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#xQc #speeddate #thebutton

What are you up to right now? I'm getting a degree in Inter College of athletic leadership leadership. He's drunk. Welcome to the Button A speed dating show. When the button lights up red, either player may press it and swap out their date for a new person.

Get Out Of here. Damn you're saying it. Look at this game. you're saying comparing human the package is a weird Champion What do you think flying in a commercial airline is? You are literally a package.

When you fly commercial, you are literally the equivalent of a package. There's a there's a plane, right? It has fuel with propellers that Propel right? and there's some certain amount of fuel depending on the weight they're carrying it. literally. you are a package right? And things cost more because it takes more fuel so more more propellant right to lift off and maintain it when you have more weight.

Like what the? why am I Am I crazy with this. Like what the two people they don't they don't Okay and last on a date for 10 minutes They win an all expenses paid second date. This is the button. hi hi, I'm Jessica I'm Tyler Nice to meet you All right, welcome you to this round.

We're doing something different. If I light up her head, you reject yourself. cool. So if you do it and you would like to escape that day, press me all right.

start your date. you two love birds. That's funny. So what brings you here Honestly I Feel like I'm too attractive putting it in like the men in Seattle A lot of tech Bros and I'm 22.

I'm just oh nice. Yeah Oh cool. I'm 23. So yeah.

okay. well my ideal age is 24 . Oh cool. So when you turn 24.

I turned 24 and March 15th which active for an entire city. Oh cool I really like astronomy stuff I've been. that's something new. Teach me something like I don't I'm not that good at astronomy.

but I like I'm getting better at it if that makes sense. I feel like I love Australia hose. they're super cool so if you could be that, yeah, oh cool I don't know what that means. What does that mean? Those are really into astrology.

like when they tell me about myself like yeah, okay, cool, come on man. come on dude guys. I kind of feel bad Dude: Dude: this this dude okay is not. It's not gonna get it.

Okay, whatever she said. okay dude, he's already done that. but he thinks there's a chance he's not clicking it. he's he's done.

He's dead. He's dead. No. I'm not gonna hit it.

my hands are in my lap like he's dead myself out then no. if you're feeling Lively go for it. But if you want like yeah, sure yeah I can hit it. Yeah, Thank you I Love you.

You're good. You're fine. All right I'm Jessica Nice to meet you I'm more nice to meet you a fruit snack. No wait, what's your name I already said it, you forgot I forgot.

is it short for something? yeah you're a Muslim I'm like the worst. You know it's not in the package yo okay bro. I'm not taking from you man bro. If it's not like in like the actual packaging, you're going to say you'll take this hell.
I'm not a I'm like the worst one right? You drink too much. You're not supposed to do that. What's your vision like? Because I'm waiting for my kids I want 20 20 songs She said what what's your vision like because I'm painting for my kids I want 20 20. so what's your vision like? What's your vision like because I'm painting for my kids I want 20 20 songs oh my Minus 2.7 yo what is wrong people? Okay okay you guys I'm not gonna be mad okay I'm not bro bro.

What she wants 2020 Vision extra attractive, better than an entire city of Seattle Okay perfect dude. everything lined up Juiced out brother, brother brother. she has a fake eyebrows and like a cups yo what the I'm like okay like I really care about uh, my future with my family I've been thinking about that since I was a kid I'm a family yeah I know but we already have disagreements. You said you want your kids to have 20 20 Vision I'm like okay then have 20 20.

exactly That's what I'm saying like it's not gonna work up and you didn't take my fruit snack. That was kind of crazy. Okay, you can lead this. Oh I can lead this Okay, what do you do? Um I'm getting underpaid at non-profits I'm in my like save the world phase and applying to law school right now.

Oh that's super exciting I'm so happy for you. Applications are due today um and I can like finish my personal statement Oh my goodness. so so Jessica I'm gonna light up red and when I do you can protect yourself and you're free to go home and work on that application? Did you just go out? Is this? Are you two really feeling each other? Oh come on man, come on. Oh yeah, that's fair.

Yeah, good luck on your law applications though. I Hope they go well I don't like your top Oh Alex Alex and Meg nice to meet you. Those are beautiful too. Thank you.

How's it going? Oh it's good legs type is someone who is emotionally open I Try to be emotionally a healthy emotional person if that makes sense. nice. No. I I Think therapy is the bare minimum I'm trying to be I'm going to school to be a therapist Oh really, that's exciting I I Always always vouch for therapy, especially like with men or male presentations.

That is essential. Is this date going well? I mean I Really like talking to you? No yeah, it's a very pleasant conversation. Yeah I think it's going well? Yeah I might give it 100 100. Here's guys.

Here's my Doomer Theory okay and then you are and then they judge and then they you over. Okay, that's just. that's just how it is. That's how it is again.

I think sharing it. It's good. sharing too much, just not. It's not.

be emotionally open, makes you uh, an easy to take advantage of I I don't I see like very. you're like very like, um like I said being very good friends I Get that vibe from everyone? Yeah, do you want Alex to try to go on a date with someone else if you're just getting friend vibes? yeah, why not? Okay, give him an opening line and he has to use it. You know I'll do it if you give me one. Okay, um hey.
I'm just trying to get past these friend Vibes what do I gotta do to really get to know you girl? Hello, what's I'm Ashley I'm Alex nice to meet you. So what I gotta do to get past these friend vibes. Okay yeah, fun fact about Ashley she loves Jesus I do too really I Honestly, there is nothing better than a good smoked gouda. Yeah, there's nothing what smoked gouda? What's that? It's like taking all your armor off of bro.

If you get head tapped with no armor, you're done. no armor headshot. You think you can take all the hits you can. You get a couple hits in your life.

Okay oh what Smoke Gouda? What's that cheese? huh? Is that not what you said I Love Jesus not cheese. Oh I'm gonna reject myself out of disappear. Oh yeah, but it was really nice meeting you. Nice meeting you too.

We have a good time. You too. Thank you. Makes sense I mean it makes sense I mean it's funny, defensive.

Oh my gosh, you remember me right and all them yeah. I was like trying to go after you and your sister I'm sorry. Is everything okay. You came in and kissed her.

Are you comfortable Ashley Do you two really know each other? Yeah, we do. It's unfortunately. are you close? or I haven't Yeah, we're about to rekindle the relationship that was never there. Um I don't know about that.

So what are you up to right now I'm a grad student at UW right now Engineering? No No no no no okay. this dude is busted on some on some pad or some getting a degree and a collegiate it? Okay Ashley yeah yeah, he's on some powder for sure. All right I'm just famous in Seattle No unless you press the button Chloe How do you know Stephen A guy that I have. We were just out on a date and we saw Stephen just out at the bars.

he was working my corner as I usually do He sure was work in the corner in the corner I Have a fun fact about Chloe she once had a drink with O.J Simpson OJ Simpson well you're still alive so I mean yeah. good thing I know we cheers. It was pretty. that's that artificial traits I like I like the the mouth part the lower part.

Thoughts about that I know O.J Simpson I I guess he was nice I'm rejecting myself right? Yeah I'm Stephen Quinn Quinn guys guys I'm gonna do a little bit about uh, the girl in bringing bad you know Jesse's girlfriend right? 37 months I think I think there's things that are like physically attractive in that like shape vibe that makes sense or not. right. it kind of opens like a box like a bag. No take, no acting myself right? Yeah.

I'm Stephen you don't see it? come on come on white girls or something there it's like yeah, okay I'm rejecting myself I'm Stephen this is the same mouth Quinn Oh very nice to meet you. You have a very feminine handshake I appreciate that. Oh wow these eyebrows though. not a bad wish.
Okay, look at my hand like this is a thick ass hand. Okay I can't stop looking at it. Red flags are people have Daddy Issues Do you have Daddy Issues No Me and my daughter like this? Hey Dad absolutely that's that's amazing. Okay Stephen What are you most excited about? Quinn Okay, Okay the whole head is like um on a slope guys am I wrong.

It's like this. am I wrong. Excited about to do after you leave here. so go on a date with you Quinn can I get one more one for four? No sorry, we've reached our limit.

We're gonna bring Christopher in I'm so excited were you the girl with the ball black I was wearing Wear a jacket. Oh was it me? okay? oh no I appreciate it. Are you? Filipino Philippians 4 13. the hair looks like a soft boiled egg.

What the? I'm almost half Filipino almost not quite. oh my. God is he is a hopeless romantic and terrified of relationships. What are you doing here though? I'm like one of those people that's like all accidentally ruin things for myself on purpose because I'm scared vlogger.

Blessings a little bit. it's like I don't believe in dating apps I don't do I don't use any of this. no I'm not really yes I don't I don't like dating apps I don't like meeting people just show. It's like a dating show type delegate where they people know they're being filmed and and uh David they're gonna be judged on looks I am the voice in your head man am I not allowed I ever see something I say it I think that the hairline is far back.

yeah media is very private. What's the problem? Yeah so I'm very observed. This is my shopping list you're doing. Thank you.

What's your buffalo in your honest opinion? I Do have a male roommate that's probably my biggest red flag and have you guys ever had any con like any No. I have never slept with him like but we're just friends. he was one of my co-workers Why would that be a red flag? I Know someone they're always like. Oh red flag and it's just because guys and girls can just be friends.

You want to go on a date with each other I'm open to see what happens I want you to both together. What do you want to do? because I'm okay I'm okay to go on a second chance I Don't think so you say they can. Okay because in my opinion, your foundation is held back by things like you're seeing, you're seeing or thinking about other people. Other things there's the foundation isn't In my opinion, the foundation isn't always directly connected to the ground.

With pure. Integrity There are some pillars a bunch, sometimes a lot, sometimes less. But when all the pillars it becomes shaky. you are awake and the reality is you will cave in.

I'm sorry I I It's my personal opinion, when the foundation is weak and shaky, you will cave in 100. and the hotter the girl is, the more weight that there is on the foundation and the a little missing pillars that needed to cave in. Sometimes Some roses are so hot you have the most fat, the most insta breaks it insta breaks it is so bad they just boom it's like a tornado like it's not fair. Then then surprise it.
One, two three, all right. No matches today. I'm sorry, it's okay I understand doesn't mean everyone is Pepe No folks, they just don't know what they want. Well I disagree I'm sorry I disagree And guys I've spent hours thinking about this.

Okay, okay and I've come to the conclusion: don't make a weird, don't say this is God this is like misogynistic or something. Oh, this is weird I truly believe it. Okay, the actual having it girlfriends is like nearly impossible. Okay because in my opinion the dude of the girl it goes my place.

Somebody will cave in at one point if the right circumstances appear. Like many people that say that they they won. So you gave me a six day band because a very dumb thing I did after three days I'm going full schizo. Let me walk you through that mercy and let me out early like this.

Okay, do you see somebody again and they're attractive? chat I have this one time and then we can move on him. You're a dude. Okay, you're a dude and then you see a girl. Okay, and then you say yo dude, we can become friends low w and you think that you become friends with girl right? So that you get your friends right? right? In my opinion in my opinion for this not to go towards um, you know, uh, you know and you you know like Romanticism like either either or uh, a girlfriend right? right? Why? Why doesn't it go there? Why not? Why not? Well in my opinion you have a foundation that makes you not go there right.

such as maybe if you have a friend, uh, maybe maybe I don't know. Maybe you should say that one of your friends and she would never do that. Maybe you have too many goals at a time. Maybe maybe.

um, um, you're seeing somebody else. You have other ideas. imagine this is what holds the no I ain't But the reality is in my opinion, right. Depending on how hot the person is right, If there isn't enough of reasons you'll get, you're gonna cave in.

You're gonna get you're gonna get given. that's what I think I think all got most 99.9 guys will cave in and absolutely will go for the What? 99.9 percent of the people will go for the if they have a girlfriend like a friend who's a girl right and the right circumstances line up, they just will. They just I'm sorry they will 100. and you say no, You don't know why because she's probably not hot.

It's a projection because I would it's a projection because I would I Had all my admitting to that I don't give a I don't give a okay okay butter butter you have like a a nice hot girlfriend right? Hey oh I would never you and then she's single and whatnot, right? You go to the club and whatnot, right? and she's like it yo man. I I could get it on, gives you all the signs and you're like like broken up with or single. You have nothing going on. you're not looking for any girls.
Whatever. you're down bad right? You haven't had anything going on for like months, right? and you see this right? And it was just like yeah, you dude hey like a no I will not because we are friends. Nope, we are. We are, um, friends and I will not be doing any tonight Then nah nah.

stop it. I I disagree with you at 100 I disagree. Use it with you so hard You are just lying it. You're lying.

You're lying. You're lying. Stop. Stop it.

What is your problem? You are lying. You will go. All of my friends are men. I don't have female friends I don't I'm I'm incapable of that.

You know? Come on because you have a wife. Well, I have a wife and I don't I don't really have female friends because look, let's get rid of this. Okay I'm gonna tell you this: Let's get rid of this right there there. You're an attractive woman.

There's some guy somewhere saying yeah, I'm we're friends. No, that's not true. He's your friend only because you have made it absolutely clear that nothing else is happening I Think it's nowadays. relationships are heavily.

We remain your friends in hopes that one day there'll be a crack in the door. a in the armor and trust. And believe that guy that you think is just your buddy, he will slide in that crack the moment he gets the opportunity because we're gone. Uh, 99.9 of us think that way.

all of my friends are men I don't have female friends I Don't guys, it's not even a bad take. Dude, let me bad take it I disagree with him though. He says the moment they get a chance right? But in my opinion some men will be will be stronger than others right? And how much of an opportunity it is. some people will live it well, they won't go for until it's like laid out there for them, right? But still, there's still a degree or they're still an amount a threshold that they will just go for if it hits that threshold and the reality is, they will.

So can you truly think that somebody is a pure friend if they would take the opportunity if all the things will line up? I I Don't think so about you could be friend like you could be friends like that, right? like that's I don't know. it depends on whatever friend you think but I mean I would give in to be honest.

By xQcOW

8 thoughts on “Astrology woman gets her ego destroyed”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zombl337 says:

    just her body language says her pussy is a weapon against you

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alaviiva says:

    real mvp was my right arrow key that allows me to skip all of the stunlocks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Meefer says:

    First girl wanted to stay on camera so bad💀
    Just saw her get kicked out basically and tried to end the show right there, how pathetic

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghtf says:

    Funny how when its reject the other its always women, but reverse it… and its men LULW

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ness F says:

    Soft boiled egg got me dying

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CJO says:

    Kids in his chat arguing that he's anti social or an incel that he can't be friend's with girls are actually braindead children that never had sex or a boner in their life, yeah males and females can be friend's except when that happens usually in the animal world it's a big group of animal's that all have sex with each other even with their own relatives lol, also you could even argue that modern human relationships form better and stronger bonds since we can express ourselves through words and different emotions unlike other animal's, beside just the physical/biological attraction bonding is exactly what makes you want to mate with someone, that's why you hear so many stories about friend's falling for each other. So next time before you become friends with a girl make sure your not lying to yourself and the only reason you like spending time with her is because you are attracted to her

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MonaLisaOTW says:

    "Out of all her facial traits, I like the mouth part… It opens like a box" is CRAZYYYY

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars frantix says:

    first guy a def a munch

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