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Chat Chat this is Ling this video I G Watch this hold up oh my God I almost died Guys: it's so cold Guys guys look Chad you see Chad the snow up. look at the snow. It snowed and it's colding really bad and it's hard for me to to feel the back of my ears. Man a lot of inting on the right that I thinkes it's dark outside and it's not even 5:00 p.m.

chat when I us to go to school when I us to go to school okay I I would get out of my classes dude okay and it would be. It'd be fully dark outside and it felt depressing as EX look very bad. One thing about there is a lot of infighting on the right that I think makes us look very bad. One thing about liberals, you guys really do stick together.

You actually get work done even when I don't agree with itre Lial I Sometimes see y'all thinking really hard together and yall are like no matter what we're going to vote red. What? the the far left and the far right are equally problematic. Uh, true, three two that that super yeah. I've actually seen both sides I'm a conservative and I have seen the far right chastise me for my sexuality and I've seen the far left chastise me for being conservative I've had my own address put on the freeway here in Los Angeles because they feel that my voice should not be out there.

so I see the two sides actively doing harm to those of us in the middle who have a really rational voice and want to express ourselves in a safe way. I appreciate the like anecdotal experience that you had. Um, but like I think my issue saying that like Liberals are more problematic like I think everyone is what I talk about in my anecdotal incident is where I have never had a conservative physically attack me physically attack me on the streets for what I am or who I am. they may verbally attack me I've got that from the left too.

but the left has physical attacks on my physical being out on the streets because I'm expressing myself. so I I mean the opposite for myself. So like, you know, like experiences as I said doal like you know, like your experience completely valid. But to say oh, Liberals are like like you know worse.

Well, it's not that there, there's no one worse. which is why I didn't move to strongly agree. My anecdotal experience tells me that there is a group of people on both sides that will do active harm to someone who steps out of their expected narrative. I Feel like for when we talk about political extremes I think one there is a lack of desire for bipar partisanship.

The second thing is this kind of like playful attachment to facts uh, people on the far left and the far right. Whether we're talking about Israel Palestine or vaccines people seem to have like very fun uh, activities in terms of just completely making stuff up regarding these two things. Um, and then the third thing is the demonization of political opponents where people on the far left and the far right engage in this idea that the people on the opposite side of the aisle they're not just different or have different ideas. they actually hate the country that want to destroy us.
You know people get labeled as extremists just for being even pretty Centrist our small here I don't think anyone here is Extreme but going down the street you might get labeled you know, crazy, leftist or racist or I had to take the shirt off for real that it's interesting because when answering this prompt I sort of hesitated I've I've been on both I this sides of the spectrum I used to be what I would characterize as a radical leftist. now I'm sort of right of Center and I feel like I get car. There should not be limitations on free CH chat, chat, chat I was says about this I I says about this there should not be limitations on Free Speech Guys guys, this is the dumbest ever. Guys, there should not be limed on first.

P guys if you if you I feel like if you agree with this and think it's brain dead, three, two one yeah, see disagree. Okay I hate this prompt. Uh yeah, it's a prompt. Yeah, it's a prompt.

because everybody should be in disagree because it's a bad prompt. All agree that like direct calls to violence are not accept there go like you can't fire. Boom that's going to say I Guys that was going be my one argument. then that guys guys calls to arm for violence.

Boom Done Theater. Um otherwise. I Think that on college campus is like doing their ideology. You should be allowed to say basically whatever Reic you want as long as it's not like violating the terms of service of a platform.

I Do agree that vaccine misinformation is harmful I Do agree that misinformation related to conspiracy theories is harmful, but I don't think the proper way to go about addressing that is to lock it all down and to ban it I Like the steps that YouTube has taken where they might put a note under the video or what? Twitter or the social media platform formerly known as Twitter uh called X is taking where they have like the community note system I was thinking the very same thing as you. Of course there are certain things that you cannot do even with free speech being present and I'm not sure how you define hate speech. so with some of the hate speech laws yeah but she's wrong because then that means that there's limitation By definition she just said is a limitation. So so her answer is disagree, not agree coming about.

I Think those need to be re-evaluated and maybe rolled back because even people who we disagree with or we don't like or we view as evil should still be able to espouse their their beliefs right? For example, right now, what's going on with students on campus I Don't agree that Congress and other individuals should limit what students are talking about on campus? What's going on in Gaza What's going on in Israel With the crack down on Jvp, the crack, the Crackdown on Students for Justice for Palestine the people who are in power should understand that students are the most I would say uh, abrasive when it comes to speaking out against injustices I'm a free speech absolutist I Think that there should be repercussions to certain Free Speech But um, it's a constitutional right. and yeah, that's I want apps being banned I don't want people being banned from certain apps. Um, and I think there's an attack on our First Amendment right right now. Yeah, so you think no one should be banned from a propt.
So like someone calls me like the F slur, you like leave them yeah, Why? Because that's their right to say that Now you know you can. There should be measures taken where. like I said, there are guys if you get if you get punished. If you get punished for for talking freely, that's not free speech.

That means that there's a limitation. This is guys guys. I Think this should be. There should be some consequences for this.

Okay, well that means that it's there's a limitation for free speech. That's just how it is like percussion to certain speech. I Don't be them. But I think you should have the right to block them like we already can now because I've lost three Instagram profiles just for saying oh I don't think a man a children should have sex changes under the age of 18 accounts gone like I've lost thousands of followers and stuff for just saying things that I think are just I do have a question for you Actually Yeah, cuz I I Can understand why hearing a word like that is is harmful and it's not something that you want to deal with on a daily basis.

Wouldn't you rather know who's homophobic though? Wouldn't you rather know who's racist? Yeah, these platforms have the right as private businesses to say what they want on those businesses. It's not cancel culture for them to take down slurs and honestly, they're not that great at taking down slurs anywhere anyway. CU I Get called a on a daily basis online just for being a Jewish person. Fortunate thing is this internet and social media has become the Town Square and the Town Square If you were to take a box and put it in the Town Square there is no limit on what you can say and who's to say the city's going to come down and say you use the word and we're going to take your your soap box and you can't ever come back to my to my city.

That's exactly what you're doing. When you're saying the platform has every right to remove this language, you have the option to go to another platform. There's plenty of have option to go to another city. Then there's plent of conservative platforms.

Have no yo a city a city It oh my oh my. God I can't I'm over it Speech: You have free speech because you have so many options I Think we have to be really. You have to compare that to a house, not a city. A house is a privately owned place by somebody, right? And since it's privately owned, they can have their own.

They have their own rules to what's going on in the house even though there there are rules and that's just what it is though. Dude, if it's in middle of City that's public, That's public and that's difference. Careful, when we talk about the concept of free speech. I Like the concept of free speech and I would defend that across multiple platforms.
That's fundamentally different than the First Amendment. The First Amendment has nothing to do with like the concept of free speech. The First Amendment prohibits Congress or state or local governments for making laws specifically abridging your right to freedom of speech Like hate speech laws don't exist in the United States because there's not hate speech. He could be an aggravator to an existing crime, but we don't Outlaw Certain types of Speech Twitter does not have a legal obligation.

It's a violation of their First Amendment right to say they have to host whatever type of speech or tweet that somebody has on the platform. And a hate crime and a hate incident are two different things. and I wanted I wanted to say like if you if somebody called you you know the F word and then they said they wanted to kill you then that's a hate crime and that's not protected, right? But a hate hate incident. Somebody could call you an F word and not say they want to kill you and that's still protected.

An aggravating circumstance to an existing crime. But you can call somebody whatever you want and it's not. Yeah! I Often criticize my own politic guys which I think is which I think fre freedom of speech should protect. Why? Why? Because who dictates what words and what things you can't do right? That's what we call that's that is a classic slippery slope dude.

Okay, you can't say this anymore. Oh, you can't say fat. Oh, you can't say uh short. oh yeah.

and at one point I there's there's a good. There's a good. You had to put your foone on the ground say oh well Well I Personally my personally believe is that I agree with this I agree with you should be able to say you are fat, boom and then boom boom I Mean it what it is. Three What you say I Don't care about this.

True, You know what You know, violence should never be the answer and you know what? Oh, it's a bad. prompt. Again, any issue Bro Nah guys I Have to Major disagree but only on a few exceptions. Let's see to any issue.

Three, Two One guys, it's a super hard going disagree. Oh come on. Destiny Hey dude, what is guys, Why does Disy only go to Dis? Go to hardcore disree? Bro there it'sa hey I'm Destiny Do you want to be in a jubilee video? If so, go to Jubil Media.com New badge Punk Casting or click the link below this video and you can apply. Now let's get back to it.

I Mean violence. We assuming we have a functioning democracy I Think violence is bad for two huge reasons. One is because we don't want to condition people to feel like violence is the answer to political disagreements and then two, we want people to utilize. We want everybody to be able to utilize some form of protest against the government.
And when we endorse violence, we're now saying it's okay for even people we disagree with to use violence and that could be really scary for a lot of different reasons. But I would say in general a 99% where we're at today in the United States V We are not at the level of where violence is necessary to enact any kind of political change. I I Wouldn't say entire. That's entirely true.

I mean there's a certain level of violence happening to marginalized communities. That doesn't mean I necessarily like agree with violence when it comes to um the Palestinian Re Rebellion that's been happening in Israel um I I Don't agree with Hamas killing people like that's terrorism. but at the same time the violent uprisings that have happened uh, most of which have actually been peaceful. but still there is some sort of violence happening because they've been oppressed for so long.

like back in the Holocaust People think that oh Jews went peacefully into the into the concentration camps. No, we were violent, We we had uprisings, we fought back and a certain point there is violence in uh in fighting back to oppression. I Put agree because I'm not strongly I Don't strongly agree with it because I'm all about nonviolence in my life guys guys guys I agreed because for me was was like oh V never ENT Any issue brother, you're you are cornered and have nowhere to run. Somebody's in your house with a gun and and you have a gun.

Well brother yo Okay Bing Bong that is the answer to the issue iin dying yo this I'm let myself perish. There's no way to run, no way to whatever that that issue. there's only there's only way is it's is to defend well I mean is what it is bro life violence is. Unfortunately the issue I'm all about nonv but at the same time as I organize and I'm on the ground and I'm at protests and I'm at demonstrations by any means necessary means right? Quot? Are you dumb dude? They just ask the gun to stop.

Dude, No, didn't think about that guys guys. Um sir. I Do Not consent or agree with this current situation. Do Not Do Not Malcolm X that you have to have some form of disagreement with the State that's not listening to your needs as people as free people.

and sometimes that takes you know rebellious actions like burning down Banks or burning down, listening to your needs as people as free people. and sometimes that takes you know rebellious actions like burning down Banks or burning down institutions that are not listening to you. but as black people in America if we're only demanding liberty and justice, we're not asking for Revenge we're just asking for equality and sometimes I think the state looks at us being a resistant as violence. Sure the reason I I My birth turning 20 a great day Mr PVC I Understand want something then ask if they don't listen, just burn it.
Oh country met with. There's really only one way to respond to that. I Don't think Israel could go to Hamas and say hey guys, can you just not do that again when Hamas is already saying that they plan more attacks that they had on October 7th. So I think Israel has the right to defend themselves with violence? Sure I think there's okay.

So there's a couple key things to keep in mind here. So one is when we talk about like violence and respons political ideas, we have to be really careful that we don't redefine violence to mean literally anything that we don't like because I've noticed that like people are doing these things where like there is a white supremacist violence against black communities because of the way money is distributed with our taxes and people will take that very academic form of violence. which is and it's okay I think to have this analysis but they'll take that academic form of violence and they'll say now we can kill police officers and burn down buildings or now we can engage in AR Center destroy neighborhoods. My side is misrepresented by the media.

Well, no, Well, no. Well, no what. Honestly, the media is controlling by the left. I Really never see any positive light shine on Conservatives nor the right in the media.

ever unless it's right leaning media. And to your point, what I think is really interesting to even just look at the Conservatives who are here today. This a pretty diverse, uh, bunch of people and when I was on the left, my characterization of conservatives was like white heterosexual old man and to having moved over that space and see oh, there's way more J or maybe they don't agree with some of the woke stuff that's happening right now I think we are often mischaracterized I Do agree that right now this would if you agree with this, this means that this means that um, the media is never biased on any side. It's l just proven that every single media out Outlet is biased one or another, even if it's one person bias was another.

There is then a a a basic defao misrepresentation. Just this just the basis of it. Now ironically, it seems like the left and the farther left have have more kind of corporate media control in terms of how images are displayed, so you're going to feel like as if you're conservative that you're not accurately represented and the left maybe gets some more fair representation. but on platforms where conservatives run things holy Christ Are people on the left completely and totally misrepresented? Like how many times have I heard these stupid quotes from the WF where it's like oh, you want us to rent, uh, rent everything and ow, nothing and you want us to eat bugs and you're on your 57th booster shot today if anybody's ever listened to rush limbo Michael Savage Billy Conan Like any these people, these guys are not giving Fair accurate representation to the left.
Their voices just tend to be more marginalized or smaller now in media because of how much corporate control kind of like bows to the Woke agenda I would say I'd like to push back on that just a little bit. I Agree with a lot what you're saying, but uh, when it comes to right-wing media, maybe platforms like the Daily Wire Prageru they're very open about the fact that they're conservative. A lot of the mainstream left news they'll represent their opinion as fact. Um, but you know, like someone like Ben Shapero he clearly he'll tell everyone you know listen to my show, listen, dise with that, figure out what you think is right.

listen to the and you could figure out the facts based on what we're both saying. Uh, you don't see that as much from the left. I I Want to push back on that because Ben ter stated a lot of opinions as facts. I Don't think I I Think that there are better examples to use within the conservative party that are that are more open.

He means people being more deliberate right about about ination instead of being like a wolf and sheep's clothing is what he's saying about being opinionated. But Ben Shapiro is not. yeah or Michael N saying transgenderism should just be eradicated from society. The American Dream Three two one.

uh, you know what? neutral on this neutral I Feel like when Upward Class Mobility is so hard as it is right now. Um, the the American dream is is it's either dead or it's on life support because it's just damn near impossible for people to climb out of poverty. Everyone thinks that they're going to be the next. Jeff Bezos You're closer to being on Skid Row than you're ever going to be to Jeff Bezos I Thinking memory like I was thinking about this um, just outside of politics like you know how a lot of people have Nostalgia for like the past and stuff it made me look at America and it's like we're not going to get back the America that we were post n 11 when everybody was a little unified outside of the P guys conceptually because of the economics I Very cool.

I Do agree that's full of re and everything. We're not going to get the America where all Races could get along without people saying oh, your cultur appropriating your uh, microaggressions. You know all that, you know, all that little stuff that keeps us divided I I Don't think we'll get back to the America that we grew up in I Honestly don't like I I Want to be optimistic but it's hard I guess I Just don't know that that's the necessarily the point of the American dream. I Think it shifts and it changes and it takes on the context of the time that it's in where we had that sort of old school nuclear family house with the white picket fence that's changing with technology and corporations buying properties and things like that.

But I Don't think the American dream is dead I think it's taking on a new form I think still there is no no better place to the bottom have of the American dream like a lot of the views have of the American dream get so politically tainted that one of the things that sucks is for the cool things that are happening in America you can't even take credit for it anymore I hate that I chose like the most politically divisive topics but like for instance, like I personally think the Covid vaccine that was a huge success of United States Innovation and capitalism I think our guns are really cool I think that's like super awesome. you can shoot awesome firearms in the United States I'm a proud gun armor from Nebraska It seems like for all the things that exist that are good, we can't take credit for them anymore because all of them become so heavily politically divided that we start to have this huge Doomer outlook on everything. I Think it's really hard for some people to have that optimistic. Outlook When there is so much in the way like I As a disabled person, we're still forgotten about with marriage equality.
We're still forgotten about when it comes to health mandates for for a lot of people from who live this every day. For us, the American dream is dead and it's been dead for a while I Just think like as a fin the fact that we're all here and like clothed and fed and have water and we're here discussing ideas and how to make this country a better place. To me, that completely signifies the American dream we are currently living it. That's like as you said, like a really optimistic view.

like oh look how far we've come but what if that's not enough for those people guys I Got guys I think I think on a lot of points. People want to do some right and want they want to be called out for it right? Lot things are possible. You can do them right. People will give you some push back right? maybe here and there, but the you're allowed to do a bunch of that you want to do right? Yeah, you might have to get your social validation but you can still do it I think I think I think that that that's Freedom It's not because you want to go around doing something that that everybody's going to go and say oh wow this is good cool but you can still do it anyway.

By xQcOW

11 thoughts on “Liberals vs conservatives xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ZazaNugz says:

    its crazy to me how insane some people are as soon as i seen them i knew this shit was about to be wild😂😂😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Kkkracker says:

    Liberals vs. Liberals

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DirtyMikeReturnToMonke says:

    X there already are laws inplace where u cant call for violence or scream fire when there's no fire

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @unnlucky333 says:

    bro in the blue pants was yappin fr

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tevtev6227 says:

    I love how there’s a powerful black woman on both sides of the conversation – go Destiny and Amala ❤

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @faintsmile3279 says:

    wtf is that room

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lukas912 says:

    they get the weirdest people on these shows, completely cherry picked for shock value and exaggeration. these people look customized in a lab

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @KingTCasper says:

    X quit skipping tf wrong with u dude

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @SSerilumm says:

    what’s the boxes with lights in his room?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @googleassistantofficial says:

    What a great reaction 💀💀💀

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @BloodOnMars says:

    at the end of the day it always ends up being like this "society needs to be regulated with rules" the problem is who makes the rules. doesnt matter cuz no one will ever agree on a set rule. thats why u need majority cuz at the end of the day its all about making the majority happy.

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