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Br I'm not going to lie JP I thought you were getting chased by cops. You good, All right interns. Listen up. This is your first code red.

Usually when we call it code red, it means there's a company emergency. Something bad is happening. Something realing bad is happening and well, it looks like that time is gone. like I was saying something bad is happening.

It is up to all of you whether or not you want fully participate. That might take you down a very bad path. Now if you want to back out, this is your one and only opportunity. This might involve potentially some Bloodshed some people getting hurt, someone that you care about getting hurt.

Whatever it is, now is the time to step away from the circle and leave. Otherwise, we can fully accompany you. Come here fre come over here can if I get punched and I lose the helmet I'm going to look goofy as just prepar bro. All right right Is everyone in all in hey, what's up? Swan All in? Yep.

perfect. Let's talk about it. It is time for our first company versus company conflict. The sanitation Union Those pieces of that run the markets for materials.

They have pushed it too far and have outright insulted the company. Today then they the the guys of Lang Buddha and all those people. It is time for us to get revenge and we are counting on all of you with the various plans that we have come up with. Today, We are counting on all of you to help us out.

You understand me? Hold on Hold on, Absolutely Yes sir. Dead ass. Do dead ass ass on. Wah, That's right.

Listen guys, we have a few ideas that come to mind. We're going to be making and creating fully today. The Anti- Sanitation unit. Yeah, today we're going to be union busting All right.

So if you don't want to work on the field and you're going to want to chase people down, something that could be very useful to us is. um, if you want to run sanitation or at least pretend like you're running a s and then nobody really knows what you're doing right? You don't really tell them too much and if you see blue helmets right, you just give us a call, a tip, a text right and you tell tell us where they're at and then we hit them. You understand we need we need, we need to get the message across. So anybody running Sandy has a blue helmet, you give us a call right? Yes, Try to like tail him and then we hit him.

materials at $4 per I Need you guys to build up a little bit of a foundation before you do that? At least like you know, 1,000 2,000 And when you sell materials to people, you need to verify that these people are not in the sanitation. Union All right, yeah, try to get a heads up or a call before you make a sale right? because wouldn't want you get SW to a sale and can get kill or something like that? Yes, so we'll back you. make sure that all of you are armed All right. They will come after you with wrenches.

All right to kill you guys guys. Listen, a lot of you guys maybe are not suited for war or Bloodshed or combat. Okay, so um, we don't want like unnecessary Bloodshed right? Um, we don't want you guys to get hurt so just make sure you inform us and give us calls right we need we calls and text. Very very important.
Yeah, don't go alone and if you get taken like uh, like you get kidnapped, they will extract information out of you. We can't have that. All right Guys, Be careful and be aware, right? All right. In turns, it's time to shine.

He all right, be smart. All right. this is this is it. This is your moment.

Some of y'all are going to stand out here. Some of y'all are going to fail horribly one way or another. It's the effort that counts. All right.

If you guys want to get in some dirty, you want to stab Rob You let us know. All right, we'll roll with you. The ones that want to keep lowkey, Keep lowkey. Everybody here is important.

All right. Stay on your toes. Don't get caught lacking. We've been dismissed.

I Don't see blue helmets in this. What the actual just happened What? Bro: What the is that Bro I Lit can't move like what is happening Bro oh what? what? Bro: What is happening Man like I this is put on the GPS right there. that's like 12. It's guys.

Oh we stop, tires out, tires out. let's go. Hey Su little brother, just pull it over. Hey pull it over bro.

you're going to die. We're going to call the cops. We we going to hand this quick. Got his tire push? Yeah he's out.

Yeah. Three ties out one overcut pull over cut. Come on man. I Don't want to shoot.

Come on man. I Don't want to shoot, Pull over bro I I Don't want to shoot you guys. Pull over bro the car. I'm out of ammo.

Oh he's got. he's got a gun. He's got a gun. He's got a gun.

Pull up, then pull off, pull up. pull right here. right here. Got this buddy got this: Bud Get up.

Get up. get his ass. get his ass. Where guy acoss the acoss the let guy yes too far.

he's behind the tank. He's behind the tank. We got to go. We got to move.

We got to move I Didn't want to shoot but I see him Yeah I mean I can't really I can't for a car and he and he's he's not, he's static. We're just go above him goove I'll I'll shoot from downwards I'll shoot downwards No goove goove goove goove that's not the guy with the gun guy guy guy with the gun is is completely away from that. Okay they got they got the wheel got I I that's cops me bro bro I'm I'm going shoot shot my cops Oh I got to shoot back Now now they're going to shoot the whole way through. Yeah they got the tower too.

It's okay. yeah just just drive I from the car unless you you get a guaranteed sh on this guy. Okay you need to drive though. he saw you yo yo your gear change gears I know I know know bro is stuck in fourth gear man I didn't know the shots we were going to reach from that far away.

Are you okay brother or you bleeding? uh I'm I'm I'm bleeding but I'll I'll make it just you got to go though. we got to got to get the out they come. they see me right? No don't get out. don't get out Who? whoa who? Why not? Why not I got to get change and bro bro bro a car is massive like why why the yo there's a car slowing down above him yo yo right side, right side above above the above the bus.
On to the above the bus I sh the guy yeah there a slowing down the car right there. Chase that mother I see him Okay on On the left side, right there. right there, right front, right right front. yeah hey yo.

What there hey. keep going. Keep going. Keep.

Don't shoot yet. don't shoot you. We're going to chase him away. Hey bro.

Hey bro. Pull over. Pull over. Pull over.

Pull over. Pull over. Pull over. Pull over.

He's hit. He's hit. He's hit bad. Oh no.

the cops right there Bro I Don't give a just go bro. he's probably yeah, he's probably going to pass that. he's bleeding out. Yeah he's going to the cops.

he's bleeding out this fing see yo. that's low even for the the Union to go to the cops for bleed. oh no, that is some hey you H So um he probably picked him up dude. I mean if you want to at the end of the day, we we have to search anyway for OT Like we have to.

You're right, You're right. But if one of these guys is overlooking him right here on the right, yeah yeah. go for it. Go For It Go For It Wait, they might be leaving.

they might be leaving. Wait, don't do anything yet. Don't do anything yet. Let's chase him.

there's a car SUV Just pulled up on the left. right there too. Yo Hey bro. Pull over Bro.

Hey Pull over. Please pull over. Pull over bro. Pull over.

Pull over. Yeah. Shoot the tire up. shoot TI shoot Tire Oh no, did you get the tire? Oh no, you see how he's looking by the way going from no, it's yeah going going going I I Probably hit him though.

100% like, how would we crutch on that dude? You definitely hit them. but he's going to hide somewhere right here. Be careful. he's going to have that ground.

He's going to go for it. Keep pushing. keep pushing here. I went under and be right and in.

Florida The the guy just shot that. he he bro. he got absolutely. M By the way, he's definitely bleeding that guy.

We go for the We. No was that not there? Was that? not him or there? That's not him, not him. Different car. different car.

We? Yeah, yeah. but that wasn't the car they initially though. remember that's the first time we shot at. No, it's still there.

still there. I See it? Let's look for Otata. That's our boy too. Go yeah.

under over there. go look at the bus real fast. Nope. he's gone.

Get us out, get us out, get us out, keep move out. Yeah yeah, he's in the bush. He's in the bushes though, but we can't be in the middle. Now we're in a death trap.
This is a death trap I Know I know he's in the bush. he said earlier. we can't We can't be right now I Know sorry, sorry, sorry, just let you know hey bro, who is this bro? Who is this who? this bro All right You good? Yeah, let's come back to the boys yo I got them, we're good. Okay, keep going I'm going I'm going to go around so if I can find I I'm behind you All right Um bro I yo yo that that guy Speedy I was Speedy I shot headrest like twice bro there there's no shot.

he's not like bleeding out somewhere. oh yeah yeah that guy right there yeah I thought Bro legit I thought you guy, you got the guy behind the bus too but I mean BR was craw bro he was crawling like if if the cops able to. okay listen if the cops were able to shoot me I was able to shoot him that that that's going be my my my kind of method of measuring I know I'm trying to like five or six times at them2 I mean maybe the cops found them too. You never know.

Oh true, maybe maybe they looked at what I shot at? you know? Yeah, all right I'm going to I'm going to help OT I'm going to I'll come back all right byebye it's a shame. Hey Buddy oh are I'm coming I'm coming Hey buddy, you want to pull over bro. want to pull over bro? Yeah I'm not I'm not going anywhere Hey listen AR it's nothing personal, right? I Just got sent a message. you know how it is.

Oh no I Love you Harry I Love you man. not again. I'm sorry Harry yo is someone driving off from you this? No No no me, me, back up me back up. I Just killed in middle of the street but some guy rolled up on me.

Was that you rolling up on me? Uh I'm no there was some random guy that pulled up to the alleyway. no I'm here now in the normal car. our normal car. I'm at the Crossroad I'm the fuing crossroad they're going to.

They're going to come pick him up I need back up immediately. Okay, my car. the car just vanag look Harry right there. what do you want to do with it? uh I'm been shot okay uh.

we need to get another car. that car. Okay we leave OT at the house. Leave him here bro.

He's going to make he's going to make he's going to make he's going to make just F bro I I'm good I'm good I'm going hey hey I Sto the bleeding guardy bro, you're okay. just give me a second right? I Don't feel okay I'm so sorry bro. this is so scuffed bro. if the car didn't Bush I Go I'm so sorry.

Well we're back in like 1 minute. I'm sorry man. I'm sorry we love you man. Right behind us.

right behind us. right behind us. Hey who this bro? Get out of here Is that you car man. Get out here.

Who this bro? Who? This bro? yo. What are you doing here Man yo. What you doing here checking on your lady? What's the matter with you? Not the time bro. Not not the time, not not the time y mama.

Hey come here buddy. somebody's roll up I Hear it got to move. Got to move. Yep, let's go.
Let's go. Let's go. Now's the Time B are coming. Well this is a little bit unfortunate for you.

Harry All right. jump over here and then we'll come back in a minute. Okay oh no. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry doing my best man my leg out.

Thank I'm doing my best sh sh. you're a legend. That's my CEO that's my CEO We're going to make it. We're going to make it.

Hold on please hold on hold on please. that's my hey yo yo. Can you guys help this guy out guys. He's got got problem man.

Can you get him out of the car? Yeah I got you bro. Thank you man bro. there a car parked house I Don't know who this is though. Hey money's right there.

Yeah money yeah it's money right there. Go No let's dip. We got the hey, we got one of them right now. Do we not dip? or okay? I Got to go Byebye! Hey shouldn't we get the out of here? You think or no, this guy's just going back to his house.

Yeah, he's going back to his house. Let's let's get the out of here. Let's get this. What the are you doing Bro? What? bro.

Stop moving All right I mean I Give him a warning. It's not worth it. We got this guy in the trunk. Let's just get get rid of this guy.

Trust me. This is the worst thing that we can do right now. Let's go to the ocean. Get rid of this.

Mr Brown It's stupid that it has to come to this Unfortunate. There are so many ways we could have avoided this. a simple conversation would have sufficed. But here we are.

If you want to check him, make sure anything you're all good. I I I Trust that you do a good job. He's got a key on him. Do you want me to take it or no.

Um, you know what? They can afford a new fuing key. Bro. Just throw that out. Just throw it in the ocean.

Yeah, all right. will. let's go man. we've come so far here we are.

Yeah, he's fine. Should probably leave him right here. All right. Uhoh, you got bro.

let's go I help there magnets in Hell Bro take care Harry or Frank All right. All right, All right. He texted. you know, call me somewhat urgent.

he texted Luciano call me Ace or Lucian texted him call me ASAP Luciano texted him that uh can you text me can you send me OCT Number guys Also guys Mar is C Red Now by the way, just let you guys don't know yeah he got he got involved. It doesn't matter if you get involved even in in the slightest capacity, if you get involed in a War like that in in any Shipe or form, you're part of it. It's just what it is. Yeah, yes, it's just the rule of War it is what it is.

So this 100% about the prices. What? sorry what did X say about Marty yeah he's he's he's red Now he's called red okay yeah I heard Marty uh you know driving around next to us. So yeah, exactly like if you go around like that in in a in an inance of War I mean sorry, you're you're you're no. somebody's fighting outside.
What the boy he like three times so it is what it is. sup yo yo yo like what what happened um what happened is that you're you're interfering and now you're you're in the you're in the Okay, well listen here's the thing right I didn't know about the whatever fcking Bac's going on I dipped out the area I go to my house and then and then I get pulled up on bro I got Shook Up dipped out again bro you bro. Imagine thinking that I didn't see you like four times before. Yeah cuz I want to bro I'm curious Bro I want to literally my backyard.

you know, shooting right my backyard right? You were at the hospital twice and you were going in circles. no no no no bro, you know you know I tell you for a while right? Okay, you're not hearing me right. You're not hearing me. the the the the whole shooting thing that happened where all the cops pulled up I don't know if you wereing there for that I don't know.

that is literally my backyard. like literally right behind. So I looked and then when they moved everyone I wanted to see everything yeah but then then I pull up he act like some hoes at the hospital and like that right blueprint for 10,000 p p my shoes we're at War right? I'm looking for the Ops I I going around. do dang and you pull up at the hospital doing circles and you see me say yo what are you doing man, pull over and he say yo you and then you zoom out I mean you're an enemy at that point.

It's just what it is I didn't say wait no no I wait I did not say you oh you said some like that yeah I said leave I said leave me alone. That is not what you said I Listen I won't even hurt you. Okay if you do the sh again right? and you wedes up in the middle like that and it's unclear I will I will shoot the your car until the engine shuts off and I'll put a gun in it and I will 91 this in and get it Strike 10 times so he goes to the pound. You understand but you wouldn't shoot me right? No? Okay and that's okay.

All fair enough. All right. Okay, all right I can go to my home I'm not going to get hurt right? No, You A All right. All right.

um stay safe. War is not the answer. Well I mean end then what happened What's what's the is you didn't um listen I don't listen no no no, no point. Wrong L is wrong L is wrong.

That's all okay. they they attacked, they attacked our turf and or in it when we at peace and that's about it. stay out of my turf. Listen I'm going home.

Oh my God boys this is going to go right. You guys remember what this guy's name is? Nope. Lou Louie Louie yo Lou different guy. Who's this different guy this? What? who is this this is Lincoln L What? Lincoln What? Messier to the left s yeah go blue car go go move I am I'm not I'm not no I uh I just I'm a helping hand.

Well put that away before. get sh put that away. Hey bro. We hate the union.

We hate the everybody some on the phone over there. Hold on bro. who is this okay again you just you just robbed. All right.
put him up C yo earlier I asked you guys whose car is this? Remember that you said you stole it. this your car I I do not recall I I was Nota guys I I I don't I don't know what's going on Whoa hey what you doing? What the all right? I'm not a big fan of this guys. who's this guy. hey come back here.

Are you? you? You be? I don't know what the going second? you all right? All right guys guys, this is a Unic car. Yeah obviously it'sing blue and he's wearing a goddamn blue D right? Well D he was about to put up. Put up, put put up. So are you guys this part time I work at the slaugh house all Union I like hey, don't leave All right.

walk over there. Hey this guy's a training for the union guys. That can't be true. No we're You will not get robbed if you tell us who the you guys are I need names I'm Joseph Pino I I work over at the St house.

Okay so you don't work with Un I see that you're not. You don't hold hold on you with the glasses. man are you no or not? he's not. He's good I Checked you you I'm tired of peopley I I Work at the FL House Raven SL House you is Billy Strut all right.

Swear to God So tell me what does a guy working slaughterhouse does with 140 recyclables in his pockets? What does a guy like you does work Slaughterhouse does with 140 materials in his pockets recyclables. I Got to do this part time. I'm I've been trying to wait for Hunter so he'll bring caret and stuff like that but bring so you do work here. All right.

What? Hey, what about you buddy with the blue hat? What's your name? Any name? look I'm taking a guess that you lock you fought I am working I got your pockets bro I Got to go through them. Please just don't take all the stuff in my backpack I Give a minute. Give a minute bro. give it a minute bro.

You already robbed me this morning. My name's Arthur sliit my throat mate rers chill out bro. you're all good man. this guy ising poor.

This guy's you I Have no idea I swear you don't like him I am I I I just W here I I Move from Wisconsin not too long ago. Yo yo yo. this is where the guy with the blue is Union and the guy with the cowboy hat is Union um bar this guy is to this guy. both both of them he is okay.

yeah okay. oh people are just lying about me everybody. what's your problem with the Union What's Union All right guys. What's your problem everybody? that's not Union Step back.

Listen, this could all be easy guys. If you guys were not part of the Union right your union, stay here. I'm I'm in the yell SL I'm I recommend you get the out of the Union You understand me? If if you want to live you understand me? Yeah yeah yeah all right you no more blue buddy I Understand All right Is there any other uh s Runners now that are around or not all right, Is there any want? Is there any there t Runners Today any any other union members I Have no idea man I I I haven't seen anybody I hate to do this guys but Mr L Mr L took our turns and they did what they had to do. So unfortunately I got to do what I got to do bro.
So you you lose any? Only one kneecap? No problem. Hold on Who's B us? One kneecap for you? Oh my God please. one eyeball for you Oh my god oh man this guy this guy can really J we had to do this and you execution style. leave the union before die.

You understand me? My Oh my God Oh my God All right let's go Come on. get in. get the in. What the Never yeah out Get out.

Get out. Get out Get out get out bro. This guy would just guys guys I Gota be honest with you I think I think I think I think shooting near the head is bad I think people people's craniums are very strong. maybe shoot the body instead I don't know.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Jean paul goes to war xqc gta roleplay”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @murdernationpikschus6853 says:

    Isnt there a limit to groups or gangs on no pixel

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Delqa says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @icenova2467 says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ksleep2389 says:

    Why is Marty not with xqc?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @YourBuddySimon says:

    War RP is just chasing ghosts for 3 hours, shooting 1 person and drama. So boring

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @goodguyseb3067 says:

    Guys do you like the crim rp?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Yunahsky says:

    Jing Pau

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Chern0n says:

    Any loremasters on why Marty, Langs, Yuno, etc. are split from X?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Nick-xn1xl says:

    Stay out of my turf

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Jackthegreat-ks9tm says:

    The Company Vs The Union. Classic

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @felixhardy9689 says:

    thank u mr editor for doing your job xqcL

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