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#xQc #SuperHero #TierList

What is that dude? There's just dude, there's two movies: now i've been this there's too many movies in here dude, oh, my god, there's so many of them. The words thor is pretty door is pretty good, though doors. I guess i'll, give thor an a no i'll. Give it a b because it's kind of cool, it's corny as i'll, give it it's it's so corny, it's so corny! Let me see, let me see, let's see the ones i actually that i know of uh batman rises right and this hola i'm gon na drink.

The ones that i know of it - iron man, 3 avengers spiderman, blade blade big hero 6, which one deadpool uh. Oh the dark knight for sure batman begins for sure. What because i'm putting those that i know about that, i've seen it so i can put them in this box and then i could i could play and then i could put him in there. You can guys shut up.

This is um. This is dog. This ant-man is garbage, but i've seen it that's that's the fantastic four okay iron man for sure kick ass. I only seen kick ass, one.

I think. What's that i didn't see it wasn't that x-men for sure dude, but uh what else? What else kids right here got it, because i only put the ones that i'm comfortable rating now i'm carnival rating spider-verse is just kind of dog: okay, um, okay, so okay, where's the first spider-man, the incredible spider-man. This is this one right, i'm going to give it a s, i'm i'm going to give it a. Is it's better than two? What is the first one then no this, but i meant to here.

Okay, guys, the things i put at the bottom are they're not in order. I just put them in so they're ready to go. Okay, spiderman! One is s for sure big. U was six guys, that's again.

That doesn't count, though, because i feel like bigger, doesn't count. It's not it's not like a superhero movie. It's not really, though i'll give an a though it's good. It's animation! It's in that.

Second, it's fantastic! It's really good for sure. Um deadpool know what yeah i'm gon na give it a d. I i think it's garbage. I i think devil is, is just a little garbage.

Um yeah, it's corny um, it's corny. They bring the fourth wall on purpose um, it's all over the place. It's like it was like almost like a almost like a skit, it's just kind of dark. It's just bad, it's not good the point.

Okay and the point is that it's it's not very good. I enjoy it. Okay, so then two is an a because i think spider-man's they all they weren't kind of downhill, but not like brahm. They coasted at a high level but downwards trend that makes sense like i think i think the spider-man's started at the top right.

This is the top of the ladder and he got one like this. So it's not alarming because it doesn't go down down right, but you you can feel that it's like it's not as good. The first battle men had to add everything that needed to be a superhero movie, dank too good. But okay, especially this, that's my thank you.

Relax give me this guy. What one is this one? What is this one? This is the one with um andrew garfield, yeah i'll, give it a b, because i have to give it a b, i'm sorry i had to give it a b. The problem with that movie is that um, it's a little um. The high school aspect is a little forced and feels at a place compared to the immersion of the of the high school of of one.
It's way more fabricated. It's way more americanized, it's a little. It's a little weird yeah kind of weird okay and the computer effects are not very good either. Okay, uh kick ass.

Um! It's entertaining it's kind of dark, it's kind of funny how stupid it is. So i i'm not gon na put it into e. Okay. Okay, batman begins, where's begins, that's eight batman, uh uh, dark knight, it's s and that knight rises back to a.

I would even value maybe put this one into b, but because of how intricate they did, some of the some of the action is, and some of them some scg. I have to give it it's still a it's entertaining it's good. The plot. The plot makes sense.

Um, it's a little it's a little, it's a little crazy, sometimes over the top, but we take it. We take those okay that that's out of the way iron man, one s s, definitely s! Okay, it captures all the progression. The timeline. You really truly see the the the evolution and the worth of the iron man.

Hey s s, okay, the rest is dog, don't don't don't don't don't even try it, don't even try it the rest of the iron man's dog. Okay, it loses that essence. It loses that um, the specialty, the mystery iron man loses its flare. It just becomes kind of annoying at mo i'll, put the three and b or a what is it america, b b, it's gon na uh, captain america be s s for sure.

The first x-men. Don't want the girl comes out of the water, pretty dank pretty dank the evolution of the characters is good, the the the character integrity, the way they're presented by their actors. It's all pretty done. Is that another one? Maybe this then okay, ant-man guys garbage c.

It's kind of garbage, the effects are cool, the effects are cool. The way they translate the character into visuals is pretty well done. They try harder with it, it paid off, but the overall character and the in the feel of the of the of the universe around the hero dog see avengers. All of them go to b.

I'm going to be it's, it's kind of it's corny, it's weird! It's kind of ass: i don't like it. People like it so much because it has all their favorite characters. Imagine one but quantity quality. Quite what quantity is quality.

It's just a garbage, a mess of everything. The timeline is hard to fall. Sometimes it's all over the place, there's so much things going on here there back to these guys back to these got back to them back to these guys, oh god, come on man come on i'll, put the first one in because it's still pretty good come on Chad come on blade one and two, i would say i'd, give him a a b or a a even i'll, get blame a i'll blend and i'll give the blade to a b argument. A for sure, uh blade is fantastic.
Blade is fantastic, fantastic movie. This is, this is: did it pull b? No deadpool is d and he said it one more time. It's gon na go to e or f dumb. Deadpool is gon na sink down to e.

If you say that one more thing about him, i cannot stand that. Well, it is garbage this is garbage natural library. You know what it's garbage. It's a c, it's a c, it's kind of garbage.

I'm sorry it's funny, though. It's funny, though um ghost rider the video when you watched it as a kid i think, for for the a for the target age of of of teens or whatever i'll special effects. The the mystery is good. The the story's about the levered, the timeline, makes sense.

The problem that i have is this is so corny. Why is it so corny i don't get it. They have all the elements for a good they're popping up and adds to this corny ass. Why stupid's pretty good logan chad logan is good.

I give it an a logan is good. I give it an a a plus, a plus low, it's fantastic movie. It's it's well done um. It's well explained they don't overexplain, but it's pretty good hulk is holding his dog um who's the hero again and then it's hancock who the hey.

Oh this, is this zenko yeah this movie's, it's it's! This is not it guys. Yes, is it he's not in the movie? Okay, i don't give a whoever plays uh uh. Oh look, it's same thing. What else aquaman dude? It's just not good! It's just not good fantastic! Four! You know what it's pretty good, it's pretty good! I don't mind if i think more, i think it's pretty good.

The effects are pretty good for the time that it was made in um. The characters, oh, is that the reboot? What hell boy is pretty good i'll get hell boy um i'll, give it a b plus almost an eight hellboy is pretty good. I feel like the story, isn't delivered as good as you would expect it to for how uh not complete, but how the pace of the movie it's gon na. Okay, what else it's about it? Boys, punisher i'll, give it i'll get an a minus, the incredibles! It's it's really good.

It's it's s! You guys animation wise um for the type of movie that it is in incredibles is it's s i get able to i'll, give it an a plus, not an s, because they do really good animation. It's it's gon na op! It's gon na open incredible is a great movie. What else we got here? Suicide squad? That's a d d, minus dog, um, green lantern! That's that's! Just e! That's garbage go to the galaxy! You know what i know. You're happy, hey i'll, give it a minute.

It gets scared by the soundtrack and the effects, but i think overall it's a little too corny for me, a little too forced against the humor. I like the humor to be subtle, yet it gets to the point. The problem is that in this it is, it doesn't get you there, it carries you there and so that annoys me. I don't like when the humor is like it i mean the uber is like amen.
The humor is here, look nothing yo. Look, look, look, look! Look, i hate that stop that it's so annoying if it's funny, if it's funny i'll laugh, but don't it like chill out dude no, should agree with this or not spider versus ass people, say it's underrated and things overwritten slutter verse will say: hey man, it's uh. It's underrated you'll be able to watch it as much because, but it's extremely good. It's garbage garbage overrated, insane overrated, no dude, i'm gon na put it in e and nipple into the camera.

What else we got here boys? The rest, i don't care. Is this endgame? No name yeah, it's got, it's got mr k bits. No shots. Wait are what's on they're all right, you guys.

This is pretty good. This is a good deal. If i, if i could, i would, if i could, i would put um lower. The ring is all right s, s s, all of them all in this content; much love all of them and then okay, half the harry potters, mostly the beginning, the the early ones, one two three into s, the rest into a plus star wars i put one Or two into a plus, maybe one s, the rest b's and c's dog - don't get mad, don't get mad um and a hobbit most in s, the hobbit i mean if it was there, there's the hobbits.

Was there only one of it? I don't remember how many hobbies there three right, i would put, i think, two into s, one to eight one. One was over off two years. You know what i would want the s to an a no. No it wasn't that great and another.

Remember that it's been a long time in the script yeah, it is a good list because everybody agrees the kick ass entertaining, but at the end of the day, dog excuse that squad dog straight through aquaman garbage it delivers an emotional punch. Does it let me the scene at the end, like this, sir, and then uh, it's a good scene. It's like the one give up it delivers an inter and entertaining emotional. Pundit gets your heart going.

Yes, okay! Okay, that's my divorce! Good night!.

By xQcOW

17 thoughts on “Super hero movie tier list”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daksh Agarwal says:

    This guy literally step outside his house there is no surprise for these stupid ass takes

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ILoveBeingAGamer says:

    He says things like "corny" for one movie and rates them as terrible movies because they are corny, but then rates his top tier movies and also calls them corny. Some of the movies he hates because they were popular. Thats what i get from this. If its from his childhood, it's S tier. But if it was super popular after like 2012, it's corny and dogshit.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ChromaBPD says:

    this VOD might not have shown it, but one long time chatter said "you wanna be different so bad OMEGALUL". couldn't agree more w/ that sentiment after that spiderverse take. holy fuckity fuck w/ that Felix.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryanator says:

    he's absolutely tripping on Spider-Verse take but it just shows that everyone has different movie tastes.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pie Minx says:

    Honestly only takes I disagreed with majorly are deadpool and spiderverse,

    Mans dislikes the movie cuz deadpool is deadpool, all his dislikes were done on purpose because that is his character, id get if he knew that and it just wasn’t his thing, but he’s labeling them like they were issues that came up in the movie and not purposeful characterization

    And the spider verse on is just weird man, spiderverse is arguably the best spider man,

    (To me 1. it’s spider verse, 2. spider man 2, 3. spider man no way home)

    even if it’s not your favourite it’s the very least in the top three

    opinions are opinions and not liking things is fine but to call it garbage is something else lol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elite says:

    To me, I think Spider-verse's plot wasn't all that interesting, perhaps if I had read some comic books I might've cared more for these characters getting together though.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars geethan t says:

    From now onwards xqc's takes on movies, food and most other forms of entertainment to be ignored.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kael Ferreira says:

    Stopped the video at one minute when he said spiderverse is dogshit, watching this video was as easy as watching his streams, tune in > toe nail eater take > close tab

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thebasis says:

    This guys takes on everything are so bad he doesn’t even know how to do a tier list properly.

    Also Spiderverse is one of the best movies on this list by far lol. Probably the best animated movie of all time as well.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gol D. Roger says:

    Ugh im so tired of these superhero dogshit movies this needs to stop ! When was the last time we had a good movie about something else ?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryoko says says:

    Every single one of his tierlists are so out of left field bad you have to assume it's made up.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ILoveBeingAGamer says:

    His Spiderverse take was the worst take that's ever left his mouth, and he has said some really stupid takes in the past. I'm actually not convinced we saw the same movie….

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MimiPin says:

    Endgame and IW are seriously overrated. Russo brother's butchered them and some of the core characters like Hulk were given no shine or battle redemption in the end. The made the most combat heavy asset they had a cripple

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guy Dude says:

    I would rather you binge watch Jubilee videos non stop because this makes want to commit Suicide Squad

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars erik flac says:

    Yeah no this guys takes are absolutely dogshit. Actually putting Tobey's spiderman in S? It was a dogshit movie man

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars __Last says:

    Everyone not understanding the beginning getting mald in chat was funny asf, he put movies he did see in "havent seen" so that he can do the tierlist for just movies hes seen first.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kurisu says:

    You know you're in for a horrible tier list when he says spiderverse is dogshit

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