Kai Cenat responds to the allegations from this video: https://youtu.be/3J9DBTvsLo0
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#xQc #Kai #Allegations

Um, let's see Julie waited to hear my to hear what I had to say I would have to go go. All right So first things first I want to say please What? I have to say you feel what I'm saying after this y'all can say whatever y'all I don't you know what I'm saying First things first. Okay, let me go ahead and say something. um I I kind of.

First of all I kind of found it very uh I've been going through like I've been I'm getting dragged right now on social media. drive by not on social media. A lot of people performing opinions before I even got to speak. Let's dive right into it.

First things first I want to address how do I know this girl Okay as you guys know, New Year's Eve I threw a party in New York City the city that I'm from threw a party back there. We went back there to a party. As you guys can see I'm pretty sure you guys seen snaps, multiple videos. There's multiple photographers in there.

um you feel what I'm saying. We took a whole bunch of pictures videos I'm having a five and a blast Mike in my hand I'm running from the I'm running everywhere I'm having a blast. Everybody's having a good time when you're with Kc3. One thing you're gonna.

One thing you could say is that I make sure everybody's having a fun time. What's happening? There's a story that happened. uh if you didn't say missed it the way I met that girl or I started I started talking to her December 31st 2022 going into the new year of January 1st 2023. um um okay people people keep getting an added that like uh she she uh kept saying like uh this is my friend friend she kept using a friend with a lot right? um people keep thinking that like it was if she's saying friend they must have knew each other way back no that's not what it is Also I want to go ahead and say Jovi I'm not here to bash you or nothing Yeah, very seriously.

put some notes on this first thing play in my life. I'm not even gonna play like I've seen what you I've seen the that you've been posting and crying and all that I have sympathy for I'm not I'm not sure I'm not here to bash you in any type of way. Okay let me put that first because this is crazy. All right.

So the way I know her I met her December um December 31st okay ready 7 31st I told her I got the cotton right now I told her to pull up to uh the party now um the same way she got invited. everybody there got invited okay people on the internet Twisted it and was like oh yeah Kai should have been like you know you feel what I'm saying like you feel what I'm saying like she should have been on her no the way she was invited is the way everybody was invited. Welcome she uh she's in New York I said yo New Year's Eve Come let's have a blast. You know it's a you feel what I'm saying music going.

everything was free I had food everything right? That's how I know her. Um, it doesn't go any further. It doesn't go uh, any farther than that. Okay, okay, one thing.

one thing. okay. how do I know uh, the person being accused Jiggy Jiggy right? How do I know him I know him I never said he wasn't my friend I know him I he went to high school with me. um and you know what I'm saying is a friend that I genuinely know Jesus Okay, this is somebody I know personally.
Okay, all right now now first things first. let me kick it off like this. so you're probably wondering. Let me address everything that everybody probably was wondering why was not why Kai wasn't replying.

why wasn't he texting back my favorite I Don't blame y'all for asking me why wasn't Kai texting back like this. why was he helping? Because I didn't the first time sleep for sure. Came in right as soon as this was brought to my attention chat I didn't go nowhere else when this was supposed to my attention I didn't go nowhere else but the police instantly. I went to my legal team I went to the police I'm not playing I'm not being around.

This is a serious topic. Let's go to the police. Let's figure this out. You feel what I'm saying Um, a lot of people was like yo you need uh uh, he didn't help you this time.

The third bro I went to the police instantly. My legal team. The reason why I did not reply is because my legal team told me Kai Do Not text anyone. Do not uh, post.

uh Do Not talk about the situation to anybody. Keep it to yourself. That's why I'm so relieved that I got the green light today to talk about stuff. Wait, okay, no way.

and then again, you feel what I'm saying that I'm confused, right? My team legally told me Kai don't say nothing. First things first. Jovi well he did. he did text though right now.

I I'm here to help to see what the happened. I've been accused of this being set up being set up and I knew what was going on. Negative Negative: That's disgusting. negative like bro, that's the reason why I'm kind of mad because I've been accused that I knew everything that was happening at the time.

Negative: Okay I don't know that went down that night I wasn't there Okay, I wasn't physically there Okay Jovi Although my team contacted you and say and said that Kai is not able to talk at this time okay, they said that to you. You was aware that I was muted but you still went to the internet I'm not here to blame you. You got to the internet first. they do the assumptions My name got dragged okay and it's fine I gotta go out of his Witnesses with being at such a stature gonna come with okay you was Man this is really bad Team: whatever I tell you yo Kai is not able to talk right now.

Don't you feel what I'm saying Uh he he don't expect nothing from coming to fame, he's not able to. This is all legal. Once this got brought to my attention, it is now an investigation. Okay, it is now an investigation.

Do you hear me? Okay, this is serious I gotta understand how serious this is. Man: I'm not taking this for no game. Everything that was brought to my attention My team reached out to her, said Kai's not able to talk All right So boom I was I was literally muted at the time I couldn't say nothing. Okay, let me go ahead and uh I'll go to the next thing.
um oh what's it called? What's it called? What's it called? What's it called my phone? my phone. uh I mean it's like there's my problems over there I don't know I don't know dude I want to seem like I'm more chanting outside of the story Okay, there's a lot of problems with this already I don't know. she called me the next day right crying, bawling her eyes out I'm talking about legit crying gang I'm hearing this story and automatically this is why I don't really blame the internet for record how they reacted to because automatically I instantly believe I instantly fell into it I honestly believe like I'm I'm I'm hearing it I'm like yo this is crazy bro as soon as happened I'ma help you on the phone This is the first phone call that we had together. I said I will help at what time and I got you you can see in the text messages I said yo just talk to my team and see what happens.

okay I said I would have all this is after the problem. Shut up, Not pre-recorded All right. The problem is that he talks about before right? and the way after. That's when I got the information chat I went straight to my friend the person that you see getting posted I said bro what the am I hearing right now gang y'all know I can't bro but you bro I have a select few of people that I call my friend for real for real Bro I addressed them I See yo bro What the is this? When you see you can see the text messages when she sent the photo you can see me react as in it's him like I legit I legit I'm telling y'all what it is I know him so I'm I went to him immediately I said yo bro, what the you got going on What am I hearing right now bro you feel me What am I hearing right now about that's going on chat as soon as he heard her side of the story I'm representing her bro, she's hurt, she's hurt bro I don't play that I went I went to her to him I said her story.

complete shock. He was in complete shock. he don't know I'm telling you my perspective. he was so confused on the things that she said.

legitimately confused on the things that she said everything like that right? So as the one in between all this I took a step back I said your car, somebody's there's two side of the stories now Kai with who are you gonna handle it with the police okay when she when she um she asked for um in a screenshot she asked for her name she asked for his name automatically I told my team I said yo team here's his name give it to her. That is the reason why she got it in the first place. Okay all my viewers do not go to her profile and do Not harass this young lady. Bro do not until facts are put until is bro like and is going on and the police are handling this and this is why I didn't want to come to the internet bro.
this is never my intentions I was just talking to the police and my my legal team when it hit the internet I Wake up here hours later. remember I'm five hours ahead when I broke up to this I said what the am I seeing on the internet right now okay and I'm muted. My mom is calling me bro okay, sister is calling me is not a joke. Okay, you feel me look so um I automatically said yo There's two sides of this.

Let me go. Let me go ahead and take this up with the police. I'm not doing none of this. Okay, our is getting posted to the internet chat I'm on the phone helping her I'm on the phone trying to see what's right trying to see I I don't know I'm so new to this like like like to Justice that I'm trying to see what's going on man I Legally couldn't talk okay I I couldn't talk.

They gave me the green light. That's why I'm so happy I'm able to go live right now man and I just want to make sure this is served I Wanna make sure this is correct Now let me tell y'all something though. Okay to this All right I'm gonna go I'm not defending anybody I'm not defending anybody I don't know what happened I am in the same boat as my viewers after the problem I Don't know what the happened, but let me go ahead and say something. The person that's associated with me I knew this guy I'm not defending him once again I Knew this guy for a very long time.

on multiple trips. You feel what I'm saying never was he's not that type of person I'm not saying didn't happen I'm not saying none of that. I'm not defending nobody because bro the way she was crying to me on that phone bro I'm here to help I'm here to help I know how he looked, scars on the face transfer. That's for the law.

If that's for the law to handle though, that's none of your business at all. None of your business at all. Okay now I'm here to help I'm I'm here to see what the fact is because whatever the facts is, bro. I Swear to God I'm Bro I Haven't spoke to him since it happened I've stepped aside from him and her since it happened.

Okay, the last time I spoke to him was when and I I said yo bro I need your name Gave it to me instantly, gave me his name instantly. That's the reason why she got it. gave me the name instantly. Everything was processed instantly.

You feel me. That was the last time. Ever since then I've completely stepped back. The only person who I've been is even high school.

The conversation with was the law, my lawyers, my legal team, nobody else, nobody else whatsoever. Okay, all right. boom. After that got his name, gave it to my team, they gave it to her.

That's the reason why she got it. Okay, um um, let me go ahead and say something real quick. Um um I seen her uh go to you know spread Awareness on what's going on on a twitch little interview yesterday I Just wish that I just wish that she trusted me in this process of helping her that she didn't jump the gun on the internet because bro when things get to the internet, a lot of gets formulated. But I don't blame her I don't know what she's going through mentally I don't know I I don't know I don't know what she's going through mentally.
All I can promise to to her is that I will make sure is right I will make sure I don't know what happened I just see I'm just hearing two side of the stories I don't know what happened I'm here to figure it out again with the law I'm not here to go on the internet. you know what I'm saying and I have people dragging my name bro, they're dragging it bro. I Okay I keep seeing people saying I didn't reply. The reason why I didn't reply is because I wasn't legally able to.

My team told me no, that's why I'm replying that yeah, you feel what I'm saying the timeline is the thing that matters the most. Oh my God bro which is what got me like what like hurt it hurt me bro cause I don't play like that bro set up like I don't play like that but I've seen that she retracted yesterday and she was saying like she's not even trying to blame me and this and the third and all of that and like that you feel what I'm saying he's not even remember me. Okay, so boom, all right, um let me see what else. um uh, the reason why I was kind of disappointed in the internet thing was because um, right here.

um it. it not only shatters my name falsely I'm in the New Year I'll put everything aside I have a subathan next month that everything's aside right now until I feel like I'm on a good track onto solving what the happened, everything's aside I'm not even playing. no more bro. This is serious.

my name is now in the mix. Okay, the new year just started I Don't This is the things I don't want to see happen man this is the things I don't want to see happens now. chat Imma go ahead and tell you this right here. I wish I wish I could tell you how things played out in my perspective, how things went along in my perspective.

but you guys have to trust me on this when I say trust me I cannot talked about anything else unless the police is involved and I refuse to talk about anything else unless the police is involved I haven't spoken to her I haven't spoken to him. That's a surprise I haven't spoken to her I haven't spoken to him. his whole image is up right now. gang.

he's everywhere. Every blog everybody knows about this I have it right. it's everywhere I don't know I'm telling y'all to trust me bro. Whatever happens, bro, whatever happens.

I'm gonna make sure y'all are updated if I can. Okay I don't play like this. All right I don't play like this. and if she's in the wrong, he's in the wrong.

You're done. So you guys think that he said that, are you crazy after I'm saying and text everybody would know at a point of time no, just stop. whatever's in the dark gonna come out to the light I've been praying I've been praying I've been holding my composure. It's a lot for me bro.
it's a lot I got a lot to focus on. Feel me like it's a lot for me. You feel me so everybody's standing in my name right now and saying y'all could carry the narrative that y'all want. but when the when facts come out and like bro, the setup is crazy bro y'all could I could I could literally tell y'all right here.

Heart to heart No. as soon as this is over with, as soon as I can get an update I'm Gonna Keep Communicating my lawyers I'm gonna say yo can I get an update Can I get an update? Please Can I get an update I Will I Will Okay, let me make let me see. Um yeah our word r-a-p-e That's the whole thing about this. Um for those who don't know and um I Believe him.

why would he lie? he's already rich. What's it called? What does that say this? uh what The oh man dude I I don't know what I'm reading is I already said I understand why people are just people have everything to lose in those cases. My name is on this position like what? Okay, my name is on this and this is the Empire I built from the ground up and I'll be there. He's Rich I'll be damned if my was to fall over right now man.

I'll be damned. You wouldn't let you never hear me nothing bro. you never hear me or nothing. Just know I'm not communicating to nobody but to my butts.

But the the um, the uh, what's it called The uh, Legal team my the police um I'm gonna go ahead and address this real quick. Um and please once again do Not hate on her. Please do Not go to her nothing bro. She literally has every she could feel however she want.

bro. it's her perspective she could feel however she wants. um right now I can't communicate when I came with Community I was told that I was really told that nobody was supposed to be saying nothing because it's an open investigation and it's now like a case like I I almost told that also her tweet about um for all of Jiggy friends um and constantly not fans to enemy Fanning to kill me um and then when was iPhone yes I can't speak for friends I can my friends haven't said anything I can say that my friends that I know I'm not talking about the one who got accused or nothing like that My friends that I know everybody that I be around everybody Everybody everybody that y'all know who I'm associated with, they're out of this. they don't know nothing I haven't spoke to them I haven't spoke to anybody he said that's what I'm trying to say gang why you follow his ugly ass because I have nothing to hide I never deny he's not my friend.

he's still being followed don't you think if I had to follow him, it would have been a little skeptical until facts come out until I'm hearing bro I'm on the same. That's what y'all understand: I'm on the same page as y'all bro I'm on the same page as y'all bro, you feel me I Know everybody seen anything. Appreciate everybody who was, um, checking up on me and like that I know I wasn't able to talk to y'all but I've seen I see the calls and like that I'm in the UK right now I don't got no my Wi-Fi's ass. Everything's ass.
you feel me. um I'll keep you updated though. Appreciate y'all bro and you know I I'm taking all the heat I'll take it I'll take all the heat right now cause you know she got to the internet first. It's fun I Don't want you to think nothing is wrong I'm good.

You're good man, you're good. You're gonna. You're gonna solve this. Um please.

I hope I hope you're doing your part on really going to like oh sure after that if you want people but by the time it's it's uh, it's all said and done. you'll be it's sitting somebody on the road. So um, when I'm able to talk to you I'm able to talk to you when I'm able to talk to, um, get both sides or what? I'm able to talk to any of them Who's involved I made a talk I Don't want y'all to think guys please I don't want y'all to think I'm some type of bad guy I beg y'all please please bro. Come on bro.

Y'all know me, Y'all know me, y'all know me. Don't think that I'm some type of feel me like oh he wasn't responding because he was trying to cover up. No, that's why I'm on here right now she getting addressed, she getting solved I will literally let y'all know very soon. I Love y'all so much.

Um I'll try to update you I'll communicate with my legal team to see what I can do and what I can't do and just know. Definitely gonna get solved for sure. Four sure I See a lot of new people in here. um I'm gonna highlight y'all all right.

the body will stay up. Keep this Vibe up for anybody who wants to see it and all that um can say do not post on my second Channel they can just come here and watch out I don't want people to think that I'm going for like a money grab or nothing like that I Love y'all so much we gonna get to the bottom of this bro. It's a rough start. um I'll update y'all What's up with that right now? because that is put aside I'ma holla at y'all I love y'all I'll see y'all later man yo! Yep, the problem they have was a lot of commentaries is that you're either losing the scope of what are the problems and what's the timeline.

It's the only thing that really matters. It's just annoying to see that. Okay, because you guys are like it. Oh yeah, but that wait wait wait.

But then his teammate damn the name. Yeah dude. dude, it has nothing to do with the actual end result. It's the way that it was done.

man. I Wish you. it's just a simple concept man. the initial way that that the text looks like okay is not helping at all.

Like what the is wrong with Dude: did you guys flip so did you guys flip so hard? It's insane I I You know what? I Hate I Hate this I'm gonna be honest with you guys I came up I Came Live and knowing nothing What happened Okay I give a take because I'm on the base of the one I saw and and my own mindset and and people are creative disagreed and you guys flip and flop based on what's the most popular opinion. Look at you guys. you guys are flipping from like it's insane. You can't even form your own opinion, You just follow whatever's more popular, whether it's right or wrong.
Regardless of how you feel about it, it's so I Hate this yo. this is X x on the video I'm going through my voice as well that has anyone knows that boy I Don't know, he's just so soy. anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so soy.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Kai cenat responds to the allegations”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Berg says:

    Ofc xqc gonna be the one to say "I see problems with story" as if kai really knew wat was goin on. He went to da police cause he ain't know what to do innat situation and was muted

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ชลูด เสี่ยงวงศ์ says:

    i love how pewds was cracking on seeing those chefs fail a meatball taskmaster

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Javier Corona says:

    I feel like he handled the situation better then anyone else would. Like us normal people would have not have handled it like this. Like XQC would have not handled it as good like he acting like he would have handled it like he a perfect person . It’s not Kia’s fault at all

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aldoogie says:

    How can someone say so many words and yet still not make any sense.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andrew harwell says:

    Kai u need to stop responding because u didn't do anything wrong until now, u need to let ppl know who the dude is and that yall ain't friends no more

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andrew harwell says:

    Once she got "faded" if she did, she wanted kai to notice. I guarantee yall of kai showed up in that bed with her we wouldn't hear shit. She's only tripping because she realized she fucked it up with kai

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Banzz says:

    X the investigator

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Mr. Coolz says:

    Why is it everyone believes every woman…. Like it’s not possible a woman can lie

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reeper says:

    W xqc

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ItsNarwal says:

    kai so loud all the time for no reason like damn 💀

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Foxツ says:

    In my opinion, the only thing Kai did wrong here as X said in the other video is that he reacted poorly and lashed out at her with rude responses when he felt accused by her when she was scared distressed and confused. It's bad and unsympathetic but it's nothing irredeemable as long as he apologizes to her for that I think he's fine he did everything else well as far as I can see from this. I think X is frustrated cause Kai is reasoning his actions in the texts such as "not replying" because his legal team told him to do so, and X wanted to focus on the text messages before that happened (talking to his legal team) and I guess people don't have enough cognitive brain function to conclude that saying something along the lines of "his lawyers told him to" has nothing to do with what X wished to focus on. either way whatever what do I know, least parasocial or smth 🦔❄

    I lied there are more things he did wrong like not immediately helping with easy information like a name and also kind of indirectly or even directly lied 🦔❄

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Third70boyz says:

    You hate it cuz your not popping like him…… your mad your not him you can hear that white hate

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThatKidFromThatShow says:

    xQc talking about Flip Flopping like the entire chat has to believe the same thing, they're individuals in there.

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