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This is about me. Normally when I make a mogul mail, it's a pretty simple process I just find a topic I'm interested in I do research on the topic and I give my take. That's it. But for the first time ever I felt pressure to make this video.

Oh yeah, it hasn't even been 48 hours since Atriak, one of my friends was. look at this quesadilla. Look at it I want you to look at it then oh my. God What the hello on stream alt tabbing which exposed that he paid for a deep fake porn website of streamers of his co-workers of pretty much every woman you can think of on Twitch or YouTube my girlfriend included.

Now he did say in his apology that you know it was a video of someone he didn't know in real life but I don't really think the Nuance matters. Some people were mad at me in my DMs and they tweeted at me that I've taken so long to make this video. but I hope you get that. I prioritized being a boyfriend to to my girlfriend who's had a very past couple of days over being like mogulmail guy.

Um, but then when I sat down to think of like okay, what am I supposed to say here what is my take? It didn't feel like there was any other take to have than the one being expressed by all the women online. So rather than tell you a random dude's opinion on all this, I figured I would just show you some of the tweets that I thought were poignant and powerful and read them together. Starting with Pokey Who said stop sexualizing people without their consent? That's it. That's the Tweet which I don't really even understand.

You would have a different opinion if someone doesn't want to be sexualized and they don't consent to it, they shouldn't be sexualized. Hope everyone has a great experience. Who said it should be illegal to profit off of somebody's likeness and sex work without consent. Whether it's fake or not, talking about it will bring those sites more attention.

but I hope this helps. Uh, take a step forward in the right direction so that a law can be made to protect people from being used in this way. Which is a good point. Not only are these women not consenting, somebody is profiting off of them and they're not consenting.

Crazy to the second point about how I'd bring more attention I Feel a bit better about making this video now because the creator of this website and is like an Intel Silver Lake double double I7 I9 I11 1995 chip and Chip took down the website. clear he's still a weird creepy piece of but the website at least was taken down so no one can from this video try to see what all uh was was going on there next week is from sweet Anita Who said this story was how I found out that I'm on this website I literally choose to pass up Millions by not going into sex work in some random Cheeto encrusted porn addict solicits my body without my consent instead Jesus Whether to cry Break Stuff or laugh at this point. uh and I think honestly that's one of the biggest ups Atriak did like it is a up and in a severe lapse in judgment to not only go to this porn website but pay for this porn website but then leaking it on stream caused a whole new world of harm because so many new people were exposed to this idea and then went out to seek what this idea was to seek deep fake porn Chad as well Just told you guys have done nothing I told you that the mistaken yes it's bad I like rid of them. the act of doing it is bad and creepy it is I think it's gonna be honest but then him tapping out and people seeing his um his thing and then getting publicized.
That's the real damage right there. Or not only that a bunch of women because found out they were on the website. if you don't know where it is, my girlfriends and many other women pay sometimes I'm gonna go back because these guys think Yes is insane site and if you don't know, my girlfriend and many other women pay sometimes thousands tens of thousands of dollars a month just to make sure that like random photos of them being sexualized are not on the internet. They they pay money which is not part of their job description, just so that it doesn't exist.

And it's a lot different by the way, because I've seen this take float around if it's a woman being sexualized than a man. and I think you can probably understand. Like how that was created over the past couple of centuries of of humanity. Where you know my balls being leaked is a funny thing.

and then a woman's boobs being leaked leads to like. You know, sometimes you're just lying. It's lying. Okay, the numbers Like you're lying up.

Okay, most creators at certain level have teams they hire, so remember information on the internet that shouldn't be there. Okay with the cleanup. I have that. he has that.

Everybody has that. but then on top of that, a lot of girls have stuff like that. Yeah people, same, uh, same. So sometimes the same people, same type of people.

Now go clean up the internet about stuff that they don't concern with it. That is damage of the image. Some people lose sponsorship opportunities and lose career opportunities because there's pictures of them that have nothing to do with them. Nothing, they posted it and it is all third parties.

and they lose on career opportunities because of things they don't control so they have to remove it. Regardless, a bunch of teenage kids, acne-faced kids jerking off I I Think you can. probably how is that working? Imagine dude I didn't do this everywhere and I end up being that I go weird, come let's guy and over there on. PornHub I'm the come lips guy I Go come lip it.

Yep, do you think he's gonna send the free products and his mother to the common lip guy? Yeah, no dude, no did I ask for that I didn't I did this if you put come on my lips okay yo and that went big. it's not on me. so yes I have to remove it I don't do that because nobody does that. No man.

I'm not mad because I said that Cudios had a good point. Something that most people wouldn't have perspective on. the amount of body dysmorphia I've experienced since seeing these photos has ruined me. It's not as simple as just being violated.
It's much more than that because at the end of the day, it's a deep fake. It's not you. but also it's what this person who made the AI deep fake is like projecting on you. But it's not it.

It's weird. It's weird. Brooks said seeing some awful takes regarding this deep fake situation. We're all real humans with real lives that are affected by situations like these.

It goes much further than it's not real. Please have some compassion and think Beyond it's not affecting you in any way. Streamers are people. Streamers are are they.

They are humans. and I feel like sometimes, uh, they get treated uh like actors were treated uh, like a decade or two ago. where uh, they're not people they're wanna go back think Beyond it's not affecting you in any way and I feel like sometimes, uh, they get treated uh like actors were treated uh, like a decade or two ago. where uh, they're not people, they're they're they're the mega Rich actor you know, fake George Clooney or Jennifer Lawrence or whatever.

But but streamers are so much easier to access one so it's much easier to hurt them and and two So many more of them. And and they are not all rich famous. some are just doing it as the only job that they like and can do. and and there's not a lot that was on this guy interactions that I see yo why is he cooking me like that? he just been towards me man that is towards me I know I know he wants to hit me with this one I can do other things I was used to be gender I can clean them I can cook also I can repair things okay Maya had a really powerful um screenshot tweet here that said in 2018 I was inebriated at a party and I was used for a man's sexual gratification.

but that was all I can say. All this debate not, uh, shockingly amongst men. uh, none of you should care or listen to what any male streamers take is on how we feel I found it a non-profit Animal Sanctuary 22 I've raised over a million dollars for conservation at 24. I have created zero sexual content in my three years on.

Twitch Despite this, my face was stolen so men could make me into a sexual object to use for themselves. If anyone doesn't think it's a big deal, that's my name in the headlines where thousands of people are commenting on the sexualization of my body against my will, you're the problem. This situation makes me feel disgusting, vulnerable, nauseous, violated, and all these feelings are far too familiar to me. This is not your debate.

stop acting like it is which might solicit some reactions from like guys watching which is which is not all men, not me and like, yeah, like congrats the bar was on the floor but you weren't a weird creeper. But you could also like, understand, yeah that it's almost always a man like the dude who made the site a man, the dude who leaked the site and paid for it a man. Everyone who probably from that leak paid for the site also likely men like like disproportionately to women a hundred times over and I feel like it's okay to acknowledge that and and use that information positively. Yeah.
I Want to end uh with this medium article written by Josie uh which I thought was was really poignant which said hrock apologized for viewing the Deep fakes and maybe he was telling the truth when he said it was a one-off mistake. a rabbit hole he tripped and fell down I Don't know if that makes it better, doesn't matter, is morbid curiosity a valid excuse for violating the privacy of people. You know how many women were unknowingly used as feature models on the site? Does the apology make up for sending an army of men to stare at every single woman on the site? Judy had a good analogy. Yeah, of course he did not mean to send an army of men to the site.

Yeah, But you also don't mean to get into a car crash. That still doesn't mean that it's not a up situation and that the pain from that car crash hurts. Um, Also, he's projecting drunk. It's more likely to happen.

Okay, you're less likely to show a picture of naked women without their consent if you didn't buy them and have them on your computer on another tab. That would be driving drunk in this case. Billy About Atriak, He's just another man partake, uh, partaking in the problem. It's about men feeling entitled to every part of a woman online and the desire to consume so much that they are willing to Rob women of their personhood.

It's about the men who will defend him because they see nothing wrong with viewing women as solely vessels for their pleasure. It's worth reading all that I'll put in the description uh and any more of the tweets from the women who, uh, who are streaming or who were on this website or who are part of of what happened here I Don't want to like, Be a defender of Atriak, You know, Oh, um, like that's not. That's not. That's not what I want to do like I I do I know what you're gonna say and he's okay.

What he's gonna say is reasonable, but people won't Really, People aren't ready to accept this. well hold up. That was gonna say, is this any reasonable? But people unfortunately aren't ready to accept this and what they want to talk about them. The fact that the mistake in the grand scheme of things right coming to other things or in comparison, whatever.

Yep, mistake is bad, right? But the problem is is that the result and the impact of that bad that's athletic, out of his control, right are significantly in Worlds of gravity. Way worse than the uh, intention slash action. And but he's gonna pay for all of it or most of it. And if you say something that he's about to say, people are going to crush you because all they can see is the world of hurts, not the intention or the action.
Unfortunately, I'm not kidding. This is how it's going to be. It's just not gonna believe. Maybe naively, that's PR 101 As the guy who's been scammed for fifty thousand dollars that he isn't like a shitty seedy person who's like secretly jacking off to my girlfriend like I don't I don't think that's that guy.

uh I think he up. uh but sometimes like that's enough. like one up is enough. uh and and like I just I Just hope from here he just takes all the steps and all the actions you know to make it better.

Like like that that there's some good that comes out of this because of the guilt, the remorse he feels and how he views himself in in trying to show he is the man that that he thinks and maybe I believe is still in him. um, he wrote his own tweet about how um, um, his apology on Twitter uh how he's stepping down from off-brand uh to take time offline and and to take these steps. um, you know time will tell um uh if they're fruitful if they're not. um I'm not gonna show it because really, this is about the women I I'm I was just a vehicle for you to read all those tweets.

There's the take I Feel like that's the only take to have I don't know how you would have another one but uh, but thanks for watching. this was weird. hopefully I don't have to do this again and I can go back to talking about E-girl drama. Hey have a good one guys.

almost gonna read his though. No trap, isn't your guitar rare yo? this is X x on this video I'm going through my voice as well. that is anyone knows that boy I Don't know. He's just so sorry.

anyone knows that boy I don't know, he's just so sorry.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Atrioc xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean says:

    When is the xqc deepfake coming out?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Katsu Osamu says:

    Anita and Rae's tweets are like "At least give me my money" lmao

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neisan Land says:

    this makes the "hiding my identity behind a mask while streaming" a good idea.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noah says:

    Advanced giga epic 16 core i9-13900K intel chat

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mystic says:

    He should have just said someone else linked it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diego Senge says:

    nice logic. "it's always men" this is just creating sexism against men. There are tons who still don't do this. It's like saying black people commit more crimes or some bs like that without considering why. Bruh stop

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ma Theresa Dass says:

    Dude's gonna go to jail

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HewieX says:

    Did Atrioc pay for it to be made, or pay to get access to already made content?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the kid SKI says:

    Why would Ludwig read a tweet from someone like Maya Higa who gaslights sexually assault victims and protects people who sexually assault others

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars White Noise says:

    o yeah really bad *Searches QT cinderlla deep fake gorn""

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars August Bengtsson says:

    Atrioc based

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars August Bengtsson says:

    King atrioc

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lunaly ღ says:

    i cant understand a thing this guy says

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