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Watch your dinner. Well I'm Miss Mom, Mama bear, granny bear and Mama Bear Love y'all five ever and how are you guys doing I just got a hospital for a few days I was there the stress related with all this going on? that's my baby. They got in there. how are you feeling hurt? but I get on my Harley and I just filter thoughts.

Just think about the last time I spent with him and what we talked about. We talked about if anything were to happen to myself or to him again that we would um find each other in the next life if it's possible. Jesus she sounds so like the future and about head on her shoulders. Reasonable type of person has a baby.

do May 5th and then I got the call Mom I'm at court you know, wish me luck. no but I think they're going to take me in. He had an idea and that was what 5 days ago K got arrested. Obviously everybody knows he got arrested and then he was thinking that we were all thinking that it was just a regular State case.

Um, because he doesn't have any acts of violence. he hasn't like used any guns on anybody. he's never used that and right now the feds picked up the case. Uh, because they're making him out to be like a career criminal.

You know how much time they're offering if they try to make him a career criminal is 15 minimum. What is a career criminal some who makes I just want him home me too. And for those unfamiliar you know why. Is he back? He had a ghost gun.

He had a gun with no serial numbers on it. This is an epidemic for God's sake and it has to stop. One of the President's executive actions would add new restrictions on ghost guns and those are weapons that people build from parts that do not have serial numbers on them. homemade.

In just a few hours using a 3D printer it was a holiday. It was a holiday and he went to wait. What the was that using what the is this 3D printer it was a holiday. It was a holiday.

like a little barbecu. he just went to say what's up he was in the backyard he guys I thought you only need the lower to be printed and he put the rest on normal. was on live talking on live and you know when he's on live he's not doing nothing. he's just there talking $55 I give you a story post affordable five y like oh doing features features $55 whatever the you doing right and then the police probably saw oh he's in the neighborhood got they came into private property inside the backyard and they arrested him so he was at a barbecue.

Yeah Mhm around the 55th in Western area right? chilling, chilling. Not on the street, not on the corner. He was in the backyard and then and then yeah, they claimed they found something at first I was shocked. but upon further research, it appears that the conditions of KP Max's probation in California actually took away his rights to decline church and seizure, even on private property so long as the arresting officer is able to establish.

Reasonable Suspicion Like the smell of marijuana emanating from the home or more than three alleged gang members being insided. Chad What sucks Chad is that they can AR articulate in court. Pretty much anything. It's like it's like a traffic stop.
Yeah, when they do it, it can kind of be sketchy, but then they go like yo. Oh I Oh I thought this or I thought that at that point it bro, it's just how it is. It's dog, but it isting officer is allowed to enter the property with without a search warrant. So on paper LAPD didn't do anything.

How do you go back in the past and tell somebody that they didn't smell a whiff of something in a spot? It's like impossible illegal. That being said, I Still couldn't believe that KPM who's never been convicted of a violent crime was potentially facing 15 years in federal prison just for having a gun, which after all, is a constitutional right and seems quite necessary for self-defense purposes given his tattoos, recent financial success, and high profile. So to get a better understanding of why and how this could happen I Decided to sit down with lawyer and former Federal prosecutor Michael Fredman to get some answers. Okay, my name is Michael Fredman and I'm a criminal defense attorney and I'm the founder of the Fredman firm here in Los Angeles before I started my own firm, I was a Federal prosecutor for the US Attorney's office here in La for the Central District of California So I prosecuted Federal criminal cases.

he knows. So what can you tell us about Kit Ma's case kitm is charged with being a felon in possession of firearm or ammunition. It's illegal if you're a felon to have a gun. That's the simple fact under state law or federal law.

So when you think about Federal Criminal Law it's more common to think about Rico going after the mob or wire fraud, you know. Enron Bernie Maid off these kinds of cases. A gun case is more often in state court. It's a a little bit more of a ordinary case.

The Federal authorities in recent years have prosecuted these cases more and more because they're able to get harsher sentences. and so there's a big push to get guns off the street by imposing harsher sentences on people who have it teach like a lesson or something like a. There was an initiative when I was a prosecutor called Project SAFE neighborhood. The officers aren't just out there to arrest people, they're out there to try to get involved and make the community safer.

Drawing from academic research and Decades of experience program is based on the fundamental principle that law enforcement agencies and communities must work together to address violent crime to make their neighborhoods safer. And essentially what happens is LAPD or any local police agency will coordinate with their Federal counterparts at the FBI or the ATF, they'll adopt that case and they'll file charges like those against KPM. So now he's in federal court. That sounds fuing Federal charge.
Oh, GG Still, I was confused according to Dr Freedman Cpm's case carries a 5-year minimum. yet earlier China had mentioned that if the prosecution decides the career criminal enhancement, he'd receive a 15 minimum. Dr Fredman explained to me that all of this has to do with the Federal sentencing guidelines, which have a mathematical equation to determine your offender level. Factors like gang membership can bump up your level and in turn triple the mandatory minimum sentence that corresponds with the crime you committed.

So for every crime that's a federal crime, there's a guideline which tells you what the base offense level is and then there's enhancements. So for example, when I I prosecuted a felon in possession case where someone ran from the police and threw the gun off a balcony and it landed in a parking lot where some kids were playing, The guidelines tell you that if someone is a felon with a gun, they start at at a certain base offense level, but if they create a risk to human life in the course of committing the crime, add two levels or add four levels. What? all of that they got? They got the A Math and bro. This is just like a pay table for slots dud that goes into a person's base offense level and then you have to look at their criminal history.

Yes, so this just straight up tells you how long you're going to jail. Well, they're not binding on the judge, but the judges have to start by calculating the range and most judges generally speaking more or less go with that range. While these sentencing enhancements exist on a federal level, the city of Los Angeles has long done away with gang enhancements. They were eliminated in December 2020 by Da George Gascan citing prison overpopulation and high recidivism rates.

I eliminated sentence enhancements because senting enhancement doesn't necessarily create more safety. In fact, they often create more re and they make us less safe. This resulted in the immediate freeing of rapper Draco The Ruler. Rest in peace.

But on a federal level, these enhancements are still the rule of law. And according to Dr Fredman, unlike in county or state courts, it's almost impossible to bargain for a lower sentence with Fed. I'm really confused by and only 8% of defendants end up taking their case to trial after feds make their initial offer. But why Dr Fredman says the feds don't prosecute unless they're pretty much certain they'll win the case.

Cases that are prosecuted by the US attorney's office, they're very buttoned up. They don't charge cases unless they've really vetted their evidence, and unless they feel they can really prove their case. What's the Federal conviction rate? The Federal conviction Rred High Um, the figure is something like 97% of charged with federal crimes end up pleading guilty. Upon further research, I Learned that many defendants only plead guilty because claiming you're innocent of a crime even if you are, could result in being given an even harsher sentence if convicted.
If you plead guilty before trial, you get a reduction in your offense level for acceptance of responsibility. It's usually guys. I Mean, if you're if you're going to send it, you send it right. So if you're looking at 6 to 8 years, that could automatically become 5 to seven years or four to five because the guidelines are so severe and predictable.

As you noted when you look at that chart, that's why a lot of people take deals. and I'm say the flip side of that. if you're going to send it and be like yo not guilty and you going even though you actually did it and you go straight for it and you take the gamble. What it's a gamble, it's a gamble you know is What's called the trial penalty.

It's an anecdotal term that we use, but there's a general trial. Waste time. And not only do you not get those three points, but the judge is going to be harsher on you. This seems absolutely ridiculous.

Part of our Sixth Amendment rights as American citizens is the right to a fair trial under any and all circumstances. The Federal Trial Penalty seems okay. Okay, well that that's I don't think his argument is good even though I didn't even hear it because I'm dumb as then then okay then not guilty Fair Same same one as guilty but but as harsh it. Send it guys because in this case then you want like this.

Okay, then max out the Wazoo off the Rippy What about it? Antithetical to the very purpose of our justice system which is to uphold a foundational Concept in our constitution. Innocent until Prov am though I Was quite surprised to learn all of this in the street world. this is pretty much common knowledge. Oh, they going they going to hammer you if they offer you five seven.

you don't take it because you feel like oh, you know that's not fair. The next trip around 18, the more I learned about the Federal sentencing guidelines, the more scared I got for my guy KPM It seemed that in all reality he'd be lucky to get 5 years, which is up to say. but Dr Fredman said there's still a possibility KPM could get between two and 3 years if he immediately pleads guilty to a judge a federal felon and possession case could be anywhere where from two or three years in prison to seven or eight years in prison in sort of a garden variety situation. Some of that depends on the judge how strict they are, some of it depends on the person and their lawyer makes arguments to the judge that although the guidelines may say 6 to8 years is appropriate, you should take into account this person had a difficult upbringing.

Or even though this person shouldn't have had a gun, that people will often argue they lived in a neighborhood where they felt the need for it. It's all these human factors that the judge has to take into account I Can't help but feel like KPM falls into that 3% of federal cases that deserve special if you're objectively innocent. Well, when pleading not guilty I mean there's a good chance you're not going to be seen as guilty dude if they don't guys, they prosecute winning cases. Dude.
Like what the considerations this I believe is for a number of Reon paranoid video. Then here's a video of Kitm explaining his condition 2 and 1/2 years ago I suffer mental illness which is diagnosed Schizophrenia. Oh oh Hood I'm going to keep it Nifty with you Schizophrenia consist of hearing voices, paranoia, and a bipolar type of uh, let me see bipolar type of God damn it bolar. Okay, come on Editor with the music man, Come on damn I Wish was here to help me figure out what this word with this word I'm thinking of oh my God type of disorder pretty much I wish they would take that in consideration.

You know that he is, uh, it's verified that he's paranoid Schizophrenia. He needs medical help MH Psych psychiatric. Uh well from what I know of Schizophrenia, he definitely needs someone that's you know what they doing about in that area exactly and put him on the right type of medications cuz he's been on medications before. he gets drowsy and he's not sharp.

He's not sharp and he's zombied. It's like a zombie exactly I Me: they've tried to put me well I mean it's it's a kind very for disaster though. I mean Schizophrenia with a gun On top of that, that's that's labeled off I mean dude, you have a really dangerous cocket over here. drowsy.

They make you tired if I'm drowsy during the day in. South Central LA Out here, that's a perfect time to slip and everybody knows what I mean keep it 55th straight. This is going to be a really, really tough take CH I'm I'm trying to sound guys I'm guys if people are going to hold and they should I think the card of like oh guys, people that do a lot of shooting and like that have mental illness oh blah BL blah blah like help them instead of getting mad, whatever the but then now you have kind of a good example of that type of comination. Even though I'm not saying anything about about shootings or whatever right then, you kind of have to uphold that standard.

right? When's the last time he was taking steady medication for Schizophrenia? from where I know it must have been that I know of 201. That sounds about right Mhm exactly. And I've seen him take it and he slept all day. he was.

he was sleep all day so it kind of knock. I I don't want to make make any. This conversation about the adverse effects of Schizophrenia medication caused me to review the old interview footage I had with Citm to see if maybe he'd mentioned it and lo and behold he did. But instead of touching on his personal experience, he framed it as more of a PSA I Recommend anybody that has a mental health problem to don't take pills.

Especially if they gang bang because it's going to up their head. they going to end up slowing, they going, end up slipping and getting chipped on the streets. Mhm. Seriously, it's obvious that Kitmax unmedicated diagnosed parent Oid schizophrenia plays a major role in his paranoia, which is the motivating factor behind him feeling like he always has to have a gun.
But mental health aside, let's look at some other factors that may have contributed to Kitmax paranoia. Last time we interviewed him was about 6 months ago. shortly after he was released from State Prison I Should note that his previous prison term which was 11 months was also served for firearm possession. Upon his release, he was placed on a 6-year probation which had extremely strict terms.

One of these terms was that he was not allowed to leave. Los Angeles County Under any circumstances, his family and friends say this restriction put him in a lot of danger. The city of Los Angeles insists that he stays in Los Angeles where all the opposition is all the Ops All the you know the enemies Does that make sense? Mom? Not to me of course, but that's that's the way it is. so that means he can't even go to Six Flags he can't even go down to Orange County No, he really isn't supposed to go anywhere.

he can't leave. LA County So if you can't leave LA County right? and all your Enemies is in LA county I tried to get him to New York I actually uh, I actually asked the probation officer if he could go to New York It would be much better for him for not just for for his career, but for everything you know and they said no, how can you try to change somebody and you don't let that person leave the place that is so dangerous for that person And then you expect that person to just live like a normal human being. When that person isn't that, you know what I'm saying and I think it's just a catch 22 for him. Many of you watching may not understand how gang infested the streets of Los Angeles are many of you may associate LA with comedy podcasters, luxury storefronts in places like Beverly Hills and lavish upscale living in places like Belair and West Hollywood but outside this very small radius N I Don't think no I think I think it's it's it's a homeless people who can't afford a lifestyle who still do and and become broke dreams that come to die dog house that smell like ass and a bunch of mansions that are overpriced and Smog and death these activities occur.

La is home to an unlimited sprawl of gangs which claim 80% of the County's territory now Kitmax Turf which is the centerpiece of his identity and the only place in the city where he can find community and safety is immediately bordered by 78 rival street gangs, including his mortal enemies, The Brims and the Hoovers that are between four to five blocks away from where his house was. Gang politics aside, this is very sad because all of these rival gangs are actually part of the same community and mostly all descend from the same lineage of Southern blacks who led the post Confederate South during the Jim Crow era, Mack's grandmother actually left her hometown of Houston Texas at 14 years old because of segregation. Oh yeah I witness all of that. I wouldn't gim I witness all of that.
I was born in 1947 so I mean I was doing Martin Luther King even before Martin Luther King So I've seen a lot Changman no not not that far back. sorry I'm from the time where you know we sit in the back supposed to we supposed to sit in the back seat of the bus you know and the bus driver say okay got you you guys Y'all know y'all belong back in the back and we and we were 10 11 years old. Wow you remember actual discrimination on the bus? Oh you kid Now yes it happened to me, it happened to me oh my goodness yes um during that same time they had this place called wool works or something where you uh you buy clothes and stuff and they had the the restaurant upstairs was for the whites and downstairs was for the colored not black or Negroes it was for the colored. they had colored water fountain they had uh colored toilets which you don't want to go in because it nasty my best friend and I at 10 or 11 go up where the people the white people people said and the waiter saying girl y'all know y don't belong up in here.

You know you don't but they wouldn't hurt us anything You know you, they just wouldn't serve us. While Granny Bear never experienced any racial violence, firsthand, exclusion still persisted. So Granny Bear at age 14, decided to leave her hometown and head West to California for a new life. This was called the Second Great Migration a period after war war II that brought over 100,000 chat, chat, Exclusion like that might might as well be violence.

I Mean it's it's terrible dude. I mean exclusion. In the modern social world, it's it's a lot. It's a lot of hurting from the American South to California.

But unfortunately, upon their arrival, black Americans were strategically redlined by the homeowners loan who kept them segregated away from White Society primarily in South Central LA. This caused outrage, which led many to adopt Black Liberation movements. And in 1968, the LA chapter of the Black Panther Party was formed on the corner of 41st in Central very close to 55th Street. And they were not playing.

these racist Gapo pigs have to stop brutalizing our community. Are we going to take up guns? We're going to drive them out soon. The Panthers and law enforcement were embroiled in an allout War as evidenced by this raid on the Panther Party office on Central Avenue in Los Angeles. in 1969.

In the following years, the Black Panthers as well as the Brown Beret, American, Indian movement and Beyond were strategically infiltrated and disrupted by the Fbi as a part of an operation called Quintel Pro which arguably resulted in the assassination of Fred Hampton Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. By 1971, when coint Tell Pro concluded, Black Liberation Movements like the ones in La had been severely weakened Nationwide and it just so happens around this exact time frame, the Crips began in South Central LA, which initially stood for Community Revolution in Progress. They had vague political undertones, but that wouldn't last very long. After the in roduction of PCP in the late '70s and then CRA cocaine in the early 80s, the Crips became a full-blown drug gang free of any political undertones and were involved in a brutal turf war with the Bloods over territory and sail of crack.
Since this conflict began over 45 years ago, tens of thousands of people have been killed, locking this community in a vicious cycle of Vengeance and retribution where each body leads to 10 more and 10 more and 10 more. And no one in the world of LA gangs has a more recogniz famous in history. Regular civilian activities like going to the grocery store, the post office, or the laundermat could potentially be life-ending decisions for him if he runs into the wrong person and the only thing standing between him. Dude Dude Dude.

Dude. Life ending decisions for him if he runs Dude: I've seen this video Dude Dude I have seen that Guys Guys Guys guys this is my this my take guys the real it is okay is that the last thing that the a robber would want to do is shoot right CU If you're going to go for a robbery right? I'm sure they want the gun to be the the strong arm right but they didn't want to shoot. it's terrible crime. I you going to get right.

They want to get some loot right? but they come with a gun. Well I mean the owner has is kind of the opposite. kind of has like all all the willingness I think to shoot and defend right so they're always at a disadvantage if the gun A gun because this doesn't want to shoot, wants to shoot and this guy gets blasted I Se a video and the only thing standing between him and death in that situation is a firearm. In my opinion, forcing Kitm to stay in LA county during his six-year probationary period is a recipe for disaster and I think it's by Design Yeah it seems like that system is designed to put people back in jail.

they are though in America prison is a business. You know prison is a business so when it's a business they don't care about. you know, keeping people out of prison. they cuz why? Because you're not making money like that, you know they want people to be in prison.

Every single license plate in New York City is made by prisoners. You know what? I'm saying. How much did they get paid an hour for that? 35 cents And that's that's big money for commissary. Yeah, for sure that's big money.

35 cents is big money. You know what I'm saying. So um, people making 15 cents it is slavery. It's it's it's it is slavery bro.
The difference is that they won't say it. Yeah, when they said oh no more slavery, they put that rule saying oh, except if you're in prison the 13th Amendment Right, You know what I'm saying. So all right, we're not going to just come out and enslave everybody. We're just going to lock everybody up.

and just like you know, enslave them that way. And that sucks China Ma is not exaggerating. For example, at Louisiana State Penitentiary AKA Angola prison inmates are forced to pick cotton for 2 cents an hour at one time we made four cents an hour. and for some reason the the budget got cut.

Which makes sense because before becoming a prison it was called the Angola Plantation one of the many pro yo what budget dude. the whole the whole Squad gets probably paid like $9 for the whole squad for the whole day or two days properties. Franklin Who was believed to be the richest and cruestv they want us to to to be to be pigs, to be a cattle. You know what I'm saying so they could feed off of us.

That's what the they doing bro and it's sad bro. and it's sad to see KPM get caught up in that. So far we've discussed KP Max's paranoid Schizophrenia and how the dramatic travel restrictions imposed by its probation have put him directly in the crosshairs of his enemies. But there's another Factor we haven't discussed which is the effects of viral Fame and the Newfound risks and responsibilities that come with it in our previous episode KP Ma You know what dude, this should be.

Nothing should be. no responsibility or no nothing to do any virality I Don't give I don't give a dude. the whole thing is dog return. We touched on this briefly when I asked him how his life changed after going viral a transformation which Channel 5 had a lot to do with going viral if you post dumb 10 videos.

Okay, it's not because my fifth video went viral. Okay, that my sixth video has to be more responsible because the people that coming in from the fifth video, it's just a stupid ass standard they want to uphold because they're dumb ass bricks. Okay, libtard bro it. It made a lot of people watch me.

the tension was on me. I'm like all right kid I See that now everything I Do the world's going to watch people get some people. They just get mad about your Fame sometimes how come you think I don't They're poor. A lot of people are poor.

You have money and you makeing money. you just around poor all day. They don't like that they're miserable in the internet age of cloud obsessed. Fame Leeches viral Fame presents a major X Factor for someone already living a dangerous life on the streets and KPM knows this all too well.

In the first year after going viral, he got beat up by his own friends for false claiming a different hood on Facebook 8 years ago, then a man from Indiana built an entire online following by pretending to be his dad and in the past year 75% of his girlfriends have tried to arrange his murder typically after he refused to continue promoting their only fans. And according to China KPM receives between two and three credible death threats every single day just for being who he is. He's a trophy out here. You know people would that live that life people would you know happily do something to him just to go viral on the internet.
So because of that, he has to feel safe at all times. He goes above and beyond to feel protect cuz he's so paranoid about everything. not even just having weapons or anything, just period everything. how he moves you, that's tough.

I mean if you have schizophrenia and then you have an actual an actual reason to be at least a certain degree of paranoid, right? cuz that's Justified paranoia. If somebody are actually after you, why you of course you going be on your air. You're not. You're not crazy for it I mean no.

Upon further reflection, I realized that KPM may or may not be the most paranoid person I've ever met in my entire life Lup You got to park closer 5T closer. When I first met him about 2 and 1/2 years ago, it was as if he was expecting to be shot at at any moment. You never know. K You can have a great day some like this and something Mickey Happy enem me you feeding them might say your dead homies just spit on you I don't give a about these cameras I'm going not go asleep I'm going to do destruction and that was before he went viral.

He's constantly looking around. Can you blame him here? People just want to see him go down just to see him go down. Yet That being said, getting to know Kitm over the past few years I've seen him mature a lot. The person I met back in 2021 who wouldn't wear anything besides blue Pro Club t-shirts and whose primary goal was to challenge my cameraman to a one-on-one fist fight is not the person I know today.

That being said, I'm not Kitmax primary collaborator. Cpm's primary platform is a podcast called No Jumper hosted by Adam 22 who first interviewed KPM back in early 2020. So I decided to sit down with Adam to get a more objective perspective on how Kitac has changed or not changed over the past couple years. Thanks for the interview G I appreciate it.

Oh my pleasure, How did you first discover KX Somebody sent me like a YouTube short of him just sort of screaming at the camera. big hover killer destruction the FI neighborhood oh hood and it had like 300,000 views. but I didn't know who he was and so I started asking everybody I knew who he was. Eventually I got his Instagram and I just messaged him and I asked him if he would do it.

Want you? he said yes No jumper. Coolest podcast in the world and today it's the Max s on Hood F it's a Nifty day on 55th Street a real I does my dudes these blue Air mes with blood dude nift that was hard reacting to like finding out Lil way back were you that it was like a huge thing. Huge Progressive moment for the the gay rights agenda. Little little N came out with that Oldtown Rooll you don't remember this song guys guys, is this is this the right song? Hold on hold on hold on man.
wait is is this really I have to Google like this guys, it's it's a I swear okay it exist I swear I swear get up and I spin this just like this I swear I swear I even going to lie I like that you did. Oh yeah, that was a hit yo. The world is getting a lot more Progressive because we got CAG the L on the podcast expressing support for an openly homosexual rapper. That's cool.

Oh it's her that yeah, oh a her, he's more like Aashi 69 her I just I I lik how the song Went cuz I never knew Co was gay on Hood so that's not cool with you that ain't Nifty on 50s I don't know. He just like kind of wowed me early on. I Was always scared to get close to him though because of the the forehead tattoo and everything like that I Always like it. It took me a while to just like fully accept that like this guy's my friend.

even though it's like sometimes he's a he's a little difficult to be friends with politically because honestly like he's he's got problems with a lot of like very, uh, dangerous organizations I guess you could say and uh I feel like if any human being in Los Angeles needs a gun, it's probably him because yeah, of course there's definitely a lot of people with their eye on him. He is in like kind of a weird uh Middle Ground type area where he's somebody who if he was a rich rapper, would definitely have security with him all the time or at least would be wise to. but he don't really have money like that so instead he's carrying straps and doing his own thing. It's kind of crazy cuz it's like you.

You could imagine that maybe if he wasn't so Street or so uh, gang affiliated and His Image wasn't so dangerous that he would be like Druski. You know he would have got swooped up by like a management team and they would have went to work on building all kinds of content around him and stuff like I kind of see that vision of like how that could have worked but I feel like you know people were kind of scared so he ended up kind of doing more like the YouTube circuit the Vlog circuit. He's done a lot of different things. he did a rap battle Beyond a rap battle Adam 22 and Kit Maac's manager China have gone out of their way to provide Kitm with opportunities to produce content that's outside the gang sphere.

Him and China MAAC have a show called Mac Ventures where they eat, walk around and do other stuff. but Kit Max's most recent Venture was on Adam 22's reality show. So can you tell? tell me about the reality show that you've kind of been doing for the past few months. Yeah we did a reality show where basically like we got a bunch of porn stars and then we got a few men off the streets and decided that we would have them all compete to be my first ever threesome.
boy, boy girl I got my I can't hi I'm the plug I am an adult Creator my name is Adam22 and I co-own plug talk with my lovely wife. We interview a different girl every week week and then we them at the end. but we've only ever done it with other women so we've arranged this whole challenge to find the perfect guy to be our first ever boy boy girl fre you want to get out no get out we going to get you out of the situation and uh Kit Mack was an obvious choice and uh it was a little bit tough to Wrangle him and get him to actually show up and everything but he fought hard till the end and I'm not gonna lie like the the just the reaction to him was like so insane and like one of the things I was really thinking about was like finding a reality show to do to find him a girlfriend. So how close did Kitm come to winning the reality show he made it to like the final five or some like that but then ultimately it wasn't meant to be.

What do you think was his disqualifying? Factor He wouldn't show us his dick not the most Progressive guy when it comes to gay or just penises in general so he wouldn't show us his dick what's going on everybody? All right man, it's time. I've known you for a few years now and I'm ready to see the it's for her. it's for her. I swear.

Okay, I guess I didn't really want to say that about it anyways, but he's not even going to show us. probably not. Damn, what do you think his rationale was behind not revealing his genitals to you guys? You know. I've always tried to get KPM to like uh Take a Walk on the Wild Side and just you know, a little freaky with me mhm, he's not feeling it and uh I feel like showing another man your dick is just not 50 Fifth Street enough for him like he's just it's it's that's off the table.

But the winner did have to show you his dick. Yeah, what do you think? we? we banged her, my wife together. Yeah, oh, you already did. Yeah, yeah.

Despite Kitm not qualifying to participate in Adam's three-way his appearance in the reality show was very beneficial to his career and brought a second wind to Kitmax viral streak. On top of that, his friends and family say he was doing better than ever. before the feds picked him up. he was doing so well when he got out.

this time, he was doing so well. I've seen him just grow, grow as a person. So so so so much. Yes.

And for this to happen, right? So why did the cuops go so heavy? How do they know? did they get a tip or something like that? Like like how they know something so exciting and people look or search on at that point on that day? He is a great guy. He has a great heart. What's some of the growth growth that you've seen since he's been out from this last bid? Oh, just being more mature with um, getting his bank account you know, thanks to China shout out shout out to China for doing that. He's such a good person in his life.
um that's good and German this time that I was that he came home and I was really work and I was with him a lot. Yeah that's a big AIG deal. Like so much like you could just see him like just becoming growing, just become more of an adult like I don't think he ever had that he never had that he's he's he's not cognitively in a lot of areas. you know what I'm saying.

it took you a while understanding. Yeah, it took me a while. call me I'm like well he's like and then it took him and he finally got him and like then he started like changing CRI for the better. Also, ignorance is in stupidity either.

A lot of people say oh, you're you're dumb Some people just don't know because they weren't thought and they weren't given that and they didn't grow interest in. that doesn't mean that they're stupid like well he needs this He and he and he listens to China ma bro. He listens though. this is the thing.

Like he's hardheaded. he's not used to that. He's not used to listening to people. but he will though.

especially when I saw I saw a want for him to be better. You know what I'm saying and that's and it's hard for somebody that's never been taught better. You know what I'm saying that's never been not to take anything from Mama Bear and his family. They they taught him as much as they can.

but from a man's standpoint. from a man's standpoint, he wasn't taught how to be a man, how to do certain things and you know I think it's just. um I think it's sad to see Society just say you know what. just go to prison, just throw it all like you know, just throw them in prison and this is supposed to be America this is supposed to be the land of opportunity.

Okay, okay okay but then okay. flip the coin on another case where we the same scenar some kind of right and you have somebody who's like who has mental health issues right and has a gun and something happens and and then the state knew about it and didn't do what is going to say they're say yo dude you guys you guys let this guy with a gun and mental illness and no and no checks on them do all this I mean they're kind of decently liable for that if any. and freedom. You know we're supposed to understand our sick a little bit better.

You know what? I'm saying. we're supposed to take those instead of just like lazily just throwing everybody in jail. and I think this is one of those cases that you know this man does not belong in prison for 15. Understand crazy goes to jail for that long.

leaving this how you doing man do all right or should we say cyy so we can put a face I'm where you at right now I'm I'm in jelly I'm in I'm with Mama Bear and Granny Bear right now hey how you doing how you doing Gr Bear, how you doing M Bear hi baby baby is well yeah Grny Bear is doing better I'm glad I am I know I feel much better too I really do L The song L the song Trevor Can you hear me? Yes yes M How How are you doing? How are things going? Everything's going well I'm right Gotle out TR s St POS Good good Well we love you and we support you completely. Oh you know that's appreciate. You know mommy's here Of course you got hold it together. You realize you know through the hard times right? and hey you know things happen, things happen, uh see worse.
you got some time you know is what it you can't M sad or like that you got you got. Keep that they trying. They try to do five years or more which is not the greatest but that's also together I'm there for you baby out of trouble Yeah, that sounds right right Mama Be you're a strong woman I told you don't don't don't you cry All right, that's right I just miss you so much so oh yeah things we gota go through in life. things we gota go through and um and a lot of people really jealous of your Fame and a lot of people don't like you.

They G try to hit you with everything they can't hit you. It's selfish. it's not right. but at the same time you got to go through what you go through.

That's right, ch ch ch guys. never commit suicide, never commit suicide. Things get rough. Don't give up, don't take your own life.

everything going to see all right. Go to see. All right cuz never commit suicide. Suicide by the weak money.

Been through hell no money Late Night Grunning with baby Str a baby T Lo really grinding in the 50s We winning We shiny never commit suicide. Don't do no custom killing yourself is weak money I Been in a long road from the county jail. fight of prison that can give cric life I'll never in my life suicide is fight a we that's Custer don't see a Custer stay living, get your money. we all go through hard TI and never the end.

Get on your grind listen F A Huster Car BR said you are somebody C BR said you are somebody cuz listen I me I'mma keep it 5050 all right take you to except just how it is. you seem to be handling it pretty well way. that's just the way it is. No changes.

Oh my gosh Tupac yeah we listen to Tupac a lot and when I M A J a jumper party that's right I remember that yeah in Ontario this call will be terminated in okay I know babe Hey listen listen do you have any messages for your fans right now I do have all right and uh we G we gonna make everything happen the best we can make it happen and I just want to uh send a message by the young kids and the young people out there. look the system a the game, they trying to make an example out of me of my fame and and that all I represent is CR but also they don't care that I represent healthy people trying to do better stuff. so just take that in as far as uh you know just realize once you get up to the F nothing like nothing like State Prison they give you a million years they want to give you it you know? So hey it is what it is I want to let yall know I Love y ins parents Hey Qu don't don't see a Custer that baby stand 5 Street Alley This call will be terminated in one minute Jesus that reminder is terrible. That's fcking depressing All right.
Take care that's brutal Mi Monkey a Mickey's Monkey bye baby bye sweetie see how he sounds I mean it's just but he up I mean he's up. yeah he's up right now. he sound really good. Well I believe in miracles I know you do too.

Yeah he can let our baby go home. Wouldn't that be something? he deserves it. Thank you so much for watching! As you currently watch this video kitm is being held in a Federal Detention Facility as he awaits his sentencing offer from the prosecution. but there's something I Forgot to mention KPM has no legal representation.

It's equipped to handle his case in federal courts. so he literally has no lawyer and I think it's my responsibility given how much he's helped. CH No I my name is Andre Guys Guys Guys I was clear my tabs guys I Guys what the what? the I didn't do on purpose Guys guys it bugged out ability given how much he's helped Channel 5 in the past to help him out because he needs some help. If you look in the description below, you'll see that I set up a GoFundMe which is called the CPM Legal Defense Fund I Talked to him over the phone and he thinks that a $110,000 goal is is fair and would help him out a lot.

Also, the elephant in the room with KPM from the jump has obviously been mental illness and in terms of substantial cognitive recovery. I Think he has a really long way to go and I definitely don't think that the Uh Federal Correctional System they busted the initiate that mental heal Rehabilitation Process I Actually think that putting him in jail may actually worsen his paranoia and the symptoms of his paranoid Schizophrenia. That's where a decent lawyer comes in. A good Federal lawyer can do a couple things for someone who suffers from mental illness.

One thing they can do is bring out an outside expert mental health witness to testify in front of the judge before the sentencing offer is made, which if done properly, can lead KPM to an entirely separate judicial process which is called the Mental Health Courts. Being tried in the mental Health court system would guarantee that even if he got sent, he'd have access to adequate Mental Health Services upon his incarceration, which I think is crucial in his recovery, some of you may probably watch this and think oh, what's the point of getting him a lawyer when there's a 97% conviction rate And to that I say I understand where you're coming from, but the difference between 5 years and 15 years in Federal prison makes a huge difference, especially in the life of his child which is supposed to be born on May 5th of this year. Arguably, it was the absence of a father figure that caused KPM to turn lify in the first place. so I would hate to see that cycle repeated for another generation.
Anyways, I'm going to contribute a couple thousand, you guys is a good Channel 5 Live worldwide Hollywood Advice: The authority.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Crip mac returns to prison xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mkrh5 says:

    He’s a felon with an illegal gun. Are people stupid?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gasad01374 says:

    "he doesnt have money like that" while he literally has the grillz and gold chains…. he has enough money to get security.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gasad01374 says:

    "innocent until proven guilty" this case is a terrible example…. its not like they are just saying he had a ghost gun, it is proven that he had a ghost gun, he literally did what he is being accused of. hes admitted to being a paranoid schizophrenic, that makes it a whole lot worse

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @slumpy3748 says:

    I don’t think people relize that making the argument that he’s a shcizo doesn’t make it any better that he has a firearm as a felon 🤣

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @WarrenPuffet says:

    Crip Mac does so much for his community, he’s definitely far more of a benefit than a danger.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @urielclark2767 says:

    You making money why are you playing with unregistered weapons lmaoooooooo😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheMeekMingeMaster says:

    yea he had a swithc on it too if that pic they showed is his gun, aint gettin off easy at all.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @yukitze says:

    mr.cow should know that most schizophrenia cases/diagnosis are nonviolent

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @CoinCG says:

    You can see evil in crip macs mamas eyes

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @repghost9481 says:

    thank god bro was so annoying

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Hawxses says:

    the fact of him gettin 5 years and his son is gonna be born on 5/5 on this year is crazy

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @FHNDRXX says:

    why do people watch this instead of the real video?
    i didnt want to believe that this "reaction streamer" doesnt react.

    hes smart and yall dumm, but okay you are from the US mostly i guess 😂😂😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @wyattmunger5529 says:


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