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#xQc #TikTok #Memes

How are you huh sorry, what was that didn't quite catch, that what was that? Could you repeat that one more time i can't really hear you yeah? Oh sorry, 350.! I couldn't really hear you hey. How are you good? How are you huh sorry? What was that didn't quite catch that? What is that? Could you beat that one more time? I can't really hear you yeah. Oh sorry, 350.! I couldn't really hear you hey. How are you good? How are you huh sorry? What was that things like that? Like the customer service dude, could you repeat that one more time i can't really hear you yeah? Oh, i'm sorry look at his spine, hey.

How are you what was that ugh first, i told him to leave me the alone. The kept talking me crazy. This dude right there i told him to leave me alone man. He kept talking me crazy and he and i punched his ass.

I'm sorry! I don't think we're here for you! Oh okay, i'm sorry, my bad! Sorry, i'm sorry! He punched me. First, i told him to leave me the alone. The kept talking me crazy, this dude right there. I told him to leave me alone man, he kept talking, he crazy and he and i punched his ass.

I'm sorry, i don't think we're here for you. Oh okay, i'm sorry, my bad! Sorry, i'm sorry how the hell you been buddy, good, good, good great. What brings you restart restarting in here, yeah yeah, this one's weird, this one's well slurp on some tuna, let's skedaddle and spoon huh how the hell you been buddy, good, good, good great! What brings you in here same there? You go check it out. I got the six pack of oe want to meet me out in the parking lot and split it with me.

Ah, it's good to see you yeah. Did it so awkward. You were such a fascinating little minx or, as kenneth would say, flm remember just sitting there and studying you with a ice cold can of tuna juice in my hand, oh, i got one on me. Right now actually check this out.

It's made for finches, but humans can drink. It too want a sniff, no, no you're, sure it's good stuff, hey i'll, see you soon, buddy, oh by the way i got two buckets of sardine paste sitting in the trunk of my honda accord out front. You want to meet me out there and dunk your head and one with me. You know.

Okay, i don't know whether i've got a lot of stuff to do. Yeah it'll get real, weird, real wild. All right, don't forget five, five. Okay, that was weird.

I know. Jesus, i can't wait to see. Oh chris, you know bed you knob, oh, i don't think jada got the joke, guys! Guess that's! Hair loss! Huh! Oh brilliant uh, wait chris chris! That was quite a bold joke. You made there huh august would never treat me like this.

Well, at least it's march. Am i right? That's really you tend to get sick right boys. If you go up there and slap chris i'll, let you you'll! Let me what i'll let you watch me have sex with another man. Tonight, i'm sorry, chris, okay, dude jaden.

I didn't watch this one fully, but this was uh the beginning made me laugh what the am i supposed to eat now i gummy worms for dinner. Are you kidding me? I don't know how to cook this. This is a mess, no one's clean. I can't find my keys know that you know this that you did.
I got a little tickle in my throat. I don't know how to make a doctor's appointment. You always did that for me. What the are you serious, she's? Okay, interesting 69, you got to be trolling brother.

I just failed my ap calculus test totally i'm actually brain dead, unlucky tbh we go next what'd. You get 54 skull, emoji time, seven you're! Actually more branded than me: bro get better kid: student diff, math, diff, tbh, unlucky, ggs! We go next 69. You got to go back. I just filled my ap calculus test totally i'm actually brain dead, unlucky tbh to go next playing.

You know seven you're! Actually, more than his voice or whatever, what is this i'm going to? Okay, hey felix punched, this sucker and keep my roommate's name out of your mouth whoa. Did we just watch that man hold on oh you're, watching that one did you go through my legs? Oh boy, that's dangerous. Can you explain why you think that that's going on no there's, probably a short inside there somewhere and the breaker's, not even tripping? Oh boy, something's, going on? No, it's not even reading anything. It's dead.

We got here, bob the spectacle, not working. What the oh boy, that's dangerous! Why is it touching his shirt with his hands, though? Can you explain why you think that that's we need to be grateful because in some countries like even for china, like china, like they don't have fortnite, we need to be grateful because in some countries like even for china, like china, like they don't have fortnight, we Need to be grateful because in some countries like even for china, like china, like they don't have fortnite, oh my god, i requested to join i'm jeremy guy mayonnaise bird duty, the birds in the area so dirty they pull all my body like that. That's a good one. Oh i got a fist hey.

Can you take a video for me? It's for my dad. It's already video hey. Can you take a video for me duo's? I wanted my goldfish and chill man in my face, yo that exploded in my face. Oh, oh man, what the is eating that is, that is gross sir! Is this what big boogies and all the memphis rappers get that jerry from sir jerry from sir? He can't hear him regularly.

Yes, sir, is this what big boogie and d moonlight and all we need to be grateful? Hmm.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Tiktoks my friend sent me that made me cry laughing”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KleinStyle says:

    the "keep fucking my wife's mouth" clip had me in tears. i choked on my chicken nuggets

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raum says:

    My only takeaway from this video was unfortunately that riven is broken (yes broken, not overpowered). I don't understand how they can make such a champ manaless. Aatrox is manaless because his combo's are easily dodgeable or in the very least his main damage is flashable and his cooldowns are pretty long as well. Riven on the other hand has very little cooldowns and a shielding ability for trading and is hypermobile. Not to mention her entire kit revolves around oneshotting you from full or 80% (depending whether she has a long sword or a pickaxe) as soon as she hits 6. I don't understand why such a champ, which has so much trading power in her abilities and can one-combo you with no counterplay, (unless you have flash and she doesn't) is allowed to be manaless. Oh and then the riven mains and the non-top players come in and say, 'Oh man, what are you talking about, riven takes so much skill, you have to animation cancel and combo in order to do anything with her.' Oh? And if you can do these things? Where is the counterplay for the other player? When you animation cancel your entire combo to make it finish within around 1.3 secs (I think that's the number, correct me if I'm wrong), how is the other player supposed to play around your abilities when they have no cost? This is not good game design and the only champ with remotely similar manaless ability spam is rumble and guess what, riot weren't smoking pot that time around and gave him his heat bar to limit his ability spam.
    Oh and for non-top players, here is how laning vs riven goes early (for a champ that scales pretty well into the late game with how mobile she is):
    Case 1: You are playing a poke champion (Let us take gangplank)
    You walk into lane level 1, confident in your abilities to win the level 1. Riven tries to cheese you from the brush but you get your passive on her and disengage and Q her as she tries to back off. A favourable trade, you would say. Then both of you get level 2, she gets her E, now whenever you try to Q her she can negate your poke 50% of the time, not to mention she started long sword and 3 pots so she is back to full after that trade and still has a pot left over. Oh well, you say, I'll just trade with her with my barrels. Then you realize if you try to do a double barrel combo, she can literally E or Q away by the time the second barrel explodes, thus negating your other trading tool. Now you're both level 3, you're trying to melee last hit a minion. She Q's into your minion wave, W's and ignites ur ass while you are 80% hp. You think, 'my minions are gonna fck her up' but then u see her animation cancelling all her abilities so her combo finishes in the time that ur minions only attacks her once or twice, you flash away from her last knockup (now 25% hp after your W) and she is still at 75% hp after popping her last pot and E'ing your last Q as she back's off. Oh wow, you think, how nice, I'm playing pretty well but I still can't beat her, maybe I can kill with my jungler. Your jungler comes, but guess what? The champ has 4 dashes and is manaless so after spamming every ability on cooldown, she can still do that. Your jungler comes and by that time she has almost reached her tower from the middle of the lane. Oh well, you say, I must have been bad at playing around her cooldowns, then you see that her cooldowns on her dashes are 12 secs limited by her Q and you feel, isn't this champ a little overtuned? Oh well, you think. I'll kill her at level 6 since she's level 5 still and I got sheen, I'm on my powerspike. You poke riven down to 80% hp, she has a pickaxe while you have a sheen and a long sword. You walk up to take CS, she Q's into you which also kills a minion and she gets 6. She immediately ignites you, and proceeds to onecombo you through your W and with no counterplay. After you're dead you saw that she started the fight with 60% hp and is still at 40% HP after triumph. Hmm, you wonder, this champ has to have some weakness. Let me answer that for you: no.
    I'll edit in the other cases later once I get time.
    Good vid btw!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I'm green says:

    These videos: unfunny Tik toks which xQc laughs at, chat originally pepepains but decides that because xQc laughed at said video it must be funny, repeat Indefinitely.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Too Lude says:

    Better take this down before you get the shit slapped outta you. You in much danger.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Weeaboo Plumbus says:

    Why does everyone in his chat hate Britain it’s actually cringe

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PolloDiabolico says:

    the chat is so stupid, before x laughed they were all "????" then after the laugh all went "LUL"

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars curtis says:

    Moxy always had good memes and vids but tbh there mostly cringe or bad and he just laughs to try make it funny

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ғree Roвυх 👈 on мy proғιle 🤖 says:

    I appreciate that the links to the original videos are there, it’s a great way to digest the video whenever you feel like it ALM

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Free Roвυх 👉 on мy proғιle 🤖 says:

    i love watching you guys you always make my day better! ANM

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I Want To Be a Billionaire says:

    I loved the fish guy

    PS: I have a duck video, a chicken video, a video where i am begging for money on Twitter, a walking video, a video where i am playing with my nuts… Also a patreon

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BeniPls says:

    tiktoks from m0xy are funny but tiktoks with m0xy send mr. cow to the grave crying LULW

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Seet says:

    That first TikTok hurts me so much. I work at a Kroger and whenever a customer asks for something, I always gotta ask them to repeat themselves because of sensory overload. I have high-functioning autism so you wouldn't know unless you knew through me or experience. We hear everything going on at the same time so our brains can't register what's being said very well. The registers beeping across the store, the cart wheels scraping the ground, everyone else talking, the other employees stocking, and the machines running are all equally as loud to us. It's like living life with headphones on playing ambient noises at full volume

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akku _gx says:

    Fun Fact the man who was at in the mall selling watches in that clip was speaking Hindi (not Arabic or Mexican)
    i am not clear what he said ,but i know some sentence of what he said "i work here for 4" and starts cussing the customer out randomly

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kaustubh Udamale says:

    I just hope the AUGHHHHHHHH sound doesnt become bland by it being used so many times

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