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Mr Be's life new video or not? Uh, protect $5,000 Keep Guys these thumbnails I Don't know what is Guys: is this like these five? T The Engineered Guys These T are just odd am I am I crazy. It's like Zoomer kid bait and I'm not even like I don't know. These five are literally about to rain missiles upon this. $500,000 and any money that doesn't get destroyed I'm giving to Blake but lucky for you I'm going to give you my credit card and you can spend as much money as you want trying to protect this money from all the missiles we're going to be launching at your money.

So I Just build whatever I Want whatever you want but you only have 24 hours until we fire these tanks I Need metal? Let's go. All right, let's go boys. we're kicking this off with the Sprint All right Blake Where we going Guys: the is boying just guys. You need nothing.

Okay, okay you could just rent out a guys a claw machine thing and you just put sand in there. Dude guys isn't like, isn't like sand like War Proven Dude: What the Spr sand Where we going to First thinking the Junkyard Blake's first 3 hours consisted of sourcing any metal he could find to protect his money. I Me: this looks like they have metal even if that meant spending $30,000 Definitely want that. Want that all the trucks.

Basically you just want every car here. Yeah, can you give me any of your shipping containers? Going to go back? Yeah, this is good I Feel like those will work well if I put them on top of the money and as if buying out the entire store wasn't enough, Blake did the same thing at two other industrial stores. So everything I get from you today I would need within the next 12 hours. 12 hour.

I I'm willing to pay double. Okay, we'll get it. He's very quick to throw my money around $155,000 and while we waited for the materials to be delivered, we headed back to the money and Blake laid out his off. The first thing you think of is a to protect something CH The first thing you think is cars.

you need to get cars. It's just Again official plann essential for prot. What did you come up with to stop the tanks from destroying your money? Step one: I Want to put a shipping container over the money? That is actually genius. Step two: Giant water tank.

Do you think that's your best defense? I Think it's good, but it's not the best. Step three is contain filled with brick, hay, and wood. Step four is my best defense. a fortress of strategically angled cars.

From the last video that I saw, those bullets are going to hit those cars in Ricochet elsewhere. If he actually builds everything you see here, I will be flabbergasted. Let's get to work. Good luck! Unfortunately for Blake, it wouldn't be for another 4 hours until his materials were delivered.

So he hired some construction workers to help get the job done. I'm building a complete Fortress you dro the atomic bomb on this thing Mone Not going anywhere. This is like an industrial construction site. It started to look like Blake might actually have a chance at protecting his money.
but even if the 500 Grand survives those tanks, the tanks are actually only the first first of four phases of attacks. Blake will have to defend and believe me when I say this, they're going to get much more challenging for the rest of the night. Blake and his crew work tirelessly to defend the money. but by the time the sun rose, they still weren't quite done looking good looking good? No, No, yeah, that's like that.

That's the money. The tanks are over there. What is this car here for? This is like my inventory back here. dude.

put your inventory between the money and the tank. Give me 10 minutes and that white car will be right there. I Mean you have 5 minutes. Ah ah I Don't think I even have time to do anything else.

Time is up. Stop stop time is up. Drop it. drop it right there.

Go far away. Blake Time is officially ended. Hey seems pretty sturdy. Let's go fire some tankes.

I've been up for about 25 hours now just building and building and building. I mean I'm looking at it now and it looks great. but then I turn around and I see these five beasts and then I see these shells that they're working with I really had no idea they were going to be that big. You think a shipping container stoping that? hopefully three of them are.

Oh man. all right, it's time. Load up the tanks All right. These five tanks pointed out your money are about to fire 20 rounds Blake fire the first shot.

Wait it's in the container. There's so much DS Oh my gosh. look at his face. look at Blake's face.

no way his money's saved. So only 19 more. right? 19 more to go Chandler Fire wa real. This is way too much fun.

Oh oh my God all the way back here I can count eight holes in that sh I thought exploded sa how wait okay CH my whole life is a lie guys is a tank. Did you not Did? Did they just shoot big bullets cuz I thought thought they shot Rockets last few shots. Let's just get this over with. five shots.

Four shots remain. Three shots remain. How much money do you have back there? Uh, like half two remain. Do Okay, yeah and of course Blake you have to fire the last shell.

The honor is mine. After this, we'll see if you have any money left. Let's go. Oh he's running.

He's so fast. Is there any money? Hey it's still there. Yes. Blake it looked like your money surv we a cres stack I Know you're happy, but we're going to move on to phase 2 of four and in 24 hours we're going to P The biggest momb we've ever detonated in the history of our Channel around your money.

Are you going to drop it? Are you going to shoot it I'm glad you asked I'll be right back Blake What do you think's in those green crates I don't know dude, it looks like here I'll answer for you. this is a 100 crates filled to the brim with TNT how are you even allowed to do that? I'm not sure it's legal and while we prepared one of the biggest explosions in YouTube history Blake began to strategize on how to keep his money safe. Step One: We got to take everything flammable out of here. Man, all the wood has got to go.
Step two: Water Tanks Step three: I Want to move the shipping containers that I got I just want to close them inip container. So then in step four is just walls, cement, bricks, cars. if I have to, the explosion is a lot worse than the tanks. This is bigger than that safe that blew up.

Yes, every single thing inside of that destroyed. Come on. The first time he lost $250,000 in this video, we going to repeat it. No with Phase 2 commencing in just 18 hours Blake Gave the workers he hired a life changing speech: gentlemen, we survived day one.

Yeah, give it up. Come on, you were good. You were great. But there's still $500,000 back there.

so let's get to work. Go! Yeah, yeah. and because at this point Blake had been awake for over 24 hours, he trusted the construction workers to finish the job while he got a good night's rest. Yeah, I'm going to bed.

Get that guys. this is Blake going Dar And because he was so exhausted Blake slept for way longer than he planned. All right, I got a good night's sleep about to find out how much progress was really done overnight. like half empty.

That means nothing has happened since I've been gone. Yeah, that's no good. Let's see what it looks like over here. Yeah, it's no good man.

Even after his inspiring speech, the workers that Blake hired didn't get much of his plan done and with only 6 hours remaining, Blake did what he could by covering his weak spot. Spare parts and more cars looking good in here looking real good. they just scammed they what I about to witness. If you listen closely, you can hear beeping.

It's actually a school bus coming and it's going to be popped right where way you're standing. I Assume it's not full of children. it's a short bus that is just not what I asked. This is our brand new feasts bar.

new flavor, new branding. You want to try it? Blake Yeah I'm using our snack products to distract them from telling them where to put the bus. dude. Honestly, this is better than all the other ones.

all the other ones I Promise anyone want a piece of chocolate? Oh did you get that? Hey BL 5 minutes till give me exra minutes with water probably feels good I Don't think they agree. they're literally getting off the car. they've got 90 seconds left. Blake I Been eating choc water go for months now and I love that it's 5:00 Stop stop stop, Turn it off.

Turn it off. Hey hey, turn it off while I start taking money. Let's go over to the bunker. You narly escaped death from the tanks.

Let's see if you can do it again. We let the sun go down so it's a little darker now. This is the biggest bomb we've ever set off. Yeah, this is the first bomb I've ever seen.
Blake Are you nervous? Yeah? I'm I'm I'm sweating now. This is the device. Here you go. It's live.

Yes, it's live. Two days of work, 17 cars, six water jugs, four shipping containers. $500,000 on the line. find you're going home or with nothing when you're ready.

Blake 3 two one Mom I Love you. Oh what the hell. Play real. Oh my gosh, that fire stor is massive.

Can we go put that out before we go put it out? I'm just wasting time. Run! Who Who the fire? Go Go Go Go. let's go see if it burns. Oh no.

oh it's on fire over there. No oh be careful this. get off my money. The fire is still going on up front.

Blake is moving sandbags pleas don't ashes boy he has sand. He put a metal sheet above his con green Oh my gosh Yeah baby. Yeah! I See a lot of dirt on it but it seems to survive W I knew it. Blake You've officially passed phase two of four.

Do you want to see what the next challenge is? Yes, uh, what? Is that? All right? Blake For your third challenge, we're going to be dropping flaming cars filled with gasoline on top of your money. Can you tell me how many cars? A lot? A Lot A Lot! This is going to be the hardest phase yet. Blake Will not only have to deflect the attack from the sky, but he'll also have to protect his money from the flame gasoline seeping through the cracks of his defense. And after we dro the cars I have another surprise.

Okay, good luck the put a that on top of the money. since Blake had been working so hard for the past few days, he ended up going right to sleep and saved most of his work for the next day. And although he seemed confident this challenge would soon prove itself to be more difficult than anything he's ever faced in these videos. Yeah, the Mone would live live at this point with like a like a 10 in hole.

Put the money, bury it and it it be GG we the one already already All right. This is day four I'm feeling like a zombie. We're going to take the other shipping container that I have. We're going to pick that up and we're going to put it in where the point is facing up so it's like a pyramid.

The cars will hit it doom and fall but got get that sh container on top as soon as possible. No this guys smart. hold on over the next few hours. Blake did everything in his power to place the top shipping container at an angle to deflect the cars, even if that meant using wooden logs to prop it up.

If this container does not go exactly where I want to right now I'm probably losing a lot of money. We did it. Oh that makes me feel really good. the water tank we bring that over right here thing and then we're going to take the last car we got.

Put it right here. that's going to block all this. It's going to look great. We got a plan baby.

but what Blake didn't know is I was about to introduce a Twist Do you want to know what the twist is? Yeah, follow me see that flag over there. that's a catapult so as cars fall from the top, giant flaming from the side, Dude I've been guessing millions of things I Never thought catapult. I have like no more materials I have nothing else to use throughout the final hour Blake raced to cover the weak spots of his Fortress However, there was still a key part missing. his water truck which he sent to refill in the morning was painfully late.
He has 90 seconds left. All right. Here we go. As always, it comes down to the wire with L got hi of Idiot 58 54 He's drenching everything in water before we drop the cars to try to protect his money from the fire.

30 seconds remain. You really think this is going to stop the fire? Oh yeah baby. Three, two, one, drop it just for that. I'm not showing Mercy on the last one you knew that was going to happen.

That was intentional. Oh man. Moment of Truth Look how high up that bad boy is. This is only the first of five flaming cars we're going to be dropping on top of the five flaming death balls from the Catapult You ready Blake Get this going Dude.

Light, What is going on Dude. Now drop it. Oh no. Oh my gosh, Hold on everything's actually setting on fire right now.

The burning car successfully rolled off the container. However, the wood that Blake used to prop it up quickly engulfed in flames. Dude, what's going on? What is happening? No way. What in there is on? fire Boy I Don't I I I Don't even know what to say.

All right, what was on top of the shipping container? All right, there is wood there. How could it? Then he put water on it J You put wood and you knew we were dropping flaming cars I needed to use them. Dude. Luckily, Blake did surround his money with cinder blocks so there's still a very high likelihood his money is unburned.

and since we're about to go into the coolest part of this video obviously now I'm going to tell you about Acorns. Their debit card is meant to help you grow your money, not just spend it. which I'll tell you more about in a second. Fire Acorns just launched the new Mighty Oak debit card that they made with Dwayne Johnson Cool thing about this deit card is every time you make a purchase, it automatically rounds up to the nearest dollar and invests the difference for you.

Believe it or not, your money is also under attack. not by giant flaming death balls, but buy things like bills, spending and inflation. And when you're not spending, your money will need hard at work in two of the highest apy available. Chan What does Apys mean? Chat? Chat.

It means chat. What if CH What if hold on I'm cooking it? What if you always buy under 0.5 so that it rounds downwards and you scam them out of a dollar every time and you invest nothing? No, hold on I I'm clicking. You can fight back against bills in inflation by growing your money just by having your money in your account. Like how you doing buddy to give you money? These things.
Whoa. Oh, it's a direct hit. All right on the Mone Just from signing up Acorns and I are giving you $20 to start growing your money. So go to Mrbeast to learn how you can make your money work for you.

Light it on fire. Drop it. The Rain Of fire continued all throughout the night. A medieval only grew bigger.

things sadly started to look really. Bleak for Blake's money? No, no, no, that fire was raging for over an hour and a half. It's either all going to be there or it's not going to be there at all. That right, There is a bunch of logs of wood he accidentally created.

He thought he was making a fortress, but he was actually making a furnace. I Mean there's still a chance the concrete protected the money. BL Moment of Truth Did the cinder blocks protect your money? Or was the fire just too much? Oh my. God Oh no.

Oh no. Oh oh, those are ruined. Wait, hold up. The money is fried.

It's 1,000 in there. Let's be real with ourselves. Blake it's gone as you saw, most of the money looks like this. Another loss.

Yeah, this one hurts more than the laser one What hurts the most. Is that work so hard for nothing? Oh no, work so hard Man, the challenge is officially over and before you go. Blake I Have an offer for you. You have two choices.

You can either walk away with $100,000 or you can get a third and final chance to compete in a future video. Uh, all right. I'm coming back, coming back I'm coming back. Okay's final chance to be in a video is going to be right here, but it won't be uploaded until February I Don't think me the audience, everyone compar to see a third time.

I'll see you then. All All all right, all right now. hey next video. Okay dude, you can finally find a C and we're going to.

we're going to Nuke It right? And you can use sticks and bones and some dirt. Just like like 10 lbs of dirt. Holy dude. Now hold on now you put some wood on it Dude.

Jesus Christ Man, what's been going on with this guy?.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Protect $500,000 keep it! xqc reacts to mrbeast”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @raverecage says:

    Bro all he needed was sand.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @BVz7942 says:

    Why does XqC still support racists+rape defenders?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @LazTheTurtle says:

    bro just reacts and reacts this shit is getting boring af

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Nikocado.Avocado says:

    Lol nice xqc reacting to mr beast

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @xqcPlayz says:

    Who loves Mr.Beast ❤❤

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @derda7103 says:

    ONE STEELPLATE all you literally need is one fucking Steelplate

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @yocto7082 says:

    just call a couple civil engineers and war generals

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheAngelArrow says:

    did bro just say to cover shit in sand to avoid gasoline to seep through? 💀 bro's so dumb it hurts

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MartinWasTaken says:

    Mr. Beast said on one Podcast that his videos get higher views if he is smiling on thumbnails, so all thumbnails have AI generated smiles.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ricorico5664 says:

    That man made the worlds biggest bond fire 😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cascade4661 says:

    i really dont understand why anyone wouldn't just cover the whole area with sand and tanks of water like those two things would've easily handled everything

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @drain81403 says:

    Poor guy his whole chat hates him 😭😭

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