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#xQc #seinfeld #AI

Foreign I Mean who hates fruit? Well, maybe he was trying to be edgy or something. Or maybe he has a secret fruit allergy. That's an interesting. Theory Maybe he just doesn't know how to enjoy the sweet and juicy.

Or he could just be a fertified. Can't wait for more. A fruitophobe? What do you mean? But this is ridiculous. Maybe it's a fear of commitment I Can't wait to see what happens in the meantime.

Is it rendered live? No shot, right? Absolutely. Let's hit the streets and show them that comedy isn't just for the stage. Who knows. Maybe we'll find some new and undiscovered.

Talent I wonder if you get a data pool big enough and Target enough? It could literally have better skills and jokes than anything else? Okay, so I Just recently moved to a new city. It's in a real eye-opener and he said it's not in season. That's literally the only thing that doesn't have a season anyways. So I'm trying to figure out the transportation system in this new city.

It's really confusing. Like, why does the subway go above ground for some parts? What's the point of that? I Don't get why the bus driver has to close all the doors before we can move? Is it because he's paranoid that someone is going to jump out and run away without paying? And don't get me started on the streets. Everywhere you look there's road construction. It's like they're just digging up and rebuilding the same street over and over again.

But the worst part is the parking. Finding a spot on the street is like finding a needle in a haystack. It's impossible I think I've been in this city long enough to understand why people hear say he's just complaining. Yeah, okay, thanks for listening.

Nothing ever to show them nothing yet Fred What do you think about this whole business environment? I mean isn't it anyways? but I mean personally I Don't see why people? Yeah, what did you know that we're getting full of really dark? I mean there's something comforting and almost romantic about popping in a VHS tape or even an old DVD and watching it on the big screen? Well, I Can see your point. The one of the advantages of online streaming is that it allows for more control over what you watch and when. not to mention the convenience factor. It's less social though.

But are you saying that you don't think it's here to stay? No. I don't think that's what I'm saying I Just think it's important to recognize the old ways of watching media and appreciate how far technology has come. After all, it's a part of our culture now. Absolutely.

I Suppose we have to find a balance then. was that a joke? Hello everyone, How's this again? I Heard a lot of people here were recently in relationships. Anybody tired of trying to make it work? I Got one word for you ghost? Ha ha ha. That's right.

just goes to him. Well I've taught more jokes for you all tonight. so sit back and enjoy! So I was just thinking about relationships and the one thing that really gets me is when someone says till Death do us part I mean I can't help it but all I can think is what if you die first hey Larry did you hear about the new Cafe that just opened up around the corner I Heard they have some really amazing food options that sounds interesting. What kind of food do they serve? Maybe I should try it out this weekend.
I Could use a break from my usual restaurants. Well I heard they make these amazing sandwiches. They're loaded with all sorts of fresh veggies and spices that sounds great I'm looking forward to trying it out. Plus they have some really amazing desserts I hear they make homemade ice cream too! You're going to love it! Oh my! God Count Me In It'll be a great way to kick off the weekend.

Another grenade. What's his hand I Heard the most bizarre thing happened to Fred earlier today when I was at the store, some guy came up to me and said hey, you look like Fred Castopoulos I said uh yeah, that's me Then he told me he recognized me from his dreams. That's pretty wild. Did he do anything else? Did he try to hug you or anything? No, he just started laughing and ran away.

That sounds like someone needs to get their dream interpretation game on point. I Know maybe he was just having a dream about being in jail and Fred was his cellmate. This is all glitched. So what do you think about this whole fishing trip that Pete wanted us to go on? I Mean it's like he wants us to come along but isn't really taking our opinions into consideration? Yeah, exactly.

I Don't think he understands the meaning of getting feedback? What's wrong with this guy? He's just so set in his ways. Yeah, like he's thinking about what's best for him and not us. I Mean how are we supposed to have a good time? if he's not even listening to us? Maybe we should just call him up and tell him how we feel. Is this? That would be the best approach.

We can tell him exactly how we feel and maybe he'll come around. Yeah, let's try it. All right. let's do it.

It's a remote. Who knows? Maybe he'll end up being pleasantly surprised. That would be a nice change of pace for us. Okay, no, not again.

No. Oh, come on. Okay so I hear you're getting a new job? Yeah I am I'm finally going to step into the big time. What do you mean? What's so special about it? I'll be working as a professional stand-up comedian I've been working on my material for years so I'm really looking forward to performing in front of a live audience.

Plus I'll get to travel around the country and meet new people every day. That sounds amazing, but I bet it'll be a bit nerve-wracking too. Yeah, it definitely will be. but I'm hoping my years of practice will help me stay calm under pressure.

No, it's gonna do it right. It's gonna be him. Hey, did you hear about this new restaurant that just opened up? Apparently they serve the craziest dishes. Really like what? who is? I do a hundred layer lasagna, a cake ice cream sandwich? No.
nothing that wild. They have some interesting takes on traditional dishes like burgers stuffed with mac and cheese and pizza topped with salmon. That sounds strange, but I'm going to have to try it. That's the kind of thing that could be either really good or really bad.

Jesus Christ Tell me where it is so I can check it out. I'm in the mood for something new and different. Like what? Sure thing it's located near Central Park Just look for the place with the bright pink sign. I Heard the craziest thing today.

Apparently aliens have been visiting Earth for centuries of this. Yeah, exactly something like that. A secret. Oh, you can't eat? Hey Jay What's the only part of a vegetable you can't eat? Hey, have you guys ever thought of running for office? No way.

I Don't want to get caught up in all of that craziness. Oh, there wasn't It wasn't It wasn't it. So I was walking past the store and this guy just started. Do you think he wanted more than just directions I mean you are a pretty attractive woman I don't think he was looking for a date Lar o I'm sure it was just directions I mean come on, hey, maybe he was just looking for a good laugh.

He knew you were hilarious and wanted to hear a few jokes. Alright, joke's on him, then I'll give him a few. yeah and while you're at it. I'll do my amazing summer intern impression.

All right. let's put on the show. I've got my classic Soup Nazi Routine Hey everyone So I was walking down the street the other day and this guy comes up to me and he's like hey, wanna buy some spaghetti and I'm like what, what are you talking about crowd laughs so then he's like no, I'm serious, it's the best spaghetti you've ever tasted. just try it.

Crowd laughs and I'm like no thanks dude I don't need spaghetti crowd laughs So he's looking around all confused and he says Spaghetti is like a food crowd laughs That was actually good. So Larry I heard you got a new job. What's it like? It's great I Get to work from home and have lots of freedom. It's a dream come true that's great.

Doesn't wonder they came up with that. I mean who hates fruit? Well maybe he was trying to be edgy or something. or maybe he has a secret fruit allergy. That's an interesting.

Theory Tell us. maybe he just, uh. All right. All right.

So why do ducks have big sacks I Have no idea to keep their quackers in laughs? That's actually good. Tell us, let me just watch this with this. That's it. Those is all the other clips.

So what do you think of this place? It's a bit odd. don't you think all these people talking in funny voices and doing strange hand gestures? It's like some kind of alternate universe. Yeah, and I guess it's not the worst place to be a comedian? Well, I suppose it could be worse. The audience here seems pretty receptive to our jokes.
Yeah, but I could do without all the weird background noise. Yeah, it's like a carnival of sorts. All right. What the this city has been overrun with rats for ages.

How are they going to do it? It's like saying they want to get rid of the Cockroaches Yeah. I Guess it's a bit unrealistic. I'm just not sure how they're going to pull it off. Besides, everyone knows that the best way for a thousand bucks you get a character.

Oh, you have got to be kidding me, Cats, That's crazy I Mean that means no thanks I Guess the mayor's got his work cut out for him then. either way I Think it's safe to say this is one of the craziest initiatives in City history for sure. I Don't think I've ever heard of anything so wild. Oh my daughter.

Oh my God. did you hear about the new shop that opened up down the street? It's supposed to have the best sandwiches around. Really? I've been looking for a good sandwich place. You think it's worth checking out? Hold up! Wait.

how are you doing? Subscribe it combinations? like what? Well, one of them had avocado, bacon, and jalapeno. Wow, that sounds pretty wild I doubt I'd ever be able to eat something like that? Yeah, it does sound crazy, but I'm sure some people would love to give it a try. Dad's membership got it. submit Hey! Fred I Heard you got a new car last week.

That's right, it's a minivan actually. Wow! That's a big change from the sports car you used to have. Um, you must be hauling around a lot of kids these days. Do you have a bunch of secret children? No yo, what's up man, how's it going man?.

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Ai generated seinfeld is the future”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kogis says:

    bro recorded his dreams

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BoyMoonii says:

    This shit feels like a fever dream

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MehcaQueen says:

    Is his character in yet?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wilf Esmé says:

    Hey man, can you try to re-create maybe like an image of Friends on Bluewillow? Where the couch and the cafe is there?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Poon Hound says:

    why didnt they use ai generated voices of those actors

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars azab0b says:

    It's crazy how much AI stuff has come out lately, I can't wait to see what it can accomplish in 5 years. Imagine when AI learns to code well and can start improving itself, It might be advancing exponentially at that point

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cherimuru says:

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grant Green says:

    Seems like the average Disney show.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FatiTank Eris says:

    Ayo what was that last van joke?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars n1uk says:

    i was fucking crying laughing for like 10 minutes straight what the fuck

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FEU Zaflata says:

    Xqc should add himself

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dotdot pointpoint says:

    you can tell these people are like 12 years old. When they heard soup nazi –>

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