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#overwatch #Activision #Blizzard
About xQcOW:
xQc (Félix Lengyel) is a French-Canadian Twitch streamer and content creator. He is 25 years old and lives in Texas with his roommate Adept. He enjoys streaming. He also enjoys playing and uploading a variety of games, such as Overwatch, Chess, Minecraft, Fortnite, Warzone, and all the hot new game releases. He is also very well known for his entertaining reactions. His favorites include Unusual Memes, Daily Dose of Internet, Jubilee, Comparisons, memes made by viewers on his reddit, and trending.

I think at this point it's safe to say: activision blizzard is the most evil video game company ever and not because they're games, you know they made overwatch and that's a crime against humanity sure. But a couple months ago it was revealed of the horrifying workplace culture and the absolutely revolting things that happened there, including rapes sexual assault, a suicide which was directly attributed to the employees, sharing nudes of that individual around the office. A whole multitude of disturbing awful things, but somehow all of that was just huh wait. They uh well, wait.

They they already pull the plug. They already it's already. In effect, they already started. I thought it was an idea.

You can see them huh, you see them. What the, why can't, i see them jesus, what a disaster even for the comments, even even for the comments, what the it it's always been like this, nothing they had before. No we've had it before no has not worn before they were like counterbalanced whatever, because before chat weren't, they counter balanced bayonets, though okay, still, though, what the is this, though, i guess i thought it was gon na be like in a year or something tip of The diarrhea iceberg just a little appetizer, a small urdurb to hold you over for the main course which dropped yesterday. Yesterday, a huge piece was published, revealing even more shocking information and it even puts the crosshairs right on the tiny micro penis of bobby kodek activision ceo.

It alleges that big bobby kodak not only knew about all the awful going on in activision, but also played a role in it and did his best to keep it under wraps and away from the board of directors. Now i know what you're thinking charlie there's no way. This is true, not saint bobby kodek. He wouldn't do something like this.

That man is an angel, a gift from god to gamers, and i understand where you're coming from, because when these allegations first came to light a few months ago, bobby kodak delivered one of the most powerful speeches america's ever heard up there with the greats like jfk's. We choose to go to the moon speech, there's an article today that paints an inaccurate and misleading view of our company of me personally and my leadership. Anyone who doubts my conviction to be the most welcoming and inclusive workplace doesn't really appreciate how important this is to me. God, damn he's charming such a beautiful way with words.

The way he's able to just expertly dismiss everything is being wrong or out of context. Oh expertly done truly immaculate stuff, not the best apology guys. This almost felt like uh, like like one of the movies and like a super villains like uh it like it's a little bit like how it felt, though dude right like. Oh, your concerns, dude dude.

How dare even have this concern dude pledgie video ever i mean i think it would have been better if he just went on camera and showed his just goated himself. It would have been just about as effective as this speech he gave here, it's pathetic and how anyone ever believed for even a second that bobby codec didn't know what was going on at the company is beyond me. You have to be delusional to think that his hands were ever clean in this situation, but now there's mountains and mountains of evidence that link him to these allegations and just to give you a small taste of one that i just learned about in 2006, he threatened To have his assistant killed, like god, damn bobby kodak has truly become like a raid boss in a blizzard game. What is going on super villain mode here? What the before i really dive into all the evil that was recently revealed here.
There is one group of people that i'd like to extend the sincere i'm sorry to just a real heartfelt apology to and that's to all the blizzard fans out there, the fanboys that are huffing dangerous amounts of copium. My heart breaks for you. It's been a rough year to be a blizzard fan. Ever since i made my video talking about the activision blizzard situation, i've been attacked on my twitch streams about it from people that are doing their best to minimize the situation and justify certain things.

Uh. It's tough to be not only a fan of blizzard, but then also act as their pr and fight their battles online. Just because you like world of warcraft, it's just people that are fans of their property that are just fighting tooth and nail to try and explain why you guys guys i'm not trying to diminish how much, how much we we liked blizzard. But i i think this also goes for everybody, though, that this everybody was in in love and was probably still in love with blizzard's products right, but this is a company.

I don't think i know people ever cared that much the games and the members. People always love the products in it, though, but uh as a comment, i don't think people will get that much to be sexually harassed at the company in order for world of warcraft to be good. It's just. I know it's rough, you, you know you put a lot of countless hours into defending them for no reason, and i just want to say it - it's going to be really hard this time around with this new one.

Now i finished reading the article, but it's locked behind a paywall and i'm not brave enough to like take screenshots of it for a youtube video. So instead, i'm just going to show you screenshots from someone else's youtube video who also makes a really good breakdown of it all. So i'm going to show you that for the important bits that i'd like to talk about so right away within the first paragraph, you already can see how heavy this gets. A lawyer for a former employee at sledgehammer games, which is an activision owned studio alleged in an email that her client had been raped in 2016 and 2017 by her male supervisor after she had been pressured to consume too much alcohol in the office and at work.

Events now previously on dragon ball z, with the first document that came out with all of the allegations it painted blizzard, activision, blizzard's, workplace environment like a dirty frat house, they were apparently always partying and drinking at the office. It made it sound like they were doing, keg stands and boofing bud light in the back, yeah and curb crawls. Apparently no chad was was that was that this company, who was accused of doing curb, crawls and which is they, go in the office and they drink and they go over the cubicles and tub butt chugging competitions. They even had something called like the epstein room like it was up.
So apparently, alcohol was just so big at the activision uh workplace. Now to continue, and summarize the female employee reported these incidents, the sledgehammer's hr department, but nothing happened and then eventually threatened a lawsuit against the company within months of receiving that email activision reached an out-of-court settlement with the woman who had also reported one of the incidents To the police, mr codek didn't inform the company's board of directors about the alleged rapes or the settlement, at least according to people, with knowledge of the board. An absolutely gross situation here made even more despicable by the fact that, no matter what she did, she has to get help from the company. This is also extremely important, because this shows that it wasn't just isolated to the blizzard insane asylum.

It wasn't just blizzard over there where all the bad was happening. Like a lot of people were saying like oh activision's, fine, it was just those blizzard hooligans going wild, no activision's great, it's just blizzard was being naughty. This is clearly much more than just blizzard. This is full-on, activision has a problem.

This is sledgehammer games, yeah yeah, how about the three little name now huh? How about that? How about that guys? Guys you guys guys how about i pull a uh, a coal cassidy on my xqcow, you know company. It is not associated with blizzard. These are two separate departments. So clearly, this stretches beyond just blizzard, and this woman couldn't get any help and the only thing that she did get was an out of court settlement and bobby kodak doing his best to pretend it never happened and keep it away from his board of directors.

Truly disgusting, it goes on to say that their documents memos emails, regulatory requests and interviews which show that he knew about the allegations of employee misconduct in many parts of the company and didn't inform the board of directors about everything he knew he just kept. All of it under wraps the best he could in order to try and prevent it from becoming a more public facing issue, and then says mr kodak has been subpoenaed in the securities and exchange commission investigation they're looking into one. I i wonder if they, if they saw that it could be swept under the rug for for such a long time that it'd be like forgotten or some. I don't know he knew about that guys, guys, i'm not it's.
This is this is the alleged serious incident because what he told other employees, the board of directors and investors bobby's big brain strategy to handle all this was basically just closing his eyes and pretending it wasn't, even though he was fully aware of everything going on, even When an employee took her own life due to co-workers sharing her nudes guys, i can, i can get xc only what about the ow? Okay, i don't. I need to have xcrp no xc ffz. No, i don't tv, no, no, nothing changed at the company. It continued to be this disgusting toxic cesspool of dog, since the california lawsuit activision, has received more than 500 reports from current and former employees, alleging harassment, sexual assault, bullying and pay disparities and other issues.

This is also not surprising at all, and i imagine that number is only going to continue to grow towards the bottom of the page is another thing i'd like to mention here in august, activision named the longtime employee, jennifer o'neill, to be blizzard's. Wait is one of the highest paid cheating executive of the u.s, publicly traded company with a paid package of a at a 154 mill head, and then she shortly after resign stating it was clear that the company would never prioritize our people the right way. She also mentioned that she was also sexually harassed earlier in her career at activision and even recalled a party in 2007, with none other than the boogie man bobby kodak there, where there were scantily, clad women dancing on stripper poles and a dj. That was encouraging women to drink more, so men could have a better time.

It really does seem like any woman the they said what click there, where there were scantily, clad women dancing on stripper poles and a dj that was encouraging women to drink more. So men could have a better time. It really does seem like any woman who walked through the activision blizzard doors wasn't leaving until she was sexually harassed or assaulted. It's like they weren't walking into work.

They were walking into like an in-cell fan club. It's crazy! All of these stories all have so much in common with each other, so it seems super normalized at activision blizzard and again they have done nothing over the years to fix it, except bobby kodak, doing his best to sweep it under the rug. Now there is a massive employee walkout happening right now at activision blizzard, that is demanding that bobby codec resign now you'd think the board of directors would also be pissed at bobby kodak, considering he withheld crucial information from them swept extremely important. I mean this is to be honest, though dude there's, probably not a single thought about about the victims or the problems or the or the people.

Are they people affected by by crossfire? This is uh at this point. It's like uh. They all think about the dollar. Signs and right, yeah there you go company problems, it's all like holy.
How can we get out of this? You know what you know didn't share any of this information with the board of directors. You think they'd be fuming literally pissing in their britches, ready to blast them in the ass, but you'd be wrong because the board of directors stands behind him 100. They are literal cucks bobby kodak is cocking his board and they're totally fine with it. Here's their statement.

The activision blizzard board remains committed to the goal of making activision blizzard the most welcoming and inclusive company in the industry. It is, without a doubt, the most welcoming company to sexual predators in the industry, so i guess they did succeed in this mission here under bobby codex leadership. The company is already implementing industry-leading changes, including a zero tolerance, harassment policy, a dedication to achieving significant increase to the percentage of women. I thought at zero tolerance horizon policy was was uh little felix was uh intended.

I thought that was like a non-binary people in our work like a standard workforce and significant internal and external investments to accelerate opportunities for diverse talent. I love how they really parade around this new zero tolerance policy, they've implemented as if it's some kind of you know, innovative new idea and revolutionary never been done before oh you're finally, going to stop letting employees sexually harass and sexually assault other employees wow 20 years Later, oh, my god blizzard the first company to ever happen, you're really breaking new ground. This is it's never been done before you're, not gon na allow them to sexually assault each other. Oh my god! What? How are you sure they then go on to state that they're hiring more women and more non-binary people in their workforce in order to improve the amount of diverse talent that they have? But what does that have to do with anything here like? Why does this seem like a good thing to them, like, after all of these women have come forward about how awful they were treated at the company? This honestly just sounds like more of a threat like hey, activision blizzard is hiring more women come on.

Ladies, so we can grope you, we need some fresh meat to uh sexually harass over here at activision blizzard hiring more women. Don't forget, ladies come on in, like this makes no sense like there's. No one, that's going to read this. After all of these, things came out about all of these women who have been sexually assaulted at that company and, like start pumping their first like oh good, this company's hiring.

I can't wait to apply, and i love this last sentence here - a nice little cherry. On top of the poopy cake, the board remains confident that bobby codec, appropriately addressed workplace issues brought to his attention when it was revealed over a lot of multiple sources that he withheld all of the information from this very board. That is now sucking his small. Oh, my god that just feels amazing to read they're actual cucks.
The goals we have set for ourselves are both critical and ambitious. The board remains confident in bobby codex leadership, commitment and ability to achieve these goals. Oh yes, bobby senpai lead us to more money. Please, as you can see the board of directors here at activision blizzard, it's pretty stupid, like they're.

Pretty what happens though, and uh you, let's just go ahead and take it yeah. The reality is chat. Is that when things go this way going on this route, usually nothing happens and then it gets under the rug people forget people move on things, things regenerate and then life continues right. So, let's see what happens in this one peak at their stock market prices, let's see, let's see how they're doing today, you know this: it's been about 24 hours.

I mean, i wonder if they even took a real hit from this. Oh that's, stinky! Wow, look at that uh on november 16th. You can really see that drop man. Look at that! That's that bobby kodak leadership coming into play right there.

Oh goodness me! Surely it won't keep dropping right like oh, my that wouldn't make any sense. I mean they're 100 and something employees are already walking out. I mean that that's all spelling nothing but success for activision, blizzard and the way they're handling this situation is remarkable, they're doing everything right yeah. It feels good to look at that that chart there, hopefully it'll, be even lower tomorrow and continues to plummet until bobby codec resigns.

He is a genuine problem and a horrible horrible leader that company has experienced so much terrible. That was brushed under the rug for way way way too long, and i'm super happy to see all of it being brought to the public attention now, like i said it's the easiest boycott in the world not to buy blizzard games because they don't make anything good At all and that extends to activision as well, i already regretted buying call of duty vanguard, and i regret it 20 times more now than i did having played through that insufferable experience it's it's just it's awful and i don't know how people can continue to defend This company - i understand, if you like their games, you don't want to recognize how awful the people behind the games are, but jesus christ at least stop trying to defend it and make excuses for them. They're not paying you to be their damage, control of their pr. So stop doing it, it's just.

This is awful indefensible stuff and i really do hope for a good conclusion for everyone that was involved in this situation and all of the victims at activision blizzard. I wish them well, i don't hope for mass destruction. I don't think they should ever hope for that. Okay, i i.
I just genuinely hope that that all all the stones become turned all people, everybody does the right things and things things get fixed and the workers environment becomes good. Okay, guys, i guys listen, even though this is the board of directors it. I just hope that things turn around and they they fix things and everything gets fixed. Instead.

Okay, i'm not even anybody. I don't know anybody guys they're still hard working at people, employees there's a hundreds of thousands for the better good. You.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to ‘activision blizzard is the most evil gaming company’”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars apta wibawa says:

    Are the dislike changes already implemented chat? I can still see the dislike number from ny phone.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tobias T says:

    Terrible company. Shit games. But im dumb enough to play it for hours on end

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars o_o says:

    – click on youtube rewind
    – oh wow it has 3M likes, must be a great video!
    – 19M dislikes hidden

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B. K. says:

    things like these always get ignored or go unnoticed… until someone seriously gets hurt or unfortunately dies
    it's always the same, nobody cares until something happened

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wea boo says:

    Blizzard did not stop on just silencing hong kong players but also endorse sexual assault what do you know.

    On a side note: I can feel that someone, somewhere will just make a browser plugin to add some sort of a 3rd party dislike button

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akash Raman says:

    Thank goodness they didn't remove the dislike button in the mobile app yet🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eggo says:

    YouTube is so huge they roll out updates gradually. Usually those who use it the most get it first, which is probably why the REACTOR gets it early.
    Comments used to have dislike counts as well, but they removed it a few years ago.
    Remember, treat people like children, never offend anyone, and everything will be OK!! Kappa

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dranor says:

    absolutely fucking disgusting. that company gives off alcoholic father vibes >:[

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snap says:

    “Rape, murder, suicide” blank face *notices dislike counter missing*”UHHH?? HUH?? HUH”

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Sigala says:

    The seven deadly sins but video game company

    Lust – Ubisoft

    Pride – nintendo

    Wrath – konami

    Gluttony – sony/PlayStation

    Greed – EA

    Sloth – Vavle

    Envy – sega

    Now what happens when all of the deadly sins are fuse you get
    Activision Blizzard the worst and most evil video game company ever

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars philly says:

    btw, if you haven't updated the YouTube app, you can still see dislikes (mobile only)

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kratos Der Toten says:

    I'll admit that I never really liked Activision or blizzard, however I am a big Treyarch fan. I hope that this shit isn't in their company too.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spencer1990 says:

    Yes this is awful but I bet now these women are rich beyond their beliefs. They knew what they were doing don't let them fool you. Oh no how could you touch my ass, ok heres 10 mil what a joke.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ironside says:

    for those interested at the time of making this comment this vid has 152 dislikes

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Le Huy says:

    we should start commenting whether we liked or disliked videos now OMEGALUL

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