Valkyrae has received a lot of criticism over her involvement in RFLCT, a skin-care brand that supposedly protects you from the "deadly" blue light from your monitor. xQcOW goes over her response.
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#xQc #RFLCT #Valkyrae

I'll skim through it all right i'll, just start uh from the beginning. Who is he talking to lulu um? It was before i announced my youtube switch. Who cares? I've been on youtube, yo, the yo yo. Let me tell you, let me tell you how this room's gon na go today, you little okay, okay, if you're gon na make it if you're gon na be like oh dude, dude, we're all equal, dude and um.

When you trip uh we're gon na crash you and we're gon na get mauled whenever they trip dude, who cares dude dude? Who cares man move on? Oh these guys isn't really up dude move on. Who cares dude? Oh, you did something bad you you who are you turn the stream off and delete the stream and rip the mods? What is that dude? What the is that shut up for over a year and a half? Now it was yeah pretty much two years ago, um. I uh through uta, which is the talent agency, that my agent works for uta um hannah is my agent, as some of you know. What it is is that um is that evolved.

Closet is bigger than my kitchen she's, my agent uta um, through uta, um, joanna and claudia, found me and asked the time of rival. I might as well put chinese uh. They had a meeting with me and they said they really liked my brand. They really liked uh, who you know just like who i was and everything and they asked me they brought like a bunch of what was michael.

Oh, they brought a bunch of products and samples and all this stuff, and they asked me during that meeting. If there was something that i was interested in and so i interested to make - and so i said i was like well, is there any like research on blue light and how it can affect your skin, because i you know, i don't really know much about it And stuff - and they said that yeah we can um time is, we can do studies on it and stuff and so the next six months they ran their own studies. They did their own research with uh their labs and their chemists. Paulina is one of the lead chemists in ideviation labs, and i i saw the research i saw it with my own eyeballs and i was really excited because it was.

I thought it was ground, breaking research. I thought it was all wonderful stuff. It was excited. I thought it was really going to help not just like me, but like other people as well and so um after the first six months, all that stuff um.

My also, i guess i should start by saying i took ground beef got 100 thieves from my title, or from my bio and stuff on twitter and instagram, because i they have nothing to do with this. This is not. This is not uh 100 thieves involved at all, and i didn't want them that, like yeah as much to understand that um that that they're not involved guys, i don't want to be rude. It's just that um when you're with somebody it's ride or die.

Okay, if somebody chooses to endorse you and you make a mistake whatever they, they go down with the ship or they're part of the ship. That's what that that's, what they sign when you're an individual and you sign with them. They sign with you, okay, okay, if they have a big-ass problem and they want to drop. You drop me.
Dude drop me dude! That's that that's it if they have a problem with whom, as a person, i'm not gon na, be oh, no, no, no! No, and and cut myself off what means? Not really, of course, though, you, you sign a partnership you're now you're, not you're, not with them you're on the team dude, like you, you think when i like, when i gamble everything: oh my god, damn ninja! Oh, no! No guys guys luminosity, like dude, nothing to do with this. This is not. This is not. I don't know this.

This is i get it she's trying to cover her own ass. I'm not i'm not again, i'm not going to be rude to her about it. That's fine. I just think it's unnecessary.

Okay, that's it my thieves involved. It all and i didn't want them to like get dragged into this somehow um, oh yeah, my original title was creative collaborator for reflect. I was a creative collaborator um. I actually asked, if i could put if there was something shorter, that it looked prettier in my bio and they said you could put co-founder if you want guys before we show you before we we're going to get on to this yeah guys.

Last comment about the beginning: okay: okay, when something like this happens in my opinion: okay, it's either throw over it, throw everybody under the bus and and go boom or end doors and double down uh. I i don't think. Once again, this happens. You can go in the middle and there's no gray area really, there's there's just there's just there's just none.

Unless you choose really red avenues paved with like lies or whatever you double down, or you throw a bit into the bus and you tank the loss and be like okay. Well, i mean i had to say um if that bridge is a college whatever it won't. Me, i'm sorry dude, i care more about my brand and my survival, then, whatever i stand with you guys and if that that's a problem, whatever okay super, i don't want to tell you so yeah. That's why it was co-founder, because i thought creative collaborator was too long, but yeah that was actually the creative collaborator co-founder.

Whatever that means um and so yeah. I saw their research, i loved it. I thought it was so sick. I was like wow.

This is incredible. I can't believe, like i'm gon na, be part of something like this um uh. My involvement with reflect for the next year and a half was they would send me samples of the products like i tested the smell, the texture, the packaging, the colors of the packaging uh, for instance, the the chapstick or lip balm. I wanted, i told them.

I wanted it to be completely unisex. I wanted it to be as natural as possible. I wanted it to not be shiny, so that's why the moisturizer and the chapstick are matte like they dry, matte um. That was my involvement.

I am not a chemist. I was i've never been to the lab in person. I've just seen the research and all that this is where that's why i've been really excited for the past two years. I think i have a lot of years that i've been around for a very long time.
Thank you. This is already kind of tough, though, because she said she looked at the research whatever, and she says that that um it sounds groundbreaking, but then um, in my opinion, trying to downplay um the involvement with the more uh back end stuff. So it's it's. It seems kind of like a weird double-edged sword that doesn't make sense, but we'll let it play know that i was really excited for this because um people, i saw a lot of comments of people saying it only takes one second on google to research.

This we didn't do one second of researching. We ran our own studies, we did our own research, we did it or not me. I didn't do it, they did it, but i saw it um. I was really excited because this whole time i was under the impression that all of that research and everything that i saw was going to be on the website um and when uh reflect dropped.

It was critical and crucial for there to be information um and there was nothing but a webmd link. I was confused, obviously um, and so i had meetings with them after that. The past few days i didn't want to speak or like stream because, like i needed to see how the website was going to be updated and that's when i learned that their studies can't be publicized. So that's the part where i was very naive about it, because i didn't know that, wasn't it i'm confused, isn't it the whole selling point, though wait a minute.

Let me wait so guys, i'm not a scientist. You guys know something, of course, maybe you're new to this. Maybe you think that i'm i'm five head and i'm a scientist, but i'm not - and i have to tell you guys, but i think that there's and i think, there's two things here - one one that you would have to would have to you would have to um Prove or or do, research on whether a blue light is uh, dangerous or damaging to your skin one and two that's the second layer is if the product is good at preventing that and helping that right. Next to the two layers, the in my opinion, the first layer is, is um, proving whether it's damaging or not, and i think that that research, if you, if publicized it's it's a huge deal, it's it's isn't that a huge deal.

It is it's that, if that's your main selling point even they can, they can prove one of them right, yeah. So why don't make it public? That's what happened um, so they have a bunch of third-party like articles and stuff on there. Um i've seen i've seen a lot of articles like saying yes and no and stuff, but like i've also seen like their own personal research, but like. I also didn't really want to it's really hard to want to be involved in something where it's you know, you can't show what they've done.

So, why can't they? They said it's because um specific, like the specific research, can be stolen by other companies and the blpf and the the trademarked blpf and the trademark re3 huh, okay, okay, guys, i i don't wan na. I don't wan na be rude guys. I i like lucky right. I like some of her streams - i don't think we're friends, but i don't like to be critical about it like i said, if you can prove one of one of these, these two things, one that blue light, isn't endemic to the skin.
And if you had this information, nobody can can really steal that, for their own benefit, that's something that is literally what that would be, if you can prove it groundbreaking, can help everybody do better as a whole in a lot of different fields. Not only for that or for for skin care for for everything right, it's it's a huge deal, so i i i don't. I don't think that anybody can cannibalize or or can yoink it in a negative way for their stuff. You know i saw the research on all of that and the individual ingredients of it being researched of how it works with blue light, like i saw but like i don't want to have to like.

No, i could cannibalize like like take a part of their make. Make a better thing with it and a boom not have a competitor, that's better, they they yank it, but i don't know that applies here. I'm not it's not! This is not what i expected. This is not what i signed up for.

I don't want to have to convince people like. Oh just trust me. I understand, i understand entirely the position i put myself in. I unders i understand entirely.

Not only did i i'm not putting into members only mode, i'm not i'm not putting it in members. Only mode like people have to say what they need to say like this is this is a big deal. This is a very big deal and it's been um. I'm honestly also it's tragic how this happened, but i'm glad it happened to me like even the people that are just like on me, the friends that are using it for fun.

You know, entertainment, i get it. It's entertaining it's fun to see all this happen. I get it, i understand, i'm glad that it, it happened to me and not any of you. You know i'm glad that it's i don't know it also kind of helps me in a way because, like i know now like who, my real friends are like, i know like, for example, saikuno is the only friend that checked up on me every single day, um Celine carl corpse emma the people that actually messaged me and talked to me like about it, but there is one thing that did concern me.

Not a single one of my friends or anyone that i know on the internet asked me: hey ray what happened to the website? Why is there no information on the site, not a single person, huh a lot of people reached out and why is there or anyone that i know on the internet asked me hey ray what happened to the website? Why is there no information on the site? Not a single person, i thought that was her responsibility. A lot of people reached out and asked like. Are you okay, but no one? No one asked what happened or it's just more. So i think it was like.
I don't know it. It was weird that people and pretty much all of my friends, assumed that there was no research done like i would never. I don't know i care so much about i've always cared about like my reputation and my authenticity have always been too open about things, and this was um. This was a wild experience.

Okay, okay, chad, guys guys - because i'm just gon na be honest guys. It's just that, in my opinion, if people know this is like like something that's going on like this, i i feel like dma, whatever could be like, like belittling it, because there's a problem with like the product and the fact checking that's kind of like her job, But if you sign contracts and you take on a job or responsibility, it literally is your responsibility, your job, if, if i, if i take a sponsor for a game and this game is kind of weird nobody's gon na dm me and be like yo dude, you Do do this game? Has a crypto miner dude this game? I think i think, look at the frame rate. I think there's something going on in the background no nobody's gon na do that. I don't think anybody and i i don't blame them for nothing either, because it's my job, i sign the papers.

I signed the contract. I did it on my own, it's my battle, i'm so low. I don't. I don't assume that the whole squad is on my and now we're fighting together.

It's just not it's just going to hang out how it works when it comes to like this, so it doesn't fake. I know but like i'm also now in a position where i have to say like dope, just believe me, i don't expect you to believe me. I'm kind of surprised that the people that i'm working with expected people just to believe me. I thought that all this information was going to be on the website, so it's um, it's kind of the thing that i got, i'm yeah so now this is um.

This reflect is something that ulta. I don't know if you guys know, but ulta is a large, repayable uh, skincare beauty, makeup seller um they invested in reflect and it's going to be sold at ulta in stores tomorrow, and it's really hard to be proud of that when it like. I feel like, like the people that work behind the scenes and the people all of everything - that's happened in the past two years. They don't get to experience.

What i'm experiencing like this is. This is, i am i'm the face for it like. I am the creator for it: wait they're not pulling the plug huh they're not pulling the plug on it, they're still going they're green lighting, it, oh my god, they're the creative collaborator for it and so like i'm, i'm the one that gets all of it. Isn't that crazy, so yeah? I think if i, if i could um i feel like if i could uh go back, i would have been.

I wish i could have been more aware of what was going to be shown. I will read comments now already invested: okay. Okay, that's a great point and how do you think they're going to repair those losses? How do you think by selling product and who buys a product people that are duped by the the false claims that they promoted themselves? Therefore, you can't say that they were gon na lose money. They lost money when they came up with the idea without doing the research.
That's that's their fault people this all the time it happens. It doesn't mean they have to still go through with it and be like oh we're going to make some money back based off of a scam. That's what what is that? What yeah they did their studies. That's why i was so excited, because i i liked their studies that i saw what couldn't tell you is that you don't deserve any of the hate.

I mean i understand where a lot of the hate was coming from, because there was nothing on the website guys. It's like it's like it's like if i make a new a video game. Okay, let me i'm gon na give you an example that isn't harsh a real example to give an idea. Okay, i make a new game just for everybody.

Okay, i make the new jump. King and you guys all want to play, did you saw me play before? Oh, my god, a new jump, king jump, king two, that's dank right, and then i i spend 50 mil paying people to build the game and you guys are going to buy it right. Holy guys jump game. You guys want to play it.

Oh you want to play. That's sick, oh dude. It just released and your gpu is at 97 percent. Oh, what the oh man wait.

It's mining bitcoin! What the oh um yo, listen guys! Well, it's coming to steam tomorrow, so but by tomorrow, because we i lost 50 mil building it and listen. I listen. I got to make the money back somehow and i know with the bitcoins to be pretty high lately and i could probably sell that and make it for the losses so we'll we'll go on stream and we're going to chill with it like no dude like no. I don't know if that works, you you don't i don't know.

Oh no. I failed to make a successful cash grab. Oh no, i failed to make a successful cash grab. Um.

Okay, that's also another thing. I i don't need money and some people like. Oh, she could have just done a regular skincare thing. She could have just done more merch, you're right.

I can literally just straight up retire and have enough money to take care of myself and my family for the rest of my life. This wasn't about money. It was more so like i saw their research and i was really excited that that they wanted me to be involved in something that felt revolutionary. Like i don't need the money, i don't in fact, in fact, it doesn't merely pay as much as merch does that's.

For sure i don't think you guys understand what a week of merch did. It says if i really needed more money. Wouldn't i just sell more merch every week like it's, not i'm not! No! I i don't agree. You know chad, guys guys.

These are not industry secrets. Okay, merch merch sells high like in batches, because not everybody has 10k to spend on a year on influencer apparel, okay, people, everyone have a little money pulled up, and sometimes oh, i want oh i'll, buy this, but they're not a skincare product. It's like almost like a microtransaction and uh merch is like selling a game. Does that make sense? That's how i compare it, and people are more likely to buy in bigger capacities, small products that are endorsed rather than big ones at repetition.
So normally these are. These are both comparable flexing either. It's just a lot of people said that i'm doing it for money which just isn't it's not my character. I literally sit at home all day.

What do i need to spend money on nothing? The pokey reach out to you, um? Okay, i'm not on her i'm just giving him seeing which friends reached out to me when um a lot of the friends reached out after i posted the voicemail on twitter and then also a lot of friends reached out. When i said i was going to be talking about friends in social media, so yeah, i guess it i i don't know, maybe some of them got afraid. I would you know i love leslie leslie cared sydney as well. Sydney cared sydney reached out publicly.

It also. The friends that like defended my character, i appreciate it so much so so much it's very hard to defend a character when the killer doubles down. That's always really hard, though it's always hard to to defend somebody that doubles down. That's the thing, though, if somebody pulls out and goes and said you know it you guys that was trash and it is what it is uh, let's move on and i'll do better.

People can defend that if you said guys that was trash, let's go all in and double down it's like um. Are you still sticking with the company? Is it because you stand by the product? Do the research you've seen or it's because you're stuck in the contract of some sorts? I am in a bound contract. I do believe in the product, but i do also wish to not be involved because the research can't be public because i'm gambling, i acknowledged it. I apologized and i stopped okay.

Okay, if you want to make this a big deal about money, i could take all the sponsors for gambling and i could have made a crazy forged with gambling. I didn't and i stopped what's the problem. What's the problem, that's the hard part and that's the honest truth. That's the honest truth! What about hassan? You sent the contract, you didn't who says i didn't and that i didn't talk to him afterwards.

Hassan hassan assan messaged me and said: if people yell you ask them why they didn't have this energy for people shilling g-fuel, when it has lead in it. This has this does not even compare what that's brain dead. What did um, i'm pretty sure hassan knows that that the lead thing is like a prop 95, a california dog. It has nothing to do with anything what the dude dude.
Oh, i can't i can't terrible. I had a website of products with no links or information. It's completely different, i didn't reply. I didn't even know what to say i was like.

Are you kidding me? This is not even comparable. I don't even know what to say. Also yeah, i did see daff's, you know. I'm gon na make a new gamer product come resistant keyboard.

Wait, wait, wait! No! No! No! It's fd approved it's. If california has these these weird thresholds or whatever that that that only only apply to california like oh no, it's too much of this when it's like there is a reason behind it. It's like it's like one like 140th or whatever, um of of the daily consumption or whatever that's acceptable. It's it.

It's some props, 95 or 65. Whatever it's some law dude, it's literally fda, proven pressure who gives a? I don't think this is fda approved at all, though yeah, oh, my god, it's banned in germany, oh my god, gp was banned in germany. My vods are banned in germany, who gives a about germany what they banned, but i did reach out to her because i was the only reason. Listen, i get the i get it.

I get the jokes, it's engagement, i get it it's funny. It's it's! A hot topic the on there. Now i get it it's entertaining. I understand i understand uh, but i did reach out to her because i was kind of concerned because i sent i sent a link to like a lot of people that i thought were cool with me uh to receive a free gift.

Then they approved. Oh, i'm sorry am i done about this. Okay guys, you guys, i literally did the research. Okay, i did the research, she feels bad for you and it's bad for you.

It gives me the juice shut up. How come you didn't say anything to me about this until it was released like? Were you planning that joke for like two months, but then it turns out that um i had this coffee pasta that was sending to people that, like it said like this, is my two-year project. It's blue, my skincare line! Um. If you want it, you fill it up, but like she said that she didn't get that coffee, pasta so um.

I said okay, i feel better, knowing that you didn't know that it was a blue light. Skincare line feel better now: yeah yeah toast reached out um, yeah and jack didn't, except that guy jack courage did yeah jack um like i saw that he commented and then he deleted his comment rightfully so, like i understand, like a lot of a lot of my Creators - oh guys, i i don't agree with this. I don't agree with this going one by one on who reached out and who didn't. I don't think it's anybody's responsibility, i'm not surprised that anybody reached out.

This is a solo battle. You start getting backlash like. Oh, i got ta watch my brand. I understand that um, but he didn't message me miz did message me.

I also saw that he did this weird product review on his stream celeste. Thank you. Dr trader review on your product. Blue light is dangerous.
Studied proven only question is whether or not we get dangerous amounts from screens yeah from the studies i saw that can't be posted because trademarked and might be stolen by other companies. Um yeah, i get it yeah. Oh my god. I don't know uh being too convincing raised all the time, only scam, people, you know what no i just you know.

You know what you know dude i will. I will formulate an official apology if things are ever posted and later on, i'll make an apology. I will host and donate okay if i'm wrong about this. Okay, i'm just not very confident in it in the way that they're going with it and the way that they're going about it.

The studies got leaked yeah, you're right, i'm not. I have no desire to scam people. I have always i've, always prided myself in having my heart and my head in the right place. I've always i feel, like obviously it's been very comforting.

It's been very comforting, seeing like people that have been around for a long time. That know where my heart is this information, i'll, probably because the product is being patented, and after it's been explained to me that this is how it was explained to me after the launch dropped. So i go to them asking first of all: there's no information on the website and we're making a claim that guys guys, i'm not gon na, be a shill okay, but i think this is the problem with working with with really really big companies. Here's the problem.

Okay is that i don't think she can completely pull out, because if the company is able to make studies or at least try and make a product and release it, and it's a big company um, the car that she signed are probably like airtight right and she Should if you try to pull out and and throw them under the bus, she gets absolutely obliterated and she like it gets completely clapped right. So it's like it's like kind of hard. It's why we were really really really big companies. You have to be super.

Super super careful and i think she's, just she kind of like got caught in a really bad bad thing that she can't get out of it. But if she, if she she's trying to say that if she could, she would and i'm gon na go and say, and i believe it okay, i wasn't like a shill, but i believe her. I believe that, right now, if she could, she would get out of it and she would do it on the bus and she would make zero dollars out of it and she would even lose money out of it and she would be fine, but she can't it's Not about losing a hundred thousand dollars at this point, it's about losing millions and millions, and it's like to the point of like um nuclear, and i don't i don't think that's that's even an option. It can be explored that doesn't have information on the website.

Okay, they say: okay, we'll put website we'll put information on the website. I see the website, it's only third party information. I ask wait: how come our studies aren't going on the website? Well, it's because we need to protect like the information we don't want to get together. Yeah, usually she's, rich though, but you don't understand that these companies are so big that if they put like millions and millions, she could literally just go bankrupt overnight.
I get it. I get it, oh my god, you're from your point of view. She should, though, she with the product yeah, but she sent the documents that did go bankrupt. Not this commands but come on come on.

It's just survival. You wouldn't nobody, would just just look at the reality of things and and what how people are you? You wouldn't shut up dude and then you said people have to try the products and they have to do peer reviews and the more and more skin care products out there for blue light are out there, the more it'll be fda or whatever it gets to prove It or something which i should have known this i this that's. This is the part that, like this, is what i should have known two years ago. That's the part i should have known but interesting.

I i i like looking back it's wild to me that i it didn't even pop into my head, like i saw the research i was like holy. This is great. I love it. This is insane it's revolutionary.

It's awesome. I am excited to be part of something in the future, but the beauty in skincare industry is so different. It is so different. It's very lucrative too, though, that is busting like okay, for example, like i'm sure you guys saw joanna's comment on twitter and admittedly yeah yeah it was you know it was on my um, my my voice memo and i think i took a picture of it.

Let me see if i could find it, it was just um, it was very tone deaf and then also they all kept. Telling me like. This is the same thing that happened with sunscreen. This is the same thing.

That's happened with cbd, nicotine, it just takes years and years to for, like the back and the fourth and stuff eggs or whatever, and but like now, i'm at the point where it's like. I don't even know. If i want to be a part of that anymore, you know like it's not this, isn't i kind of thought. I thought i was like.

Oh wait. The way i thought about it in my head, i was like oh cool. We got the studies, let's yeah, i drop we're gon na post the studies until everyone will see in my head. Doesn't that sound like the best way to do things? I thought that was what was gon na happen, but that's that's not how it works and i didn't.

Unfortunately, i learned this after the release so yeah any other questions. I'm i'm i'm very down to talk about anything and yeah. Also, there's there's a lot of there's a lot of blue light. Um stuff i've been so i've been so mentally fried the past few days.

It's been an experience. I think the thing that gets to the most is seeing like who my real friends are. I think that was the thing that that's been startling. The most is like the people that i play with all the time the people that actually worried about my well-being, because yeah i'm not gon na lie.
I've had some terrible thoughts like actually like, like really terrible thoughts, because it is something i've always prided myself on being just trying to be a good person. But what happened was such a up thing and i was part of it but yeah this is. This has been a learning experience. That's for sure, i'm just i don't know, and a part of me is thinking like.

Maybe this is a good thing to happen, because then other people can learn from that. Well, it listen whatever she says. Okay, it doesn't matter it doesn't. I don't give a because she just can't say it, i'm just guessing i'm trying to say not the studies, because the studies that that's kind of okay - that's good, i i do think it's kind of the the the the studies uh.

I don't think she can. She can't say what she needs or wants to. She can't pull out so whatever it's just kind of jg she's actually trapped in it's kind of jiji. It is what it is.

Yes from my mistake, or not really my ignorance, my what's it called what's the word, what did i do? I? I should have known that what was going to be publicized and what was not. I should have known more a misstep. I wouldn't call this a misstep. I think this is like bigger than a misstep negligence.

Yeah naive due diligence. Are you talking about your friends or so-called friends? It's like you're, just calling them out, so you don't have to get the hate. That's tough! Oh! No! I i'm well aware of why people hate me and the confusion, i'm just i'm just sharing my experience of all of this, since i had the first meeting with reflect, i mean i'm, not i'm not mentioning, i'm not mentioning anyone specific that didn't reach out. I'm talking about the ones i did reach out that i'm thankful for also also also listen as an listener.

Um, i'm sorry isn't it. I hope you don't think i'm throwing you to the bus. Okay. Obviously, that gta comment was legitimate sub-zero iq.

What happened? What what happened, what is that um yeah, i'm not once again, i was the creative collaborator. So what happened in the past two years is like the first six months was like studied uh i will i will. I will forgive him if, if i, if i, if i log into the into the back end of g fuel - and i see a crate and i'm we're talking like four foot tall - a crate of g-fuel with discount code xqc - i bet, if i can see it - Did use the research and stuff, and after i saw like four foot tall great um, then my involvement was creating the packaging um going for example, so they would send me like a package like every other week of like samples, and i would i told them. I was like, i don't want anything that had smell.

I don't want anything, that's not like natural. I want something that's like matte, so that guys aren't afraid to use it. So i would test and it hap it's a long. It takes a long time because it's like five very different products like very different stuff: okay, interesting, yes, who knows, i love saikuno, fresh, so much and social media one of my best friends, then whoever did this channel offline champs he's, like i said earlier, he's the Only one that reached out every single day i mean besides yesterday because he's at edc.
I think a lot of people now are at edc but like he, he really and he and he asked why, like what happened like, i could tell that he cares about me. Mm-Hmm yeah and celine celine celine, actually called indoor sunscreen and there's it's not sunscreen. I think he called me and tried to talk to me, okay and then there's the people that, like publicly like try to like sydney sydney. I will never.

I literally want to send her flowers, because i appreciate her so much she's. The only is a new skin care product that protects against blue light. That may be coming from your monitor, lou about the type of person believe me, but i'm studying at mit to get a phd in chemistry. So to be honest, why am i here anyways? I can tell you that, obviously on their website, which seems like a lot of hand, waving and buzzwords if you're down i'll, donate again and just having friends like validate the type of person that i know i am really helped.

Uh, i'm saying mit, pidgin chemistry, um. Okay, put guys, i'm not how long you say: okay, guys, that was interesting. The stream gets my mental up. All the time.

Excuse me that was very interesting. Give me you.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “xQc Reacts to Valkyrae’s response to RFLCT backlash”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Leach says:

    "Maybe some of my friends got afraid" Of what? You throwing them under the bus because you can't manage your own level of critical thinking. Not once in two years you questioned this product or research, or the rap sheet of inconsistencies of the owners? I like how that sentence is stunted because she proceeds to do exactly what they were "afraid" of. The best thing a friend could have done would be to drag you far away from this sham long before you painted your name proudly as "co-founder", when you are little more than a mouthpiece to sell weak sunscreen. But even if someone did help or warn you, they would just be hating or jealous if they didn't worship and support your every move. This is like pure concentrated copium, the 99.9% stuff.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Phan says:

    Lets be honnest, the product was there to make money out of her fan. She put Co-founder in her title, not to make it nice, but to be the strong marketing figure. It took me 1 mn to know, that there is no study. Her team are in the streaming industry, they aint researchers. She needs to learn and move on.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CHITUS💙⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ says:

    as someone with some experience working in science research — quite simply the reason why they probably didn't share their research on the "dangers of blue light" is because a) it was not research that could be vetted by the peer-review process (i.e. it's shit research) or b) the results were misleading and would not hold up in public domain. and furthermore if it was research that could be "stolen" by other companies, then they were never doing research on blue light dangers. as XQC said very wisely, if this top secret skin lab was finding that blue light had dangers to human skin, it would be make international news tomorrow if the researchers actually had faith in their work (which clearly they dont). so what I really think happened is that some sham skin company had a ton of money to recruit someone like Valkyrae and then they wowed and dazzled her with bullshit

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isaiah Orozco says:

    I like how she said that she doesn’t care money, yet she is still keeping all the money she is making from this product. Also she needs to tell everyone not to buy the product.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vip5hawol says:

    yikes I didn't watch the stream because I had a feeling it wouldn't go too well..
    I've followed Rae for a long time, but I do have to agree that she should have kept it solely about the product. Hope she's figuring out a way to leave contract and the company refunds those who want it. Though, I highly doubt the latter will happen to be honest smh

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dudok22 says:

    She still believes that blue light is the problem? Why is she talking about research about the cream blocking blue light? It doesn't matter if it does or not. The blue light is not a problem you need a solution for, that's what people are mad about

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hakuna Matata says:

    There is no person worse than the influencers who hit other influencers (also the ones they’ve played with) at their worst. He’s mean to her when the entire internet is mean to her & damaged her reputation even more than it already is. Looks like a villian just out to destroy her

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hakuna Matata says:

    Xqc is such a terrible person, he didn’t watch Rae’s whole stream, only reacted to the literally worst things Rae said which could be taken out of context in a second. He literally just hit her at her worst when she’s down & teared her apart in a million pieces

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars エースNezuko says:

    She literally had so many chances of escaping the contract and still went with it and she had the audacity to brought up friends not messaging her bro your not a baby your friends are adults who have more things to do for their own life

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh 😊 says:

    Their research team can literally Google and find out in 2 seconds that blue light has never or currently doesn’t affect your skin. There’s been scientists backed by millions of dollars, spent years upon years on research, and they chose to ignore that and conduct their own “research” which proved absolutely nothing.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaggy Desu says:

    she definitely did it for the money, whenever someone says "i didn't do it for the money" they're lying through their teeth LOOOL. If it wasn't for the money then don't even mention the money

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Niha says:

    Like xqc said, they had to prove two points, one: blue light causes damage to the skin and two: the product helps lessen said damage.
    The "research" is either fake and spewed nonsense which they obviously wouldn't release because we would call them out (well we're already calling them out on that bs, a webmd article that is all about maybes and perhaps? Seriously?) or too speculative for a legitimate journal or peer review to approve.
    I understand that Rae was naive and she made mistakes, maybe the pitch that company made to her or someone from her team must have been hilariously convincing, it was too late when she realized it wasn't the right deal, but here's the thing. It had been two years, TWO years since she made the deal, I don't get why it never occurred to her to ask them the real questions, considering she decided to put the words Co Founder in her bio. It's her idea, she says she was the one who asked if there was some studies that could be done about blue light effect on skin. Then why didn't she further insist to get it in writing about the basis of the WHOLE thing, the "problem" that the product supposedly served as the solution for?

    Like, go look at the website. It's hilarious. The main component is some mystery purple crystal that's called BLPF and when you expand the bubble it tells you nothing but Blue Light Protection Factor. What even is that? What am I spending those bucks for? No proof for problem, no proof of solution. Mystery ingredients. It might as well be magic beans from a story. It all sounds like magic beans from a story anyway.

    I hated that she decided to name drop, or stream until she was in the right head space but I'm glad she's taken a break to gather her things before more damage is done.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tricus says:

    If her requirement for good friends is to do her factchecking, then I'd be dipping out faster than Usain Bolt can run.
    Holy shit, it gets worse. She's legitimately going one by one guilt tripping people.

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