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#xQc #LeagueOfLegends #Draven

Um robin go: go driven, yeah, okay, i'll play yeah i'll, go a fun support, then i'll play one of my memories. Are you guys gon na cover your map or you just not care? I don't give a love. You chat. People call me the blade, spinning virtuoso the blade, spinning virtuoso yeah, that's on the stack.

Okay, let's get it. So what does hundred people play with domination? What wait gentle players play with the one you can choose either or yeah? It's your choice! It's your choice! You uh can choose whatever's more your style, there's one! That's just like auto attack heavy and there's one that's more like damage heavy. What was that heavy concord probably does more damage because you heal and stuff and just damage that right really. Let me check.

Let me check, i i think no uh conqueror heals guys. Do we need irelia or yasuo. We need physical damage because we yeah i'm gon na. Don't play role.

I'm gon na go conquer. I'm i'm lee sin we're fine, i'm listening. He doesn't definitely yeah. We need more physical damage, though, for sure all right, i don't know, i don't know what to do.

I'm teaming a really common meta right now is you want to run um a d mid laners. It's always important to have a d in your mid lane. That's why playing zed and yasser uh go. Go hello! He's controlling us, he's trolling us haloblades! That's what most people? Well! No i'm not listen.

I love seeing 80 mids on my team, halo, blades and precision secondary. I guess, especially if they run characters like malphite or rammus. You need auto attacks to break those characters down so make sure your mid runs guys tomorrow. Okay, this is an email.

This is the email tomorrow we need to have a cb cg h08 meeting and we need to go for the hint uh we're do it or give it up. Oh bad, maybe we'll make maybe we'll make a video and we'll reach out to the underworlds of we've. Been going on this for over a week, eight christmas hours a day, buddy yeah, oh, i know i make a video and we say: hey man. If anybody knows about the casino, how about we band up with you as a four squad right with the with the fourth party and uh, we we break the casino and then they give us all the hints that makes so much sense.

Percentage of the loot got it yep. That makes sense. Hey amazing! Is this a real thrasher? It's like what i i'm being honest. Partly it's true, it's true too true.

What the does diego do. You know a.d, okay like well like what does he do? Okay, i'm about to pop a cap on bottom. I'm about to i'm i'm i finished snap. I finished snapchat.

You guys want to invade let's invade okay yeah. Why not? Why not? Why not go let's go! Let's go we're gon na go to this place, i'm coming! I'm coming, i'm gon na show you guys how i invade in in higher elo. Oh, i uh didn't get items. I'm sorry, i'm sorry! I'm new to this video.

I, like your diamond or something what happened hold on. I got ta get items, i'm actually a challenger done. That was absolutely clean. I don't think we're getting any more though or ezra here.
If you get the stun he's dead, yeah i'm gon na get. Let's get this done. Oh my! What on we're clapping? We died. We died god's green earth.

Are we doing guys we're doing it? At least me leash me, that's what i do and hire elo every game guys i invade like that yeah yeah for sure for sure, that's so hot! I can't believe you can invite my bush. Oh okay, i mean permission. Is that bad that i'm playing one of my main champions? Yeah, that's but yeah man, that's toxic raven is my main by a long shot. So yeah lee sins.

Definitely i play him sometimes uh. I just feel bad for people when i play my main champions and like what the shut up and sweat buddy. He just got to fumble right now. He's humble bragging.

Wait ray. Are you challenging him all right mickey go go, he doesn't expect it push two, and then we run out. That's hurtful he's trading with him. Give me a second, oh, i don't know.

Well, then, what is that thing that what the frozen thing is a lot of damage to him? Actually i'll kill him here in a second i'm gon na. I don't even know what character that is. He looks like a cow, i'm a cow, i'm a cow! Well, he has horns an you got the kill. That was good.

Oh that's unlucky! I try to try and bait him into wasting his q, so if he can't double heal off of us, i think we win. Oh there we go, go, go in go in nice! Good job yeah, perfect, oh wow, and then i didn't get a double double up. Oh no, you're perfect! How low am i, how long i'm fine, i'm fine! That was a lot of damage. The haloblades is pretty great on draven actually start swinging those axes, yeah.

Okay. This is fine. I went for boots. This is boots.

Oh diana smith, give me five seconds for e and then we fight as long as we've times um. I think the first draven players go chill bro wait. What yeah first item is: kraken slayer no shot metagame, because shielbo just got a nerf, i'm assuming most people are going crackers up to you, though. Well i'm just going off the guy's, then don't be jealous yeah.

It's usually cracking slayer into collector because you have hail of lights and then ief. Oh, did i not have my w. I told him. I like his ulti, will jump at you and then can take your abilities.

Wait, kill leona here, keep fighting i'm coming, i'm coming! I'm a little behind, though, let's give me a second go for it. Go for ezreal he's way, lower, he's very low lost. My access get him, get him jesus jesus that was clean, ray that was clean. Thank you brother.

They cleaned how! Well we did that. That was insane. Actually that's good. Come back guys, my supporters are stronger than theirs.

Yeah well done, dude, i'm so good. I wish we were playing dota right now. What time i don't play that game, i don't think anybody just. Are you guys going to help me? I'm getting the i'm getting the dragon, it's kind of you got it, you got it.
Oh yeah. I got it as long as no one shows up, because i had to smile. No one will show up daddy, don't definitely know. Why would someone show up if anyone shows up they're going to steal it 100, because i had the smite to heal, never mind? I got it so when was shiva nerf anyway uh this last patch? When is that, because this new patch, i look at challenger players and they're all getting shield, though i'm going to go to maybe master plus y'all, go shield, though oh i know i've just seen, draven players that i played with recently that went to kraken.

Okay, i'll do a shovel just i'm going to trust them. It's not because i don't trust you any sense. No, i understand. Okay, do your thing: damn bro you're, not gon na trust.

Him like that, i got boots. Early driven doesn't need boots, but uh full boot space. Whatever i'm going in yeah. Give me a second.

I thought we, oh you got him. This guy's done he's alive. Oh, you got him. What's max hold up, that's unlucky, i'm gon na get red and then i'll go straight bottom.

Oh, he just jumped away yeah, that's okay! He got scared scared. He he's respecting you! That's funny! I'm actually going to kill him for that. Oh kill him for that. That double stun jesus diana's bot lane and she just hit level six.

Oh wait. Where's she balling right, where's shot just got her blue. That's rough uh yeah! You look like they want to engage or something i don't know yeah. That's fine! Honestly! If i get little six here in just a second, oh yeah, we could find 2v3.

Then save your mana we're good to go. Yeah yeah, i'm trying! I don't know enough here! Uh, let's walk here right here! I i need to know those maxes. Okay, i'm back. Okay seems like he knows: i'm here i think i'm just kidding.

I don't think he wanted it guys, where's, the diana, i'm scared. I can heal you from over here too. Oh, this is uh. Actually, if you lure them close enough to the tower it's fine all right now we can dive ready, dodged.

It uh we're gon na go. Let's go they both flash okay, we can just okay yo see this guy. Looking kind of juicy right. Like he's, look he's gon na go for that one! Oh yeah, sorry about him! Yeah get him there going now.

Yeah going now! Kick him to me. Does he like have a movement? What is he doing? I don't know, let's oh we're out waiting. Yes, yes, it's not even here all the way out. I don't know what that is.

I just really know what he does. I was kind of afraid. What are these suckers doing? I thought that somebody held them out, but they can't they can't tv too. That's no shot well.

His alt is a blink yeah diana's top right now. So, if you guys oh yeah, oh no we're going to leave rolling up. She might be heading down soon. Oh yeah stay around mid she's.

Still here we're in tv too. I'm just gon na come through the lane. You engage and then they'll get greedy and going. Who are we focusing probably diego right? Why diego that was fine? Hey i have flash here, i'm going to flash into the united states you're going to go for this other minion.
Okay, since when could he do that? Wait, you're tower diving, you're, crazy and dead uh? This is so bad. I altered the wrong. I think i'm dead. I'm going i'm dead for sure, but you know what we did it together.

You know and that's all it's down time. What was with the? Why do we tower downtown yeah? Well done that x and ray will carry us man, i'm busting in mid lane trash yo. This man is talking good enough for me. They lose all that yes, yeah dude.

We are chilling right now we're busting draven out. How much did i get out of my passive? Oh, you got a lot of money - 536 gold. Today, god, damn it's only been 11 minutes yeah! That's a lot of gold bars. Okay! Now we kill them in three hits yeah go collector, i'm one collector, i'm better quality, that's music, music! I'm not even streaming! I'm just watching yeah same same what's like when you're literally streaming huh.

I woke up recently, oh good morning, good morning, i'm gon na generally search for the casino yeah i'm gon na. Take them to see them more. I've been doing it later tonight. If you find it tonight, we don't have to have the meeting tomorrow.

All right, it's true for us all you got ta do is just find, but we need to tomorrow. We need to make a video about all of our predict. We need to do a vlog in game about our prediction of what it is before we get to it. We'll take over the new center big gank coming by.

Don't don't trust him, he randomly dies. I'm just saying wait, wait get the get this award here. How can you say i randomly died? I always died, predictably, because i always dive. I thought i mean it seemed random because you just well.

No i'm. I am the question. I've got help anybody anybody. I got a really good kick.

I stole the dragon nice job, guys, nice job, hey, hey. Can i can i busted this guy? Oh, i cancelled this guy's um like a reek, he kind of recalled me or whatever, and i started with my e. I don't know what that is like. I think this is all yeah, it's salty.

If i eat it. Oh damn! That's that's wicked, as yeah. Well, the first tower's down guys something light. You know, oh you guys.

Well, you have two people. I don't have one yeah. I've got enough for moonstone collector. Oh, i need to undergo for collectors i'm going to stay yeah.

I can stay with you yeah. It's just two waves, hey! Actually, if we stick here uh, will they walk? No, they won't woke up. They're scared. If he goes to that ward, just kill him all right, all right, i'm good! Now, all right all right now we can go mid.

Lane dude. I have two times 40 minutes, let's just bust the cat. Let's go top lane driven and then buddha can go bot lane. You think that that would leave your enemy championship going.
Oh, that's! That's! Actual death! That's actual death right there, all right, ready, i'm ready, they're, not gon na walk! There's! No clue all right! We going that guy's dead, there's a guy here, he's running up, he's running up we're gon na get this guy. Are we going it's not running? Wait he just we're going we're going we're going we're going. Wait, wait actually actually uh going from diego. Oh my god.

We're just absolutely destroying them, um dude on this one. What just happened we just holy dude - i went i kind of went hard here holy, wasn't saying it good job guys. I know we are all good, fff already and type that to them right. That's how? Oh! My god he's actually doing it he's actually doing it.

That's how you ensure victory guys, that's how you get reported, i think, but uh i i didn't say any naughty words that should be okay, no naughty words got it. Yeah, just don't be negative gaming and you should be fine, so flame into a crisp and make them feel bad. We've been logging in install the entire life, it's just as long as they'll say the bad words just don't say the bad words as long as you don't say the bad words like that's what he's saying just do the this is the old school like like starcraft Way of doing it and correct they would, they would just say the exact opposite. What they're thinking? Oh your mother, looks very nice and and beautiful and it just it it was.

It was so weird. I know it's rp, it's. It was kind of classic, though i'm only insulting their characters like in the like yeah. It's just our feet.

Yeah, that's not insulting the players. It's just rp yeah, it's just our p, guys yeah main character, i'm playing jimmy. Now i get to do it, i get what i want it's in character, really i'm going to get the dragon. I guess, while you guys oh diamond, oh you're, getting i'm dead absolutely destroyed.

That is a lot of people. Um run man, christ, tough, all right! Now bff, i think it's over i'm tomorrow. Oh my god, i was awake for 10 seconds and that was easy for 4.4 seconds of that i'm done dude. What yeah? Let's go! Next, that's why he's voting yeah he's voting? Yes, i i'm just trying to play league psycho, you know what can we actually report blow? I'm down doesn't matter reports from uh people, you're partied with don't matter yup.

Why would they uh? Because if you chill with somebody right and he ends up being a thrower - and you know i mean he's still a bad person yeah, that makes sense, it would oh hey, bring it up with a ryden boy. Buddy not me what about queuing in a group of four it's the four report for one. I doubt it is taking it seriously. Oh, you can't see what you do before.

Oh, that was only one chris. What the and someone's, not in the party, if you guys report them, doesn't matter as well, they don't want people like ganging up on people, i'm ready to go. Let's go, let's go! What is ray doing he's flashing in he's going crazy, okay, huge knock-up that guy's dead. You dodged him.
How you doing baby we got ta get the tower. The tower you are great habibi, wait, wait x, needs help, exedy itself, uh, that's really bad they're killing me. Never keep fighting break the tower break the tower, oh, maybe i'm kind of low. I can't tell myself i can land this cube rather than the only thing it's insane you're actually doing so.

Well, now, don't worry guys. I got it missile rocket launcher that i'm not 350 damage per producer, plus 340. 700 damage brakes. I i'm launching canon balls.

Let me see that on the grunt, i've got pain, okay, a thousand damage for chris all right. You know how you're cc for years, i've gotten the kills you'll never be seated. Oh thank you. Yeah.

Probably it's just just like the fault plans. Yes, sir, oh god, because you claim all of my good ones as your own, true gosh, america. Actually true you'll be like pushing bot or something. What are we doing up here up here? Those guys all right? What watch i'm looking for the fatty like 1v3, i'm looking for some axes, watch this ready, i'm gon na do something stupid, ready, yeah, i'm running like this, like bing, bing, bing i'll just try and feel for it.

Oh i'm gon na die. What is this guy doing? Okay, i told you, i always does all right. I still have the kills up now we could definitely kill me max is gone, damn they didn't lower the acceleration and they feel so short. So all right, let's do it there's a lot of hits right there that did like a quarter of his health.

They did all right guys, i'm i'm actually gon na run it down there. If you guys don't fight him deal kick. That was a good knock up. Uh, oh dude, that's my fault x is dead x.

Is dead, uh we're, oh, that was good. I played that so poorly, so we learned back into the wow and what y'all, if you steal, that cycuno i'll tier three sub to you, what do people play when they use this yeah? They do this yeah i'll just go ahead and just steal it real, quick uh. I will tear three sub two steal it right now, i'm two or three seconds up: please i'm doing three stopping right now, they're going to be after that, though, you got the dragon. You can just stop the baron, i think yeah, how about the least the last thing that they would expect us to do is banned right now right.

So what would you bear right now yeah? It would make no sense for you to be so bad to do. The bearing so i thought, we'd just do it yeah, do it do it? Do it there's no way, they'd expect it um. Okay, we're doing baron as i afk the two three sub and luna has been metagaming. He makes it destroyed then, as soon as you said, that what i'm doing i'm going yeah whatever i went over jungle guys so yeah, i just died to steal the dragon.
But what are they gon na do? Walk in and smite it that'd be cheating, wait. What i stunned him he's gone, he's gone forever, he's gon na do it. That was their mid laner they just teleported. Oh, it's true go go! I i go get ready! Oh i'm low, hp! Now, okay, man! I want to get in here.

Leave the charge man i'm coming mid. All right, i'm gon na i'm gon na hand deliver someone else. Oh yeah ray just walks in wait. Wait.

The thing is up. That's all good! We can't fully should be a lot dude. Worse is so frustrating wait we're here right here, yeah, we need like someone to kind of just go in on come on, yo grow a pair of balls, okay, flash up in five seconds again, i'm gon na. Oh, no, we're doing the wrong thing.

The problem is, is that i'm i'm right next to the inhibitor right the circle? I click the right the wrong place and i could it goes on a marathon to egypt. No we're fine, don't worry about it. It's just getting expected. No way we lose.

We have such a big lead. We got all the dragons. We got one more dragon ocean soul and you're good to go yeah ocean soul, easy clap right! Oh it's over here! Isn't that good though yeah it's one of the best holes in there. I feel like in a quick fight if you don't poke whatever it's kind of worthless.

Oh it's over. Like a few seconds um, it regenerates a lot. It's like temperature. It's four seconds like the attack, i'm gon na, ignore the team.

Definitely and then i just uh split push and then we're gon na roll for you yeah, oh you're, not already reporting, i'm ready, like i said, doesn't matter, i'm splitting good luck. Boys trust me. The way we win this game is. I need rfc asap watch my favorite team tsm jesus man, all right.

Let's just stick around boston by the way and then we're gon na get dragged in here mean the planes are detecting. It was so boring. We can kill leona here and then why do i get new axes when i hit something nice? This is the 4-1. I think he's going yeah.

I don't think he has flash. Oh no wait! He'll leonard! Oh this guy's kind of he's kind of crazy, i'm dying! I'm pretty sure, i'm dying, i miss my access over. It was a 45. I missed my axe, i that's a that's a game.

Changer i couldn't get into the minions. Oh wait blow it up. I thought i was there dude. I just couldn't catch the axe.

It was just stuck in how many times did i say i was gon na split push. I thought. Oh, you don't need to split first here you just play boss side and you go for the dragon split push. So what do i do here anyway? Just go for it: okay, yeah! You got him nice, you just get that tower and then i won.

I have 100 crit now. Well, we didn't have it. We had a 5v4 right. We can just watch dragon because they all went back.

Let's just get dragons yeah. This is, i distracted them up top and now you guys get dragon classic, yellow one. Listen guys. I've boot camped in korea, so i don't know what i'm doing all right right.
How many months have you guys been here? Anyone i i know your dog sorry. I spent two months in korea guys. What can i tell you, i kind of know how to play. Let's admire the classic arguments, all right, let's set up for dragon or bear.

Oh, my man. This is getting kind of kind of getting crazy here. Let's go to baron my friends right there all right, let's just rush back 15 seconds, we're just gon na go for it straight off the bat going out, yeah yeah right now, uh! Unless we see them walking up here, we can. We can engage here yep what he just healed.

Everything is that legal that seems illegal uh. This is kind of bad. This is really bad. Let's just go for ben, oh wait and he's kind of monk ass.

No, we can just keep anywhere, i'm not going to get there. What about ezra? What okay we got ta! I think we have to kill them. Um, okay, i don't think we're gon na be able to kill it. We're gon na we're gon na die.

There was an invisible theorist ready to pull me back. I had no idea dude, i feel like. I should sell collector for ga or some probably nuts. Oh no collector's, really good uh.

Well, thank god! Blau got the inhib, so it's kind of worth it. I got the inhib tower kind of 1v3, didn't maybe sell booze for trinity force, just korean things that could work almost the same move speed. It's almost the same right, i'm a little worried they're, getting the bearings yeah if you sell boots and you get full ga. It's worth it, do i go.

Do i'm not going? No? No! No! No! It's a mythic item. I can't get it apparently that's so lame. Oh, you only can get one mythic. What's the item you're going for go, buy something uh.

I was gon na. Stop booster training force, but i can't buy any forces, it's different. It's a class item or some you could sell boots for ga. That's not a bad idea.

Yeah i'll, find it out or less just or not. Okay, guys. I have a plan. Listen they're! All gon na either come to you guys or come for me and either way we win the game.

I think we have a lot of vision. We could try yeah, you should just come back at least pressure a little bit a little bit. All right, you guys are going to go back. They know they know they don't get out get out of the award, they won't expect it just keep splitting keep playing.

Just like this, you keep splitting. We keep doing this. Oh jesus, we're going to take me back. I'm feeling for accidents really good thing.

Unfortunately, i'm feeling for x that's just low this guy's right here by the way on the top diana's just chasing me, i'm gon na i'm gon na work he's right. Here we did it. We got all of them. Um wait ray you're, crazy man, you're crazy, i'm coming.

Oh, he still has a thing. I've him like a little bit there you go get that there. You go baby, jesus, easy club, that's an appeal, but it actually helped a lot to feel that holy yeah yeah. The legends man i actually haven't played the game for once, and diana just chose to trace me across the entire map.
I love it. We are good, an enemy has been slain, blouse is split, pushing he's got it. I think we we just regrouped right. We got baron yeah, let's get this all yeah you're still walking canada.

Now you think, with a soul and collector i can kill, i can kill, there's a with one axe. Just one hit could be it i'm pretty sure. Just one crit: maybe you can die, you want the red buff. You can get the probably yeah blue right here, 30 seconds.

No, we need to get this right now. Those guys got a hundred percent all right. This is so big. We just get sold.

It's fine. Yeah, let's just get that it's pretty much as good as over. At this point, we fight them by the way i'm just gon na hold it earlier. I'm just worried because they're gon na try, let's go here, kick them off! Thank you, baby! God, damn right!.

By xQcOW

7 thoughts on “I am a god at draven league of legends ft. sykkuno friends!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gustavo Nieves says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lol says:

    Claim your "here within an hour" ticket here 😏

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wilhelm Lie says:

    Sup xqc

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! WTFismyname ™ says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fatmanwr says:

    Lol is a fun game

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I I says:

    “First” 🤓

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abhinav says:


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