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#xQc #Disney #Moon

Is one of the most evil bro. I i watched his um his video about about jeff bezos today and it was just it was just pure cringe. I'm be honest with you it was just crap you guys all companies in the world which might sound kind of strange how could the company behind mickey mouse snow white and the seven dwarfs pinocchio aladdin and frozen possibly be evil i mean disney was everyone's childhood. We would watch their films be inspired by their beauty and elegance.

Even today our favorite films are from disney in fact in 2020 seven of the top 10 highest grossing films were made by disney but trust me when i say that disney isn't the company that you think. It is disney is a ruthless monopoly a monopoly that is dominating the entire media landscape. Only marvel pixar lucasfilms 20th century fox history channel espn and just so many more homogenizing the world's creativity. They are also one of the six companies that have consolidated control of nearly all american media and they are run by a roof basically executives squeezing every penny they can from our childhood nostalgia.

It's gotten to a point. Now where disney is so ruthless for money that they even threatened to sue. The parents of a dead child for putting spider man on their four year old's grave all because they were ruining quote. The innocence and magic of their characters also that disney can get every penny possible it's why disney removes black people from their posters in china.

It's why the company apologizes for taiwan and praises. The government officials committing a genocide as we speak and with their recent movies like light year failing to break even and flopping at the box office. It seems like disney is now on a downward spiral. With their stock price going from almost 200 a share to 95 dollars a share something has gone.

Very wrong for disney. This isn't the same company. We grew up with somewhere something went drastically wrong and after spending countless hours trying to figure this out trust me when i say that the story of disney is a rabbit hole okay tell me but before we continue i want to talk to you about today's sponsor galaxy labs the galaxy allies did i bought use my special discount code moon to get 50 story of disney begins back in december 5th 1901. When a man named walter elias.

Disney. Was born. What was a gifted artist and drew regularly throughout his childhood. With some of the cartoons being showcased in military newspapers during world war one but back then walt understood that drawings wouldn't make him rich he was unemployed and there were just so many cartoon artists across the world.

It was almost impossible to stand out so how could world become rich while selling cartoons this seemed near impossible because drawing cartoons alone wasn't going to be enough. So walt had to think outside of the box. And that was when world noticed. The growing industry of animation back then the main animations involved stop motion with objects puppets clay or cut outs and drawn or painted animations after noticing the untapped industry of drawn animations.
What would begin to go all in on animation. Partnering up. With fellow artist. Art iworks.

A man who would soon become his partner and close friend at the start walton up ended up doing cutout commercials for the kansas city. Film ad company. They later considered starting a new business that would draw cartoons for a local theater. An idea which ended up becoming world's first company la forgram studios.

Although this venture didn't work out too well and went bust in just a couple of years. It was this failure that left walt even more determined to succeed and so he left for missouri for hollywood saving nothing for the swim back bringing with him just a 12 and a half minute film. He and i were working on this film was called alice's wonderland and to their luck. The short film was purchased resulting in the creation of their new company on october 16th 1923.

The walt disney company the initial business was a joint partnership between walt and his brother roy disney in less than three years disney had produced two movies and even purchased their own studio in hollywood. A few years later in 1927 and disney created oswald. The lucky rabbit who was one of their first cartoon characters to ever have a personality as outlined by walt himself quote. Here after we were aiming to make oswald.

A young character pepe. A lard saucy and ventrison keeping him also neat and trim with oswald. What began to explore the concept of personality animation. In which cartoon characters were defined as individuals through their movements.

Mannerisms and acting instead of simply by their design world had expressed quotes. I want the characters to be somebody i don't want them to just be a drawing in order to make his oswald cartoons look real disney turned away from the stars of felix. The cat coco the clown crazy cat and julius the cat and began emulating the camera angles effects and editing of live action films at the time because ward. Didn't want his new character to simply just be a prop for gags instead.

He explained that his intention was to make quotes. Oswald peculiarly and typically oswald and by doing this with oswald walter was creating groundbreaking innovation in animation and would soon go on to change the course of animated cartoons forever. However other people were noticing this and wanted a piece of the pie themselves and that's why in 1928. What was faced with disaster because while oswald was successful.

It was the success that would actually bring downwards because when disney wanted to negotiate a larger fee for producing. The oswald series. The film producer charles mintz. Wanted to instead reduce payments.

Mincer also persuaded many of the artists working for disney to actually work for himself men's actually threatened to start his own studio and produce the series himself if disney refused to bow down to the threat causing him to lose most of his animation crew and the money for the project disney was now back at rock bottom. He had to create something big and fast in order to keep the company afloat. And luckily walt did have a trick up his sleeve during this heated period between mince and world war had created mickey mouse. The mouse was created privately while disney completed.
The oswald cartoons he did this to hide away from charles mintz. As he never trusted the film producer even though by creating mickey mouse. He was breaking the contract at the time disney was commissioning up eyeworks to begin developing a new character concept. This was a stressful time because disney didn't like any of the concepts all the designs of different animals.

Including dogs and cats just weren't appealing. But that was apart from one mickey mouse. So disney went through with the production of mickey mouse in private with the character actually being voiced by walt disney himself following the principles of personality animation. That he originally learned through his odds with character artistry made mickey one of the world's most recognizable fictional characters his first debut in steamboat willie was an immediate sensation and led to disney's dominance in the animated market for many years not long after disney started introducing many other well known characters including minnie mouse goofy and donald duck and it seemed like everything was turning forward his empire was expanding his cartoons internationally recognised.

It grown his team enormously and his growth had far overtaken minces. He seemed to have gotten the perfect revenge. But behind this golden surface was an impending disaster while not being betrayed by the distributor for mickey mouse pat powers. You see pack got some dodgy contract with universal pitchers where they would take the vast amount of profits from mickey mouse leaving walt feeling underpaid and at the same time pat would then convince walt's close partner up iworks the guy who designed mickey mouse.

The guy central to disney success to now abandon disney with ward being betrayed and losing his close partner. He would go on to have a nervous breakdown with all this stress and turmoil. He decided to take a break abroad in cuba with his wife. But this break would do wonders for disney restoring his mental health ambition and team he returned a few days later in 1931 to sign disney into a contract with columbia pitchers.

Allowing disney to now distribute their cartoons in technocolor. This new color technique would be used in their silly. Symphony series allowing disney to win its first academy award for best cartoon in 1932. And the experience they gained with color animations and the increase in funds led them to start working on their first full length film snow white and the seven dwarfs when they released this film in 1938.
It would go on to become the highest. I think it's everybody saw something and he says but then and after examination. But then china is spying on you because dude every. I don't know what it is but once again big challenges with just around this guys in 1939 world war ii began disrupting the world economy irreparably and disney was feeling the impact because while disney was riddling on the success of snow white.

The studio was producing pinocchio in early 1938. Along with fantasia in november of the same year. Both of these films were then released in 1940. And neither performed well at the box office.

Not because the films were bad. But because the european market had vanished. No one was going to the cinema to watch disney films when bombs were hailing across the continent. Which is why the studio made a loss in both pictures and was deeply in debt by the end of february 1941 in response to this financial crisis.

Disney and his brother roy would take the company public and to please their new investors disney would have to take drastic measures measures that would include massive salary cuts. Which would eventually cause an animator strike in 1941. Which would go on for five weeks crippling the company even more the only way disney was really making money anymore was through its anti german and anti japanese propaganda films for the us military however by scraping the barrel for money disney managed to survive the war and was then able to start focusing on original material. Once again.

They initially found it difficult to pick up where it had left off. But 1950 proved to be a turning point thanks to the success of their first live action. Film treasure island. Because of the success disney now had more money to launch several television series with their first one mickey mouse club making its debut in 1955 and again this was an even bigger hit with the 50s being the absolute golden years for disney and with all their mountain successes in this period.

Disney would open their first theme park in california throughout this entire stretch there seemed to be no issues everything they were producing was a massive hit they were gaining worldwide recognition and disney would seem unstoppable. But after more than a decade of major successes again something devastating would happen to the disney company on november 30th. 1966. Walt disney would die.

As a result of his ongoing. Lung cancer. Complications. Meaning.

His brother. Roy disney would take over the business. Although in less than five years. The investors wanted him to be replaced causing.

The disney family to be succeeded by an executive team in 1971. Marking the end of the family names leadership in the company. And would also mark a major shift in disney's future out were the days of handmade original disney productions in was the corporate eyes hollowed out disney the focus now make as much money as humanly possible and so in the following decades disney would start taking advantage of merchandising opportunities. It would produce more feature films and construct numerous projects around the globe including the first international theme park in tokyo during 1983.
Whilst everything did look good on the surface. The company was noticeably different afterwards death. You see. During the early 1980s american movie making was changing audiences were just less interested in the family films that had been the mainstay of disney for many years and the company was just now not meeting.

The standards of their competition. Disney's competition was making films. Garnet was the prolific teenager in adult markets. Something that disney couldn't catch up with and at the same time because of the widespread perception that disney stock was undervalued relative to the company's assets.

There were several hostile takeover attempts with the company and so to strengthen disney from this assault shareholders brought in michael eisner as the new ceo and this is when disney completely changed. Because unlike most higher ups. Michael eisner. Was the first well connected.

Hollywood executive. Who would bring the company back. And then say blackrock into the mainstream shortly after joining disney eisner. Realized and then they're sitting on an underground mine of intellectual property that could easily be modernized for their own standalone films.

And so from 1989 to 1994 disney would enter a renaissance era. Launching classics such as the little mermaid and aladdin. Which were going to revive the company and bring back modern audiences. Massively and with the rise in his audience share the more people that would visit disney's theme parks.

However this streak wouldn't last that long in the mid 1990s. Eisner started making very questionable business decisions. That made others doubt his ability to carry out his position. As ceo for example long jealous of tokyo's disneyland riches and frustrated by being left out of the prophets eisner vowed to create a new international resort in paris.

He saw this as the mechanism that would further catapult disney's success. However at the start this international resort was a total disaster. Disneyland paris. Lost the company.

A ton of money and brought it into major financial trouble and because of this investors were pulling out of disney. And so because of disneyland. Paris's failure to make money eisen would begin making dramatic reductions in theme park spending. Which would of course impact.

The constructions of new parks. As well as the maintenance cleanliness and safety of the already existing parks. This would then go on to cause disney. Even more troubles and this was seen in 1998.
While a copper was waiting to board the sailing ship columbia. One of the thames rides at disneyland the 34 year old man and his wife were struck in the head by a huge piece of metal flung from the ship. The steel was intended to secure the ship to the dock. But instead it was violently torn from the hull and thrown into the throng killing the man and disfiguring his wife becoming one dude.

We heard about this you know when the ships when things stretch whatever remember with the rope. Thing so they say to never be in the cone of a rope or something that's that's under tension. Remember the thing guys did how are the links always ready man how man. Oh no not this not this.

And there's one kill if the line slowly tightens chad. This giant. I'm not gonna we might actually save a one life today. We will save somebody's life.

Today. These hazards are commonly known as bites. People working near bites need to watch feet. And hand placement.

Never stand in the bite of a line. Allow a body part to be caught in the bite or stand. Near a line. That's coming.

Under tension force of a taut line over a metal fitting can catch. And crush. Fingers and hands toes and feet snap back is potentially the most deadly of all line handling a worn line. The wrong line or a line under too much tension can part snap back and recoil striking anything in its path with tremendous force always avoid the snapback zone.

See the likely the snapback zone. You don't want to be caught in that don't begun that half. The snapback zone boom and snapped lines traveling at the velocity of rifle. Shots.

Can also bounce and ricochet off solid surfaces killing on the rebound. Too joke. No joke. So this is i think it's kind of what happened though disneyland.

The 34 year old man and his wife were struck in the head by a huge piece of metal flung from the ship. The steel was intended to secure the ship to the dock. But instead he was violently torn from the hull and thrown into the throng killing the man and disfiguring his wife that's that's exactly what happened that is exactly what happened it went under attention because the ball was probably rising or something like that and it snapped becoming one of the most abhorrent events in the history of theme parks. All because of eisner pulling out funds for the parks.

Highlighting just how drastically. The disney company had turned under the leadership of michael eisner. The man who saved walt disney was now making one bad decision. After another there were many other blunders from eisner.

As well like disney's failed attempt at an aol style internet portal. Which would become an embarrassing joke for the company not to mention all the regular infighting amongst executive staff and eventually the straw that broke the camel's back appointing his friend michael ovitz as president of the company by causing his decline in disney's reputation along with pushing investors out of the company. Disney's executive team was forced to fire eisner and pay him 140 million dollars to finally remove him from the ceo position. The whole debacle was a complete disaster for disney both financially as well as in the eyes of the public.
Once eisner was gone in 2005. Bob iger. A former weatherman took over the role of ceo. And this would seemingly be a great move for disney as after intense negotiations between bob weiger and steve jobs disney would go on to purchase its biggest competitor pixar.

This was mainly because pixar was taking away. A huge part of disney's market share. Releasing huge films like toy story. Finding nemo and the incredibles and while this was happening under eisner's reign disney was losing its popularity.

The public. Seemingly wanted pixar more than disney. But with pixar now under the disney umbrella the market was completely under disney's control going off 3d animated dude they weren't too hard and coco but disney wouldn't stop there because in 2009 disney later bought marvel studios. Which was one of the first of many acquisitions that would increase disney's monopoly of the entertainment industry and this was disney's new strategy instead of focusing on their own content disney would just buy out all its competition.

And that's why over the last 10 years. The business tactics of burbaika have resulted in disney cornering. The entire entertainment industry disney has since brought a slew of major studios television stations and intellectual properties including lucasfilms abc espn 21st century fox and just way too many other things to list off in this video. I mean.

It's literally gotten to a point now that many are calling for disney to be broken up due to ongoing monopoly concerns and so with all this backstory in mind you might start to notice a trend. Most of the defining moments of disney are during leadership changes and that's why it's important. We talk about disney's new ceo. Bob chapack.

Bob japak comes from a retail background and is known for cutting costs. Placing an emphasis on merchandise at the expense of media. Disney investors. And the executives want japak to make more profits.

Which isn't a major shock. But what more can disney do when it's cornered. The entire us market there's nothing else to control. It's getting harder and harder for disney to expand it's conquered.

The european latin american and american markets and so with this in mind it shouldn't be any surprise that disney has now been further expanding their relationship with china whilst also trying to please its biggest investors like blackrock by pandering to their political beliefs. Causing disney's content in recent years to take a much weird. The turn and the results of this have become very apparent in just the last couple of years in recent years disney has been forced to pander heavily to their investors with their new cost cutting ruthless executives disney is doing everything it can to maintain its growth. And this behavior has been going on for a few years now however you'd think by doing this sort of thing.
That it would be a pr disaster for the company and yet they haven't really stopped in fact. The company has become even more morally bankrupt for example they've become so desperate to squeeze even more money that they actually refused grieving parents to put a picture of spider man on their four year old's grave all because disney wanted to quote preserve the magic and innocence of its characters unless of course the father paid them a handsome fee however trust me this is only the start here because disney is unironically supporting genocide. In china you see behind closed doors in hollywood. Nearly every producer has to regularly self censor their content.

All in an effort to appease the chinese government and disney is no exception due to china's massive 14. Billion. Population that equates to a ton of money and so movie companies want to be sure to tap into the chinese markets and with china's limited movie outputs it means western companies like disney will have little competition. But there's a catch china only allows 34 foreign films to be shown in the country annually.

So not only is the competition huge amongst american movie companies. It's even fearsome when factoring all the main companies around the world that want to tap into the chinese market and so for your movie to be chosen for screening you have to make sure it's absolutely squeaky clean for the chinese censors which means removing any negative depictions of china but it also means you have to praise china you have to be as non threatening as possible and these requirements don't just apply to the films being released. No this involves all the production team if these rules are broken by the actors producers or distributors. Or anyone else they will all be banned from the country.

Without a second thought causing these giant movie companies to lose billions of dollars disney figured this out first hand when they distributed the film about tibetan oppression from the chinese called kundan. Which temporarily got the company blacklisted from china to revert this ban. The then ceo had to profusely apologize and even hired. The former secretary of state.

Henry kissinger to prevent a total fallout with the country after this incident disney had to jump through so many hoops just to get back in china's good books. Which included buying multiple chinese film distribution rights hiring chinese performance groups and making plans to open a theme park in shanghai and disney has since scrubbed all their involvement with the film and as you may have guessed this was when eisner was ceo. He said quote the ban uses that the film was made the good news is that nobody watched it i want to apologize and in the future. We should prevent this sort of thing which insults our chinese friends in addition to the talks of genocide perpetuated by china being forbidden there can also be no mention of taiwan at all in hollywood.
I mean just to give an example of how strict the rules are when it comes to any reference of the country top gun maverick is now facing a ban in china because of a single shot containing a taiwanese patch on the protagonist's jacket. This was after the film distributed paramount pictures refused to cater to the ccp's demands saying they would not edit the flag out but on the other side of the coin refusing such orders from china is something disney would never even dream of china is their main market now. I mean just look at the disaster of a film called mulat which was supposed to be an easy slam dunk remake of the 1998 original which turned out to be a financial and public embarrassment for the company. Both in their western and chinese audience.

Despite the movies blatant pandering to the ccp. I enjoyed the movie. The the the anime movie back in the days. But were there this suppose that there's problem with it with the movies or whatnot.

What was what was the the implications of the problem with the movies or whatnot. It was awful no. It's not i swatch it on loop man. It's racist lie back no no i'm another remake.

I mean the old one the animated one all bombed at the premiere in china and lost 130 million dollars in the box office in addition disney. Quite distastefully gave thanks during the end credits of the film to eight government entities in xinjiang for allowing them to film that and for those who don't know this is the same reason as the ongoing weaker genocide in china from chinese police computers show that we get prisoners in the western region of xinjiang are shot onto one of my first zimmer tags ever i tried it there wasn't enough. There wasn't enough space in it i want to be called my impressive attack. I want to be called on mulan one day mulan forever.

I don't know why. But it was like in french it sounds better it's like exciting if they're caught trying to escape. Photos shed light on a secretive system of mass incarceration yes disney is quite literally praising the people committing genocide in china yeah. Because i'm translating it sounds kind of kind of bad because in french it's kind of cool however disney's pandering to china's authoritarian regime.

Doesn't just stop there just look at the comparison of their box art for star wars. The force awakens in the west and in china. They literally had to remove john bodega dedicated to the chinese government's demand. That is something that is so fun.
But they had to completely cover. The protagonist's face on the chinese version of the poster. Which is funny considering the what the had to completely cover. The protagonist's face on the chinese version of the poster.

Which is funny considering that back at home disney's very happy to hand out the white privileged checklist to their employees. Along with an internal program with a series of training modules about anti racism. I mean disney's always lecturing their workers about how they must not quote. Question.

Black colleagues. Lived experiences and challenge colour blind ideologies and rhetoric. Whilst also having staff recommended reading material. Including things like 75 things white people can do for racial justice.

And your kids are not too young to talk about race. However meanwhile they center black people from their movie posters and actively support a government committing genocide that also carries out racial segregation. And yet disney's former ceo. Bob iger stated that the company should be quote taking a stand on political issues.

And that it will no longer shy away from politics in the future. A statement that's also likely caused by another sinister bureaucratic author. This is surprising they're just making their profits yeah. But this is the difference between uh maximum profits and mass uh maximum profits at a cost especially when the cost is like that that's like it's it's not it's not like it's not a good carbon regime.

Blackbook is one of disney's top shareholders. Owning nearly 150 million shares in the company now for those of you who don't know blackrock is the shadowy investment management firm that oversees roughly 10 of all stocks traded worldwide which amounts to about 10 trillion dollars in assets in the words of bloomberg blackbook is a facebook bingo bunch of governments bingo cards boy bingo ding ding ding ding ding moon said black rock black rock standard yeah he thinks personal connections with the former treasury secretary timothy geithner blackrook has been able to control multiple major banks with larry fink largely being regarded as the most powerful man in america and because of this most investors and banks follow blackrock's est ratings to know whether or not they should put their funds into a company now an esg rating. According to blackrock measures. The company's exposure to long term efficiency and governance risks.

These. Risks include things like energy efficiency worker safety and board independence all of which will cause companies to have significant financial consequences if they're not followed properly however in 2018 this esg score was modified when larry wrote a letter telling all the companies under his thumb to quote contribute to society or risk. Losing our support adding that wait the same script again company giving their input on the way grade school education is handled in the state of florida disney has never done anything like this before this is gonna learn about this is do you think and now. His brain is like like he he thinks like a red pill out the wah zoo and just copy paste happening after blackrock changing their esg yeah rating yeah.
But then you're going to say that by all you said about all companies. Then you said that okay this oh okay this could be for a lot of reasons and a lot of things can be explained or i could just say it's because the esg and blackrock because they're above everybody else so it's like okay well at that point. I mean just spam. It on all companies and use it as an as a narrative for everything so this esg rating.

Is causing disney to now be faced with even bigger challenges as it looks like the disney company is currently taking some big financial hits while paramount pitchers claims they weren't bowed down to china or esg scores. Releasing top gun maverick free from censorship. Paramount pictures. Is now seeing huge success okay.

While i watch this video well as you know uh twitch is owned by amazon amazon esg blackrock and what in this video actually how's my esg score. Because i was tanking because of gta engine like that i was two points off. If i wanted this video. Obviously because amazon because of twitch and because of blackrock.

We're watching this and now we're kinda not uh box office worldwide. A film that entertained audiences worldwide a film that refused to denounce and also because uh china is china because what black rock china black rock china black rock taiwan and quotes. It's a film that just isn't political and at the same time disney's 200 million dollar budget light year film gained only 150 million dollars in sales because yet again. It was disney's attempt at stuffing corporate wokeness down the audience's throats and right now disney stock.

Price is plummeting going from 200 down to only 90 becoming more and more dependent on their theme parks rather than their core content. Walt disney had originally pioneered and with their new upcoming baymax movie being reportedly about a non binary michelin man using female sanitary products. I can't really imagine kids are going to be rushing the droves to watch it perhaps disney is going the route of netflix. The what what baymax movie being reportedly about a non binary michelin man using female sanitary products.

I can't really imagine kids are going to be rushing. The droves to watch it perhaps disney is going the route of netflix where their ruthless adherence to their investors and money at all costs attitudes might now kill. The disney monopoly disney wants a company pioneering animation. Cartoons and generating beautiful allegorical stories stories that would transcend time and generations is now becoming everything it sought to destroy a hollowed out decrepit shell of a company.
Suing hospices. Grieving parents. Forcing wokeness amongst. The apathetic masses and supporting genocidal regimes.

Neglecting stories and entertainment for greed and power causing. The stock price to plummet and fans to become tired and wary of the company. Which is why disney serves as a warning a warning of how all beautiful. I am aware i am aware okay.

We have a quick important announcement to make guys i've just awoken are you welcome and now volcage voltage jesus is chat awokened right about now give huh you.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “The mouse is evil xqc reacts to why disney is collapsing”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Puss Dest toyer says:

    The “Star Wars” point was not valid. They said they removed the Black man from the cover art, but they did not, they just made him smaller

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Caputo says:

    I laughed how he called the China/Blackrock connection, but to joke as if its not real is kinda cringe.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mysteria _ says:

    for the baymax part, the guy wasnt talking about baymax. he was talking about a character in the movie/show that is non-binary and uses female products.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshy uwu says:

    It's kind of sad that we have gone through like 3 world wars in under 200 years

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PrintGuinGames says:

    ''How do I know the video?hm.. the mouse is evil, that's the one''
    Love the editor

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kari says:

    A lot of y'all are anti trans, not all but there's certainly a bunch in here

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars opbush says:

    holy shit, he keeps farming moon until the last drop.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hey says:

    Disney should go back to hand drawn animations. It will be refreshing. I don't get why it has to be 3D or hand drawn production only. Why not both, they have the resources

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Edison says:

    Lightyear didnt bring enough money in not because it is a bad movie. It wasn't allowed in more than 16 countries because of the scene where two women kiss. 16 countries who would have brought in money

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars He nz says:

    i love disney i love china i love blackrock

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iAM - GeoffreyTheElite says:

    Here it comes PepeLaugh (seriously though that double whammy was so funny, the whole video was just building up to him saying China and BlackRock)

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cezary Baryka says:

    I got permabanned in chat because during this video I said "Jews Aware". Thoughts?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael says:

    Why does XQC keep laughing about BlackRock when its literally true? They own 10% of like every massive conglomerate. Why is that funny tho? (BTW its not just BlackRock, theyre just the biggest and worst, but VanGuard also own nearly 10% of all the biggest companies and they work WITH BlackRock all the time)

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Law4 says:

    Disney is an immensely powerful, yet creatively and morally bankrupt company that will do anything for profit, no matter how hypocritical it is. It's scary how much they own.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anton Nguyen says:

    this would have been a good addition to the video: Blue Sky

    Blue Sky Studio created Ice Age, Rio, and Robots. the films were mid but they were still popular enough to compete in box office. this scared disney not just because they might be Pixar 2.0, but because theyre a major competent animation studio NOT in California. they were an east coast company untouched by hollywood.

    Disney bought them out, released one last movie called Spies in Disguise (the pigeon movie with will smith and tom holland) before shutting the studio down. what they do is make it impossible to compete in terms of media. thats why disney changes copyright laws, buys companies, makes anime, and do everything they can so that no-one can defeat disney unless you're as big of a company as disney

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