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Jesus This has a lot of views with almost 2 000 episodes of The Joe Rogan Experience It's no simple here shall not be used in court in any way, shape or form. None of the comments arguments and we're going to keep the video off by looking at one between Joe and a guest by the name of Candace Owens who initiated the conflict after stating in a very smug way that humans don't need to care for the environment because climate change doesn't exist I don't think we have to care about the environment. not even a little bit. No, Okay, let me let me clarify this: I don't throw trash on the ground like I'm not saying like we need to like, you know, trash the environment like um, but do I believe in climate change? No Joe Pushed back on this initial statement by arguing that the topic was incredibly complex and that maybe Candace wasn't in a position to make this claim.

Things became even worse when Jaime brought up a website to support Joe's side of the argument. The vast majority 87 percent of scientists said that human activities is driving global warming. Yeah, I don't I don't believe this. like at all, just so you know.

Which resulted in Kansas implying that they were specifically searching for data to support. Does she not believe in the in in the data and in in the The Raw facts or does she not believe that about the the stats of the of the scientists? Whatever. Because I think it's kind of weird yo yo if if there's some research that says that. yo guys, Abe's enough.

Doctor thinks you should drink water and you say yo nah I'm good, just not true. Well it is. There's an end because of the water. Obviously the doctors I don't I don't believe this.

Like at all. just so you know. Which resulted in Candace implying that they were specifically searching for data to support what Joe already believed I Guess look up the opposite right? instead of instead of looking for it, you're searching for looking for what you're not looking for Sir I didn't search for it. That's what I found when I said Joe then doubled down on just how detrimental the climate situation could be.

Yeah, this could negatively impact all sorts of coastal cities. This could be a gigantic problem. This is not like propaganda that's drummed up by some sort of big business that seeks to make money off of this. Yet Candice showed no interest in changing her belief on the topic, escalating the conflict even further.

I Don't believe it's real. Okay, so I can't sit here. but why have a belief? Why have a belief as to whether or not global warming is real or not real? Because I just I just find that with things you don't understand, the science, you are correct. but why have a belief in it, right? So it's not a belief it's not a belief in I don't believe in it Joe is eventually able to get Candice to admit that she didn't really know what she was talking about.

Oh, she's one of those people who are like I'm entitled to an opinion that Persona right I'm a thousand It's like this thing is going on. It's like well well I have an opinion and everybody has has about an opinion like oh okay thank you until you really Okay so you would prefer if my language as opposed to admitting that I do not know this I Wouldn't Die in this So I've never made a video I've never made a public statement you would have preferred if I had just started by saying I I have no I have no opinion no I don't know Okay, that's what I'm saying you you say I said I didn't know you say I don't believe in it yeah I don't believe in it. You're saying really clearly that you don't think it's real. However, Eddie Bravo was significantly more stubborn who found himself in an argument with Joe after a few using to let go of the idea that's content that's flat shot.
Listen NASA does not have one of those satellites fake? Why does it look fake? It looks like something you would see in a movie. That's because when they do it in a move they try to make it look like this which is what looks real. Why would it be fake propaganda Man after Eddie kicked off the argument by claiming that every round picture of the earth is fake Joe Continued the conversation by requesting to see a legitimate photo of a flat. Earth Is there a photo of this? Flat Earth No.

I Don't like I Just said again. there's no. There's no photo of of the Flat Earth From space, there's no photo of the round earth. Why do you say they're fake though? They look fake.

They look CGI but you're not an expert in imagery after being backed into a corner Eddie Made the argument. but most of the pictures, if not most pictures of the Earth are pretty much not CJ but they're modified to look better. right? Chat is am I wrong about this. Most pictures of the earth that you're showing are some more color corrected to look better.

That's just kind of how it is. You want to see that. Oh good. Look, the earth looks nice over the right So but horses Joe was using we're being paid for to keep the conspiracy going.

They still are ugly pictures though. there's still a bunch of ugly ones. You should get this information. Jamie Where did you get it Where'd I Get what? This information? What is this coming from? This is coming off the internet Exactly.

So you're reading some information. I'm reading some information. There's sources here. There's a book called The American Journal of Science Oh, it's on the internet which is bought and paid for.

Well maybe why would anybody be paying money for people to lie about? the world's better Which is followed by Eddie Why should I believe this guy's real? Why would a business there's a real human if he's on internet the same way. It's not the same way it's on the internet. Why should I believe it? This could be a robot for like yeah. I mean he looks kind of a human.

but I mean it could be a robot. Could this is not like metal and like that under the it could be a AI I Think that there was no evidence the Earth was in fact spinning. Any people have known it's spinning forever. That's how you.
That's how the seasons. That's how you see the sun. we spin around. That's why it makes me explain this to us.

That's why you can track time zones. That's why you could put a piece of stick in the ground and you're saying all the the corrections. It acts as a sun dive. After over 40 minutes of back and forth between the two.

Joe Completely lost it. Eddie I Used to say the same. you're talking about the earth. Look into it.

You think they're all wrong. That's so insane you haven't looked into it. True guys. if you put a stick high up enough and you get a shadow of it right, doesn't Don't you have to make up for the curvature of the Earth or whatever because it is a very very very very super long or something like that.

I think I Heard something like that before. Yeah, yeah, just just like just like the Golden Gate Bridge the bridge is so long right that that that they have to calculate in Factory of the Earth because it's so long. Oh my. God How could I not have you? don't think I have.

Hey, there's websites dedicated to debunking it. There's so many people working on these things. Eddie The idea that they're all in on some sort of a giant Global Life is insane. However, while this argument could certainly be dismissed as a bit of banter between the same can't be said for the argument between Joe and Matt Walsh Who began the heated exchange after claiming that gay marriage shouldn't be allowed as it threatens the institution of traditional marriage.

But then why are you opposed to two gay people doing that? It's not about Choice. it's about what. Wow, what is it? and what purpose does it sir? Joy Then made the point that a gay marriage doesn't damage a straight marriage in any way. I Don't think gay people and gay people getting married in any way.

shape or form changes a bond that you have with your wife. which Matt responded with the following point: if marriage is not what I'm saying it is, why do we even need it? A thing that actually exists Which is which Are you know, man, woman, couples creating creating babies? But Aftermath stated that the point, yeah, wait, what that has nothing to do with it? Is this guy good? Wait, what the and couples? a thing that actually exists Which is which Are you know Man woman couples creating creating babies. But Aftermath stated that the point of a marriage was for a man and a woman to make babies. Joe questioned the following: If marriage is only for procreation and to bond a family together, There you go.

What about people that are deeply in love that never want to have children? I Don't think it's it's not only procreation, right, but if people oh, I don't want to ever have children, are you opposed to them being married? I Think this would be a couple that is rejecting uh one of the fundamental aspects of marriage to life. I Would hope that in the future they would be. It seemed as though John when is the evidence expectations that, if anything, it's just socially. It's more often that one is happens with with the other.
but it's not. Uh could have argued back and forth for hours on end. But what happens when Joe invites one of his haters onto the podcast? This is what happened with Brian Dunning who written an article claiming that Joe was one of 10 celebrities who promote harmful pseudoscience in which he'd write comedian Joe Rogan does what he can to promote virtually any conspiracy theory That he stumbles onto, apparently accepting them all uncritically with a wholesale race. He believes the Apollo Astronauts did not land on the moon.

Promoting conspiracy isn't even that bad of a thing because I don't think that conspiracy is a bad thing. The fact of you're asking questions isn't the problem. Is this something you need to understand? Yeah, a conspiracy is bad. I Get it.

But if you ask questions, it's a good thing. Even if your question is stupid, if your question is a dumb okay, it's still a question. It's by questioning it that we get new conclusions and new things. It's how you advance in the world if you stopped, if you stopped asking questions, you stop getting answers.

And it's why the field of philosophy is so important. Because people say if you say study philosophy all the only job you can get is the philosophy. A a teacher that's not true philosophy. Philosophy teaches you to ask new questions.

Oh I have all my answers. Cool. What is a new code I could ask? How can I rethink about this? That's what Philosophy does. That's what the Philosophy does.

He believes the US government was behind the 911 terrorist attack. This is. there are no bad questions. Told me this.

Okay In In in seventh grade. Okay I asked questions all the time. You know what happened 80 of the time. plus I asked a question.

Everybody in class laughed I'm not kidding I'm I'm not kidding. Four out of five times the entire class last one asked the question right I don't give a what would I care What would I care What would I care I have a question I get an answer I keep asking questions one day. I'm gonna get a good question I'm gonna get a good answer and all these that are saying nothing. You know you know what they're gonna do.

They're not gonna ask something and they will know a false thing and they're gonna continue being a dumbass. Ax: He believes the Oliver Stone version of the Kennedy assassination. He believes that aliens crashed at Roswell in 1947 and the government is covering it up. Joe If you're gonna put so much effort into promoting conspiracy theories and eroding what little rationality the public has left, at least have the courage to come forward with a cogent argument and well-sourced evidence instead of the lameness of I'm just the guy asking questions, take the responsibility here.
Joe Would take this responsibility by inviting Dunning onto the podcast, which resulted in a three hour back and forth arguing about everything beginning with conspiracy theories. Well, it's just factually inaccurate on so many different levels. I Don't understand why you wrote it like that like there's things that you said that I believe that I don't but I'm never said that I do before. eventually concluding with diet and alcohol.

It's not correct. That's not the way the Body Works That's not the way the digestion system works. When you say that there's a supplement that can prevent you from getting drunk, you're I'm sorry you're You're against all reasonably established science and you're trying to. You're trying to make a buck off of people potentially getting killed.

and I had a huge problem with that. To the point I had to turn the show off. However, if we're on the topic of diet and alcohol then we have to look at The Joe Rogan Experience number 1267 which became when the judges said that there's something that they could do that makes you not drunk at all none. I I thought there was some some substances that that they can help with certain like drugs or what the like.

I did a charcoal and whatnot right that they it it it. It juices up those most hated episodes. After two opposing diet Specialists began to argue about nutrition. you talked for a long time and I'm gonna talk for as long as I want now.

throughout the whole episode, the two guests were continually mocking each other in a very subtle way. Yeah, how does the brain regulate that? I didn't say it regulated. Hold on. That's fascinating which accompanied other segments where the guests made it very obvious that they hated each other.

Data are very clear on that. Gary So no no no no yes they are Look, we have dated. We can't say things like that because we're going to disagree. Let's let's move on.

You think they mostly fish? That's incorrect. Okay, according to the data, that's I Remember you saying that in your book? Something to that effect? You've got my book read like okay. Anyway, just read what I said. Let's let's go.

We don't have to argue about it. I'm going to move on here. The adversity between the two guests became so great that Joe had to intervene on more than one occasion. Gary I I Really continue to get the feeling that you do not understand human energetics because that's not how it works.

Well, No. I'm just saying 10 calories stored in a fat tissue. Yeah, 10 calories 10 calories I didn't say anything about how much you have to eat. I'm not done.

Okay, no, but you're insulting me. Gary You gotta stop doing that. God Jesus Keep acting like you think I'm an idiot. All right.
Are you done now? Are you done? Can we be clear that we're talking about? Are you done now? Can I just finish this? No, you can't Until I am done, you have time to respond. You can respond, write down notes on what you want to respond to. and yeah, that's the thing. That's not the point.

Thank you. Okay, but despite like this, the two diet experts fail to agree on almost anything. What do you disagree with? Well, virtually everything as we've seen so far Joe Rogan is pretty good at keeping his core whenever things gets spicy. However, in a recent episode with Dave Portnoy Joe struggled to keep his call after Dave stated that Tommy is this guy? Is this? Isn't he the pizza guy? Isn't it? This guy.

Yeah, uh. went out in New York and had pizza I saw Tommy Fury box He is not a box. Well, he's definitely a boxer. Well, he puts on gloves.

He's definitely a boxer. Dave Went on to make the point that Tommy was only famous due to his brother's name. We would not know who Tommy Fury was if his last name wasn't Fury probably we wouldn't know as much about him I don't But he's still a good looking guy. He's built great.

He, you know, he looks well. he looks, that looks the part, looks the part. And while the conversation was somewhat amicable in the beginning, the tension escalated after Jaime pulled up a video of Tommy Fury's boxing. Look at this.

Look at this. He's fighting a professional boxer. The guys fighting looks good. Dude, you're crazy.

If you don't think Tommy look at that uppercut. find the Tommy Fury fight. Can you find me the record? Yes, Stop. Watch this.

Watch this. Look at this. You're out of your mind. Look at this that was in slow motion.

No, it's not in slow motion I think you slowed that down 100 a legitimate professional boxer. If you don't think so, you're just being a hater. The argument between them from a fun perspective. However, Joe Rogan's argument with Adam Conovar was significantly less friendly, which began when Adam stated that he saw nothing wrong with transgender athletes.

Sports with, uh, trans athletes who are, uh, you know, competing with the you know, with their gender, right? That's uh, that is a sporting world that I'm more interested in. Joe Responded to Adam's position by making the point that it's unfair for a biological man to compete against women. If you're a woman and you're a natural woman and you don't take any extra hormones or male hormones, you're not taking steroids or any sort of performance enhancing drugs. you're doing your very best to compete and you're at the top of the Heap.

But then someone comes along that was a man for 30 years and decides they're going to be a woman and this has happened and literally transitions. I'm not even kidding about this again. I Did extensive research about this and I've talked to a bunch of people about this. Okay, I've had an actual really good thing about this, But the reality is that um, I like faucet flakes months ago and competes as a woman and destroys records and dominates you in that sport that's not competing on a Level Playing Field It's not fair, it's it's it.
has as much cheating as taking steroids when the other person doesn't I I disagree. And and what do you disagree about? I've already? Well, I don't think that there is such a thing as a perfectly Level Playing Field I Think we decide what kind of playing field we want to have. Sure, but we do make the distinction where we don't allow men to compete in women's divisions. and I think that that distinction may be breaking down a bit right.

and I think it may be time to break down that distinction. So you think that males should be able to compete in the women's division of weightlifting? Uh, no, I don't necessarily. Um, but they can if they transition. Uh, well.

first of all, uh, uh. The the debate became even more hated after the two got onto the topic of transgender children. If you're shooting hormones into a child and you're affecting the child's development, you're saying that's not a choice. That's nonsense.

Of course you're choosing because until I misinformed. Uh, this, this is. it's just a question. It's more of a question.

Okay, for sure, even after a transition, right? Um, the person would still keep some of the biological advantages that one has over the other that are pretty much permanently locked into place that you just change anything about. unless you purposely handicap Yourself by doing like very painful body alterating things like up your bones and your lungs and like that, right? which? Uh, I don't think anybody does unless I'm saying to chemically three to five change this child's body which then turned into a weird debate about the existence of alpha males. but I don't think you understand the the actual uh, biological differences like bone density and like that, right? There's there are a couple 29 that are pretty severe actually that are pretty severe right? that that you would maintain even after. Yeah, scientific, but it is true that women are hardwired to be attracted to confident athletic men.

I don't know? Well I don't know if I agree with that. Um, but uh, really yeah. But if you ask girls like what are you into and you say if you are you into tall, muscular, confident men who are also nice to do Jesus Christ it's going to be off the charts. it's going to be like most of them I'm you know I'm really not sure that's the case really.

However, at least Joe was sober for the Adam Conover debate as alcohol was one of the main drivers for Joe's heated 2017 argument with Stephen Crowder which began with Stephen stating that the legalization of weed has led to an increase in motor vehicle accidents. traffic fatalities regarding marijuana have skyrocketed Google that because that's a nonsense, drunk driving arrests have dropped. What do you mean? you've well, first of all, right about what the sources Stephen then tried to convince Joe that he didn't really care about the use of weed and as soon as the chats are true and false. almost a 50 55 in chat.
What the? What about it? I don't care. You're the guy that thinks people should be able to do whatever. You're a free market guy. So if you're a free market guy, why wouldn't you be in support of something? whether it's the most beneficial I am or equally beneficial.

But you're not necessarily because right now the chemical which is followed by Joe mocking Steven for his attitude. sure man, just like you don't sure. Tumeric, you don't sure Ginger you don't Shore A Reduced sugar diet. All those things that reduce inflammation are good.

Yeah, no. I don't I don't buy that smoking marijuana would be as beneficial as a reduced sugar diet. After bringing up a study to support Joy's point, the following exchange ensued. Since marijuana legalization Highway fatalities in Colorado are right.

we have been bringing up the source that you want to fight. Why? hold up? Uh, distance 14? This is my. Legion is good. all right, near, uh, near historic lows.

The source that you want to find Washington Bring up the study right there. Yeah. Washington Post Bring up the study that we wrote we wrote about on our website. Look: I don't care about your website since marijuana legalization Highway Fatalities in Colorado and after Joe sobered up the following day, he issued an apology for the way he acted during one of the most hated arguments in Joe Rogan history Jesus He wrote about it.

Interesting almost 2 000 episodes I don't really know I Don't I can't tell? How about? how about we? uh, how about when you drive you you're just sober about everything? How about that? yo? this is X x on the video. Anyone knows that boy I Don't know. He's just so sorry anyone knows that boy I Don't know. He's just so sorry.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “The most intense arguments in joe rogan history xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ButterChoke 97 says:

    Every time i see a black women they all just talk from there ass

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cami Mayer says:

    Oh x your opinion on trans people is completely stupid.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn says:

    If you think "science" hasn't been heavily politicized then you're smoking glue.
    How can you honestly look at the whole Covid nonsense and say "we should just trust the scientists".
    You see what happens to scientists and doctors careers when they have a heterodox opinion.
    Their careers are wiped out. So of course 87% of scientists go along with this BS. They'll have their funding pulled if they don't.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stuffylamb says:

    This video is Joe dunking on both conservatives and liberals which shows perfectly why he's so divisive

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 21joebloe says:

    Watching X realise in real-time that Matt Walsh is a certified idiot was priceless lmao

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ChristopherZeta says:

    So when both Florida and south carolina are under water due to global warming. She'll know.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Hardman says:

    no question is dumb that's 20th century talk

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Hardman says:

    sun dials would still work with a flat earth proves Jack shit operation fishbowl

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dankrupt says:

    The arguments he chose for the video seem to have a huge bias towards one side… Why even get political on channel that has nothing to do with politics? lame. like he at least shouldve included the argument with ex-twitter CEO… that was viral af. Or the one with Graham Hancock (they were screaming at each other ffs!)

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dankrupt says:

    xqc's logic in his defense on climate change is flawed, "80% of doctors say you should drink water, so that means its not true?'. Scientists lie ALL the time about studies. Especially pharma companies, but anyway… Also when scientists say claims llike that about climate change, they dont include the context that shows Earth's climate has always rapidly changed up and down. and that we were due for a "change" for the last 100s of years… So the "climate change deniers" just dont believe the media that pushes the crap, because they intentionally leave out context, like they do all the time with everything.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars COMMANDER TOONS says:

    The reason why they lie to you about space is because they can get millions out of you for believing in that. Idk. Idc

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars COMMANDER TOONS says:

    Why everyone acting surprised. Women act just like this everytime they get caught cheating. They don't believe the facts lmao. Seen many videos of that already lmao

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tinmania says:

    Can anyone say narcissist???

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RyanTMHG says:

    “Instead of looking for what you’re looking for, look for what you are not looking for”

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