xQcOW plays the Overwatch 2 PVP with Seagull, Super, & Surefour!
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#xQc #Overwatch2 #xQcOW

Okay, somebody needs to explain how to do the glitch, though it's control shift and then like as you're. Getting close. You hit space. That was too many words, you'll figure it out.

Yeah you'll figure it out. I don't get it guys. I have a doofus okay, i'm feeding, wow, okay, i'm i'm i'm being okay. I i need to know how to how to maneuver this properly.

Okay, okay, honestly, my back okay, how do you, how do you maneuver that? What the he's got a little bit creative that guy's trying to do some holy soldier is disgusting. There's no shields bro. Did you try perez? I mean i'm getting no help from my team man. You didn't say you were going for a rest man.

Why man? It's the obvious play man, you were behind a wall. I couldn't even heal you. If you want me to heal you, i had to push through the wall, mercy dude. If i die, if he dies, i die it's just kind of how it goes.

Yeah should expect that to happen. He died like here. He died like six years earlier and then he went all right. I'm gon na die you're busting, busting them guys.

There's a doom on me. He's asleep. Someone killed him. Now we actually killed him holy real footage of doomfist.

There we go there. We go see that no, no, no, no, no yeah! Now we're up in this superhero. You have an idea. Come insane, you actually fly us.

Would you try help me? No? No! No! No! No, no! No! No! I'm on the doom guy! Behind help i mean i don't know where i'm at dude is that facebook. You know what good trade good trick on the mercy. Nice, nice, that's the tracer. Okay, i'm telling you dude! I've been practicing this! Let's go.

Let's go: let's go highs forgot to get passive heals. When i don't take the image now i can't kill him. Everybody needs to see more dance right here. Man, oh the soldier, he's doing a lot.

Yeah he's doing he's doing he's doing some 500 more damage than you right now, according to the scoreboard, damn with one rocket - oh, my god, dude the unexpected flying anna. What do you mean no way? It's? Okay, you died all right, fat genji. Are you ready? I guess man, i don't think i can do anything, but i can push him back on soldiers. I need to go ahead.

My team, i think i slept oh my god, three, two one, there's one. Oh my god, dude okay, man, yeah yeah. This tracer is being weird weird. We have one more fight help me crouch plus shift yeah.

I mean a little bit you a little bit rusty on this yeah. It's his fault, i'm not putting mercy away, though that wasn't a problem. The mercy pocket pick isn't going away. That was not the problem.

Of course. Brig is good. I don't think that character is ever going to be not good hold on probably true way, better bigger machine. Oh my god.

Did she always dash that far that's kind of insane, though yeah? No, they increased the dash. Oh my god, you don't stun anymore, though you're like slow yeah. So what stuns then nothing there's not a lot of stuns in the game anymore and do more. Like a word guys, that's an x-16 fighter pilot man.
This is getting weird now we're bullied. I have the f-16 fighter yeah. This is getting weird wait. How much matrix does steven have three seconds? It's a lot.

I think yeah, it's three seconds remember when it was three seconds in that overwatch fighter pilot. This is getting weird dude we're actually losing games, though what is happening? Well, i i know matchmaking is doing its job. What the i got ta clutch up! Well, they have. They have overwatch also, we have to actually like sweat a little bit.

We only have four more oh whoa too soon sure yeah, that's something yeah. We have not too soon. It wasn't too soon. He choked his own okay.

I also chose okay. Well then, you maybe, as the mccree i mean the cassidy you should guy left, zoom guy's out gym guy is really out. Oh my god dude. This is getting kind of crazy they're, all touching our doors they're.

All touching our! Let me get such a point. Then. Bro we're actually just going out one by one. This is not good.

Okay um. This was this was impressive. That was a tough game, tough game. I'll be honest.

I threw so. I could eat a taco, okay, i'm well, i mean. Was it good? I mean guys guys the little pros are playing their main role, harding their main characters. Let me try new everybody's playing off-rolls hello, chat.

Welcome to the jungle xqcl, how this says you were all off rolling. We are literally everything we all four, even though there's four of us out of five but we're all off rolling. What are we gon na do about it? These are not pucks, though these are like um they're stones, yeah, they're, stone, pucks, juicers overwatch. Do is this sick, he'll know this guy can't even give a single good kill out and can't even aim to save his life rocks right now those are boulders obelisks, oh, my god, they got bastion.

No, what where's the water wait? What else is that? How does that not go through, though i'm useless, i got ta kill. I get one more. I want one for bastion. That's that's not a bad trade.

How is that a bad trade you're smoking crack man? That is not a bad trade at all the nerf tracer. Does no damage - i don't think so could be wrong, though oh it's, it's not what it is is that one track he's playing the uh, the new watch beta and he's playing his one trick there that it hasn't changed. Yet i like it what it was still in that top left area dunes really low. Do you want? I got i'm pushing the cart, wait.

What is this guy called like the dude run? Uh dude just call him wall, man wall, man yeah. He doesn't have a name yet he's given a name he's calling wally. I think he has a name, but i don't know jason jason bourne. Oh okay, i have high noon, but i think it sucks.

No. No. It shoots super fast now by the way who wants nanos me dude, i'm i went into something i don't know i'm kind of rolling, though there's a little far left. I don't want to get shot yo.
I think they're gon na nerf his the freeze, nate or cole's maid that there's no way how much damage you do. 110. If it sticks, i know it sticks. It's got a huge hitbox yeah, it's 110 holy it tracks like what is that? Oh wow? I almost survived that yeah, it's it's like it's like magnetic.

It's funny. Look at that! Look at that damage dude, i'm! Actually that was sick because it builds up whenever you like your feet. It doesn't matter if you're looking or not you build a extra shield he's actually one he's. Actually one you're damaged, just like the main game.

You know, and this guy is like uh, the widow yeah yeah much better. I discovered them for you beat their ass man. You should see what he's doing he's unholy. I do sleeping on her experience.

Oh yeah, i forgot you could ping now yeah middle class. I think the pink system kind of sucks, though yeah it's it's too hard to navigate it's and it's kind of slow as well. It's so quiet. It doesn't really like pop out yeah, it's quiet and slow.

Also, i i have to like do a wheel when i'm exactly i used to you're dead again, it will look if you double click. If you double click your middle mouse button, it it pings the enemy, i'm sleeping, oh yeah, i see it yeah, that's how i should be pinging, the widow double click on him. Dude. I gave you my orb man.

I was trying to ping some stuff yeah, i'm going for a crazy flank here. Do i get four spot here? I do not. I don't even know if there's forward yeah, there is there's an assembly, so this map is forward. Sponsor that's like cut.

I think it is yeah i would go anywhere. Jason is to be past the first novel, two yeah. It looks very popular. When do the paper you want it yeah, let's get in there dude what is even happening right now.

No, the dragon becomes me. There's a tracer on me: you got yours, sometimes the orb thing bugs out and it doesn't show it as red on the enemy look. This is a max p jason. He goes so fast he's pretty fast yeah.

He was so much slower. Well, that's because he's not pushing the wall he's striding to the wall right now. Oh, he had no weight and now he's really slow wait. What is that i can't move bro? Where the did this come from the left side, i was already low man.

That is weird. Do we get forced if we get forced on here? I think no way things are getting weird bro. What are you going to force? One right, though yeah we can force one here, so we can engage really fast here. There's a tracer behind us.

I'm sucking off the anna roger, oh well, you got drawn on big big, i'm healing you you're getting healed, i'm sucking where's. The tracer see that i landed on the top of his head she's over here. I'm pinging her. I think, pinker, it's on me, nice ping.

I'm coming that's a good opening legs is here, don't worry, i'm pinging. I can't see nothing. What? Oh, my god dodge wait. Is this punch aoe now what the yeah it is yeah, but that's why i got punched through someone on lijiang, my god.
This is embarrassing. I can never make that jump here. You embarrassing yourself right now, guys there's a zen over there, calling i'm pulling. Thank you.

I got punched he's going for me. Assist me. Wait what what my god i'm popping the off holy wait. We didn't push it to the end, though you just have to get it further than the other team spawns behind me.

Of course, i don't know, i always say they're, like my thing, we're not better than them. Oh wait a minute. It's gon na get spicy. That was insane all right.

This is the legendary anna, because man is actually pretty good. I'm not kidding it's actually kind of decent yeah. The hitbox for teammates is big. Okay.

I don't know about the triangle thing, but it's big. Every single every single support now has passive mercy, i'm just guessing yeah. It's like xqcl, this paris. No, this is midtown what yeah it's a good map.

It's new york city, man, yeah wow, you know reaper from new york city. What's this guy doing he's gone? Dude he's just gone: oh my god we're going through. Oh my god, junk one. Why don't you kill him? They should let you walk together.

Dude, i'm insane this game. I just went hard. Oh god, damn oh wait! The wall is so big. Now it's a garage garage door, i go genji, i already hold it.

Anybody on this one. This is this is this is insane. Why were the stairs the car, the car? Oh my god, wait. There's a guy driving it yo dustin! I'm going to pump! You super hard yeah yeah you have to go in, though you have to go in, though, guess we're under by the way we can't heal your hands yeah.

This is one of the worst low ground in the game. I think literally, what the no you got. Ta uh yeah. You have to get literally suicide to make it right.

Yeah. You have to go melee yeah. Actually i played a game with it. Yeah it can awaken.

Are we going to be good pumping yeah, but i was doing damage i'm pumping super now? Oh, my god i missed my neck. Is there moving faster guys front lining so he's going to have a freaking tire soon, guys i'm going to crank hold up here ready? Oh, i got scared you're going to die with me. I guess i'm pumping. I got a guy, i got the hopper wait.

Can we go to this? I can do both bro. Oh you mean that high ground. I don't think i could jump that. Okay, i'm dead.

I got it. Oh my god, dude yo. This map has so many high ground. It's kind of crazy.

This is like a labyrinth. Upstairs man now window with sojourner is a little up. Let's move this payload. Can you body shot one shot, yeah one shot yeah, it's actually so hard to head shot with her.

Sometimes it's just a body shot coming down. Can you guys call the movement speed buff for uh dps? Why is that? What yeah you get a movement? Oh, i can't see them. We could check those charts tap. No, no! No! No! No! No taking your time, aren't you well, i'm trying to figure i'm trying to find people man.
Oh wait! Don't look at this. Wait. Wait, stop hold on! Don't look at that? Oh my god! Oh my god! What the! Why does it make me? Look good! I'm getting mad, i'm getting angry right now, any flexors any flexes. Oh my gosh! They got ta figure.

This out thing asap! It's it's unbearable! Yeah, it's bad! It's bad, yeah! True, i'm gon na screech sure for white playing. I don't know i'm going to troll. I've been doing that the whole time nice, my whole overwatch career career career in lowercase, letters, sorry, lowercase, uppercase, so spicy man play sombra and use the new somber tag. I didn't chose freaking spice.

You know you know where you stay in this and just permit somebody. I didn't want to breathe because then it's gon na be too spicy. You know you unvis and as you're unvisiting you hack, so you can instantly shoot him when the hack finishes guys. I had a piece of chicken and it's full of like powders and spicy.

If i breathe it, it's going to go into my lungs man, then again it gets crazy man wait. What map is this? That's the napa, italy, it's not a country! Oh my god need help. I'm at wally yeah we're going to go to the point now that got into the beta okay. I need to stop doing the lucio thing guys, i'm back, i'm speeding! Oh my god, you're by yourself, i killed myself.

I killed you uh! No, you i mean you did yeah you killed me. That's weird man, yeah yeah. I did yeah that is kinda cook man. All right, i'm gon na pump you you got ta, go big.

I pumped up, oh you're, still holding it to the jungle. Yes, yes, i am two months of smile. Almost right, look at the run get around to the right. No, i was on there help somebody i helped as much as i can man this scary bro.

Oh god, i i know what to do. I know what to do with in danger. Pull out me short. It's not like it's kind of bad.

Now, though dude the left click is the noob stopper, though ryan maycombs are okay, almost dead randomly, but it does more damage. It's tf2 pyro, more damage than ice pick. There's no use of ice pick; okay, if you're close range, just always left click you're up now, when you're getting pumped. I need you to do the e in them and then i heal you, oh he's on the ground.

He's dead, that's what i said earlier, but got into the beta okay. What is this origami? I mean. I mean this guy's teabagging, but his entire career is a l man. I mean i can't be.

Doesn't it wha? Why, though, why is it innovative? I don't. I don't get it why the debate in the beta is weird. I think it's weird. Can you tank that with your with your wig? Oh, my god, good spin, good, spin you're here go google that it's the biggest okay.
We can't lose this game right. Look at that they're both now they're literally come on man. Oh no! No! Now they're tea bagging! Oh i'm leaving they've been tea. Bagging uh this this guy! Oh okay, not me! I guess they like me, maybe you're too far away to teabag.

Oh god, dude! I'm opening the running shoe he's big. No, this whole thing, both oh big, freeze, kill bricks. I have no drone no way dude i've never seen this guys. I have news what john overwatch is coming, who john overwatch huh? Oh john overwatch huh yeah, later cam.

That was interesting. That was interesting. Give me tonight.

By xQcOW

17 thoughts on “Retired overwatch pros play overwatch 2 for the first time!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeadlyRiot says:

    i got the beta access and my account is linked but i still cant play. Why is that?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TrashRRatt says:

    this must be a mic peak festival

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francis fw wells says:

    Retired you make it sound like hes 80

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meatballs Commentary says:

    Can't wait for new friends to say "nostalgia"

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Marco Charette Official Music says:

    Eh retired is a big word for a game released in 2016 I been playing cs since 2000

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Mac says:

    Mf comes back to play the healer

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars noor dhillon says:

    I am a god amongst men, jk Im just a melon

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 6consoles says:

    Let's gooo it's 3 am but I don't care pot content 🗿🗿 AUGHHHHHHHHHH

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel person says:

    I can always count on xQc to make me laugh

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Buppy says:

    Retired Pro comes back to Overwatch 2 just to play Mercy

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars remiplug says:

    They sound like they might of came back to be pros again

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Banana says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars franz says:

    “For the first time” Kapp

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff says:

    Ngl ow2 is great
    Def returning

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Bailey says:

    to those that say first no one cares

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Preder says:

    Can't wait for this to come out 🎉

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Firelightflight says:

    Somewhere around first

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