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Um to blizzard guides this footage is all from the alpha, so things may have changed since for the closed beta on the 26th. But let's get into the changes now i'm gon na introduce and highlight the kits of all of the reworked and new heroes. Yeah. The new hero is absolutely busted rose now i know they've already been announced, but here's what it'll all actually look and work like the more that's been changed about the heroes the earlier.

If you have good aim you, you go crazy with it. If you have bad aim, you, the hero's gon na use less in the video so first off, because the problem with this hero is that uh, it's kind of like uh cassidy right where, like um, i guess i played a lot. I think that was my most played in the beta okay. Basically, this hero like she doesn't have a lot of utility based on uh uh, that isn't skill based.

So if you're, not if you're not hitting like a good e or a good gravitational field or whatever the yeah, you have to hit shots, and i mean, if you don't hit shots, you don't win a projectile-based rail gun. The more damage that you do. Her shift is a slight jump. Her e is a is a small gravitational pull that doesn't do a lot of damage uh, her right, click is hit scan and her left click is uh projectile.

So it's like that you gain, but what is energy? Well, your secondary fire shoots a hit scan beam that can one shot headshot, you use energy to charge that being up the more charge, the more damage her first ability is. I told you if you can aim, you go harder. High mobility instantly fast, a slide that allows her to get extra height from her job she's, not like soldier she's, the exact opposite soldier. Her left click is a leading ability and her right click is a hitscan ability during the slide.

This is her core part of her kit. Left wing is projectile, so she's the exact opposite. Her second ability is disruptor, shot. Think of it like a mini graviton surge that just slows you down instead of holding you back and it also deals damage.

It's really really strong and it's very scary, when used by the pros. Okay, i'm gon na go and disable this guy. It's not fantastic uh. It's really easy to get out and doesn't really do much um it does.

It does a lot if the guy isn't moving, or it has literally a brain. That's sub-zero, like you. Another thing that is really scary when used by pros is her ultimate overclock. It's really simple.

All it does is just make you automatically guys energy. If you walk, you walk out of it in like point five seconds, like literally eight damage to you uh. What about this? You secondary fire through multiple enemies. Now trust me, it doesn't seem like it's a very strong ultimate, but seeing overwatch league pros use this in the alpha makes sojourn look insanely broken, so this is probably her best ability.

I mean, obviously it's her ultimate. Oh lisa orisa has had her shield removed before we talk about her shield replacement, her primary chef. You know when you play arisa and your shield breaks and your shift and your shift does not cool down chat when your shirt doesn't cool down and you don't have shift, you know how naked you feel about orisa right. That's pretty much how you feel, like seven percent of the game, that's kind of how you feel with orissa it's changed.
This is what it looks like now. It just does more damage propellant, but it has less pellets. That's gon na have life i'm playing a cool down system. So as long as this meter doesn't top out, you actually don't have to reload her secondary fire is now an energy spear and her new iconic item across her kit.

She throws the spear and knocks the enemy, it hits backwards and usually if the enemy gets knocked back into a wall, it does even more she's fun. Though i enjoy playing her shield, it is her spear spin, it destroys incoming projectiles but, more importantly, it speeds her movement up and it pushes enemies. Yeah, it's good to push through chokes. I played orisa against the boston uprising head coach, laurie and new arisa is just insanely strong.

The way that lori used. This was by engaging deep with fortify javelin spearing somebody into his own team and then spear spinning them into a corner or further into his own team. He basically pulled somebody away and then just spear spun them deeper into his own team. Yeah, that's crazy! Okay! I think this guy's, like overplaying some of this some of this, like i don't know it - was basically a one-man pull-hook combo now.

Finally, her ultimate is now terra lance. I'm just going to show you instead of explaining uh. This is kind of bad. It's pretty lame.

Yeah, this is pretty lame that you charge it the more it does. So if you proc it immediately, it actually does less damage like this doom fist, doomfist easy guys. I played the beta for, like i don't know, maybe like 20 hours, plus, okay and i've. Rarely seen people get actual kills with the olds.

Sorry a tank now and a pretty decent one at that now i don't think he's insanely strong, but that's what we thought about doom when he first initially launched until the players got really good at his texts. Now he just seems to be a solid b, but maybe, as a tank he'll be really good. His rocket punch is largely the same. It just does a lot less damage and doesn't one shot, but it does charge quicker and he can potentially knock back.

That's not the point, though um the right. The right click now is um. It's like a superstar, it is a super stung or is it. Uppercut is just gone and it's replaced by his seismic slam.

Okay, so the stun um, when i played it and the bit everyone's complaining. I love your complaint about how long the stun is the stun if he hits the guy in the wall, is like an incredible amount of thunder time. I think it's like two and a half seconds, or something like that. Actually just fly with seismic slam, so it's it's like the best of both worlds.
It has a huge arc, but it doesn't do a ton of damage how long it is. It's like an insane stunning gameplay feel fluid and just unrestrictive as a whole. Now i think doom is a lot more fun because of this, but not it's once it's like two seconds, i think or two i feel like uh, if you're stunned for a second and overwatch, it feels like two: okay, that's how it's done damage from the front And the alpha, it was about 90 and if you block at least 100 damage, you get a super rocket punch which charges faster travels further and faster also allows you to hit more targets in a wider area and stun enemies that get punched into a wall. Even longer for how long ago, it is largely the same, it just slows enemies that got hit as well see so as like i said earlier into the stream, so they made they made doomfist a uh more of a presence right.

So you want to be like in the fray: do a lot be present, uh, be disruptive and be able to get out anytime. You want without dying, which was one of the problems with uh as a as a dps, so sometimes you would actually die and risk your life making plays, but do this now you don't risk anything you're going in you're you're staying alive. Now, let's talk bastion bastion is a mobile tank. His primary fire is slower, but it also has no spread.

So it's like a sniper kind of gun which just rewards like very high precision. It's super fun and it has the potential to be pretty good in turret form. It's now called configuration assault. Instead, i told you he's pretty good.

It just allows him to move while he's in that turret form, which is a lot of fun. It has increased that he's de-tier. I don't think i agree on this one. I think it's pretty good.

It's also really fun to engage with. So i think this is a pretty cool ability. Now he can't self-heal and instead has a bouncing bomb called the 836 tactical grenade. It sticks to the ground and players, but it bounces off of walls, but even cooler than that.

It adds a movement ability to bastion's kit, that's just really cool. Finally, his ultimate is just way different. Now, it's basically three doomfist olds, but you're also exposed while you're holding artillery yeah usually pick a lot of kills off, but they're also projectiles in every sense, meaning they can be blocked or destroyed by other abilities. Now i never really tested if you could deflect it as genji and i'm kind of regretting that now, as i'm writing the script, it's definitely something i should try.

I told you he's a very good character. I think i think that compassion is pretty elaborate rather than going by ability. I just want to talk about all the changes as a whole, since they all work in tandem now, first off the hack guys did this guy play the game, or is he just commenting about the gameplay? Was he actually in the beta is just completely different? It still disables abilities, but it's only for one second, instead of five, so you still use it to cancel ultimates and abilities, but you can also hack while invisible, and it allows you to see hacked enemies through walls, and that includes your team. They can see them through walls too.
Now, on top of that, you also do extra damage to hacked enemies due to your passive making sombra just the ultimate pounce and kill hero and i've personally didn't see any good player in beta. Now we're gon na rapid fire through more of the minor changes to heroes that weren't really reworks in the sense cassidy no more flashbang. Instead, he has a magnetic grenade, which is a grenade that hones in on enemies. I mean look at the damage.

Look at this now in the alpha: it didn't get 100, so it's pretty good for cleaning up kills! Oh, and also when he's using high noon. He takes up less damage, but he's pretty much so if you miss a grenade uh, it hits faster. So if you miss it, it goes bang instantly with less damage uh. I i it feels to me like nate is better like that, because look how long it takes if you're in trouble and you're in a 1v1, if you hit the grenade you're still going to die, hurry up, look how long it takes stuck enemies.

So it's pretty good for cleaning up kills, oh, and also when he's using high noon, he takes less damage, but otherwise he's pretty much. The same. Sorry like two seconds zarya's bubble charges are now shared, meaning it takes nine seconds for you to get a charge. But it's up to you to bubble only yourself, only your allies or mix it up and do a little bit of both it's completely up for you to decide.

You could be selfish or a team player newsrt, otherwise insanely strong and way way way. Better. Definitely a main tank caliber tank reinhardt reinhardt can now steer his charge way better as well as cancel it uh. But you get the idea.

You can steal your charge. He also now has two fire strikes so basically reinhardt in 5v5. It means you get to dive deep into enemy lines and brawl your heart out. Winston winston now has a sniper rifle and that's it it's awesome, but it didn't really change his kit that much it'll be really cool to see how bros use it.

But i don't think both players are going to get all the value they can out of this. Don't crap junkrat's trap no longer collapse, i'm honest, i i didn't really use it enemies from moving, but rather it just slows them down until you walk far away from the trap. Now you can't use any of your movement abilities so, like you can't talk about the aim, though, which is kind of like example, but it does basically mean that the trap concussion mine, combo, isn't quite as reliable. Also concussion lines now have this blinking light to give them away more easily.

So that's a bit of a nerf mei, just like junkrat may, can no longer come. Nobody falls for that. Trap means it just slows them down, but her primary fire does more damage. So newbie mays that never use their secondary fire are now justified in their newbie-ness.
Now i will say her ultimate still does freeze people it's only her primary. That's changed in terms of being able to freeze people. Brigitta shield bash is just basically removed. It doesn't from my perspective when i play those guys she was still very annoying, though she was really annoying.

So i don't know. Maybe i didn't play against uh may enough or whatever it still felt, um super annoying damage. You move a little bit somehow, even without the phrase, much else changed and actually that's pretty much all that's changed in the support category. Um, we'll talk a bit more about that later now, let's talk maps, all of the existing maps are different and they are at different times or different weather weathers yeah.

They just have different time zones. It actually looks really cool. There are some minor changes to existing ones, but overall they're about the same now, the new maps are pretty good uh, there's some weird balancing maps. You are finally ending, basically in the lane discrimination.

Thank you. The new maps do feel like classic overwatch maps with new ideas. There aren't guys this. No, i didn't like it.

I i don't like um uh. I can valve on uh sunset iron that looks fantastic on um on daytime existing game modes, but there are also new maps for push the new game mode feels very snowbally as well. It's very snowballing if you fight the right time and get a good team fight and you stagger them and you get another good team fight. You put your pokemons all the way through it checks.

The channel creator pinned a message thanking you and your viewers for the support they stream, usually during the week starting around 10 am eastern us. What so, let's talk push is basically tug of war. You push this robot as far as you can towards the enemy spawn. Now push is a fun game mode, but it can get a little back and forthy.

I think it's a welcome addition, but it does have some problems that will probably get sorted out by the overwatch two lines. I wonder: what's inside of the problems of this game, one team pushes the robot really far, but not quite to the end. As the second team, you can get really demoralized really quickly, because you can push it pretty far, but not get as far as the enemy did, but compared to what what watch to launch as the second team, you can get really demoralized really quickly, because you can Push it pretty far, but not get as far as the enemy did yeah, but somebody has to win you. You push the card somewhere, you can't get attached to the distances you got, they got more, they got more.

I don't know what compared to assault or 2cp. It is way more fun and a massive improvement so overall definitely look forward to it. It's really enjoyable and you can get really creative with play. Styles on push game modes compared to other game modes that have been so you see guys.
Let me explain this: okay, hey x, could you buy my tuition for flight school and you can get really creative with play style see? This is this little cone. So, as the team uh, you push the cone to a certain spot right and that's your cone. They need to have their own cone, i'm pretty sure and whenever you die and you stop pushing the cone, it stops there at a certain distance and then the bot goes like and runs as fast as he can. I think uh the other direction right i'll.

Wait till middle and then uh if he doesn't have a cone to push and you push him, he does the same thing very much towards their cone and whenever he hits the cone theirs, never stops pushing it very slowly, unpushed. Next, there is a ping system, but it's nothing really fancy it's just a ping system. So when he's pushing the cone, which is how you win, he goes slowly when he's when he's going the other direction, because you're, not you you, the enemy, isn't putting that co anymore. He goes way faster.

The other direction, like every other game. Honestly, i don't know why this was an overwatch two thing it feels like this could have probably made it into overwatch one really easily. Hopefully, players will use it, but in the alpha it just didn't really get much use. So maybe that'll change once more players play the game.

Three two one clear you know 5v5 was happening, but i just want to quickly say if you are feeling hesitant about it, don't it still feels like overwatch and it's still really fun from a team players perspective. I'm gon na agree. It feels like overwatch, but i'm gon na go and disagree a little bit. It felt kinda, maybe just because i played the alpha whatever it felt, kind of slow at times.

Um fights feel much different and more like um sneaky than an actual team fight, guys things feel more sneaky. Teals feel more okay, we're gon na do this and we're gon na do that and we're it's not like big, like uh like um. I don't know like everybody's, very valued, and if you do something sneaky, you get very rewarded for it, so it feels more like uh, it's less big team fight. Brawling feels really weird, but it doesn't feel bad.

It's fun i enjoyed it, so hold your opinions until you've actually tried it. I was pretty skeptical, it's it's a really cool spin on the game and it changes the pace. That's fun, but i enjoy big team. Fights that are organized probably still have the awesome interactions that you know and love.

So every player is very much valued, especially dps, so the less numbers you have, the more dps is important right. So, as a dps like you can like go super hard just like cs, you know you get two kills. You did a lot for your team, that's kind of how it is now now that being said, supports are the same. They didn't change the supports.
They didn't add any, maybe in the beta they will, but the community have been complaining about this. A lot and honestly, i actually don't mind 50 months, particularly lucio, and the 5v5 format changes things up enough to where the lack of support changes actually doesn't feel egregious. I felt like the idea of being a support changes in 5v5 and you have a lot more opportunities to like be a damage dealer or focus on your utility more rather than your healing. So support actually has a lot more opportunities for creativity, instead of just being a steed and heal bot for your tanks.

Well, i mean, like i said, every val everybody is valued more than 50 there's less players literally and you're, not getting brawl by taking two tanks slamming into you, so yeah, of course. Anyway, that's this round of recaps for everything new since the overwatch 2 alpha things are subject to change in the beta, so maybe all this information is outdated, good videos. What are you most excited to? Try leave a comment down below and then also check out our discord, twitter and instagram from the links in the description down below, but anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this one have a nice day. My name is nate, and this was blizzard guides.

It was a nice video, interesting that it wasn't a bad video. I i enjoyed it tonight.

By xQcOW

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