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Five Admired comedians. There's another five who are completely despised. and it's no secret that joke Thief Dane Cook fits Snuggly in a category 2 in 2005. Dane Cook was listed as the world's most famous comic.

although despite being known by an audience of millions, he was notably hated by every other comedian. A comedy radio host stated not one comedian comes on my show and says I'm so happy for him which is weird. They can't stand this poor guy. The reason for which being jealousy at least according to day, a lot of jealousy.

A lot of animosity that I at a young age was famous hanging around with beautiful women Rich although the real reason might have been because Dane had stolen their jokes given he was called out for copying a bit done by. Louis CK you can name your kid anything you want I like that part I'd like to give my kid an interesting name you know, like a name with no vowels. maybe you know, just like 40 FS that's his name I already have names picked out I didn't even know first kid boy girl I don't care the first one that comes out I'm naming it I think it's beautiful. it's feminine but strong at the same time time for bed I said time for bed fans then noticed D had also copied a bit by Demetri Martin at around the same time I went to do a shoe store and I said uh hey, can I get those in a 10 he I said sure and he went in the back and a couple minutes later he came out and he goes I don't have a 10 I have a nine great cuz well you in the back my toes were severed off she walks out.

she comes up to me. you guys so enthusiastic, such like optimism. she's holding a boot. She comes right up to me and she goes, um, we have it in a nine Great! You guys also have a bone saw anywhere nearby with Patrick Cay Running through even more examples in this video before touching on another reason: Dane Cook is hated his joke about the Batman movie theater shooting.

So I heard that the guy came into the theater about 20 25 minutes into the movie. I if you've seen the movie, movie is pretty much a piece of crap. Pretty sure that somebody in that theater about 25 minutes in realizing it was a piece of crap probably was like oh, shoot me The controversial joke resulted in article after article as well as Twitter post reading. Anyone who knows me knows I think Dane Cook is the single worst comedian ever.

He's never been funny now he's just an awful human being. But while Dane Cook isn't liked for his disrespectful and sometimes stolen jokes, Theo Von is hailed for Chad here. here's my hot thing about comedy. If you're going to go really dark, it has to be really funny, right? And it has to be a hit 100% if you.

if if there's even a 1% chance you you're going to miss the mark with a joke that this dark. don't even try it that that that's my, that's my little little un. His sense of humor has been described as so creative, unique, hilarious, and unorthodox that I can't compare him to any other comedian which summarizes Theovon perfectly. There's a few guys Theo's one of them that have like a style of Comedy that you will never be able to explain to someone.
They got to go see him when you hear him say we had this one guy, you know you're about to hear a wild Story full of bizarre situations and metaphors described in the strangest yet most perfect way possible. This gentleman had half a limb and he which limb he was missing part of his leg I think or he said he was so he could have been faking it m CGI or something I don't know what his name was CGI it was no is a white dude okay, he's the absolute King of the metaphor. Whenever he says something is kind of like Etc it's always the funniest, most outlandish comparison. I've ever heard you look like a guy if somebody had a cheat code in Double Dragon Bro and they got to use a ultimate character Man Tony Heen Dude there are multiple compilations dedicated to Theo Von's absolutely wild sayings, although at the same time he's able to show his sof and more vulnerable side in moments where it's appropriate.

Theo's podcast this past weekend has risen to become the seventh most popular podcast on Spotify While Brennan Sha's bad reputation has caused his podcast to Trend in the opposite direction, Brennon had previously been a UFC fighter. However, after a string of losses, he was convinced by Joe Rogan and BR to retire and instead pursue comedy. You have a future in other things that you're really good at. Like you're really funny.

You say funny man? Yeah, you do. You have a ridiculous talent that, although with comments on Brandon stand Up Like this is the best example of normal people thinking they're funny because they make their friends laugh. His sets aren't exactly the greatest. His first standup special, titled you'd Be Surprised received an IM debay rating of 1.4 It depends if you have the the good ability to make your audience going to feel like you're they're your friend in that room.

Then don't laugh because if you can make your friends laugh and make your audience feel like they're friends in the room then you can make can bridge that. Gap That's just my thoughts though out of 10 stars and was labed in front of million as the worst comedy special I've ever seen. It was so bad that even Joe Rogan made a few little jokes about it the first one. I would have probably tried to talk you out of it, but I already talked you out of fighting and I was like I can't talk him out of this too.

However, for Brendan the worst was Yet to Come 3 years after his first special, Brenan Sha released another one titled Gringo Poy which received an even lower IMDb score of 1.1 out of 10 Stars meaning he was unable to sell it to a major buyer like Netflix. Instead, he uploaded the special to YouTube channel where it received an 85% dislike ratio and comments such as damn, this guy sure has some hidden talent. Hope he finds it one day every time I Feel down I Watcho Puy Then I realize whatever has me down or whatever adversity I am facing isn't as bad as this comedy special. You know it's a Brennan Sha standup special when the comments are funnier than the actual video with a standup.
again being labeled as the worst comedy special of all time, it seems Brendan's main problem is that he isn't very skilled and the the audience has therefore been gravitating towards Shane Gillis He got his big break in 2019 after being cast on Saturday Night Live which he was then fired from immediately after the media dug up controversial comments made on his podcast and then I got canceled immediately. you got canceled on the way. They literally were like how about this guy and everyone was like no Shane responded by writing I'm a comedian who pushes boundaries sometimes I miss if you go through my 10 years of Comedy most of it bad, you're going to find a lot of bad misses. But while this made him un suitable for SNL, this was ironically exactly what the wider comedy audience wanted.

No wonder SNL fired him. He's actually funny. This, in combination with the mountains of press from the incident, took Shane's popularity to a whole new level. The months after SNL our listenership probably quadrupled cuz then people heard about it and watched it.

So it's helped the podcast. This is actually funny so it's helped. The podcast tremendously only made crazier when it post his live set in Austin which gained over 20 million views by touching on funny political topics although in a good way where it felt like he didn't have an agenda. and I don't want to be on the other side of it where it's like I'm a free speech guy, it's like dude I don't want to be involved in any of this I just want to do com Shane's great attitude and likable personality has made him the most subscribed person on Patreon with around 75,000 That's very tough to do that in my opinion because otherwise people feel like you're pandering it.

Chat when people feel like you're pandering. They hate that they could smell that out from a mile away. Hi members. In comparison to Carrot Top whose starle was so unique, the whole industry turned against him.

He gained popularity as a prop comic in the '90s but Whiley shows were extremely smart and absolutely hilarious. OJ Simpsons Football Okay, go deep, honey go deep. His bizarre looking style made him a punching bag for anybody and everybody. You're a funny guy man and you take you at least used to take a lot of and I I never understood it.

I' never I don't either I never have I would get for everything it's like Nickelback This became most obvious when Katop simply flew over his City in a fight of J The next day in the front page of the paper, Katop disrupts City with flyover and everyone's up in arms because this the the building Shook and everybody was like oh what, there's a war happening and I I think they were really honestly just pissed because it was me and in a Reddit thread talking about him The only reasons people had to hate Katop was he's annoying, not funny, and comes across as a gigantic douchebag which pretty much confirms the theory. Kotb's name has become synonymous with bad comedian we should make fun of. In another article, Katop was described as the most successful comedian. No one comment, three votes Okay, yeah, no.
Adit toing with one of these haters being another comedy Legend just going calls on me I mean just right I mean just bad. Who then apologized to Katop after meeting him in person and then when I finally meet him, he was like dude I am so sorry like he came hugg me. Katop was hated for so long that that he's now considered a legend. They're kind of like saying, you know what? Jeez we, he won't go away.

We've been ripping on him, but he's he's for some reason he's still around in there. You know what? he can stay now. you had some ear my wings with Bobby Lee Having earned his wings in a similar kind of way, One of the things that makes Bobby Lee so likable is his ability to laugh at himself for the sake of audience entertainment. Bro, you're the worst looking of all of us.

Jack What do you think I feel with this guy? chat. That kind of scares me is that I'd be so intimidated being in the room with this guy on on the panel with this guy. I Feel like if you suck with this guy on his panel, he's going to you. He's going to you over.

dude. that scares me. That's scary. What do you think? he is? Out of 10 For real? You're a two buddy, two buddy.

You're like a two and a half. at most, probably closer to a one and a half. Give me a bigger number. Okay, okay, you want an honest number.

Honest. Okay, okay. you want the honest number please. I was being generous as a one and a half.

I'm a 1 and a half something close to 1.7 showing that he's comfortable in his own skin skin. This helps him deliver some of the most Savage roasts on the internet. My dad abandoned me but then I Love my mom in your face. he doesn't have a dad although just like Theo Von His fans also have a lot of respect for how open he is with his addiction issues and sobriety.

right before I was going to get on the plane I looked at my girlfriend and said I'm going to relapse when it comes to Bobby L stand up I Reddit user WR of seen him do the same set at The Comedy Store like three or four times and I nearly cried laughing each time while another person called it the hardest I've laughed at a comedy show of a decent slate of shows it seems Bobby Lee finds love from the audience regardless of what he's doing. While the audience has recently been finding many reasons to hate Tomura at the start of his career, Tom Seura was one of the more humble comedians. However, after losing over50 and building a net worth of 12 million, his ego became incredibly old. obvious he'd begin to joke about the general population by calling them.
Poes So I've received a remarkable number of messages countless poor people about the use of a washcloth in the shower and um, you know it's kind of well known report. However, it quickly became obvious that he wasn't really joking. Every time we talk about like a watch or a car, I'll get us a like a bunch of messages from losers that try to tell me that I'm making them feel bad about their situation I'm struggling with rent this month. Figure it the out in October 2023 Tom Tweeted about being inconvenience by American Airlines and after being called entitled by his fans Tom responded by stating all the Poes and losers have the same response oh, you were inconvenience Well you should accept it.

That's what me and my dumb poor family have done for Generations This is why you're poor in his next toet. He respond to a fan by simply writing okay, whoo okay whoo whoo guys, hey hey, hold on hey, hold the on Yo Chat come on this is you can't can't do this to me. Chat guys, You can't do this to me. It's not like that I Never do this.

chat guys stop Okay man poor. while a third tweet read the lowest level pors get upset as they've been trained to do when you point out they're happy to do what I'm talking hey guys, when do I say oh chat? hey, figure it out The pores. CH What have you guys ever heard me say? The pores. Oh guys, People can afford food.

Wait a minute. You mean the pores. Wait. Hold on.

Chat no hold on. No You mean people with low income. They were struggling. Oh the pores.

This what you're saying? Yes I I Never say this. I Never say this. I Never say this. What the heck? old servant mentality.

They don't value time because their time is worthless Guys: I know this sounds really dumb chat guys I haven't had a kiss in a long time. and CH put on chap sticker guys. is this depressing? Yeah it makes me feel kissed. Man it making my me makes me feel happy.

You are specs of on a washcloth and washcloths belong in the trash. The rant instantly turned Tom into laughing stock for the internet. Probably not that much money left over for the guys in the booth either. It's all Tom and Christina just running around, get on private jets.

uh-huh making fun of poor people While Others dug deep to find his wealth was likely inherited. It turns out Tom was a trust fund kid. His father was the vice president and chief financial advisor of Merill Lynch for 25 years until he took over as the vice president and CFA for the Bank of America His obituary mentions that he was a member of the Quail Valley Golf Club in Vera Beach where a membership will run you a very modest $85,000 a year, not counting all of the other fees. This led Tom to remove the entire chain of airport tweets and avoid every question that might imply he's Rich what kind of car you have? which? What? What kind you have cars? Yeah? how many cars you got you right? Yeah, uh, you know what? I'm tell me Tom Seura has no excuse for being a douchebag given Gabriel A Glacius is substantially richer and is one of the most humble comedians.
When you type Gabriel a Glacius controversy into Google it seems the worst thing he's ever done is pay a fine to a venue for spending too much time recording a Netflix special. Back in 2014, one of these specials was leaked and uploaded to YouTube for free, although instead of issuing a copyright takedown, he'd share the links to his Facebook adding I Can't believe someone posted a direct link to watch my fluffy specials online for free. The nerve: I Hope no one shares or watches these before they get taken down, prompting a top comment reading: this is why you're awesome, Fluffy, You don't whine about getting pirated, you promote it Gabriel's nickname fluffy is a joke about his own weight, which like Bobby Lee shows his comfortable in his own skin although at the same time. Gabriel explained to Joe Rogan that he'd recently lost 70b as a result of following better habits and it was bad habits that led Carlos Mania to become incredibly hated.

The collapse of his reputation began after Joe Rogan wrote a blog post titled Caros Mania is a weak-minded Joke Thief which read the latest and most disgusting thief of all is a guy named Carlos Menia. The really crazy thing is that's not even his real name. He sells himself as real CH How do how do you even have a long lifespan as like a joke maker? dudee CH Aren't you going to make jokes that even coincidential are going to are going to allow other people's jokes? and I don't Point you're bound to steal a joke by accident? No this like impossible being Mexican But the reality is his real name is Ned Holess and he's actually half German and half Honduran The Mexican Hook is something he did to integrate himself with the local Mexican population of LA where he started from here Joe began calling him Caros Mania before confronting him on stage in an actual comedy club which was recorded and uploaded to YouTube It's easy to say you steal but I don't cuz I'm not a little I Think that every time you open your mouth you talk about me I Think that you're secretly in love with me despite denying the allegations Carlos was then exposed for stealing from Bill Guys if you're going to do this on Sage chat at least give him the mic. The reply Dude Chat hogging the mic and let the guy reply by yelling and it's so stupid yo.

If you're going to do this you, you have to give him the mic. You have to secretly in love with me. Despite denying the allegations, Carlos was then exposed for stealing from Bill Cosby and Arish Shafia. after which Carlos made the crazy decision to own the fact that he stole all his jokes.
His attitude was this like yeah, steal. If I'm in the back of the room, you better watch your material cuz I'll Take It remix it and make it a hit from here. Almost every comedian destroyed carisman SI a lot of your material I'm not saying all of it, but a lot of your material was too similar to Paul Mooney or Bill Hicks and he went from performing in stadiums to small clubs. There's a heavy price to pay for cutting Corners in comedy, whereas Chris Rock discovered there's much to gain in the power of a single slap.

Chris Rock has been admired and respected since the mid 1980s, although it seems being slapped by Will Smith made him even more loved. Ironically, the Will Smith slap made Chris a beloved winner. Will Smith accomplished The Impossible with one targeted slap. Now everybody loves Chris This was reinforced when Dave Chappelle was attacked on stage, after which Chris Rock jumped on the mic to ask that Will Smith Chris Rock just proved that if someone does you wrong in life, just wait and the perfect moment will present itself.

Proud of Chris Rock He didn't let the Will Smith incident take him to a place of bitterness and anger, but stays humble and even makes a joke out of such a difficult spot to be in. They could not have a more perfect moment to drop that line. And the fact that Chris Rock wasn't really talking about the ication before leading up to this just adds to the Perfection of his delivery. And when Chris Rock did address the controversy in his special, he reinforced a Winner's mindset.

But I'm not a victim baby. You will never see me on Oprah a gale I Couldn't believe it and I Love men and black? No I took that hit like Pacquiao Okay true that funny good one dude. good one. I mean he is pretty had.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Most hated vs most loved comedians xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @headass2865 says:

    Ah yes analysing a video with Chat about comedy, the professionals that type cringe at anything X doesn't laugh. Truly a moment.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @xqcPlayz says:

    Who is the best comedian other than x ??

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @alanmhinds2559 says:

    😂 daddy want a sausage

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @brandynderrick8571 says:

    You know you're a poor when you get pissed at someone's inheritance.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @brandynderrick8571 says:

    Haha the poors think they have feelings. Fugging losers.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @trd- says:

    I need most hated and loved streamers version.
    x will probably be on loved Aware

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @HighriseSuicides says:

    i’m not the biggest tom segura fan but him calling people poor losers is hilarious to me. it’s clearly a bit and people get so offended by it lmao.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dotdotpointpoint2286 says:

    Im surprised the simple redneck comedian shtick still gets views. Theo is just Larry the cable guy but the 2020's version

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jadedcarton says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JasperHayward says:

    Tom Seguras comedy flying over everyones heads

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @forsenleveldeo7401 says:

    What would redbar think about this

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @xXXExiledXXx says:

    chat saying WHO to Dane Cook is crazy to me… damn im old

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @buckashisensei says:

    promoting a pirated link to your ppv secial is the ultimate gigachad power move

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @FrozenAngel4173 says:

    … Tom is literally trolling people. its a joke that his audience loves lol i cant believe people get so upset over this. hes insanely popular and keeps growing his audience for a reason

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