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#xQc #Scam #Coffeezilla

The famous live streamer ice poseidon, just scammed his followers for up to half a million dollars, and i'm gon na prove it. He personally guys isn't this like uh uh and when i confronted ice poseidon, who's, better known by his real name, paul denino, about this scam. He was shockingly honest. You want to keep the money, that's not yours that you took from the project, even though you'd failed to deliver.

I mean i'm not really sure what you want me to say, but yeah i'm trying to like get you. Ms admin and um grec watched it due to return the money because it's 100 still available, and you could do that yeah. I could give the money back. It is within my power um, but i'm gon na look out for myself and not do that.

I i you know i don't like know what else to say. That's just the most honest answer now these influencer scams are becoming more and more common in part because of how easy they are to pull off ice. Poseidon's scheme apparently took him only two weeks of work to set up before he apparently got bored with the project and decided to stop working on it and just took the money like seriously. How long did you work? I'm just curious.

All like you said it was a fork so couple weeks, 300. 000, that's it's a nice chunk of change! Now i pleaded with paul or ice poseidon to return the money that he stole in part appealing to the guilt that he was taking money from his fans, who were all much more soft than him ice. Poseidon's response was that he didn't like how that made him sound. I don't know if you're aware of the fact that your average fan has, i feel like he's not in the video those too strong to keep the viewers involved whatever for the story.

But i would better hear the story before the interview. Just that's way less money than you so you're, just taking from poor people like you understand that right. That is definitely not that that is not a good way. To put it, that's a pretty funny way to put it my dude, it's i think it's a pretty pretty thing to do from the very beginning.

This story shocked me, but especially the twist at the end. I can't tell you about yet, but what i can tell you is that this is my most in-depth investigation yet into influencer greed, cryptocurrency's gone wrong and the blockchain. Now i know it's been a while. So let me remind you, this is the 10 million dollar studio.

I'm your host coffee, zilla, the internet detective and welcome i'm interested we'll see guys guys in order to understand before even before he even begins. I wish people understood this, sometimes okay, a little bit that a lot of the crypto is unregulated right and and is. Is it it's still gon na a lot of it is a great area, a lot of it's still unreal, unregulated and which is why people like it so much. They said guys it's a technology, it's a blockchain, it's the future! Well yeah! True! That could be why some people would like it, but a lot of people, especially the name of this space like it, because it's unregulated, if you were to reproduce these things, one to one in in in real markets in real life stocks, you would go to jail Within a date, you wouldn't even be done finishing the pitch, your you get the knight on your door and you're going cuffs literally and what happened with ice beside.
We have to rewind the clocks back. The story started when ice poseidon first got into crypto. I invest in a lot of the like coin, like a lot of the you you put money in and then you sell like 20 minutes when it comes to ice. Poseidon first got into crypto just because, but like many influencers, he quickly realized gambling on another person's coin is a suckers game.

The fast easy money is actually in getting other people to gamble. On your point now, this moment is important. It's the moment. Ice poseidon realized.

What a gold mine it could be to start his own scan, you're telling me i could create a cx coin and then people could buy it, because i could say that the community is super strong and then i could sell it in 10 seconds and make 10 Million dollars, what the am i doing ice poseidon would later say that the clip you just watched was a joke and that the idea of him scamming his fans was just a bit he played up for the audience, but that core idea that he was missing out On a huge opportunity to make a ton of money was real and it nagged at him and pretty soon, okay devil's having a chat guys, i'm pretty sure every streamer has said this before. As a as a joke, i mean i'm pretty sure i did i did. I did i'm sure everybody did it. You could probably use use uh clips from one ago to to to mix with reality further.

It's like i mean he decided to start his own because - and i decided to make a community driven token that i'm personally going to be a part of now almost immediately. This got a lot of attention. Obviously, given his past comments about sort of scamming people, people were understandably skeptical of this and it came out right after save the kids, and you would have thought that myself and other people like mudahar would have talked about this whole thing. But heist poseidon was working.

Incredibly hard behind the scenes, which is something i need you guys to understand, he was contacting people like myself and pleading with us that he was just joking back then, and he was serious about this coin. He wasn't about to pull off a scam like save the kids. He was different. He even mentioned in live streams that save the kids was gon na make what he was about to do much harder.

I know about the facecoin steezy: that's why i'm trying my best to be as transparent as possible. I've been working on this for like a month now, and i wasn't gon na. Let that drama stop me, but it definitely makes it a little bit. Uh more difficult ice poseidon repeatedly told skeptics that he couldn't rug this coin.

If he wanted to, he had locked all his money up in a smart contract. He told me that in dms he said, don't worry, no rug here, all the money is locked lol and look. I have to admit, i was busy at the time with some other investigations, and i gave him the benefit of the doubt, something that i obviously regret. Now but periodically i would hear you know, complaints from his community that they thought something was offered.
Every time i'd go to ice. He would immediately respond immediately and he always gave me something that sort of sounded reasonable and i later learned he was doing the same thing with everyone who said something negative about cx coin. In fact, he got a dextero article killed about cx coin being a scam. I mean i even asked him about this at the time and he said this stereo article went up and then down.

Did you see that yeah i emailed you dextero guys? Isn't it exercise? Excuse me, the exercise, i'm sure, even the ones that own the website don't even know what their own website name is dude. If you want to say deserto, dextero dexterto, nobody knows dex proof. I wasn't scamming so leaving that up, quoting a twitter with two likes is a bit unfair to me. The point i'm trying to make is: he was playing the pr game hard telling everybody he was different.

He even gave me his wallet, addresses and told me to hold him accountable. He wasn't gon na. Do anything shady and everyone sort of felt like okay, maybe maybe he's doing something different. You know.

Maybe everything he's been saying was you know just a joke dude. If i see it, if i see a million dollars, i'm selling, i don't give a i'm, not gon na, be like i'll hold for you guys, bro. I see a million dollars in my portfolio, i'm out not gon na lie that looks bad, but i'm gon na be really generous here and give ice the benefit of the doubt that clip probably was a joke and it was probably made before he was actually thinking About making cx coin into a real thing now, as time moved on, i and many other people sort of forgot about cx coin. Until january, when i decided to take a break for a little while and while i was off, i couldn't help but feel that there was something else going on.

I just had a hunch. I had to look back. So in my free time i joined the cx coin telegram and started tracing back the wallets that ice poseidon had given me so transparently and pretty soon. I found out that well, he gave me the wrong crypto wallets whoops.

He gave me the dx sale wallet instead of his personal wallet, which didn't tell me anything. For example, one of those things he didn't tell me was the fact that he took out two hundred thousand dollars from the liquidity pool at the very beginning, which is directly at odds with what ice poseidon told me himself. When i asked he said, don't worry all the money is locked up, except for two hundred thousand dollars. I guess, but it also hit another story which was the misappropriation of the so-called marketing wall.
Now, according to cxcoin's own white paper, the marketing wallet was to be used exclusively to quote fund marketing campaigns in the cryptocurrency market. But in the telegram there's another story going on ice poseidon was complaining that he had spent money on an ad campaign and it just hadn't helped, but we spent 53k on a b talk and it hasn't really helped. The wallet is limited. He berated it.

You want me to spend 30k on stuff that doesn't help or you want me to think about the best ways to use marketing money exactly you can't use the marketing money on well, you know marketing. Instead, the money seemed to go somewhere else shortly. After this coin, launched ice poseidon bought himself a brand new tesla. This video was published july 24th and, as he says, he bought it a week ago putting it right around the time that he launched the coin and realized he had suddenly gotten a lot of money to his name.

But i'm sure all that money is locked up right, apparently not and here's the interesting thing. The longer things went on ice poseidon, just sort of gotten more and more brazen. This is not that expensive. Are they yeah? The man was like 30 36 than with the way he used the money right at first.

It was just sort of sitting around then he started sending it to cash out wallets and eventually i calculated that there's roughly a quarter of a million dollars missing from that marketing wallet. But that's not all ice poseidon had tricked his followers at this point. By getting them to buy into a vision of a long. You don't pay for gas plus plus you get uh a tax rebate, tax rebate, plus you get um a garbage from the government yeah.

It is what it has been term project. The whole idea was that this was going to be a donation platform for streamers and that it would take a while to build. He kept reiterating this again and again i mean this is a long-term project. I'm trying to you know we're making a donation platform, so i'm gon na put that on my stream, and this coin will just be around for the entirety of my streams.

He said this a lot in the telegram too. You know this is long term right. Thanks guys, i assume everyone is in it for the long haul. Anyone who invests in something should know this was a long-term project, so one week is not going to see results.

Now later i would find out. This was a lie. Ice poseidon did not see this as a long-term project. He actually gave up guys has any like dog coin was ever the long haul number two weeks, but i think i'm getting a little ahead of myself.

The point is ice was getting braces on literal life. Support of of dog dog marketing skamas popularity injections: that's always why those are results eventually, intolerant of people who called him a scammer saying they just hadn't done their research. He even brought my name into it saying he had talked to coffeezilla, maybe implying that i had cleared him and i've talked to these people. Coffeezilla i've talked to these guys.
I showed them. I showed them the coin. I showed them everything and you know they're giving me the benefit of the doubt. So obviously they would call me out if it was a scam, what's happening, i'm gon na be honest.

This really pissed me off ice poseidon was using my name to try to imply that he was legit when in actuality. He had just fed me false information about his coin and begged me not to talk about it. But amazingly, the final piece of this puzzle wouldn't fall into place until a few days ago, as i said, ice had been getting more and more bold thinking. I guess that he had gotten away with what the is this january 22nd 2022, using his wallet that he didn't tell me about.

He drained the liquidity pool, essentially killing his own coin and taking the money from his investors to be specific. He drained about 90 of the funds, which is about 300 000 now for important context. Liquidity pools are how you get money out of crypto right. You can't just cash out a coin like cxcoin right.

You can't buy groceries with it. Someone has to be willing to trade you that coin, for something that you know right now. I don't understand. Coins like this rely on something called liquidity, pools a big sort of pot of money and what ice poseidon did well, really that that equates what's in it and it doesn't an equivalency right.

But if you, if you pull it out, then then it's like it has the the big shell stayed above, but it's inside is the equivalency. Equivalencies disappeared right using the fact that created this coin he rug pulled 90 percent of that from his community, which meant that that's 300 000, that his investors would not be able to get back out, and at this point i simply had had enough. This was a scam, he had lied to me from the beginning and he had lied to others about it, and i wanted to confront him, but i couldn't let him know that i knew anything. Otherwise he wouldn't pick up the call.

So i simply told him excuse to my surprise he agreed and so on the 26th of january. Oh god, we had the call you're about to see and mind you, i'm expecting him sort of to deny everything like who would take. What's after this a little bit like a pool right like a backyard pool and it's like the top - is ice ch right and it's and i would say: oh dude - that's what's inside and it. But then you you pull up, you put a pipe down below and you took all the water and all you got in that is like it's a cushion of ice with nothing under it that that equates to that right.

Well, ice. Would i guess, like the coin, got rugged, you know anything about that. Uh i mean yeah, i mean not rugged, but uh i mean well, someone pulled all the liquidity out. That's a that's a rub right.
That would be a rug, yes uh, but there is still liquidity in there, 40k got left and 300k got ripped out or something like that. Yeah i mean that is exactly what happened right. Are you laughing? I mean. Is that funny i mean no you're hearing this right he's admitting he took out 90 of the money, but that's not a rug pull.

Apparently he had to do it. After all, the crypto markets were crashing and if he didn't take out the money who would the crypto market is crashing and 300 000? Isn't there there's two options right leave the money in there and then, if bnb goes down, it's like a hundred dollars. The money goes to anyways or i could take it, and the money is not just going to dust. My money would have never boy but yeah yeah.

Does that mean that doesn't mean that if the market is crashing, unless an investor has one dollar, it would crash? Like, let's say 50 cents, that guy says 50 cents right, but does that does? Does this mean that they pull liquidity? He says: oh, it's going to 50 cents. Now that's zero or they're. Like one sentence, oh guys it was gon na crash. Somebody had to get it out of there whatever, but then the guy has nothing and they have everything.

Is that like, like that or not they're gone to dust, i mean it just would go back to the investors when they sold out when you told them hey guys, i'm no longer interested in this project. I wipe my hands of it. You know you got your 50k in. You got your 50k out, you're good right, you didn't deliver.

This is not your money. I can't believe you keep thinking of it as like as your money, that's going away, that's your investor's money and it should be their decision. What they do with it. That's fair point: that's a fair point.

Yet, despite all these fair points, i kept making every time ice got cornered about the fact that he was basically stealing from his investors. He slowly pivoted his language from. Oh, this isn't a rug pool. It's more like: well, the investors deserved it.

He said they believed too much in his project, and his word, like part of the responsibility, is on them as well. For being, you know like putting too much emotion into it now. Look i want to be clear. I agree that investing in any influencer coin is idiotic, but the logic here seems to be insane.

They believed me, so it's okay. I scammed them. I asked dice about this. I don't know if you're trying to say they deserve it.

You're saying they don't owe. I agree with some responsibility, but do they deserve to get ripped off? No, i mean nobody deserves that. It's just gon na happen, though, like i said sometimes you have to look out for yourself uh. I don't really know how else you want me to put it.

I mean, if you i mean you could say it in all these different ways to make it sound as good as possible, and you know what i can agree with you on some of those things. I just don't like to put it in those specific ways, because it makes it sound like that was the intention from the start which it wasn't and there it is guys because uh, in my opinion, this this argument doesn't really apply here. I just feel like i just like overall, if you have a bo, if you have a boat right, it's it's. You guys come on come on now, dude guys it it's like, like you're in the bozie guys guys come on in, come on, come on in right and you, you know the boat's full of fisher.
You know everybody's in the boat and most of our scratching. It's like, oh i'm, not gon na go down with the ship, it's like i'm, the owner who can get out. I am gon na get out and oh dude, i mean you got ta look out for yourself, but people came in like themselves. They can't they can't.

They got that that um didn't they get that chance. Can i rip away from them because of what the captain did in that nssg yeah right, the final refuge of every scammer i started with good intentions. I meant to do the right thing, but i kept reminding ice poseidon or paul or whatever, like these excuses, made no sense, because it wasn't as if the money was gone. It wasn't as if it had vanished.

He still had it and could return it at any point. He doesn't have to go down as the scammer, so i don't know why you're acting like it has to end with, like you being the bad guy here, that's not what i'm trying to do at all. I'm trying to like get you to return the money because it's 100 still available and you could do that. So that's what i'm not understanding is i want to get to that point.

I don't think we're going to get there. If you want the answer. Uh yeah. I could give the money back.

It is within my power um, but i'm gon na look out for myself and not do that. I i you know, i don't like know what else to say. That's just the most honest answer now. I do believe he's being honest here.

I believe this is the most mask off anybody's ever been on my channel most of the time when you get these guys on the phone they just try to deflect and dodge. I don't think that's happening here. This is 100 transparent and i realized it was a unique opportunity to get the full story of how these scams work. Ice poseidon proceeded to walk me through the details on exactly how long it takes to whip up an influencer scam like this and the profits you can expect from it.

Can you tell me how much money you made off this i'll? Just call it a scam. I know you don't want to call it a scam, but it is a scam. So what did you make off this? Well, i got 55 and then 45 percent went to uh my developers, so i don't know probably like 300 000. nice.

What what a good! What a good profit from doing um i mean: how long did you work on this project like seriously? How long do you work? I'm just curious? Well, like you said it was a fork so a couple weeks. What do you plan to do with the money? Uh? Invest into crypto ethereum, mainly well, there you have it for two weeks of work, forking, someone else's program, i think and guys guys what happens. While i get weapons chat, if ethereum juicers, they they pull all liquidity and they say: hey, listen guys. I got ta.
I got ta look for myself, guys, hey guys, i got ta, look it for myself, it is. It is what it is. What is it? What should we do at 300 000, which annualized is a pay rate of 7.8 million dollars per year? It's not hard to see the appeal, obviously, but what blew my mind is that he hadn't gotten away with this like he got caught red-handed and somehow i guess i was just expecting him to go. Oh well, okay, i guess i'll return the money now, but no he just kept doubling down.

You are deciding to do the thing. You know that and you're still doubling down. I am doubling down. Do you not agree, though? Some of the responsibility is on people who, if you're still holding something that's inactive for months like sure okay, maybe they you know, have faith in me whatever, but that's not a good.

That's your fans, dude! That's your fans! These are people who followed you, since they were kids, they admire you should. I know it's crazy, i'm not pausing. I don't give a guys guys. People will support people more that lie when caught, even though they won't repair the mistakes and double down right people will support way more people who will fake their exit and still keep everything in somehow to you.

That's the people, you're saying that that's their fault. I honestly couldn't believe what he was saying here, not not that he didn't care. You know i am kind of used to that, but he clearly sees a lot of it's been slow under the rug for years and nobody complains about the anymore every night guys. These are streamers, we love them, they fantastic guys.

They made a mistake. Okay, the minute mistake. Does anybody get anybody get reimbursed? Was this that made about how corrupt it was? No, nothing none of it. It's all just pure lies and everybody just eats it up about expects zero consequences for his actions right, and this made me think that at least part of the reason for this might be because stories like save the kids, which got huge press.

Ultimately, nothing happened. Don't get me wrong, it's important to get these stories out there anyway, but you have to understand the inner working what about jail time? Well, i'm sorry, man, if you do, if you do a crime, you you're going to jail you're, that's just kind of how it is influencer, when you don't have law enforcement consequences for what is essentially theft and fraud. You end up with people like ice poseidon, realizing they can do the same without consequence and i'm not merely speculating here. This clip you're about to watch is of ice poseidon, discussing with his partner moises.

What happened to sam pepper, one of the leaders of save the kid they don't talk as if he's a cautionary tale, but instead, as if sam pepper, had won, as if sam pepper had beat the system, he stole money and he got away with it. I mean i did watch that coffee hill video. I think, sam's a millionaire now so i think he's. I think he still succeeded me, although i, although he he got it in a very poor way, he made it up like a bandit, bro sam's, probably in nowhere.
Like probably has like three million crypto if the dude broke his lease, if you got a bra, yeah tesla to do paid like what was it 10 stacks to break his lease, i don't know yeah if you're breaking your lease and leaving the country, i mean you Definitely you made it. You flew first class, i mean if he really felt the need to do all that. Then he probably made plenty of money. I heard sam pepper, scammed people, but because he did it without going to jail, he's successful.

He got away with it. That's how these people think so. Is it any wonder when the ice besides, they escape the law? Okay, but so this is very unregulated though, and the law, the law will never apply, reach or actively. It's just not how laws work? Okay, if you did something bad on your crypto wallet or something like that right and laws enough that it did it a certain way with taxes like that right, they're, not they're, not to get you for what you did in the past.

It's just not how works! I'm pretty sure i'm. I could be wrong about this, though i'm pretty sure that works biden is caught also stealing money. His response is: oh well, i'm just going to look out for number one. It's their fault for getting scammed.

They shouldn't have believed me he's just so, obviously, not guys if, if you have the legal amount of weight on you now and you're in your state and and then and then um uh, you show what you have and and then they they they outlaw weed. The next week are you going to jail for what you had not afraid of getting caught, and why would he in fact i asked him about this fact whether these things should be prosecuted, and he seemed to think that this was a wild idea. Do you think the uh fbi should get involved with cases like this or like the sec, or do you think like people like you should be prosecuted um? No, i can't say this enough. These guys aren't scared.

They think they can do whatever they want. They'll just fork: a coin, take 300, 000, another 200 000, another 250k and walk away and screw you. What are you gon na do about it? Oh, and by the way in case, you thought that this was just a matter of ice beside messing up once i actually found old clips of him admitting to um what seems to be some kind of credit card fishing scam. I fished credit cards back when i was younger dude.

I didn't do anything um with the credit cards because i didn't i was like afraid of going to jail, but that time he didn't go through with it, because he was afraid of the consequences. Well, that was then - and this was now and now he's not scared anymore. Ultimately, this whole conversation between me and ice ended with us just sort of going in circles me pointing out that what he was doing was ethically wrong him telling me that he agreed, but he essentially doesn't care and i felt sort of like a failure afterwards to Be honest, um i didn't achieve my goal of having ice poseidon return the money to his victims. However, a few hours afterwards ice, poseidon dm'd me one last time he told me he wasn't gon na give all the money back, but he was planning to give a little bit of it back a hundred and fifty five thousand.
Now i want to be clear about this. Giving back 155 000 is better than nothing, it's good for the investors who hopefully will withdraw their money as soon as watching this video, but it's so obviously a last-minute hail mary, for whatever is left of his reputation. I mean to be clear: he's still keeping the bulk of the money. He knows that, and he knows that we know that remember.

This still leaves him with taking 200 000 from the project, another quarter of a million. At that point, why don't i just pull out and make it go to zero million dollars from the marketing wallet? Basically, nowhere and then three hundred thousand dollars from the liquidity plan, because i guess because it's all or nothing it's yeah, it's you have either integrity or none, there's no inventory of which he's saying: okay, i'll return. 155. 000.

I don't know what this is supposed to demonstrate. Are people supposed to all of a sudden applaud, as he gives a small fraction of what he took except wait a minute i just checked ice poseidon doesn't even seem like he can do that much after dming me. I went to the telegram and his guys guys guys guys this is for the future, guys. I'm just saying you guys know.

Okay, i just thought about x coin blah blah blah. You guys think it's a joke! Uh, it's not we're! Not we're not going for a million dollars that board us in the depths billion dollars, there's a profit and you need admin, updated everyone and said we just finished a buyback of over 120 bmb rocket emoji, which is not 155 000. It's only 40 000. Now, whether ice poseidon has actual plans to put the rest in or oh my gosh return, the full amount.

I really doubt it. It's just amazing to see that ice seems to be doing this only because he got caught would have gotten terrible and faces reputational damage. Yet he still can't muster the moral courage or at least fear to return the small fraction of money he promised, and so to close, this look i'll, be honest. In my opinion, ice poseidon is not a good person.

I don't think he regrets anything or feels bad about any of this, and i think the unfortunate conclusion many other influencers will come to when looking at this is that ice. Like sam pepper has finally made it he's succeeded in the influencer game, he's gotten away with it, or has he. There may still be ways to prevent stuff like this from happening. There are two things you can really do number one.
You can share this video. So more people become aware of what ice did and get more eyeballs on it. But two. If anyone was scammed by cx coin and lost money, they can report their losses to link below this is the fbi submission portal if you've been defrauded or wrong, and if enough people report things like this, there's a chance, people will be brought yeah yeah.

This is just a general question: chad, if it's like crypto, especially like coins and dog, is anybody gon na care about this, the justice? I just hope it happens sooner than later that way, i'll stop hearing about how influencers like sam pepper, made it until then, all i can do is report dig and investigate. That's all for now. I'm coffeezilla thanks for watching interesting. This has depends on the amount of people who are reporting it.

Well, i well, i feel, like i feel like if they were to care about something like this, though they would have cared about a lot of other things. Uh in the past, um um give me.

By xQcOW

2 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to ‘this famous livestreamer stole $500,000 from his fans’”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Mcknabb says:

    Watched Whole Video Yessir

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kerbecks says:


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