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What happens today, people that missed it? Okay? Is that there's already a small quebec flag that was exactly over here about this big okay, and what we did is that we expanded it to both sides and it was about um that big i'd say it would pay. It was gon na it was going past. The turkey one all over here - it was all over here - okay and now it's over here, but it's way smaller. Okay.

What happened is that the trans flag pushed it and what happened with the turkey flag is that we pushed uh into the turkey flag is because they wouldn't want to listen okay, so the demands are trying to fix the extra cl one. So we did that. We invaded and we broke it, that's like flag it, but after career consideration, i led the people to uh fix it and they fixed it. So they they fixed.

The turkey fly again, which was nice. It was. It was a. It was a moment of peace that that that um solidified our relationship but for some reason, mill.

The knight, the trans flag pushed inside of the the quebec flag and turkey completely broke the entirety of the the the blue with butts with butts the trance flag and the crew, the diggy flag they completely invading. And this with bots, which force the quebec people to go to the bottom and rebuild from scratch, and people just move down their lives like everything matters against fine, so they chat. I think we begin the void from here. This is not the void, it isn't the void.

This is guys. These voids are boring it. This is the boy we start in the middle of turkey, because that that was the initial problem, the turkey flag, and i think i can switch people on the turkish people. I love the flag, i have an idea, we start with the void.

Okay, the concept of the void is a big black mass like a tumor, okay and my vision for it and from the big black hole the branches out, and it corrupts everything around it. Okay and if there is stuff that we really like that, we want to do, we don't want to break it, we can go in between and be nice the original shut up cat. I try to make a big black hole in the middle here. I am part of the fight: can you purple it use my bowl, i think purple with black eyeliner guys purple.

My guy is good nah. I don't think we don't get the support of void. Okay, i think sorry, because this i get it other users had to avoid when it was black juicy with the purple void, give it a try. The purple void looks good.

Oh, it's actually incredible. This is pretty good guys. This is bots. This is this is bots.

I'm telling you dude look look at how the red is putting out these mother suckers man. How was this? I was just bad settle down, it's just pixels on the bottom, it's pixels! Okay, and where were you? Where were you when they took over quebec and go back, quebec died to a crisp, but where you did it one day when they, when they massacred quebec, that we spent hours fixing and make it cool? Where were you were you? You were probably asleep? Okay, they smoke us out of here man, we don't. We are one of our first big roots chad, because because turkey is fighting so hard, okay, we need to start going somewhere. I think we pierce the trans flag and we go to uk like this like that boom, like that, i think we pierce through it and we go.
We go like this beam like that. Guys, don't make it too weird. It doesn't look like a root because it's acid like like a roots, that's like a root good good. It.

No guys, don't define it guys, don't go too far. I guess. Okay, let me explain the concept again. Let me explain the concepts of battle.

Okay, guys. I've seen this before: okay, i've seen this before. Okay, we need to understand it is that if you spread too thin too early, the bots and the people will overwrite your efforts, but chad this root is so good. This road is so good, guys break the outlines, chat, attack the outlines, attack the borders attack things because attack things that make it look recognizable.

If you attack recognizable features first, it is hard for them to rebuild because they don't know where it starts and where it ends attack things that are visual first and then roll the fillers. Okay, okay, not bad! Does it? People that understand the roots will join the cause. This is not bad dude. This is not bad at all.

It's not ugly just push downwards into the scene. Yeah nice roots push the roots yeah. That's it all! These communities, they're small they're, weakened they're, very small communities that they're gon na get overwhelmed very easily sorry for the communities that are being invaded guys. It isn't.

It is what it is guys. It's easy push. The purple push push guys push purple. This is our new hobbit chad.

This is this: is our center commander guys push the borders break the borders break the borders, make it look our own boys and not bad guys? This is looking really good yeah. This is looking pretty good. We're doing pretty good now guys start pushing in this communities, roots roots, roots roots, avoid it you guys, oh susan, this is impossible. You'll never give it to.

Thank us. I don't think nothing anyway, guys it'll, look good when it when it's. Why is perusal foot? Let them have it, let them have it it's fine, it gets it does it if peru wants their corner. Okay, we're going to allie with the peru yeah.

This is a. This is a call to all peru, bots and friendlies. We will not invade peru, we can. We will help you rebuild your border if you instead use your cooldown to help us build the route yeah dude, i used my cooldown dude.

I i'm building the road to the roof. Okay, okay, okay, the roots get the rookies. This is good. This is good guys.

Focus focus: okay, guys. We need some people, you guys have to repeat a little bit of the route. Okay, but the main vein is strong. Take push the whole life, i get push it push it guys guys you guys want to be.
Yes, it gives me one dimensional chat, i don't mind, i will listen to soldiers. I will listen to the people in the front lines. Okay, is this what you want you have it chat curve the root horizontally into all alive chat, push the route start, making it curve it curve the route into alignment. What happen people are you guys, the bots guys the bots are fighting it guys.

You guys guys we're fighting not only humans but bots. This is tough, guys attack the outlines. Make them forget what size the triangle is. Make them forget what the owl looks like it make it forget, even the colors of it attack the formation.

Okay, okay, guys temporarily come back guys, guys hold up. That's butts, okay, try i'm not getting it! Let them come back a little bit fight peru. Every everybody break the border, guys guys and take the features. The outline the border.

Sorry did we play guys. We played our cards fair, we were reasonable and we were pushed back now we consume. Oh, please, for a good art. Were you there? What happened were you were they yesterday when quebec was? Was the victim of one of the biggest attacks out there in the history of a place? There was good art, there was poutine, there was it all quebec.

There was poutine with a second, they attacked ruthlessly, they destroyed quebec. What is wrong man? What is wrong? Did you want to know what what what what wan na know what the slogan of quebec is? Our thing is, it's i remember look. Jesus means english means. I remember i remember when they attacked it.

Quebec. I remember when they take the flag we remember now we push because osu is too big. Their communities are too big. They have too many bots.

We will not smoke osu good, good, good, good job. Keep this up, guys, stop going, stop stop going fat. I mean stop going big next battle. Do not hurt oh sue, it is not guys.

It is not worth it. It's not that it's not. That i like osu, is that every all your efforts will be uh, uh, um, reverted. It make a black line around those two make the outline all around osu and pushing this consumer consumer consumer consumers.

Okay, this is good guys, keep fighting him guys, keep making the blackout line black outline chat, guys if all goes well boys, we could you. This could be our hover. Look. There's purple here, look, there's free purple in here and one here it connects.

It looks good use the route here and put it in the highway chat, use the route here, the purple one and push the highway guys. This is not bad at all, guys, we've all nights. Okay, we will build, we will build and make cool ships. For now we consume just a little bit just a little bit: man, chad, okay, who's, attacking it who retreat okay people, people at the bottom come back.

Come back, people put it at the back. Go back. People in here go back everybody back to maine heal this who's. Doing this, sir it'll look good how's that a shield how's this you're literally all on twitter, all chat.
You don't know you're only on the main chat, just fix it all right, bugged out, yo yo. Can you help me finish my uh, my twitch logo uh, i'm getting a lot of pushback from a lot of people. I know who's doing it. I need the butts.

It's osu wait is those wait you're, not a nose just territory, you're, good yeah yeah, but they're coming yeah, but they're commando. The commando help me out man. What is this rainbow behind me? I don't know it's buzz. Okay, it's literally! It's literally.

You not attack my donkey kong, okay dude, i haven't thought you're talking about for man just help me out with my logo. It looks pretty good. What's in the box, who is doing who's doing this who's it taking so hard. I don't know.

No, it's not. Turkey. Wait a minute, apparently, you have a massive hate threat on our slash place, so it could be literally. Everyone wait really where someone like it is it actually that big show me see, look at this guy, he says actually does not want to fight osu, stop fighting them exactly see what i'm saying see it no they're being chilly.

Let me chill, i don't know why. They're doing that, stop attacking it yeah, it's confirmed, osu, listen! I i look. I get it. You guys have a big white alliances with everybody yeah.

We are not attacking you. Why are they mad about our black outliner? It's the roots, who's. This everyone thinks, oh so, we're being told by iron mouse. Who is this loser come on chat.

We can do this, and i've got three accounts ready for this whoa alting. Do they have any um? Do they have any place that now that these days are grouped? Let's just destroy them: okay, guys, where do they? Where are they destroyed after? Where are they looking at that? Let's just go roll them. I don't give a anymore. I don't give any more! This guy, okay yo everybody attack, yoshi logo, ready three, two one consume every in break the guys order the battle one attack the features make it look really guys is it attack the airlines burn it consume.

They want to battle via boil they wanted to fight. They get the smoke consumer, they start attacking for no reason we were being chill. We made a women outline to be like you know. This is us this.

Is you here's the ears of bloodline between it as a peace maneuver, and how do they? Thank us by attacking the lord for no reason, and anyway i have three accounts logged in oh yeah. You have three account. We got. We got hundreds of thousands of gas logging done.

You wan na pick a battle you play you're playing with a titan people, say people say you're on the side of osu. Are you an elsewhere or not? I i do think osu deserves its independence. Yes, okay. I am okay, i'm not contributing.

I am okay, a neutral observer, i started making a twitch alliance and they uh osu officially had their discord shares start attacking my logo with red, and it was them. Where did? Is this documented yeah? I, on the behalf of this call? Okay, i would like to formally apologize to osu. Okay, we will cease fire. It was a misfire misunderstanding.
This diplomatic problem is not over everybody back to turkey, boys boys, boys. You know what to do. You know what they do. Boys boys, i'm sorry.

I knew it guys it was a misfire. It was a misfire guys all right guys for no reason. Oh my god, i'm getting out of this! I'm getting happy hell, don't rebuild hell! Everybody we'll come back later! So now does osu hate us. Can one of my associates talk to the oc leaders? Are they mad at all of us who are they mad at another building? They have bots and there guys stop thinking seriously, stop making threats and really weird messages based on your on your country or your flag, guys these are pixels and nobody cares.

These are little images, they're, pixels, okay. They are literally lights on your monitor that change color, based on the data that some website is receiving it. That's a corporate, okay, okay, nobody! Nobody cares! This is not your country. It's a pixels, yo chad! I want to build a watch logo guys.

I want to build a new watch logo. That's what i want yeah. This is good. Chad is good.

Keep it up boys! Keep it up. This is so good. This is so good. The big guy wait.

Man i mean this is good. Chad doable chat, doable guys blackout line great in line black details. I think almost done boys. This is good.

You guys. I always wonder why. Why is osu so fragile? They start attacking all the whatever they start firing back because of an outline. Look how good it looked? Oh, my god, guys guys guys they're they're overwhelming.

I don't think this is. I don't think it's stickable guys. We can't hold it, don't think again because it'll, it's doing it automatically guys. What is this pixel counter? Why are they so try hard and i was helping out? No, i didn't know the discord.

Uh exists so this year, when i knew that it was being uh. It was happening on our subreddit oc game. I joined it days before uh. It started and i helped them organize um the faction.

We were starting to create alliances even before our slash place, uh existed and that's how we were able to uh put ourselves on the map. That quickly is that, before, after you guys became so fragile before or after what do you mean i'm saying um, it seems like anything that happens around the logo. You guys are crying like a bunch of when did that happen before or after you guys started to get into this. Well, that's true! That's because we had to make alliances in order to survive at the early game.

Okay, because uh, we built an outline that wasn't even touching the those logo and girls started uh uh invading for no reason, that's true, but in order to survive in the early game, we made alliances, close alliances with the uh factions right around us, which included the Territories that you guys invaded, which is why yeah, but i feel you guys, are blame offloading because um then i saw you guys overwhelming the logo blame offloading. Excuse me, you were the ones who went onto our friends territories and we're going to stand by them. Just like they stood by us in the early game: okay, okay, okay, so we can, we can have this diplomatically or we can invade and have explosions. Everything goes and it goes down and it starts getting corrupted.
If you want to do that. That's fine me and my friends are going to uphold our land uh your land, being the whole map, we're not allied with the whole map. We can't make those uh negotiations. Dude dude, you guys have alliances like i'm.

Also in like 40 of the thing 40 is an exaggeration. It's not it's, not it's just not. It may seem that way. Yeah like like 20, the the fact of the matter is your numbers completely outweigh ours.

The only difference is that we're just bash crazy. We're willing to stay here until five in the morning fighting this war and, if you're not going to back down, we are going to stay here, okay until the middle of the night. So this is this: this will. This will uh become a late game scenario.

Look they're doing it again. This will become a late game, everybody i'm sure everybody wants their picture to be in at the last second sure i can organize something to where the where the only thing i do is that at the end we just corrupt everything and it became just a, but We want to build something if you guys are always going to fight back everything, that's being built, then that's how it's going to be. Then i don't get it yeah. If you want to do that, that's perfectly fine.

We are already laying down the groundwork. Just for that doomsday scenario: okay, whether you guys are there at 5am or 3m or whatever it is. This is about to close, because they get absolutely smoked at the end, if we're hostile, the entirety of our slash place, gets destroyed and we're fine with that. We're prepared to fight what is doing it they're still doing it they're still getting this weird, like crappy ass, like uh third log over mine.

What what that that's perfectly fine! I mean why are you doing that? Look, i have a monkey see the monkey. Oh, the monkey on on dean herbert that's the developer of osu, that's i'm dean i'll, say: where's, dinette dean is right over your village. I know it's dean, watson and he's a devon. What about it? Dean herbert the lead developer of osu? I know who that is.

Oh yeah, but see his system, isn't there anymore we're trying to rebuild it? So that's our turf and we're defending it. Just like you've built that, just like you tried invading the oats logo, we are defending the dean, but it's no. No, but sometimes they need to give up and say this is not much of any more. It's just not, of course.
Well. We had our priorities, we're privatizing those logo over the dean. So obviously, when uh we weren't able to one logo, it's not there anymore. I don't see it.

What do you mean by that? Well, where's dean, i'm looking at my. Is he one of the turds on it? I don't get it yeah, we're still going to take it. So one of the small turds is him. Yes, the entire thing that you built your monkey on top of is the dean.

I don't see no he's not on my screen, yeah, you build on top of it. On top here's the deal. Here's the deal. I know you're trying to use a different taxes of negotiations and here's the thing we are willing to stand our ground with our allies and if you can't defeat us, you are going to have to work with us.

Okay, you are work with you and unless you're anywhere, when did you guys invade? Are you going to stand our ground because there's nothing more fragile than the one osu users and weebs, and you guys are just fragile, well we're fragile as flock, but for some reason you still can't take us out what's up with that, all right: okay, guys, regroup, Epidemiology on pink event, guys keep your cool down three two one burn it burn it. Boys invade. Oh everybody back to do it, i'm not sorry! This is good content, dude! Sorry man! I mean it is what it is all right. Boys boys now now that they're rebuilding chat, guys, let's uh, let's go back to our parodies, then we can make an alliance.

He has a joint like the call otherwise, otherwise we keep we keep pointing down to the logo, i'm alive uh. What am i talking? Yeah he's uh he's not a representative he's a streamer and uh yeah. He was kind of rude. Sorry about that.

Oh it's! Okay! All in all, i was rude as well, and i i acknowledge that at first we were trying to make the route not touch osu. So we could root towards other places, which was a dumb idea at first, but i don't think it hurt anybody, but then they started uh asking for a combat orders and to burn all of our projects yeah. But the the thing is uh, i'm pretty sure uh. When you built your gorilla, your logo, right uh, it was on our other project, you that wasn't uh intentional right, you didn't know it wasn't.

I actually i thought it was. I thought the twitch employee, literally because yeah that was us. So it was a misunderstanding. I see i see kim okay, so what kind of deal can we make in order to restore a piece in this sort of a uh? We would like to keep that spot, but if you really want us to move, we can uh.

We have like. We have like our browser extension overlay on that spot, so it's kind of annoying to kind of move it and try to find somewhere else, but we can help you guys find an uh a better spot for the gorilla. Of course, you guys build really fast. Okay.

Okay, how about we share strategies here? What is the discord overlay thing? What is that? Okay? So we have just a browser extension that just overlays an image: that's oh over what we want to build. That's it again, um something that gets custom made or something that you can use in tweaking uh. We can tweak it, but it takes a moment. Okay, because we have to like update a browser extension which takes a little bit uh.
Let me see i'll look through the customers in the call. Okay, um really chat with the judge, guys purple pixels be ready to place in three two one put the purple pixels on the white and the pink pixels guys wait, one and three two one guys wait. Three wave two and three two one guys invading one more time and with the top five coin, three, two one, not bad guys, keep it up. We like that.

Okay, i'm back what up. Oh, it was there for a moment. Okay, so he was just yeah spreading propaganda right, so uh apparently miss gif is just building pixel art right next, but i was saying one of your representatives in the call that isn't so rude you're being rude right now. Awesome! I'm sorry! My apologies, i'm good! How are you hey, who is doing this on my logo, now who's doing the red? Are you doing right now, uh-oh who's, doing that um, i'm still out of place.

Let me check uh if there's some so there's no point, it's a bigger spot. Your best bet is probably when the canvas expands downwards, because it's going to be a 2k by 2k by the end of place, it's uh it's going to get even bigger, sir, so there's going to be a lot more space downwards. If you want a massive gorilla, do you know when it's going to be starting uh? I believe it will be nine nine to twelve hours from now. What is this charity? One of my favorite one might be for charity.

I think that's. How would you have the grill on go down all right? I'm gon na i'm gon na. Try it i'm gon na mute up i'll. Tell you i'll tell you guys in five minutes or ten minutes.

Okay, we're back! For now. We will stop attacking osu for now. Temporary temporary stand down make your boys, though, not take the initial girl, if possible, no more attacks for now, we'll uh. Definitely uh, not uh touch the gorilla, uh, we'll! Let you guys do your thing.

Will it maybe even help you with it? If uh, some people are willing, but of course we'll try them yeah. If it's successful, though it's a win-win and we both get what we want. Yeah, okay, fine enough, all right all right! Try it just go just go chat, just just go! Try! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey hey, i need to make this guys. You guys, try you never know chat, you never know, try it.

You have like seven people with bots. You don't need us. What are you saying we're not butts. That is a big gorilla.

It's going to take a while. It's big, it's big, but i mean it's it's i mean people are working for the harbor. Now chad keep working chat, keep working chat, keep building it guys today, we're not destroying we're building it check, keep building. We can do it guys.
What is that, on the on on the right side, guys stop with this? It's humongous stop you're going off the tracks, we're getting clowned again. Who is that all right now now now now we won't we will. This is an act of warner. Oh, it's probably blue corner they're talking about no alliance.

It is the same red and orange again yeah it's. It seems like there's just a bunch of people who want to give you a red nose. Uh, it's not osu. We're focused on building dean.

Dean's face is currently uh back up, so can't be us and uh blue corner right now, uh they're still pretty dead. They have a that. Turkey went down, okay, it wasn't us and we rebuilt it regardless with the help of asana. Okay, we're rebuilt.

Okay, we stopped attacking it, stop attacking it and we'll stop retaliating. It stop her. Now. Stop it now guys.

I don't care what they say, guys keep working keep getting today, we've stopped destroying it. We are building it chat. It's looking good guys. This is looking good boys, guys finishing up yo.

Apparently some um lingering people from osu are still doing the red and red nose. Can they make an announcement to make it stop uh i'll, try c, i don't think it's osu. Actually, it's! I think they were doing it again and apparently apparently one of their channels, their mods said to stop and it actually stopped a lot. But then it it it.

It's gon na linger yeah it might. It might be uh some people who have gone wrong, but we don't support the red nose. We don't support the redness. It will just look awesome in the time lapse right there.

The root just comes and disappears. Oh, this is the very beginning. Isn't it holy? Xqc takes turkey. The first tentacle spawns it rushes towards hollow live.

The hall of life attack the first stage, the defense. Then they make a branch over towards osu and gobbles up pixels dot. Space they're surrounding our border constructs the base we fight back and then they attack the first wave and we defend them, but then they move their base over to the dean it was them, though, see. I guess you get it there.

You go that's this proves it. Then this proves that it was demo. Is it not? We did not attack it. Uh um um.

I am missing the point i understand. No. I haven't missed the point, though, that nobody cares for the point of making threats in a real life potential like that good morning, yeah btmc, fun, hello, getting mad getting mad. Whatever is part of the fun greetings, making threats in real life.

That is not part of the fun. This is weird about it: okay, also um, who is making turkey look like san francisco uh. I don't believe. That's us we're focused on rebuilding our own stuff right now, okay, because earlier i slept to turkey - and i said it looks like san francisco and they start saying down to the buildings and they're making it look like the golden bridge, the golden gate bridge literally, i Don't know what's up with that, you know.
Do you have any info on that because i don't believe: that's us uh yeah, that's not us! Uh we're pretty much occupied on uh pepe and the logo, because uh there's still like lingering just randoms on there. So uh. We have to focus on that. This is fine.

This is fine. We're gon na check, go we're gon na double double check, double double double double guys. If all fails, shall we go back, you guys, we will go back, one cena guys we can take out any opponents, it's fun, keep working, keep working, that's it people that are smart work on the the big pictures we're going to on the nose the face that Their face eyes, people that are not smart, we're going to be colors, we're going to be gorgeous. I'm standing up for the spanish community execute put this anywhere else.

He wants. He just can't put it here. I'm sorry, all right! If you didn't you son of a can't, you just give me a goddamn minute to speak. Listen if we go after this.

When we go to bed, the spanish community is going to destroy everything. No, they won't think the rubius rubies copyrights, ucla and he's gon na have an extracellular directly right there. Who cares? Wait a minute, wait, a minute wait a minute. He stole my show.

Okay, he stole your remote did it. He won't did you he didn't. You won't be able to tell if it's isaac's still or myself able to say oh dude they made they just did a bad exercise, a bad excuse to rubios or rubio's l. Okay, i need i need to get allies.

Then we can't do a chat. Yes, it's too much too much. It is too much it's too much. It's not going to work.

You really get the too many of them aboard abort, abort! Okay! Is that an anime character, yeah yeah, i'm an anime character, how's it going where's your thing where's! Your thing mousey, what the is that it's a bother. We have one on this card. Look at that. I'm a bot he's like wait, you're, not a real person; no, no bro! It's stream elements, yeah.

What the that's fake, yeah shut up, um. How old are you? It's lagged, oh lag. What do you rate me one through ten bot, uh negative? Five? You then? Oh, that's a fake! That's a real person! Bro! No! No! No! I'm fake! I'm not real yeah. What the damn dude r slider slash formula, one, the upper upper left: they have uh mercedes, some of them probably didn't watch the last race yeah, i'm not kidding i will make.

I will actually start warm make some on the thing. Look at it. It's funny all my homies hate xqc. Why yo bro i'm so confused? Is this really like a war yo? Should we just go for a country and say it all right, everybody destruction.

I have boys, we start um what country they hated. They hated the the purple pipe of life all right. Let's start again, go purple again, purple piper pipe. Oh your fault put that in this, oh, my god, purple just pure corruption, um felix.
What what is this wait? What is this, though, like? Is this mount everest? It's not anymore, it's called the pipe of death. Now man, it's the roots, the roots, all right, you better see the root. Alright, may the main vein um traverse downwards this avid guy. He oh did it they.

My up man did my my icon is dead. Now they broke. Oh i'm not laughing right now, i'm laughing because, like that kid's weird give me you.

By xQcOW

17 thoughts on “The root consumes pixels without remorse r/place #2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Immortalist says:

    I’ve never been this excited over a bunch of pixels in my life

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GodBison - says:

    Actually to many ppl in this world ain’t no way there actually people dedicated to this

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars baba BZNZ says:

    crybabies giving this video thumbs-down xD It's fucking pixels calm down DUD!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WhitingPie says:

    It's so cringe the same people that use bots are angry at xQc…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Markov110 says:

    Glory to the Void Juicer Legionary!
    Long Live Juicius Pepegius Legion!

    The Juicer Warlord takes over and consumes everything.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elizabeth B says:

    xqc's chat don't hate trans people challenge (impossible)

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Astro says:

    Thanks for posting this at mid night now I can enjoy this with the most energy 😂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gwsv says:

    would have been fun if admins didnt abuse powers for the LGBTXQC123RIGHTLEFTUPDOWN by banning people and cheating

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King Munzz says:

    Watching this live was an experience, glad I could've been a small part of this

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marco Razax says:

    Communauté France is very strong 💥💥💥‼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars High Ones says:

    Xqc hooked up with pokimane !?! Check out highones to see what’s up !?! X CMON MANE🐸❤️

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mood says:

    I hate how much power the trans flag has.

    You attack it? You're cancelled.
    You defend against it? You end up attacking indirectly, you are cancelled.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ShadowXM says:

    This man managed to become the most hated streamer in the entirety of reddit in just two days
    Its very impressive

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sunsett iM says:

    Wow guys, I can’t believe the root consumed pixels without remorse! Truly insane! BAAAAT

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stellar says:

    Here before paragraph-writing Reddit morality andies PepeLaugh

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cosmic Scenes says:

    Can we get the video of them speaking French for like 30 mins on a discord call

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikey B says:

    Pixels like when gta RP because there’s pixels on the screen😂😂😂😂😂👌👌👌

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