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#xQc #Jubilee #React

Should do something it's actually anti-feminist, we're told all the time from so many people what we should be, how we should act, so the question in itself goes against what i believe as a feminist anyway. Why have we not seen this before? I don't think we have. Actually, what really is do all women think the same. You guys guys and everybody gets mad everybody.

It works right, you're, a man, you cannot have a take and then you say and then and then you are white. You cannot have a taken: okay, okay, your hair is blonde. You cannot have a take. Okay! Okay, like i know like the step one through five, but like to actually do it.

I don't think i could like be confident enough to just do it. You know yeah. I didn't know there were five steps anyway. So that's why i'm here like? No, i have changed my tire multiple times.

Just shows that i'm not a great driver, but i learned myself and i had to because i popped my tire - a lot fundamental life, things that we all should know, and i think that if we were all raised the same there wouldn't be pay differences like we'd. All have this we'd all be on the same slate, so maybe i'll switch it to agree. Okay, i actually. If everything was flat, if it was equal - and it was chill everything was everything was - was it was a utopia.

I would do it with the steak, but but but i somewhat disagree because it's important to explain the reality sometimes and it yeah don't want kids, but if i were to decide to do that, i would want them to to grow up in that environment. Where there's no difference between you, two, you don't have like a curfew that she doesn't have, or vice versa. I agree with you, but i also think that we have like where we are now we wish there was a perfect world, so we want to raise our kids and say treat everyone the same. Yes, absolutely you treat everyone the same but recognize that not everyone believes that way like if we teach our boys the responsibility that they have not taking advantage of someone when they've had too much to drink.

I. I just think that there's an awareness that you have to teach boys being men and also girls like becoming women, every woman should be a feminist huh. That goes both ways. Wait wait, wait that that literally goes guys.

You guys say true. Somebody gives us a shoe. Some people say well question mark guys. That goes both ways, though, doesn't matter if you're, a man or a woman, you shouldn't take advantage of someone who's drank too much.

What the three two was. I don't know the extent of this, so i don't really know. I just think that feminism in recent years have just become extreme. Well, it's like the 60s.

It's like, if you're a feminist, then like you're anti in thailand, like what, like you know, i don't think it should be anti yeah man. I think we should all be empowering men to support women too right and bringing them into the conversation. I think right now, feminism is like. We don't need you right.
We do. I agree with that, but also, i think that women have been put down, that we kind of need to go a little bit extreme in the opposite direction, just so that we can come to the middle, because otherwise the men aren't going to meet us in the Middle well, feminism by deep go a little bit extreme in the opposite direction, just so that we can come to the middle, because otherwise the men aren't going to meet us in the middle. Well, feminism by default is sort of the idea to make decisions for yourself and what fuels you and telling a woman she should do. Something is actually anti-feminist so because we're told all the time from so many people what we should be, how we should act, how we should address how we should communicate.

So the question in itself goes against what i believe as a feminist anyway, you know and that question jeff, i think somebody so somebody could uh, could be more in line mentally. What from that side to the other side than some of the some of that were on the same side literally, i believe. Oh here we go hi guys. I think it's circumstantial um, because i do believe there are instances where, if the mother is um going to be severely harmed by a birth that that is, i'm watching um.

Let me i'm watching the images and listening to the eye. I think it also the exception. Also would be in the cases of rape um, but all other circumstances where you made a choice. I'm pro-life, i think we all deserve a chance at life.

So i definitely second that i agree with that statement, but i feel like the heavy restrictions that are placed on it by our government just dictating what we can do with our bodies is really infuriating and then seeing people who have kids and resent it for the Rest of their lives and raising children that they never wanted, it's frustrating, and so do you think that those parents that are struggling with raising their children that they didn't have the option for adoption or other ways. It depends like for a lot of cultures. Adoption is not okay, so they would not be able to do that. I don't mind strangers flirting with me.

Three two guys guys this topic i did. I could rant for hours about this. This is tough. This is tough chat chat because i'm doing tastefully is the word that i that comes to mind like i enjoy it's.

Okay, it's subjective to how how good you can pull it off and how attractive you are. I'm sorry, i'm sorry. The people are not gon na. Like hearing this, okay and they're gon na say they're gon na they're gon na reject my opinion, because because uh they're just too molded to into their mindset but the real, the reality is, a lot of girls will say: oh no flirting ever, but if some really Hot chad comes along and hardcore flirts way more way, more way, more than somebody who's unattractive, even even tried to oh yeah yeah yeah.

So that line is like it's. Why i would stay it's in the middle, it just depends, it depends who's doing it. That's just how it is tasteful. You look woody what the is happening.
I think there's a helicopter above my house, fantastic right, that's true! If it's wanted, it's fine, but then, like you, can't mind reid. How would you know we've all had like bad flirting experiences but then, like i'm thinking, there's a couple. I've had where they're like excuse me. Well, the question.

The question was, the question: was it was? Okay? Was it i don't mind it strangers flirting with me that that is tough stuff, you look. What do you think fantastic right, tasteful, you look fantastic right, that's true! If it's wanted, it's fine, but then, like you, can't mind reid. How would you know we've all had like bad flirting experiences, but then, like i'm thinking, there's a couple. I've had where they're like excuse me.

I just want to let you know you're very beautiful. Please have a nice day and i'm like okay. Thank you. That's not funny.

You know like something like that. That's not floating, though, that i don't. I don't see that as floating. Can i be honest with you guys.

I've said this to people in the past before just because i know it sounds weird, okay, sometimes for some reason and a lot of times, i'm i have like i i just say things, but it happens. It's just a compliment. I'm not trying to get anything out of it. I think flirting is like an exchange right right.

A compliment is one: it's one direction, you it's one direction and you don't even give a what's going back a lot of times. If you make a comment, you don't care, what's it what's up short and sweet and there's no expectation, i think that's the thing i mean and i'm from and i'm from new york, so i'm just like automatically on autopilot. Don't talk to them! You don't look at me. Like my whole life, you have the cat calls, but you have like the derogatory cat calls.

If i don't look at you, if i don't speak to you, i'm a bee, i'm all these things but it's like, but if i did give you the time of day, then what would i be? I don't think like every guy is like that, but it's just so much because it's easier and safer to just assume yeah assume that nothing is and it's not a good way to live. Obviously, but that's just well because then my question is is who gets let in and how do you determine who gets let in and how do you function if they start the, i guess, relationship in a non-romantic or sexual way like if it's not like a flirty? It's just like meet people, no be reasonable. It's by attractiveness; it's that's how it is. They just talk to you, yeah and just talk to you like a normal person, that's well at the heart of it.

I think that the metoo movement is about women that have been in situations, whether it's work or personal, where they haven't been in a safe space to speak up on us to protect men or other people by not speaking. What has happened to us is actually can be like ptsd, it's like traumatic to your system like i experienced going through being sexually harassed, and this happened in 2013 and i still have never come out about it, statistically speaking, like the number of women who are raped. There's exponentially more than who actually report it, so when i think about the metoo movement like their strength in numbers, you know when it started. I was like training around this contest, but what it did do was it gave me the strength to actually share.
I respect that guys. That was a good take for for it's uh for it's. You know i i i i'm realizing as everyone's talking like the reason. I'm not in that line is because when me too was a big movement, i didn't have the strength or courage to be a part of it.

So in my mind, it's like still there of like. If i, i didn't, have the courage to be part of the movement - and i still don't have the courage to stand in that line, because it's almost admitting that i've had like multiple things happen. You know, and so you're representing all the other women that feel the same way and yeah. They see you and they relate to you on that so you're helping other women by saying that yeah.

I believe the world would be better if it were run by women. Three two one: how is that any different than saying? I believe that the world would be better if it was run by men like if we're gon na say that on this token, we get that, on that token, that's not even balanced at all right. I think what my thought process is is in the current state that we're in right guys can, i just say, a chat guys. I feel like i feel like.

I feel that the core content of the question right literally just going to agree literally it alleviates and and just makes something, a hypocrite based on the take they had earlier about other topics. How is that any different than saying? I believe that the world would be better if it was run by men like if we're. In my opinion, things should be run by whoever is skilled enough or or or fit enough for for for the position who, whoever is best and whoever is, is in the best capability of filling those shoes, whoever the it is. Even if it's a dog, it is what it is you're gon na say that on this token, we get that, on that token, that's not even balanced at all right.

I think what my thought process is is in the current state that we're in right now, then. I think that it would be once again able to raise our who runs the show. If you have a nice show, it's a spectacle and as it's a dog doing tricks who's the best to fill those shoes huh dog dog is. Is it woman? Is that no it's children the same way and like women aren't afraid to like go outside and, like guys, don't have like toxic masculinity? Then it's like anybody can run the country and like it's all, going to be the same because we're all raised the same.
But i think for right now in the place that we're in, i think women have a better understanding of that. But i think what happens when you have little boys that are growing up that are not even accountable, nor should they be for things that men, their fathers might have done, or their grandfathers and then saying, like women should be running the world. It's the same thing where: how is that different than in the 1950s seven-year-old little girls, we're told men should be in positions of power? Maybe if we had more women in leadership in c-suite in in in congress like if we have more women in leadership period, it doesn't have to be running the world, maybe, but if we just had more women and women of color different backgrounds like if we had More diversity in general, in leadership around the world, it would be a better place. That's why i chose this one too, because i don't think it should be one or the other.

I definitely think that when it's only man run they're missing the rest of society. You can't really operate it's not it's not a bad. Take depending it's a 39 month, subject on what what the topics are and and and when something something that's needed. Sometimes there there is a need for forced diversity, that's how it is.

So certain areas are leaders. It's required. It makes a better discussion in a more balanced progressive environment. To have everybody, that's how it is.

I think the problem with what some people think feminism is is that you have to bring people down in order to raise people up, but you don't have to do that like you, can raise women up to be in positions of power without they're, pushing okay. How how jet, let's say, let's have a roundtable discussion, guys guys about what it is, what it is and what is it, what are the? What is the the quality of life in in the ghetto, and it's all like suburbs, dudes they're, all talking together? What the what's like, they know, men down, and i think that that is a misconception with feminism. Hey guys, i'm kendra! Thank you so much for watching that yeah. You.

By xQcOW

18 thoughts on “Xqc mansplains with based takes do all women think the same?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars It's Akile says:

    Yeah, My complements being seen as flirting aint it. I'll let you know if I'm tryna entangle

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aspect Dank says:

    people be like "mansplaining this, mansplaining that" how bout you start "women-understanding" then.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fisken says:

    kinda annoying how you can't compliment someone without them thinking you're flirting. like ffs i just told you that i like your jacket

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars actual chad says:

    they forgot to ask the only question that matters: can women draw a perfect circle?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Brown says:

    xQc should watch Jubilee Do all plus size people think the same?
    I don't think he watched this one

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reema 7 says:

    The muslim women's choices mostly goes against her religion so I don't even know what point she's trying to make.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars robynpng says:

    seeing chat’s takes on videos like these are never good lmfao, doesn’t matter what the people in the vid are talking about, chat is gonna find a way to make it even worse

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gooders Doo says:

    My dude, these woman are something. I get gropes, stares, and questions about my dick every week. Men have it hard as well xQcL

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dankrupt says:

    I bet every person that talked about "government dictating what we can do with our bodies" is pro vacc mandates

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dankrupt says:

    Geez theyre still going on about this pay difference crap when thats been proven wrong

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brain Engine says:

    Abortion being illegal ——> Orphanages getting overpopulated ——> More kids dying more painfully than abortion.
    Abortion being illegal ——> People doing abortion despite it being illegal ——> If found out then it ruins their life.

    And many other possibilities… Dont make abortion illegal, it will make things worse.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nilam says:

    15 year old incels in chat saying "???????????" when women talk about their personal struggles and trauma is just ridiculous

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rumble Shakes says:

    If Jubilee wanted to make it fair they would have half men, 1 trans, 1 lesbian (probably 3 on this stage), 1 old, 1 young, and 1 disabled. That would be good stuff. Or just all simp chads.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Electropath says:

    actually one of the better groups they've had on, usually they find the most rational and extremist mindsets of people it's crazy

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InflutionOG says:

    I dont get the girl that looks like a lumberjack without a beard. She is saying so much without saying anything at all

    Edit: Kristoff

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hungry Bamba says:

    This video actually is a great proof of social studies done in Scandinavia and other Northern European countries for example, where total freedom of choice and equality of outcome actually further differentiated men and women while increasing the social gaps due to the fact the nature of our species doesn't really allow that. When you aim for both to be exactly the same, you actually bend the nature form of communication between the genders (as we clearly see here).

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chipi Choy says:

    Idk what it is but when I see chat spamming the emotes that fit the situation always make me laugh

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Caesar says:

    Equal pay is basically making a men killing a lion with a machete and a woman killing a sitting duck with a machete both having a same reward… bruh there is circumstances in all thing… every job pay the same… if you want the same pay just work like a man with focus… not trying to multitasking your job with personal life… just work enough for money and taking care of your children… there are no reason to have a wife that busy working like her husband if they already have kids unless they are too degenerates to not having a future and sad life with no offspring… that all i wanna say about equal pay

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