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#xQc #Tiktok #React

Wasn't always obvious in 2018. An app called tick tock came from nowhere back. Back. Then seemed like just another why is it still on how many times have closed.

It man how many times how many times did i closed. It the is out for teens. Where teens and creeps would lip sync to insipid drug like songs. But in a matter of weeks.

Something changed youtubers. Commentators. The media tick tock became the new gold rush to me the app looks ugly with a logo that didn't look quite right. But i didn't want to be out of touch.

And me being curious i eventually caved and downloaded it and just like that i was hooked my mornings would be taken up by 30 second videos my evening stolen by the way yeah the constant dopamine dramatizers. I had no control i'd look around me parties gatherings cafes everyone was watching tick tock i'd go online to find take talk reaction videos on trending i'd be bombarded by tick tock hats wherever i went i'd walk around my city to see tick tock logos graffiti ads tick tock dances everywhere this was revolutionary tiktok had achieved the impossible title had taken over the world. No one could escape. What's crazy is in terms of size.

The individual creators or whatever they really dwarfed. Most youtube creators within that been of years or decades. But in spanish in weeks or months. Which is sometimes days secret formula.

Instant entertainment constant doping unlimited content nothing can compete tik tok was perfect little did i know we were walking into a buzzsaw. No it's crazy. Though yeah. Yeah yeah.

Something i said last time. So. That's a long time ago. Is that is that i feel like uh uh.

You know youtube had to pull out the app right you have to go on it you have to go to your front page. If you don't find anything you have to actually go to your subscriptions or whatever. But you always have to go somewhere right. But what we're taking some of these apps is that you click the app icon and you're you're the first thing you see you're already in what you're looking for the first thing you see is what you're looking for right.

And i think i i think i've told you guys last time a long time ago. Okay. I don't remember that thinking is that is that the the the key to get to the zoomer's hearts or or to accelerate the growth or whatever is to get to the stuff that people want as fast as possible right and and the reality of it is okay is that that this was the thing with fortnite that's why i said it stop stop on the menu putting a pvp versus pve save the world stop delaying stop with the long menus boot up the game. And you give you a play button and it you know i think there was a.

I i generally think as you think that they that they that they cut off their growth. Because of how much dog laser dog should there was before you could play the game after hours of extensive research. I fell down a tick tock rabbit hole and the further i went down this rabbit hole. The more horrifying things became as what i'm telling you today has been ignored by almost all of the media.
Almost all of the influences and all of the corporate elites and at the same time governments around the world are beginning to understand the true scope of what's going on so let this video be a warning to everyone who's downloaded this insidious app. And join me as we cover the raw and unfiltered truth box. This is a bit too dramatic. So this is a little dramatic like holy you chill the out man a question do you never want to be bored.

Again do you want fame money to not feel left out for success to come sooner. This is how it begins through tapping into your innate biological desires tic toc has been able to achieve three billion downloads. But behind our addiction to this app is something sinister wait a minute of your constant. Scrolling and chasing of dopamine.

Someone has transformed a lip syncing up for teens into the greatest service threat. Guys you guys for analytics or whatever the people that that's not used um has this been has anybody would look into how much bots and how much emulators and and non humans make up for certain downloads or certain uh activities. It should be a good amount. Though it should be a good amount on average well to answer this up to like.

20 at least back in 2012. Fine was the closest thing you'd get to tick. Tock and whilst fine was kind of big. Most people were formed for facebook.

Instagram and youtube because in this time. It seemed like silicon valley was on the verge of something great unprecedented to the societal change. We were so caught up with our own creations that we never gave china a second thought but back in beijing. Something was bubbling under the surface a creature called by dance now by dance wasn't just any old tech starter it was a startup directed by a man named zhang yi ming and it was also a startup that was littered with chinese officials zhang's first movement by dance was to create a news platform called headlines.

But rather than this being in the old news platform and reporters by dance was putting their money into creating the most powerful advanced ai technology. Imaginable. An ai system more advanced than anything seen before it this was no accident in this time. The chinese government had a strong desire to make ai a priority in the race for global tech dominance.

But why was china so obsessed with ai. Why was the chinese government so involved with working with this unknown. Tech company to answer. This.

Let's take a quick look at what by dance's ai. Technology. Was capable on this new site. There wouldn't be a curated feed or editors controlling the flow of information headlines instead use specially made ai algorithms to select and push the news robotically with the company never having to hire a single reporter or editor to test this highly developed ai system by dance released the app to the chinese market and almost immediately.
The algorithm worked its magic in a matter of months. Headlines. Became extremely popular in china with the site. Gaining 10 million users in just three months.

There was only one issue one. But what did you do that wasn't aligned with the government's so loud or socialist values would be a legal offense. Which meant there would have to be at least wait what his core socialist values would be a legal offense. Which meant there would have to be at least one editor.

That's why baidan has been so fast to publish a statement. Thanking the state for its supervision making bite dance. The first ever ai generator propaganda machine. It was the embryonic site for much darker things to come i don't see how that's that correlated that much it's 2016 and the chinese government is inching towards technological dominance.

But if they were going to overtake silicon valley they would need to expand their ai technology across the globe because back in the mainland ai. Proved to be an incredibly effective tool for controlling the population. They're constantly guys i hate to say it. But if uh if you want to beat something make it better uh uh.

This app could have been american this app. Could have been anybody this application. Whatever just make a better one it's so it's a competitive market make a better app uh dominate the marketed by facial recognition cameras that are able to instantly put a face to a name now the chinese are also ranked given a mark out of a possible 950 points. I think being ranked is a good thing.

A society has to have rules. It forces us to be well behaved. It may seem scary. But it's just like that here we're used to it and anyway.

We don't have a choice. There's a simple reason for this by using algorithms. The chinese government can connect all these data points from everything you do using your travel records. Friends acquaintances.

Reading habits and purchases all to anticipate any political resistance it's through these sorts of social credit scores and advanced ai technology that the chinese government has gained a firm grip over 13 billion people. But what if china could use such technology outside of its own borders. What if china could move away from surveilling their own country to survey oh. My sir are you okay i just pissed myself bailing the globe.

If they could china would become invincible. It was in this time that the chinese president xi jinping was making big efforts to grow china's cultural power. Which is why ggp announced that china needs to increase its soft power to give the world. A good chinese narrative and better communicate china's messages to the world.

We have made significant advances on theoretical and cultural fronts. Gcp announced that quote. We should increase china's soft power. Give a good chinese narrative and better communicate.
China's messages to the world. And this is where america has had the upper hand for decades through america's spread of culture and ideology america. Has been able to maintain its global influence and in recent years. This has been catalyzed by one thing.

Silicon valley. So how could chinese tech companies possibly compete with silicon valley. Where a tiny group of billion dollar companies have almost monopolized the entire industry. If bydens were going to have any chance of competing right firstly.

Competing bro doesn't tencent own like a an immense amount of uh uh uh. A crazy market part in most yeah. Yeah. I mean these tech companies possibly.

Compete with silicon valley. Like a b. They already own a massive portion of a bunch of where a tiny group of billion dollar companies have almost monopolized the entire industry. If by duns were gonna have any chance of competing they would first need to create something groundbreaking.

They don't have to compete something so advanced so popular so addictive that people would have no choice. But to download it an app to control the hearts and minds of the global population to take on such an enormous task. China would need to take this one step at a time. The first step was for chinese tech companies like buy dance and tencent to start.

Buying huge shares in social media. Oh. There it is sounds like reddit discord and snapchats because this allowed companies. Like by dance to have a key role in company policies.

Shows and companies wasn't going to be enough how could china create a little bit that it would out compete. Every single social media sites to figure this out they needed to test this technology in their own background. No so by dance's new venture would be with an app called do ya. It's the chinese version of tick tock by dance tested out dogen to make sure the technology would be effective enough and in less than a year.

Dojon took over china gaining enormous popularity with one in 10 chinese people having downloaded the app in less than a year. All because of this specially developed ai technology. It was now time for by dance to go global. The next step for bike dance was a sophisticated marketing campaign spending three million dollars a day in marketing alone just in the american markets by dance would then get celebrities to join in it would saturate.

The media and advertising world you'd even see the nba starting a multi year partnership with tiktok and with the tiktok logo being stamped on every exported video. You'd then see this marketing begin to snowball you'd see all these influences on youtube shorts and instagram posting their tickets while they're crazy. Though celebrities promoting their garbage on tick tock. But marketing.

Alone wasn't enough so the next step for tiktok's growth was through the acquisition process in this time by dance noticed that fellow chinese company musically was getting a foothold in the psyche of generation z so rather than these companies trying to out compete each other for ultimately. The same goal tiktok brought up musically for 900 million dollars. This allowed tape tortilla did what same goal tick. Tock bought off musically for 900 million dollars.
This allowed tick tock to utilize musixlee's core selling points. The ability to go viral. Musically provided a platform with an algorithm that rewards content above all else anyone could post some content and go viral. The next day.

Because of that. Gen z rushed to it alert by the prospects of fame attention and quick dopamine hurts using its ai technology to learn how to create the most addictive user interface possible yeah guys like i always say guys i know it's going to be a bad take to get people to like hearing okay. But the reality is that people say addictive things in my in my opinion. The goal is make a better product.

There are several core psychological tech. Yeah i know it sounds kind of dumb. But if somebody use it and use it more if they're making a product people want more it's not a technique. But by extension makes it addictive.

But i did it there may be 15 seconds or something like that 15 20 seconds. They're short videos and so it's just that quick you know it's almost like a little tasting menu of fabulous you know you're trying this and trying that the reason for tic toc's initial success is that they took the noise. If i have a good product. Do i have to have to morally measure people use it less and are less intended to use it and it's it's it's going to be used overall lens.

Somebody's day i don't i don't get it i mean why are that that's such a bad thing that he's learnt from making catchy advertisements advertisers spend millions gathering your attention for up to 30 seconds and oftentimes whether you like the advert or not you'll find they're easily digestible. So tick tock would use this video design. But instead of paying millions to make these videos tick tock's own users would automatically use all their creativity and talent to garner some hand to vulnerability. Then the most addicting videos made are rewarded favorably for doing so once people catch on to which engagement tactics work.

These videos are then copied over and over again. The most catchy songs are replicated over and over that's better than the cycle of people who are addicted to chasing vulnerability. These creators then feed the masses own addiction to these dopamine sucking videos but of course not all of these videos can be addictive and that's the point because one of the key social engineering tactics tick tock uses is called intermittent reinforcements i spoke about this tactic in my last video on tick tock. But basically intermittent reinforcement is the reason why casinos are so addictive because by not winning every time on the slot machine you're always excited for the next hit.
I mentioned in this last video on tick tock that when you expect a reward after a certain action you tend to work less for it yet. When the timing of the reward or the certainty. We'll get at all is unpredictable. We tend to repeat that behavior with even more enthusiasm and so in the case of tick tock.

A video has to keep chasing the dragon. Very quickly to cause them to watch the whole thing if the video doesn't catch your attention within a couple of seconds. It's swiping onto the next one and so after countless videos fail to give you that dopamine rush you will finally find yeah you know you know. This is this is this is the mysterious.

The mister beast probably whatever right the video star. It's like hey guys didn't work in the dudes. They said means you are energetically aligned with me. But you may know them as mermaids and there are real consequences to this tick tock's design is neurologically.

Damaging researchers are only just beginning to understand this since generation there's no situation our attention spans have dropped to the lowest levels in recorded history. Yeah. That retention spans becoming reduced to that of a goldfish and it doesn't even stop there the vertical scroll. Which is what you have on facebook for example you're scrolling up uh on the newsfeed uh.

But what this does is if you stop on a video and you like that video you now it will res it'll restart that video so in a sense. You've got a horizontal scroll going on pleasurable content. And you also have a vertical scroll point. And once the pleasure begins to dry up what lady.

What is is there like a like like a neurological conclusion to having to having both scrolls that say is there like some sort of cosmic alignment or something and you what what does that do it will res it'll restart that video so in a sense. You've got a horizontal scroll going on pleasurable content. And you also have a version. Okay okay okay guys you guys now the chat.

Going upwards. The video begins to drop the video going sideways. And now my hand is going like this on screen. This is addiction right here boys scrolling in the background look at this like what the what is that the last few hours.

I don't know what this is likes and comments icons are it's purposely designed. I don't know you can't stop wasting your time on this mindless app. And when you go on to tick. Tock.

You'll see what i mean the likes comments. Share and profile buttons are on top of each other this placement. Makes it the most accessible for users to click on these icons. But why is this important because your time this layout may only be saving your 300 seconds at the time but in an app that runs on quick spurts of attention these fractions of a second hold significant weight when you're browsing social media on your phone.
The screen you're using is very small as a result every little inch of that screen is immensely important since any little distraction or element that takes away from the content. At hand has the potential to drive the user away wasting screen space is the cardinal sim. When it comes to keeping users. In that entertainment.

High. And so. With this combination of musically and addictive. User.

Design. And attention. Sucking. Short.

Videos. Tick. Tock. Has been able to feast on a generation's goldfish.

Attention. Span. Allowing tiktok to take over the world because in just three months after its launch title gained 30 million users. Yes.

It sounds like a girl. We're getting a good design nothing wrong. It's what i've been saying. It's make a better product with a better algorithm and a better layout.

I mean i mean tick tock wants you to think that hosting a few ads and selling emojis is enough to become a multi billing company. But to anyone looking under the surface. You realize. This is far from the truth to understand where the real money is we first need to understand the secrets behind the tick.

Tock formula nah i understand the point but just wait though if they were gonna say oh dude then ban the app then man and then they're gonna ban. It. And then you're gonna say bro man bro now we're censoring bro. This is this is like china bro and it's like oh man.

But baddie bro dude. There's no winning here though tap into the human mind not only through social engineering tactics. But also through their users data because this is where the real money behind take. Talk lies.

This is why tick tock is now considered a cyber threat and once again it all comes back to the title algorithm unlike facebook netflix. Spotify and youtube tick tock's algorithm goes one step further okay has anyone else noticed that you're also business wise. But why would ben. It is an incredible marketing tool for a lot of big companies or whatever the where whoever isn't using it for their company.

They're they're falling behind. They're they're literally falling behind for you page has been a little too accurate lately. It hasn't been things that i'll google or i talk about it's been thoughts tick tock knows everything about us. But how does tick tock know which videos will addict.

You well this always starts to become clear as soon as you begin reading textbooks. Privacy page. A privacy page that literally admits to collecting as much data from you as possible. And what kind of data is tick tock collecting as it runs on our phones.

A heck of a lot more than you would think images of course that users post. But tick tock also collects information about the messages that you send about the apps that you use the other apps on your phone. It collects the sites that you visit it collects your search history it collects your keystrokes. It collects your location data it stores.
All of this and maybe lots lots more and so using all of this data take talk understands you better than you understand yourself. It predicts your future behavior. It learns at every second what you want and what you will do and no this isn't like google or facebook. But if it's what i want is that a problem stealing your data and selling off to advertisers.

This information is being used to tap into your biological hardwiring and most importantly to fund. China's openly stated goal of world domination now this may sound a little extreme because i'm not i'm not dense it's it's a question. It's it's it's bad again. The guy says it gives you more of what you want so what what's the counterpoint.

I guess. It's always about to find a counterpoint okay guys because i'm trying to i'm trying i'm just i'm not missing the point. I'm always thinking about what is the alternative. What is the solution.

How is it okay okay see more what you want okay. Then i want you to give me what i don't want go ahead. I don't it's not exaggerated. But i promise you it's anything but chinese president xi jinping has a dream.

A chinese dream of global dominance with this has come some new laws laws that coincide directly with tiktok since china adopted the national intelligence law in 2017. All chinese citizens and companies have been under a legal obligation to help the government gather intelligence whilst also keeping any corporations currently recovering from severe nerve damage in my left side of my body thanks for distracting. Me from the chronic panic you brother you got this. My brother.

Yeah. You're going to do well. Man. Thanks for 50 minutes.

Yeah. I don't deserve it thanks for just watching man. The secrets. And we also know that under chinese law tick tock by dance.

The parent is required to share data with the chinese communist party. Required required to under chinese law. That's not a matter of speculation that's in the law and it is required under chinese law to share user data with beijing and tick tock has admitted that it has sent user data to china and so it takes our collecting so much user data the fact that tick tock is half run by the chinese government and now with the passing of this new law tech talk is beyond problematic. Which is why several countries have been quick to ban tick tock tick tock along with 223.

Other chinese applications were banned by india the indian government has banned dozens of chinese owned then don't use it apps over apparent security concerns and the list includes the messaging service holy popular video holy tick tock. The indian government claimed this was because they were damaging to india's sovereignty integrity defense security and public order. And this is why trump signed an order to ban tick tock in the order. Trump.
Said. That there is credible evidence that leads him to believe that by dance might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the united states. But with america's heat of politics. Joe biden.

Could let trump have this legal victory and revoke trump's ban on tick tock yeah yeah understand that solution what is what is the kind of point what is the solution. How do you fix this how did you what what and you guys are complaining. But you're not giving me it wouldn't take long for button to realize. This was a huge mistake he literally had to admit later on that tick.

Tock is quote. A matter of genuine concern in addition to this militaries around the world of ban tiktok on all personal devices since our last hearing on this subject. The pentagon. The department of state.

The department of homeland security and the tsa have all banned their employees and service members from using tick tock on government devices. In fact. The pentagon. Even went so far as to say that employees should have their children uninstall tick tock from their personal devices.

But you may be asking. Why does this matter. Why is tick tock labeled a national security threat. Why are governments around the world beginning to think that tick tock is the biggest cyber threat of the modern era stick with me.

Here. Because we're gonna need to radically change the way you've been seeing tick tock. What the is it what the is this what the is this good man jesus the am. I looking at man.

The day is coming when the politicians. No no no no no no no no no you're right you have to not give information to china or any other country. If they give it only to the united states. Yeah.

You ha no china this country. They can't have information you have to report directly to us america dude. That's how you gotta do it don't it you do it give us the information say like i don't know are picking the next president. The next congressman.

They're literally picking. This is where true power in the modern day lies. Because the people who control the algorithms are the people rewiring your brain. They are controlling the spread of information they program the culture and with tick tock now being the most downloaded app for several consecutive years.

The results are becoming apparent. I vaccinated caffeinated and freshly masturbated on the chinese version of two talk all videos seen as degenerate by the chinese government are actively removed and yet at the same time. The algorithm promotes videos of hardworking everyday people sharing their life and work accomplishments as you could expect these videos are generally wholesome obese and positive. But there being a literal section on the chinese tick tock called positive energy to promote the communist party.
But guys if i did i feel like i would farm out farm points. I'd be a white farmer dude in the west. I would just farming episodes on our version of tick tock. We're bombarded with endless and stupid videos of girls shaking their ass to music where we become obedient placid consumers slumped open in front of screens.

And this trend could be better summed up with the rise of only fans in recent years. The rise of only fans has been catalyzed by the wave of tick tock videos of only fans models alluring desperate atomized lonely simps to fork over the hard earned cash for a virtual girlfriend. Experience. Top.

Only fans creators have spoken out about how tick tock has enabled them to become these hyper affluent online stars so today we are going to be going over how you can use tic tac to get only fan songs okay. I think we're all like the main people and only fans are roughly earning the same i think at the moment. It's like a male a month bro bro this phenomenon wouldn't be opening anymore bro did you see amaranth's twitter bro bro bro bro bro guys. I had i guess it was tough for me to sleep last night.

Okay okay okay guys guys i had nightmares about. This what the huh dude. 33 mil 33 mil 18. Mil a month dude wow.

Somewhere near as quickly if not for tick tock what tick tock is yeah she she um not just. She's not richard. She's not nah nah nah nah. It's catholicism.

I've been doing good. I've been doing good people who influenced their everyday lives. And this became very apparent when a wall street journal investigation on tick. Tock found that when you said you were 13 years old and searched for only fans on the app.

The algorithm would bombard you with videos about adult entertainment and drugs. The power tiktok yields over the younger generations is becoming more and more apparent. People are starting to see that through tick tock's ai technology and sophisticated algorithms tick tock is able to create trends that radically influence the lives of so many in generation z. And what's scary is there's so many of two types of core audience.

Yeah yeah. I'm not gonna call it okay. But i i i think people need to realize okay. That uh amber wright is one of the modern examples.

Okay of the hardcore farming everything right to a crisp right and you know what i i i respect her when i white because she's deliberate about it she shows what she sees what she's doing she shows the maneuver. She's doing it she shows the result of it without hiding it and she tells you hey bro. I'm farming the out of you man. And she's just doing it at it's so deliberate so it's like how's that a good example.

She maxed. The algorithm and the only one who matches up every system and works pretty hard right shows you she's doing it so. I i mean how can you not respect that that means tic toc users are being influenced into emulating. These trends that are highly toxic and polluting to society.
But of course. These trends are manifesting things far worse than degenerate behavior. The spread of political disinformation and infiltration of chinese propaganda. Is now a serious concern to all of us.

This first became apparent in the western version of tick tock. When pro hong kong posts anti ccp posts pro tibet content and anything spreading awareness of the persecution of weakened muslims was all removed and this concern takes a further serious turn in light of recent reports that xenu data. Which has reported links to the chinese military and intelligence networks has collected personal details of about 24. Million people outside of china with pretty much all of this data being sourced from tech talk.

The former editor of the hong kong economic journal. Wrote in the column that tiktok is reaching deep into offices and homes shaping. How americans understand real world events. He went on to explain that while china's moved to establish physical footholds around the world was easy enough to recognize.

China's quote soft power ambitions have been much less noticed until recently where china is using highly developed ai. Technology and powerful algorithms to erode free speech and western culture. It's for this reason why bite dance has pledged to hire 10 000. Sensors to identify and block anti government content.

Now i already know that some of you will think i'm fear mongering. But when you look into china's history and current political motives. You start to realize. How daunting the situation truly is china is also notorious for using its big tech companies to track.

And predict the behavior of its own citizens. As seen in this 60 minutes report from last year. China's stated goal is to become the world leader in artificial intelligence by 2030 senator hawley fears what china is big behavior like bro you your ira movement makes me think you're going to rob a bank in six months you're going to jail for attempted robbery. I'm doing the same thing here just last february.

The department of justice charged four chinese military hackers with stealing records from the credit reporting agency. Equifax. Affecting 145 million americans almost half the country china has been caught hacking the second largest american health insurer. The agency that stores information about all government employees even records from the marriott hotel chain holly says.

Tick tock is just the friendly face of chinese data harvesting so what would the chinese communist party do with all this information bill bill dossier in the financial history of hundreds of millions of americans. What are they going to do with that number now i try to know more about that they thought it was very very useful. But when you look at gigi ping's admiration for mao. It all begins to make sense during the communist revolution mao became infamous for conquering.
The countryside to capture the cities. This method was used not only for mao's communist revolution. But also for mao's dream of world domination as the cities and the world's less developed countries were the countryside. This is why in recent years china has gained a strong foothold across africa and the middle east.

And now the next frontier is to gain a strong foothold in the global culture. Because if you can control the culture. You control the population and as jiji being declared. It is time to quote dare to draw.

Oh. That was true that's the truth that is true all the westerners are addicted to tick. Tock yeah yeah and most big part of our culture now is memes control the memes. The controller people that's chicago that's how it is produced that of a goldfish.

But people can't go five minutes without checking their phone. Absorbed by tick tock degeneracy. Where we are having our brains literally rewired. China is now training their youth to prepare for war it sounds dumb.

But it's how it is and today this process has been catalyzed by ggp's rejuvenation of the nation project. Which entails the banning of a feminist man on tv. Banning excessive video game usage. Teaching.

Children. Gc ping's school of thought teaching children how to use military equipment and having schools have distinct masculine and feminine school curriculums. And today. It is now mandatory for chinese students to read the art of war and as you'd expect.

This has come with rampant military propaganda. Bro bro bro bro. What is that on the head. What is this is this like oh.

It's red means um. Like like low overnight or whatever. This is that and that's you'd expect this meaning good military propaganda guys. What the is that man what is that dude.

Okay okay okay guys let's not act like like america doesn't do this okay. Let's not let's not act like the the the american continent. Doesn't do the same so while the west is swung by visual diarrhea of grotesque tick tock videos tincture videos. Promoting crime degeneracy only fans in the ccp.

The chinese are trained to become stark with a warlike spirit and inoculate. See guess what she's blue bar. The ones were red and orange. These guys are green.

They're popping off more like spirits inoculated to degeneracy this stark contrast between the chinese version of tito canars starts to highlight how effective tik tok's ai technology is in manipulating. The masses. Psychological weapons. Like tick.

Tock have been used throughout history from the persians. Using cats as a psychological tactic against the ancient egyptians to alexander. The great enforcing greek culture against his opponents to the british and using their global media networks to control the narrative of world war one these psychological experiments have always been hidden away. And more often than not slip by under the public's noses dude.
But now we're not imagining. Why you're one of these headbands and and and it says how much your attention is focused whatever the and when it goes low or running you're dozing off and you're you're just gonna kind of destroying. It the teacher has like a panel and it says slot row three slot four is it ayo run. What the up mother sucker wake up and she only knew because she has the he has the algorithm yo she's the argument and current cold war these tactics have become more and more advanced and right now the most dangerous psychological weapon.

We face is tick tock. According to us military analysis. Attacking the enemy's psyche is a key part of china's military strategy. The chinese stratagems established by sun tzu and the art of war was the foundation for this form of warfare.

So it shouldn't be any surprise. Why the art of war is mandatory reading. But then this all begs. The question.

Why is china going away with displaying the same government employees. All the high tech algorithms all the social engineering. All the spying. Why is china so desperate to influence western culture well michael was like wait.

What was that hold up all the spying. Why is china so death bro. What is he showing him bro bro spread to influence western culture well like all psychological weapons. There's only one reason for the usage to destroy the enemy string or both computers.

Before i began making this video tick tock's growth. Was never obvious take took seemed like an anomaly because somehow in just a matter of months. I went from never knowing tick tock to see my friends family and self all become enveloped by its algorithm back then we were in blissful ignorance ignorant to a force that has been brewing for decades a brew now reaching its boiling point since the cold war the idea of world war iii was always thrown around throughout this time civil wars. Skirmishes propaganda.

All created the sense of uncertainty. But this feeling was never existential our enemies were always the underdogs they were poorer with lower grade equipment. They had no influence on mainstream culture. They were just this hidden mysterious force far from the clutches of regular life.

And when this tense time finally came to a close in 1991. People felt liberated like the threat of world war. 3. Was really just a fantasy after all it was something to talk about for fun.

But never an idea to be taken too soon i mean this is going a little bit more crazy russia in north korea. But it was never anything we couldn't handle at the same time we fueled china's growth. We bought their cheap products their materials and their lies. In just a matter of decades china.
Went from being a third world country with a gdp of 90 billion to having a gdp of 12 trillion. Dollars. A number now fast overtaking. The united states this growth has never been seen before in history admittedly.

We knew this was coming. But none of us had any real reason to be concerned at least. We didn't think that was what we make our iphones. We told ourselves so over the years we shipped off our entire economy to china banking moguls on wall street propped up the chinese economy with billions in investments.

Elected officials in the uk did their part by selling out the country's core infrastructure and national energy grid to china talking heads in washington to their parts by telling. The public that the real threat to the west was putin and his army of macedonian. Troll farms and thus we bought into china surveillance technology and downloaded tech talk on mass because we were in our own. Little bubble.

Our main concern was celebrities political scandals weren't men bad orange man and cheap hedonistic pursuits bro. What the is this but like any bubble. There was always a bust and our bus came in 2020 from the very beginning. It was never about tick tock tick tock is just a means to an end a tool and an operation.

All the tech talk dances tic toc hats. All the lip syncing. It was a facade for something sinister something greater something known as the 2014. This is what got greek now what does this entail well as you can imagine.

It's not something to be taken lightheartedly china's push for world domination has been government policy for the last 50 years. And is embodied within. The chinese spirits for decades. Now.

China. Has manipulated us into believing. That china was just another capitalist state dissolving its ideological ties to marxism. But this couldn't be any further from the truth.

China's intent has been to acquire as much money physical power and technological control as possible and china has gained the money china has gained the physical power and now china is controlling technology and so it's no coincidence that just in line with the 2049 plan. Tick tock suddenly took over the psyche of millennials in generation z. And that's the genius behind all of this china is engaging in a war. And we didn't even realize we were a part of it china is taking over the world economically china is taking over the world militarily secretly building up its army reserve top.

Us military officer general mark milley provided the first official us. Confirmation of what he called a quote. Very concerning chinese hypersonic weapons test that military experts say appears to show. Beijing's pursuit of an earth orbiting system designed to evade american missile defenses.

China's now got the largest navy and is training its youth to become warlike robots. China has infiltrated the west with countless spies spies that have stuck with the heads of the national security. A bombshell new report says a suspected chinese spy targeted california politicians one of her biggest targets was bay area representative eric swalwell. China is taking over the universities and schools across the west and now china is taking over the culture.
It took until 2020. When the bubble burst did we catch on to what was going on. We had been played a sudden novel virus emerging from china. Submarines and we were finally confronted with the truth.

It has taken until today when governments and elites are beginning to wake up to this dawning realization that world war three is no longer a fantasy. Our governments having been hesitant to even consider the thought of banning tick tock are now realizing the grave danger. We are in china is currently telling its military to prepare for war china is taking foreign hostages. Within its own country china.

Is rapidly building up its military. Okay. China is developing ai technology. Never seen.

Oh. My god guys. I thought. It was about tick tock man.

Okay. This is going off the rails. No one engaging in skirmishes with our allies. But is now preparing for a full blown war with taiwan sending over more than 150 fighter jets to surround taiwan as a last resort.

Our governments have joined the pact to begin countering china's preparation for war. But perhaps it's too interesting. I'm not sure where this is this is pretty good though i enjoyed it uh guys. I i enjoyed the the more informative part of the video was just talking about like the just or whatever uh.

This was pretty decent. Oh oh is that the headbands. Ah um. Okay.

Well. I guess. We don't have internet. Today boys tonight.

Give me you.

By xQcOW

11 thoughts on “Tiktok is worse than you thought xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Kirchgessner says:

    I like how xqc sees no problem with the Chinese government watching your every move and using to further their agenda.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Duron says:

    I love china 🇨🇳 ❤️ 😊🥰

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars r o says:

    This why I like about xQc I like how Low IQ he is

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Umair BROLY says:

    True 🤣🤣🤣 American are collecting more then the whole world together ….. Even there own citizens has been watched every time 🤣🤣🤣

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Shot says:

    Toe eaters take: What's wrong with China knowing everything about you???? Dude in the video: This causes this and this and this. Even our own government fears this how deadly this is cause of this is and this. PVC: BRO BRO DID YOU SEE AMORANTH TWIITER It was hard for me to sleep without watching it!!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D96 YT says:

    Sanest Tiktok addict take LULW

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LazyNinjaZ says:

    Video: Why is China so desperate to influence western culture?
    Reality: Western culture desperately influenced every country other than China

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Granthik Sharma says:

    Ya i want to do drugs alcohol and masturbate. But that doesn't me i should. Why will u see the problem. When u r part of the problem. This video is like telling cigarette company stock holders to regulate cigarette. Why the fuck xqc care about ur mental well being he need to grow. Needs his gifted subs donation bits. The twitch chat not addicting to the streame but audience. Doe he even read chat

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Creamy Vomit says:

    tbh hope he looks more into this for the viewers, it would be good to inform on privacy and what big tech does

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zo RA says:

    Mr cow gave brain damage with his takes in on this video thanks xqT

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars User 104 says:

    What baffles my mind is how these creators are called Tik tok "Stars" and they have like more followers than A list celebrities or youtubers who are known around the world. Yet the required work put by them or talent is not even comparable.

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