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#xQc #fails #CartNarcs

A cart return is there in architeers where's this fella going oh right in the middle of the driving game, where the cars go. Tell you what, if you take yours i'll grab this other one? Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. I like that wisdom.

I appreciate that what do you think that uh narcateers it's almost like a like a 12 anthony hopkins line? You hear that i love that well done awesome. You know as much uh as much as being a cardinal can get you down having you feel bad about humanity, little things like that, really helped brighten my day. That's it oh well! We do. You just saw it actually.

What we do is when folks take their car like he just left it in the middle of the driving game. There you go well yeah, we politely and gently offer them to uh. Take it back. Okay, maybe you can't give a sticker.

Would you like one chill out? That's all right: okay, i'll give it to my grandson. There you go yeah, uh and uh. That's kind of the idea, because the idea is that people as we'll just leave it wherever and like look at this guy. He knows we're watching who's, not going to do it, and you know why they do it when they don't do it or don't do it is peer pressure is if they think someone's watching them like that guy was.

He was headed right there. You just saw it and you saw it right there uh it's like we provide that very gentle how's it going peer pressure for folks. You know in italy when you take a card out, you take it out of the wreck right right, you put a quarter and this goes back a ways or you're. Now it's a hero right yeah, you put a euro in and then, when you put your card back, you get your euro back exactly right and uh.

It's funny that that's we do that here with have you ever been to an aldi store? It's a it's! A german chain - that's no i've heard of them yeah and it's to say the quarter. It's the smart! You go to an aldi parking lot and there's not carts everywhere, because that's all it takes for someone not to be lazy, is 25 cents yeah or if they are lazy, you know some kid will come grab it and get their free quarter. You know uh, but that's so that's what we do is we try to overcome that urge to be lazy and most of the time it's good like what you just saw here and there. I don't think it's lazy.

What's your what's your theory, they're just jerks, they're self-centered, egotistical jerks, who figure i paid it's it's the store's responsibility to put my card back. Well, ultimately, ultimately, that's correct, but they have these things. What is it says, cards here? The sign says cards here they they're loaning you this cart under the condition that you put it away out of other people's ways. You're right.

They do have folks that come out periodically to round them up, but they're, not here. Every second, because if someone wants to take that spot right now, there's a car sitting there yeah, so i think you're right and it's raining too our premises. Yes, we're all our jerks there's! You know as much as this cringe knows cringe you who doesn't take the card back to card corral. You lazy bones.
You feel like lazy bones out of sucker, how do you mean man you're such a you can't operate as other jerks right. You have to operate as though they're lazy well sometimes, but i think everyone's lazy every once in a while. No questions and that's why, when people do the right thing, when asked, we praise them and we say that's great now. Sometimes i get angry about it and they get it.

They get uh they fight and whine and scream like little toddlers, but most of this is kind of dumb. Okay. Well, over this dump and dance cheers i'll see this lady in the blue jeans she's got a lot more turn. There turn there and carter turns up in front usually when they spend time looking around on a good foot.

That's a good sign. That means they will eventually seek out identify we're going to juice. In this case, it would have been right in front of her. Oh one, two three spot split there where the car goes goes over there.

You got this at an angle, loose fully secured annoying. Now, she's getting our giant hood magnet of shame: hey yeah yeah! Well, that's that stuck there. That's it! That's insane! Really because she's got literally these versions dude in every direction here magnet carpet return wise, but she left it right there she had to know she stared me down she's motioning for me to take the magnet off. Oh, they do that same thing for you, oh she's, gon na be an indignant lazy bones and drive off with it yeah that was a little hard to drive away when you leave your car right in front of a spot.

Isn't it man huh strange thing about that? Isn't it it's almost as if your actions have consequences for other people and yourself really in this case it throts your soul, laziness eating you up on the inside right there we are from the store as well, but i feel like we're. Gon na have a drive-in. Ditch, let's take a look in our tears, so this guy's gon na get shot. Isn't it isn't it kind of a sad like like thought to think that? Oh, my god, some guy is gon na shoot this guy because he didn't want to take the cart back and he borrowed from a store.

Like he's just what a dumb thought look at that car got returned yep all right here we go stealth mode yeah. Let's get our hotline on it for you, if you want to call it. Oh that's not nice man. You know why we have to do this and things like that right because you left your card out.

You know i have a hands and you can pick things up and replace them like. I want you to put the card back, so she can't even take it. Oh, my lazy bones think that they're throwing the magnet at me, which, in all the hundreds and hundreds of madness we've had thrown at us, that might have been the laziest toss. Uh we've ever seen and again the lizzie bones confirms their laziness.

Oh, where she's going there, she is you gon na stop yeah. She is further proceeding, oh my god: okay, dude, okay, okay, let's see see if she sees me or not see if she gets out now he's getting really weird. I think she did see us i'll. Give this lazy bones a little bit of credit.
She was at least smart enough to drive and now he's just chasing more than a block away, as many of you in the comments have pointed out over the years that you know you just drive like a mile. A half mile take the magnet do whatever you want. You know he's nice. He was really chasing it, recycle, hopefully uh but lazy bones they're, so that was kind of weird that's kind of weird.

Okay, a little a little too far, even for myself being a narcissist a little weird, all right, an architect. We got a cart return here. We got a cart return where that guy's heading right down the front. Oh see this other guy is that's kind of a rule of thumb.

If you can't find a cart return, start walking towards the front of this here, just like that, guy did what's bad news is curving it i like this. Guy did and apparently some other folks have as well. That's not where the cards go. Sir, that's just the rocks carpet turns right over there right behind you.

If you want to take it back. What, oh sorry, i didn't see that you had a young child with you, i'm going to give you a parent pass, even though it's not a good excuse, but i was just saying you should put your card back where it belongs, except instead of setting up an Example for the future generation: oh i'm andrew sebastian with the carton arcs yeah yeah, i'm not going to uh yeah. This is like practical jokers or something. No, it's uh you're joking jokers huh, no joe uh is they live in new york city.

This is uh all over the country anyway. Besides the point, the point, being it's just about putting your cart back, usually we give these stickers. These don't remind us to say i don't return, my shopping, cart like a jerk and then what, if you have uh bad knees, then i'd say: how'd you get to the store. So really.

Yes, that appears. My logic has confounded you, sir. So the store page. No, no! This is a public service to because, because think about this, think about what that.

Well, i will finish my sentence: loose carts, obviously block sidewalks. They can roll and damage vehicles yeah, so you're in the gravel, which is bad for the wheels of the car people are like. Oh, why can't these carts roll a little okay, see this guy gets it he's laughing yeah he's laughing because you're making yourself look like a dick? Well, i believe one of us is sir one of us both of them. Now look again, we don't.

I didn't see that you had a child with you, so we don't bless people when you see where they have children. So i'm not going to give you a bumper magnet uh, because we do it out of the kindness of our hearts honestly. Take that bumper magnet well now, sir, that's that's that that's not very nice, and i hope you have a great day. Okay, i'll have a better day.
If you took your cart back but again, we're not going to do the whole uh busting thing all right. So every in this parking lot you're running around busted their balls. Well, no most people take their cards back like responsible citizens. Look there's one two three right right sure! No! I understand what you're saying and but i've been out here for a half an hour.

I mean i've seen most people take the card back and it would be already well. That's, certainly a nice step step in the right direction. One minute, if you pick up a dog turd on the side of the road and go ahead and put a fresh dog turd back to replace it that doesn't help anybody really see. My logic is excellent and impeccable again, i'm not going to bust you, because i didn't see that you had a kid with you, so i, but i will answer your questions, what i'm doing right now, um! So if you have any other questions about our sis, our organization, what we do and things like that yeah, i'm all ears - yeah, okay, yeah! Well, you know what i will give you our phone number, if you like it yeah sure give me a phone number now.

I i earlier: what's your name, my name's adrian sebastian, agent, sebastian agents agent sebastian. Yes, how did you get to become an agent of golf carts, uh, carton, arks, it's a you have to go to school, for that or well, there's an academy. Yes, there's an academy for golf carts, a shopping, cart, sir, not golf carts. This isn't a golf course.

Okay, look in any case, sir. I was told earlier i'm a bit hesitant to give that to you, because you mentioned you might put it up my rectum, which i i don't want to have happen. I think you probably throw that away, probably might enjoy that. Well, sir, now some people are doing something.

Oh i see well now what about like, um, colonoscopies and stuff, like that? Oh no! What about prostate cancer, colon cancer? You want to prevent those things. If i'm gon na die, i'm gon na die, but what? If? It's a doctor, it's not gay! It's a doctor and i win when what then i win, what do you win death when i win the game of life? Wow, that's pretty dark. I win the game of life, so there's everyone because then i get to go see. Jesus and hang out with him for us to return do people who get colonoscopies, not good, go see jesus, i'm just answering his questions.

I appreciate it, though sir, you know what yes, sir, you should really smoke the bud instead of smoke, the butt instead of the yeah smoke the bud instead of the shake. Oh, the body said of the shake. That's a marijuana reference, a lot better for you better! Well, we're we're setting quite the example here for the young next generation go enjoy yourself on the rest of your day, busting people's balls in the distance. Well, geez, i'm asking politely: oh okay, yeah through a bull horn, yeah, that's yeah! That's so you can hear me good.
It is playing the idiots that are taking like two parking spaces. We do have a subdivision called park, narcs that does take care of that you're correct, sir. We do that as well. We have that.

I don't see any of them right now, but we are, our eyes are always peeled we're always looking. Okay, you enjoy your day. Man i will go, have some more caffeine or something it's gon na keep me a little. It's gon na be a little less enjoyable with this card out, but i'm gon na take it back for you again, yeah, okay, i'll, try it out.

You got ta, have your little best on and everything you know, so everybody thinks you're a good one. Oh well! We're on this carton, art that carton arc's on all channels, youtube instagram facebook on the woody show on the radio everywhere out there, but in any case, sir, i hope you reconsider and our number's on the magnet. If you need it. Okay, thanks give me some counseling.

We can uh help you out with you know, thinking about other people, and how can i see your back or what? No, no that's, uh, something that we don't really need. We just had the uniform all right, yeah, it's a solo agent. Thank you! A park. One thing a lot of you narcateers have recommended is that we do carton, arcs called park, narcs and uh.

This guy would certainly, i think, fall into that case. One main spot half of this spot now he's bleeding over into this third spot here, uh his car really sucks, so you kind of feel for him there and uh jesus. I don't think that's street legal um and he is toward the back of the parking lot area. So it's not like it's not the end of the world um.

So it's one of those things where you know it doesn't mean it's right to do, but you kind of want to give them a break. Just because looks bad on the card, so we're out here, shaming old men who really really have piece of crap cars. So uh oh come on, i will be looking for a car in this case. We're gon na give him an excuse or a pass.

I should say old man exemption carton. That's it is that the only part i was having man that sucks. What is this um tonight?.

By xQcOW

16 thoughts on “The cart narc goes too far cart narcs #15”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DDRedSoloCup32 says:

    this man post videos bc he has no friends, i would send this “cart narc” to the hospital

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UXC says:

    y do they throw the magnets off so he can put them back on they should just keep them

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cabbage says:

    lazy people take the cart and out it back when they get ratted, these guys are just fuckin ego sky high

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kidd says:

    Park narcs sounds like better content because everyone can shit on drivers hogging the space

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars susan wojcicki says:

    cart narcs is so fkn annoying. i worked at Costco and it is annoying when people don’t put their carts back but it’s literally our job to put it back. There’s rare occasions where not putting your cart back causes problems

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars awh says:

    Feel sorry for the kid. Can tell his parents are crap from that right there, and the kid himself. What a shame

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Demon Slayer says:

    Look I know you lot hate us…. But the British really do have the best system here. All our carts fit a £1 coin slot, meaning if you don’t put your cart back it won’t give you your money back, if you leave it, whoever takes it back gets the money. I don’t understand why America hasn’t implemented this yet, everybody wins

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mat says:

    xQc literally can not believe what happened in this episode of cart narc!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dimitri Lee says:

    They also have the dollar patch at Canadian stores, I think America should implement it but that would put cart narcs out of business.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kanimeシ says:

    Favorite quotes this video:

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thunderocker says:

    My god I love when he reacts to stuff.
    I just found out about Xqc lmao

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enzycal says:

    Personally I hate people who don't return the carts but man I hope someone kicks the living shit out of this cart guy, so annoying..

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ansg says:

    The title is missing emojis, now I don't know how I should feel about it 😰😰

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Like says:

    I͟f͟ y͟o͟u͟ l͟o͟v͟e͟ x͟q͟c͟ v͟i͟d͟e͟o͟s͟ l͟i͟k͟e͟ f͟a͟s͟t͟ 5k͟ l͟i͟k͟e͟s͟ l͟e͟t͟s͟ g͟o͟..

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob B says:

    They should just get rid of carts for people then. 5Head problem solved

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mat says:

    Really had to make sure there was no TOES in this new cart narcs video !!

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