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#xQc #JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard

Man, mr depp, before the break, we were talking about your how your finger got injured in australia. Do you remember that, yes, okay, i'd like to pull up defendants exhibit 394. Please! Mr depp, do you recall mr rottenborn, showing you this exhibit during your cross-examination yeah? Yes, i do, can you please explain my destiny relative to your finger injury. You sent this text message that's the day before.

Is it? Am i correct at the bottom? It says i cut the top of my finger off. What should i do, except, of course, go to a hospital? Ah australia, exactly the time difference. Sorry uh! Yes, that's uh! That's what i said: yeah so addy, if you're still watching anything, they're going to rotate the people who are talking and do asking questions, because i don't i don't be weird. I find what this exact segment whatever they do.

They do it a little bit more leisurely and kind of annoying um. At the time to me, i um and in the middle here it says her obsession with herself is far more important, she's, so ambitious she's, so desperate for success and fame. That's probably why i was acquired made. What did you mean by that? Unfortunately, i meant exactly the world from devastation.

I mean exactly what i said in this text. It seems it would smell, it had become cleared, so that's something that was better than sleepy. I agree. Take more care in and importance in, not sleeping, you know it's just going details about his stuff, going on auditions, getting going to the met ball or going to any any sort of uh premiere or opening or whatever, where she could be um.

That would be pretty annoying by what he wrote in his text messages exactly what the word said and now he's going beyond all right, i'll stand in next question. Thank you, mr rottenborn, sir. If you could just answer the question, mr debt, please direct your attention just to your attorney. Okay, sorry uh, mr dude is gon na, be him doing this for the rest of the day, i've showed you an audio recording where you reference your your finger.

Getting cut off in australia, do you recall that, yes, okay, i'd like to play a different portion of that recording um that came before the portion that mr rottenborn played? So if we could, please pull up plaintiff's exhibit 343 and we will be playing the portion from at one hour, 54 minutes 11 seconds to 1 hour. 56 minutes 10 seconds. It's early, it's quick! It's so not you're, not interested in not fighting. You are guaranteeing a fight when you do that, and i tell i've told you this so many times you guarantee.

If you were interested in not fighting, you would be respectful if you needed the space to make, you would be careful not to perpetuate the fight longer. By saying i mean i need a few minutes and then actually honoring that how can i trust you that it will be a few minutes when you've done this in the past and disappeared for hours? You know i got mad at you in australia. That is incredible. It's hard for me not to try and work it out.
If you want to be the person, that's like, i need to cool down help me do that. Give that to you, but i can't that is literally which logic and up and forget, because i gave you a time limit because i said i'll be back in three minutes, so i'm just no it's different. If it happens, it's different you! Never. If it happens, i'm just gon na say look.

I need some time, that's it. I'm telling you that, will it's toxic? Doesn't it how much time it is say you need time in an argument or again, a fight is really one of the best ways to de-escalate and find solutions is to just take a chilling. Stop throwing punches. I'm talking about an argument right in arguments.

You tend to throw punches, i'm talking about arguments, i'm not talking about the times when it's quite physical, i'm talking about arguments and talking about arguments and talking about arguments. Yes, in our argument earlier and earlier and earlier now, you split you take off right away, you don't deal with the issue, you don't deal with the confrontation and you split whether it is and then you do it for an undetermined amount of time. You do it without actually respecting when you do give me a time like say i need a few minutes. You never uh, mr deb, whose voices can you hear in that audio recording and there was a mention about miss heard, getting mad about something in australia? What would what did miss her get mad at you about in australia? There were.

There were many um. There were many instances where ms hurt would get upset, angry and argumentative and violent in australia. There were many. There were many times.

I, the one that was the the day when my finger tip of my finger disappeared that had to do with a phone call when she arrived in australia. She complained that uh an attorney. Can we see over you? Please excuse l, um, the uh uh objective objection. Your honor is hearsay as to what he alleges her attorney was explaining to her that's clearly.

We can move on your honor, yes, ma'am, um you're, recording that we just heard what your understanding is. Misheard, referencing when she says you split, i would leave. I would excuse myself from the situation um. I would try to get away so that so that nothing escalated, because if given the chance uh to allow things to escalate, ms heard would take it to the very extreme um.

But she ended up with my finger being chopped off, so i'd rather thought it was the best idea to avoid things like that. Mr depp, i'd like to show you what's been marked, as defendant's exhibit 272. I believe this is another document that you saw during your cross-examination. Do you recognize these text messages? Because i have a question? Yes, if your detox on the island is that right, if this trial is about deformation now, where it says here, follows anybody profile.

Kanye follows a person does not mean that he is legitimate. When we were on the island and um. I was going through the process of detox the detoxing from the opiates, which was a very unpleasant and powerful painful process. It it wasn't, it wasn't um, it wasn't.
Working with misheard there, i i could not properly detox um as every day was a another problem or this or that um. So i asked i asked we leave the island and go back to los angeles, and i asked miss heard if she would please allow me to um get a a bungalow at the beverly hills hotel where she and her friends could go for. I needed five days. Six days, seven days, anything i could get where i could finish the detox by myself without any unnecessary interruptions or unpleasant interruptions um to which she replied that she was uh felt like i was throwing her out and abandoning her and after all, she had done.

For me, well, that's just kind of cooked up now. The fact is, though, no matter what i wrote to her mother and to her. I i needed the time because she i was, i would have gone straight back to the pills i would have not been able to detox properly without that time alone and um. That's not that's not that's not what hearsay mean that that is not what hearsay means.

Otherwise, to to uh beverly hills, hotel and um, your account of events and what happened while you're doing it: it's not hearsay in penthouse 3 for the next five or six days. Mr depp, last week mr rottenborn showed you a video that was taken of yourself where you're slamming some cabinets. Do you recall that, yes, i do? Oh. First of all, where are you in that video? Finally, his uh the kitchen at a house that i've uh on sweet, sir um, that i've lived in for since mid 90s, and do you recall what you were upset about in that video is mom objection leading overruled huh? I don't recall, as i don't know, the date of leading it um, there's no metadata that i um i'm aware of for that tape.

Also uh, apparently looking for any metadata is impossible, as it is not our own i'll sustain the objection. You want to ask the questions that what do you remember? What, if anything, do you remember being upset about that resulted in what was seen in that video? I can't recall if it was bad news about my mother's health. I can't recall if, if it was something to do with my former business managers um, you know finding out that they've taken me for a very nasty ride. I don't recall exactly what it was about.

What i do know is that it didn't um have anything to do with her objection beyond the scope of the question overruled i'll, allow it it's fine he's so desperate. Can we just? Can we just let him talk for a little bit? There was nothing between us before she entered that room. It was me alone, uh, okay, do you know where miss heard was before before she entered the room. You know she'd gotten out of bed and gotten dressed and come downstairs.

Earlier today, mr rottenborn played a recording where you can hear miss, heard um seeming to claim that you put a cigarette out of her on her. Do you remember that i remember remember hearing that. Yes, i'd like to play you another recording, which is plaintiff's exhibit 365.. Okay is is that for the record, an 11 second recording so we'll be putting in the entire she's mad? Any objection to three seconds goes to the cabinets, a time that he's not even lashing at her 65 and her first reaction is i'm gon na pull up.
My phone and start recording him. I don't know who does that, i don't it doesn't matter who it is. I think, that's just enlightenment, then couch couch couch. You give me one count.

I gave you three other couches, two, two couches you want me. Okay, please give me couch. Is she brain dead agree? Please, though you said you agreed because you're great he started talking, you want to stop fighting. Yes, your honor.

She said this is a letter, that's been nasty and provoking it's mean spirited, and no i'm not saying it's crazy, hey, i'm sorry! I think i misspoke it. I may have been 45. I may have misremembered, it is remembered and you said it it's 11.. This is incriminating.

Please stop! Okay. Can you please straight up on the record strike it strike that can we play that? Thank you, couch, couch couch. You give me one couch. I gave you three other couches two agree.

Please, though, you said you agreed because you started talking, it was stop fighting. I would lose my so bad. Yes, everything you've said, has been nasty and provoking and mean-spirited, and no i'm not saying that you asked me yours by the way you just threw a cigarette on me. You threw in her or you extinguish it on her.

Mr depp, do you recognize what's in that recording? Do i recognize? What's in the recording? Yes, i i thought he extinguished. It seems pretty clear that she's ordering me to the couch um and i didn't want to go through with any again avoiding confrontation, trying to avoid confrontation in any way she's laughing and that wasn't funny. That's not funny um. I can certainly say that without hesitation, there is no way under the sun that i would flick a cigarette advertising demonic camera with a cigarette if i flicked ashes and an ash got on her, but she's certainly not screaming out in pain as if a cigarette is Being put out on there, that's ludicrous: do you recall the situation? That's reflected in that audio.

Recording, i believe. That's montreal uh excuse me toronto, which was right after the venice film festival. It's we were at the toronto film festival. Mr depp i'd like to ask you about a couple text: messages from may 2.

20. Excuse me, may 22nd 2016 that mr rottenborn asked you about um earlier um and before i do, could you please remind the jury? What's going on between you and miss hurdles? Starving 2016. on may 22nd on may 21st um. I she wanted.
I hadn't seen her since the since the 22nd of april, her birthday, which was when i left at 4 30 in the morning, um objection your honor. This is cumulative, he's already gone through all this. In his direct examination - and she asked him what was happening on may 22nd and he's getting into what happened on may 21st, we've already been through this yeah. I i believe that we're he's providing context for where they were on the 22nd, but um.

If you could. Mr dub, please explain what was where you were on the 22nd of may in 2016.. Far as i can remember them. On may 22nd 2016 i was um preparing either preparing to leave for new york for uh rehearsals and then a tour with the hollywood vampires um.

I was either preparing to leave or i was had left. I could we please pull up defendants exhibit 736. Please, and do you recall sending this text message to miss heard on may 22nd. 2016 at 6.

19 pm? Yes, i do okay um. What did you mean when you told her? Nothing, i have to say to you, should elicit anything but a sense of ease. It was essentially for me it was a. I was bringing up what i'd spoken to her about before, which was a peaceful resolution to the problems, the peaceful resolution in terms of a peaceful and private and quiet and calm divorce, um, and so that's why i say it shouldn't elicit anything but a sense of Ease um because it was not about, i didn't want to argue, i didn't want anything but to end the marriage in the kindest way possible for all her family, my family, her myself, etc.

And what did you mean when you said all my love and profound apologies? Profound apologies is that it just didn't work. We just could not work. There was no way and i had to try to put a peaceful end, a peaceful stop to the endless um. The endless opportunities for for for these constant arguments, if i didn't put a stop to it, then i mean, if, if i didn't, try to put a peaceful stop to it, peaceful end to it and it.

If you don't stop it yourself, it'll stop you then i mean. If, if i didn't try to put a peaceful stop to it, peaceful end to it, then it if you don't stop it yourself, it'll, stop! You it'll, stop you and, and you don't know what that could be, but it's uh. It was terrific and i wanted her out of it and i want it out of it. No one deserves to live like that.

No one deserves to live like that. Not her, not me not anyone, so i just wanted a smooth exit for both of us. That's all i was looking for mr uh, yes or last week mr ronbon played a clip from audio recording where miss heard told you that you vomited in your sleep a lot. Do you remember that recording yes, i do and what's your response to that someone when someone tells you that you vomit, you didn't tell me, i heard it in what's court.

I the fact that you found it in your sleep every night and well at first. I think you'd be aware of it um and also, i think, uh. The first thing that i would do is seek. Medical attention didn't exist, i'd, never vomited.
In my sleep every night i i there were times when i would get yes physically ill from the endless uh uh shots that you take when you're just you can't you you're you're, unable to take it anymore, and it does affect you physically after a while you So i would have to leave and go and vomit in when fights got into these surreal and absurd and horrible places um, but it still confounds me as to why she would record that i don't know why anyone would record that truth. I said earlier exactly what i said: the clip that mr rottenborn played was from defendants exhibit 839 and just for the record, this is a portion of a larger recording which is reflected in plaintiff's exhibit 342. So, with the court's permission, i'd like to play a clip from plaintiff's exhibit 342. um, and the word the portion i'd like to play is that 19 minutes 40 seconds to 25 minutes 25 seconds right.

Do we have 342 rdn evidence? I don't believe so. Your honor! No, so you want to put 342 it's just the entire audio in yes, i don't believe that there's anyone else in this audio recording your honor. I don't believe i hear this before. Okay.

342. Any objection as long as there's no one else in the audio we can. We can confirm afterwards. So if, if your honor would, if it's more comfortable, we can put in it as 342a, okay and what was the let's put 342 and what's the i'm sorry, what's the part that you're going to it's uh 19 minutes 40 seconds to 25 minutes 25 seconds.

All right and there's just the two of them in this excerpt. That's correct! That's 342, a in evidence, then. Thank you. Okay, do you understand why 10 minutes downstairs? It didn't seem real.

I don't care. Did you hear what i said? I don't care. Okay, you do. There's plenty of things you've done plenty of things.

You've done absolutely lies. I is this. What matters to you, your party, your i never let you and what we're talking about tonight is what who are you why? Why are you doing this? Why? What is what is it that is so important always to run away to why it's wrong yeah today, i you asked me once not to leave and i'm asking you so that is incredibly manipulative, i'm leaving because there's a movie party i got ta go to. I have never prioritized you behind that and you of all people of all people, all this talk about not being that guy.

You have done nothing but over the last two days, but tell me that your movie parties were more important, including the night before last. When i said to you the same thing say, and today you apologize said, i love you, i'm so sorry and then and then today it takes you two seconds. It takes you 20 seconds at most to go that i hate you. I don't want to be with you goodbye, i'm leaving i'm running away, but i'm not running i'm walking away for sure holy.
That should be enough huh. Then. If you don't want to be with me in life, then you need to actually do it. You need to actually take off your brain and forget that five hours ago, you said the opposite, otherwise you can't keep throwing that around.

You can't keep saying to me that this is something you care about. Is that what it's worth to you yeah yeah, for you from all this, these rules all these rules, because i asked you to say: does she know she's recording? Does she know she's recording she's, the one to start it or not? What was it when you asked me? Yes, what did i do? Did i stay or did i leave you trained? Did i stay or did i leave? You stayed and you didn't change and you were safe and you asked me so i stayed and i've been ever since, which is why you told me about every other day how you couldn't imagine your life without me, including today, i'm actually impressed that this is how He acts she doesn't know her normal tv and how she acts when she knows she's recording, that's insane. We got. You told me tonight like crazy, crazy, throwing your ring on the ground.

Does that seem normal? Let's have you tell me that seems sober, you seem. You seem normal definition of normal. You does that seem normal. You does that seem normal to you: borderline personality disorder, i'm borderline personality disorder.

Now, though, when i've been consistent, all night sand don't go, don't this all up, i'm not fighting with you anymore. I've been saying this to you the whole night. I'm really sorry, we disagreed you're, not perfect. I said this two hours ago.

I'm not perfect you're, not perfect. I love you, but we don't have to do this every time we disagree. No! No! We don't please. We do please come here and you have please come here.

Please come here, i'm not insulting you. I have not been insulting you. I love you johnny. What do you need me to do? I love you.

Stop i'm smacking on you again. I don't know i'll smack. My ear again resounds, even though she knows she's recording she's doing way worse than he is which is insane to me all right. I think that's, that's absolutely insane.

She thinks she's in the right yeah. On top of that, myself is this how she acts and she knows that the conductor's, how much is recording imagine when she's not - and she knows she's, not, nobody is in paris. She must be a absolute banshee. Sorry, i'm sorry lovely! These are the rules i'm making this up.

What are you and miss heard discussing in this recording is a another argument that is apparently not an argument to her the screeching of her voice, the the demand that things go her away and only her way. I was, i was done and i think i stated clearly i don't want to be with you. I don't want to be with you, i'm not gon na be a parrot on a or some you know little dog that runs through oops. For you.

I ain't gon na, do that and i want it out. She said, take your ring off. She still, wouldn't let me i did and she still wouldn't. Let me leave um.
So it's just another example of um of a phd in guest lighting nailed in one spot and not allowed to uh. Do anything but react to her screaming and um screaming like a banshee and then telling me to calm down. When i had been pretty calm, i thought where are you who said it, though, if you can recall he said at the time away, and why did you ask ms hurd if she wanted to smack you in the ear again i didn't pre-watch she had given me A good chop in the ear you know one of those where um leaves you ringing, you know yeah it doesn't and um. It was not long before that, and so i thought maybe this will make you happy.

Will it make you happy? Would you like to hit me in the ear again, but that would that make you feel better? Will that make you stop? How do you know it's? A good story would have done anything to stop outside of taking anything to some physical level. I disagreed with that wholeheartedly. That's not me, that's not, who i've ever been. It's not, who i'll ever be.

Mr depp um i'm going to play another audio recording. This is a different portion from what mr rottenborn played for you today. It's dx580 598.. I believe the portion mr rottenboard played was designated 598b, so this will be 598c and first i'd like to play the portion from 31 minutes 14 seconds to 33 minutes four seconds, all right objection to five.

Ninety eight scenario here comes all right: um and then we will go on and play the second portion, which is 56 minutes 27 seconds to 59 minutes 54 seconds wow. It's a good clip boys. We've got some content boy, spicy, spicy spicy. You know it builds right.

Like you build, i build, you know it isn't like at one moment either of us sign a certificate of saying or like sign the contract or say, okay, now upload that no so acting as though there's a choice between the two is that this is i'm not Asking you to stay over having a bloodbath, i'm asking you, i mean overwalking away, i'm not asking you to have a bloodbath over walking away, i'm asking you to work it out over, prolonging it and making it bigger right. But if i mean at least that's how i see it indeed, but if things get heated yeah and it looks like it's going somewhere nasty and the name calling begins and all that stuff i've got to get away because it i don't want to be ever in A situation again like that. Never me too me too. Never! So that's! That's! Don't freak out if we do have a fight and i walk away, i'm not going to do that.

I'm asking stop when you feel you are also in the interest of working out. I think it's a good idea for us to take a moment or two or i mean a moment and take some time take some time to think by ourselves. Without being you know, barraged by each other's uh, the whatevers - i just i just let's take a let's take a break from it and then come back, try and be calm and walk through the thing, but but i'm not gon na stand and fight with you. I do it, but i will not do it again.
Please stop asking i mean, please, can you stop for the sake of this conversation, i'm just saying i won't do it again. Yes, has he recorded a lot? Is a lot or a lot of these evidence and um exhibits his or her almost none. Then let's take our space and let's not do this anymore, because i'm really getting frustrated and i'm really really really sick of this argument. I'm sorry! Okay! So let me go and you go and i'll speak to you in a couple hours: okay, okay, why are you saying? Stop? May i go it causes me so much stress when you, when you walk away from me with that, it's like you're, you don't understand, wait! She's baiting the argument because she's recording it worse for me: okay, i'm sorry for you, please, i'm only trying to tell you that you know you're, causing immense stress right now when you walk away like that, there's no reason to be mad.

They say goodbye. I haven't walked away, you're, not saying goodbye, you won't. Let me leave. Let me leave stop rushing me, stop pushing me in the corner and then poking me with this dick and then saying.

Why are you saying the words you want me to say, stop poking me. Stop rushing me, stop throwing me against the wall and going what you like that wall. You don't like the wall, stop pushing me rushing you. I said hell not conversation anymore right now.

I need space. Oh no, that's my space, whether you like it or not. I will take it and you will take your space, but if you keep halting i'm not doing this and continuing i'm not ready, i'm begging you to stop. I don't.

Okay, stop just i'm stopped stop. Now i have to go okay, so we will speak to each other in a couple of hours. Okay, now we have some kind of revelation makes you feel better. You know, i hope i do too, but uh we'll just see when i get home, we'll just talk or we won't talk or we, you know we'll finish this or we won't finish it, but this is not well.

This is not happiness. This is not. Please stop doing this. Please you're.

So much stressed, i'm gon na die this eight i'm gon na die you're causing me so much stress. Please stop please! I'm i'm really gon na have heart attack almost every day. Please stop! Please stop doing it. Please stop doing what then then he's then he's saying i i want to let's just take him a month and chill i just said: can we please have a normal argument, just even a normal conversation about normal arguments.

For the last hour, i've been begging you to. Please just leave it at that. Let's just go on with our night, i would have been able to come in with you. We would have been able to let it go in a few minutes.

Let's have arguments. Fine, we just if we loud ourselves have normal arguments. Please you're killing me with this you're killing me you're, killing me you're. Killing me chad, you're, killing me you're, killing me you're killing me i'm dying right now.
I'm dying you're you're killing me now. We have an argument. You're killing me right now. Can you stop that? I want you to tell thank you sean i'm ready to go.

Thank you so much jesus christ, mr deb, in the beginning. Well, first of all, do you know where you are when you're having this discussion with miss heard? The only excuse me jesus christ is that um sean is being called. I i called sean and said to drive her home or i believe it was probably at sweet, sir. So then she could drive back.

He would drive her back to downtown and i was three uh with she didn't seem in any shape to drive to me and earlier in the clip there was a reference to a bloodbath. What does that mean in the context of that conversation? I i don't know again. It seems like some word that that was uh because he said he doesn't know all right. I'll sustain next question.

Damn so if he says the wrong thing, you know he's going somewhere with his. What is that? What is his statement? He has to stop because he already answered on on on paper, mr depp. At the end of the day on thursday uh mr rottenborn played an audio recording for you, where you were heard saying you were going to hurt yourself. Do you remember that? Yes, i do? Okay and i'm not going to play that audio recording again, it seemed upsetting to you, but i do want to ask you a couple questions about that: okay, sure um.

Could you please tell the jury when that recording is is from uh? The recording is from um july of 2016.. This was um a couple of months, a few months after the uh, the restraining order had been put on me. I had been on tour through europe and then coming through the states. I i got messages from christian korea with both of our former agent um saying that mr wanted to meet with me in san francisco.

She has a restraining order on him, yet she won't let him leave. The tour was san francisco and i was confused as to why missouri wanted to meet with me, especially since i was. How is that legal, a court order not to come within, i don't know 100 200 feet or something for of her um. So at first i i said: objection your honor.

The question was simply: do you remember when that was from yes? Okay? So where were you when that recording was taken that was in san francisco at a hotel room? So we went to a hotel room, so we could finish the discussion that you wanted to have with me and how did that discussion go not particularly well? I was quite confused as to why i had been summoned to her um at that point, since all the news was uh. All the news was just about the fact that i had allegedly uh done all these horrible things to her and um summoned. So i was talked into going there. I went and met with her in hopes that she would retract um her.
This has been spicy actually didn't, expect that lies that the world was now fed had been fed um and in no way was she uh ready to do that and i couldn't understand. While i was there, every everything had been taken from me: um, my children couldn't escape the fact that uh all this had gone down. So i was still the question was: how did the discussion go he's talking about his children? Yes, i'm way beyond the scope. She's talking, sir, just wait for the objection.

Okay, i think he's describing the context around that conversation. It's way beyond the scope of the question, i'll sustain the objection. Next question: damn are you the judge in the winds threatening to hurt yourself in that audio recording? In fact, i wasn't threatening to hurt myself. I thought that miss heard had brought me to san francisco.

At that point it was clear under false pretenses. I don't know what she was after. So i i had a knife in my pocket and i just took the knife out and i sit here cut me: that's that's what you want to do. Ultimately, you've taken everything you want, my blood, take, it have my blood and then she said no, no, and then i said, look if, if you don't, if you're not going to take it, you want it.

I know you want it, that's all i've got left. Take it if she wasn't gon na do it, i would have done it because that's psychologically emotionally, where i was i was at the end i was broken. Not only had i had to deal with everything from coming in from you know, arrows from all over the world, but now she's, i don't know what she was trying to do. So i just thought the only answer is here cut me.

Take my blood. That's all! That's all i've got left, he's, definitely winning the jury here. Some points for sure, though, and obviously there was no threat to ms heard with that knife it was about spilling my blood. What is undiscovered? The only thing she didn't have at that point - and i was uh i was, i was broken and uh really just at the end.

Just at the end i couldn't take it anymore. I won't hold a combo with you because i don't want to be annoying. If you, if you want to sit on discord and i'm just going to come in and ask you questions or questions really, i know 357, specifically the portions at 18 minutes 43 seconds through 21 minutes 46 seconds. Three things join any voice and mute 357.

Yes, yourself, all right and so we'll just going to be another one where it's going to be an a or is this going to be all that's going to be um? Why don't we go with a? Did we see? Okay, can you give me the numbers again? Just so i have them for the record. What are you going to play? Well, it is um 357, beginning at 18 minutes 43 seconds through 21 minutes 46 seconds, all right, any objection to 357a all right 357a in evidence. It's been going on too long and we just got to stop this it's gon na stop. I don't know how to get my um reputation back.
We write a letter together saying that we're going to take this out of the public eye, saying that we're trying to work this out on our own, saying that the media has created such a hateful storm, that it's sickening, that we love each other and that we Want to make sure each other is okay. Have we had fights in the past? Have we had this or whatever it? They already know all that, don't matter, here's the deal. No, it matters. I have been, i that you have no idea.

Every ounce of my credibility has been taken from i mean and done. Stone is dishonest right, you know the abuse the abuse thing is is: is we've got to deal with that yeah we've got to deal with that. One of my credit is it's my credibility. You know what i mean: why did you put that out there? I did not you parked me.

Your team forsake you. By going on the offensive line, i promise look up the timelines that you think everything is forget. Let me talk to the team. I did not call the cops i o called the cops.

You told i would call the cops and i did not give them any statement when they came. I've been trying to protect you, you told iowa, that's the same thing: yeah calling the cubs. That's what it was the same thing. That's just gaslighting! I'm sorry i'm sorry because the last time that it got crazy between us, i really did think i was gon na lose my life and i thought you would do it on accident and i told you that i said.

Oh, my god. I thought the first time amber, i lost a finger man come on. I had a i had. A a mineral can't hurt a can of mineral spirits thrown at my nose.

It was a fair fight and see what the see what the jury thinks all the tears. She was dropping with them exactly be controlled jesus, mr deb, when did you have the conversation reflected in addie? What's your name on this chord i'll, put you in i'll give you permissions to join staff from don't recall exactly when it was. What's your best estimate, my best estimate is that it was um before long before the while quite a while before the meeting in san francisco in july. Excuse me how far after may 21st 2016.

Do you think that conversation was objection, calls for speculation? Oh, i have you, i'm asking for his best estimate allowed. If he can answer it this way. So could you ask it again? I was distracted how long after may 21st 2016. Do you believe that conversation took place? Is this the real one? I would, i would say there was uh not too far, maybe a couple of months.

It was far enough to where the um the world media next question. What are you referring to when you said you and miss heard, will write a letter together? I was trying to make a peaceful settlement and what are you referring to when you say you lost a finger, a very large bottle of vodka, severing my index, my middle finger in australia, and what were you referring to when you said a can of mineral spirits? Was thrown at your nose, one of the uh arguments on the island were heard had been howling at me with some argument and she picked up a can of mineral spirits about yay, big and uh, just heaved it at me and uh. It struck me on the bridge of the nose and the right there. You know the forehead.
Well, that's uh! That's that's a nice! That's that is absolutely say in response. When miss heard something tell the world johnny tell them. Johnny depp, why johnny depp a man? I'm a victim too, of domestic violence. I said yes um.

I have nothing further, your honor, so you can have a seat next to your your attorney, please. Thank you all right. Your next witness ben king is somebody going to go get mr king. You can take it with you, but usually you'll leave it there.

Okay, did you find her because i found her um okay, i'm going to give you permissions to uh join staff room. If you're a fake, i mean i'm trying to get my discord hacked pretty much. So, let's make a new role, so, oh god, you sure the fur. Can you sure about that permissions of the new role will do moz? Can you guys just give her like a monitor moderator? I found you.

I got you okay, i gave you um moderator. You can now join staff room. You should be able to join it. Oh god.

I hope it's the right one, jesus christ, all right then, good afternoon, mr king good afternoon, would you please state your full name for the record ben king and mr king uh? Can you briefly tell us where you're, where you're from london, central london, okay, and can you tell us a little bit about your background? What's your occupation, i'm a house manager, a personal assistant presently with a an individual who also lives in central london. Okay, can you lean into the microphone a little bit yeah? Sorry here we go, uh did you say: you're a house manager, that's right, personal assistant house manager, and can you just tell those of us in the courtroom who aren't familiar um? What does that mean? I work presently for a gentleman who's in the entertainment industry who um and i manage his property in a large apartment in central london. Take care of the daily needs and running of that oversight of this stuff and traveling with him when needed - and this is all fred, is this - that alfred and how long have you been in this occupation? Oh um, since about 1991, i started in private services. If you like, um in-house management in budget, the lawyer who's laura, is this jet? You know that that stuff, uh, typically based around london, correct, i started still in london - was my first job in palace, funnily enough um for four years, and then i continued in different positions, full-time and and uh self-imposed, no he's nervous why he cares about him if He fails just generally, can you tell us and without getting into any specifics, but what? What type of people would you say? You typically provide these services for generally high net worth people, individuals or families residencies.
Okay, are you familiar with the plaintiff, in this case johnny depp? Yes, i am yeah and how are you familiar with mr depp? I met and worked uh for mr depp in two and one of the wrong accounts. Oh nice, great and subsequently a couple of times after that. Okay, can you briefly just explain to the jury how it came to be that you were working for mr david right sure um. I didn't yes, i uh.

At that point. I was working in a freelance self-employed capacity uh i was a lot of my jobs came through friends of friends, you know personal recommendations etc, and i was asked by a friend of a friend on this occasion. Would i be available a uh to go and manage a property where mr depp was going to be staying for about a month in central london was, i available would have been willing to do it, and i was available at that point, and so i said yes, I would yeah absolutely and just to make sure we're on the same page. What time frame are we talking about here? That was august, um, 2014.? Okay, and did you in fact end up working uh for mr duff in that time frame? I did yes now just to clarify uh.

Were you employed by mr depp? No, so so, who was your employer? I was paid through a large hotel which was close by to the house who also uh they. They provided the housekeeper who was working with us for that month as well, so i was paid through them. Okay, can you just generally explain to us what kind of work you were doing uh from mr depp and was hurt in this timeframe? Sure yeah it was. It's set up at the house, basically um, sorry setting up the house initially which, which meant ahead of the principles arriving, which meant making sure all the linens were in place for the bedrooms it was.

It was a sizeable property and just organizing everything ahead of their arrival. Wait: a random steam link to our accounts that property, the oversight. Okay, you have to get yeah. You have to connect okay, today running some service, you know like butler service and managing the housekeeper.

Day-To-Day through that whole month, and when you refer to the principles who are you referring to mr depp and miss herd uh, where exactly were you working in london at this point, how did you put in the bc this house - this was in mayfair - is a large Townhouse in an old building, but it was very contemporary inside uh, modern, uh, very modern sort of way, um quite spacious, maybe four or five bedrooms. I think a a small indoor pool a small gym. I'm going to remind you that quite a bit, you should be able to see the voice channels on the left, um and you can join the waiting room for the month. It's in the voice channel on the left side.

Okay, can you tell us just generally what hours you were typically worked inside while you were working, so i've been talking over that in this time frame, yeah um approximately depended on what was going on, but i mean generally seven or eight in the morning till so Seven or eight in the evening, typically there was a chef employed as well russell brilliant chef. He um he he tended to stay after i left in the evening. He would cook dinner, serve dinner and thankfully cleaned up after dinner. So i i could leave sort of early to mid evening, usually most days unless we had guests sorry unless there were guests or other things going on all right during your time managing the house for uh mr dev and this herd in 2014.
Did you have occasion to observe the interactions between mr deaf and mister? Yes, absolutely yeah. How often how about since things are going to go, increasing us talking i'll, let or did you see, one of them more often than the other miss heard was there? Mr depp was the reason i think they rented. The house was because mr depp was working at a studio. He was, i think it was mordecai the movie, so miss hurt was there at the house most of the days mr depp often went to work and came back later on in that evening that day, okay uh.

How would you generally describe the the interactions that you observed between mr depp and ms hurd, initially very sort of loving towards each other? You know nice couple um, mr debt was always a gentleman and and keen to make sure miss heard was taken care of anything. She needed often pour a glass of wine for her um just nice. You know pleasant uh. How about your own interactions with the couple? How did you get along with them both, i think very well and yeah? I they were really open to me, and i mean my background's quite formal, so it was that it was quite an informal setting.

It was. I was able to ask questions to either of them. Misheard, especially. It was really helpful to get information about what time they wanted dinner.

You know basic stuff like that or anything it was. It was good interaction all the time with the both of them. Okay, now you mentioned uh, you mentioned wine uh. Can you tell us to what extent did you observe either of them consume alcohol over the course of these four weeks? Sure um before i when i started that job when i was taking that job on i i was told i think by mr depp's assistant that he was objecting.

Can you answer without telling what you were told? I was made aware that mr depp was different. This guy's kind of adorable objection he's explaining what he's been told now he said i was informed. I don't think it's offered for the truth, your honor, i think it's just offered for to to explain his own behavior towards the couple um. Let me approach okay, what it's kind of cute: okay, he's like a deer in the headlights and he's just gon na you know: okay, yeah, okay! Addy can hear me so we're not understood you're, muted uh, you might have to add a a key to unmute or you could probably manually unmute yourself.
You hear me now. Oh my god, i hear you today. That's pretty good. Actually, hello, hello, yeah! I listen.

I didn't want it to be like a like a constant flow. You know, because um i just wan na ask for input uh from time to time. You know uh! Okay, if that's okay! Is that? Okay with you? Yes, yes, that's fine, okay! So, mr king, if i haven't i'm on the autism spectrum, so sometimes things aren't really and what you personally i'll do my best. Don't worry, don't i do nothing more about you, you're, good, okay! Thank you.

There was a large consignment of wine that had been delivered to the house at the start of the visit. Many cases that i had to store had to find a place to store, and, generally speaking on, a day-to-day about one or two bottles of red wine were consumed per day. I think that's fair to say: did you ever observe mr depp drink any of the wine? No, i didn't, did you ever observe miss her drink any of the wine? Yes, i did regularly daily now. I think you already testified that you observed interactions with mr depp and miss heard, and you generally found them to be friendly.

Is that fair, very much so? Yes, um: were there any exceptions to that towards me? Oh i'll rephrase, did you ever observe any arguments between the two? Yes, i did i'll allow it. That's fine, okay! Oh yes, i did yeah okay, and can you describe for us the arguments that you observed? I can describe two of them: um, certainly uh. There were a few arguments on that during that month. Let's just start with those two okay uh, the first one i remember was an evening.

Actually, they were both the ones i recall were, and i was close to were evenings uh this first particular evening. The couple were due to go out for dinner. I i guess um. I know the car was waiting in the in the little courtyard there ready for them to go and security were waiting to to take them.

I was waiting to see them out into the cars at the foot of the on the ground level ground floor level to uh, wait to see them out essentially - and i heard the first thing i heard was misheard shouting upstairs in the master suite where they were Getting ready to to leave, i heard her shout something i don't recall watching. I was in the vicinity. I wasn't really there to listen and um. I heard footsteps loud footsteps, sort of going across there's a like a corridor if you like the top of those stairs that went around the master, suite loud footsteps and then more footsteps.

Following more shouting that that sort of went on for some time i mean i, i knew that they what time they needed to leave. I don't recall what time that was, but they i knew they need. They were supposed to have left already and it went on for a bit. Do you recall how that first uh fight or argument resolved? No, not necessarily i mean i know that they left eventually, albeit late uh.
I don't know how it really resolved, because i sort of made myself busy, but not going too far away from the door and make sure i saw them out all right and then what about the second argument that you mentioned? Second one. I was pretty much in the same vicinity the same room on the ground. It doesn't really get to anything, but whatever again i would. The couple were in the the tv room, i think, which was off the main sitting room early evening, and i was going about my early evening.

Duties, replenishing drinks close by you know, lighting the fire lighting candles, whatever it might have been. I was close enough to to hear miss heard say: why did you take your hand away from me? Johnny? Don't you do you love me anymore, like not in a playful way, i might add um and i think he replied. Of course i do don't be silly. You know, of course i do and it kind of launched from that point and at one point mr depp got up and went to a bathroom or went upstairs and i was sort of scuttling around out of the way, because i you know wasn't there listening.

I was just there doing my stuff. Oh come on yeah, it's a strange sort of banal way to start an argument, but how would you describe miss her when she said um? Why did you take your hand away johnny accusatory spoiled teenage child? Maybe is that fair? It pretty, you know, not playfully, let's put it that way: more angrily, um over the course of the four weeks in august since september 2014, when you were working with mr depends hurt in london. Yes, did you ever observe any physical violence of any kind between the two of them? No, i didn't, did you ever observe any injuries on either one of them, no, neither of them. Okay, after those four weeks um did you ever work for mr depp or mr again, i did a couple of occasions.

The following year was the first one, the following spring: okay, and where was that in australia, and what is it uh? Was it unusual for you to be in australia in australia, maybe, but not unusual, for me to travel with for clients from my assignments to wherever it was needed? Okay, um? How? How exactly did it come about that you were in australia with mr definitely um towards the end of the london visit uh. Mr deb kindly said we, you know thanks so much for looking after us. We really like you, maybe if you're free next year and we can arrange it - we can make it happen. Perhaps you'll be able to come to australia with us.

I've got to film pirates five, so i said great i'd. Love to you know. Obviously i was freelance at the time, so it was gon na gon na be about four months work. I think it was builders, so i thought yes, i wouldn't mind some of that.

Thank you very much, those guys where in australia were you staying, there's a gold coast, yeah, it's a brisbane area and brisbane was the main airport. So it's about an hour's drive south of brisbane, and do you recall when you arrived? I arrived on february the 4th. I know i flew on that day. Okay, how did your job responsibilities in australia compared to your job responsibilities? Uh in london? Much the same just on a bigger scale.
The house was larger. There was a bit more set up to do, but essentially the same oversight of the house. Where did he claim for it during the whole, the whole gig and were you employed by mr depp or ms heard? No, who were you employed by uh, essentially by disney the production company affiliated with disney, who were making the movie uh, i think their name was herschel - was the production company? Okay. Now i think you said you arrived in australia on february 4th 2015.

Could i have that right? Yes, okay, uh, how about mr depp and miss heard? When did they arrive uh the setup for me for us was about a few weeks. I think they they arrived towards the end of february 2015. and between your arrival and their arrival. What have you been doing? Just setting up the house? I lived on site uh.

There was a guest house on site, a two-bedroom single-story guest house that i stayed in for those first couple of weeks, uh setting up the house and just getting everything ready during that time, but there's a lot of going on. We i mean a lot of the crew uh, the chef had an apartment. We all had apartments about a 30 minute drive south of south of the house, okay, and so we're talking about this house in australia um. So can you kind of describe that property to us? Yes, it was a large house on a few acres of land, a three-story house, five bedrooms with two or three buildings on within the grounds as well: um, a good-sized house, beautiful house, beautiful location.

How many entrances would you say it had entrances? Many i mean many on, certainly on the lower ground level out to the garden on the first or on the main floor level, there was many entrances. I mean every room in that house: had a balcony at least um relevance: you'll see every room on the lower ground floor had had a sliding door or a door out the utility room. The garage no worry questions. It's just setting it up the every everything uh.

Obviously the front door, many on the main level, the large glass sliding doors out to the pool area which had a gazebo and and it steps down to the to the ground. Relevance. Think about your question and miss herd arrived to stay at this house. Um was anybody else staying in the house staying in the house now in was anybody else staying on the grounds on the property? Yes, i mean there was a couple there county, caretaking couple: uh sean and his wife sandra who worked for the the owner of the house.

They lived on on site, essentially all the time they were there pretty much throughout um and their house was whatever a couple hundred yards away from the main house and yes, security.

By xQcOW

17 thoughts on “Amber heard’s lawyer is a bozo johnny depp vs amber heard defamation trial”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InsidePillow says:

    i just imagine Johnny constantly has the “bruh” sound effect playing every time they ask him something

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cooper B says:

    All the gaslighting lying and abuse I see she took the master class my ex teaches

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ElitistMagi says:

    I dont get it, how is it that she has all these conversations recorded? seems like there is an agenda…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 100k challenge with 0 video says:

    The moment where Amber’s lawyer objects to his own question was the biggest bruh moment. Big W for JD

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Woemin says:

    This man really objected the answer to his own question because he didn’t like where it was going 💀

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T Lavender says:

    I am actually impressed at how Amber has managed to make absolutely everyone on this planet hate her. It’s actually hilarious how awful she looks. And it just so happens her lawyer is a clown

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Red Hood says:

    The laziest lawyers and the worst just a waste of money I rather go to prison over having them on my side

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I'M NOT THAT TERRIBLE says:

    These lawyers are ridiculous. I could not sit a minute in this court without getting angry and extremely frustrated. Johnny Depp is a fucking soldier.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg says:

    Amber is just another worthless abusive woman in 2022 who thinks her shit doesn’t stink. I hope she gets jail time and I hope Johnny gets all her money.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sayan Andrews says:

    we smoking on that amber lawyer pack harder than the amber pack at this point

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amzaptoo A says:

    The moment where Amber’s lawyer objects to his own question was the biggest bruh moment. Big W for JD

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars unown says:

    Amber's lawyer is in competition with Joe Rogan the amount of random shit he asks to "pull up"

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Retri says:

    i cant wait for amber to piss off the wrong person and get put in her place

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fenrisulfr says:

    its a shame the live feed lagged right when rottenborn goes full pepega and objects HIMSELF

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freak Box says:

    Carefull, if he's a good lawyer he will get you for defamation of character

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matsu says:

    In all honesty, her lawyers is trying so hard to win with so little on hands.

    But at the same time holy shit they're hotdog water at this

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sweet Brazy N says:

    What a waste of time, anyone who’s invested this much into watching this trial has no life whatsoever lmao

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