so I wasn't able to pull back the ham all the way. uh so I slide back all the way. uh the second time after I fainted, uh putting the gun down after he told me you know, don't do it Etc uh after I put it back I tried to uh send the magazine back in with the back of my wrist about here right? uh and then pull slide back. however that didn't uh solve it either.

So uh he ended up uh, taking firearm way to me and walked back to the Liv room. did uh, did you attempt to pull the trigger while he was coming at you? Yes okay both times both times at both time it it failed to fire right? Okay and that's when your father caught up with you and and took the weapon from you. did you say anything to them after that or or what happened after after he got the weapon from me? uh after that uh I basically he walked ran back into the living room. uh Put the gun down on the ground uh cross the living room away from the couch where I sitting which is red I believe my parents parents called it was a red couch I knew and he placed it on the other side and then helped my mother in attending with my sister's W after he put the Garden on the ground I did consider either running to my room where there was a or running for the gun bro I was I was why didn't they he like like tie him up or some like Jesus Christ dude I didn't act him either so I figured my chances were low of getting out of the gun so I didn't think it was wor it with Sunny's confession recorded in more than sufficient DET What? after he put the gun down the ground I did consider either running to my room where there was a little child wait wait wait wait What? the I did consider either should I stream or not? Dude, why did they blur his? why did they blur out his rank? Dude, they they didn't blur his I am I'm op ging chat I'm I'm going full brain dead mode silver one guys, is that actually him? but nah the pro picture is different.
They no way the same guy get no, it's same guy right? his name is half blurred. Oh is is he missing I mean it's same capitalization though. Guys, it's the same capitalization though. I'm confused Anyway, running to my room where there was a shotgun or running for a gun.

However, I didn't act on either. so I figured my chances were low of getting either done. So I didn't think it was worth it. With Sunny's confession recorded in more than sufficient detail, we can now tackle the question of why Sunny decided to undertake such unprovoked violence.

What were you thinking about? What? What made you want to kill your sister and your parents tonight? What's been going on? Um, m is been pretty good actually. uh I've got a job. had classes it's going pretty well. Uh yeah.

I uh. nothing really is bad been happening to me. Pretty good. nothing bad.

you just wanted to do it. What? the I had classes? Yeah I uh nothing really is bad been happening to me. Pretty good. nothing bad.

you just wanted to do it. Uh, not even wanted I just did. F Let's back up. excuse me.

A few minutes ago we were talking about when you were loading the uh, the putting the rounds in the magazine and then loading that magazine into your weapon and you said that the initial plan was to go to your parents room and then shoot them first and then go into your Liv in room where your sister was and then shoot her. What made you deviate from that plan I don't know I when I I first saw my sister and the first thought I suppose was I don't know uh I I was supposed to go to my parents room and until uh father and mother but I saw my sister and for some reason I don't know why I un the magazine. Is there any reason why you'd want to? Why you want to kill everybody I mean did they they hurt you? No. Have they made life miserable for you, They abusive to you physically, none whatsoever There, There is no reason for it.
Just think in two words: Sunny provides what could be very important information I'm actually if he had been abused as a child, this may give some insight into his detached Behavior as ongoing physical abuse is often the accepted explanation behind pathological dissociative Behavior or disorders. This could be in reference to Sunny's biological father who was allegedly neglectful, but Sunny doesn't elaborate so the officer tries honing in on a different part of the crime. What made you want to kill your mother and father? There wasn't really any motivation for it actually. uh.

one thing. Oh yeah, no mind. I told you about, uh, trying to shoot my father and then failing. Try to again, no mind.

But as far as motivation for killing my parents, uh, none really existed. Uh, my father did a lot of the chores. My mother worked quite hard at her job, my mother, her job. I They we all had a relatively good life.

I'll muted Did you get a sense of satisfaction when when this was going on? Uh, no. I didn't really feel anything and your mother was tending to your sister's wounds. Like you said, and you were considering when she was asking me, why did you do it no I didn't really feel anything and your mother was tending to your sister's wounds. Like you said, and you were considering when she was asking me, why did you do it She did that a number of times.

Yeah, I'm sure. um, what was running through your mind when when she said that at the moment the only thing that I was thinking of really was either begun and then I and then after after you know I gun of shotgun in my room passed through my mind. I didn't really think of much, was just sort of you were you were still in your plan mode of can I get a weapon and kill mom and dad. Is that what you were thinking? Did that make you happy? Uh no.

I I Didn't it make you sad? No I didn't really feel much. It just sort of happened. Do you have any idea why it just happened? Uh n this gu. he's not saying everything.

he's trying to look like he's being deliberate about it. He's not I feel like if he had this whole plan in his head to carry out and he felt like that after the first kill whatever. then then why was he still thinking about going going for the other gun? Why was he still think about all this these other things Then it doesn't make sense. It doesn't add up at all.

Not really. Sunny's answer of not really here is interesting. He actually seems to not understand it himself. No, I was going to say that not itself DET my family I just did for no reason.

but having had weapons in my room for basically one or two years now that's you know I've had the opportunity for a while. Why did you decide tonight? uh tonight was I suppose it was a bit spontaneous. yeah I thought it six days till Christmas or something like that. but uh, that mother my my mother would comeing in you know, back together the next day or something along the sign.
so I figured the likelihood of her wrapping G next day is fairly High soed it now I still have access to the even though Sunny's rationale for committing the crime tonight is disturbing, it still doesn't entirely make sense. Even if the gun had been wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree, Sunny would have still had access to it and multiple other Firearms he could have used in the attack. Is this something you thought about doing for a while or is this something that you've been thinking about for the past couple minutes? It was sort of impulsive and not really something I've considered before here. Sunny expresses an impulsive element to his actions, which supports the fact that he may struggle to differentiate between his thoughts and the reality of acting out his thoughts.

What ultimately made you decide to to shoot your sister in the chest I don't know something in my I can't remember what was something in my mind basically lefted to me uh, loading the gun and that what was doing something interesting happens when Sunny tries to talk about what was going through his mind in the moments before the shooting. Well spoken up to this point Sunny starts to stumble over his words, giving only partial thoughts and attempting to start a sentence over something in my I can't remember what was something in my mind Bic Let to me, when he isn't able to describe what he thought or felt, he reverts the talking about the physical details. uh, but basically up loting the gun and after the gun was loaded in my bedroom I walked out and I suppose at that point I don't know what I was thinking but I suppose I just shot I don't really have much of an explanation Okay, what emotions were running through you when this was going on? Nothing much. were you happy, were you sad or what? I did you kind of stood there I suppose Okay, the stuttering and stumbling over emotional words is likely a sign of anxiety.

So he Retreats back into the world of dissociated details. This could be due to a lack of comfort or understanding of emotions to begin with killing your family. It's it's wrong, dude. I Here here's here's my my thought: no we ask more.

Here's what I think happened in in this situation. He just he just rethought about the event and he remembers what he was thinking about at the time and he just forgot his recollection so he just he. he knows he knows someone in his head as he explaining it but he doesn't remember at this point. It's why he's stumbling is and didn't you think you were going to get in trouble if that was to happen? Yes I was certainly going to be apprehended by the authorties.

Okay, but you still went through with it anyways. Yes, why I don't know. Uh, either it was out of curiosity, boredom, or something else. Chillingly, curiosity or boredom could have very well been the case as Sunny admits.
although he seems to lack empathy, there's a degree of self-awareness here. When a person lacks empathy, there is little to no attention placed on how another person would feel. The presence of empathy is critical because it is in large part what directs moral decision making. Without it, someone like Sunny may just act on impulse or out of sheer curiosity or boredom.

Sunny identifies over and over that he doesn't understand why he did this. It's just sort of happened I don't really Either it's either I don't remember or I'm suppressing memory or there is no reason being. T There's not really much of a reason you knew you were going to get in trouble. You knew it was wrong, You knew you were going to get caught, but you didn't care.

Uh, yes. Altogether, the detective interviewing Sunny has acquired a significant amount of evidence. The only remaining missing puzzle piece is the motive with enough material to charge. Sunny the question of his motive will be left to be UNC covered during trial.

All right, well give me just one minute. I'll be right back. Okay, after the officer leaves, Sunny immediately goes back to talking to himself. Well, no see, the 1060 would be I faking it as just cring.

Oh no no yeah, we moved on from it was Enzo no not Enzo Uh, that's what it's called. that's a new game for GD 4 know it was. Yes. so for a bit of age, bro.

I Haven this I think do we watch this all the time? I I it's just so cringe sort of. But I know it only takes 3 minutes for the officer to return and tells Sunny What charges he will officially be facing. All right. Christopher You all going to be arrested? Okay, You be arrested for murder, murder for your sister, aggravated assault on your father for trying to shoot him as well, and then possession of a weapon here, the commission of a felony.

Okay, you expected all that though. Correct? Yes, Okay, well we're going to move forward with the charges and I want to let you know that that's as of right now, what you're going to be charged with. Okay, so just hang tight, someone to be with you shortly and we'll get this underway as far as getting you transported to the jail and books and everything like that. Okay, okay, all right tragically.

Ashley Kim succumbed to her injuries before the paramedics arrived. Emergency Services attempted to resuscitate her, but they were unsuccessful. She was declared dead on the scene shortly after Sunny was arrested. In our conversation with Sunny's parents, they remembered their daughter fondly.

She was the pretty girl that was unmistakably not a mean girl. Yeah, she wasn't a mean girl. She had a good heart. There's a lot of people that spoke at her funeral that said, you know Ashley didn't have to be nice to me, but she did.
She didn't hold grudges. she was a free bird, free spirit. She was a free spirit. She was full of love.

You know love's the greatest power and she was full of love. She was. She was very. She was very kind, very loving.

Like I said everybody loved actually absurd things. Oh she had a she had a terrible sense of humor about like what is it called a dark sense of humor. She had the darkest sense of just like the most morbid things. her and a sister of mine too.

She loved morbid. That's the thing I miss most about. like her laughing cuz she would giggle about like things that she's somebody you couldn't sit next to at a funeral bro. I I don't know.

You guys say there's something wrong about her and like that and you guys are like making about her like brother, brother. these are parents one and then so you don't know what that's like probably and then two suffered loss and Trauma you don't know that's like either probably in that that gravity both these things combin. she might be smiling and laughing CU she has thoughts of of of of her daughter and reminds her of good things and positive things. probably the only positive thing she has in her life going on and makes her happy to think about that while she's talking about it.

You know girl, you could not over there because you had me laughing. Everyone's gonna be looking at me Ashley Loved people. She saw the goodness in people. She really really did so many times.

Matter of fact, she's who helped me forgive my ex-husband because I felt like he had really bailed on us. She was like he wasn't ready to be a dad mom. She had such a forgiving spirit in her giggle I always will never forget her giggle I thought I would at one point I was grieving. she had a funny Giggle and she had love and to honor her memory I' I choose love I choose to forgive everyone who's made a mistake.

not I think me lagging, not them, just sunny I choose to live Ashley's Joy cuz she had Joy because she chose forgiveness because you know that's weighty. An autopsy confirmed Sunny's claim that he had shot Ashley eight times. she had wounds on most parts of her body except for her head, including her arms, legs, and chest. Despite the extent of her injuries, her death was not immediate.

It was determined that Ashley's lungs had filled with blood and she'd perished while her parents attempted to administer CPR before the ambulance arrived. However, her injuries were so severe that it was unlik likely Ashley could have survived even if help had arrived sooner while their parents were likely grieving the massively traumatic death of one child at the hands of another Sunny remains unbothered as ever after learning of his sister's demise. Sunny simply checks his watch and goes back to talking with himself is proba kind of this guy by way. Windows 10 sure I can information even if it's not tell you when I can't because we've seen some blender blender show.
it's got animation U mapping and even when officers arrive to take him to jail, he remains stoic hand behind small. R Christoper these? uh, this? Deputy that's right behind you. He's going to take you up to our jail, get your fingerprint in process and get the uh, get the jail PA work started on your charges. Okay being your stuff right.

With Sunny detained, experts were left to ponder his blatantly absent motive. There seemed to be no reason for him to shoot and kill Ashley and then attempt to kill a stepfather Allen So yeah, she was uh, my Mor compass and my my SEC net and big sister. All that experts could not come up with a full explanation for his actions. But they did develop a theory.

It was possible that Sunny's abrupt outof character violence was possibly caused by a psychotic episode he didn't realize for a long time. it was probably 8 months maybe before he even realized it. Most people will not like my answer, but the Sunny that night when this happened was my son's body, but it was not his Spirit Sunny was not. There was there ever any kind of emotion on his face not for year and a half and I and it was bad enough that he basically while he was in the juvenile hall you Wai and trial he had no taste.

Everything tasted like burning plastic. He had a psychological snap. something happened. they to explain to us later that everyone tasted like burning plastic I mean out of respect for them in their loss I'm not I'm not going to have a take on it but I I feel like it's I feel like it's little bit of like deny and they want to say the best in your child whatever but at the same time like dude I'm just saying like all the food he was eating, the only thing he could eat was plain Dry Cereal that's what he lived on Sunny apparently told a psychologist that his memory of the murder felt like watching someone else or looking into a parallel.

Dimension I felt like the strings had been cut. lack of a better word. This is the textbook definition of a depersonalization episode. although a psychotic episode is a possibility Sunny isn't showing any indication of psychosis in the interrogation room.

He may be talking to himself, but this could be due to stress or nervousness. It's not sufficient to conclude that he's psychotic. Sunny shows no signs of delusional thinking and he doesn't seem to be responding to hallucinations. His thought process is logical and coherent.

Overall, though, he demonstrated indications of a developmental delay like autism spectrum disorder. Typically psychotic episodes are preceded by changes in Behavior behavior that would have been evident to his parents or other adults. though this is not always the case. Sunny and Ashley's parents once again weigh in on this incredibly complicated aspect of the case.
And the thing I want people most to know is I know a lot of people have said since this has happened, you know, well what about Ashley and and you know why can you still be loyal to your son I'm loyal to my son because like I said, he was not there. It was not done in some kind of malicious intent. There was no fight, there was no argument, there was no fuss. there was only love between him and his sister.

There was nothing crazy going on, nothing funny going on. It was just unbelievable that it happened and it's hard for me to even believe it now, even though I was probably the best witness AB that was there the whole night that actually saw I actually saw the most, heard the most, pretty much knew the most cuz I knew what was going on from the sounds I knew what it was and I was stuck by Sunny me and his his mom have stuck by Sunny First off because we love him and he's our son and we'd stick by him anyway. this was not something that you know was like in a fit of anger or it was not a planned out thing that you know that he hated her or he was jealous of her or any of the stuff that they tried to say. They tried to say that he was jealous because she was outgoing and he wasn't I was a single mom and my ex-husband I didn't have money and he this wonderful man wasn't in my life yet and I think back about the time she had to babysit because I couldn't afford a babysitter and be at my shop because she babysat him.

He hold so many character traits of her and I know other people want him destroy, but he's all I have left of her. Additionally, while awaiting trial at Regional Youth Detention Center Sunny reportedly harmed himself multiple times by by slamming his head into the wall and biting himself so hard that he broke a tooth. Eventually, he was diagnosed by several doctors with aspergers along with undisclosed disorders that are similar to Schizophrenia. As a result of this potential diagnosis, Sunny's defense team attempted to have his confession dismissed, claiming that it was not given when he was of sound mind.

The judge ruled that while the diagnosis could be valid, a psychotic episode or any of Sunny's other diagnosis would not impede his intelligence. He allowed the video of Sunny's interrogation to be played in full. The Brazils were not pleased by this decision and maintained that some aspects of The case were mishandled from the beginning. Few minutes later, an investigator showed up and he was explaining the situation to me.

He said you know we're going to take him down he said but we can't speak to him until his parents get there. You and your wife get there. It's crazy they they put him in the car I never saw saw that but I was in the front yard right so they had already put him in the car by this time they said you know they explained that they had to take him you know to I guess Columbia County jail or whatever it was So they took him to jail and uh said as soon as we finish up here and said you know we're going to call you and you'll have to come down so we can interview him, your son But as you saw in the earlier footage, neither parent was present for Sunny's interrogation. But by 8:00 we we realized they're not going to talk to us at all and so it's weeks before we can get any conversation with them.
They they even to get Sunny a public defender because he had. he went into the indictment with no attorney No Parental support nothing. He was in there on his own but we were begging to try to go but they wouldn't let us. It was probably what a year later before we actually saw the video.

The first court session that we went to, we immediately started calling the police department and pretty much you know got no answer. They wouldn't really tell us anything, they told us that we couldn't talk to them because they charged him as an adult and do you know that they didn't even give him a public defender for 4 weeks? Ultimately, in July of 2019 Sunny pleaded guilty by reason of mental illness, to murder, aggravated assault, and two counts of possession of a firearm. He was sentenced to life in prison plus 25 years but will be eligible for parole in 30 years because he was convicted by reason of mental illness. He will continue to receive psychological counseling during that time.

Sunny's parents continue to stand by him and despite the terrible tragedy, the family has remained close and he tells us all the time that he is very aware and very grateful that we are still his parents and that we love him and support him because he knows that there are a lot of people in there that lost all of their family ties and everything. Whenever whatever they did happened he Treasures it he said I want yall to know yeah I'm an outside of chat but you know Sorry Zero dude z7 D for murderer Andes man that guy oh he said you can't ever know He said how much appreciate it everything he said of that Still my mom and dad. you Still support me. You never threw me away.

You know you never. He says he works so hard in there every day to be worthy of that. right? In our exclusive interview, we asked Sunny if he remembered the day of his sister's death I do Yes, it was terrifying. For me.

it's the strangest feeling. It probably sounds ridiculous I know it will. but when I walked into my room the second I walked through my door frame, there was a shift is something different I couldn't really think my body was moving by, wasn't able to think. we asked how long it took for him to start processing what happened.

I I think I'm still struggling with it to this day, but I suppose for the vast majority of it I didn't speak for those first here. Yes I believe in mental illness I get that a lot. Okay, a lot people like to Corn themselves into into this corn and say yeah, but guys, midal illness guys. but yeah guys.
I'm depressed though. but guys. but I'm I'm anxious guys I I I Okay, millions and millions and millions of people on earth have Mle illnesses. Not all them are killers and ended up killing people you wad I hate this stupid ass mentality of because I'm depressed guys I can go out and do crazy lot people struggle, lot people are in Eternal pain lot people cannot even live with themselves.

Okay and they don't go out and kill people and do mass murder sometimes you degenerator. what's wrong with you? Four months when I was at the Juvenile Detention Center uh I Still don't really know what to think. There's these times when I've broken down about it, but my brains like won't let me me process it like every time I try and think about it I still haven't fully process what's happened I know empirically what's happened. But to this day I don't understand why it happened with this yo he didn't have Schizophrenia.

that's what they said. He said that he was. he was. he had other things that are undisclosed in the in the Uh sector of D u whatever it's called Dsv what the like a classification that that is, Um, straight up Schizophrenia.

That is not what they said. Response in mind. we DMV there asked Sunny if he worried that a similar incident could happen again if he was released. Yes, absolutely okay.

it's always there. But I was kind of eager to accept a plea deal Already kind of consoled myself with the thought that I'll be spending the rest of my life in prison and I'm okay with that. and I I don't really know if I want to be around my loved ones. Knowing that something like this could happen on a lighter topic, we ask Sunny to tell us a bit about his life now and what his days look like.

We normally eat breakfast at about 7:00 in the morning. For me, that's when I wake up. My activities used to be different I used to teach a math class, but nowadays mostly I just have self-studies uh, write a few stories like to read I used to be really active going to the library, you know? uh I've lost a lot of that now and uh, most my days are just spent idling I suppose we asked Sunny what people could learn from his circumstances and he offered us some remarkable Insight If you do have a family member, a friend, son, daughter, child, whatever that is experiencing symptoms of disassociation, right? If they're too withdrawn from their environment or their surroundings important that they be associated with something in the world, it's important to not let people will get too. Fu On our final question was about Ashley and what Sunny would like all of us to know about her.

She was one of those rare people in the world that cared out of her heart and she didn't do things out of some desire for potential gain. or B she cared for everyone irregardless of whether or not she knew them. I have a lot of great memories of my sister I'd say if there was one thing I'd want to remember is that she was. she was the kind of people that is very rare.
genuinely cared about people around them I love it for it I love it for it. Now now that I can truly appreciate what it means, we want to extend the utmost gratitude to Alan and Nicole Brazelle for being so open and for allowing us to share their side of this heartbreaking case. true I enjoyed the video IO the video. sorry um a lot of people are Mis interpreting I said earlier.

it's kind to make me M so I'm not going to R about it. Okay, you guys are juming to to the conclusion: the person was mentally ill when it happened. The person was okay, they evaluated him, the guy didn't have any pre-existing or current. um things that are like pretty out there in s of mental illness.

It wasn't the psychosis, it was whatever. it wasn't the these these big ly that other Killers have right? No he didn't no he did not. oh my God yeah I'm over it. this this F about dead I'm over it.

no he did not. no he did not. they didn't even after even after he he had like a couple things L down the line, you don't know if they developed like that. you don't know if that was after the fact.

You don't know if he developed some of these things after these things with the the impact that end up having having on them. Maybe his own uh uh, processing of trauma of his own Deeds of his own things end up becoming something you don't know that you have no idea. but as far as you can tell, there wasn't a lot of things that were happening before even happened or during it like holy dude, you're you're not. You guys are losing your minds they said in the video he aren even listening.

By xQcOW

11 thoughts on “When a 160 iq teen snaps xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @violetb.4270 says:

    i was a 160 iq teen

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @unCrownD says:

    chat is unbearable I think they feel challenged by the fact that the kid's IQ is higher than theirs so they are constantly looking for things to nitpick at. they use the guise that they hate him for being a murderer in order to throw insults at his intelligence which is what they really wanted to do.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @chiragkushwaha254 says:

    Child underage, child obedient, shoots sis, failed to load gun, failed twice ko kill father, failed to kill parents, one childs dead, one child in lock up, parents together, seems happy. Child Obideint.

    Fishyyy 🤔

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jloran244 says:

    Kid is clearly special, I hate the channel describing the criminal psychology, completely glossing over this fact. JCS would have done a better job.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dominikcygan2664 says:

    the title is XQC every single stream

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @balleiballei9209 says:

    if we really want to know "Why?" its really simple, he was immature and was curious cause he is detached to emotions that cant be conclusive, and in a lack of material to think, empathy and mostly desire to overthink he just did it…. regret would not be any problem, as a stoic, higly intelligent psycopath, he knows he cant get back and he knows he cant stop time, so he probally will just exist till he dies, even if he get a breakpoint, at this point he wouldnt do anything even to himself

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @itslitgamestv6827 says:

    maybe after his biological father left, he felt like he could no longer feel attached to others because they could leave. And his sister maybe had a great relationship with the stepfather.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @novy1198 says:

    this chat is so out of the earth omfg does literally nobody there had a normal conversation with another human being??? smile or laugh is usually a defense mechanism, there are things that are so terrifying to the point where we just cant believe it is truth, we smile and pretend its not real. also about dispathers being calm, they have a shitton of those calls and thats their job to be the one thats calm, there's no need for screeming or being too emotional (if what you heard was really scary, you can go cry later, i knew few people that worked in this shit) and also there's more than one people working with it obviously, one's talking to the person, second calling police and others and there's sometimes third one but i forgot what that person does

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Nicaveli says:

    they were looking for any way for them not to lose both children

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ssbbsonic1 says:

    chat losing its shit when the camera pans over a League screen sent me💀

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dechatdepain1869 says:

    sorry but if your sitting in a interigation room your not smart i dont care lol

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