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Chad This is a long video. hidden behind border patrol vehicles and makeshift tents were hundreds upon hundreds of migrants who hopped the US Mexico border in the past couple years. Did he reupload it? Then it was a shocking sight to see. Oh, it's part Two.

Is it good or not? All around the world hded like cattle on the cold desert floor, sitting in silence awaiting an uncertain future. Oh you a chance? why not? Despite these conditions, Spirits are generally High because most of these people have traveled days, weeks, and even months just to get here. About 3/4 of them are single males, but there are also many children. America is at a Breaking Point With record levels of illegal immigration, these people's lives are center of the national conversation, but they could care less.

They've finally made it to the land of opportunity, a nation allegedly founded upon the princip and radical individuality Where anyone from Walk of Life can make it's more open to like left ideas they call them detainees. They've been walking on this road. this for 12 miles, 12 or 13 miles. What it does is it parallels our border fence on the other side of it.

On the Mexican side of it is Mexican Highway 2. So the cartels have a really easy job. They just bring off of Highway 2 and then through the wall. The wall is has many of those cuts that I told you about earlier where they run the people through and so the the immigrants just walk down this road right? So as you guys can probably see right here, that's a group of five migrants who just hopped the border and they're walking directly into border patrol custody to join the seated group of migrants that we just encountered.

So typically when you think of the border at least me personally I thought it was like people hop and then try to evade border patrol and make their way to a large US city to start a new life. But in this case you can see they are putting themselves directly in the custody of border patrol to begin the Asylum seeking process like they're not trying to uh or anything aslum all the time though reason want to go on camera. Normally agents are not allowed to be interviewed and all press requests are typically deferred to a public information officer who rarely ever responds. But in this instance, the agent seemed exhausted and eager to tell me what was going on.

Now, there's very few of them evading. How come? Well, because they allowed them in, they don't evade because they'll let them come in, they'll in. B What? I'm getting at this CH is that they throw away their ID a lot of them in those, right? So they're like, basically undefinable, right? But since they're in custody of the United States or whatever, now they're they're their responsibility right? So now it's like they kind of have to take care of them. Otherwise, it's like but what you do, you can't just send them to die or whatever right? take them up to Phoenix Give them a $33,000 and a cell phone and send them wherever they want to go.
You get a court date, you have two years to show up in court. That's the reason they gave him a phone because they're saying if you they don't give me a phone I don't know when I'm supposed to go to court so they gave him a phone. At first I was confused what the border patrol agent meant when he kept referring to they to the naked eye. It appears that border patrol is the one handling and processing the migrants, but they're only the first step in a chain of bureaucratic Authority that goes up to the Department of Homeland Security, then finally up to the Department of Justice's Executive Office for Immigration Review, which is more or less controlled by the Biden Administration who've taken a much more open-arms approach to immigration after pulling back title 42 just about a year ago.

But despite pushing for more LAX border laws in comparison with President Trump, the wall just got 10 ft taller. Believe me, Biden hasn't done anything to make the process of applying for citizenship any faster. In fact, it's still takes between 18 to 24 months to get a response on a citizenship application, and it's actually possible to be denied citizenship if you fail to memorize and regurgitate fun facts about the history of America How many amendments does the Constitution have? It has a 27? Amendments Good. Which group of people was taken to America and sold the slaves? Uh, Africans Good.

Excellent. So it makes sense why a lot of migrants, many of whom are facing desperate circumstances, avoid the citizenship applic ation process altogether. I Wonder if my great great grandparents who were economic Ireland In the wake of the Potato Famine exper such an arduous process when they arrived to America illegally. Unlike these migrants who arrived at the southern border, my family arrived on boats to Ellis Island 115 years ago, much like Roberto and Alberto who we interviewed in our previous episode Arizona Border Crisis.

they found themselves in a strange new land with pennies to their name. They had no particular. Guys: it's citizenship. You're not a citizen, it's your main place of of life or whatever.

guys guys. I Don't think it's a fun fact. It's more about being interested in where you live and showing that that that that you care about where you're going to be. I I Don't think it's that big of a problem I Think it's more like it's CU It's kind of strange the way they're doing it, but I Don't think it's a problem guys.

it's like, um, guys, it's where you're going to be. It's where you dedicate your life to, right? If you in two years, you don't know, like, like things like a like like kind of kind of basic kind of fundament. Knowledge of the I mean I thing you don't just don't care then why? why? why should? But what they did have was the willpower and determination to work as hard as they could with the hopes of one day providing a brighter future for their family. And it worked.
And that's all thanks to Grandpa Jerry who died 30 years before I was born I wonder if he was asked who Paul River was or what the Boston Tea Party was all about? Was there a concern back then that these migrants weren't American enough to join our society? or is that way of thinking a new phenomenon driven by the paranoia of a white minority? An analysis of census data from The Brookings Institute projects the number of white Americans will fall below 50% for the first time ever in about 20 years way. Perhaps it's less about race and more about the burden of inheriting. Global Poty have so many problems of our own I Guess times Chang Believe it's not like there was Fentanyl or Cartels back then and most immigrants plan to move to America forever, not stack up money here and go back home. I Don't have the answers, but I do have a lot of questions.

One question in particular: how can we as Americans expect to propagandize the entire world with our Dream through Hollywood the music industry and the testimonies of self-made American billionaires while simultaneously exploiting the labor crops and raw earth materials of developing nations, freezing the economies of our political opponents through trade sanctions and creating rival drug cartels with our insatable appetite for cocaine, fentanyl, meth, and heroin and not expect a global economic IC Refugee crisis at the Southern border. But that being said, no matter where you stand on illegal immigration, we can all agree that our system as it currently stands is broken. We have a we have a legal process guys guys guys, that that's a pretty far um, connection between the two guys. That's a pretty intense connection.

Chill the out bro for for for immigrants and and it's it's being done by some, but it's it takes forever. Yeah, you know, so it needs to be sped up. For those those with skills and those want to come and build skills and and be Americans and be proud to be here and work and better their lives and their families and the treacherous Journey that they have to take across the border and through the desert. You're losing lives that way and so uh I Just uh, hope in 2024 we can Rectify this problem and help those who want to get here legally.

it appeared that all of the migrants who were walking Direct direct ly into Border Patrol's hands. We're approaching from a westbound road called Puerto Blanco Drive a narrow dirt pathway running, in my opinion, some sort of some sort of slippery slope. if you say oh dude, since you've done this, you should take all of this and you're you should expect that. Okay okay, some of a some of your pred companies operate in other countries for the production.

Okay then enjoy the drugs and the deaths and the booms. Enjoy dying. Enjoy the Bon enjoy that. you deserve it.

Yo Chill Who chill bro. I Think there's some sort of middle ground somewhere like What? The So I decided to drive see if I find some migrants to speak to first. we see some signage warning us of what's to come. Truthfully, I don't expect to see much, but as I continue down the road, they seem to be spawning out of thin air from all angles.
Most of them in a rush were told because their Cartel coyotes told them they had to get to the Border Patrol Facility by Nightfall in order to be transferred to a larger processing center or dropped off in a major city. but I noticed a group of a few of them walking pretty slowly. So I call them over to the car to see if they want to talk. how you guys doing, where you guys from from Sagal how you got you're in America how does it feel? What's the what's the plan? Okay okay Mhm yeah.

can you guys tell me about your life in Sagal how was your life from Sagal on how you guys doing welcome to United States where where you from man Sagal you guys are all from Sagal Yeah okay cool you speak any English uh a little oh cool. So how was your guys life in Sagal The the life in Sagal is very very hot. You know chaos and unrest in Sagal Once again the opposition leader urged supporters to take to the streets to protest against his jail sentence. The government government man is a is is but opposition are very difficult to to manifest her her her problem we are here uh to to to get another life for our family for our people we are very tired in Sagal Sagal is very hot that why we we come here uh to to get another life You know yeah the American people is a good is a good people are democracy they are they are they are good life You know what? what kind of work do you want to do Me uh I am I was a soldier in Sagal I I do two two years in the Army You know after my two years I I was a a security private.

You know security? Yeah okay so you're going to look for some a security job don't know Yeah hey man. Well best of luck man I Appreciate you guys. Hope everything goes well Okay see you guys later See you man Thanks for talking to us Yeah see you guys bye guys After stopping to speak for a bit, the group of Sagales men headed westbound toward the border patrol facility. We however, kept driving.

As you continue to drive along the border wall, you can see people popping out from under the wall in a specific part of the fence that's being guarded by an SUV on the Mexican side nearby. I see a group of mothers and children who appear to have recently just crossed the wall. They tell me they're migrants from Mitak Khan the mother of these children who personally Finance their trip says she's willing to talk to me Mexico sign is this all her children see that in California Victor family in Victorville see CH if it takes one year to spawn one in and you have 12 and and then the youngest like five, isn't the oldest going to be like 17? I'm making sense fore okay see Midway through my shoot I had an interesting Revelation It seemed that almost every migrant of Latin American descent particularly Mexican that I talked to said they were leaving their Hometown because of threats from gangs or being kidnapped by the Cartel in our previous EP Arizona border crisis being weird being weird Yeah, yeah, there is a lot of There is a lot of work and yet there is a lot of jobs and yet a lot a lot of privileged. American Andes Unfortunately They don't want to do those jobs man people don't There is there is a what the are you on about.
there's a ass on people don't want to do. Have you ever hired people? Dude? you are you. You live in a some sort of in like some sort of bubble what you talk to is we spoke to two different migrants Alberto and Roberto who reported similar stories with their with their conditions and and some of their place of work and what and what they are used to in their country. You know how hardworking some some of these folks are.

They're incredibly hardworking, they're incredibly disciplined. it's ridiculous dude. And the fact you're like oh oh yeah oh sure work dude. yeah some of the you w do what? see however many locals and law enforcement personel believe.

Listen chat guys guys I know you say oh yeah I'm privileged say whatever guys guys I've had a lot of rentals and a lot of houses in La whatever CH and I hired a bunch of people for a lot of like guys I'm talk like in total over the years CH like hundreds of people that did like landscaping and construction jobs and something I one time my roof broke a bunch of times I dude these guys like they went so hard they're insane dude and then dude I get like a $100 tip $ Bro they're like so it it was like something else. Man, it was something else. Bro: these are very hard working. They're being disingenuous.

Make these sort because applying for Asylum requires proof of persecution danger. During the Asylum seeking process, it's typically not enough to declare that you're simply poor and looking for a better life elsewhere. You have to provide ample justification ation that it's actually dangerous for you to stay in your hometown or your home country. and even then many claims are rejected.

and so claiming that the Cartel is personally after you is a really easy way to be granted. Asylum Especially because there's no real intelligence apparatus to confirm or deny the authenticity of this threat. The concerned citizen of mysterious origin who we met at the Arizona border last episode claims that Cartel coyotes that control the human smuggling. Route Around The Lukeville Gringo pass area are coaching these migrants in how just wash my hands 10 seconds.

Some of them do it right though I understand like yeah, it's not all like that, you know. But yeah there are bad apples like some some of them do it right? Yeah, and it's not like all like oh D oh D these guys, it's just drug and violence, blah blah blah it like th chill bro. It's not I like that to explain themselves to press and border patrol agents, the Cartel or somebody is coaching them because they virtually say the same thing. oh that their their lives are in danger from gangs in these areas and they've been threatened with kidnapping.
and we've even found a notebook um, that had those kind of answers written down as if the person was rehearsing these statements to say when they were. you know, when they confronted the border patrol. To be honest, this made perfect sense to me. I'm not for a second dismissing that Narco Violence has had a significantly negative impact on the civilian population in Mexico especially places like Cuarez where hundreds of women have been found murdered for no apparent reason.

but I found it difficult to believe that cartels were systematically kidnapping local children in their own communities and squeezing their non-affiliated already struggling parents for ransom pesos. It seemed like they had bigger fish to fry like supplying the open a Tran Market of Philadelphia or the Fentol Market Market of San Francisco That being said, even if these migrants were lying or at least greatly exaggerating the Cartel threat, they've still gone to extreme lengths to reach the United States So their situation back home was obviously pretty hopeless. If anything, it's more sad that they have to present their situation in this way in order to be able to engage our immigration courts. However, some guys, if they do it right, though, is there another way to be able to achieve that legitimately and do it right? Like if you just if you were to do it the correct way, it does that work.

Or they have to do it because it does never work. Some people like the gentleman we interviewed believe even the poverty they claim to come from is also a lie. The part that alarms me: what you used to see. You know 10 years ago you would find these cheap Chinese made camouflage backpacks W that were purchased by the crossers in these border towns and they would get across the border.

the backpacks would invariably break or something like that. Now we're finding these. Louis Vuitton leather backpacks. We found one just the other day that was lying on the ground.

We opened it up In the top compartment there was a bottle of cologne and a UCB C cord neck pillows. This is a different demographic completely. I Decided to walk through the Sonoran Desert to see if what the man would wait. Dude: Okay, okay you can say designer is dog and you're right, right? But at least the build quality is really strong.

Why do you think they're broken Cuz they're fake You? absolute if they're broken down and like cuz they're just fake, they're just replicas that are worth like four bucks. Was saying by inspecting backpacks left behind by migrants. you guys guess what it is USBC Charger shh Staying fresh another luxury item. Yeah, this is a It's kind of like a passport.
It's an international certificate of vaccination like lify of Guinea Let see what else is in here. Oh and lo and behold, the aformentioned totally authentic Gucci slipper. We spoke to this gentleman earlier if you guys remembered who mentioned that these migrants, unlike the old migrants, are bringing like luxury items like Gucci purses Louis Vuitton flip-flops Louis Vuitton Prada bags and stuff like that and so as you can see here, someone has left behind a Gucci slipper but as you can see, it's not actually Gucci it says on the hill right here Zaza obviously an americ Z I love those zaz zaz Z the bested in Florida best weed everywhere. come on now we don't but internationally I would assume it is a a variant knockoff of Gucci with the pattern which leads to another theme which is the mass production of knockoff luxury and designer Goods in the Third world I Don't know if you guys have been to Vietn n Gucci down Another thing I Noticed along the border fence were blue flags and water stations that were placed every qu mile on the way toward the border patrol facility.

Yeah, as you guys can see pretty much all along the border fence like this entire way, every quarter mile or so you'll see these giant blue flags I'm not sure who puts them there, but they're basically what I'm assuming to be Emergency Medical Services They have a B like a a giant thing of water right here. so if you want to get some water, you can obviously get some water in shape. They have cups here. Upon further research, these tanks of water and flags are left behind by Humane Borders.

AKA Fronteras Compas An Arizona based nonprofit that sets up hundreds of water stations along the border to provide hydration to migrants which in the summertime as temperatures can rise to above 120 in the desert can be a matter of life or death people dying out in the desert. they were dying because they didn't have any water. Yes, yeah yeah and believe it or not, if if they die on your side of the border dude, it's your responsibility. These are like your Deads and dude I hate to say dude but yeah it is.

If if somebody somebody dies on on your soil, that's a responsibility. literally. I'm I'm pretty I'm correct about this. Yeah, it is another article Mone to removing two people dying cuz they didn't have any water.

So the third day it was a mother and a daughter that died out here in the desert because they didn't have water. So I got pissed off I said I have to do something seven days a week. We're out here in the field putting out water for the migrants. If you're interested in donating, please go to Humane Donate Last year alone, nearly guysbody jumps the border and dies right there.

What do the US does they say Guys, this is a this is a call out on Discord Guys whose body is this? Come pick him up. you got 24 hours guys. What the you think did they do? 100 migrants died crossing the border in that 5 Mile section where we filmed this video and the sheer number of Migrant deaths that occur in the Arizona desert as a whole solely as a result of dehydration is staggering. This in mind, 75% of Migrant deaths happen in the summer months, so it's no surprise.
the winter months of December and January see the highest migrant traffic by a large. Market How youing all right? Mar Where you coming from? Yeah, I'm from West Africa oh from Guinea You know? Yeah, yeah, it's not easy bro. M Yeah By God and power you know respect how long how long has your journey been so far? Oh though, nothing to say M: that's up though. how'd you get to Mexico Oh yeah, so let so let me drink some a lot of water fresh after that so we can talk.

Okay, you want some water? yeah we got some brother we got some. How long ago did you leave Guinea it's been a two week I live in Guinea after Guinea Soal D to take to the plane to go EST 28 hours to es car then istan to B Bota San Salvador San Salvador Nicaragua So you pick up the car to go to the border line to Nicaragua and on Chad Chad This why claiming Asylum doesn't really make sense at this point right? Because because with all the travels, all the options that are happening you're bound to find another Asylum country before getting all the way out. That's why it doesn't really make sense cuz there are a lot of other countries that are also open for Asylum and can help whatever. but then they do all this and go to America Like does that make sense you know then you go to immigration 100 us just to to to take one people you know uh then take your boss boss Honduras Honduras Guatemala Guatemala Mexico no you're right cop oh no good cope chat got a man the plane was locked in the the ticket was one way he they they found him it goes nowhere else but those places they have to go on that route.

they're stuck on the flight path they cannot get off of it. it's locked in this Mexico is up though the cops it's a it's a SCU Mexican boy Jo I Spending I spending $5,000 they extorted you. Yeah yeah though, the guy is take me, my watch, my heart in my airpod. You know because I don't have a money man you know in my pocket I use my car yeah my bank M my my my car Bank You know? So you finally made it to Mexico and then what happened they finally Mexico H we take a one one one bus to go H Chachula mhm Chachula is too far then yeah Chachula we take one bus again to Contines Araga Araga again we take a taxi the yellow car yellow car then bike bike a horse horse to the three cycl bike after that shitan then after Hitan Mexico City Mexico City we go to the bus station to buy a ticket right? the take bus is again, 70 mes from bus in Mexico City exactly yeah 340 peos for that ride Dam that's Value City that's value Bro 2070 miles and you ended up near here two days and the boss you know then when you arrive there so I make it to this because I met the Spanish the Mexican girl enter the bus station she got so much love for me bro yeah she follow me and and that's the first that to the first meet this is the Mex Mexico bus station you know you know her babies Mhm yeah just to drink one beers again though you know sping yeah it's crazy man how how how did you do that? How did you do that back? It's not easy but thank God so what's your what's your plan now bro it's my plan to the next episode after after this.
uh these things but difficult to explain it but that's in God power As the sun began to set Darkness approached, we figured it was safer to go back to the border patrol facility. When we returned, migrant population had doubled and Spirits were considerably lower than they were in the early afternoon when we first arrived. I Wi again for some chat see is that's me. Okay we have food in the car right? See guys? Oh no oh no oh no.

see thing guys I can always see the Tik toks dude they're going to come with this dude. they're going to. they're going to bring their like Plinko like Plinko gambling machines or whatever or they play the game and then they get like a bottle of water or a a stck of rice. oh no I can always see do as in Guatemala I offensive bro If you know about The Hunger Games you know fore see foree see guys guys guys I'm getting I want RP finish Midway Through my interview with Miguel yat I began to put two and two together when Miguel referred to having to hide a lot while crossing the border.

He wasn't referring to coyotes. He may have been referring to one of the many civilian border militias that often lurk the perimeter of the Border fence. The local sheriff does not welcome their presence on Arizona's border with Mexico What on their presence? Wait the there's no mag in there on Arizona's border with Mexico but they say they're not breaking the law. In many documented cases, these militia groups are alleged to have open fire indiscriminately on migrants crossing the border fence illegally for hello.

I'm guess I'm over it long video let given the amount of people I saw gathered nearby. So I figured the best place to continue doing interview was actually in line where border patrol agents were checking migrants passports and photographing them for documentation purposes. despite a gentleman's earlier claim that we have no idea who these people are because they yeah I'll was letter. Yeah yeah true true true guys guys I wasn't even making a weird comment earlier.

look look look look I'll show you I'll show you show it's this. it's this guys people will take advantage of of people's like hunger and and they make videos what they make them like challenges for food and dude K Naughty biscuits, chocolate cookies and J Deli like what the oh wait hold on this looks good oh my God very good Shahanur noodles Nati biscuits and just jelly brother No no water, no no, no liquid, just just dry food. Are you kidding me? A dude? hold on L W Chur and M oh wait hold on Rahul on wer and chocolate cookies. Yeah man, come on guys hey guys I'm watching the video man dude guys Chad is fuing saying some dumb I'm reading it dude I'm watch the video I r for me guys it's so dystopian it's so like far out I don't know what you want.
For me, it's just so stupid.

By xQcOW

18 thoughts on “Migrant detention camp xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @douglasmurillo1071 says:

    You know what else is crazy, these people will not assimilate when they are here either. Some gain citizenship not speaking a word of English.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kula_lala says:

    Biden and his gang are desperate to beat Trump, they will do anything to stop him from being president again.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @abhi_afk says:

    border patrols just took em in?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @limitedbom2206 says:

    I like how all the sudden news networks stopped talking about the detention camps at the border now that Biden is in office. Remember when it was a hot topic blaming trump for caging kids? Pepperidge farm remembers.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Nadeko says:

    chats reaction to the guy crying made me sick to my stomach and reminded me why men end their own lifes, its like yall dont know what sadness looks like.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @iimasheriiol222 says:

    We’re just bringing in more voters for our lord and saviors Joe Biden and Kamala Harris nothing to see here

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @trollardo9720 says:

    I don't get it. WHY DO THIRD WORLD COUNTRY PEOPLE MAKE SO MUCH CHILDREN THAT THEY CANT TAKE CARE OF????????????? Don't come with "hard to get preventatives" bullshit. You know having sex might end up with you having a kid. It's bad for so many reasons. 1. You live in more poverty. 2. You bring children into your shitty world. Like, why??? I can't trust people with too many children seeking asylum. It's just off to me.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @willryan7968 says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nickswanson03 says:

    get those biden voters out

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @thatfinnish_guy9931 says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @willryan7968 says:

    The Great Replacement is no longer a theory.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jolIyjoeker says:

    Thanks for bringing light to how bad this is. The nonstop stories of child rape on the border is the stuff of nightmares

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tropik5724 says:

    Mass immigration for USA and Europe but not for Israel or Asia.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jipeh says:

    more lukewarm takes from the juicerlord himself

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @faber3969 says:

    xQc is out here questioning the logistics of that woman having like 7 kids when the average woman in Quebec had 5-6 before the 60s. Jean Chretien had 19 siblings.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tempex6200 says:

    usa needs some trump

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Monteprinz says:

    TBD. Hail Trump.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @favpleasure says:

    we are becoming hasans america

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