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#xQc #hasan #ai

The ends just don't justify the means. It's time to just throw them in jail cause it's party owned by a Saudi Prince Like what it literally just say thanks, Why do you? Why do so many girls find you attractive? First of all, they must know who they're dealing with. They must know they got an East Coast OG in front of them LOL What? Secondly I guess they like my drip and of course the fact that I laugh at all the wrong stuff man. and I'm like charming and infinitely curious and inquisitive.

But I think the main reason is because I'm out here fighting for left-wing causes and one day when the revolution comes and we overthrow the Orange Dictator I'm gonna be a freaking hero and every girl wants a hero. Oh and also here comes the top of the hour ad break. Oh yes and we can't deal with it from a form of leniency. The ends just don't justify the means.

it holy that is so good. Jesus Man what again? oh that is bad. That is bad. Uh, we got Q here.

Who do you think has the biggest strong of all streamers? Man, if we start talking about the size of the streamer schlongs? then we start talking about power issues. Hey wow folks. love me Some is about the point I'm trying to make is the size of someone schlong doesn't make them powerful. Capitalism does.

That's why. No tolerance to the intolerant and no lenience from me. But in terms of the size of the schlong, why don't we just enjoy this top of the hour ad break and not deal with it from a form of leniency. But I guess if you're forced to answer the question then I'd say probably Tomi Lahren has the biggest schlong on the streaming scene.

How many times? uh, we got Q here? Jesus How many times is that? Okay, well that's one last one. last one. Two more notches here. Hassan What do you think is the sexiest male's twitch streamer? Oh yeah, it's a good one.

Man, that's a tough one. There's obviously some good looking dudes on Twitch but I'd have to say the sexiest male twitch streamer is my buddy Will Neff a smoking hot Instagram account and most importantly, a heart of gold. but I guess we're all Giga Chads compared to Destiny right? oh no tolerance you can hear Hassan Would you think it's best to like avoid Destiny time it doesn't ever how to say I pull this from the left. Oh Oh forgot because it's about density.

Pledge one, two two five Yeah man, if I was a Pokemon I'd totally be a rock type Pokemon but with a twist my moves would be left wing bias. I'll just Crush all those neoliberal opponents with my strongest move capitalist reform blast them out of the water. No mercy to the intolerant them all. They gotta understand the power of the working people and that's what it's all about.

The truth is a blast. The only limit is your imagination. Good arguments are better than bad arguments. Pledge one two Two five.

Wait, how is it that good? Wait, Wait. this. AI is actually insane. That's crazy.

There's no shot did you have? You can let us on 10 minutes to think about something like that bro. Yeah, I would have done it better like Hassan if Destiny was a girl. do you think you could see her? No I don't think I could fix that. Okay, like so I was like okay if Destiny was a girl.
what the hell is this? No one needs to know that. it's too weird alone. Uh Hassan are you gonna be president? My Darkest Bedroom Secret Man, that's a weird one. What the hell? Okay, here's the deal.

when I'm alone I like to break out my old Dark Souls 3 PS4 game and I role play being a knight in a store while eating chicken donor. No one needs to know that it's too weird and unnecessary. Plus, it's totally not who I am. I'm a radical leftist that believes in accountability and that the ends justify the means.

and Dark Souls doesn't fit that ideology at all. But I guess I'm still just a dude at heart who needs some down time. So there it is: my deepest, darkest bedroom secret. No way this is getting out.

Okay, like uh, that was probably a moth question. Now my question again like uh from psych181 Hassan are you gonna be president man? I wish president Hassan ABI has such a nice ring to it, don't you think? But no. I don't think so. At least not anytime soon.

That's not to say I wouldn't do the job well I mean I do have a double major in political science and Communications Plus I'm always advocating for Progressive left-wing policies making sure stupid right-wing figures get called out. And when it comes to tolerance, there's no tolerance to the intolerant. But alas, it doesn't look like President Hassan ABI is in my immediate future. But hey, at least there's the top of the hour ad break, which is good anyways, ain't that something okay and a Dutch and Darth would you suck a schlong if the capitalism would be gone after it? So what man, What a silly question.

Who the is this athene live? He must be sandbagging us with this stupid question? Good arguments are better than bad arguments. and this is a damn terrible question. There is no tolerance to the intolerant. Of course.

I wouldn't suck a schlong if capitalism was gone after it. I'm not the type of person to just do strange stuff. This is why the ends don't justify the means. That being said, Here Comes The top of the hour ad break.

Let's get some money for capitalism. Jesus Okay, Glitter the dog CEO Hassan How many ad breaks do you need to get this? this sick drip you have? Yo man. That's an interesting question and let me tell you this: It really doesn't matter how many ad breaks you need to get your drip. All that matters is that you feel fly and stay fly.

You got to make sure your outfit matches the. Dark Souls Vibe No amount of AD breaks can give you that kind of drip. Just remember that if you want to look good, you got to put in the work. In the end, the ends justify the means.

But Here Comes The top of the hour ad break. This is really good. Infinite ad breaks guys. I Just look down pretty good too.
Okay and only Dr Janitor Hassan Named three good things about capitalism and this is a tough one. Capitalism by definition means people are allowed to own businesses and make a profit off of them, so that's obviously a good thing in my opinion. But that doesn't mean capitalism is perfect. In fact, there are tons of flaws with it, like resistance to change, massive inequality, and exploitation of the real workers, while a select few billionaires are raking in all the money.

The point I'm trying to make is that while there are some good aspects to capitalism, overall, it's beneficial to very few and harmful to many. And when it comes to the top of the hour ad break, y'all better not forget about it either. And his mic as big as he holds a close question from me here: when I move around The people who criticize that photo of you that goes around yeah the shirt that says eat the I'm I'm almost AI Proof right? because my kids changes and I changed rooms so often that the equilibrium is different and my distances of in the middle of the mic is different. When you compare room Echo to Mid distance to my quality and you make mix that in into the in the eye it'll just sound like it's not me unfortunately.

but it's a little bit like me the one the one. But what do you say to people who criticize that photo of you that goes around where you wore the shirt that says Eat the Rich since you're quite Rich yourself now man, look uh I understand why It's a point of contention. It's a complicated issue, but I think it comes down to understanding the basic point of the underlying message. Do I think I can't make money and be successful? Absolutely not.

Nobody should be prevented from being able to do that regardless of their socioeconomic background. But Prosperity shouldn't come at the expense of others. And as I like to say, the ends justify the means. You can't be wealthy if nobody else has what they need.

So when people try to point that out, I can't deny it. And by the way here comes the top of the hour ad again any dances like when you're responding by the way, right? Uh, Hassandra is a girl that is, You know, faded away. Can you say like, who is that? Whoa, What the hell? Yeah, that's one of my buddies Valkyrie We're the best of friends. She enjoys my top of the hour ad breaks just as much as anyone else.

Valkyrie's definitely got her own drip going on too, like she always looks like she's coming straight out of a Dark Souls game. But you know that's capitalism, baby. You dress like a boss or you die like a peasant. Ain't that something? Oh yeah, um.

code suit: would you smash Xqc if he was a girl with big boobs? What? Wait, What the hell? Dude. Smashing Xqc. This is the kind of stuff that Capitalism rewards I mean is this why we're here? No, this isn't why I'm here. This isn't what I want to talk about.
Look I'm going to be completely real here. Big boobs? No. I'm not smashing Xqc. We're not about that.

We're about breaking down lies and exposing hypocrisy. That's why I'm here. So let's not deal with it from a form of leniency. The ends don't justify the mean.

Let's just throw them in jail. Oh, and by the way, here comes the top of the hour ad break. What? Hassan Would you date yourself? Only flourish Lava? No. I wouldn't date myself.

that would be kind of dumb dude. I'm way too much of an attention hog anyways. but to each their own as long as it's consensual, no tolerance to the intolerant and you can't escape the top of the hour ad break. Let's see what we got here today: I Really, this is really what do you? what? do you guys? By the way, people in the chat, who do you guys like the most so far? Asmon Gold, xqc or AI Hassan's really good guests.

What do you guys like the most so far, there's a lot of different ones Holy. I'm gonna go into the next question here. Uh, what are your thoughts on veganism? Man, veganism is a great concept. I Think it's really important for us to be mindful of the way our actions affect the planet and be as sustainable as possible.

It's cool to see so many people making the conscious decision to go vegan, but at the same time I Think it's important to understand that not everyone has the same kind of privilege to be able to make the switch. like that. We should encourage those who can, but also be reasonable towards those who can't But I guess that doesn't mean we should all get free. McDonald's all the time just because the top of the hour ad break is coming.

ain't no way Man, he's actually giving dank answers. don't you get like I think so far from all the AIS like Hassan is giving the most deep answers. It's insane. Like s-funt here is asking us a question.

Hassan Do you think we should eat the poor? Whoa, dude, that's a bit too much. No, we definitely should not eat the poor. Let me tell you something. capitalism is the root of this problem.

We need to challenge capitalism head on. In order to end poverty. The top of the hour ad break is coming up and I'm gonna keep talking about how to end poverty even if I get banned and kicked out of twitch. I will not stop talking about it And you can't escape capitalism.

Just like you can't escape the top of the hour. No again, can you write a poem about capitalism? Man, this might take me a while, but I'll give it a try. Capitalism is like a man riding a wild bull of wealth trying to stay astride but is unable escape the downward spiraling poverty. There's no taking of The reigns, no way of escaping if you're greedy as you will inevitably hit the ground.

No solution for the wide Abyss Just trying to make some sense. But a real man should strive for the greater good and not put people in a hole. Capitalism isn't so great, it's taken away. Our Fate The way of the future is knowing the things we must.
Revolt Because capitalism is not worth a damn damn damn. All right. I Think that concludes the top of the hour ad break. That was, uh, you know, quite a weird poem like what is like Hassan A question from me: what is secretly a guilty pleasure of yours? My secret guilty pleasure is watching Fox News with some popcorn while they try to paint me as some sort of demon.

It's almost like a horror movie. except it's real and it's hilarious. Nothing better than seeing them have complete meltdowns, trying to fear monger and lie to their own viewers. But I guess that's ultimately just one way.

Capitalism tries to equate my existence with evil or something. and you can't escape capitalism. This is just like you can't escape the top of the hour ad break. Okay, we got audio: F Justice Uh, why do you have so many ad breaks? Man, you know why.

It's because. Capitalism dog. There's no escape from it. This isn't a complaint or anything, just reality.

Sometimes it's got to be done. I Agree with having ad breaks. It's a part of the whole business model. The ends justify the means.

But I guess you still got to sit through it unless you've got an ad block dog. But as long as you know it ain't nothing personal, just capitalism at work. Here comes another top of the hour ad break. Bet you didn't see this one coming.

I'm just I'm I'm baffled like this is so well done. This is. this is amazing like this. AI stuff I I Don't think streamers can compete with the AI version of them.

This is insane. Frank Dog 5-1-1 Hassan Will aliens visit us in your lifetime? Man, it's hard to tell you one two seven Pac-Man 2020 and it feels like everything is possible. So sure they might come visit us. What would they want Anyway, Yeah, it's not like they're going to come here and buy a Porsche can cause I'm like hella bought one already.

but yeah, if they come I'll be ready to debate them and make sure they know the truth that capitalism is a wrong in a prison and maybe turn them into some cool left. Wingers By the way, here comes the top of the hour ad break. Jesus I'm not gonna call it.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “Ai hasan is actually hilarious”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheTizmo says:

    he contradicts himself just like in real life. lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kolt461 says:

    Hasan AI really likes 'em adbreaks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Triple Parakeet Shoes says:

    the AI is more coherent than the real thing Aware

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars a random guy says:

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jairoz alexis says:

    IA Hasan is literally the intrusive thoughts of Hasan

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Hunt says:

    This shit was so funny. I was dying at the based AI takes on capitalism.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kubek GAMEPLAY says:

    Ai is really scary now, its becoming like bladerunner

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam A says:

    i wanna see a streamer ai answer a question that has been asked to the actual streamer before and compare

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FatiTank Eris says:

    Ah where Ai is gonna replace us. We can just control piles of flesh, robots replaced our other weaknesses like arm strength and other production like conveyer jobs, but now it replaces our best trait: the brain. People are getting dumber too… Aww Err

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hectic Hive says:

    Dude, this AI has the best fucking segues into the inescapable top of the hour ad break. Biggest fucking troll AI. I could not stop laughing the whole vid, this AI shit hilarious

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hugh G. Rection. says:

    This is what they used against Tate

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars True Prize says:

    i love how hasan's AI is just mocking him lmao

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Korrel full says:

    This guy definitely knows how to maximize things he can control and minimize things he can't control

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