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Princess to an has evolved from a bubbly pink pop princess to an edgy, dark and honestly confusing artist. You know what? Chat off the bat you guys Right off the bat I'm going to say I don't agree. Flat out you guys this: we're 6 seconds into the video and I don't I don't agree Sir Mr Cow will the saath never happen I I Don't agree guys I justed listen to guys. listen I'm not I don't want to be like oh guys I was there before but I L Len to her way her old old old old music what back I used to um I maybe cringe I used to research like uh, electronic music and I get into like music that like kind of uh, not very popular right I like research music because to find new songs and I found really good Doo Cat songs and I really like I really liked it like this one I thought about this before and she wasn't like this nice bubbly princess type.

you know? um well DOA Cat has evolved from a bubbly pink pop princess to an edgy, dark and honestly confusing artist. Now, celebrities as famous as Dojacat are held to standards that are near impossible to meet. But what happens when a celebrity just gives up, disregards all societal standards and starts acting in a way where you have no idea if what you are looking at is real or fake? We have to acknowledge from the beginning that everything in Doic Cat's career could be one orchestrated marketing stunt, or we could actually be witnessing someone descending into madness. Doat superpower is that she knows the internet very well.

She knows what type of humor the internet will gravitate to. She knows what will cause controversy and she has continuously exploited that throughout her career. She obtained this knowledge by being essentially raised by the internet I definitely didn't like to leave my room I Don't know if I was a gorap phobic, but I definitely thought that I was. At the time, it was very, very hard for me to go outside.

According to DOA, she would skip school for days at a time, spending endless hours in various online chat rooms. She claims that she was often a victim of online bullying, but this allowed her to develop a thick skin and join in on the fund through her own offense of rhetoric. Remind me a bit of Michaela but um, Michaela's like a better M though person who would often make offensive jokes and do things sort of out of the box. from the slapstick comedy of E-bombs world to the hyperconnectivity of Myspace as well as the edgy Politically Incorrect Depths of Forchan DOA developed a fascination with internet culture, but this time in her life would later come back to haunt her.

I was very into finding underground artists that wrapped it was maybe around 11th grade that I figured that this is what I really wanted to do. Performing in music was all I ever cared about. She eventually dropped out of school at 16 and spent all of her free time making music and sharing it online. Her track so high was uploaded November of 2012 which would eventually change her life.

The only time Doo would leave her house was to network with other musicians in the underground La Scene: Verbs: a rapper, promoter and radio host in La helped book Doa's first ever show at an event he founded dubbed Guys you can you can literally go to my SoundCloud it's on my likes in like I was it was it like 2016 15 bro it's on my SoundCloud likes. it's literally it's l there the banana showcase. we like yourness. Why you always buy that fly, why you got to check them Tiant and why you shut it down like Hydrant.
Although most of you know DOA as a pop star. she was initially trying to be a rapper when they were developing her. I was like a live performance coach and rap coach. verbs recalled I would play her hella hip-hop videos and we'd freestyle.

She was phenomenal. She didn't really need me but I just happened to be there Yeti Beats was a producer that heard so high and was blown away. He connected DOA with industry Executives resulting in DOA signing with Kimosabe Records, an imprint of RCA Records founded by record producer and songwriter. Dr Luke While she was just 17 years old, this deal also came with a temporary artist management partnership with Rock Nation through Kimo Saab Dojo released her debut EP with the tracks wait, that sounds terrible.

What? Hold up, Go back this While she was just 17 years old, this deal also came with a temporary artist management partners ship with Rock Nation through Kimo Saab Dojo released her debut EP her Isn't it usually bad? CH To have like management linked with a a like like a sponsor Like a something like. Isn't that like a a link between the two? Really bad. Usually that's terrible. Yeah, What? The With the track so High being re-released as her solo commercial B single, it seemed like Doo was about to explode into the mainstream, but signing with Dr Luke was a mistake she could have never foreseen in 2014.

Dr Luke gained widespread media attention after Kesha filed a lawsuit against him. She accused Dr Luke of sexual, physical and emotional abuse over the course of several years starting when she was 18. She also claimed that Dr Luke was intentionally sabotaging her career. Kesha also sought to be released from her recording contract with Kimosabe Records.

This case was huge news with #f Free Kesha becoming a movement on social media. Coincidentally, Doac Cat's career came to a screeching Hal as soon guys I always This always saided me because K Kesha was up next. Okay, she was was making bangers after after bangers and after that nothing happened and for years we didn't know what was going on. you know? So whenever I I heard about that uh it was hard for me to like kind of cook her for the bad music she was producing after that cuz I was like I mean at that point it's whatever u I mean can't cook her for As Kesh's lawsuit was filed, rapper W wanted to take DOA on his 30 City Simply Nothing tour across the USA giving her some much needed exposure to a mainstream audience, but she had to pull out because she didn't have the support of her label now.
Dojo Never made any allegations against Dr Luke but is is it a stretch to assume that Dr Luke was more focused on fighting this lawsuit than helping his new s with her career because Doo took a 3 and 1 half year break from releasing music in the music industry. They call this being shelf which is when a label signs you, holds you in a contract, but doesn't do anything to help your career metaphorically putting you on a shelf to collect dust. She kept money rolling in by doing whatever live performance is possible like doing a mini tour with the Felus London in 2015 as well as a short tour with Lizo in 2017. DOA even turned down a feature on Billy Ish's 2017 hit single Belly Ache Fans would see DOA often on Periscope Live Cooking Up Songs in her bedroom, but she had no intentions on releasing them until 2018.

Her comeback in 2018 involved her ditching the rapper career path and aesthetic. She instead followed the typical pop star formula of selling sex through music. She debuted tracks like Roll With Us Go To Town and Candy along with her 13 track album Amala but a lot of these songs fell on deaf ears. Kimosabe Records didn't do any marketing for her, didn't get her interviews, nor were they putting her on major festivals.

She was watching her career fly by and reach because because standard marketing doesn't work as good as new modern marketing these days these days if you think is catchy, memeable and and good to be on a Tik Tok that's your marketing. That's how she gets out there. It is what it is. Dude guys guys, guys, just look at Gunner The industry was pretty much against him.

Everybody was against him. Everybody was calling him a like that right and then and then he made this album and that one song Went hard because it was memeable. it was. It was on a bunch of Tik toks, bunch of memes and then end the you meem.

everybody sing everybody. Everybody knows it. Yeah, because it's just it was meable. It was.

It was very it was catchy like that. Boom done No, No need for marketing. it markets itself. a moment where she had nothing left to lose one night on an Instagram Live with her Core Group of 60 fans watching, she made a masterpiece meme that would change her life.

Producer: Troy NOA Sent her a sample of West Montgomery's polka dots and moon beams, asking her to make a beat for his album. At the time, she just received a cow costume in the mail DOA Hopped on Instagram Live and began writing Moo with her fans 6 hours later DOA and her fans wrote a song about her being a cow, but the silly song needed a silly music video. I Opened up photo booth on my laptop and used the green screen feature with a green sheet that I hadn't used since I was 12 that was buried in the depths of my closet I tacked it to a wall with a hammer right over my mirror and used some LED Christmas lights to light everything. The crappy lighting and terrible quality green screen combined with a song that is intentionally bad was the perfect thing to release in summer of 2018 when we were at the peak of the Lil PK Yeah, hold up, hold up.
it's not about the it's not about the video and the guys guys in know. In all the fairness, this video doesn't really highlight the boobies going up and down into the video. Bad was the perfect thing to release in summer of 2018 when we were at the peak of the Lil Pump Bad Baby Lil Xan Boon Gang W Vicky Patty Lil Instagram Clout Wave Doic Cat's Moo music video fit right in this universe because people thought she was just a new quirky YouTuber who had a green screen and got bored. The music video for Moo garnered over 5 million views in 2 weeks and went extremely viral on every social media platform.

But when people look deeper, they realized she was an extremely talented pop artist with a record deal who had an entire album she just released a few months ago. Most people who go viral are not ready for a full-blown music career. DOA was more prepared than ever and she was able to immediately capitalize on it. But first, she had to make some apologies.

Some of her old tweets resurfaced of her using to which she immediately responded by admitting she has used the word over 15,000 times in her life, then saying I don't think I hate gay people Gay is okay. Obviously this didn't go over well and she issued a more formal apology the next day. This had no impact on her career and momentum, but it would not be the last time she would have to apologize for her past. Now that she went viral on her own, her label decided to support her.

She embarked on a 23 City Tour 1 month later and was finally getting interviews from Billboard Genius and Vlad TV She rolled out a big single alongside Rico Nasty called Tia Tamara which maintained a light-hearted and fun approach to her music. DOA Understood that fans love the satire and goofiness of Moo, but she ultimately wanted to be taken seriously. as a musician. a lot of artists that blow up off memes have a hard time being taken seriously, but the music industry was craving more female talent and DOA was ready to fill that.

Niche her debut single, Juicy Guys at the time at the time, things were certain away. Do you really think that everybody knew all this context, historical context how loaded those words were when you're like 14, 13 and in in in the high world of course not imagine me, brother, brother I was French Canadian Guys three quarters of the words I used I didn't know what they meant I just use them because I knew the context and I would just use it. not the bad words. any words it could be any words at all I would go back to school and we had to write like little like little paragraphs in school and half the words of my in my English class I didn't know what they meant but I just I was S I thought yo and I got good grades for it dude I'm not getting alongside Tiger Debuted at number 83 on 100, her first entry on the charts.
It would eventually peek at number 43 due to various Tik Tok Trends associated with the track. Her second studio album, Hot Pink was an overtly girly, bubbly, sexy record that complimented her fun energy while still remaining professional. Say so wasn't rolled out as a single but sparked a dance trend on. Tik Tok all the biggest influencers like Charlie Demilio and James Charles helped Skyrock brother I was guys I was like I was like eight years old okay in English class and I would type like I was playing the game and I killed that for the flag and I won like brother I was bro I'm not kiding I was I was R like this I had no idea what it meant what Tell You song The popularity prompted a remix featuring Nicki Minaj.

As it gained steam, she tweeted if Sayo hits number one I'll show you guys my boobs really hard This tweet made headlines some making fun of her desperation to go number one, but then it worked. Sayo Peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 and achieved a Guinness World Record for the first female rap Duo to reach number one on the US singles chart I Just realized I have to show my boobs real hard uh I'm just going to be honest with you guys I did play you I'm not showing my boobs real hard man you got fing played People online were Furious that she broke her promise she's messing with the simps. trust me, the simps will overpower her and eventually expose something bad about her. This commenter couldn't have been more right.

A few days later wo Whoo wo y sh Twitter user resurfaced an old video of DOA and what they claimed was an alt-right chat room on a website called Tiny Chat. DOA is seen wiggling and writhing while making sexual noises and advances towards other people in the chat before dropping the hard R her shirt reminds Not only was she acting really strange, but the other people in the call were using blatantly racist rhetoric. This was Do's response in this video I'm being completely blackout drunk and completely dumb in regards to people being racist in the chat room. This was her response.

You know what I do understand is that there is racism that happens across Tiny Chat and there is racism that happens across Instagram There's racism that happens across Twitter This happens everywhere. It just happens more on Tiny chat because it's not as monitored. When you see racist on Tiny chat, it's because people aren't AR paying attention I've seen it and I've I I know that I've been targeted by it, but the narrative that it's a white supremacist chat is completely incorrect. but it didn't stop there.

Oh guys guys, she saw it and she had to because of the white suiss rhetoric. guys, she had to. Oh band Also discovered a 2015 song Doo recorded called Nuffin. Nuffin is a racist term that originated on Poll, which is an abbreviation for Politically Incorrect an anonymous board on 4chan dedicated to current events and political discussion.
This board has a reputation as a breeding ground for Fringe beliefs and unapologetically grotesque. Takes the term D Do Nothing is derived from the phrase didn't Do Nothing a plea of Innocence often used and referen to unarmed black men killed killed by police the term was used to Mock and criticize the black community during the Black Lives Matter protests. Hashtags like Dojacat Is Over Party and Only Clans began trending on Twitter People believe that the chat room video and controversial song indicated a pattern of Dojo's racist Behavior Not long after these conversations started, DOA issued a formal apology Chad Chat I Think I thought then Do Nothing was like used both ways. It was like an allaround term.

people said until he did something as like a joke. Uh, to say they didn't do anything or the opposite. it's like it's a it's a whatever people just say people just use it was whatever. No, Six years ago, Yeah.

I'm pretty sure that was like that guys, guys. wait, hold up. At the time we had Vine and right, wasn't Wasn't that a lot on there and in which she acknowledged her involvement in the chat rooms but also debunked The Narrative that she's antiblack. She also jumped on an Instagram Live For 30 Minutes where she gave a concise explanation I was wrong when I used it.

it was because I was in chat rooms all the time and I was kind of locked away and I was always on there just dealing with people coming at me left and right talking about different slanderous terms after another the wait wait what? Dealing with people coming at me left and right talking about different slanderous terms after another the you can we can wrap up the entire C by saying it. she was desensitized by um how common it was and then became like that and and emulate the behavior because it was so out there is what it is. The term that I used in the song uh is one that I learned that day so people were calling me at left and right, left and right and I used it in a song and it was to kind of take back and and and just say you to those people. but again this would not be the last time Doa's internet past would come back to haunt her.

Fortunately at same time I he was saying that she was in a chat room or in in a in a in a call with people that were doing it and then um it was that her Entourage was was using it. So it's not only getting back at people, it's also the people arounded were doing it too. So like it's not the same thing for Dojo her ever growing list of accomplishments shined bright over any controversy she endured. Although her Hot Pink tour was postponed, she performed at the 2020 MTV Music Awards where she won the award for best new Artist following performances on both The Tonight Show and Jimm Kimel live.
her feature on the album track Motive from Ariana Grande's 2020 album positions peaked at number 32 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, becoming both her highest debut and second ever top 40 entry. Later that year DOA performed at the 2020 MTV Europe Music Awards where she won the award for best new act. She went on to win the the New Artist of 2020 and New Artist of the Year at the 46 People's Choice Award and the 2020 American Guys I got to give her a lot of props TR cuz she she cares a lot about Aesthetics and visuals and giving the fans what they want. She does perform her songs and the people that do like her and do go to her shows.

they get what they pay for, they really do and um I think she really gives them that tries really hard to give them that and really uh puts the energy out there. Okay and I got I got to give a lot of props to that chat. Not a lot of people, not a lot of people do that. When they could just sit around and just sing and do nothing, she go about the choreographies, what things look like, the what she wears, the way she dances, the way she talks to talk to fans, interact guys.

She performs really good in Music Awards respectively. Billboard ranked Oaat number five on both the top new artist of 2020 and top female artist of 2020 charts. She ranked a top Rolling Stones list of the 10 biggest breakthrough artists of 2020 following a 300% increase in her on demand audio streams in the US Forbes also named Dojo one of the top breakout stars of 2020. While including her on the annual 30 Under 30 list, she was also nominated for three different awards at the 63rd Annual Grammys In 2021, she continued to absolutely dominate.

She toned down the bright, colorful costumes and pink dyed hair for a muted, mature aesthetic. She released several hits including Best Friend featuring Sidi 34 plus 35 with Megan The Stallion and Ariana Grande as well as Streets, all of which peaked within the top 20 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in the spring of 2021. Doo release Kiss Me More featuring Siza. This collaboration reached top five in 18 different countries, received critical a claim and captured DOA her first Grammy for Best pop duo/group performance, but with all the success she claimed she didn't enjoy it.

I Don't have any new music like just have fun and like just jam and like make some like I haven't done that in maybe 5 years. feels like yeah I made my album, put it out but that's like a requirement like I had I have to make that like I had to make that album. It's easy to understand musicians can experience burnout due to demanding schedules, late night performances, long rehearsals, frequent travel, repetitive interviews. There is an intense pressure to consistently deliver highquality performances whether in live settings or in the studio.
Her saying she had to make her album LED people to believe there was drama with her and Dr Luke maybe she felt a lack of control over her career. Her saying that she hasn't made music for fun LED People to believe her label wanted her to make formulaic pop music so they can bring in millions. This pressure combined with the endless amount of screw and negativity online having to constantly apologize for wrongdoings likely made DOA feel like this whole music industry is smoking mirrors her potential descent into madness was beginning. Are you drinking water in March of as Label Company Chad don't they have? Like a bunch of people that are like know about the industry, They know what's going to be catchy.

They kind of know everything over. so of course they're going to like they're going to push in some direction. It's up to the artist to fight against it and releas to what they want to do. They'll still probably still release it maybe less Market or whatever.

but I mean they can still do whatever as long as they release. I mean look at Drake Didn't he have to make amount of albums or something like that and he whatever I thought it was like that. not how it works gotcha. He like the can't gotcha.

oh that's not how that works, Got it? Okay I thought they had to make a certain amount of music or some. They kind of. It was like oh, like an album Person amount of time. how the deals went like not Blade y I Don't give a about Blade what the 2020 DOA Traveled to Paraguay for their annual aiono Festival which was canceled upon arrival due to severe weather conditions which included flooding and thunderstorms.

Doa's hotel location was leaked and fans eager to see their favorite musician piled up outside the hotel hoping for her to come out. Eventually, fans grew frustrated when DOA failed to acknowledge them both in person and on social media. While fans aren't entitled to Doa's time outside of when she scheduled to perform her seemingly self-absorbed tweets the following day caused a yo that's a major security threat. Dude, that is terrible dude.

bro. Brother People know where you're going to sleep. How do you fall? How do you fall asleep knowing that there's a bunch of people everywhere? Dude that only care about you And like that bro. they'll try their best to get in there.

Man, why would she acknowledge that coming out of this when like they shouldn't be there. They shouldn't know, they shouldn't know that that she's there. They shouldn't be there Now they are there and want acknowledgement on the way out. Dude, what the is this? They fied uproar on social media next day DOA Checked out of her hotel and tweeted there was a storm in Aru the show got cancelled when I left the next morning there wasn't one person outside the hotel waiting for me.
After a flurry of backlash, she said I don't give a followed by a't for me so I'm out y take care did he just enter his own video I don't give up anymore I Quit I can't wait to disappear and don't need you to believe me anymore. Everything dead to me. music is dead I'm a full thinking I was made for this nightm follow me okay I don't give a Follow by a for me So I'm out y'all take take care for changing her Twitter name to I quit Her reaction to this situation that was totally out of her control either proves one, she is legitimately sick and tired of the pressure of this industry or two, she is just a snobby, childish brat ungrateful for her career. Do's response to criticism has always been the same since day one.

She would initially respond sarcastically and when that response garnered more criticism, she'd finally take the situation seriously and issue a formal apology. However, the secondary damn, they did the classic stand: Behavior dude that dude, they love you and then you or they love her and then they know for a fact that she's apologizing she and then any. she she doesn't act like they want to, they pull the garbage back out the pocket. Aren't you the girl that did this? Aren't you the one that did that And they know they know how it is, but they pull it back out.

Finally, take the situation seriously and issue a formal apology. However, the secondary apologies always felt insincere since her genuine feelings toward the topic were always displayed during those initial responses. Which brings us to our next controversy where she made a huge deal out of nothing. DOA Dm' Noah Schnap the 17-year-old star of Stranger Things to get the attention of Joseph Quinn another cast member who she had been lusting over on Twitter Noah posted the DMS thinking it was a silly joke only for DOA to get really angry about it at me, chat chat what what does HMU mean hit me up my B guys BR I don't I'm so old CH for DOA to get really angry about it that Noah did that like went and posted a private conversation between me and him is so unbelievably like socially un aware that's pretty and whack.

You know what I mean like that's like borderline snake, that's like weasel. That's what I'm saying it's not that deep, it's just that he's like a very dumb kid Doo Assumed people would automatically take her side since Noah exposed their private messages. However many people saw it as her trashing an innocent 17-year-old What she said in the DM was already public knowledge and when Twitter users told her that she was overreacting to this small conflict, she played the victim and responded in an insincere s stic tone: y'all are so cringe and lame and nobody wants to hang with you. That's why y'all be on here unironically writing replies that makes you mad DOA is clearly fed up with the negativity that comes with Fame whether her Chad if I knew I could get away with dumb when I was 17.
Okay guys. I would have been blowing up like crazy at the time if I had any traction in the big world and I was going to Famous 1 I would have been everybody's careers on purpose. What? Because they get they were given free pass is he knows what he's doing. Chat guys, you're you are an adult when you're an adult.

Okay, when it comes down to so social interactions like that, right? aren't like intimacy or anything like that. You chat, you know how it works. Whether he's 17 or 18, he knows how that part of the world Works He does. He has knowledge, he's seen it, he's been in it.

He knows how it works. Therefore, he is an adult in that in that way in that part of the world or dyamic, he is an adult. People sometimes chat I Guys in some parts of the world are an adult when they're 14 or 15. Right when it comes to like let's say responsibilities, some people CH are like 13 and they take care of the of their of their young brother and and they they have to be a father figure in the household because they don't have their dad or something or their mom works a lot.

they have to be. They have to do things that are very adultlike that you might not even have when you're 20, 25, 30. So people are more adult than you when they're very under age. So in that way he he is an adult in that way.

but he's not acting like it and giv him a password is not okay. it's stupid. Controversies are self-inflicted or not. She was done with the expectations.

Done with Petty Drama done with apologies. done trying to appease anyone but herself. and now it was her turn to control the narrative. She started by shaving her head bald.

then she went on. Instagram Okay CH All CH Let me fire back at you Chat I back at you I Will not wrap it up I Will not wrap it up. Listen cuz I'm 28 what do you guys tell me all the time Manchild Okay, chat guys guys. Why Why would I not be able right now? Why do? Why do you guys think I shouldn't get children now? Why not? Why not? Oh, cuz you can't take for yourself.

Are you telling me that I'm not an adult I'm not 28 in a lot of ways I'm not an adult, right? But I thought I was supposed to be an adult because I'm 28 I'm an adult on purpose no in certain fac in certain fcet I'm not an adult. It is what it is live and shaved her eyebrows during the live. She said I feel like I was never supposed to to have hair anyway. whenever female celebrities randomly shave their head, people quickly assume that they have gone crazy, especially after the World Witness Britney Spears infamously shave her head while having a mental breakdown in 2007, but when she attended Paris Fashion Week people second guessed her intentions DOA collaborated with makeup artist Pat McGrath to create a strapless red dress while she was covered head to toe in 30,000 crimson red crystals.

The look took almost 5 hours to complete and while some people Shrugged it off as just another crazy fashion choice for the sake of shock value, others made Illuminati conspiracy theories that she was imitating Lucifer and this was nothing more than symbolism for the Demonic realities of the entertainment industry. You could even say Doa's fashion Antics are similar to The Many stunts Lady Gaga pulled back in the early 2000s. Then again, they said that Gaga was in the Illuminati as well. Little did we know, putting together a creative or potentially shocking Ensemble for Fashion Week became one of the least bizarre things Do Does Doit announced that she plan on returning to her rap roots for her upcoming fourth studio album.
She wanted to diverge from the pink and soft things and Popp and glittery sounds that defined her career up until now. Her song Attention pequ some interest in the rap world, but fans who become accustomed to Doa's pop records were expressing their disappointment on social media leading to DOA tweeting My comment section on IG used to only be positivity because I was doing what everyone wanted me to do and I love that I can see through all the B Now she clarified that it wasn't anything personal but was discontent cranking out suble pop hits for children on Twitter to get into fights about. She tweeted Planet her and Hot Pink were cash grabs and y'all fell for it Now I can go disappear somewhere and touch grass with my loved one Never never say I hate the new you you don't know that person. it's not a person for you an Entertainer they are their music.

You can say I don't like your new music that is that I would love So he said I don't like your this or your that. don't say that somebody's changed. Whatever they're making might have changed, but she was making things that were more like this before she did pop so she didn't change. For if anything, anything, you went along the ride when she was making things that you liked and you think that she changed.

Hell, no ones on island while you. We for pop people were feeling regret for having ever supported her music. but this is the most honest thing DOA has ever said. Most of the music you love is a highly formulaic, soulless product that is scientifically engineered for you to love it.

Look at what it took for DOA to blow up, making the worst song possible to get attention. It is totally believable to think DOA just did whatever she could to make some money and be set for life. This is metaphorically what people refer to as selling their soul, but Dojo was doing more than metaphors. She showed off a new tattoo of a scaled animal figure crossbreed with female attributes.

The photo went viral on social media with many calling Doas tattoo demonic. One fan expressed their concern: writing used to love you, but you clearly sold your soul to the devil. unfollow Doo replied, whatever helps you sleep at night she'd post another tattoo an antelope skull on her wrist. then she would tattoo a bat Skeleton on her back.
The allegations regarding her being Indo Oh damn dude. what if you're okay I'm not going to say itations regarding her being indoctrinated into the Illuminati or practicing demonic worship only increased. as time went on, her Instagram became filled with cryptic messages and spooky videos. To roll out her album, she posted very unflattering photo.

guys, What if it's like a recommendation of the stance that should be used when you were seeing this tattoo almost like a tutorial, right? You're can of, you can know you're going to Let's I'm just say not. You're about to ride right and it's like do this on and it's like the and it's like guys like an Ikea tutorial and you have to you do that She it's like what the person wants no okay photos of herself. Her album was called Scarlet. She posted what people thought was the album cover which consisted of her drenched in blood with a stripped down Freemason symbol.

She also announced a multi-city tour which people called a devil worship show. She'd post videos of herself crawling in the shadows, photo shoots where she was drenched in Blood and selfies of blood dripping down her nose. She even posted a selfie wearing a shirt with an image of Sam Hyde an Infamous Internet troll comedian who often incorporates racist or anti-semitic humor in his bits. The image of H brandishing a rifle on Do's t-shirt is a common on social media following mass shootings.

Her song paint the Town Red was her leaning more into this overtly demonic art style. The song top the charts in guys guys, when people think that people can cancel you brother this guys this guy just call me the F word Flat out okay on the on the on Twitter and he was getting massive praise. The tweetment massive everyone like yeah, that okay my bad 19 countries He became Do's second single and first as a solo artist to top the Billboard Hot 100 Paint The Town Red made history by becoming the first solo female Rap Song in Spotify history to top the platform's global and US top 50 charts and the fastest solo female rap song to a mass 100 million streams. Turns out, devil imagery is still an effective marketing strategy If the signs weren't obvious enough.

though, DOA began teasing a promotional single titled demons in promotional photos uploaded to Instagram DOA can be seen dressed up as a demon. The music video further cemented Doa's transformation from the quirky girl in a cow suit to something straight out of a horror film some people are praising DOA that she is finally being herself. She's finally free of all the expectations of the music industry and doesn't have to live up to unattainable beauty standards. Some people think what Dojo is doing here is mocking the people who think an artist has to sell their soul.

Make it into sucks though is I feel I Feel like um, doing what you want to do and doing you is is different in nature. Um, than fighting back against people or saying you're not doing you right? Um, which? Which is there's there's There's a little bit of a difference. little bit of difference between the two of them. Industry: You have to remember she is an expert Internet Troll cing out depths of forun.
She knows all of this imagery will cause controversy. She knows she will get news coverage and have outraged parents calling for her music in concerts to be banned. She knows there will be conspiracy theories regardless. so she could be ironically presenting herself as a devil worshipper to make people think she has gone insane.

Is this an extremely corny and overused art style for artists? Yes. Is it actually an Illuminati scop? No. Maybe. Did it work? Not really.

Do's fourth studio album Scarlet debuted at number four on the Hot 200, moving 72,000 album equivalent units in comparison. Planet Her debuted at number two and sold 109,000 units despite being on track to be the highest selling female pop star in the world. Dojo Potentially scared her audience away. Okay, cool.

now make make a make a make a popular song Make A memeable Song Now do whatever and then uh, she'll be back at Back at the Top because that's all it takes TG So here we go. I'm about to make myself. so here we go: I'm about to make myself. I.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “The horrifying transformation of doja cat xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @aizj16 says:

    yo im late where them porn bots people talking about

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @FroddyPlay says:

    Was she ever a family friendly bubbly princess? Wore pink for a bit = wholesome and pegi

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Dr.Love0 says:

    Imagine being canceled over a word its like you cant freakin police what people need and not say its human nature to say what what we want. Whether its derogatory or not. This is literally free speech. People need to stop acting like the internet is there mom and whatever the mom says is bad and shouldnt be said. Instead of coming to together as a species we are dividing ourselves over who can this and who cant its pathetic

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @amirhosseinetemad3094 says:

    ending kekw

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheSilentpigs100 says:

    XQC defending her bc hes apart of the "group"

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @amirhosseinetemad3094 says:

    daily dose of xqc reacts feelsamazingman

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @raptoria48 says:

    Female celebrity expresses themselves outside of the norm for femininity People: ”She’s descending into madness”

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @notlengthy says:

    it is just so fucking funny that most of the shit that happened was because she lied and didnt show her boobs LMFAO

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @chaver28 says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @s1ckboirari says:

    Sam Hyde could save Felix, turn that red pill black 💀💀

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @s1ckboirari says:

    Doja is funny asf, idk how people fall for such obvious jokes but it ends up making it 10x funnier
    "im going to show my boobs real hard" like if a dude said that ppl would be laughing being like "wtf does show them REAL HARD mean?!" but fkn ppl will hear the word boobs and the joke just soars over their head. Its kinda sad these people are desperate for a womans attention when women just want to be treated like their not some prize to win 🤦‍♂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @GezMilly says:

    she wont fk you lil bro 😢

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