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It's brand new, it's a pretty video, it's just it. This is breaking news because this we got posted as as the strip is on boom live holy on air insane hot off the press. I can't believe it dude first to view it insane did i say: 290. 293, yes, okay, and on line 22, you were asked the question the night before this is giant suspected, amber erd was having a favorite james, franco tamita.

Oh that's too far you have a heated discussion on the telephone with mrs yo heard about what was happening with james franklin, unlocking the scene she was doing with james james franco answer. I do not recall, but it is highly likely. Did i read that right? In fact, i'm not sure you want to come to maine okay um day two page days. It's on page 32 of the document line 22, i think, is the issue page 32 line 22..

Thank you. Your honor line. 22.. I'm 22 on page 32..

Yes, too. Many too many numbers. Are you there? Yes, yes, okay, so question the night before you were due to meet up. Did you have a heated discussion on the telephone with miss heard about what was happening with james franco, the scene she was doing with james franco answer? I do not recall, but it is highly likely.

Did i read that right, you did and you hold up. Let me just say just the objective that amber was having an affair with james franco, correct. That was the reason for your argument. Um yeah, yes, and when you got on the plane, you considered that she was also being judgmental toward you, because she believed that you were inebriated and under the influence of drugs, correct.

That was a constant and i'm talking about this particular plane flight. Well, you consider that she was being judgmental toward you because she believed you were inebriated and under the influence of drugs when you got on this plane, correct yes, and at some point on the flight, you ended up sleeping on the bathroom floor right i did. You testified to that yesterday corrected yes, sir, and when you landed you were, you were quite ill. When you landed in los angeles, correct, i don't recall being quite ill um, i it's possible, i don't know uh what you're referring to.

Let's take a look at me: there paige yeah sure, let's take a look at page 313 of your uk transcript. Oh my god, you candy, i knew he was going to do that. It's on page 37 of the document. May we approach you all right for a second, oh no come on man, 13 line 14.

That starts with the word. Were god skip again? I'm i'm a god. Skipper, read that question and answer she's about to cry. Yeah i mean she has terrible old economy.

We know this already. Yes, sir. Does that refresh your recollection that you were quite ill when you landed in los angeles um, her timings are so offa, yes, but it doesn't refer to the me being ill on the plane, um sure, okay, um, we'll we'll we'll get to the plane ride. In a few minutes we just did let's, let's turn to exhibit.

Please defendants exhibit sorry. I've got a mess going on over here. I've yeah it's on the screen, oh and i don't have a mess. So excuse me.
These are text messages that you sent to amber on may 25th, 2014, the day after that plane flight, correct, yes, okay, yes, um you're on our uh move for the admission of exhibit 236 and ask for permission to publish with the with the identifier, michelle stall again And in this email to amber the day after this plane flight, you write her and you say once again, i find my place. Sorry start over. Once again, i find myself in a place of shame and regret. Of course, i am sorry.

I really don't know why or what happened, but i will never do it again. I want to get better for you and for me i must my illness somehow crept up and grabbed me. I can't do it again. I can't oh, my god, and i know you can't either i must get better and i will for us both starting today.

I love you again, i'm so sorry. So sorry, i love you and feel so bad for letting you down. Yours did i read that right? You did and let's pull up, exhibit 245 one more time which has uh been admitted into evidence uh this morning, your honor. Why is this trying to correlate the thing that the illness came to yeah? That's on the plane, wait that doesn't make sense! Mr deppa, i know that we've seen this before this morning, but your email that i just read to you to misheard or your text was from may 25th.

2014.. Five days later, you text your good friend, paul bettany, and you tell him that you had drank all night before you picked up amber to fly to la you tell them that you had no food for days, powders, just cocaine right. The powders are cocaine, right, sure, yeah, half a bottle of whiskey, a thousand red bull and vodkas pills, two bottles of champers on plane. And then you write: what do you get an angry aggro engine in a blackout screaming obscenities and insulting any who got near? I am i'm done.

I am admittedly too in the head to spray my rage at the one. I love for little reason as well, i'm too old to be that guy, but pills are fine. Did i read that right? You did. We saw this.

Would you say the two bot you can well, you can leave that up the two bottles of champagne on the plane that was about when you wrote two bottles of champagne on the plane that was about the plane chest she wasn't coming in l.a correct. Yes, it comes just after a thousand cans of red bull and at least two at least parts of that plane flight. You were in a blackout right, there's a the there's, no reason you tell paul bettany that you were in a blackout if it wasn't true correct. There are again when i, when i write something when i write a text.

I especially if i'm in a particularly impassioned place, it's it's it's it's it's a canvas. It's a painting right. I mean appreciate that that wasn't my question, sir. My question was very simple: would you agree that at least on parts of that plane flight you were in a blackout uh? No, i wouldn't agree that i'm i was in a black house, let's look at page 333 back out and when you're on opiates.
Let's look at this guys, i feel, like. I know exactly what you're saying i think everybody knows except the lawyer is trying really hard not to understand it. Your transcript, please, i feel, like everybody, got the message in the courtroom. Literally every single person.

That's in there. This is day two he gets it he's he's he's kind of he's. Whatever things are happening, things are kind of crazy, yo bro, i'm gon na i'm gon na i'm, i'm i'm blacked out. What are they gon na say? Let me say somebody dude last night dude.

I was like blacked out drunk. Did you black out uh? No, you did not you that just didn't happen. So what i don't know uk trial. Yes, we seem to be there a lot.

It's like saying him. No, i got so mad. You guys. I was seeing a red, then okay, uh, which shade of red um.

Well, i wasn't seeing red. Does that mean you're lying you're lying then? What traitor? What should i write it? Uh? Are you stupid your honor? May we approach please? Okay, oh, but you were asked a question question, but parts of that flight are blacked out answer apparently, but yes, apparently that is what i am saying to mr betany question. Yes, is there any reason why you would say that to mr bettany, if it were not true answer, probably not, did i read that right, you did and it's you would agree that on that flight you were very drunk and that you had taken drugs either before Or during the flight correct, i know that i well. I knew that i was going to have a very ugly um.

I was going to end up with a very ugly situation with amber with respect, though, trying to respect the court's time and the jury's time. That was not my question. My question was not okay, okay, this is lord from wish. Nobody, nobody would fault.

Nobody follows this situation with amber and samson's unrespectable's time, because he won't let him do a a small uh anecdote for 10 seconds when he rants about michelle pulling up a text. That's irrelevant for eight hours come on. That's just stupid respect the court's time and the jury signed. That was not my question.

You would agree that on that flight you were very drunk and you would take in drugs either before or during or both rushing compound all right sustain. You would agree that you were very drunk on that flight correct. I do not agree that i was very drunk on that flight and you would agree that you had taken drugs either before or during that flight correct. I had taken a double dose of the um oxycodone, which is different than a blackout, but but you don't agree that you were very drunk, i i don't recall drinking a whole.

You don't need to drink a whole lot when you're on those things. You don't have time, you just testified you weren't drunk on the flight. Okay, i i don't recall being drunk all right. Let's, let's look at page 335 of your uk testimony.
Okay, mr ron, would you like to start line 11? Please jesus! You were asked a question. I want to question: i want to make sure it is quite clear what you are saying about the boston plane incident. You were very drunk. You had taken drugs either before or during or both do you agree with that answer sure for the purposes of getting through this? Let's say yes, everything you have said i agree.

Did i read that right? He said one though wait that wasn't precise what i was caving in from that that's right. My question was simply: did i read that correctly yeah, i understand now he said or on uh, can we pull up um exhibit 243. Please! Actually! No, you know what? Let's go to exhibit 221. now they're, both sleeping in the back is they're both in the back man.

Dude guys you guys. These are two standard sleeping techniques, the lay back arms down and the head. Actually, oh, exhibit 221. look you'll, see, you'll, see it.

You'll see this very elaborate technique that one that one look at it that one your honor is um. This is a recording um and i i'd be happy to read we're gon na play three three uh holy excerpts from it. Okay and there's no objections. The entire audio recording coming in is that correct, um can can.

May we approach, i would just like to know what it is your honor um. We would offer the the full exhibit 221 into evidence with the following two minutes and 50 seconds. Oh here it comes. It's gon na be loud um.

That's your voice, making those moaning sounds sound like an animal in pain right. Mr depp, that's that's exactly what i said before. Yes, that is uh sounds like a pained animal and that's my voice. Please is that wow, that's it and then let's go play 9.

30. Please what the is the point of this anyway yeah exactly and why the are they recording this anyway, who recorded this get sick? Mr depp, do you know who the male voice is um? Who, at around 9 41, says no i'm going to stay with this idiot in case he gets sick. You know his voice, i didn't hear those words but um all right. Nobody heard that judge if you wanted me to answer that, that was jerry judge's voice.

Okay, so you you finish this flight, you send the text that we've seen to amber. You send the text to paul bettany and at some point after this you decide that you want to go to detox and you went to detox. You testified a little bit about it yesterday in august of 2014 in the bahamas, correct what was so? What happened? We got scammed. I got scammed.

I want to see what they're fair, no affair, what the is that it's clickbait! Oh, i missed it when sammy got there, mother sucker, not a sucker guys. You guys, i like watching videos. I like this, i like whatever. What are you? What are you getting at me? Oh, my god, dude it's been two hours.
I don't give a. I told you guys today, i'm gon na give a we're just playing watching i'm there for setting some whatever expectations around stream, i'm just doing stuff man. I i do not give a stop. Putting me on a timeline like i'm, some sort of ding ding ding ding ding.

It's gon na play uh one new game for 42 minutes. Like i don't i don't give a tonight give me you.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Amber heard had an affair with james franco?! – johnny depp vs amber heard trial”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shadxw says:

    bro straight up called johnny a "fucking idiot" in a court room and didn't get anything for it cuz of the context of an audio clip that never had those words 😹💀

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ŁižiPïčìć says:

    Didn't she also hook up with a woman and Elon Musk lol nah, she belongs to the streets…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spencer Foote says:

    I’m still not over the fact she video tapped him when his mother died. I wouldn’t even do that to my worse enemy. Pure evil.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GIGACHAD says:

    this guy always asks "Did i read that right?" instead of "Is this true" so if Johnny tries to elaborate he can say johnny's rambling bc his question was just did he read it right. Weasly AHH lawyer

    not very GIGACHAD of him

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blicky says:

    This case has turned from her accusing him of assault to just exposing how he had to use more drugs and alcohol to deal with her abusing him and putting him on blast publicly for it 😞

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justified Demon says:

    All this lawyer talks about is Johnny being an addict tf does this have to do with her allegations against him? Their is not one shred of evidence proving he abused her and yet their is a truck load proving she abused him, what are we doing here? Throw her ass in jail and give Johnny his money and his career back.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars elaine w says:

    she also had an affair with elon while johnny was away filming. there's video footage on the cctv of them (franco and musk) being all touchy and shit in the elevator w/ turd.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yo Han Chris Tian says:

    Johnny already won but what we want to know is whats the consequences she would get. Because we all know what would’ve happend if we reversed the roles. Would be interesting.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saki Yoshida says:

    of all the people it's james franco dangit it's funny but it would be more funnier if it was seth weed rogan

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deshak says:

    while i was watching the other vids of this, this one came out. the content continues less gooo

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Witherow says:

    Ah Amber Erd. That witch. Can’t wait to hear the jury announce that their verdict is Johnny wins

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deman 2660 says:

    Im not even sure if anyone belives her at this point. with every new video that comes out she somehow manages to look like an even worse person. she literally has no case against him anymore. xqcL

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