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#xQc #AdinRoss #twitch

As in Ross announced is going to start Surround Kick and less common plans. Okay I'm not permanently full-time going there I want to feel it out and I want to make sure my community too. so I'll still stream on Twitch if that's what you guys want. but what I will say is this: I'm going to kick this week Um I'm gonna be doing Omegle watching live sports, watching movies, prank phone calls doing unlimited.

We could literally watch more together I could jerk off with you No no, I'm still prank phone calls celibate. but if I wanted to, we can do everything we want. There's no terms of service over there. You guys can say whatever you want on my chat.

Nobody can get bad if you listen. I'm not permanently full-time going there I want to feel it out and I want to make sure my community with it too. so I'll still stream on Twitch if that's what you guys want. But what I will say is this okay I don't know much about this.

why would you want? um that what's wrong with them I don't know what has been going through it I don't really know what this is his deal. um if you're both fans and haters stick. I came this this guy's a sense editors I'm just gonna save all those comments yes if I'm looking for objective information I'd never look at Essence editor this guy that's some dog. um Warner Bros strike down instruments playing awkward lately before release on kick.

Oh how the DMC system in place until I'm wrong. Give that slide to get sued because they're gonna watch Super Bowl live on there. Um, what else is saying it? So why is he moving? This Is Us Uh, guidelines? Yeah, because it's gonna be guidelines like what? I just read the terms of service on Kick seems in 2.1 rights to your content. Anything you stream is yours and not kicks in any way.

and by streaming you are expressing that you have rights to stream it literally muted. Uh, their terms are going to be a huge thorn in their side Should the NFL actually pursue it and I feel like they're going to at least be aware of it considering they're 150 000 live viewers on? Okay, okay everybody back the up. What he said is how um, chat I'm putting twitch has the almost the exact same guideline here. Again, it's the responsibility of the Creator right to say if I stream this is because I own it or or I have the right I have the right I have the right to it and if they're wrong, the platform strikes them right, but it works the same way.

It doesn't mean that the platform endorses that, but they will take the precautions necessary No 2 000 libraries otherwise? no, but has he understands otherwise the live streams wouldn't existent. live streams would not exist otherwise because then people have to filter the content and wait but before before they get approved before going live. It doesn't make sense making money off it, which is what's going to be a huge issue for the NFL that's monetization. They couldn't tap into 150 000 viewers.

They lose, just read the terms of service on kicks getting money off it which is what's going to be a huge issue for the NFL that's monetization they couldn't tap into. It's 150 000 viewers they lose. Uh, like I said, it's sent to us. it doesn't really matter much Equity um collaboration with Speed on collaboration.
Live Sports your whole Community follows live sports NBA NFL Whatever you want Live okay Movie night. um movies you can watch. You can watch vendors, rush hour, all that stuff. um Omegle on Omegle okay prank phone calls you could literally call up if you wanted like a random a random person restaurant be like hey, like um I'm on the toe right now taking a like come clean it up that was a that was assassins if you wanted to Kai I don't know what the that was but okay you could have with their titties out now I don't condone that's Haram You can do whatever the you want but you could do whatever the you want.

Yes I saw you chill with that one girl all violet yeah um collaboration with Speedy on I know what the the prime I think was about I don't know what that's about um yeah I know what the um any of this was to be honest I I don't I don't get it and I'm being silenced by tuition being trained to be banned but they told me they said yo like you know you got to stop saying crazy controversal like it's just funny to me though. back when I was reading these comments back when I used to push and like force these certain jokes y'all were cool with it but now I'm like kind of pushing this other and want to find a way to take it down and it's facts bro it's facts like I'm I'm really trying to you know become a better version of myself and and show everyone that like it's possible to be the best for yourselves I love all of you I want everyone to be a a boss in this world. Okay so on the one end you have I want to be the best version of myself and I wanted the the most best version most cool and I want to become a better person and on the other hand is um I don't like to Resort it's around the nudity and I want to make prank phone calls on businesses and annoy the out of them and I've been really really just trying to put that in you know into everyone's brains and are still trying to find ways to bring me down. Um and that's cool.

You know because when you speak the truth, that's when you're You know when you speak real, that's when like you're a Target it's true. Um, he didn't say business. Okay, you know that a restaurant is a business right? I I I'm done today I can't I can't but that's I'm not gonna get to that core I can't read this anymore I can't do it I can't do do it I can't do it any side of things. The point is this: I'm at risk but they told me they said yo like you know you gotta stop saying crazy controversial like.

It's just funny to me though. back when I was reading these comments back when I used to push and like force these certain jokes y'all are cool bro. it's facts like I'm I'm really trying to you know become okay okay yeah chat I okay listen the the problem is that we don't even know what the he's talking about I know what the is he being talked about this is being silenced. what's going in band last night Oh okay I just want to say um I was silenced and I'm gonna tell you what I was Silence by and what happened.
So okay listen chat I'm just saying I'm not gonna hold my talking about this again because I like it then. okay I think he's kind of a cool guy. okay people say oh, this is a he's a cool kid I don't like using the word kid okay I I I I think it's chill I think I think it's chill. Okay, is chill but yeah, probably they didn't No, there's not a problem.

Here's some criticism again: I think he's trying really hard to emulate um the things that are happening to Tate I think that is doing it right I think it's a pretty um I think it's a really like unhealthy Rabbit Hole to go down I just think it's it's just not I don't think he truly wants it but I don't think I don't think he gets it and um, this is my opinion I Don't think he understands how these things gonna work at work and what is happening right? but he's still emulating them. It's just it. um I had a weak suspension on Twitch and then when I got unspended on Twitch I'd stream maybe two or three times after that and then once I uh, once I was streaming and doing what I normally do is you know I say some real sometimes um I basically got a call I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say specifically who was, but you know who you are and you and you basically said hey man, if you keep doing controversial stuff and you keep saying certain things and you keep basically you know, promoting, um, certain things on your stream, we're gonna have to take you down, uh, indefinitely. So I got a threat and the first thing I did was I laughed at that because I thought to myself, it's like this is really like being silenced because because when you partake in systems that are in The Matrix which is literally everything he works for a company company that is Amazon There's nothing in the world is more in the Matrix than Amazon Okay, how do how do you think that this service Works How do you think you're able to go live because they pay for the servers I need to pay for the servers with Revenue How do they get this? Revenue Even through advertisers How to give it advertisers for having it for delivering a product that advertisers approve of, they want to put a stample on, right? That's what we call the Matrix.

It's the whole system, right? They're saying it yo. Dude. Yeah, a lot of viewers, right? Like other people, if you do something content, it's controversial, right? Advertisers will not work with anymore, right? So you're kind of. you're kind of a liability.

Don't do this and then you get paid. Everybody gets paid and the world continues to roll forward it. Otherwise, it's time being a sellout. otherwise you can't go live.
You're saying, um, you're saying this is selling out. You don't get it. Otherwise, none of these systems exist. The world runs on money When you drink water and you eat food, you are running on food and water.

The world runs on money. Everything runs on money. You think that that that this stream run out. This you think that this bit rate the 8 000 bit rates all this data is being sent to twitching.

What do you think runs this the pipes in the ground that little government didn't that the government like has like pipes and we're always in like a public available service. No we are not. You're idiot. Okay it's they need to buy.

The servers run them, manage them and this is costly. Okay and they the service doesn't exist without money. In order to make money they need advertisement you? um okay it needs money. Okay if the only ads you get on your website okay it's for Condoms Dick enlarging pills okay and fat MILFs is it 18 miles away from your house? Go them.

Okay, you are not making money. the server can't run the power doesn't go through they there it doesn't exist. This argument is skipping the fact that there would be there would be nothing without it. They're basically saying I can't preach what I want to preach um without having to worry about getting and definitely spitted.

So he got banned for one I think he said the f word uh last time. okay and they also got banned for doing uh being I think in RP with some guy doing some skits right? Well the guy's like I think like Hitler or like a knots or something like that right? He's only he's getting banned, he's speaking, he's being silenced for he spit it. So um without having to worry about getting indefinitely splitted being silenced because they're basically saying I can't preach what I want to preach it was never banned for preaching. what do you preach ever because yes yes, in order to talk to Aiden again and really give him the not the help but really connect with him, he's gonna stand it.

She was never banned for anything he preached about ever unless unless he thinks unless he wants to make the same NC yo dude when I said that word I was preaching it which I don't think he's gonna do okay then he was never banned for preaching it um without having to worry about getting and definitely splitted. So that made me think and realize like this is not safe I can't come with this new mindset on this platform that I stream on um and and basically do what I want freely. Um so anyways I got that call from them. um and it it just kind of it spooked me a little bit because this is what I've been on.

obviously this hardly my life I've been meditating I told you guys I'm oh yeah, but they're threatening him to ban him for for what he's gonna preach. Why do you think that they would ban him? Why would they want him? and if they're gonna ban him for what he preaches because he said something that makes him think he's gonna do it again. Like what? What are you guys even talking about? Man, that's just it's it's called the pattern of behavior. You're telling him if you keep doing this, you will get banned.
You've done in the past. You've got banned three times. Four times. right? If you keep doing this, you'll be banned.

It's called a pattern of behavior. Okay, that's it in the 2010 if they're getting a band. If he does it again, like that's it. I'm pushing certain stuff and that's just what I've been on.

So I don't want to change for anyone. This is what I've been on. This is me now. So my team and I have been thinking of some work around we've been thinking of like stuff that we can do to basically block this off and basically past us.

and we got some stuff in the works. Um, surviving the hot stuff I've been banned Have been told the same thing yet? Okay, the heart of Shimmers here. Okay, here's how you're wrong. There's this girl called something here.

She was warned not to push the limits and break the terms of service. Unfortunately, or fortunately, whatever you wanted allow girls to do um, hot tub pool stuff right? So they're half naked in pools, but it's allowed, right? There are still some rules that they don't break and they can't They can't break unless they get banned it. Okay, and they're warned and sometimes they break them and they get Bend right after multiple fractions. then stop doing that.

You're gonna actually bend it. This Fox drama was did they say so Your example is wrong. There's an empirical example of a girl being pre-abanded for brand new rules multiple times. That's it.

That's that's checkmates. That's an argument. But I'm just gonna let you guys know I don't really care. Honestly, at this point I'm gonna say what I want to say I'm gonna do what I want to do and I'm gonna believe what I want to believe? You know and that's the freedom of being a human being.

So um I just want to say um I was silenced and I'm gonna tell you what I was Silence by and what happened So um, wait, ever since it's empirical, empirical, that's based on concern with or verifiable by observation or experience rather than pure logic. empirical. Yes, that's empirical I said it right. Like what the I had a weak suspension on Twitch and then when I got unspended on Twitch I'd stream maybe two or three times after that and then once I Uh, once I was streaming and doing what I normally do is you know I say some real sometimes Um I basically got a call I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say specifically who was but you know who you are and you and you basically said hey man if you keep doing controversials stuff and you keep saying certain things and you keep basically you know promoting um certain things on your yeah well if I on this because I'm saying that um a better version of myself and and show everyone that like it's possible to be the best for yourselves I Love all of you I Want Twitch called them and was like Aiden Ross you have to start jerking off.
If you don't say that masturbation is good then we're going to ban you. Twitch called them and was like Aiden Ross you have to start jerking off. If you don't say that masturbation is good then no I find it really interesting that every sense keeps saying it. Bathtub This bathtub.

this every is mad that girls are having their own streams making money off of dumb that subscribe all day for a chance dating it a bathtub but then they all celebrate 18 degrees says I'm gonna have some girls with titties out on my streamer like dude, you know what? dude it I you you guys are just stupid I I can't I can't I can't do it dude this is just the most illogical. dumb. brain dead black mold, dead rot brain I've ever heard of my life. Like dude, people get banned but not the girls with titties.

dude I'm gonna finish on my streaming. yeah what the is this like you just did it I Don't wanna sound like I'm some little idiots again. it seems like you're small then that. a girl on her own making money when it fits out there makes you mad.

but a girl on somebody else is screaming their tits out there making money for the guy is pog. That is exactly what your brain is doing it. Don't be a dumb.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “I am worried about adin ross”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shlomo says:

    Kick will get sued if people are streaming live sports so this won’t last long

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sky says:

    This is your brain on Top G.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars areese jones says:

    Xqc can barely string together a coherent sentence 😅 this is the type of bot that twitch wants these young kids turning into 🤤🤖

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars areese jones says:

    Xqc and 13 year old fan base are beyond help 😅 🤤

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LIL MOLOCH says:

    Adin doesnt even talk about dating or conspiracy he only took the working out part from andrew, but hes still getting cancelled, you can take 10% of info from any person if it actually helps you

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Og_Curlzz says:

    Comment section full of cucks 😂😂🤣

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyleaholic says:

    XQC needs to learn some people need to grow and you know how crazy it is if it took Andrew Tate to get him to change and actually work on himself.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio(NOT VACCINATED, DISLIKES LIBERALS) says:

    XqC – Liberal, Beta, Vaccinated.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ILYA SS says:

    You should be worried about Your Psychopath Ex who's coming for every single $ You Own Lil Bro 😆

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flemeqa says:

    xqc u off da perc?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Odessa de Massalia says:

    I've been trying my ass off to get into xqc's commentaries and I'm only giving up because I don't understand what he's saying.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frozen Box says:

    I stream 100% on Kick and I can confidently say that Adin Ross is wrong about there not being any ToS.
    You cannot do most of the stuff he says.

    There's a DMCA policy as well, so if Kick gets told to shut down something, they will.

    And people have already been banned for many reasons. I like some of the stuff he does, but he's 90% wrong. :'D

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zephyr23456 says:

    sounds like a complete disaster over there lmao

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S says:

    Adin made 150m and he can still stream on twitch. Someone explain how this is an L please

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ars Caelum says:

    This guy knows how to be a people observer

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