Congrats, you're hired! Serve customers and maintain the Happy's Humble Burger Farm restaurant alone on the overnight. But be careful; things fall apart if you mess up! After work, head home and keep your eyes open for a way to escape the Barnyard Buds and their fast food fever-dream.
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#xQc #Scary #ScaryGame

I played off-stream and i didn't enjoy that much. It was all right. It's like mid. Thank you happy say that's.

If you didn't play house of davinci, i recommend it's very nice, no shot the burger's a lie. Nice cook, a burger grab a bottom bun and place it on. The assembly board then place one of every single topping chase um. Next we have a burger patty cooking place for the burger.

Oh turn up the heat man. How is it cook? Got it? Bang, bang top bun pain, certain customers, all conversations might be served a foot in the bag and make sure to pay attention to exactly what the order is. The order. Thank you visit your orders and picky all right with the bags.

Laying the assembly table note another one's on his back. There's no going back so be careful and pay close attention then throw it is only happy when you're doing your job early, saying wrong orders or being a result in i don't read fast. I don't know what happened. Use the employee manual strongly taking the time of referencing the manual tab.

First down the job procedure tutorial one happy bumble, happy patties and throw under the grill, giving all this salmon nuggies empty. One bag of fries and salmon nuggets put it in the fryer and wait until it's cooked cookies place it in the oven and bake red button. Soft drink slushy fill a patty, delightful deluxe. A slice of pork can make it a poppin.

Pork is a poppin and a chicken is a fantastic arrive on time for all shifts provide transport day. I don't give a about this. I i i don't need to tutorial i'm good connecting with the world the press enter button when holding objects, to try opening the door and grab a commission on the counter. Hey kid good news: they only work one way, though, so you can't call me like ever, but trust me if you need something i'll know now don't be late for your first shift.

Keep those customers happy get it today. What the dude you can have opinions about. A game that you haven't played yet what are you talking about? All your burger are belong to us, don't be late! Trust me, i'm gon na go fast. We got ta rush that construction on the buses huh, okay enough.

What could possibly go wrong here? Healthy king comfort, baby most insect and rodent-free, see we're here boys we're chilling, welcome to your home away from home. Happy humble burger work at least once a day when endowed machine open the oven, jesus christ. This game turn on the oven. What the is an oven.

He said turn on the lights: hey, mr cow just wanted to say thanks for the great stream, they have helped me get over. A lot of stress recently keep up the great content ex guys, guys guys guys walk in clock in it. So i have to go and turn on the open sign. Okay, there you go done boys and then turn on the oven.

Oh no out of order older time. I don't know what it looks like ovens. Will you have at home? I don't know we don't have any of those. I don't think the customers here comes boys watch this hey buddy man.
You want what okay pop and pork okay and this guy wants no pickle, pumpkin pork. So you would go uh, my buttons, oh! No, we don't take that that cooked okay. Now you go like this yo, hey, okay, he's happy! What's up baby we're gon na do for you today, fantastic foul, that's chicken boom, no cheese, no cheese, no chase guys, my god, this man, no cheese deluxe out of here man, not the model right. No tomorrow, oh it's already good, hey bro watch us boom.

What's the fast food, don't you do it? Don't you do wait? Did they make a mistake? Bing? Oh, this is dancing hey, come on everybody up next up we're gon na. Do free pal, no lettuce, no lettuce, boy, man! It's coming right up! Pal bro, bing, bang, bang, bang, i think hey man, hey, would you would you believe this video? That would you hey? Would you move the speed of this guy hot and pork and onion? Hey, hey lady, you got it. Pork coming right up. Oh wait! No! What again i forgot: hey, no, no! No! No! No! What do you mean? What do you mean, lady you're, just what the the shift is finished now? Isn't it we're closed? I have to go home what what i brought home the meal uh, what i brought the meal home.

It's not ceiling, guys, nobody bought it, then what wasted it's? Not stealing! It was meant for a customer that did end up buying it just eat it. Then man we made it home safely. I guess do i live. Do i even live here? I live here.

Okay, you fried been juicing for almost 50 months. Much love, xqcl yummy i live over here, go to sleep. It says: okay! Well, it's illegal! What's this game about, nobody really knows it's rotten burger tokens, burger farm, employee tow is just 35 years old, and yet his brain activity has aged into that of an 87 year old. He has lost the ability to perform his tasks in the restaurant, staring listlessly at burning patties.

It's a wonder. He hasn't birthed the place down. I've observed the same deterioration in the radio host maverick cooper. Most of the other test subjects have perished or disappeared.

Like e7. I will be ordering the extraction of toe and maverick when i depart. Hopefully they can regain cognitive function with rehabilitation, okay, yeah man, unless not everything you ever taught me baby. We got that.

I got that right for sure. Oh, my bacon jump in his arms. The bus is still getting worked on, i'm pretty sure. Is there a bus? Ah it's too late.

Now too late right, oh, i mean i should be late. Come on man. Well, technically. I want us over there we'll go tomorrow.

This might be faster right. No, i already ate the energy bar, hey kids. We got a doozy for you today. Not only are you gon na be man in the deep simply fill wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, dude, dude dude in the fryer um where's the lights.

On guys, i know what the lights are on. Ah yo, let's get cooking already 35 months, xqcl! Oh step out. You can cook some more to be honest, fries fries, on nuggets. Wait.
We never talked about this wait what the appliances are not even on. I forgot what this isn't um 40 seconds for what he wants. Fries fries nuggets! No, it's black! What the okay! We have! Two seconds to do this: it's done. I think i think we're dead 10 seconds.

Oh wait! Where am i wait petition to add gordon ramsey as a tts voice xqcl? Is that good? It's rotten energy vending machine where i'm actually terrible this game is it's done. It's over it's over it's over it's over it's over. It's done! We're done it's! Okay! How much time do i have four seconds? Okay, okay, okay, soft shrink, nuggets soft drink nuggets, soft drink nuggets, uh cups, boom, strawberry, jazz, no appliances on bing, no bang, six seconds. Six seconds: bang bang uh, no onions.

No! What was it again? Ah, listen lights, know what i forgot. No, what no? No my memory is leaking. No lettuce, lettuce, bang, bang, bang bong. What do you want? Fries nuggets soft drink, fries fries nuggets you can't run or hide that feed her evil patty.

Ah, what why not dude? What the is it? Evil? Buddy? Ah one sorry we're open you, man, okay, open! It's! Okay! I got this. I now watch this watch just watch. It i'm about to catch up today. Today's my day go like this yo.

I said it. A plant is on bing bing bong jesus christ. Really happy, no lettuce! Happy! No! No! No! Happy! No happy novelis! I happen to let us hunt what look at the speed. Look at the speed look at it thing nuggets: hey! That's nothing! Watch this watch this watch it bing bong, that's it man! There! You go anybody else! Anybody else! That's what i thought! That's what i thought.

Nobody b. Anybody at all shake shake. Oh sorry about the top of your drink, lady, it's going to be a little weird, but that is what it is another good one. That's a tip tip, no tip no tip today: prize deluxe, no drinking deluxe, snow, oh cheese, right, oh jeez, but the fries getting getting bad fries and i get soft drink they're getting bad right.

They looking us weird, hey lady! That's what we call service! How about there we go that? Oh, no, my patties, no, no they're, ready, they're, ready, fries shake drink! Look at that! Look at that! Bang! Bang! Oh! Don't touch that wow! Don't touch that ever again, man nuggets nuggets, drink, bang, bang, dude! Look at the speed of it take that some of these things going on, i got ta, take care of it. What's going on, what's going on? What do you want me to take a shrink drink that gets? Oh, oh, it's still frozen dude some food, but it is what it is drink, drink coming up, energy's going low. It's okay, take the bus. I don't know how to man.

You can actually be up or not. No, we can't press the button how's it going man. We can probably conserve this food by putting in the freezer ass that sucks june. That's what it is today.
I will take the bus right. Surely the bus isn't broken today, but i got ta go to work, though see that's the problem. Free fire put this. We pre-fire energy bars.

I love your streams and bugs have been watching you for a long time and wanted to thank you for helping me through a bad part of my life watch. This customers, one more fry, hey, welcome to man. What's a cookie poppin nuggets cookie cookie, cookie nuggets um: what's pork yeah, it's this right! Pork boom enjoy brother man, sir still on hey, welcome everybody! We're going to give you today, cookie. Okay, it's black! Of course it's blackened! What else do you want since they fall? So much no! No! What cheese i foul with no cheese coming up bang! What is that how's? The man get.

I got to get this. What is that? What's that over there what's happening, what's happening, shake nuggets! Happy new lettuce, shake shake nuggets happy! Now! Let us have you know, lettuce. What's happy, i forgot we're at a steak, a happy happy, it's the main one. It's the main one we're gon na be a little bit late, though shaking i guess, let's put some more, let's put, let's put some more in there.

One two three, maybe even another cookie: why not it's blocking a little lettuce? Is it something um chicken, fries, okay, chicken, no tomato fries, shake chicken nutment fries, shake chicken tomato chicken tomato chicken, chicken? No tomato, i'm popping off out here, cookie cookie, hey! What do you want? Man? We want drink, drink, pork, pork, pork, the lettuce, stuffed sausage, pour the lettuce stuff soften, pour it with a lot of stuff. Stop pork, portland lettuce, important lettuce, soft soft, come on chop chop, man, bing, bing, bong, bang, bop yeah! Next one. This is me again: we don't have a lot of meat going on right now. Bye, bye, fries, a pot how long the pie is take from the cook.

It's about time. It's about the time or i think we're about to close bing bing come on come on. Bang bing bop, lady, no, you so sad dude. I did so good.

I just forgot to pre-cook some of this. I popped off so hard there man, i don't know, what's going on now, explore what okay. So i have 200 bucks, though it's not it's not bad. At all, maybe we could go to hospital.

Oh a police, a lambo, follow our lead and you'll never have to pay attention to all that boring stuff. Again, quick cure making health care fun passive ever wanted to focus on deeply, not even if it could could break your constitution. You've got to cover them. Recreation is not tolerated.

You are here to work not to socialize bank truck okay. Please select your horse. Um, invisible turd come on what this is so rigged. What what is this joke of a game? I choose a hairless suit dude.

This is dog that any employees feeling depressed that dog is gon na win this one. Okay, i vote for one more one, more massive alexa. What the the one actual ass, the message tiger. That's who's gon na win right now come on bro.
I need to get a refund. Oh, oh one! More wait! 30 dollar wins for 10 on a one out of four bets. Okay, i'm i've seen enough of this trash game. What an absolute joke! Let's go! Rabbits triple java joints, coffee, jazzy java joint! Has it all a band coffee? That's it really! The coffee shop does give you a boost, though you can serve customers at burger farm like three times as fast after you drink one.

It cooks faster, remember, mandatory overtime, each work cycle every hour, shit's kind of busting, though okay, let's go home, it's a little nappy napping. I did i'm on two coffees, one at a roll, but thankfully we have a little bit wider for tomorrow, we'll be chilling. Well, we'll maybe take care of all has that gon na work any special today here boys anything unusual, obscure programming. You dude, i think we're chilling talk off wipes.

Apparently it's only it's only gon na be within like four hours i'll take the bus. Little did you know you had a co-worker? No, no! No, not me! No! I don't mean that toe guy i mean the other guy who kept everything right behind the scenes. Would that be um hear an alarm and your task will be displayed on that event screen by the register. You only get about 40 seconds, but that's more than enough time for someone like you, wait wait.

What do you say i wasn't paying attention? I was. I was trying to read the the blend: yeah addie, just starting my day, dude we're gon na defeat. Today, man uh cookie, cookie, cookie, chicken, chicken lettuce nuggets cookie chicken chicken, no, no lettuce, cookie, cookie chicken, chicken, no lettuce cookies. Do you think whoa nuggets shake drink boom, cookie cookie, oh huh? Ah, hey man! What i'm going to do welcome to happy burger chicken chicken, the what chicken onion appliance is off boom done fry up pork, no cheese, fries drinking pork, no cheese, fries, drink pork, pork! No cheese, fries, drink, fries, drink, fries, drink bang, bang appliances, bop lights on yo, close this.

What the energy don't worry? I got you, i got you control open the bag from the back. Let's do some pies in his pie, pie, cookie, cookie, know what we're coming up close, that ass done shake on drink on hey we're going to beat today man he wants a uh cheek drink, got it. What was that bing, bing bong, bong, cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie juice juice, yo come on hold it up on the f. I don't have all day man, it's so annoying toilet flood lights off chicken, no onion pie shake it.

Chicken onion chicken onion pie, shaker pie done chicken chicken, chicken, chicken chicken pie pie, shake hey. Excuse me, alex slice, shake pie, shake it. Shake pop pie, shake what the chicken chicken no onion boom boom boom. I was right right, no um, no onions! Yes guys! That is one of the best you can get in this game.

89 and six people served absolutely insane out. Now all right closing on the shop voice, see you guys all tomorrow, wait. Does it just move? Will you survive this dark and dreary night? Where of shadows in which you now drown i'll help, you fast happy old pal how about the chicken? What does he want? I kind of just want to go home moon and also we can take the bus today. Boys i'm nothing too uh too good with this one.
That's what what does the stuff even do by the way, the audio whatever? What does it do? It doesn't help at all it's kind of useless submission what's happening here. Interesting, don't leave the meat out it might spread. No is this our competitor power line hub this unity combines all current inputs to safety feature where the wires go so wires, go to pink. He's.

Closing the environments, foreign specific order, green, yellow gray, blue red, green, yellow gray, blue red, green, yellow gray, blue red. What is that xqcl? How do i make him go naked? I can't need him to remove the thing. What's what is happening? Green green, yellow, green, yellow, gray, green, yellow. What green, yellow? What i have seen underground is nothing short of horrific right.

It's not just our experience. Something is alive down there upon extraction. I must demand zayn reconsider his lucidus initiative. It must be shut down immediately and permanently.

We must seal the underground facility. Grimm is a good man, but i fear he's been staring into the darkness for far too long and losing sight of why we all started this first ow i got ta cook them. Some warning did i interfere wanting to so jeff's skills to use, but what is he who doesn't like, though it? Let's just start cooking it uh? Ah sorry what okay you like synthetic, what cook faster, ow the story about ah uh bob? What wasted ow up down? Wait what's in here i heard the screams of my friends and my co-workers since they were mexican after hours. I finally emerged only to find peter over burden and fuse to the floor.

He couldn't reach me. Does it skip the thing? Oh, my god, please, the power's is also. We can craft new recipes, apparently because we got some juice farming yard festivities in the world. I don't know that is immediately.

We must seal the underground. Just stop. Okay, we're chilling boys we're okay man! Now we have the quest our recipe craft, a recipe, hey. You are d7.

Who are you what cow got your tongue? Why are you looking at me like that? Oh right, i'm kind of just a talking head say you don't know, what's going on, do you right? Well, i'm an artificial intelligence, cybernetic organism or a robot. If you will e7 was a human like you, a friend haven't seen him in a while, though he woke me up now, i'm going to wake you up. All of this is fake trust me to try to break out, see those blueprints over there on the walls. It shows you, the ingredients.

You will need, throw all three of those ingredients into obscurus, fabricator and watch the magic happen right before your very eyes. Oh battery paste and you get those um at home uh in the other places. Look at me look at me. This is what happy does this? That was the coolest robot in the factory okay, so you can get the battery from the stop.
If you can scratch mine, but you got ta, find it first, tell you what i'll scratch your back. If you can scratch fine, but you got ta, find it first find it okay, then i think we buy the battery. I know where to get the pace from though, where do you get the pace from it's gon na stay there nuts? So where do they got you? The graveyard shift hospital? Okay, don't tell me you're out the burgers, a fabricator right or some a transmitter. These are all fabricators, though, we'll find one somewhere.

The battery is at the shop 100 we saw it earlier. Is that the burger shot shop? Oh? No, it's taking over. Did you feel lucky? You won no credits, remember how you fought petey and found that keycard hacker recipe disc well use the fabricator next to me to make that keycard hacker okay can be at the museum. I hope you're happy, because now you're gon na be serving hot dogs.

It's simple: hit up the new station slap, the butt down and you're good to go. Here's the battery, my bad! If it is this - is who the is watch this hot dog, where dog i'll help you? Okay, let's take it out dog, we'll catch up, duck mustard and stop drinking ketchup, dog, no mustard and the drink drink. Wait where the buns at uh puns, huh funds, where oh price fries happy no pickle. I forgot the free fire happy! No! No! I haven't dude.

I'm losing it happy, no pickle, wait, i'm not a juice! Oh no! Oh um, since when we have a playground - ah, ah, hmm, hmm, where, where, where ah what sir, this okay, okay, evil patty, how don't look away feet? Are the patty? You can't run. You can't hide them just a penny. Let's leave right there, oh from the pile how um bloody wrong. How long is that the playing card huh it's on fire, my day's, not over uh? What do you want? I'm just gon na pre-fire.

All this time the boss has been checking in on you. How about you check in on him? For once i can do it. Pork lettuce nuggets like it's shaken ports and then i guess nuggets shake and i guess nuggets shake and i guess nuggets shake nuggets nuggets. Shake nuggets nuggets, shake um, pork lettuce, little lettuce right come on.

Take that okay, so dude, how is it still war? Dude? It's punched! Don't touch that dude, it's hard to cook you to get it perfectly. That's perfect! Dude you just just you dude uh today was not our best, not our best day, not even close to either a little rocky. Today boys drinking fries pie drink. Oh, it was chicken onion chicken, onion chicken, onion boom bang bip bop.

Are you kidding me dude? I'm done i worked so hard in that order. I had did i have to kill two evil cows - the battery. Now i'm molding, i'm actually balling that legitimately molding the battery already. So how do i get out again in this place? Then you guys, we need to get the piece of hardware.
We need to get the the motherboard. We have the place already guess what the new legion museum has finally opened up. Why don't you go check? It out sounds like a blast. Perhaps the net, perhaps the phantom exterior, like fish eggs, the interior, like suicide, wrist red eye - can exercise you.

This will be your physique on your manual. Try hard settle the theater, the theater, the scythian solar system is home to eight planets. Carthage is the closest planet to our sun once inhabited by life many cycles ago. It is now but a desolate wasteland.

The ruins of past civilizations dot the landscape along with endless volcanic mountain ranges, our research indicates car think will never be able to sustain life again. Okay, there's anybody who asked about this - or i i don't think i did scythe - is our home as far as the general public are aware, because i'm looking for the motherboard right now. That's what i'm that's what i want so i need so we can make bombs to go some errors in the game that we can't right now. How can you contact me? Oh you can't dude.

If you saw the dms, did i get a listen? The weird should i get uh we're going to even the emails are weird as okay. Hopefully we can get the um the juicer now not here nope, i'm not gon na show you guys. You guys know exactly why the chat knows better. I'm not a robot you're, a robot um.

Excuse me. Excuse me you're, standing on my foot press green when prompted be quick. Ah, the circuit burger e7's very first and greatest invention. Never can tell that.

That's your sense of humor. If she was starting to lose it. I think she was starting to lose it. Oh what if this isn't real? Am i real? Oh god, on keypad press green when prompted be quick.

Um excuse me. Excuse me you're, standing on my foot. We just bring it tomorrow at work. Dude.

It's always the same cycle. It's not it's not really there. It's not something! Funny like it's like whenever i read chat's joke and i throw it on screen. Like i get one, i get one funny dm or one funny at uh email.

I show it and then i get like one million unfunny like that is exactly the same thing. It's just like it's like the same, recycle joke and it's like the same thing. It's just it's just so unfunny, it's so bad where's, the bus away. You pretty good you've thank corporate, makes you ready for the drive through you'll find a switch near.

The window turn it on, but only if you think you can handle another flow of customers. What what press on the green? I did, though i didn't press green. I literally didn't i literally pressed it why people happy hope everyone had a good weekend. Xqcl, okay done uh, shake shake uh port, no cheese pie, pork, cheese pie, pork, cheese pie, pork, cheese from college, missed.
You chat, xqc, pork cheese pie. All this time. The boss has been checking in on you how about you check in on him for once hack into his office at work, pork, cheese, pork, cheese pie next line, please got ta, go come on chop chop, master, ketchup, pie, mustard, ketchup pie. I forgot to cook the thing so bad now we have to wait now we have to wait.

Oh, my god, so unlucky foreign, there, you go pal, it's a little bit late, but in today's next in line boys come on chop chop, happy, cheese, drink dog, happy cheese. What happy cheese, dog dog? No! What was that happy? Cheese dog? Oh remember, trash back door! Trash bag door, drink rats appliances are off it's over, it runs over done. What is your favorite roblox game? Mine is work at a pizza place. It's over no shot, happy cheese right.

I just prefer it hmm wait. What why isn't happy happy cheese, drink, dog, happy, trees, happy cheese, happy, cheese, drink dog, happy, cheese, drink dog, happy, cheese, drink dog, happy what all burned, happy cheese, drink off, what's even happening. I i don't give a oh happy. Cheese right.

Remember: bites ketchup, drink, cookie, ketchup, drink cookie, oh wow, it's already over my battery. Where is it at man? Have you peeked yet? Is this a final down on the show? You sure, could you sure cook like it is? This is all you can do nothing guys. The hack is fine, i i got it. I got it done.

It's easy as we'll just watch this. Actually, the best in town 30 months, easy, clap, where's the glue at the box, change, happy, holidays, chat and xqc. I hope you all are being chilling xqcl. So now i want to make multiple hacker tools.

Then it hey. Have you climbed every mountain? What the hell is this? Where is my role play? This does look like gtr? I love gta role play i did sub for this. I need the ghost red mountain. I have to earn my trust before i just spill.

All the beans about obscure biotech. Their motto is fabricate reality, get it. Okay, here comes okay! Let me read this again. Well, let's start from the beginning, it is literally what i did be quick dude.

That was like 20 minutes earlier. That was literally like 200ms reaction time. That's fine, um! My reaction times are fantastic. Hold up yeah there should my pets all right.

That's that was so easy, hey kid! What are you doing in my office who told you to go in there? Hello, oh right! These are one way. Listen! Now, that's much better! Now you don't have to listen, that guy go on and on and on who is he where we going? It's probably an order, remember plug it in we're gon na go for a voice. Clearly that was not it. Unless it's this one, the robot customers have become much more advanced since i left barn and got thrown into the diner content.

That makes me rock hard chart. It'll stop farming. The emote now there's an actual personality. He never shuts up and every other joke bombs.
But nick is my only friend this virtual intelligent cybernetic. Is it just someone to talk to, though he's gon na be able to get out of here is hey. I didn't know what stop it. I i it wasn't it i didn't know it would actually stop.

It, though, still haven't gone to the museum huh. You should go there for the happy. The humble heffer exhibit find out some of the creepy history of your corporate overlords. They sure do melt that franchise.

Am i right because bathroom recipes, i don't know how this works, though? How does that work, though, should i do in the house or not yeah, it's downloaded already? Oh, is it on already, though i hope i go. I would play super guy with him. Super people cpt download. Oh, it's not good, yet upgrade the bench.

Okay, one one one, one, one, one, one in one: one: one: one: 10: 1 in okay, happy ketchup, double ketchup, drink the bookshelf, drink foreign, so max in line. Please ketchup, mustard, pork, lettuce, pork, lettuce, pork, lettuce, double ketchup, double ketchup, then we'll catch up, double ketchup. Double ketchup, double ketchup, double ketchup, pork, pork lettuce, boom boom, live rats out of here. Dude you did it again.

Of course he did it again. Turn him back on open up. Bhop, you mustard ketchup is done. Dude, hello, it bugged it bogged.

That's so unfair dude! It bogged my name is mustard. There you go buddy man. What do you want? Come on pie, pie, mustard, watch this bing bing, bang bong? Ah, what do you want? Fella mustard, cookie, drink mustard, mustard, cookie, drink mustard, cookie drink come on come on yeah, i'm so good at this game. I'm so good at this game.

I'm insane this game, um pickle, shake drink, pickle, shake, drink, pickle, shake, drink, pickle, shake drink, come on come on. It's fine! It's fine! It's fine! It's fine! What's happening! I don't understand it shake. Where is that right, where'd the drink go? No! I i jumped on the ground. No, it's missing the the the dog happy pickle, happy, pickle, happy, pickle, drink, happy, pickle mustard! Oh! No! It's not oh mustard, mustard, mustard, mustard, shake drink, shake drink, shake save it.

I saved it. I'm the boss, i'm the bo, i'm too good at this game that that was actual esports right there. That's esports right there. You saw it out.

Oh, if your traps are clean, you catch them before they they you over right. So you would clean your traps, so you catch more huh like that. You see that you clean the chapstick and you're chilling the mind. If we missed one, that's fine, i don't think it means that much it doesn't matter, it'll still catch them, where's the bus also, should we make a new hacking tool.

I think chad wasn't there other um doors, open neighbors. Let me check it out. I actually like mini mini, like mini games like hacking, mini games, just like um and just like rp like, but like, like actual minions, like that, i think they're a lot of fun to do gotcha like to learn it if they get good at it. You have to master it and you have to yes, i have to don't tell me: oh man, you wouldn't catch me dead in that five, nine, eight five, nine eight six.
I have spent a considerable amount of time in the simulation with my cognition fully intact. I was able to observe test subjects up close and really study the effects of this behavioral modification technology. The results are troubling to say the least. The same trauma is present in test subjects.

Across every simulation. We aren't producing subservient workers we're replicating trauma. How do you open the backpack, hello? No one is available, what the huh, what that was the wrong room? Tell you what i'll scratch your back! If you can scratch mine, but you got ta find it first. I want to play a game of prop knight with sammy.

I've only played prop nights with random, hey it's kind of baggage or something like this. Every mountain i see you looking at me got something to say. I thought i played the other game with poke uh super super man, one five, four one still haven't gone to the museum huh. You should go there for the happy the humble heffer exhibit.

I did don't find out some of the creepy history of your corporate overlords. They sure do melt that french, hello. My name is one. Last time what's happening, i don't understand.

What's going on wake up, watch button, they're doing something to our brains, i'm losing my memories, starting to forget. Well, almost everything what button on a spellbinding installment nope - nothing in here! It's all gone boys hold on from here out here. So how do you craft a recipe, the roman red, the room with red? What bruh you're trolling headroom hi, i'm sweden nice to meet you? Okay, there's nothing. I'm gon na check, nope cougar cat hang in there says what am i gon na get with this? Oh beef, pork and chicken? No, these are ads dude.

These are these are little ads? Wait, wait, wait, don't go! Don't leave me here alone. Oh, oh burger bomb, burger, patty clock and from the beginning it all started when i was nothing but a processor and a motherboard, a couple of nuts and bolts and yeah, who am i kidding? I get it now, where's the clock at anyway, where i came from or how i was made. Do we even have do we have a thing, a clock: okay, okay, i'm gon na chat, guys, listen! Um! I might finish it. I i want to go play uh i'll, open some game with uh samuel, what the uh sorry poking at it.

Can you save it i'll say it probably right? Okay, this one.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Actually scary! xqc plays happy’s humble burger farm”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sabri abdalbari says:

    Xqc can you play animal revolt battle simulator? It’s on steam and it only costs $14.99 dollars to get.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tyler garcia says:

    Nobody got the “all your burgers are belong to us” joke. That meme must be old af, they thought it was a typo

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Concerned Citizen says:

    What the fuck with all the streamers and their ADHD? Why wont you finish listening to record before running around poking into things god damn it

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Youngling says:

    Clueless I cant wait to see Xqc finish this game

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lloydy says:

    I watched this and enjoyed it, I think that is something.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zarrowthenorse says:

    why does he care more about the gameplay than actually completing the game

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PrintGuinGames says:

    It's hilarious I have a coworker exactly like Toe he's 60 and got issues but damn it's funny sometimes

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stripes says:

    Bro I hate horror games 😭 making me jump and shit

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zahra H says:

    I fell asleep to the stream and woke up in the middle of the night to him throwing burgers at this giant pig while skeletons were exploding around him. Didn’t realise I wasn’t dreaming till now.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samix says:

    Please full playthrough of this game and Poppys Playtime

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ur mom is straight says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I REALLY LIKE PIES says:

    Willing to bet a scary amount of chat are furries, yeah I see you there going :booba: kinda :weirdchamp: dude

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pie Pivot Monitor says:

    The effects of you drinking toe's 6 drinks had me dying laughing.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben says:

    The VHS filter is so overplayed at this point. I feel like I’ve seen this exact game 9 times already and they’re never scary

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