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I Mean as Silicon Valley is in chaos, almost all of the major big tech companies are collapsing. For example, Mata is worth over a trillion in 2021, But just a year later and that value has dropped by two-thirds and the other Giants aren't found behind. Amazon Meta Twitter Tesla Netflix have always seen massive Revenue jobs, and the scale of these losses is unprecedented, especially considering big Tech has been so Unstoppable for the last decade. In fact, revenues and profits were skyrocketing.

Silicon Valley was a billionaire Factory with some of the most prolific billionaires building the names in the bank accounts on the back of big tech companies. Give me partially because, um, there's more options now and it will buy other. That is that. That is just their competitors.

Jack Dorsey All of them were created by the Mass Attack Netflix is like there's like now there's like Hulu Disney Plus okay, a Tesla Every car has, like every car brand, now has their own electric car. It's like there's so many options. decades. But then the bubble popped and now the biggest names to Silicon Valley are seeing their revenue plummet, firing hundreds of thousands of employees, with the stock value of almost every big tech company falling dramatically.

Which leads us to the question: how do I get this bad so quickly? Well, you see, Tech was a growing part of the world's economy for years. Over the last decade, tech companies have only gone larger and larger. Now, of course, there were ups and downs. For example, crash the late 90s proved the catastrophic consequences of overvaluing tech companies.

However, over time, the industry always picked up again. It was a measured climate first, but soon people forgot the mistakes of the parts. As the years rolled by and to know that she improved, the companies behind it grew richer and richer. But there were massive problems on the horizon for Silicon Valley Because the path wasn't or golden.

For example, companies like Uber have coasted on their potential hoovering up Investments Without a proper model for profitability, The same can be said for Twitter And yet, despite this, all of the Giants of the industry go to immense proportions on paper. For example, in 2018, Mata surpassed 500 billion dollars in net worth and Amazon were closing in on a trillion. But all of these companies had a similar problem. They just weren't worth what people thought they were.

Their business models were shaky and in constant need of Investments or they just didn't make that much money to begin with. Their margins were always incredibly tight, and that's why almost all of these Tech billionaires never look at the stock price. That whole period is very interesting because the stock is not the company on the the company is not the stock. And so as I watched the stock from 113 to six, I was also watching all of our internal business metrics.

Every single thing about the business was getting back. Daddy's My Boss I Can't talk because they believe is that normally spread into every aspect of the World Companies would always ride the wave of future potential. Their shaky business model just didn't appear to be an issue with this. All these big tech companies.
He's not bald, he's hairless by choice is what he told me. Don't talk I'm a venue. Companies were gaining more and more power and it seemed like they were Untouchable because Big Tech had something invaluable, the eyeballs and data of the entire world you see. Ever since they started putting in user data, the massive levels they do now, social media companies were then further driven to maximize their engagement.

Keeping people on the app for as long as possible and often as possible became the most important thing. which is why we're also addicted to our phones and our laptops. It makes all of these black-time companies billions of dollars, allowing them to sell more and more ads and exploit more and more of your data. And over time.

These companies perfected this process by manipulating psychology, making the apps so addictive that the entire world couldn't live without their smartphone. And during this process, they found out that anger and fear are some of the best ways to keep people engaged. And so as the algorithms were fine-tuned for engagement, they pushed more extreme and more provocative posts above everything else, putting them in front of everyone's faces constantly, all while censoring any information that didn't fit into Silicon Valley's political narrative, which is why Twitter Met and all these other companies became the breeding ground for social media addictions, censorship and hatred. And as time went on cycle ramped up in the cultural wasn't and these changes in the online space were reflected in the real world, leading to riots, unrest, and collapse.

It didn't matter to the tech companies though, in fact, this was in their interest and instead of tackling the problems that they had caused themselves with their algorithms, companies start to then lean further on censorship, suppressing all counter opinions in the name of misinformation. But this solution wouldn't work forever. Tech companies were going to pay the cost for their meddling and public discourse. However, for now, they had to deal with a much more conventional problem competition.

Over the past decades, China has exploded into the technology industry. Companies like Tense in Huawei and by Dance been eating into the Western market share on a global scale. In fact, Hansen has made numerous takeovers of Western companies like Riots, Epic Games, and even Ubisofts. They've undermined Western dominance in the lucrative gaming industry with China earning some of the most popular games today like Four Nights in League of Legends and China's also taking over with things like Tech Talk and Tencent's investments in Reddit and Discord and then Hardware manufacturers releasing cheaper alternatives loaded with Chinese data collection technology.
Yaumi did the same, but to even greater effect. Despite only being founded in 2010, they've gained over 12 percent of the market already and Buy Dance is probably the most. Sinister I mean China was well aware of the disruptive powers of social media long before the West had any idea and they studied what the Western companies were doing with engagement and turned it into an R4 With Tick Tock exploding in popularity by playing on Silicon Valley's addicted business model and by learning from Silicon Valley successes and mistakes, Tick Tock has grown by 400 every single year. Seizing Western social media companies audiences from under their noses, which is why we'll miss every major app has now adopted Tick Tock's short video model and to put it plainly, this is a targeted attack on Silicon Valley All these companies have Incredibly Close relationships with the CCP which has given them enormous room to scale up because no matter how profitable these companies are, they've always got how how is how profitable are those other companies to do our shorts which is amazing I Feel like they lose money but they win influencer much.

Love Actually It's not very good for money. Execute the Chinese government behind their back and this gives them a massive advantage over the West. They don't have to deal with pesky human right laws, ethical impediments, or even profitability is that they can be safe in the knowledge that as long as they pull the party line, they can get away with virtually anything. And this isn't just within China This is everywhere they get government backing abroad as all of these Chinese big social media sites are practically a third party of the Chinese government and as they work in tandem, these companies have become an Unstoppable force.

And so whilst the Western tech companies are always at each other's throats, China's Tech Giants have been allowed to build their monopolies in peace. which is why every day China gains a little more ground on the West because for every user and customer, the China gains Silicon Valley gets weaker and this new threat has been awful for Big Tech's bottom. Lions And the true consequences have only just begun today. But before we continue I Want to tell you about the video.

Sponsor more. Please be dominated by all if we're still expect it. And by the end of 2016, some journalists were hailing Silicon Valley as the future. They said this because something dramatic had changed the list of the top companies used to always be dominated by all and manufacturers.

Instead of watching one-line video, you're watching a bunch of any videos for the same but better Exactly So you you drive engagement and you get more and more people that actually watch your sit because it's more addictive and it keeps it gives you a better market share but at the same time nobody's gonna watch a Thursday can add to watch a six second video right? it's it's a bit harder to um to monetize, right? especially for the users. They don't get a lot of money. I think out of the shorts competitive or long-star video because of the ads. uh, that they can match for it.
true and a few Financial Giants that relied on their share scale to dominate. but these companies have now been replaced by Google Amazon Tesla Apple, and Microsoft pushing out the Old Guard. However, despite their immense valuations, these companies still weren't nearly as profitable as they should have been from 1995 to 2015. Amazon only made two billion dollars in profit despite the company approaching a trillion dollar net worth.

Now yes, this move was meant to dodge taxes you, yet it still portrayed a significant disconnect between Silicon Valley and the rest of the world. rather than focusing on profitability Silicon Valley Companies were much and the best example of this is Uber You see Uber spent years focused entirely on growth above anything else. They embodied the Silicon Valley Mantra breaking laws and industries to cement themselves in the market with a massive leak showing one trillion dollars and you make two bills in profit that is. It's yeah, it's owned the Uber Executives have shown construction industry and put pressure on governments and of course they had big problems with actually making enough money.

I mean their business model still has incredibly low margins even after they started to squeeze every penny they could and raising all of their prices. which has caused the Uber to be in a wide situation with Market situations. How is Uber losing money when they do nothing? It's just it's just it's just it's just software. Their stock price is plummeting and the company streams and market dominance now.

Fading Into The ground. But it does still have a slight chance as Silicon Valley overconfidence has led to way more destructive collapses. Specifically in the case of Wework in early 2019, Wework was seen as an Innovative new company that was set to change the world of work. Although it was founded in New York, the Silicon Valley mentality had definitely gotten to its found in Adam Newman The charismatic CEO was so good at convincing investors that he pulled in billions and only a few years after its founding, the company had raised over a billion dollars for their office space company and I say off a space company.

But we work were still listed as a tech company and so Wework managed to raise over a billion dollars for the company. And this was despite Mass layers of the company and poor financial performance because simply enough investors were just in love with the idea rather than the products in front of them. In fact, wework lost over 2 billion dollars in 2018 and yet the hype, continued analysis stated that the company was now worth over 40 billion dollars. This was more than giants like Airbnb And by September the company attempted to gain even more investment, beginning the process of an IPO or initial public offering and this would open the shares of the company to the public, raising even further billions for wework.
And yet even with this enormous amount of investment, the IPO started against scrutiny as investors started to see that the company was really making no money and it portrayed the true reality of the Silicon Valley business model: massive debts and low Revenue propped up by other people's money. And so the 40 billion valuation was cut by three quarters in a matter of days resulting in 20. Technologies is all true, right? in Esports? it's like 100 times as true it's sent to the company being fired I'm in their CEO and other Executives were all forced to resign and the company is forced to cut back on its massive growth. Reality hit the company hard and today people are questioning the expiry date as we were, but yet again, Silicon Valley didn't learn.

For this example, despite the very same business practices being used across tons of tech companies, this was just seen as an isolated Case by Tech Elites Besides, now it wasn't the time to Consolidated and set it down. And then as 2019 came and went, the world was forced into the pandemic first. U.S case has been detected. There's confirmation the coronavirus has reached Australia and it was here that tech companies were doubled down Covid-19 as it was for so many other billionaires and corporations was a massive opportunity for big.

Tech The Pandemic saw tech companies values Rise by hundreds of billions. They made so much money they barely even knew what to do with it. And it was the belief at the top of these companies that this is just how things were take dominance into the future seemed all but guaranteed. Zuckerberg and others would be risky and short-sighted in their Investments assuming that Revenue levels would stay strong after the pandemic.

And that's why Meta's Workforce grew by 28 in just a year and Amazon massively expanded their own operations seeing their profits store by over 220 percent. Apple spent an extra 90 billion dollars just buying back their own stock during the pandemic. That's an amounts worth more than the GDP of Sri Lanka On their continued success, you see tech companies made massive investments into themselves, betting that the good times would never end. And it was this overconfidence that when their profits finally did start to slow down, they wouldn't be able to cope with it.

But overconfidence wasn't the only problem that worsen during the pandemic. You see the culture war was getting more and more intense as people spend more time online. What the was that yo? You see the coach war was Asia Parents are school boards. worst nightmare.
Get involved getting more and more intense. Teach facts not feelings we are uh, One race and says people spend more time online. Unwinnable arguments raged as people's lives come miserably worse, and whilst the pandemic was lucrative attack companies, they were some of the Only Winners with lockdowns completely destroying the economy, putting Millions after jobs and businesses out of business and it's impossible to measure the negative effects of the pandemic on people and their mental health. However, what was miserable was the heat stop raising.

Stop hey stop critical. Factory Um. hitting up with the Culture War and eventually the results of this would be social media fatigue. People were just sick of the culture war and China was now also closing on Silicon Valley as over the pandemic, Tick Tock grew by hundreds of millions of users surpassing 1.1 billion in 2021.

However, all of these combining factors hadn't affected big Tech yet, but it would only be a matter of time. Meanwhile, the tech billionaires were enjoying their moments in the sun. Jeff Bezos spent Millions on a personal space trip whilst Elon Musk became times person of the year for 2021. But all of this would turn out to be some of the last good news these 10 billionaires had the other year up.

Again, it signaled the end of Silicon Valley's boom even if no one believed it. For example, The Meta Revenue growth had risen to over 50 in the summer of 2021, but it dropped sharply over the next nine years, falling to just 5 by the first quarter of 2022. Amazon also saw a sharp decline from over 40 to around seven percent in the same time span. Even usually stable companies like Microsoft to Apple suffered the same fate seeing their growth levels fall off.

So what happened here were all of the growing problems that Silicon Valley thought they could ignore were finally making their Mark And whilst they had been shielded from the pandemic recession by artificial aren't that was all over now and the economy was only getting worse. So people began to spend much less on products people didn't care about ads Essentials became more expensive so people had less disposable income Services saw a boost as well as people made up for the last time and on top of this, the culture War had banned tons of people out as well, leading to less uses of social media. A Canadian survey found that less people were using Facebook YouTube and Twitter in 2022 than in 2020 and the only tech company that was spared from the decline was Tick Tock Their growth was unimpeded, maybe because they're artificially propped up by the Chinese government, but it was clear. well, um, Facebook fell off YouTube's falling off Twitter fell off I fell off you fell off because the artificially propped up by the Chinese government.

But it was clear for everyone in Silicon Valley that they were losing their audience's attention and with this dramatic reduction in intention, can dramatic cuts and then profits. And this is when the crack started to show. Tech companies have become so focused on growth that when it dried up, it hit them much harder than other. Industries Over the course of 2022, tech companies lost more and more money leaders their CEOs to make some erratic decisions Moss took over a CEO of Twitter After years of negotiations and legal battles, he started off by firing large parts of the workforce, leading to massive technical glitches and problems with the app.
Things were going so badly that he was forced to resign from the company Google had put much of their focus on their new stadium Cloud console, but that's for every other company. 2022 also saw its demise being forced to refund everyone who bought it without Google actually getting the products back. Additionally, Uber saw a shop to climb their business to Ruther's competition. massive leaks and higher prices.

Meta stock value shot by around 60 percent with Teslas dropping by seventy percent. So once 2022 was nearing its end, tech companies realized it wasn't going to get any better anytime soon. They needed to cut costs, which is why you started to see articles of these big tech companies throwing tens of thousands of workers. Like with Microsoft firing over 1 000 employees, then stripe a growing startup letting go of 14 of their Workforce Elon was forced to lay off nearly 4 000 people from Twitter with Meta following shortly after laying off a further okay guys, I Guess you guys because I know them nothing about business.

Okay, but four five thousand twin employees. What are they even doing anyway? What have they been doing? What? What is it in doing? The Mets are following shortly after laying off a further 11 000 people Amazon caught their numbers by 10 000 and all of this has happened in just over a month. Eventually, Amazon would double the numbers in December as clearly they hadn't shrunk enough and these were minimum wage employees either. They were both High skilled and Incredibly expensive employees and in total of 1 000 tech companies fired over 150 000 workers.

Basilicon Valley had made their bet with their risk. Guys, it's it sucks. but if if if they're losing money and investor money and but it's getting smalled and it doesn't make the cost doesn't make sense anymore. Well they have to.

They have to cut on costs and things like that are that are they're not using you, never get employees whatever Investments and growth the same companies that they can't invent, demand and income when they they just can't. If people stop buying who they don't want anymore, what are they gonna do? What over these workers in the Talent Wars which was just a year or two ago, are now letting them go and incurring massive costs in the process. And I wasn't just going to cost them at the time either. These firing sprees represent a massive amount of people with incredibly valuable skills.
A job board called Tech Jobs for Good has seen massive increases in skill drop Seekers Over the back of these layoffs, people have seen the fast life of big tech companies and now instead looking to make a difference despite a small hit to their paychecks. And this is one of the ways in which they collapse of Big Tech Will inadvertently benefit the world. But perhaps this is symptomatic of a much larger Trend in our economy as going into 2023, with the UN predicting we're going to be in a massive recession say Silicon Valley can only expect more and more suffering the future looks Grim app buys are low which has how all of the social media companies like Meta and supply chain issues enough threatening Hardware companies like Apple and Microsoft governments are also now souring on Big Tech Seeing their influences destabilizing Microsoft's 69 billion dollar acquisition deal for Activision and Blizzard is being debated by Monopoly Watchdogs around the world, the FTC has already tried to block it. Meanwhile, the whole tech industry is waiting for another quote verdict on recommendation algorithms Google is being sued for recommending videos made by terrorists which then incites an attack in France And if they're found liable, this will append years of legal Doctrine stating that digital platforms aren't responsible for what people post.

The results of the case will dictate what's allowed for years to come and will possibly companies like Google and Meta. It is very clear to everyone in the tech world that 2023 is going to be the true test for these. Tech Giants And so far, only a week into the year and Amazon is already shedding 18 000 more jobs with more Cuts expected in the next few months. It should be clear by now that it's going to be a very rough year for Silicon Valley and only time will tell whether they're ever going to be the Giants they once were.

Yeah I think I Love those photos and like up the debate a little bit like oversimplified. I think I feel like it? Chat: They're a little bit oversimplified. To be honest, it's not. It's not that simple.

yo this is X x on the video I'm going through my voice as well. that is anyone knows that boy I Don't know, he's just so soy. anyone knows that boy I Don't know, he's just so sorry.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Why big tech is collapsing xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dankrupt says:

    something something go woke go broke

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eetu says:

    Time to become a farmer.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albin says:

    ”tech is dying” meanwhile we are watching a video on youtube with help of the internet and a computer.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars juker says:

    You can tell whos chinese from the chat LMAO

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yukihira Soma says:

    What is he even saying

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keyboard Warrior says:

    The waffle house has found its new host.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WizardBob says:

    Xqc is my hero

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rrr says:

    Tech is dead as everyone is viewing this on tech okay

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SLICKOMODE says:

    Aware 😥

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Femboy Ahri says:

    Elon is so based.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DKC says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Canone says:

    Pro tips, if you're on phone, double tap every time X pauses the video to enjoy it 👍

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThatOneDude says:

    That new emote X drew is god tier

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crowmaster says:

    Then they cant grow without new ideas that work

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dayxah says:

    🤓 Well alshually there will be a huge revive very soon. Trust my sources…

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