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#xQc #fails #CartNarcs

No narcateers, this free-spirited young lady, i believe, is doing the thing that we always see when people park at the very far end of the parking lot is they want all the space, but they also don't want to take the walk back fast when we use the Thing that says for clout: it's usually when we mean it we've skipped. We lit deep, dupe agent cameron here with the carton arcs, that's not where the carts doesn't work. That's not where the cards go. That's something they're people they pay people.

Okay, ma'am! Let me explain: we hear this all the time. Oh, listen, buddy! Listen! I get what you're saying. Thank you. I get what you're saying but but there's no, i don't know you don't care, no, because they pay people well now, ma'am.

When you go to the collection. Oh, is there a kid starving to death or something no but uh? No, they also pay. Do you pee on the seat when you use a public restroom because they pay people to clean that up? That's disgusting! That's the same idea. Ah, gotcha uh, the carts are my life.

That's what and don't listen to music while you're on your car, that's not safe and it's against uh uh was about to say faa regulations, dmv regulations you're not supposed to oh. What are you doing have headphones on? Yeah he's not wrong. That's a bumper mic! Oh nature! Now you're littering don't be a litter bug. Yeah i'll put one on the back of your car here.

For you a little bit, get it off right now i mean i will. If you take your car back, would you like to do that for me? Knock it off knock what up driving my stuff? That's! Okay! It's for! You see he's got our phone number bother me right now. I mean because you're bothering people by blocking the spot. Do you understand the correlation man you're, starting this back the off? You started that with your card ma'am, all i did was ask you people but ma'am.

What's your name, the alone, you need it. I got more get the away from me. What are you doing? You're freaking out chill chill man. You started the poop with your heart, get anywhere near me.

I how about this shiver me timbers. Do you want to have a conversation, be civil, or do you want to yell like a big old, sour puss me? I didn't touch you. I never have you're touching my someone else is going to touch you with your card when they try to pull in there get away. Sir, did you see her what she did with her card? See now you're overreacting, you're falling for her tricks, i'll, get you one right there.

What the you're talking about! That's what i'm talking about it's the cards! Stop it! Madam will leave me the alone. Madam. Why are you, why are you reacting? Why are you not leave me alone? Why are you not addressing the situation with the cart you make it harder come near me again, but i'm not coming near. You look come near my car.

What about the cards? I don't give dude, they pay people. I told you the analogy: oh, do you throw trash on the ground? Do they pay people to pick that up too? They don't pay people to pick it up. Then what a garbageman for shut the up get away from me. I'm not okay, tell you what i will leave you alone.
If you want to take the card back away from me, madam you're blocking traffic again do not come near my car. Why are you so angry? Because you won't leave me alone yeah? I will leave you alone. I will leave you alone to take your card back. How about that? You don't work for these people.

What does that mean? Okay, adam? What difference does that make it's the principle get the away from me? Why are you screaming at me? I'm being a nice guy, it's a magnet, it's got our bumper minded. So i didn't return. My shopping cart. Like a jerk.

I was gon na use it. Why are you antagonizing me? I'm not antagonizing! You ma'am, i'm trying to get you to react. Uh! What's going on here? Oh god, what are you doing in your car yeah a gun? It hurts you in two seconds: that's against the law ma'am. What you're doing is harassing what i'm doing is being a public servant and helping you learn your lesson.

You're being a big, oh gotcha, no, but you have. I would have my point if you would take your card back, see what you're doing is she's doing a classic thing by overreacting by overreacting. What you're doing is trying to give a make yourself into the victim whenever the current to the victim? Thank you. Please knock at her all right, because you're blocked because you're causing a public safety news, since i will stop i'm about to call the cops.

No, let me explain you, don't know the whole story. Yes, you do. How do you know? Yes, you do need to care because i'm a random person exactly that's. Why i'm stopping that's? Why i'm stopping okay, because she's causing a ball? I understand that.

I understand that the met him - this is the problem. Is you don't want to hear it have a conversation? You just want to yell and scream and be a sour puss again again, but i am carter tears. You might say, oh, what's he doing i'm acting responsible. You know who's acting the fool's the person who left their card out.

That's who's, acting the fool. Sorry, i had to set her straight true, autistic ma'am. First off it sounds like you're using that word as an insult number one, and they and are they and are they fans, i'm a fan of law and order. Ma'Am people leave their cards that are mentally disabled and also, i feel like you're still trying to use that as a bliss lady anyway, now you're being sarcastic.

I can be weird and enable this, because i have a family that that has come up. Ladies, so did i yes, they paid people, okay, ma'am, that's the same yeah. They also pay people to pick up trash. Do you do you litter? Do you pee on the seat because they hire maids? They clean up after you when you use a hotel room? Do you do you trash the hotel room? Do they hire maids to pay up and pick up after you that's totally wrong.
Those are exactly similar analogies. Those are people who are paid to clean up after you do you want to make their job harder ma'am? That's the most ironic thing you possibly could have said right now, because i'm giving you excellent analogies about other people who are paid. Do you tell when your kid messes up his room? Do you say: oh you're, the parents, you you, you pay the mortgage, so you can clean up after me because it's my your mess now pick up after yourself is all we're asking. They have the cart returns for a reason.

Thank you. They should do it. Yes, thank you should do what they have. Yes, that's right and they shouldn't leave them blocking spots.

The line of cards are at the door when you get in how convenient was that it's been engineered for convenience, dumb asian camera, now what christ? Maybe a last one, perhaps a last one, all right: architeers, let's peek around the corner of this car corral, see what i find. Oh, it is bad news bears oh lordy, lordy lordy, that's unfortunate here and she uh like we always see. Even if she's, using the handicap access area, she doesn't think about the next person yep right there. Unfortunately, it's even locked blocked off all lined up.

That's not where the cars go. Man well, the front of the store is right there and why i even walk right in the handicapped spot. I observe this. That's not where cars go go over there go over there.

What do you accept? How's it going yeah in the car? Oh, where you go? Oh, she didn't want to say. Hi just want to do some ventilation. Let's get some pudding magnet, uh, that's really too bad um, even how's it going yeah, it's a magnet for the carton arts. It says i don't return.

My shopping cart like a jerk, because what you did is you left your cart out here blocking the handicap area? Now i'm gon na point you, we got cart corral right over there. You can use let's work with him now and work for the carton, arcs we're a highly trained organization of non-governmental secret agents. What are you doing? Man, what's up nice checking jokers now, don't make me call the police only so don't do that. What are you gon na tell the police you were bothering me is that is that something that please need to be talking about, keep on talking, sir.

You know what you're doing you're both talking your card out. Okay, if they were close enough, i am handicapped all right. You walked out from the store right. I sure did why can't you walk back? Why can't you ma'am? I'm not your! That's how we talked to you, i'm sorry, i shouldn't have cussed i've, helped you disrespecting me.

First of all, you just respected everybody. First of all, that's the way for me monkey butt. First of all, i would like to formally apologize for using the b word by the way, be your ass up out of here. How about you be getting your butt to with the cart over to the front of the store that way, it will be better positioned for everybody else.
You have to worry about inconveniencing people who also use a handicap access area, and you just feel good about yourself. As a person right, you feel, like you pick up after yourself. You know you feel good, it's like. Ah, i did the right thing or you could waste the police's time.

I don't know what you're going to tell them, though that's about the problem. I have because i have a gentleman here. It's harassing me, that's a lie by the way. My name is agent.

Eight minus eight of sebastian very sexy. Also, i didn't know. I did not say that i said i i no. I did not that's a lie.

That is an absolute lie. I said i was not going to miss another one in the next section. If you don't get the out of my face, that's not nice either man, but by the way i did not call you that word. You know i got something for you keep on mouthing me.

What what do you have? Something for me. Take your ass out, because you can take your your butt you're back with the car. I am not. This man is harassing.

That's a lie by the way uh. I did not call you the b word ma'am, i am. I said i was not your beautiful vehicle, i'm in a handicap. I am injured, you're in a handicapped with me.

I'm not advise y'all. Please come get him because he needs going by his business. My business is the carts, that's what i am in a gray gmc right now and i'm in a uh tactical vest got a cool hat on and uh. By the way i have not done anything illegal.

What you're doing is wasting police time. I'm saying he's the quite north: that's right, uh, explain real quick. What we do is we see we we we tell our people, i don't agree with the guy. I agree with the content this is and together we can make the world a better place.

My business, this is my business all right they come and i can talk to them because then you're gon na say hey, miss debbie's wasting our time. Is it debbie all right? I'm sorry. If i missed it, uh wasting our time. I'll pick this up for you by the way you could have driven off right now, if you wanted to just fyi, i have no legal authority you're, not supporting the client, i'm just watching it.

Imagine if i held up to this everything that i do i do on stream is like i'm supporting promoting it, but me reading your comment is supporting your stupid. Ass hat in the chat. Show yours you about, i'm, not i'm not gon na. Let you waste police time by the way.

Look, i'm gon na tell you something. What's that many people left courts right here, i'm the only black one, just left me, so i advise you. This is a problem find one of the cards. This is a problem.

Why is that? You need to get out of my face? I'm not i'm backing away police coming back i'll talk to them, ma'am! Sorry, one other thing: this man is harassing. That's not true! I'm asking her to take her card back. I'm sitting up here at menards minding my own damn business. By definition, you did not not because i put them, you just called me a no that's all.
I know my ass you're gon na get it all right. First off, that's not illegal! I said i am not your bee gon na bring his ass up here, cause you full of man, you don't call me no b. I didn't say that you did. Let me tell you what i said he didn't, though we do a race do i.

I will because i don't want you wasting police time, how about that? No, why are you going to leave now cause you just said you wasn't you that no wait. Do you want me to leave or you want me to stay, threatened, criminal threats? Yeah, you won't get the out of my face. I'm gon na fix your weight how's that don't worry about it. I would like for you to fix your car.

Oh, i can fix you how's that gon na get me tempted to do it, sir, don't be here dopey. I heard what you said. I know you're being sarcastic, but don't be. Are you like the cart? So what we do is we ask folks like so she left her card blocking the handicapper.

What you do do you get paid for this like do you? Do you make that? Let me know this is society right, because you know these lines right here yeah. I work at bass pro and i've worked at many other places and, like we would tell you that's like i totally get that because she's big she's being a pain in the butt. I understand, but at the same time, in the ass too, because you're yelling, your friends, have i yelled once okay, what you're doing you're falling into her trap. She's yelling some people think that i'm the problem because of her own reaction.

This is how this is the this is the trap that they use the psychology. Well, unfortunately, some people, it's it's sad and hilarious. At the same time, anyway, i'm not going to let her i'm not going to let her rule it. Let me get out of my guy's way: i'm not going to let her waste police time, i'm going to leave the premises, but again don't fall for her tricks just because she's yelling doesn't mean i'm yelling, no you're, not yelling.

Thank you very calmly and i'm being polite and to the point and she's overreacting, so i'm gon na get out of here he's not wrong about this, though making the world a better place. Thank you, carter knocks out see his immediate conclusion is that he's yelling because she's yelling see. I don't agree with that. That's another chat one.

He wasn't yelling, he didn't. He didn't yell they're both wrong, but now the only yelp give me.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Crazy lady won’t put her cart back cart narcs #12”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FBI says:

    Cart narc is annoying, bro I work as the person to collect all the carts, I do NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THEM THEY'RE JUST CARTS, this man is out here acting like he's doing a public deed by annoying the fuck out of random people, instigating them, and blocking traffic.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crowmaster says:

    Little kids love to indoctrinate themselves to thinking harassment is entertainment, of course when it never happens to them.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars General Blorp says:

    I’d like to know how many times this lady has been the one to harass someone in a store / parking lot. 🤔 Karma’s a real Karen sometimes…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaurenJayX0 says:

    I've come to a conclusion. This isn't real 😅 it just isn't. Seems to tame for Florida. & I live here.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quinn Smith says:

    Hot take these recent vids gone a bit too far, it's funny for a bit but after almost 5 mins of screaming idk

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pepe Wonka says:

    In America do they have spots to leave the cart besides the front of the store? Where I live they have a few designated spots around the car park to make it a little easier.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B dog says:

    Bro their JOB is to retrieve the carts from the carall. They only go around the whole parking lot, because they are being forced to by lazy people.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Agreiver Live says:

    A great way to deal with and move forward from racial discrimination and segregation is to make every little trivial problem about race!! Good job lady!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carl Sagan says:

    people really think its about putting the cart away, thats part of it but the major reason is to bring up accountability and respect. these people are paid to bring the carts back but that doesn't mean you need to make their minimum wage job that much more difficult because you cant move your cart 4 parking spaces to the cart return.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PlagueRim says:

    Why don't they just put the cart back? Why do they always prefer going in a long tangent about fuck all and literally wasting their own time? Jesus fucking christ

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jihad Elrafih says:

    Overreacting = win 🥇
    Also I like how she tries to play the race card and then immediately backed off it hahahaha ppl will always have an excuse for their shitty habits

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toner C. says:

    Why does chat still not know that the dude is annoying for content and plays a character? He doesn't give af about carts. He started doing it for a radio show and might be doing it independently now that he blew up.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars im ded says:

    Man I hate this "they're both wrong mentality", iust put your cart back and you won't be called out for being lazy and selfish. Need more people like this honestly

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