xQc hires a professional barber to come cut his hair.
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#xQc #Haircut #Barber

Out of control boys, it's gotten out of control and um yeah, i'm gon na explain. Basically the hair has gone so long. What are we gon na? Do? Ah just cut it. I think give it a give it a cut.

Okay, um. Did you guys uh? So no color today is what i heard. No, no um you didn't bring. Color did you i i would have, but i got no.

No! No! No! I didn't want to do it. Okay, unless it's like so bad, i mean i'll. Probably you know like: have you come back some other time, then yeah but uh? You know i've never had my hair cut without getting re-dyed, so the ratio might be bad, but we'll see how you know it might look a little funky but it'll it'll. Look like it'll look like the uh, the old times.

You've got good face, so you can pull it up. Okay, okay, yeah! I know you can hopefully hit her come here. Man hey seriously. It was hey.

Thank you for the opportunity man yeah. Of course, we should go back. Okay um. Where can i set up um? Give me a little more.

For example, this place is not as big as dead ones. It's gon na be a more more freestyle. Um, probably like just uh put things here. Maybe yeah things over there: okay yeah! Do you like this boom? I think it's the best way to do it.

No yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, that's cool, so yeah. I brought a towel, so i just put a towel over this so that you know yeah. It's getting all over the place. I think it's got a little bit like frosted tips right in my at my it's, oh yeah, wait by the way, uh.

What? What kind of curry are we kind of going back to what we had um yeah, but not as short, not that short, also kind of like trimming it um yeah like okay. I think overall yeah just on my face, okay, because the problem that i have is that um uh, like i want to tuck my hair. You know. Sometimes it gets annoying so i'll like i'll, want to tuck it right like i'll, want to get to the sides, but it's gon na pull my roots.

You know okay, yeah yeah, so i want to like not have to pull my roots. Okay, i got juice. Just let it kind of like keep it loose yeah. I want to keep it loose, so i don't have to tuck it yeah yeah, so it doesn't damage my thing.

I don't want to go bald. You know, hey dude. No, you got plenty here, man and as far as what i'm looking at right now, it doesn't look like nothing left, yeah, yeah, yeah, um, no, no dude you're still doing good man. No that's! So it's so good! Hey you using that product that i gave you last time.

I did okay, because it's feeling nice and soft yeah. I watched it yesterday, so it's uh, so i don't have to go uh disinfect my hands after this. No, no you're good, you're, good you're, good uh yeah, also yeah um yeah, but now it's super fluffy, which is like usually usually did that there was my hair yeah. It's so fluffy, it's kind of hard to like okay and it's you know it's all.

It falls on my face like that all the time and i'm like this is all day it's kind of annoying. Okay, okay, stick it up, but you do have that headphones on most of the time right when you're yeah, so i'll have my headphones over, like that. Okay but then, after a little bit of time you know it'll go like this and then you know it'll go like that. Okay, you know, and then it's gon na be in my face a little bit.
Okay and i i talk and then you know - and i don't wan na i wan na tuck it because i don't, i don't want to pull too hard yeah. So then, from the front. I can't really cut too much then, because, if i do you know i mean it's going to be shorter and you won't be able to tuck it as much yeah. That's what i want.

I don't want. I don't like it. I, okay, okay, okay! So then, when it is flopping in the front, you don't want it to have it change your blood vision. I got you, i got you okay, all right here.

Well, let me sit up real, quick and then i'm gon na yeah i'll. Take your hair a little bit more yeah. Also, it gets kind of heavy you know. So, whenever it's like free and if i have like a product or water yeah or just like anymore like a day or two, it will stand on its own.

You know yeah and i don't have to move it. I think it's gon na warm up, but that's just it's like it's too heavy too. Just because it's long what texture is it yeah, yeah, all right, cool, all right man, so uh man, it's exciting! You know like, like i said earlier, it's like a great opportunity again because seriously like after i left that day yeah, i really didn't know who you were yeah and then now like after that day, man bro, like it's insane, dude yeah. You have some people here.

People talking to you dude, you don't even know i actually have clients in my salon, no way come and ask for your haircut chat. You know what i mean like really asking for your haircut. Ah interesting. I did not know that was that happening yeah so like well.

Thank you. You know like you, did bring me business. You know. Oh, that's, cool yeah yeah.

So like i really appreciate that and even family and friends that i didn't know that they watched you they're, like hey cooney, were you were you on sqc stream? I'm like? Oh, you know that guy he's like really. I don't even know who he is. I'm like. Well now i do now, you know that's interesting.

It was like that. So no, i appreciate you man for just being, oh no, you got it dude um! You know the other time coming here and oh yeah. It was definitely a lot of fun. I'm trying to set this up properly if it's not oh, this mic is so scruffed.

Thank you. So much cool, literally don't stress about anything around like yeah. What happens happens. Whatever happens happens all right here.

We go no home back. No, i want to respect your space. You've got this okay, okay, all right! So uh hey! So you say you washed your hair. Yesterday, oh yeah, okay, then i'll just whip it down with the bottle uh.

Before i cut it, yeah yeah! You got it: okay, um chad. What what's all this sound like? Is it bad, bad or decent, because this mic arm is so scuffed? I had to be planted, it's decent guys. If you guys looked at my setup, you'd understand. I have the arm broken into my desk.
Pretty much oh yeah. I want to hit the mic either see that i invisible by a better chat. Just have it normal, like this yeah. It's like it's gon na work.

I think over here, smoking, oh and by the way this cape i feel like i could still sell this for quite a money really because i'm not even joking. You like people ask like. Is this the kate that the xqc was wearing? I'm like oh yeah? It is actually wait really people do people that is so weird the magnitude, the the pull that you have amongst. You know your fans, they love you dude yeah.

I don't really interact with that with that with that part of like um. How do i say it's like? I, don't really i'm not very aware of some of the some of the stuff like that. Oh yeah, i'm i'm pretty sure you're super busy. You know with what you do and you you know you.

You don't probably get that feedback, but i'm telling you this escape. If i ever have one of your fans come through right yeah i bring this out into like you know they just one of the guy told me he might be watching. He said that he's not gon na wash it or wash his uh neck for one whole week, and there was another guy. That said the same thing he said a whole month until he starts to.

I don't know like you know, just think too much that, like you know, you can't get away from it, but so there are these people that do say. Oh man, some some some amazing stuff about you, oh yeah. I did not think that was a thing at all, yeah, so, okay, so i'm probably going to cut a good few inches. You know maybe uh you probably will have a frosty tips.

You know i might want to cut about this much yep. That's that way. So then uh once it comes down, it's not really like you know in your eyes, but you still got some style: okay, yeah. It's not good.

Uh show me again how much okay, so i probably want to cut from this from the top, though from the cider pie cup a little bit more but like about that much um, yeah yeah or do you or do you wan na that's good, yeah, yeah yeah. Let's just do it: okay, all right cool man, worst case scenario, um, we could probably um worst case scenario. I mean we could probably just do it again, i'll just pay for your time like if we have to like cut more or whatnot or or less at a time. If it's so disgusting, it's like it's unwearable and i look like i'm wearing a hat uh.

We could probably just just reschedule like another thing where i i just dye it up again: okay, it'll, be fun right. You sure i'll make time for you. Man come on now yeah! Well, do you guys show us um if you're this old? This is i've. Never had i never.

Let's go. I never had this. It's just rolling. Let's go wait.
Is it cool if you take a before and after yeah yeah, of course, okay, yeah cool, all right man? Here we go okay, it's kind of hard to style. Yeah um: do you think it's so heavy uh, and i can't really do this anymore. You know like, like, i think, because look it goes like a rainbow okay, yeah yeah. I was like right over look at that yeah yeah.

This is the best i have to put in the middle and i don't like a carrot and so yeah yeah. No, no. We don't want to do that. Wait but but you you, you do split down the middle most time or or you do it like this.

Well, these days, i do because my the only way i can i could get anything going. You know, oh okay, when it's short enough. I can do this and make it look good, okay. Otherwise, it's split in the middle.

That's really bad got it got it got it got it here we go here, we go so um, hey, uh and also after i left that day. You know in november uh, like you know, so everybody is all of a sudden. You know like following my page and i'm like what's going on, like i never had so many notification like now. I know what it feels like to.

I guess be a celebrity in a sense where you got a little burst of people for sure bursts of people coming through my way, and then you know, and then i now i know what um xqcl means. You know they love you or yes, pog or something you know they call you pog right, yeah yeah. So all these you know acronyms i'm like oh dude. This is kind of cool, i'm kind of getting the lingo well anyways.

Remember. We talked about cars yeah. Some someone told me that they got it. You got it.

Oh yeah, you saw the car downstairs, it was yeah. I was covered up, but i i i i know the seller went. Oh yeah, not a regular, regular car yeah, the mclaren. You saw that yeah.

Let's go for a ride: yeah yeah! We should um go for a ride dude. You know what i have a irl backpack that works um. You know to go outside. If, if i could, if i you know what, if we have to redo it again, oh we could probably just go outside and just go for a drive and then bring the camera whatever and keep it live.

Are you sure, yeah right next time, because um the backpack isn't like fully like ready? Okay, okay, y'all! No worries, no worries! Oh no joke, though you might get uh i'll, ask sammy! Okay, just just you know! No way do i drive it. I i couldn't believe it i was like wait. You got it literally. Someone said two weeks after yeah i was like dude, you ballin, i'm like no way this.

This is not possible. I was like no for real look and uh yeah. Someone sent me the link. I'm like you, you had it so i was like wow yeah.

I was never really a big, a big car guy yeah. Then i played a lot of gta. Oh yeah, okay, and i was like um. I don't have my license, so i can't drive it not.

On the license, i can't drive it, and this is why, because i wanted it, are you serious yeah? I just wanted it. Oh wow dude, oh wow, see that's amazing. That's amazing! Oh my legs. You know at one point but um wait.
You have a canadian license. Well, i it's a, i have a um, i didn't do the final test or whatever, oh okay, yes, we took classes yeah. I did my class, i finished all the theory and i had my um my permit yeah. So if i had like a driver with me, i could drive him.

Oh i see. Oh then dude i'll be here i'll, be here you know, but i don't know if it works in america and it's expired uh yeah, because it's from quebec, whatever, whenever i go back to quebec i'll, probably get some of that uh done. Yeah yeah driving theories. It's a real thing: we have that in quebec.

We have quebec, has more uh, it's stricter for driving than usa for by a long shot. Oh, is it yeah? It's it's more elaborate. It takes more time to get a license. Oh yeah and america's a little.

I think it was a little softer. It could be. It's like hey. You, you go through.

You know a week of class. Take a couple of couple of answers: yeah questions and hey there. You go. Here's your license.

Yeah first is like a bunch of stuff. It's a little bit um harder, but um yeah. I don't know i like the car. I just want to have it and then i bought it and then i have it like that.

That was that there wasn't much stuff behind it and i don't we're good at even one bit. I love the car, nice and sammy wants to. You, know android passenger and you know like for like a park, you know she'll. Let me drive it wait.

What color is it uh? It's clay. It's like a clay like uh, an orange mix like orange breaks and the rest is orange. Oh dude, it's like a really nice color mix. Yeah.

I like it amazing it's. It might sound pretty sick too right. It sounds like crazy. Oh have you done, or are you planning on doing any aftermarket um? No, i might i might get a um.

I might get a a wrap on it, but i'm taking it to uh the track soon. Oh, you are yeah yeah um yeah cause. Whenever you buy the car it they it kind of comes with um, like they kind of like you, they're busy. It's like a club almost and you're like, and then you can go to the the tracking time you want.

Oh nice, so you're part of the the mclaren mclaren uh member yeah type of thing and then um we'll probably go there soon. So i bought the backpack for so because it's like a stream, it's like a computer and it it streams pretty much. So i can do this on the fly and i'll bring it over there. Oh sweet i'll probably have like a like a driving coach or whatever, and just have something cool happen.

You know like like uh. Is there like a specific track that they take you to or is it yeah it's they have a big like it's it's an um. I think it's all thermal and it's in uh it's in palm springs. Oh, it's like a really good track.

Apparently, it's like a really really good one. Nice and um yeah that'll be cool um yeah. So i was shopping cars because i was like you know: uh cause. I was off stream and i was uh a hand in the city and i was like let's just go to car dealerships right just on a whim.
I had no idea we're gon na do this, so we went to like porsche or whatever yeah. I actually signed documents to buy a port gt3. Oh you did, but then i was like i don't. I don't want it anymore.

Oh i end up not buying it. Did we talk about that that i actually drove the gt3 in vegas? No, i did not. Oh, so there's a track off of the freeway uh uh on the way to vegas like right. Before you see the actual.

You know the silhouette of vegas, you you get there and it's called speed vegas. I think it was called and they give you yeah selections of cars and mclaren uh. Urban clearance is actually one of them, but they didn't have it that day it would be ferrari, mclaren, lamborghini, porsches and a few others like. I think they had a gtr too, but so gt3 is the the car that i drove.

That's a it's a great car. It's a pure! It's! I think your car is faster like more powerful, but that car had such a great pure. You know poor sound, uh yeah, it's pretty great. I mean the gt3 is like um yeah they're they're, really quick, though someone's the the poor supercar really really good, like uh, and also the um.

What is it 911 turbo s or whatever yeah? These are like incredibly quick yeah. They are they're super sick, but man like oh hey, congrats, though man, congratulations, mclaren, that's that's the car yeah. I love the car and so the reason why i bought um that one uh-huh, basically like i'd, go to dealerships and all of them were like very condescending, the the uh, the sellers, yeah and it all acted like um. Oh, no, you can't you can't get these cars because these are like uh, not because not because they're, like a oh dude, we sell them like our 100k above market price.

We sell like uh 80k market price. We sell 150k about market price and they're all there by like oh yeah. These are uh they're like saying like this is like impossible to get like where you have your budget and i was like okay, then i'm just not gon na buy then yeah, oh, so they didn't even treat you like a customer yeah. They were all like that.

They were like yeah, though these are too expensive. These are like uh way by market price and when i went to mclennan and the guy was really cool - oh nice and he's like. Oh, we have a policy mclaren. We can't.

We don't sell uh cars about market price, oh really, even like nope, none of them zero whoa. So then, he's like this is the card. Is the price on it and regardless of the market? Is it right now, that's how we're selling it? Oh wow. So i was like okay, how much is this one, and then i was i i was looking at like maybe ordering one yeah and there was a card in the middle of the video the whole time, and i didn't take a look at it because i know It was for sale, whatever yeah, i'm not i'm about to go on my way out.
I'm like what about this one right in the middle, like! Oh, yes, it's that price. I was like okay, it i'll just buy it and i just bought it really brought it home yeah. So you just you just pointed at it. You saw what you wanted.

You walked out and yeah that day, yeah the color mix was crazy on it uh yeah. It has really cool interior and the colors are sick, so whoever chose the colors that were crazy, yeah dude, that's amazing. What's so so, like uh, did you wait? Were you talking about like porsches like that and like and like a few other dealerships that you went? Were just giving you the cool shoulders so yeah, so lambo were weird with me. Uh porsche was weird um.

It was all pretty weird. To be honest, it wasn't like, like it wasn't fun. Yeah like almost like um, it's not giving you that experience yeah. I was like: oh yeah got money yeah exactly and i was like: okay can i sit in it and then they were like weird about it.

I'm like i'm like you did. I actually want to buy a car like yeah and they're just weird, and i just thought it was. I mean i didn't hold it against them. You know, because it probably it's very annoying that people come in and they're like uh yeah, try to ask to sit in all the cars for like an hour or whatever, and then whatever such that was kind of annoying.

You know um and at mclaren. Okay. Let me sit in the in the. I don't remember what it's called like: the mcdonald's p1 or whatever.

Oh, no wait that was there yeah and then was there yeah and then and it's lighting street legal. You know yeah yeah and the steering wheel like only goes like this far or whatever seriously yeah the steering wheel doesn't doesn't so it's like, like f1, then pretty much yeah, literally like an f1 like it's like a it's like a rectangle. Oh, what's it called like a p1 gtr yeah, that's the one yeah p1 gtr yeah, that's the one wow and they also had the other one uh, the one that it's like a one of one or something. What and uh it's a one seater and i think it's a two seat in the back: oh, that that it was the older one yeah.

It was called: that's mclaren, f1 yeah, it's a speed, tail of anything chet's saying: oh speed tail! Oh! You saw that too. Yeah yeah, i mean they didn't listen in this one, because uh, it's crazy, but uh like the whole car, is made with like uh like carbon fiber, whatever it's kind of crazy. It's a super expensive car wow, but they were really nice over there. You know.

That's awesome, dude yeah, so super reasonable. I mean, even though they're working out rude at some of the other, i would probably bought one of the cars if i, if i liked any of them, but they had they had none like at like lambo, whatever dad nothing. Yeah, nothing yeah and he's like what yeah you set yourself. Apart from all the other, you know douches that just gets lambo just because it's lamborghini yeah exactly i mean because you got actual sports car.
I wan na kind of look that i, like you, know, yeah like uh. It's not really like about like um. I don't know about like the the status whatever it's just i wan na have a card. I like yup, that's it and you got it dude.

That's about it yeah! That's amazing, dude, i'm so stoked for you like i. I couldn't believe it. I'm super stoked like you know, when i heard that i was like congrats man you're, you know. I know you work hard.

I know how long you stream now. You know i actually did a little little mini google on you, yeah yeah yeah, just a little mini google. You know yeah, i'm like damn. You work hard.

So whatever you have, you know you, you earned it. You know what i mean doesn't matter what anyone says because seeing you i i did. I actually did watch a few of your clips. Yeah you know and and like i don't care what people say.

You know yeah you. You are like awesome because when i watch you on like in there yeah, you are the same person as actually i, like you even more in person. Actually i feel, like i, you know you're more relatable more than people know. Probably yeah, that's okay! You know, because you are real, you know like you, you say whatever you want to say, and people do no one's perfect.

You know what i mean yeah like that yeah. Well, thank you. That's really! Nice yeah hey by the way, uh i'm not very good at taking a couple minutes. Just let you know ahead of time.

So it's not like awkward or whatever wait. I'm not really gon na like taking compliments and - and sometimes you know, oh no, no, no! No! No, no, you can do it. I just mean like whenever i get a compliment like i don't know what to say, but it's not like a bad thing. You know i'm not like stop doing it.

Don't do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're, saying wrong. Oh okay, yeah! Well, i'm just being genuine, you know, and no you're being really nice dude straight up, i'm i'm just being straight up like i think you are you're awesome, you're you're! Well! Thank you very much because seriously. I was actually kind of looking forward to coming back yeah.

I was like i was like felix: is cool guy to talk to man, it was cool, got to talk to you and uh. I mean you know. I was waiting for that surfing, surfing uh. You know phone call, but oh yeah, i'm messing with you dude.

No, no, no sorry uh! Also i've been changing phone numbers because uh, some of them are getting hacked or whatever, oh yeah. It's why i've been on on a no phone number thing: oh shoot: okay, yeah, yeah uh! I got to my phone numbers: got hacked again, like um people, people people really want to see you, oh well, someone really want to see well, they also work at um. Sometimes people work at like companies like people, people that are like doing like security breach from the couple. Oh, you mean, like let's say like uh like one of the providers yeah, they will look for you and they will find you well.
I i don't want to go to work, but it's like, like um, there's like a. How do you call that um, it's like a sim swap, oh well. Basically they get um. They get like my sim card uh-huh and then they'll put them they'll put in their phone whatever and mice doesn't work anymore, oh shoot and then they'll get like all my um they'll get like um.

I mean they can just get all my accounts over and that happened once actually i lost control of my twitter or whatever oh dang, but like security breaching basically yeah, you know what's crazy, they could they had all my dms all my conversations, all my all my Combos with some of the some of the some of the like sensitive conversations, you know oh wow, and they didn't even look at them really and the way the way. The way i know they didn't look at my conversations is that um i tend to not respond to the m's, even the person one just because i don't know uh. Sometimes i i i just don't reply, yeah uh, you don't know where it's coming from well. No.

I know what i just i don't know i i wan na be rude over, but sometimes like um i'll read it. It doesn't really require action. I just won't reply and then um. So what happens is that most of my conversations on twitter are all unread.

So you see like it's unread, so if you click on the on the message or you click on the conversation it'll be red. Oh that's! Oh! That's! That's weird right! No! So so, when i went back to my account, it was all still unread, so nobody clicked any of them yeah. So you know they were the hackers at all. My all my accounts.

They didn't look at anything or didn't lick anything wow. That was pretty nice. You know yeah yeah, so what are they trying to do with it? Then, when they do, they just promoted some garbage and they just kind of left it alone. Oh, i see man that that is crazy.

It could have been really bad, though like it could have been, it could have been really bad. Oh yeah, i mean they could, like you know, acting like it was you trying to get out and true, you know, provo, you know didn't done. They could have done anything. Basically yeah they've done anything.

They could have totally turned her around like you're you're, like this devil or something too. You know i mean like yeah yeah, i don't hate on anybody yeah and then i come back and i'm like guys. I was hacked and we were like no, you weren't stopping yeah. You know, you know that was you yeah yeah guys i was hacked.

I was acting like i don't know. Oh wow, it ended up being fine. Now it's yeah, i don't know yeah i mean it got me scared, though, because i thought it was gon na be like really bad but um after that i kind of changed everything yeah and, ironically enough, i i from from some accounts or whatever i just removed. 2Fa uh two factor: authentication yeah.
So now i have it um differently and some yeah. It's i see it. So, whatever that's cool man? Well, hey! You know, that's what happens you know when you got. You know millions of people wanted wan na.

You know what i mean wan na, see you or talk to you or be you or you know you you are. You are becoming at that status. I don't know since when but like you know one, i guess once you get out there, i i oh okay. So yeah, you know i'm not celebrating nothing right but but you know like you know, i do have a few people that, like you know like what i do too right yeah.

So i don't remember like from the last one. I have been told that i i look like steve aoki yeah. They came out as that too right, yeah. So just a slight amount of time.

Uh-Huh i mean i still do here and there once in a while, but like yeah, it's like hey. Are you steve? Aoki so then, like it was oh yeah when it started happening, i get what you mean because like like okay, so i was up by university studios, right, yeah and just eating with my daughter. It was my daughter's, like you know, just me and my daughter today, going out and just having a good old time and we were at bubblegum or whatever it was. Oh, no, i get it, i get it so people people thought you were stevie.

Okay, just just by name and imagine your face, and then they thought whenever they saw you, they started googling. Oh my god. This lady, like you, know like i, was sitting right here and she's sitting in the corner staring and like it was kind of awkward, because i don't know i started feeling oh yeah watching. That is the way to that is weird right.

So now i understand like at your, you know what your status, where you're at like and then fro how small like where my status was right and i'm already feeling that and i feel awkward like now. I can't eat like every time i eat yeah. I can't look up because now, if i look up it's like she's, just laser on you, oh yeah, i understand how that works. Yep.

So you know so what i do yeah um! It's not really that it's not very interesting story, but what i do whenever i go out and some people like are like uh looking at me, yeah like that, like i know, 100 percent - oh you you! So i just go towards them. Yeah and i just go like uh, i'm like hey, what's up man and then they, if they, if they hint that they don't take a picture i'll, say yeah, you wan na, take a picture whatever and then yeah and i usually have it right. You know i've. Never been wrong before saying: yeah, hey what up bro.

We want a picture bruh and he's not who the are you and then oh yeah. That would be weird, but that doesn't happen so they're stoked at that point, probably yeah yeah, and then they give their phone and they're all they're all shaky whatever yeah and i'm like you, know, dude yeah. Actually i went to uh dinner yesterday and i saw the the people who worked. There were like um, they were like looking at me, yeah and i um and then uh.
He talked to sammy and i was like yeah i'll, take a picture and then he started um taking the picture and then he did like five of them and they were all so blurry. We couldn't see anything at all, oh because he's just like yeah and then i'm like dude, don't worry man. I got you and, as i took the phone and just took pictures from oh because i you know, i can i kind of felt that you know like you - should have seen it. The pictures were like it was.

You can see anything even though it was people on the on the picture, yeah yeah yeah. For sure. Oh man, that's good! That's awesome! You do that for them, dude yeah, but yeah. All i want to say is that um.

I know what you mean by like people lasering you people looking at you from afar yeah right like i get that sometimes it's like you know, yeah, but again it's not everything i want to know. Sometimes it's it's their moms that come like they're nervous, yes and then their moms will come and they'll be like uh, hey my uh, my son, everybody likes you want to you know. Maybe i'm like yeah we'll take a picture and then i go out and take a picture with them. Oh, that's cool yeah! It's nice, hey nice, that you do that because i know i know some kind of you know want to drift away from that.

You know from that from that scene, yeah and sometimes you know like they'll, never get a chance to do it again. Yep and it's like you know, and it they're just kind of shy - and i couldn't relate to that. So i was like yeah no problem. Dude yeah - oh sorry, no good, all right, yeah yeah, because uh actually so so um.

I was in hawaii like about three weeks ago and um. There's a surfer dude that i i love watching, yeah and um. So it's gon na sound weird because you know like i was kind of that fanboy yeah. I i actually like you know, knew where he lived right, yeah and then uh.

It's called pipeline. You heard of pipeline in uh in hawaii. No. What is that? It's? Like a mecca, it's like the mecca of like if you it's a serving ground, it's a proving ground, oh okay, yeah! So if you want to become pro, that's like one of the uh like you know the waves that this area that you want to go and prove that, like you, could ride ways.

But you know that's kind of scary, though it is scary, because a lot of people have got injured, they have died and actually local guys, they're necessarily doesn't want a lot of like tours coming in and riding those waves either. But we've gone there before for honeymoon. You know like, and we actually we accidentally happen to find the dude that i love watching he's a professional uh, surfer, yeah uh, so we were walking the alley and then you know so this is the second time around. You know we're going through and you know i have my daughter too, so i i felt like.
Oh, maybe i'm you know a little bit safer coming in there. You know yeah yeah. I get it because you always want to use the prop. You know know yeah.

It can help you, i can help for sure yeah. So he happened to be mowing. I mean uh leaf blowing his his yard. Oh okay, so then i was like.

I want a picture. You know so i was i was like. I was that kid. You know like i wanted yeah so went up.

I mean he was nice enough too. He came out. He took we took a picture and, like my heart dropped so like for you to do that, for your fans, you know to make them get those moments like. Maybe you know, maybe you don't realize it because you might do it often right yeah for us who who come up to someone that we look up to bro.

That's, like you know what i mean like oh yeah, once in a lifetime feeling yeah yeah. I can really do that. I mean it's really amazing. Before i was like a bigger shimmer, i actually go to some like events or whatever, and i would see some of the bigger streamers, so i kind of feel the same way.

You know you don't want to, and there's also like a um, it's kind of complicated like a in the middle. You know when you're like a like a fan or whatever yeah, so i remember like being a fan and a nobody. Oh and then i also remember um, seeing some of these people as they like uh. When you were growing growing streamer, you know oh, but they don't really know me.

So that's gon na that's harder, because i want to go, say hello, but i want to look like i'm like like trying to leech out their stuff. You know i don't want to be like uh yeah yeah. I don't want to look like i'm looking for like networking or whatever you know, yeah. That's it kind of gets tricky like.

I just want to say hello, but i want to see like i'm networking for sure so i'll like like you, want to genuinely go up and be like i'm your fan, you know yeah exactly and i looked up to you yeah and sometimes like we would like Strike a conversation and like i i want to like stop the stop the conversation because i don't want to you know like i don't want to seem like i'm, not working too hard, so i keep it short and sweet and just get out yeah and just move On um, then there is that probably i should have done that that much because, like you know, if they didn't want to talk to me, they would just stop and move on, but um yeah. It is what it is yeah, but most of the time you you guys do like you know appreciate when fans come up right like oh yeah, i love people come across, i don't know like i'm, not we will nev with one one from and what we do Like we'll never be at a celebrity status, where, like you go to grocery, and you get you get flooded right, so i don't see it as like um as like an issue. I i'm more like um welcome a bit then than not because it's like um, it's not a problem, it doesn't, it doesn't hinder me. I think it's kind of fun.
It's like an experience. You know it is so like uh, no because youtube and and twitch. It's still like it's, not small, but it's not like um. It's not like you go to mcdonald's and your face is on the on the cup.

You know uh, for like a movie or whatever you know it's, not it's not as big. You know it's not like as the level of fame. Oh it's just it's not incomparable. You know you don't think so! No, i don't think so.

Okay, but but it but okay. I'm gon na tell you again that that first weekend, when i left here yeah, you know what i mean yeah it was it was it blew up like you know, people were saying how much they loved you and then, like you, know that, like oh, i wish. I could have you know been you i wish i could have been your scissors. I wish i could have been.

Oh, my god. They say that all these things so well, you know like maybe i don't know, stop being humble bro, that's by the name that so like so like this bottle. You know, let's just say this bottle: they probably want to be this bottle right now, right here you know, that's not your hair! You don't have like this. You know like yeah, that's a meme of this self and it's like a it.

It's like a common joke, like um yeah, when i see like a picture of like a hot girl over there like oh, i wish i was a chair or something like that. You know. Oh yeah, it's like a joke. They say: okay, so yep, that's exactly what i'm saying like yeah.

They yep like a fly on the wall. They wish they could just so it's it's. It's cool! It's cool! I just really love that whole interaction to see kind of like not not a middle man, but i felt like a middle man were okay, so, like privacy, wise, you know what i mean. I i i really got ta like protect privacy for everybody, oh yeah, for sure you know, and then, but i get those things like hey yo.

You know what you know where's be like this. Isn't that i'm, like you know, come on now like if you, if you were to be like you, wouldn't want people coming in, you know, like you know, saying, what's up like knocking on your door? No you're, not wrong. I mean um. There was a time where people would deliver food and then pick it up and they would give me like a like a looks or whatever, and it kind of knew.

Oh and i was like oh no and then um there's one time why i went to twitter and look at my mentions and had zero light. Nobody saw it. Some guy said just delivered food at x's house and i'm like. Oh, i'm, like you know what happens if they get like like weird dms or whatever you know and they they kind of came in, and i was like you know from that point on um yeah.

I do like food delivery in different ways. Now i i just i just yeah yeah you're like that park across the street over there put it down next to the picnic table. Yeah i mean i use a bunch of strategies and whatever, like we got ta kind of adapt to the landscape, yeah yeah for sure i'll put it put it on drone yeah yeah drone. I wish that would be cool yeah.
Oh speaking of drone. Actually uh. Do you ever have you ever been to uh like utah, arizona or like have you ever done like, like you know, hiking, or do you like anything, yeah yeah? I did biking in uh in arizona and utah. Oh, you did yeah yeah, that's cool.

My dad is live in mountain biking, okay and as we went to arizona - and we did a bunch of a bunch of like you - know - kind of tough trails or whatever oh sweet. Oh yeah, that's right! Wait! Didn't you used to skate yeah. I just get a lot too yeah right, yeah yeah we're going today. Yes, so uh.

So anyway, speaking of jerome, like dude technology, you know like it, it does save lives. You know so especially like at drones like it was so like this was last year we were um, just a family trip. You know, like you know things were you know, people were depressed right, so we wanted to get out. You know go go to some good energy source areas and whatnot, so we were doing hiking walking around at this specific trail.

Yeah actually called the devil's bridge, wait yeah. I think i i feel, like i heard of it before. Oh okay, yeah, it's in uh. It's in utah yeah, so oh wait.

Wait is this yeah anyways, so we were on that trail. You know like we're all prepared. You know had enough water and uh, you know exercise so like we were kind of in shape, so on the way back uh. This trail was kind of like moderate.

I don't want to say it was like hard or anything, but it is moderate to medium hike. Yeah, and there was this couple uh from florida and you know they're retired. Their bucket list is to they can go the go. Go oh yeah national parks and and do all these cool things on their rv, so they're across country and uh on the way down.

I noticed that she was sitting in the shade and just chilling with her husband. Looking kind of you know not frantic, but you could tell that they were. You know, exhausted yeah, exactly yeah, like you know, overheated a little bit. So i approached him.

You know, and i was like hey you know what's going on. Like is everything okay, you know, he says. Oh yeah, you know we're just taking a rest. Everything will be okay, it's kind of how he didn't said it.

So i was like yeah. They don't want to ask for help or anything he's wrong yeah. But i said no like, what's going on, like i noticed that she's, you know kind of laid out, you know yeah, you know looking for water and she said that, like she had a knee surgery, you know uh. She had a knee surgery.

Both of her knees were kind of yeah blown now and super exhausted and, and she was spinning i was like oh shoot, like you're gon na have like heat stroke pretty soon. So then i was like you know what like uh like. I know we had a daughter too, and then it was hot. It was like over 100 100 degrees and they only had like sprite the water yeah, no water.
So i was like you know what like, let's do what we can here. Let's, let's try to carry you out, yeah, i'm not a big dude you're, not yeah yeah, it's kind of hard to me too. So we try to you, know kind of on my shoulder, but we couldn't. We were still two miles from the uh, the trailhead.

So then you know what like you know, let let me get connections somehow, because you know when you're on the trail, there's there's no connection yeah you're, far away yeah yeah. So we're like you, know what i'm just gon na run fast as i can trying to get some connection. I'm asking all these people on the trails you know hey. Do you have a cell phone that connects no? No, no, no, no whatever.

Finally, we got to the point where my cell did get connected and then i i got a whole like the national service. You know park park yeah, oh, you do a ping and we're going to send a drone and it's in the drone dude. All of a sudden, like i mean it, took about 10-15 minutes. Yeah right here is like wait really and then, and then the guy was on the phone with me.

He's like hey just stay, where you're at we're going to ping the location so that we can send uh paramedics. That's true, save live because we're in the middle of nowhere. When i get there, somebody like drive it or do they just drop off at the location. Uh, oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

They they drove it. Oh they they drive when they pinged it. After you know another 20 minutes something the paramedics came with uh. You know the stretches and everything because it was oh wow yeah.

You know okay, yeah yeah, so so jerome did save that lady's life and we actually stay so you know it was uh. Technology did help. Yeah it came in handy was that was that utah arizona was that yeah it was uh. I i'm gon na say: arizona, not utah.

I don't think what, wherever the devil's bridge is that um, i said donna yeah. That's then i definitely went there yeah. I definitely went. I read it from chat, but i went back in there and said: oh there you go there, you go.

Oh there you go. I think it is. I don't know um my dad's pretty advanced and um and biking. So we got like like kind of like harder trails or whatever, because when i was you know, i used to do mountain biking in, like races, managed to compete, oh in uh in canada, yeah, oh cool, so we're pretty good and um.

Some of these trails were like they were kind of like dangerous. You know you were like on the ravine here. You are next to a ravine and there's one time. I was going way too fast, uh next to ravina yeah, and it was a sharp pin at the end of the like a very like a long down straight.

I didn't see it oh and then i was going super fast and have really good breaks yeah. So whenever i saw the turn i was like, if i don't turn it, i go flying off like you know, and it's just it's - you you're getting almost 100 percent. You know, oh my god, so i got scared. I didn't know what to do so.
I slammed the brakes and then, since i'm sliding the brakes, i mean the the bike is just um. It's drifting now right, so it up. It doesn't matter i'm still flying out, even if i go full braking, so i decided um, i'm just gon na throw myself on my right, yeah uh, just onto the mountain flank, whatever dude it was one little slow motion moment. Huh yeah yeah now like just my own gentleman, 11.

yeah, so i jumped in mountain blanket and it's full of um like um. How do you call that, like sedimentary rock whatever? Oh, you know like, like layered rocks yeah, it's like knives, super sharp, just pure knives everywhere. Oh wow is this: where this bump came from? Oh no! No! No! I'm just kidding no, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No because one of them actually is them, oh, you do have one there. So i have two ski scarves over here, but then i have a couple scars in here somewhere um, i'm going away.

That's another! Oh my arm, my shoulder! It was really bad, but i lived which all mattered. Oh yeah, i mean it was crazy on the story. Now you know yeah. I don't ever told you this, but it was pretty crazy.

Um. I had to get a bunch of like um. You know like diy stitches with like uh like reapproaching uh, whatever you call that uh stitches, where you you know it's whatever, though yeah yeah um yeah, i used to i used to uh, oh yeah, the bike story. I used to compete in uh, mountain biking, nice and uh.

We had this like um, you know, there's like kids, adults, uh, adolescents. You know it's like categories yeah and i was in like the the the a little bit older than kids thing. Yeah, like a teenager, teenager yeah at the time um you know i had. I have an older brother, so everything i have is all um uh hand-me-downs, you know like okay, the shoes clothing.

Everything is all hanging down, pretty much yeah yeah yeah and then uh. We weren't we, we were not well off, you know, so we got like um. I had a really really scuffed bike. It's like this piece of bike right.

It's like garbage right, chain's, all rusted yeah. It was this. It was so bad. My bike was so bad.

Oh wow and i had this um in this category. It was all it was a bunch of rich kids yeah and had a bunch of like really insane good bites. Oh damn like i only had, i think i think was 12 or something like uh like levels. You know like um, yeah, yeah yeah and they all got like 24, 24, 21 or whatever disc breaks yeah and i had it was such a piece of and then um yeah chad knows this story, but i mean no no and it's funny um.

So i can beat all season and i was always like there was two kids that had really insane bikes and it was they were just better, so i would go like uh. Second, third, second, third yeah, and the reason why i couldn't really catch up is that every lap, once or twice i had to hop off the bike and put the train back in no because the because the chain the chain would remove. Oh really dang it, but but you still got second and third by doing yeah doing that yeah. So you were pretty good, then yeah so and i had to come up with creative strategies because it's mountain biking, you know so there's there's plays that are gon na.
Go up or like a small jump or whatever yeah and uh, i knew that was gon na was gon na hop off right yeah. So i had to be creative and like how do i approach this or how do i hop off after when a chain gets off yeah you did it in mid-air yeah yeah yeah i mean there was. I had a bunch of stuff all season. I was always like third, second fourth, thursday and then um and in the season it was like a last race and i'm not kidding, i'm i'm, i'm biking the hell out of this track.

Yeah and the chain just isn't getting off. It's just not right and i'm like rolling right, yeah and then i'm um, like i'm doing so good. The chains are getting off. Everything is lighter for me to win yeah and i'm in second and then at the end, at the end of the track, there's like a little wood part and then i can hear the feathers rustling.

You know, oh, and i can hear it and i'm like dude he's right in front right. Oh and i start going super hard yeah. I go to the last corner and get out of the woods, yeah and then uh i lose but uh. I just lose because he was just too far right and then um after that.

I just realized. You know what uh i that was it. I just i quit right there and that was the end of it. I never did uh racing race bikes again, so i was discouraged because i i played almost perfectly i did the best i could yeah and uh it didn't matter.

You know just my bike is the piece of it's just i'm. I want to only blame the equipment, but like it was such a piece of garbage, just like i had you should have seen it it's so bad. Maybe you made something out of you know out of nothing pretty much, though you know yeah. It was fun, though i enjoyed it a lot i mean i always enjoyed competing.

I could beat everything i did. You know wow, so your brother's uh uh, taking your hand, hit me dance now, probably right uh, you know what yeah. Actually he is. You know right.

Yeah everything yeah you're right. Actually, then i go home and i get a new computer uh. I go back empty-handed and he keeps it oh wow. Look at that.

Yeah he's been mining crypto with some of my old computers: oh shoot. He has them all lined up and he has like programs running and he he just mines with it. Oh wow has he has he gotten like mommy? He gets a little bit of money here and therefore yeah wow. Are you pretty good at you know getting it when or or selling out, or do you do any of that um? No, i i mean i have a bunch of.
I have a bunch of bitcoin yeah um. You have a bunch of it coming out: um yeah, because i i i used to gamble online a little bit with with bitcoin, oh wow, a little bit what what kind of uh like texas hold on or like poker or um a little bit of blackjack. No literally gambling like like blackjack a little bit, but then a lot of slots. Oh okay, why isn't it on stream? Because it it? I mean people like hearing it.

I don't, but it's it's kind of fun. Yeah like uh. It was.

By xQcOW

17 thoughts on “I got a professional haircut in my home”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars m*Σ*t*H says:

    My guy was so hyped for the McLaren and then X told him he didn't have drivers license 💀💀💀💀💀

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars onnyo says:

    Never subbed, never donated, Stolen Phone, Neighbours Wifi, Cut my own hair

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TryResist says:

    Can someone tell me the guys insta? Would really like to give the guy a follow😁

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars radddish saysKO says:

    hairdressers are wholesome xqcL
    wubby had one over too he was a hoot as well

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TearyKnight says:

    Be careful with those back pats Mr. Barber monkaW You're gonna break Felix

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Secha says:

    yooo this guy was so cool last time im glad he invited him to do his hair again

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asfuis says:

    WeirdChamp NO CHAT?

    EDIT: OkayChamp I SEE CHAT

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sheila Broflovski says:

    XQC you are a great guy and its not just because the money or you let him drive the car. Its how you treated him. +respect

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xear says:

    I can't believe he's back, I love this guy! The last haircut stream he did with him was awesome.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wassecs says:

    he fucked him up so bad LMAO, bro looks like a karen i feel so bad

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mimp says:

    I get it now, he stopped pushing his hair back with his headphone because the barber said that’s why his hairline’s scuffed 😂😂😂 I noticed it before but didn’t realize he actually stopped because of him😂😂😂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Lindsay says:

    This guy knows how to get a Professional Haircut in his home!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guilherme Borges says:

    i remember the time that he just found out that he cut the hair of the most watched streamer of all twitch on 2021 and now they are really bros

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DankJuicer says:

    This guys is such a vibe, missed him a lot since the last time he was over

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Parsec says:

    How did it take him 1 whole fucking hour to cut his hair… mf is stalling so hard for no reason… cool guy tho

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God says:

    The chat for the whole hour was so fucking funny lol, I was suppose to be doing work on another monitor but I couldn't stop watching.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars supeg says:

    Hopefully the other la peeps get him to cut thier hair on stream, guy is sweet as hell

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