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Like what that's wild like Real? Yeah I mean your eyes are close, you're it's too much teeth I think I don't know. Um I want to make a review? Come help me All right? Sounds good. All right. Meet you downstairs.

All this actually made the live servers I am out of my mind. This sh actually made to live servers I think I don't know a review. Come help me All right. Sounds good.

All right. Meet downstairs Five. All right if you want like a normal review of this thing. I Can't recommend enough to go watch to go watch Marquez Brownley his is fantastic.

This is a different like I kind of have a different take on this and different question. uncanny and that's what this is. But Marquez is really good. What is this thing that I'm holding literally oh no oh no please man dude and you have the rope like like oh no this this has to go brother like this can't be real dude.

how do you find it I've had it for like an hour. Yeah okay can you put Windows up now? So B yeah so like I can put a window up now when I like an Oen tube? Yeah foring morons. Enjoy it, take care all right and then get and then it snags random pile of bricks. Dude.

imagine dude dude you pull up and it snags and you when you when you go to the gate and it goes and you get pulled back through toilet a bunch of random wooden poles. there's more poles pile. let's pile on that boat and leave and as you can see but later in this video we're going to aund and also reacting. The video was in the middle of the the thing yo IRL Content IRL No hold on hold on chat.

Irel gets stale sometimes right? It gets stale right? You anything to do Media Share Bonk Live react strategy interacting with people they Gess like until until I'm zoned in and it goes yo hello like I think so if you're moving lot while you're moving this thing comes up that says track so it doesn't track if you're moving lot so there's nothing for the sensors to like lock on to. It doesn't know where to put stuff but standing at a subway stop watching a Mr Beast video is a pretty special. It's a pretty this guy this guy special experience. Hold on Jordan let me try to figure out how to what do you think it's interesting I I can't imagine I can't imagine why you're looking at uh I'm looking at you right now okay I can see who clear is day you got on a blue tie with a beautiful tie pin at the top so I can see you I get off here but he's on a Wi-Fi uh I opened up Apple TV and it was like this window right here Jordan and as he started to move the window went away with the back with the subway.

you can't use Windows if you're in like a if there's a lot of like kinetic movement and I imagine it works in an airplane cuz the airplane is so steady but this is a Subway and it's bouncing so I got to wait till we get there I this tether to my iPhone it seems to be working well enough but for some reason when I try to open Safari it won't open I was just responding to text messages. no way you're the only person I wanted to be in case. wait in I can't tell can you not tell? no way like we were oh my God no way I'm actually fre the idea that I could have my whole like computer digital online world that exists in the real world. that's what that's what feels like is bigger than a or VR like I have the Oculus it's great but this definitely feels like a toy.
This feels like a little glimpse into the future of what Computing could be like I feel with real life maybe I'm I'm boom about this CH I feel like you really really want to live life right or do something else right? mixing it CH it's like a a bad thing cuz then then you're you're like de you're like degrading life experience entirely like down the road you're settling for a discount like reality even for a little bit. Do I look as ridiculous as those people? Sort of a hybrid. You're just your eyes are glowing how you doing Jord You're standing right in front of my Mr Beast video. Come right there.

Okay, years ago, this used to be a bar. Yeah, you want to walk under this. so the idea of spatial Computing it doesn't make sense to me when I'm sitting in my office I've got multiple streams, but right now I'm like in the city I'm in the Time Square I've got my virtual keyboard here I've got Apple TV there I got YouTube safaris open here and it all kind of works like this. What? I've got going on right now.

This is wild. It's impossible for me to imagine that you can't see what I can see, everything seems so real and then I can just stand up man. Hey M Send out he send out some glitch like hack device every has their on in in the thing and then you pull this hack thing and it's yeah. exactly.

It flashbangs everybody wearing one and you pull some crime or some. You put a thing and it just boom It wies everybody's face and everybody's blind in it. Fall J he done it. Thank you Next Gu Next Gu the butterfly is eating my donut.

why is he watching? This had tricks and the concept for this video was to run around New York City wearing these cuz I thought that would be funny I think it was funny but something happened. Something happened today that was completely unexpected and that's something I Don't think anyone else has really touched on none of the reviews I've seen or read. none of them really is that look dead experienced. So when you take these off they kind of go to sleep like your phone.

when you put them back on you have to unlock them, they scan your eyeballs and then to start screen recording go through the it takes a second. so rather than doing that I just left these on the entire day. um the like 2 and 1 half hour battery pack you can plug into a fatter battery. So I never ran out of battery power and after a couple of hours of running around the streets of New York as in not in a control yeah it became seamless.

My brain sort of clicked and it just forgot that I was looking through. Yeah but like I said earlier, chat guys guys I even when having I said that and and I said CH it'd be worse because then you have a discount. Quality of what real life I don't know. took what it saw as reality and that is where this this.
That's where the that profound moment came from and what occurred to me as I was sitting there in Time Square on a bench, strangers all around me. the real world moving all around me. But I had like a big screen up where I was watching a Mr Beast video and then over here. I had this keyboard that I could interact with and over here I had my iMessages and over here I had my Apple TV and then all my apps and they're floating in Time Square in the middle of New York City they're floating there and I'm actually there and there's actual humans around me and in that moment I was like holy one thing can detect other people right? and then it says on top like their age and like that like a single So like if you're look at for like a partner or whatever you know, like who, like like not to talk to like thing this is it.

This is the future of computing that everyone's been promising for like the last 15 years. This is something that like let me like truly Peak into where we're where all of this is going. This isn't the like the future of AR or VR. this is the I think this is the future interface for all Computing I think when they figure out how to make these not be these heavy 4,000 ski goggles.

but you know maybe they look like these glasses or something even smaller that that is what it'll be In the morning, you won't remember your phone, you put it on and then that's it guys. it's like I've got to call that. That's like saying dude dude the future of cars is like moving fast in a car but like without all the metal parts and like the wheels and like like the weight of the car. so like so like going around like flying.

Yeah, I mean you're right, but like that's you're not going to get there. hey what's up Mom I'll call you back. You look great by the way and that's what it's going to look like and these show you that these reveal that I like as a geek that was the thing I've been looking for forever and they did it right here on a product that has like a product that is so new. this has been out for 12 hours and I felt it so I don't know that I recommend You should buy one of these at $4,000 because I can promise you this this will be the worst.

Vision Pro Apple Ever ships it is going to get so much better. All right like were Bulls are were bulls, have tried to come alive and will continue to try and they are dog and they're not even close. They're like decades away from even being close to something that people want. We are talking decades.

We're not like 5 years away. I think we're like 20 years away from even having a singular, actually widespread used variable. That's my take: 15 years, probably 20 that? that's that's my that's mytic. the day stop wake up class.
You should see the display above your line of sight. Adjust it to see everything. I Love that screen shows a clock. This is your timeline.

It's a row of cards. Things to the left are 10 years ago we get this: Goofy A dog takes 10 years. We get this. this is 10 years and we get this.

Uh I opened up Apple TV and it was like this window right here Jordan And as he started to move the window.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “The apple vision pro is goofy ahh”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nathanonearth says:

    Lazy content creation reaction videos like this with fake laughing are super goofy.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @fookoff8660 says:

    how stupid do people have to be to buy apple products lmaoo

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Navraj129 says:

    I would rather watch ads for 15 minutes then this rant about technology that he doesnt even understand

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @reiito8727 says:

    Lmao he said 20 years away … AI is speeding to an insane speed and is saying we are 20 years away. The only reason it took so long is because companies were not intrested in that t’il now.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @IlIllIlIIlIII says:

    its so funny watching people shit on technological advancements while using modern technology

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @IlIllIlIIlIII says:

    as much as i love x, his takes are braindead. he says its a discount reality while he reads pixels instead of talking to real humans. the hypocrisy

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @WhiteShadowForce says:

    Imagine using this while playing pokemon go

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jammahutter4605 says:

    schizo glasses

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jjjay7 says:

    goofy ahh title

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @disco.lemonade says:

    Who's this idiot?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @YasukeAkira14 says:

    XQC Hating on it now but will pretend he likes it when every streamer gets one in the future lol

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @virdixxii8341 says:

    Can't wait for the constant trust issues because you don't know if your homie is actually listening to you or if he's watching a fucking t rex walking around on the moon

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @razorsharpplays2619 says:

    Uncanny valley is all I think when I see this plus it just looks odd from a 3rd person perspective

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @keisaboru1155 says:

    bro made no sense . x needs to go out more . we are already more than 20% digital.

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