Part 3 of xQc's Elden Ring playthrough!
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#xQc #EldenRing #DarkSouls

Thank you. Thank you. Oh you in there wait a minute shout out. What are you guys thinking, zero nuts look my boom and then is accurate.

You think it's about accurate onion rings and hamburger. Oh, no, oh uh, why would you dip you on the rings? Onion rings have all the taste in the world. Why would you want to dip them? What didn't mean? What are you swinging crack? Okay, so, okay, one last time it would be on an island right right next to the border near the town. They think toenails shut up man as yet goodbye here watch up guys, where's my meeting okay, it must be here, let's be right here, i don't get, it should help.

So i helped you i'm going too far right yeah, let's go back then game, okay! Okay! What's up, okay, it ranch sauce, it smells like blue cheese, and what do you do you just dip it like that? It's blue cheese, huh? Okay, that's it! I'm scared for life! No, no! That's it and that's it! That's it boys, that's it dude! Dude! I had to control my breathing, so i wouldn't puke and as soon as i i said, blue cheese in my head, i started visualizing it like a weird moldy cheese with some worms in it and i almost drove into me: wait: isn't there warmer than blue cheese? Okay, whatever then, oh yeah, guys you guys. Okay, please, if you're watching the game. Please help me out: okay, i'm trying to focus on the game. Okay, this is the meeting mapping.

There's six blue dots. It's in on the left! Look at it! Okay! It's over! Here! Oh, we don't have the map of the place guys. I didn't even get the map of the place down there. Oh things are there, how do you not like blue cheese? It's practically so dark you're done now.

You're talking, i think it's tall gunk. Okay, chad. Does anybody know uh amber, played the game and no knows where the map is of this place? Where's the map of this lord lisa, oh found it thanks for absolutely nothing. Now, i'm gon na eat the burger.

The burger is a habit, burger, grill classic huh. What the 21 months can i get away with i'm help where's that, oh, is it here. It is there. Okay, remember this game: okay, i'm not gon na get mad at you, okay, but this is not that don't be weird, don't be worried about it.

On the map, it says, village, the same symbol, it is the same symbol, but it doesn't correspond yet to it. This man eats his own toe fungus, probably walks sockless all over the place and eats all the bacteria through that and he's worried about blue cheese, blue cheese is vile. Blue cheese is disgusting. The blue cheese you like to eat raw mold right and you fight eat.

Unclean ass disgusting stop it. Oh nails are fine good. I made it voice. Look out there.

I had one stacked over here man, i lost it. Unlucky, okay, wrench, wait! No loot, it's baited! That's not right! I love the way. The chunks from the blue cheese fall down my throat and i especially love the some of the socks in my food. I don't know how you don't like it, but i guess you're a toenail, so maybe that's far for the course guys.
Where's. My rendezvous point. Oh wrong spot. Sorry, i'm so dumb! Sometimes man, sometimes my brain cannot freeze.

Is this yours not sometimes oh look. He wants to meet up with me. Oh my god. Oh my god academy, glenstone, i'm out.

Okay, i'm out don't fight. Do i beat him chat nope? I changed this. The souls we'll get them later. We do not care, please be this, please be it.

Please be it please, be it hey, mr cow, can i get a welcome to the jungle? No okay, you i'll do it myself, then xqc. Welcome to the jungle. My doggy much love, oh no with that to the doors right. That's the big blue door.

Oh my god, boys we're in boys. We are in the game releases to the general public. Once it comes out, i'm gon na watch all the streams, so i can donate you some help. Other real fans will help too keep it up.

Excuse me, oh thanks. Man make sure you don't donate only to two dollars two dollars. That's that's kind of weak know your entire paycheck, please, like previously agreed upon. Excuse me ungrateful, loser this guy, the sarcasm just shot away by this guy's head, dude, social credit to the donor.

Jesus, okay, magic, grease drugs, your gaming warlord! How the are we supposed to help you with this game when it isn't even out yet take my money anyway, xt4 chap so many okay, you know what i like about this game. So far, a lot of bonfires bonfire, bonfire bonfire everywhere. Oh flasks, flash flasks there's a lot you're right, maybe too many not great. He hit him with a book.

Oh and we steal the hourglass and we put it on the pedestal. After at the harmony, oh, we can't steal it. Then nevermind forget what i just said: no wrong calls over there. It's just not a good game.

I realized it's actually kind of crazy that our first game that we played a lot of gambling was bogo, boca and jungle. No, so dude, myself x, you see welcome to the jungle donut! Oh my god. May he spied him chad? How many spiders? Yes yeti? No, it is garbage and my brother, my brother, my brother, tren convinced me to stay for an hour and a half holding his stream to watch. One yeti bonus i watched for an hour.

He lost like 2.8 million and got like one bonus that gave him like a 1x. So xqc stop. Stop. Stop! Please stop.

Please excuse me. Bonfire. This place looks sick, xqc xqcl. Oh, there is really bad yeah.

I i i know i forgot. I forgot to put it back to it, and then i forgot to put it back to 8k. Oh guys, though, i wish, which gave us an option to pay money to stream at higher bit rates like if they are listen, i'm not getting. If i could pay like 20 000 a month for habit rate, i would this whole chat would have a better viewing experience.

Okay, guys, doesn't it doesn't it wan na tell you will sound like it's like like a lie, but it's not okay, it's probably way more expensive for them to run the bitrate that that i would want way more than 25 000 for them. For this many people. That's like an insane amount. That would be like any other ridiculous amount of money.
Youtube is better yeah, because nobody, nobody actually streams on youtube, that's a problem and nobody that nobody that watches actually cares about their quality. Anyways. Okay, dude come on dude come on. Do i have to kill this? I think it's kind of crazy, though, that that everybody's capped, at the same bit rates like i wish you could like give up, give up a portion of your ad revenue to have a high bid rate.

Let's say every month you surrender like 10 of adrev total for higher bit rates and you would be able to run that self scam. Not really because chat, watches, chat, watches, you know, chat chairs, stop, stop! Stop! Stop stop! I just bought the game. Relax game. Man um the thing with the vinky game.

Is that um it's a progressive juicer, so it can juice hard. The winky, oh yeah, the machine is trash, buffalo's garbage as well. Nice, nice dude was very good for like a week every like two or three months. Man.

No kappa, i have good self control man hi, mr cow love from canada, that was young. My dad taught me very good and strong fundamentals around money, so well stuff, like um. You know something. I always, though, that was the chat, no um.

Let's say you're going out to the club right, you know how much your night's gon na cost you right like bottle service or whatever, or i mean that's, not my type of type of going out, but still you know how much you would be spending for your Night of entertainment right, that's what your night's gon na cost you that amounts right. Let's see, let's say you go to the casino which is a a degenerate action. You know you shouldn't go to the kingdom, because gambling is it's it's bad right! Well, it doesn't have to be bad if you say: hey man, let's see my name is going to cost at the club 300 bucks. The thing is, you buy in it and that's it the same way you would you would you would spend it.

You wanted to take casino for a while. Well that was annoying, because that was nothing at all. What was that not a bad thing? If you think about it? Okay, go go, go, go guys. This is the most fun you're.

So enough, dog, okay, well boys. You asked for it you're gon na get it it's time to go, bow and arrow boys back and again bo arrow scam, we're scamming the video game. I don't give a anymore. Oh, my a free item, a freebies, another use of scroll.

Oh my god. Okay, we've been waiting days for that. I love scrolls, another cookbook, oh, my god, a clipboard and a scroll dude we're good. No, you don't! Oh no man of ours, a ritual pot! Hey mr x.

I made the mistake of leaving the stream on all night and was woken up at 6am this morning by you yeah. I then proceeded to skip class and have been watching you and grinding elden ring all day, epic juice a moment. That's not very good! I mean go to school man. This lifestyle only only works, because you enable it then another boss, guys, let's just go dry, it dry, run boys dry run, stop celebrating.
Let's go a wolf. Okay, it's easy boss, easy easy, easy, easy, easy! Easy! Dark! Soul loves this concept of having a dog hold a blade in its mouth and then swing the blade around there's so many other creative ways to make a wolf or a dog wave a blade around. But i don't know why it's only this method that they use. Like what, what ah, let's say, having uh shoulder pads with blades and it kind of goes around boom boom, like that? Okay, this was the guy who said this was easy.

Boss explain, explain the meme. No, how does that work uh? I i think the money, the the no. What is that? What is that? Okay, i mean we have it. I think um, because this boss should be a one shot, but i'm i'm playing like dodge right now time to focus up.

What does it mean, though? No, what does it mean? Is it even like um, like like uh like like you're bad, like you're done bad like you're? Oh, like? Are things going bad? You have no something like that. Like i don't get it? Oh you got. No girls got nobody. What is it also don't say, say, say: um be respectful man wait, wait, i'm already dead.

So as we're going to do so with this encounter for those that don't know, there are no we're we're going to use the things that are going to debug the ai targeting system, and by doing so we have more chances at uh hitting the bus. While i'm not getting hit ourselves so we're gon na spawn what i call the squad, give it a minute i'll show you what the squad looks like now. Watch watch in the squad, damn: okay, okay! I am okay, i'm going to i'm. Okay, i'm gon! Na be honest with you, i am panic rolling like i've.

Never done in my life. I am literally just spinning a roll like a maniac. We could. We could beat this boss with a max of eight rolls and i'm doing eight rolls per attack, let's just chill for now.

Let's just take a deep breather and um the pack, so the squad the squad isn't fast enough to bug the air. Instead, we're gon na use the squad of the pack ready, okay, okay, okay, chad do i have a mob. That's a little bit. Tankier chat! The is the jelly good or bad is we said, the jelly, the boys and the men.

I need those better or not. Bandits, that's the boys. I shot the boys wow, okay, so um, i'm done. Let's focus up.

Okay, let's focus the up boys. Let's focus hook up okay, this is clearly not it also, i think, by the way, uh i think after we do all this we're gon na get the um the scepter, although whatever the the enemies and we'll be able to put it at the bottom of the Vault for the library and we'll be able to go to the top and meet the the final boss. Let's i think the squad was the way to do it, chat uh, so my brain just realized. After challenge attempts, i've been running adamant.
I've been running out of mana the entire game, because i've been spawning the boys and i've been putting myself into one mana and i'm not even doing special attacks. I'm doing dry attacks, you guys i'm doing dry, specials jelly is good. Apparently. Is it actually good? The jelly, how good it? I don't think it's like, i don't think they're coming to the boys uh i mean i mean the problem is that the boys are just they're going afk guys.

The squad is not moving. Okay, guys, i feel bad now. I think this boss should have been like like a three attempt and we're done with it, but now i'm we're getting slow like we're getting smoked. It's like super hot, literally, no, oh, jump.

The sword so jump. The sword jump smart chatter up in this jump, the sword - five million head - just jump the sword, dude hi, how you doing mr xqc, so i'm getting. The final item that we need is a up top. I don't understand we're not in there yet what oh wow another key dude.

We need those boys. No i'm not i'm not fighting i'm! So i'm not fighting you! I'm sorry, i'm out! Oh my god. No i'm out a seed. Oh my god, a seed.

I can't believe it. The gods see craps mr crabs. Again, i'm getting hooked where the am i going, not bad anymore. Jesus wait.

What no! We don't do that guys if we don't do that, we can't come back we'll. Do it later we'll do that later! No! No, no not again dude 24 months, xqc and excuse me. No real players held on batman has no you're making up okay um. Let me think, there's no place.

We didn't explore yet try guys because i'm getting i'm gon na be honest. I'm getting annoyed we're not finding any um armor without finding any weapons to wear make them dude. You cannot make you cannot make weaponry, you can only make ammo and uh etc. You literally just cannot make them at a forge.

Wait, wait a minute! Wait! The recipes! We're getting is sometimes for the forge, also huh, but where's that wait. A minute. Wait: you're kidding, hey felix. I gave a bunch of interviews last week and i'll get a response tomorrow, i'm confident i'll get the job and i wanted to enjoy.

I had a great day watching the stream and playing raft on the side. Thank you, where's the where's, the valentine with that chat. Wait, there's no shot right, i'm not that stupid, there's no shot. I missed that.

I i would have missed them. I'm not that stupid. This guy now blows out of a chat finder well where, because, where the smithing table where's it at felix, doesn't care about you getting a job dude! No, i care well then, to his right. What do you guys? What are you talking about guys guys we're just smitten? Where do you make your own weapons? I don't get it down here at the wall on the right side of okay, stop trying guys - because i'm just about to because i'm serious about this - please man, okay, so he said you can make your own weapons back already.
No matter you passed it down. The hall, it's correctly, i know the wall pass deposit as a book you can pull on the bookcase you're off all right, we're going to correctly. I need to fix it guys. All i want to know is how to make swords and and and equipment all right.

Let's open us a little bit wait. We need something stolen because i thought we had. Like a million of those, i bought the crafting kit yeah, what about it? Okay. Well, i guess i have to thank my lost boys.

I got trolled, it is what it is. You you need blueprints for recipes, only every weapon. Okay, does anybody know at all if there's any good strength weapon in the game whatsoever, any of them wait where the am. I chat.

What was it earlier? Yo x, it's been 42 months. Can i get a welcome to the jungle i was there during the jungle. Welcome. Is there anything at all one since the old days, okay, wrong, bonfire again? Finally, the academy it was the debates parlor, i'm going to confuse that we haven't found a single weapon in the entire playthrough.

So far, not one weapon worth wearing felix doesn't care about you, ain't being in the jungle. Welcome. Why do you keep asking chat about the game? The game isn't even out yet and those i said welcome now, when you ask a question, please give me an answer. Man dude, let go.

I don't want to be with you shortcuts. I have a lot of exposure right, guys he's hard to kill. I want to kill him yet could have pushed him off. Okay, now our main priority here chad is getting a bonfire hey.

We need one asap. This guy says mariah's execution disorder. Where do you get this? Clearly, i'm not getting the acceptance, because i already have this because i already have a christian kid: where do you get that the execution sword or whatever the oh mariah sorta? Oh noah, wait! Oh! No! It's it's one of the big bosses! This is weird they're all going to merge into one hush, little culver i'll, soon birthday, a new, a sweeting fresh and pure. Oh, that's, the lady who was talking about us about being stuck in amber or whatever the crystal assist or whatever the it is.

So many of them dude so holy my brother right of arrows, so i mean a lot of hp boys i mean guys, i don't get it so i have to wait till she falls and i smack her. I don't get it let's go again. Is there no bonfire, that's closer, i don't get it, what a long run for this uh off, oh no time what so uh? Oh, who knows, no hills. Okay, guys! I get another okay, i mean if we didn't, if we didn't spend four hell pots guys this boss, easiest wasn't the game.

Probably, if we didn't spend four pots on the lone night would be chilling. This knight has no friends, no goals he's a weirdo. Nobody likes him, we go past them. It's like the last class of bread on a toast on on over nobody likes them off, swallowing.
Oh there's, probably a phase two or something wow. That's a lot of fun. I enjoyed that very much. 14.

000 souls just got lost, chat, chat. How how's? How much am i hindering my my save or my my progress by losing that many souls i think we lost about i'd, say: 50 000 souls total in this playthrough through really dumb mistakes, probably quite a bit right. Just kill him, i mean he's. He guys he's a he he's, he's a tough, nothing you didn't die, maybe you'll find them off.

Then right, all right. Let's reset now um now we're gon na guys we're gon na start being smart. Now about the game. Okay, um! I'm done with the bow first of all, i'm not with the ball uh.

Instead of use, the shield wait 15 inch, so this blocks nothing jet. Is that what that's? What it means chat, do femme boys give the best head guys. Does it still block damage or not on the back? All you can use as a weapon and weapon. Aren't you that's what it means? Oh it blocks spells.

Oh my god. That's broken sleep. I'll! Take that one guys we got a stagger, hitter chat, it's not a stagger, but it's the damaging people of the stagger correct that works. Well, i it up.

I missed my kill now we're about to get up because of it right. Oh wow, there is nice too. Ah, my beloved and then he's gon na spawn and evolve, no fear. I will hold thee patience.

Yes, i us i knew it. I could tell me unless it leaves and leaves us alone unless he decides to leave us alone and say you know what dude upon my name is ronnie. The witch oh, shall not off disturbed by thee, foul trespasser send word far and wide. Oh wow.

This is kind of cool actually and the majesty of the night. She conjure up. Oh wow, okay, right dancer, whatever wow. Okay, this boss is hard.

Okay, chad, listen! This loss is hard because, okay, well, it's not hard because i didn't know the angel would. I did not know that the answer would drain me so hard man, it's okay. We got this right. I wanted the phase is going to reset again, probably right.

It wouldn't really make sense. The storyline that you reset and then you you have the phase. Two only is this: the closest bonfire to it. They're not.

Is there something that would make me more tolerant to flames or anything at all? Actually, oh man whoa. Maybe we do more damage holy. Did you see those feet nft moment she could attacks um? What else we got for damage chad, how much poison bill? Would that give me all right? It let's get it. So i don't think these are casters.

So very nice super good one watch out, chandeliers dodged! It we're good. Okay, casters, please hello, casters wow! That's damage for no reason, casters, where i heard coming through. I think this is where we spawn the boys because they're going to distract the out of it right so um. So, oh now stop by getting greedy.

I wanted to get the staggering, but - and i thought that somehow maybe perhaps we would get a lucky dog hit like the dogs would like get the aggro on my boat on my this is a good one, though now i know i can. I can kill in two cycles on round one which is really good, and i can do a mass stagger on on round one. If i get a close combo because of the talus man, the thomas man we got is nuts, the talisman does um the off man. What is wrong with you, man, the more succession strikes, we get the more damage.
We do. Oh block, more magic, uh, whatever you recommend the game, yeah, it's a good game, also, this type of game that you can like uh. If you want to finish yeah, you have to actually spend the time to play it compared to a lot of other games so like if you, if you play games and you get bored - okay, oh dude, they're, not gon na last me a long time like it'll. Last you a long time for sure you know um all right, everybody ready three, two one got it: it wasn't worth it, though that was not worth it at all.

Well, but it's a bit of that then three cycles, which is we're gon na, be more hp, lost, anyways, whatever off uh, so so so i cannot believe what i have just witnessed with my eyesight. I cannot dude. This is a okay guys. This is a big historical moment: okay, but i killed this run boom.

She needs an item, the item we're going to go over here and we're going to put the juicer in the machine. If you want to give us an elevator, it goes to the top will get us to this part right here, which will then get us the next part of the game, which is not more exciting than any other part. But this is what we're going for. Here.

Comes you were here, stop stop jellyfish uh during that boss. I think that the dudes are super useful. They distract they're slow when they're in position. They stick to the target.

It's really really good. They are so annoying. Oh good start good start the godsend. I'm done not a reset.

We got this, it's not a hard boss, i don't mind, there's no resetting. Of course i transitioned from one the last caster second to last to last and i get hit by cement, blaster and chandelier back to back what a joke dude. I got both the cement and the chandelier. What are the odds? It's fine, don't you dare dude? Who are you? Okay, perfect one? So far, no no damage taken boys we're chilling, and since this is the run, that's gon na cause the us to win we're gon na go ahead and give us ourselves some juice for increased damage.

Chad, do you think magic on magic is gon na be good or not, because you think that you get extra magic damage against the magic target or not. What about dragon on magic? Is that good um? Ah, nobody gets cemented here. Watch out, nope! Oh, don't under my moon, guys, i'm getting max aggro she's, not swapping targets. Okay, i think next time: okay, okay, it's just fine! Next again, next time, let's just chill you guys, if i have aggro, i'm just gon na go back and just wait and wait and wait until any of my dudes have aggro.
And then we engage it because if she's not like on a hard lock-on, then it dude or should we use wolves? Should we use well instead, maybe wolves are not that wolves will go to the target faster, so they trigger aggro feel a bit easier. No, let's try wolves one time and we're here with poison this time. What else can we use? That's gon na boost our damage, voice uh. This is all garbage.

Uh use everything here. Never allies! No, not really. Let's go see how it goes boys, let's get it 35 months. Am so i dodge, but whatever watch out cement cement upstairs go, go, go, go, go, go! Absolutely this! Okay, it's over just bad rotation.

It is what it is. They hit the staggering time. Uh we're gon na get cement as well. I mean okay, i mean this is okay, this isn't runner.

Okay in terms of everything, this was in the runner. Okay, the seat was dog, the order was garbage, the cement positioning was dog and it's garbage. Okay. What i like about this is it's cranking it it's like a machine.

You get bad luck, bad luck, blah blah blah! It's stacking then boom. Okay, good luck, easy clap, it's cracking! It's cracking! It's cranking, i'm not coping! I'm not coping! Yes, there is cement. What is it, what is it it's little cement? What is it it's, a great brick, cement, starter katana. I mean if the game offered any other weapon that you could find in the game that isn't hidden in a thought in the bottom of a creek uh.

I did it, but apparently this game likes hiding weapons that aren't cast or under like a million. It's i don't tell you sleep, ah, got it cement incoming? Oh, so giants wait. Did it not disappear? Ah, oh my god. I saw phase three.

I thought phase. Three. Oh, my god, ah forty thousand, where did he flee my sweetings come out from whence he hide? There are books and light a plenty did not come out, say i, or will he be gravestones to be better, born a new again? Ah thou? Is it thy wish to be born anew to become a sweeting reborn, my beloved egg? We want to do. We want to reward him.

Wait, rebirth, cosmetics, wait. Can you? What does that mean? Do you read full respect? Can we come back later? It's locked off yo. We could come back and just respect it, then that's actually kind of interesting. Okay, let's go and level up.

What would we raise the gas anyway? Well, do we even have equipment, that's cool for, like another class or whatever, not really right, when i got these stabs and okay? What did you just give us boys? She gave us items right, you, okay, so this is a respect. Token, pretty much. Okay, we always go to the golem to give him to give him his his death. He wants that chat.

She gave us this and what else should give us something else? No all remembrance! Okay, so i don't. I just actually know what to do. For me this one, i'm i don't know i don't know where to go. I know, as that is, is locked and i don't know how to unlock it.
I know where to go. Okay, you can use, remember the weapons, but where, though, are you playing, it hasn't? Come out for me yet for 10 hours, oh, my god. We still have the item to go here, dude, the finger lady, why? You think so because where was the finger lady, she was over here right! Oh yes, you want me to kill the puck. That can we kill the pot.

This guy got smoked on. Oh, where is chelsea. I dated the deed, lady, and i give my reward you, your fingers. No, i already did that, though wait chad, but now what, though, where do we go? Oh you go give it.

The death root sure why not give the key to the dude try divine towers. Oh the portal. Wait chat. What did you just give me swifty flying numerous sharp rock shards requires faith, because this game is all about intelligence and faith.

If you play this game and you go intellect fate, dog you're, gon na love, the game, then everything's for casualism everything up everything. Chad do you remember? Where was the teleporter? It was a little. It was a little bit down from the parlor correct. It was down here, correct, oh, come on man.

Give me a little alpha, don't be weird, there's a small help, xqc. That is a small one. I know it's actually um you go outside you go up. You turn right.

You go up the boulder all the way up the curve when you finally get up there. You turn right side, let's get it pogos boom. Ah such good memory. Ah, let's see what his lead is golden tailoring kit like what do you do with that? That that gives nothing in that gave us nothing literally so you're tarnished aren't you.

I welcome you to the church of vows. I am mirial steward of this sacred chamber. My apologies for the unseemly state of affairs. Do you know the origin of this place, how it came to be known as the church of vows? Well, that is a shame, but who can blame you? The shattering has caused us all of us to lose sight of something very dear.

What is that? It is here at the church of vows that the great houses of the earth tree and the moon were joined by the matrimonial bond between red-haired, rabigan and rinala of the full moon, and so our church holds in view the monuments of both houses. The earth tree of the capital and the academy of real lucaria, oh you are free. I would serve as your guide. If you find anything of use, you are free to take it with you.

Perhaps, in which case give a scroll chat. Should we give him all the scrolls that he needed that he wants? You wish to know. Lord ravi came to this, however, rather than taking the time the mystery has to wind tomorrow, cam, i give a stroll. Oh, what have we here very well? Let us both learn together.

Heresy is not native. All things can be conjoined. Oh, what have we here very well? Let us both learn together. Heresy is not native to the world.
All things wait a minute. What oh, what have very well the heresy is all things i don't get it guys. What is that? Look all faith, faith, faith, faith. All this is your faith study, sorcery, intellect faith and like fate or i mean so.

Let me tell you: how am i a game? Complainer, i'm just dude how's, that a game complainer the game is amazing. I'm i'm i'm just kind of annoyed that we don't. Then we don't have the choice. Um, do they rarely see items that are meant for the character, like literally we rarely get items that are for the character because we killed every boss available.

You say melee only uh melee only is boring, but you probably play a ranger and you only cast from across the universe and never have actual combat you're a mom. I don't give a smack. Oh, she said it is that man, chad, where do you think we should go next time? What place have we not explored? Yet? Maybe maybe the guy wants one have a a stone go back to him: dungeon old palace bed area, because whatever he is like in a very, very, very late game, it's super hard to you get one depth. We already killed the dragon.

We killed him. Oh, you mean the blue dragon. We could give him a try. Oh my god.

What is that wait? He has like a bat like a boss arena on his back. How would you guys get on top of them? Can make it so me holy marinara sauce me balls? Oh my gosh. Let us all pray for him. Oh, i used my map right there uh i'm now like that cause.

If i i have to go all the way, then man who's over here right in the water chat this shield and if they hit it, they get blood loss. Buildup, that's good right go through the bottom dude. I can't i actually can't, but i can't believe it. Let's go to the bottom dude come on now, ah, because the game has not been buggy that much today, it's uh today has been how much we uh glitch.

We had four glitches, four bugs i'll, be honest when there's a lot of hot. When there's a lot of hair right on characters and uh, there's a lot of feathers on the console so far, but it's not that bad! It hasn't been bad bad! Congratulations! You! I only notebooks! Now all you need to do is get out before i get you. First, oh wow, that's annoying! Oh boys, boys boys, boys, a bonfire for free dude. We take those for sure all right, wait, kill it! Oh dude, last time.

What are you on about? Why is he further back now guys we we, we did it last time, but the game was just bugging my face man, the game, literally just bugged, on my face it just bugged up man: where is he going there you go now we can make it. I think he's close again now: yeah he's close now, yeah he's maxed out yep there he is. Is it bugged? Wait what wait? What where's the horse where's the horse at the horse in spawn wait? What am i doing? The horse didn't spawn? Okay chap? Where should we go next time we killed a lot of bosses today, um. I don't really know how it advances it.
It advances us in the story that we killed the like the priestess lady. I don't know what it is for us. I have no clue. Look at the dragon.

What is that going to do for us? Let's go kill them it. Oh, my god. Where is he going all right? Let's try it! Ah, because i don't think it's killable she's very, very difficult one shot. I mean the other one shot.

It's gon na be up north. If i were to guess boys, this is just not gon na happen. Let's just go over another path. That's that's crazy! Okay, i don't think we went over here right, chad.

So let's go let's go and visit. Then then, let's play we're gon na find the that's right. We're gon na have the item that opens up the lift on the main structure, all the way up there and that bus is absolutely cooked, actually boiled, oh the townhouse. What is that? Oh, it's a rock get.

Is that a grotto or not a growto? I can't tell probably not oh jellyfishes. Should we go past them yeah? I think we're gon na find what we need over here boys. Look at this place. How did you get up because there need we need to get like um xqc like a septar or like a statue? We need a solid object.

That's gon na pick itself on a pla on it on a platform or a plate. Oh wow, a teleporter again, oh chat it. I think we do it wait what why not as we imbued what does that mean, kill the dude? Why you think this this big sucker is going to give it? Oh i mean okay boys. We need to make a choice here now: the top the top gates or the bottom gates.

Oh we're gon na use both right. Isn't it two per two per thing? That's, what's good, okay, please! We got him oh goodnight, and please please please, please give me a sword. What, where are we? Oh, we're past the spot? It's a bus, of course, no free item for us boys. Wait i mean i i i jammed.

I jammed. I wonder if you can um pair it, we can also go back to the guys that we can also go back to the spun area where there was a spot for a key dude, guys, big loot, inbound the big loot. I'm glad we came here, i'm not exactly getting here. It's gon na be a lot here.

Double loot, possibly possibly so ornament straight sword, wait a minute, eon strength, making good progress in this game. I see very proud of you. Xqc wait. I'm just keeping my legally blind grip on this game.

He's dead, omegle wait, wait a minute that could be insane, though right. Could that not be absolutely busting? You can you someone's in that, and i don't know why, though equipment huh, you can't put that as a as a two-hander, i'm so confused, i'm so confused. How do i wear both swords? Oh, like that wait. What do we do now x? You need to find the double-edged sword also find the island in the south through the cave.

Oh, no. We didn't finish the game. I mean, i think, we're kind of fine though, but not like crazy, crazy um. Should i shoot all the bosses, though? Okay we go.
We could go to the church and see what, if we get rid of that sword and make it like intense any busting. Okay, you never know uh. I think we have to test the dps first chat, because i i haven't played the dark souls enough for the series to know if, if dual wield is actually good or not, wait well, you're back goodbye. For now now, let's see okay, it would be e.

It'd still be e. You guys a somber's winning stone that looks kind of rare. It's from the bug. What what bug my bug? Wait! It's a next weapon, then jeff.

We could just respect that right. It's maxed out because now it's maxed out, you think that was worth it. Okay, okay, next, moves next move. So where do we go boys? Did we go over here or not? Did we make it over there or not? Oh, we didn't make it there.

Are you going to finish the game in one sitting, or are you going to stop at 24 hours? I have no idea, chad, you can't do it. You cannot do it with with uh blaze with dual blades. The real question is why the is post malin better than you at apex. Is he there's a star man waiting in the sky, he'd like to come and meet us, but there's a giant snows in the way? Let's just go test the place i wan na.

The fourth elevator, which one wait, what force elevator foreign wait this sword has a good chat. Wait 700 damage three years: let's get the out of here: okay, just the forest elevator. What does that mean? Although the blades are massive greater? Does that mean that they can go at lime, grave uh at what south east south east huh? Well, what by the elevator guys guys, i don't think we got both sides of the coins. Did we get both? So why are you trying to think about the elevator which one the weapon is only plus four, but it's maxed out the smithing said it's maxed out, hey it won't go.

It won't go more than that. Wait for an hour. Oh, we can put it at the hub, then it i think we should recycle that cat should we should we should we bother respecting it. Next is it? Is thanks build good boys, let's, let's, this is our theory all right, um and his damage is kind of disgusting yeah guys this damage is actually wild, amen with a dex, build though it would do more damage, because it's desk right like it would.

It would inherently make more damage. Oh wow, a tear, flask of wonders, physic, wait. All these names are very important to the game and we're only getting them now. Okay skip the entire swamp area, which is very fun to the game.

I guess dude we haven't, found a single strength sword ever and these swords look like they're insane. The problem, though, is the range on them. Oh, i remember now i remember what is that? Oh, when i told you we shouldn't go there. I remember that now: oh guys, these swords are about twice as fast as a weapon.

We have two of them and they have about 1.3 times the dps. I mean this should go nuts. Where are we going? Oh hey hold up where the are we going and we could also give him a blessing. Let's see him wait a minute.
This is half of hp, let's boost stamina and then what does that even do? Ah, whatever this was fun? Okay, now can i infuse my sword now or not it won't. Let me it won't. Let me map no map. I don't know what the we are.

Chad, melted mushrooms with the shield on aha, now we're talking dude, good luck, good luck with what the everything always so cryptic man. Now, let's see what we got here, boys i'm fat rolling. Why? What am i doing chad did? We actually think that this was a better, i don't know actually anymore. Should we test difference yeah much better? Oh no, they're! Definitely better! I like the shield, though this place is so weird.

This feels malicious here boys. It feels like evil place or something what wait a minute. I'm bugged, okay, i think we're gon na do this. I know what that was boys uh-oh.

I got your poison. What's in here, it's just another elevator! Oh, don't go up all the way through right. Okay, interesting, oh, what is this balloos? Okay got some ballistas got it we're going crab egg? That's disgusting dude guys like the same game, but at night enough right here. Wait what guys! I have no idea what the is happening.

Oh river mapping, huh! Oh dude, i'm i'm! I guess amazon right over here. Boys can't deal with it. This is real life or nuts. How do you offer a tear? How do you offer it here? How does that name? Work? Uh, okay! Well, i guess we're going almost died.

Very nice classic, oh there's a cry mouth. Do we even have that? Where the are we going items here, boys? Could that be good? No passive effects unlucky. It's very elaborate, though this game is much bigger than i thought would be. My champions are how big this game is: yeah, no passive, nowhere, okay, everybody knows where we're going right now: man, we're kind of gliding light, all the fires and bugged.

Again, that's two fires: how many more oh yeah, i'm not going to run with that! No thanks! Man, i'm good, i'm good, i'm good, i'm not going up with that dude we are chilling. I don't think we're poisoned. I've been doing something a little bit yeah! That's where this place is at. Oh, my god.

These blades are insane dude. These blades are wicked. Like 12. - oh, what's up here, one item, of course, just ruins again.

Okay, i give up now i'm molding there better, be something in that street cover under got it good. Oh, is that a uh a bone fire? It's not okay, wait what bones holy! Dude chash! Your butt all should we buy all of them goodbye too. Okay. First, let's go ahead and consume those if i just saw them.

Maybe i don't know: okay boom hello, again, good customer guys nah. These are not uh imbued they're, just normal right, uh could items know. I don't care about this arrow. We can always do some arrows right goodbye foreign, all right.
Let's go past this now, so we could find it more fire to light up my part with some very important quests boys. Oh there's also some some high ground over here. Over this, this supposed to be fun or what? What the was that guys? What the was that this is just bomb rushed. What can you kill them? Dude, what the actual is happening? Xqcl, it's just yeah.

It's just electricity because i feel like the horse is like slow a little bit. Stop stop! Stop okay, good, oh nice over there and then one more behind the left turn so being here too long. But what the holy these man without these swords we would. We would be getting clapped here.

Dude would actually be getting slammed without one of these swords. Okay, there's another fire right here. I think. So.

How do i light him without getting absolutely annihilated? How bow and arrow? Maybe okay, like that, i guess easy. Flapping, there's just a plug through them easy another. Here, i'm wondering if lighting up the virus is a little bit useless for the game, but who knows more stones? Oh square off? Okay, your spells! Oh tp. Let's not use it! Now, though, it's not usually now.

Let's still have the fires: first, more fires than my controllers: ps5 easy. What the oh dude dude, what the okay wait, what the i'm getting sniped from across the map. Oh so the underworld is not that big, it's kind of small that i thought it was huge. I can't really dodge unless you're looking at him.

I think you have to really see the projectile to dodge it and he's just running. You die yeah like the jackals and halo, one legendary. Oh, i think i saw one more fire over there. Where is that all the fires, thanks for streaming, cozy game today, my cat died yesterday? Oh no, there's a there's a tv right there, man, let's start at carpet bombing my neighbors also.

Can you please stand up and stretch for one minute you've been sitting for a while monkey's blood cloth, yeah move a little bit, you know got the outside. Okay, where the are we okay, chad? I feel like we weren't done in there, because i feel like there was more to do in there. Was there not more to do how many more fires would it i feel like we live like it's only fire fire there's one to the left when you're. Looking the other way when you're looking the way, okay to revive the dead thing, come on thanks dude dad left the gate open for five minutes and he got out.

I seriously don't know what to do. He was my best friend. I love everything. I love you all chatting next, you see excuses.

Why is these man? Oh, it's nice, a seed. Can we get one more flask? That's really good. Where am i going um? I can't find the fires come over here. So it's it's like it let up and then we'll go to the tp dude.

This game has so many places like sports insane dude. So much explosion to do that's lit that's lit, let's that one is lit up what else. Oh i've been here for sure here. I'm over here it should be.
It can't move xqcm. Oh it's actually, alright! So we get boys, surely not a boss right! You were the reza bosses to kill it. Ah, of course, it's a boss come on see, i'm pretty sure these that were there again. If you died, you can respawn at those, but you have to choose it right, since, if you see one of these, you have to go to your bonfire.

Oh wow, we have to kill it. Okay, my fault uh. I was looking for a spell. I'm so dumb see america.

I was looking uh. I think we do stuff first and then we do enemy change, wait! Wait! When you summon! I do not. So i didn't stop locking in on the boss. It's so bad dude, dude where's.

He going so ouch one. Two dude: where is he going dude, come on this long phone is actually bus, indoor m, okay, guys the lock-on is the word. I've seen it in ages. I mean why would the game make me lock on on the only part that this character cannot hit guys? It's aiming for the top of the torso like hello, okay, wolves.

Let's go go, go! Go! I dodged! Okay! Okay! Thank you for the banks. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Wow ouch, my head dodge.

Oh god, i was already locked in that. Hurts me lock on is actually trolling dude come on. I mean come on, dude, guys, okay, okay, okay, the buzzer, okay, the boss would have died actually twice. It goes into the absolute darkest volcano holy, then dude.

I wish it was like the other boss, a little bit man. You keep looking somewhere else, man how's that cope, because i missed like three full bars: three full standbars. I've wasted for no reason do it again: yeah i'll, just remove it whenever i'm heading i'll. Just take it off, okay, one! Thank you for the kind words chattered xqc.

Let's go, let's go. Let's go come on fun. Wow. We passed them interesting, whatever i'm going under it, ouch that mistake again what dude, what this lock on is just trolling me dude come on man, i mean he was dead guys he was really dead.

He was actually dead if the lock on actually hit probably dude come on man. My camera is backwards, i'm logged onto the boss i hit and it hits the towards the belly. What is on this? Hey go: go, go, go, go today was awful. I had to explain to my son that a school bus hit the dock, because my wife and i had to take - i dodged that actually huh again, that's so easy holy wait.

He just got farmed holy actually farmed. Now, what i did external points and then my favorite chat spanish band or guitar time. What is yours felix? Oh, the new, summon, no shots. No, we don't you're lying.

Oh! No! We do actually wait. We can't even afford that. Can we 6 36 another one? Oh, let me see is that a good summon, oh the tp right was it again. It was down here right, let's see i'll, see it rocha there.
It is, let's see what it takes that. Ladies: like foot strikes, you can post people should wait. What what the was i getting baited by the like, the oldest chick in the book? Dude, not they'd, pog, you! Finally, my update. I mean wait for this one, okay, now what what are we gon na? Nor do you think again, dude i haven't.

I have no idea where we're going. I have abs, i'm in i'm door we're going i'm just kind of just playing it. You know we never went to the top tippy top ever tippy top of um the left side. Let me go to the right table.

Uh we're gon na upgrade this one just lie: wait what oh, we don't have it when i voice um yeah, i'm using it i'm using dick's items. If i would have strength bill because i'm stupid chad, i think we try to explore this this castle. I think this could have um either the second piece of the medallion or the item to put in at the arcane temple one or the other or literally nothing, but i mean i don't want to respect him by now. I don't i don't think we should is what, if we get the most insane strength gun in the game, wow, okay, that's impressive, nursing! Don't like it! What was that? How does that deserve the? Why? Don't you wrong way did that i just the wrong way.

This is what it go down: yeah you have to hook backwards and then you take the road and you lead it up north. Let's see we can find boys the club. What would we get? What would we get the club? It's like an old weapon now dude, i'm trying to get something modern and recent something contemporary and hit with it. Joint right now wait a roon arc.

What is that a rune arc or the caravan hi chat? Excuse me. You made me smile today. What the i just got obliterated dude, it sure, is way to go down here. Right, come on, that's not too bad come over here now.

It's not, let's not push it. Then, when you drop down, that is what it is. Chad. Let me show you the caravan that they have loaded.

Can i get a welcome to the jungle? Look at our souls back guys, i'm busting little dudes gon na be stacking with it. Okay was that every single song we got from the bus all lost, losing all of them, just forget it dude um, ah dude. This is so frustrating dude like i get it you're not supposed to jump down from places because they want the game to be known. Like i get it the is it not annoying it's annoying you're like so.

I couldn't see it because it's dark at night. I can't see anything now. I hit the caravan oh hit me what's on this guy, that was close, foreign, ah okay, actually last one. Okay! Last time, okay, boys actual last life legend, i'm gon na try my hardest.

Last life i mean dude, i'm not yeah, i'm not focusing anymore. Alright. This is permalink voice pro okay, you summoned that you're right, everybody actually kind of cool you're right, i think. Sometimes i forget to use like busy mechanics my advantage literally just basic.
Well, the medieval drive-by is working and the problem is um, the they're behind me. They backstab me and i get one taps stream earlier. Dude that was live at wait, wait. What was wrong.

I was live all day what i can't catch them so come on. Then i averaged very much there's more about 700 and more. Why is that a boss, so that's rolled holy, isn't that there doesn't have any more left right, huh, so that's kind of annoying jesus. You think um get loot now, oh, we can actually holy.

Okay, wait a minute intellect off you dude again, it's one of these bum all like uh impact, sword, magic or caster. Finally, a bonfire nah, there's only blue at the back. Never fun is where we'll sit down and whatnot. You know guys it's not gon na.

Take our tour. It's just not look at this. That's on it is that a map, it's not a map. What's going on here, man what's everything's happening here, my village full of nothing cool man, i love nothing should have known foreign now boys.

Oh damn! Well, look at you! We don't receive many visitors. I presume you are tarnished. What brings you here? Oh pardon me. It's hardly my place to ask: is it i am eg a blacksmith who once served the carion royals, an old codger who refuses to retire his rusty hammer? So here i am still quietly trying my trade on this spot.

Perhaps you'd like a display. These bones are old, an advancement. I need a somber smithstone uh level. Four, he has some.

Are we gon na have enough this? Something plus four check you once one level five. What do you didn't get that? Oh, when i'm absorbed in my smithing, i lose sights of all else. If you come too close, i'm apt to cause you harm. I am, after all, terribly large compared to you tarnish what i'm insane.

You don't know how hard it is, what the is happening. We're north now, oh, we finally made it to the north voice. Okay, this is this is kinda scary, find a win to the castle boys. How do we get in here? Good, good, good, good boys we're getting there pac-man? Sorry, eminor yo? What is that?.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Elden ring is a masterpiece”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deus Vult says:

    Is X playing Elden Ring nonstop? He is still wearing the same shirt ever since Part 1 until Part 3

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trent Zimmer says:

    PepeLaugh 400K PepeLaugh if you know you know

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Calm Creations - 4K Relaxing Music says:

    don't forget, you are loved 💜

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikey B says:

    Doesn’t like blue cheese but will suck toenail cheese from his toes LULW actual manchild

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wendeez says:

    damn, he's even eating onion rings purely for immersion purposes

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lex Furness says:

    Yes it is, finished my first play through last week, just started it again!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jeff Sanders says:

    My favorite part of this game is the stutters and lag c:

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Minecraft Genix says:

    I was waiting for this. Thanks Mr.Cow

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Djoko Daryl says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Luhman says:

    Bro I just finished ep 2 and u just uploaded

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Loldude321 says:

    Right on time for my lunch break, let gooo

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Richards says:

    This guy knows how to Elden the perfect ring

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ARTEMIS SKULL says:

    First! waiting for this to pop up in notifs!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LGZ says:

    "Elden Ring Is A Masterpiece" sounds like a penguinz0 title

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MachoCar says:

    You make me wanna go play it rn

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