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I I You are under no obligation to pay me more for spitting in your this is a What a wild example. You're under no obligation to pay me more for spitting in your face or tongue punching you or whatever. Oh no Assistant man, do I have some wacky news today. This is going to absolutely floor you with charm man in trouble.

It involves our beloved Dar man, no shot, he's in hot water I'm sure all of you know Darman he has his own little extended Universe The Dmcu the Darman Cinematic Universe Even if you've never subjected yourself to the torture of watching a Darman video, does it? It's dark Man, It was enough. Okay, not all of them, but uh okay. he posts way too much. What the brother.

What the? I'm so excited to show you these new wigs I was able to shut up. Hey watch it. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Kelsey ew what the heck you were away? Oh well. I uh get this nasty thing away from me.

hey, why would you do that? You got a problem. that's what I thought. and next time, watch where you're going I won't be so nice. xqck then anyway that's that.

That's the guy he makes like um, like a good mother story thing but really like I always love to be really odd chat. this is audience like is incredibly unique. almost good evening. This is all PLS These people are so Normandy okay that they failed to see almost the irony sometimes of the skits and how stupid and unleadable and fake they are.

but like they would never happen. They don't. They fail to see it like oh my. God It warmed my heart.

Someone is like, what the like? These people aren't even real, you know is autumn. Synchronize what we do. Yeah, but what we do at least is at least a little bit though. I'm confident you've at least heard them or seen them because he pioneered an entire genre of telling the most basic stories and teaching the most basic lessons you learned as an eight-year-old I I It was my guilty pleasure to watch them because I was so confused by their existence and their popularity.

These things have like 50 million views and it's literally things like be nice, don't be mean, don't cheat, don't judge a book by its cover like it feels like he's making these things as like this repository of human emotion to teach the aliens that are trying to study us. It's it's crazy and what's crazy is how popular they were. But then one comment made an extremely good point. That's pretty alarming to think about.

A lot of the actors in Darman's videos are children and if he's this comfortable exploiting industry veterans like Colin Colin has been in Better Call Saul had minor roles than other huge Productions he has been in the industry for a long time outside of the Darman Studios Universe If Darman fans exploiting people like Colin and other adult actors with horrible pay is even paying the children at all I have to wonder like I can only imagine how messy that could potentially be like. did you just to laugh and chat? did you not pay somebody? but I'm not gonna rewind it just like write clout into their contracts like hey Junior uh I'm making my 48th video on not judging a book by its cover I need you to play the principal role I'll give you 1 000 exposure dollars my YouTube channel has 17.8 million. Subs is going to be great for your Instagram and your Tick Tock so just sign here. Uh no, you're not getting paid I mean I give you like some sticks of gum but that's about it.
It's very concerning because of all these allegations. Oh I just cannot afford to pay rent. oh I'm gonna have a bad thing about this way. Iron Man Studios I am just a cop Steve I've made a lot of content around Darman and Steve's been one of my favorites.

He has corroborated a lot of these claims that, um, like at all. He says that the majority of the actors can't even afford rent when they're uh, contracted by Darman Studios So it's a pretty big deal essentially as an actor at Darman Studios I am just a contract player I have no employment there I just sort of called every now and then as are all the other actors and it just is not sustainable. Uh, one of the main issues is that not a single actor that works at Diamond Studios can afford rent. Hearing like that absolutely blows my mind because every single actor in The Darman Cinematic Universe has like a thousand roles like Steve his name's not Steve but he'll always be Steve his real name is Colin Colin accounts for probably like 40 of total screen time in Darman's video.

Okay, okay, yes, maybe okay, maybe I'm misunderstanding it. Okay, if somebody uh is paying you for like a skit here there here there do they expect a a full-time salary for like for the whole time of just being alive just because you're doing a two skits a month like that I Don't get it. How does that make sense? I mean I Don't get it. You think that they should oh hell nah, what the oh hell no.

What the what the kind of world do you live in? Wait, why would you pay somebody like 2K a month for a 300 schedule that you do like once or twice a month and he's not getting paid enough to afford rent? That's outrageous. And I went into the comments because I wanted to see what people were saying about all of this. and usually when you go into the comments you expect to see some absolutely wild like Darman's a bad guy he showed me his butthole in one of my dreams once or whether you'll find jokes like. One of the top comments was the Ps5s changed the videos.

Okay then wait, then aren't they getting paid per video or per a pencil per hour or man? Which made me Giggles But the history rate for the large amount of hours they filmed cat trying so hard to Dick ride for a rich guy on the internet ain't no way. Wait, let me try to dig right? Okay, okay, hold up. You need to back the up here. It's not because somebody has money that that they should pay for things that I get like I don't want you on that.
Why? Why are you accepting something at face value Just because the guy has money over the dude? This needs to make sense. Overall I know what kind of Utopia you live in? Okay, it's simple concept. like like if you're not okay, what's with something? yeah I mean you have to say something. Yeah well I I don't know if the guy's part is part of his love his videos he says yo dude I mean I bought a lot of videos I mean you can negotiate your page like that I mean ah dude.

if you if I say you make five skits in a month, five skits. Okay, and they're all about two hours of work. Okay, that's 10 hours of work if you're paid and that a hundred dollars an hour. which is pretty good.

Make a thousand bucks, right? I Mean you can afford rent, but you're being paid a lot. You're being paid good. Does that make sense or not? One comment made an extremely good point. That's alarming the thing.

An example: a lot of the actors in Darman's videos are children and if he's this comfortable exploiting industry veterans like Colin Colin has been in Better Call Saul had minor roles and other huge Productions he has been in the industry for a long time outside of the Darman Studios Universe if Darman's exploiting people like Call and other adult actors with horrible pay is even paying the children at all I have to wonder like I can only imagine how messy that could potentially be. Yeah, right. clout into their contracts like hey, Junior uh I'm making my 48th video on not judging a book by its cover I need you to play the principal role I'll give you 1 000 exposure dollars. my YouTube channel has 17.8 million Subs This is going to be great for your Instagram and your Tick Tock so just sign here.

Uh no, you're not getting paid I mean I can give you like some sticks of gum but that's about it. It's very concerning because if all these allegations are true and every single actor I've seen in the Darman Cinematic Universe has come out corroborating each each other and they are out there protesting right now outside of Darman Studios If all of those are true, it's very worrying to think about if he's also doing the same to the children, actors and his content. Because those kids are not industry veterans and their parents likely aren't familiar with the industry either, they might not know what Fair pay is or if there even is pay for the work like there's just so much I'm not saying am I take it I don't have enough information to make a judgment I'm just saying that overall what I was presented I I have presented something and I'm giving a conclusion before it is ended right I don't agree with the conclusion based on it based on the evidence given. that's it.

That's all I'm saying. message allegations are true 24 months. One of his big lessons is what happens in the dark always comes to the light and God damn is Doorman learning that one right now? I Saw that comment across every tick tock ever. Uh, referring to this situation like Darman is getting dunked on with his own lessons.
He even made a video kind of about the same thing such as mean boss mistreating employees and lives to regret it. Darman is in that stage right now because all of his employees well, I guess they're not technically employees, they're contractors. All of them are coming out to talk about how miserable it was when it comes to the pay and Darman's complete refusal to even talk to them. He just Dodges them at every possible opportunity and apparently has even cultivated this culture where if you speak out against him, you get fired.

So I'd like to go over all of these allegations with you and show you some of their tick tocks and the protests that they're currently doing against our man. Studios Walking out what? look at this friendship protest and I recognize every single person in it I Also love the shirts some of them are wearing with that says what happens next I'll answer this contrary to yes she was a contracted I'm under contracted? Yes, absolutely. emotions are under the same contractor. If they don't show up or they don't do enough well, they can't pay rent I Know why are you making the comparison Streamers: Most of them that even have like five viewers get under a special contract for being a, uh, an affiliate.

Okay, there are con: there are contractors. yes they if they. if they. if they don't do well enough under certain circumstances, they can't pay rent I Don't know any other way.

stay shocking. That's just beautiful. So even though Darman appears to want to teach lessons of positivity to everyone else, it's rules for thee and not for me. According to pretty much every actor, they're all saying the same thing I think and then you had a touch and then you recall We got entitled like I don't yell for me about his refusal to communicate as well as his refusal to actually pay them like an actual good wage for their work.

Which is odd because he makes so so much money off of the content it's on. It's tens of millions because when Darman makes a video, not only does it blow up on YouTube getting at least 10 million views pretty much, but it's kind of like Aura Boros constantly eating its own ass here because he'll take that same video that he made for YouTube and repackage it on every other platform. Facebook Tick Tock everywhere to farm even more views for this crazy cycle of just getting chat. I'm leaving an example Okay, okay, ah okay.

I make another YouTube channel okay chat even though even on YouTube is doing pretty good okay I'm like another one okay and I need editors for full. Plenty of games which is like 10 hours. Okay, my name is the cut times where I pause the video when I talk like a dumb Okay, let's say Jose it takes them about four hours per video. It'll make two a week.

It's eight hours a week, right? Eight hours a week, right? But then per second, eight times two, then eight to eight times four. 36 hours a month is the word for me. Okay, give my contract, say yo and then where you put in I'll give you 30 bucks 30 bucks. So it works.
This man is contracted. Okay okay. he makes all my videos, all of them and 36 36 36 hours of work and he makes 20 bucks an hour for the whole month you need. 7 200, 720 bucks right? If um, he's a contractor for he knows for a fact he's contracted for 36 hours.

At 20 bucks an hour from a month, she can't pay rent I mean what the I mean What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to match his name like imagine he's able to like this guy's editing a video. Let's say he needed two thousand dollars a month for his renter 2 000. if I 36. is his pay worth 55 bucks for like an entry level? No, it's just not I'm he's not gonna get paid that much.

You know what kind of entitled life you live in? That because you have rent, you're entitled to more money even though you're not putting more hours or whatnot? Or I don't get it like what it is? What do you live in? Maximum absorbency of views from everywhere? That's a ton of money? What the? But even aside from the money he's generating on the content itself, he was already an extremely successful and extremely well their actors not editors. Okay, have you seen the acting in the videos Bro Bro I'm sorry I said you can get disposable actors like that on Craigslist I Yes sister Prudence good. Now if I am to allow you to remain in our school, you must okay that this is I'm not I'm not being rude I'm just telling you for the style of video you can make it, you can really have actors coming in and out every time for like it 50 bucks a papa I know what the you're about. It's an isolated episode was just trying to make me feel like touch.

it's you guys about to touch it, you're smoking cracking of the businessman he had a very successful cosmetic bro is that you're mad because most likely Darman Studios blew up for him. He was worth right around 50 million dollars. This is a guy that could easily afford to pay his actors well and I would have expected him to do that because I always got the impression that he was just like a genuinely good guy who just wanted to tell basic positive messages. but according to all the actors he's a wolf in sheep's clothing which is extremely sad and I feel terrible for all the actors in this situation because it really did play out like a Darman video.

Aspiring up-and-coming actors thought they had landed a great gig with a great guy. What happens next will shock you. We are protesting why we are out there right now. We've been talking to a lot of actors.

um it's the same. Everybody feels the same across the board. The trouble is, uh, there's a culture at the studio of if you talk you're out. It seems the moral Mastermind Darman is ruling his company with an Iron Fist of fear where if people speak out against him I guess they're fired at least according to the actors.
I'm only my editors get out. Get up. Get? That's true. My editors get a percentage of what they work for right? which is almost everything.

So they would get like 15 a pop right? Which end up being a lot of money. but that's because I only have one and I I get a percentage for them to be motivated to do good. I gave my I gave my hitters an Adaptive pay so they're more motivated and more hungry to do good because they gain from it right? because that works. It's adaptive so they they if they work more and they do more they get more so it keeps them motivated.

but that's not how it is all the other Industries there are conductors that work for flat pays like what showing chat if you were making an an art film. Okay, you remember they are small Artemis for for our studio for our projects. Okay and you want to have an actor showed up and all you have to do is be the ice cream guy. Okay I'm 15 bucks for that.

15 bucks per an hour. They're using it for four hours. Okay brother, if you end up if you end up rehiring him and he says yes, you contract. If you come back and do that dude, you own exactly what you told them you were given and you'd pay him for what was agreed on based on the amount of time they spent there.

That's it. That's it. If if this is not something that works for them to to have a flat in a consistent income, then it doesn't Then unfortunately then they have to quit. It's not a good fit them because there's a lot of people.

Okay, they have a schedule. Okay and let's say let's say let's say this is a day of time. Okay, well maybe it's like 25 hours they have. Let's say, um, a job over here in the morning.

they'll have like one over here, one over there and what one let's say. And during the evening and then all of this. Okay, all of this makes their income okay. At the end of the month they will combine those and make good money and let it.

Live Well Above uh, normal rates of a fight Because that's what they do. if somebody has no other opportunities and can survive because it's only taking one thing. Well, maybe the job is not a good fit. They need to find another one.

That's just how it is. That's how being a contractor Works you're a contractor when you Collins statement here, but there are so many others you can find all of it by just looking up the Darman protests. All of the main actors that you're used to seeing in Darman's videos have come out against him. And they're not being greedy by the way, like all of them are, just saying.

we just want like moderately decent pay for the work like all of them are proud of the work they've done with our man. Colin Concludes the video by talking about how much all of it has meant to him. But if they can't afford rent, there's a huge problem. They're not looking to be paid six figures per production or anything they're just looking for.
Brawl is definitely because your editor is a wage slave from Eastern Europe Where words are. bro. my editor okay is a normal everyday American Earning the pay he's earned and works for. Who the bro do you guys see that? RTM and did he goes live in some sort of broken down like Romanian Basin or something and they're feds leftover Rats From upstairs like holy bruh, this is a bowling out.

Is it for art? Is it for fair pay for the work that they've done and are continuing to do for you and the least you can do is at least hear them out. go to a meeting. but Colin and all the other actors talk about how Darman continuously avoids talking to them. He refuses to actually sit down and have a conversation.

I'll let Colin explain that situation. So we decided to come together as a group and talk collectively with our boss. Darman We've sent a letter to him uh, a hard copy and an email. The email was cc to the head of production as well so that we made sure that Dark got it but it was addressed to DAR Um, it was delivered to DAR We were contacted said we could have a meeting to discuss our issues.

That meeting was pushed several times changed on us. Uh, when we finally got to the meeting we had reiterated that we wanted it to be with Dar Dar was not there following a couple days reiterating again we would like to speak specifically with DAR This is what the meeting is about. This is our boss. This is who we want to talk to.

End of the week comes and goes we learn Saturday there will not be a meeting apparently Darman couldn't even be bothered to attend the meeting yo You should see this. Okay, like a maid. Okay if I want my house to be cleaned twice a week by a group of maids and that's been about 100 bucks for each time 200 bucks. Okay, that's it.

If they if they can't afford rent because they only have me as as a as a house to clean what can I do? What What can I do eating after pushing it several times and eventually just shutting that down and putting the kibosh on it. He has so little respect for his talent that he refuses to even acknowledge them or hear them out or face them in person. He just hides behind emails and horrible pay. I suppose at least according to all of the actors this is this is pretty much all of them.

I have yet to see any like defense of Darman so we only have one side of the story. I'm very interested to hear his side of it because this is an overwhelming amount coming out against him and I really feel like what they're looking for is super reasonable. Talk to us like that's the only reason the protest is happening right now. Like the pay is obviously a huge problem.

so what? Okay, we don't know the numbers though. guys. we don't have enough. yeah, chat.
and I've been able to have enough to uh and do much here. One of the numbers, how much they paid? How much is it a week? What are the promises and what was in the contract? When we have those information, we're gonna make a conclusion on whether or not the contracts are predatory because it happens a lot in the industry. There's a lot of predatory contracts. If it's if it's a fair way to competitive wage.

we have nothing yet I don't know how much I paid it. but the the biggest issue is that he won't even talk to them to at least hear them out about the pay so they don't even have that first step of getting the pay fixed which is communication with the guy who's decided their pay they are so they paid I Talked to him but he won't Jesus Christ Okay, if somebody's not paid, that one is a problem and we shouldn't agree to work for not for nobody I mean she shouldn't agree. Uh, you should never be working unless unless you're an extremely uh in look for work like intern. Even then it's just capitalistic.

Uh, let them. Which is why they're standing outside of the Darman Studios ringing cow bells, blowing whistles and letting everyone know how awful it's been like. this is wild to me that Darman The absolute moral Authority The mega mind of morals is this much of an apparently hold on. So yeah, anyway, that's about it.

Just wanted to talk about all of this and let everyone know what's going on with it. Pretty interesting situation, hoping for the best for the actors that aren't getting paid well here. Hopefully that gets resolved. That's about it.

So yeah. chat, How do you look at uh, my oldest videos on YouTube How do you look at that? Why not? I mean I'm just surprised everybody's taking this I mean I like moist but I Just think he's wrong. Actually, he's not wrong unless he knows more than he's doing the video on about. Okay so by date oldest where you know um I mean look at this.

this is only in a month. Like holy dude Like this thing is like grinding holy my brother right about 50 of nothing. Yeah I mean is nothing if we made 20 bucks which I mean is decent for back in the days. 20 bucks a month I mean they're getting they were going to paying 10 bucks.

Oh yeah, you're right, it was 100 First how can you defend this guy? Okay okay you wanna know the truth I'm gonna do something that you again I Think it's disgusting to say and this issue with that the performance of the actors is under I Think industry standard. Flat out the performance of the actors is literally under the industry average comparison. These actors are making this oh my. God it's which is an insane amount.

A maid does nothing to your income. These people make him money. Philosophical point of view: Okay um you want some like um spread the wealth dog, spread the wealth dog. Okay, you need to understand okay that that is.

that is some like that is an absolute dude dude. dude. dude, that is some actual yo dude photos there. Okay what are you saying? Where's it? Come on uh I'll call him.
hold up. hold up. wait is that on this road? I'll say I Want to know more about Dar Man because I don't agree with take on video sounds Boomer But if you want to talk I'm here guys guys I guess I Feel like I'm about to get cooked? Hey yo yo? Okay, yeah, you ready? Hold on. Hold on.

Okay, hey. oh what's up? Um um how did this? Um, they only have two cameras or or one do I only have two cameras Oh yeah, do you have two cameras? Yeah so so I can have you on screen. Are you gonna be answering if you want? uh I only have the webcam. Okay, it's fine enough.

okay. um I'm I'm I'm I'm um okay. okay, so listen. I'm just gonna cook you okay I'm I'm new nuts.

Okay, you know anytime I watch your videos. Okay I'll either give a supporting taken or another take or some. Sometimes it's aligned or something neutral I watched it in a video and and maybe it's because of fun. My fundamentals: I generally didn't agree with it.

Your takes is that fair enough or not? That's what. That's totally fine. This is one that I'm a little surprised to hear though because I feel like this is just a really basic, not controversial take at all. Um, yeah, but but unfortunately I see a big fallacy? Okay, it's like a a slippery slope.

It's like a slivery slope coming up. Okay, to me it feels like the argument is like it. yo. Dude, they work for something that is very successful and makes a lot of money.

Therefore, um, turns out some more. Just like let's say, Amazon is popping off. they're like trillion dollar company right? Well, technically the dude you know beetles we could afford make every employee uh, 100K a year right without affecting much of the other companies worth. But sometimes like I mean shitty.

Uh, probably not. Um, that's just. that's just my take. So I can see why you'd want to draw that comparison.

It's just in this field that's not really apt. So the actors are being paid as I understand it almost exactly if they're being paid When the channel made zero dollars, had zero subscribers, and there were contractors as opposed to employees, which isn't unusual, especially for that kind of field. Yeah, well, you know how much that is. I I looked at you I want to make some quick maths? Yeah, did they ever release how much you're making, how many hours that they're working on? Because I watch a video and I couldn't think of the face value because I feel like there's a lot loaded in here that isn't being unpacked because if you know more than I do so your opinion is more strong about it because it when I look at it right with the info I'm given I could knock on the same conclusion as you.

No, so you mean like actual figures? Have they released their salaries? Yeah, no. uh. and as far as how much they're working, you can only speculate. But since Darman uses the same actors and contracts them as opposed to put some on payroll, you can kind of extrapolate that since for example, Colin who plays Steve in most of the content I think he's been in roughly like at least and this is a ballpark.
like 40 of his videos in some capacity. That's still a lot of hours. like. So what is that? that? that's a decent chunk of hours and he is not getting paid the standard that an actor working those hours would be paid.

And the reason there's a protest is because they understand like they're not entitled to more money though. I Think it's only fair given the work they put in and as it's grown so much. Darman Being in his position would want to take care of his actors. The reason they're protesting is because he refuses to even speak with them on their payroll and instead fires them if they bring it up or Dodges them since he's pushed their last three meetings and then just completely canceled the fourth.

So the reason specifically for the protest isn't even the sub-optimal pay. it's the fact that he will not even talk to them about it. Yeah, and if you bring it up, you get fired. Yeah.

So I agree with that I agree with that part. That's like you don't understand, is that uh, done the meetings I mean is it's just it's just trash because it feels like you're um, you're gonna baiting and stretching right? like um, you say, oh, a problem exists? let's talk about it and you delay it while they're still working. So yeah, them? I agree with that 100 As soon as that happened, I said yeah, that's because you shouldn't be doing that. Um I just felt like it was hard um to have a conclusion because what is this like La based yeah so Dollar Man Studios is La based Yes.

so they have three sound stages in Burbank I Believe Okay, because it felt to me that I mean one I mean La rent is is I mean it's a disaster. Um so I was like, okay, well, events by really high, right? and based on the hours I mean I saw a lot of employees over there. there's a lot. They're saying a lot of them were over there, right? and I was like, well, if the concern is that they can't pay rent and they're contractors right? I'm like, but they're not people over there.

how much hours could they be? Ridiculously be putting in it and I'd be like, well, of course you can't pay rent on the salary of this one YouTube Channels uh uh uh, like intermittent appearances I mean that's there's not much you can do here like um yeah. so I think I think I see what's going I Think you're under the impression that what they're looking for is a like full-time job salary to cover everything. Yeah, as I understand it, that's not really the case. So all of these people, they are contractors.

They're not employees. They're not allowed to be employees for Darman but they they. so they have other job opportunities. I Imagine other income sources, but the pay that they're receiving from Darmin is not industry standard and it's not acceptable for the amount of work they're putting in.
Like the amount of hours they're doing with their work for him is not being compensated fairly by. Darman That's where the issue stems. I Mean okay then the things upon it say if they're contractors, did they agree to a contract? What happened in between the Fat: What happened at this time that they signed for something that they're going to be paid a certain amount for a certain amount of hours and they went into. Why are they upset now? Is it because it sounds more successful and there's more money to be made, but they're not getting a portion of it.

That is fair I Mean in my opinion, what the way I The way I feel about it if I'm coming into a a job as a contractor and understanding, hey, you're gonna pay 20 an hour and you're even working eight hours a week flat, right? And that's all I can offer you, right? And I say yes. Well, I have to come to the terms of the fact that I'll be paid 20 an hour for eight hours a week flat if in a story, right? If that's not adequate for me anymore, right? Well, I Quit. Well, it's so that's the stage they're reaching. But they're not quitting.

They're getting fired for trying to negotiate. So as this has scaled up, the Productions have scaled up. he's releasing multiple videos a week. Their hours have scaled up, but their contracts and their pay haven't reflected the extra work that's going into it.

But instead of being able to talk about it to like, negotiate a more fair pay, a better rate for their work, he's just firing them or refusing to talk to them. Well, I didn't say that I wish it was. There's like a video explaining that. So from what I saw okay I think this comes from a position where you know more than the video that's on because what? I'm getting in the video I don't have enough to make these conclusions I just don't like even the guy talking and what he's saying I Don't agree with the Fs value about so so when he says like we're taking on all these hours, we're taking on these jobs for Darman but we can't afford to even have this like help with our rent.

That's not like an alarming thing for you to hear because I think even for even just taking it at face value, it's like you would think for something this successful. With this many appearances throughout all of this content that's generating this level of income on the back of their talent that's been there since the start, you would think that they'd be on some kind of good payment system, right? Like when wouldn't you try and draw that conclusion like for example, this is a stupid comparison. but I'm gonna go big here. Let's and I think for Darman It's kind of fair.

Someone like Steve is a star in the same way that Robert Downey Jr was a star for Marvel. Would you expect him to be working for the same pay as that continued to scale up as he was at the beginning because I think the answer should be no. Oh yeah, that was complicated. Then wait.
the What? Darman's content has been built off the back of the same actors and actresses at the same rate without ever scaling up as everything else is scaled up much in the same way that Marvel scaled up from Robert Downey Jr. Thus, they needed to pay him more. As things went on and his hours increased, his workload increased. That's just the way things work as they grow.

Okay, no no, no that that is not okay. so that that is a terrible comparison. Sorry to cook you on this one. Um, because that's what we call in in in a straight leverage In that in that what they can't do that they they can't Because he's shutting it down, he's firing them.

Well, I mean they have no leverage. That's how it is of course. Robert Downey Jr If he shows himself to be a better actor, he's more needed. So therefore, you can only get a certain rules for my amount of year so his value right it increases.

So then he can use the other films as leverage. Right against um, his current president wants him to stay and say yo dude, if I expect myself money. So I'm worth this much right now, right? If you want to pay that, you can pay that right? Otherwise, I'm not working anymore, right? These guys have no Leverage right? He could A jar man on paper could literally go to Craigslist and get anybody to show up for 80 bucks, right? And that's what we'll show up and we'll do the work that these are putting in and we'll probably get the same amount of results. But the amount of the quality of acting that is in those videos on that? Yeah.

but that's also not the point. Like he could, he could find 15 high school students to do it for free. But does that make it right Or fair to the actors? That's more the argument. Not so much like can it get done with people that are lesser? Okay, this will be like a exploitator and behavior answer I think that's I think that's still fine if they say you didn't want to do it and I said yeah then it.

it's like if I'm unpacking something in my car. so I said and some some I don't know. some like adolescent shows up like 16 year old dude was like Hey You nipple down like yeah right I mean he agreed to help her free right? I mean I don't own even if no I made him lift the Diamond worth 20 mil. Um right if somebody agrees to do something for a certain rate or something which is an essential free right? well I mean uh yeah I'll take it I mean when I was a kid I had acting for uh some college students like four times for free.

they only like give me like like a lunch something like that I agree to that I was okay with that I didn't feel scammed. um that's kind of how I feel about it. and if I were to go into a contract with a certain hours like if these guys were like like let on and they would be paid more and it got scanned it's a whole different ballgame but if they're Grizzly they don't they don't agree if they got well that's on them right? Well yeah, but at this point you're making Arguments for finding like the lowest possible payment for the same work. Like at this point you're like almost making a sweatshop argument like why pay for these workers when I can just pay like almost nothing for these workers It's not it like I mean the work gets done but I mean is a sweatshop a good thing? Okay, okay, that's not a good thing.
The government protects in this country against swept shops, right? The government has stuff that goes. it's what it switches exists is that they go into other countries. we're also different and then they Zone it out. And then people work under um, circumstances under a pay under hours that wouldn't fly in United States right? But we are in the United States in this case, right? So they are protected by certain things, right? Yeah, I mean there's definitely Protections in place 100 percent.

So I I just I just don't feel like it without getting the exact numbers that I can take these guys as arguments at face value without like actually seeing at least some sort of data and then making conclusions. It's very bad. I feel like this is like I don't know I I except for the part where it doesn't start the meetings which I think is lame as okay uh um I feel like I've done the same by accident or by because of Life professionalism to my editors or at like I said yo yeah yeah I'll I'll be around like in a minute and I unplug them for like a day a week, sometimes two months these but uh uh, you know um uh you know it's bro bro. that's like lack of potentialism right? Like it happens sometimes.

like I don't think it's a massive problem. Okay, but I'm not putting myself in the equation I just feel like except for that part which is bad right? It's bad, it's bad. International Duty meetings maybe like that uh um I fail to see what the problem is I'll try and like gauge this a little more something like in in this wheelhouse you mentioned editors. Do you have the same editors now as you did when you let's say do you have the same editors now as you did last year um I've had one editor from when the channel is nothing to something and I hired somebody I had on top now I have two and the new guy um has taken the something to something greater because of combined a workload and different philosophies right? So now we have two but they've been there pretty much for the whole ride when it was looking.

Nothing little bits to a lot right? So the guy that started when you were nothing is he being paid right now what he was when you were making nothing or is being paid more within a with a agreed upon at that debate of 15 percent. Okay, but you see like how that pay has increased and he's been there from the beginning as it grew like you see that? yeah but that's because um that Okay so I think that it's adaptive right? because I want them to be motivated to do more and do better and to like keep up with keep up with like in the industry and houses that has gone like if they work more they're paid more I Feel like this is a a a a different ball game. These people are contracted to show up for something and they do it very bad right? Um well so bad. by like our definitions of the acting as cringy but they are doing exactly what they're paid to and exactly as directed.
Steve Colin he is an actor outside of Darman he's been in Better Call Saul He's had minor roles and bigger things like he is an actor. Okay, okay like they are doing the work as they are supposed to do it the way they're supposed to do it. They're not doing a bad job. It's not like he's docking their pay because their performance is bad.

sorry I had a burp in my mouth like they are doing exactly what they need to be doing. So this isn't a matter of like them being bad at their jobs. This guy has bitter salt claw, a bitter tall salt a tear jobs and other ones and then and then he still works. Um for the Darman cringe guy right then then.

why doesn't he quit that job if it sounds more valuable now? Well I mean they're getting fired because they're trying to negotiate like as it grew they are proud of the work they were there from the beginning. uh Colin told the story about how original Darman videos were filmed at his apartment complex in a garage. This and that and then as it grew, they wanted to stick with it because they felt like part of the team, part of the family. It's reached the point where over the last however long they've tried to negotiate better pay because they're putting in so much more work.

So many more hours. Fair enough. You know? obviously the product is a lot better, but he's not letting them negotiate. instead of adjusting pay or listening, he's firing them like on the spot.

just firing them. Fair enough. Okay then okay, okay, you know it's it. I I have uh, a different argument that will, uh make it maybe make you feel like it.

Scaling up could be a a problem, but scaling down? What happens if Darman gets canceled? Some right? because uh uh uh he? uh I don't know he Pierce allegedly somebody somebody's a car, a tire, uh with a piece of glass. okay and then another. Channel okay makes 2K views a month then should their pay be scaled down. negotiation between them and the actors.

that'd be a communication thing. Yeah, that'd be entirely up to them. But so for example, let's say you're Let's say you have a colossal fall off, you get canceled, you're nut sack, butthole picks leak on Twitter Whatever you get canceled, your Channel's not making anything anymore. Are you gonna stop paying your editor? Well, it's adaptive.
Something they want to work. they can. But I mean they'll be editing hour-long videos for like 20 cents an hour on average. So I mean they will quit and they shouldn't.

Right, they shouldn't. They should leave me to dry it because that's that's how. that's how the world works, right? I We agree to something that and it currently works for both of us so it doesn't work anymore. Well now they quit because they're not paid anymore.

They should throw me under the bus in terms of like, uh, financially people that I hire right? I Expect them to throw them into the bus right when things get bad and go bad the same way. I Uh I Expect myself to throw them on the bus when gets bad. I Think it's it's called business relationships but the like. when you say it this way, do you realize like the more you say things like this, the more it seems like you are legitimately having the same thought process as the people who end up using like sweatshops, slave labor? that kind of thing, right? Well, you're looking for the cheapest way of getting the labor done in the quickest time possible without caring about like actually doing the work the right way which is like the core problem like the core issue which is what the whole thing was about.

Like you are right, you could find it's 12 16 year olds in the Darman Cinematic Universe to play these roles and they do it for free. They do it for exposure, but that's not a good thing. That should never be the case. You should want to like pay the actors and the professionals the standard rate to do the work and do the work well.

It's not an argument of can it be done cheaper, it's an argument of why can't we just do it the right way I agree. but if somebody agrees different certain amount and they say wow I'm worth more money well I don't give a I don't want Leonel DiCaprio a performance okay I don't want a better time performance from the guy in the video David I want Craig's little acting for Craigslist little videos and if they make a little more money, well, I took the risk initially, right? I'm the one who owns a business I should own the profits. There's no obligation for you to pay him more, but to at least hear them out as it's scaled up like hey, I'm putting in more work I'm putting in more hours for the same pay as it was in the beginning I Would like to at least talk about a pay raise. Hearing them out and then negotiating from there is how it should work and it's not.

Which is a core issue here is the hours online because I would have just blocked them. but it makes a lot of sense though. I Get it? You sound like an absolute ruthless warlord out here. Good.

My heart is breaking. For your editors. you're gonna have one bad month and they're not gonna be eating for two weeks. Good God Okay, Jesus I was joking about that, but I feel like I feel like I I am.
Of course of course, when things are good okay and I'm happy with seeing how things are going and how they're creative. Let's say, shift that. I see I don't mind giving a bonus to some of the editors bro. I mean I'm pretty sure uh I can be wrong about this yo.

they doesn't chat my videos, he doesn't even it doesn't even uh talking to my parents anymore. So I'm pretty sure that all my set, my second, third, fourth, all the other channels he's paying himself. Okay, I did it so I I don't think I've paid him for the main Channel because he's paying himself with the other channels. Okay, and you know what? and that's fair game.

Okay, that's right I haven't been I'm not getting it I haven't paid for the main channel in Forever because he's paying some of the other channel, right? So what if he does? Sometimes he does these new things like making new channels, doing other and he creates value right? and that's valuable. It's adaptive, right? They can, they can do more, they can be smarter and I'll give them a bonus or I'll get more And that's fine, right? But indeed, the problem with this is that unfortunately is let's is let's say right. A hundred bucks an hour right? 10 hours a week A scam, right? The person will be making let's say let's let's say no, No. 100 Okay, 100 bucks an hour right for these these dudes? Let's see.

Okay, but I can only give them four hours a week. Okay, so that I've been paying 400 bucks a week which is in fact, um, one thousand six hundred dollars for the month they live in LA right? They can't afford rent and then they're like it yo bro. You can't afford rent? Well um, if they agreed to four hours I mean uh, if they agree to a hundred an hour four hours a week, then what can I do right They They They agreed to the terms and they agreed to the pay and the workload. They do that they're paid.

What's the problem? If you don't enjoy it anymore and don't do any more, we don't have to. So even in your examples like you're receptive. Well, except for the two times you threatened to block them I Guess you're receptive to hearing them, right? So if that guy came to you, he's like hey, I was fine with this in the beginning. but you know now like I really can't afford rent and I am putting in a lot of hours.

Could I maybe talk to you about an increase in pay? No, that is not happening right now with the Darman actors, they can't get to that step. Well, at that point there's making a lot of money in his time. his time is worth a lot of money and if I doesn't want to, uh, deal with that. but I agree I actually don't I No Okay, okay.

I I agree though I didn't agree, that is at least I I try to talk to them. Okay, um, but but um, yeah. I I don't I don't really know. Like let's say, you work at Amazon and you you could pay because I wish Amazon's good Pace enough.

It's like a decent right. Uh, how much is Amazon an hour? Yeah, 15 to 20 bucks an hour? That's pretty good. Why is that 17.50 I'm just gonna I'm gonna throw you a little life raft here I Don't think Amazon is the best comparison for this situation. I'm just gonna be honest straight up so let's let's dial it back more into like editing and stuff like that I think that's going to be a lot stronger of a like platform to tackle it on.
You have to also keep in mind these people aren't just doing grunt work. they are the principal actors in his content. Without them, there is no content unless he finds other actors to replace them. But since he's using them, they are the reasons the videos exist.

They're not playing some like behind the scenes role. they're a big part of it, so they should be able to at least communicate with the person when it's like hey, I'm putting in all these hours I'm putting all this work. the pay hasn't changed at all I'm still unlike that very Baseline very underpaid rate that we agreed to in the beginning because you know we were both small together, but now we've both grown together. I'd like to at least examine this and see if since I'm putting in all this extra work and you know we're in this good of a spot, maybe we could talk about some kind of better pay system.

Fair enough in my answer. Um, for that, show up and say no. I So then it's kind of more of like a fundamental disagreement then because I I feel like the answer should? Be sure? let's examine it. let's talk about it together instead of just fire them on the spot because they asked.

I Guess I'll be the only part that I don't agree with it with the whole thing is the fact that these guys have disagreements and um these guys at this events and they they they won't be addressed I think that is the only thing that because the rest of the resident I have no data I have no uh I have I have no I guess not story that I guess I guess um a timeline of things I I Know nothing about any of this and the video doesn't indicate me and it is either. Let's just like impossible to really understand the concern and paper face value because I don't like believing in it. just what is said right straight up like the guy says it yo dude. I'm living but and the guy ends up being paid like 200 an hour right? Um, like I'm gonna feel like my take was wrong and now I'm a dumbass I have to.

Unfortunately, it's like guilty, uh, until proven innocence. Oh I believe what he says right? If I'm wrong about it, we'll have another taken. Well, not really. I'd like to be given all the people that I need from the get-go Make a take and be my ticket.

My take is final to me, this sounds almost more like you're afraid of looking silly if it turns out new information comes to light. of course, because I will not be people in that position. There's really nothing wrong of being in that position though, as long as you're like willing to change like that's a supernatural thing people go through like for example: Helena Taylor You disagree with yourself I know. Okay, if you were half canceled overnight, the dumbest.
The damage caused by what was said, you would never be able to recover past the point where you were. It would take you away more time, one more effort, one more way more strength and and a willingness to to power through. you know for a fact about you, right? Okay, okay, what about Johnny Depp Then do you guys feel like it's reputation? uh uh, what? Went back to normal or better with his industry and his bosses and with people. uh, that's a huge leap going from like, hey, these workers you know I hope they they can talk to their boss about a higher pay for all the work they've done when they're still not getting good pay all the way to like a Johnny Depp situation like that's a like that's a total extreme.

Like what you're doing right now is opining on a situation not like actively participating. You're not the one that's like slapping the Darman actors while they're doing their protests or anything like the fear of being proven wrong with later information seems to be like clouding the way you're approaching the problem itself. which is these people are doing more work now than they previously did and still getting sub-optimal pay because they couldn't afford to pay them that much at the time. Thus, it didn't matter how much more work they put in, they're still getting the same pay and anytime they bring it up, they get fired.

Which is just a straight up problem and that's why it's become an issue. It's why none of them work for Darman anymore. But but because they've all been fired for bringing it up, That's as far as this guy will say it. But as they've been, uh uh, has there been like data of that people? Because that's a that's a pretty big clemency.

What's that one guy? It's every actor. So every principal actor from most of Darman's videos have been in these protests and have come out and said the same thing corroborating all of it. The only thing they haven't released is the salaries because again, that's not. that's not information.

We even really need to know. The problem is they can't talk to him so they're doing a protest because they want to be able to talk to him to negotiate that number. That's the whole purpose of it. They're mentioning the pay because, well, we want to talk to them about pay and he won't let us.

So it becomes a talking point. But the actual figure isn't what they're rioting about. it's wanting that communication to talk about it instead of just being fired for trying to. Yeah, I mean I Didn't see how that's a problem.

So I guess like I said I think that's a problem I feel like it. The conclusion it will make from that problem right? Uh, and going public about it just can sometimes cause all the damage and I wouldn't want to be put in that position. that's all. Uh, but I agree that the wrong here is not not talking right but I think that they're being assumed or talked about and uh, would have been proven I think kind of suck I think they just suck saying yo guys, um, we're not paid enough.
we're not uh, this or that right? I think I think it'd be pretty easy to um, show right they're gonna go public about about how much it is, how much we're talking industry standard. Give it a bigger context, taking it for the story that it is. When you have the all the ammo, it's like it's like a in this an argument like this. It's like um, loading in your mag right? That could have bullets and having no bullets in in the maggot, right? You have all the ammo you need.

like the the hours, the hours that will require for you. the Saturday you were given and then the instrument standard. Then you fire that you win right? then your plant comes across. Everybody understands you If you say yo guys, I'm not paid enough low I can't pay rent low.

If you should talk, you're fired LOL I Didn't see any proof of that at all anywhere. So how can I make it a good day about this? That's not the point of the the thing. again, them not being able to. It's not like they're surprised.

You're right. they're contractors. They knew what they were getting paid, getting into it they want since this is scaled up. So much to talk about altering that pay.

Just like you've mentioned the word adaptive like you've used the word adaptive a lot when talking about your editors. They would like to adapt their pay to the more work they put in and they're not able to, which is why they're doing this. It's not the like. They are not caught off guard.

They are not surprised by what they're getting paid. They did agree to it, but they would like to talk about changing it around a bit more to reflect the scale and reflect how much they've put in. Like I think there's a big disconnect on the core problem that you're overlooking. here.

It's not so much I have to take their word that they can't afford rent and they're eating cat food. It's okay. they'd like to change their pay and they're getting fired for even mentioning it. That's the issue issue.

It's not like you don't need if you don't believe that they're not getting paid enough. That's fine because that's not the issue. it's they can't even talk about it without getting fired. Um, okay.

fair enough. I Feel okay I Hate I hate to say it I Feel like the results of the product is irrelevant if the quality expected from the workers is the same as the quality was expected initially. Okay. If I want you okay to spit my face for 100 bucks an hour right now, right? You do that.

You spin on his but then it becomes an art form and now I'm making it one billion dollars. a year from the pictures of my face would spit on it should you be paid more. Uh I Disagree 100 I I You are under no obligation to pay me more for spitting in your this is a what a wild example. You're under no obligation to pay me more for spitting in your face or tongue punching you or whatever.
But if I approached you like hey, this is scaled up a lot I'm spitting in your face a lot. Can we at least talk about maybe getting me on some kind of different deal I would expect you to not spit in my face and kick me out of the door for even asking. and then you replace me with someone else who spit isn't nearly as viscous or something, right? Yeah, yeah, that's that's how it would should work. I Will agree with half of the video then because I have enough information to know that there's an ongoing problem and a unwillingness to fix a problem.

But I cannot agree with the um, the actual specifics and the semantics about what the problem is. And I think it's a lot of conclusions without getting a lot of things to three people. it's a lot of going public with not enough, uh, actual raw material to make, uh, conclusion from them. That's all.

So you mean by okay, I I think I understand I think you're just hung on not knowing how much they're getting paid? Yeah, because when you go public, when you go public about something, okay, you are going to war. Okay, because the second is something public. you are causing damage every minute. Every hour.

something's public. And if you are the Republic and you are in that war, you best believe it that you come in armed with your held it on and you're gun loaded. Okay, that's just how it works. unless you haven't been around the internet for a decade.

When you go on internet with a truth, you better be loaded the up because you're causing damage just based of the existence of that war, right? And if you don't have enough and you have too little and then you have nothing, right? It's damage caused for no reason. It could be avoided. And it's that's you're causing irritable damage, right? Yeah, 100 when I say this. I See what I see is it is a big gun, right? and not a lot of ammo loading.

It makes you feel like it. Man I want to be I want to be honest guys and yeah man I'm with my platform. say yeah man, our man right? but I don't have enough to do so and if I did people I would doorman 50 times as hard uh I mean this guy right? as long as videos I would see I would be super. but now I can't because if I take the word for it in a way that it's listening to me well I have a high chance of looking like a fool and causing even more damage for no reason.

So let's let's say tomorrow. Darman's like hey, Darman fam So you saw those slimy protesters. Well they didn't listen to my lessons. What happens? The dark does come to the light.

Here's their salary. and here's the average rent for their house or their apartments. And it turns out their salary wasn't the worst thing in the world. Do you all of a sudden blame the workers for coming forward even though the problem itself is still there where he fired them for talking about it is the is the problem this not knowing their salary? Yeah uh uh yeah.
I'm almost 100 yeah I I would get mad I I think that that the behavior again public. They know what they're doing right and in this instance there's no they're doing. and I think it's being a little deceptive if that word comes through. I think I think it's a deceptive practice Yeah I think it is.

So for me, even if that came forward and it's like the pay is not the worst thing in the world. The core problem is he won't talk to them about adjusting it regardless. and the culture of firing them for talking about it is the core issue which is what the whole thing is about. Well, I wouldn't see I didn't seem to prove that I didn't ask anything at all.

All their signs say the same thing enough Darman and talk to us Dar Man like the signs. Oh yeah, so the actors. yeah the actors have been let go. but I don't know about all of them but the one yeah the ACT There's tons of Darman protests.

so like one of the girls I can't remember her name but she was talking about how when they started filming in the garage, she was there from the beginning. the pay didn't change. as people talk to him about it or tried to talk to him about it, they would get ghosted or they would just get quietly let go. And that was the culture around the office where talking is a problem.

If you try and address these issues like you mean like actual receipts of hey this is Darman you're fired kind of thing or like um I don't know they in this tweet it says that They were that they were talked about uh, opportunities and they would either accept or refuse, right? So in this instance, I guess they weren't sent more offers to present in your projects. therefore there's no more contracts over to them, right? That's usually how it work because they're not employees, right? So that that's how that's how you let them go since they were never brought on as like salaried positions. That's how that's how that works. There wouldn't be like Darman kicking in the door being like you're out bub.

give me your badge and your gun. That's how that process would work from talking about it. Yeah, yeah, um yeah. well like I said I just I'm still not convinced uh about how this is being done.

uh or I'm not convinced of like the substance was being done and I certainly don't agree. uh uh with the model. the model here. the way this guy is coming on and saying that right I wish was a little bit more clear and had more because when like I said, when you go public, it has to be it has to be heavy.

You know that's I Think that's a fine critique to say. like you wish there was more to Rally behind I Don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with that, but to take such a Hardline stance of I will not trust these guys. The for X Y and Z is a bit a bit heavy-handed Uh, I think there is still plenty that they have provided to lend credibility to it. Considering all of the principal actors that I know from the Dmcu have come forward corroborating each other's stories as well as providing everything you need to prove that Darman will not communicate directly with them.
I Feel like the core issues have been proven here. The Salary: I Understand not releasing it I'm sure there's even probably some kind of reason they couldn't because usually salaries are more of a hush-hush thing, especially when it comes to like acting. That kind of shit's usually kept under wraps, so to me that was never even the biggest part. It's alarming to hear that.

and I have no doubt, for like a YouTube production, there's definitely exploitation of actors, so that sucks. But the big thing they were rallying is we want to talk about it to help improve it for us because we've been here for so long and we love what we're doing with them and so we just wanted to talk and didn't get a chance to. We just kept getting let go for it. like I Feel like everything from the core issue is there? It's just you would have preferred had they also dropped the salary.

Well, I mean, like I said, it's something that is part of your core argument. It's a pillar, right? If you aren't willing to disclose what the pillar is or and how strong it is then I I don't know about If I feel confident about the Integrity of the foundation itself. That's that's right, every argument. If you're making a lot of points right, then I'm a very visual guy.

Okay, I'm very, a very very very visible guy. Okay, so I'll have a foundation would be like a platform, right? That's your main argument. Boom, right? And the pillars of your platform is going to be your pillars, right? So let's say you have like I don't know, like five of them, right? So you have like five pillars. Okay, and then um, if let's say two of them or can I like shaky right and they're like, well, then like I'm proven this kind of story.

they're like, you know then I think if I want to back them up or whatever on the base of the argument, well I still think that it's shaky because I want to be on their side then a lot of these things like peo

By xQcOW

12 thoughts on “Dhar mann is in huge trouble xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clint Eatswood says:

    10 minutes video turned into hour and a half. Hasan Level Pausechamp.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars j3llyzz says:

    xqc got cooked

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PokemonJJEtv says:

    Probably would of got through the juicer brain using simple math. Like him saying they agreed on certain hours/pay. Lets say they agreed on 10 hours a week for 15 per hour, just for simple math. So 150 per week, 600 per month. The problem here is they agreed to that amount/pay, but are working a lot more hours without being paid more. I mean I got that in the first few minutes of the video Lol the juicer can be special sometimes 😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Virus says:

    I guess that's a standard mentality of millionaires use others to make you money the same was Andrew Tate Jeff Brazos etc.. work and that's the only way to become a millionaire if you think about that

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RustyPwns Music says:

    this is drama not react 🤮

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Virus says:

    HDMI broke him his seeing everywhere entitlement that's why we should crucified bad woman

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Mama says:

    I ABSOLUTELY LOVED "Dhar Mann Is In Huge Trouble | xQc Reacts" THANK YOU SO MUCH MR CATTLE face-green-smilingface-green-smilingface-green-smilingface-green-smilingface-green-smilingface-green-smilingface-green-smilingface-green-smilingface-green-smiling

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Wade says:

    Xqc is stuck on one subject, this guy is just speaking fast

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arrion Archie says:

    xqc got BRAINSNAPPED in this debate!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raven says:

    braindead x take. like bro they should clearly be paid more.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slim Jim says:

    Honestly not a bad take by X

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Have Heart says:

    xQc is is idolized by 13 year olds and valued for being possibly autistic. His view on anything is equivalent to feeding a bear random things and seeing how they react.

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