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#xQc #rocketleague #jstn

Are you literally got the Walter White mobile? What? What's the plan here? What are we doing? Uh, we all joined. one thing. I don't know I mean did you not be three? me and Justin versus you guys? No no, no, we could. just we could just practice that.

Okay, no no, you could just teach us some stuff, but we don't. Nobody kicks over there. All right. Oh no no no no no no no Okay, what happened I have to bind my air roll because I'm about out.

It's bugged because I have it on L one else. Um wait, did I do it left. go to settings. disable PlayStation control and support.

but is it on our one that's quick? There you go. Yeah, that's Arrow Basically yeah. do I always hold it or only a little bit depending on what angle you want to hit the ball at. So bro, it's like inverted though.

it's like inverted it. I Promise my brain and this is like it's it's inverted or something I don't know. Can you explain Arrow like I'm five years old explain terms like I'm not born yet foreign like you're not born now. um okay.

I don't even know what? the don't even do that. Not born yet Okay, five years old? yeah. how do I air roll? hey, boost on the map or not Okay, so start doing some Arrow stuff. but why though? But how about you to? just fundamentals of the game.

Okay pick up boost, pads, play ball like instead of going for these Corner boosts you see these like this: boost right here. the Big Boost Okay, you see these little little pads right here. I like these instead. Which ones? You see these? These little boys right here.

Yeah, that sounded very weird. Um, how many? How many they give you? How many they give you, how much they give you? Uh, the little ones give you 12. Okay, and then the big ones obviously give you on it. Yep, so the big ones are bait.

Um yeah. basically. yeah. and you only get them when like you need to be in that spot for some reason.

Yeah I Go for all the time. I Go for it every time. Yeah right. Like if you do that.

Yeah, like. what's the most important part of the of this field? Um, probably. Midfield Justin Okay, the balls went up the wall like this. What'd I do? uh.

Honestly, that's like the most confusing thing for me too is when it's a wall, you could probably just drive into the ball and 50 it against another opponent. Like come here. drive into the ball right here. 50 man this 250s the entire time.

150. What? Watch this Watch Poke! Oh I Watch this. I Absolutely on them. It's either gonna pinch or it'll like die.

It'll like, stay still, It won't go anywhere. Oh so you want to make sure you're hitting it second and you're air rolling. Uh, in the direction. Goal: Also, don't dribble against me like that.

What the was that? I Feel like I just got crossed up like a What? Sorry. But honestly and your guys ranked games I I See a lack of comms? There's no comms bro. what today? I'll go next or something so you don't double commit or triple commit because there's a bunch of times where you guys are just bumping each other. It's a very big problem.
We need to fix that immediately. If we want to win games, we have to fix this issue. So that's our biggest issues. We're bumping and our comments are bad.

Communicate Yes, we need some communication. Can I be like goalies we need we need core game fundamentals. okay Poke I want you hard Third Man goalie I want you I want you sitting Midfield and Jesse you fit Midfield too and just 50 everything on the message though I Come up for shots all the time though. This is Rocket League.

is that okay? oh my. God I mean your guys is ranked I Don't know. You could do normal rotations where it's more of like a triangle on the field. so if you're looking at it at the field from above, you kind of want to be in a triangle.

Like all right now, you guys are in a triangle. focus in that I can see he's just floating in the air practicing his Aerials and then he's on the right side of the field. So yeah, so I Want to stay here? So like the the who's the out of the three people who's the one that's gonna be going on the side Fields then when it when that has to happen like over here it just really depends on what's happening in the game. I I Can't really coach like this because it's really weird I need to see like actual gameplay? Yeah, well, what about undeniable fundamentals about the ball and the way it's going? Okay, but you know what? I'm usually I'm not good by that.

I use the coach to get Legends again I I have a good coding format I'll give you the format again and you fill in the blanks. Okay, okay, everybody back again. Okay, what is the most optimal way of going from the Sun position towards the ball? No, No. I Want to do this horse So we emulate a a start.

Let me see it. Okay, okay what is? uh, all right. okay and hitting it from where you're at right now? Yeah, okay. so on this kickoff you want to do a front flip and then flip again into the ball.

Okay, no boost. Uh you. you start like this. You boost a little bit, front flip and then you flip again into it.

Okay questions. so 10 minute boost Flip Flip Yeah, make sure to have at least maybe like 10 and Boost after the kickoff so you can have enough boost to get like one of the big boost on the side or make a quick rotation back. Okay good good sword up so we get out of reset again. everybody.

Sensitivity settings Okay now middle? No Yeah yeah. the fork, the fork or both before the middle. What do we do here? Wait how do I like start with a boost immediately because I'm gonna you hold B when that thing starts. What? What does the fork mean? The form? It's it's two against the ball at middle.

We're even look at that menu right now. we're forced. Oh okay so there's a rule and Rocket League where left goes. So I would be the one to go here.

Yeah, and how do you do it? Same thing as the side one. you do the front flip and then front flip into the ball. again. Okay enough.
Okay now how about ball kicking fundamentals? Um let's say I go to the kick the ball. when do I one hop and then will you when do I double hop and then or or on Boost when do I ball and roll? When do I fight like give us like a a rundown right now. Right now the ball's on the on the ground right? Yeah! so you either want to go full speed on the ground and just drive into it or you want to jump once into it. you get maximum power and height.

Okay, what is what is jumping do compared to? Because if you could go into it it it's gonna lob right? Yeah, so love is good if you know your distance is so you can't really teach that. What about one jump Is it made the dimension to the ball? Is it high power? No. LOB Oh yeah yeah you could. You could jump and then what you just said there jump and hit the ball from above to keep it low.

Yeah yeah that's like no lob. Okay overall we're playing the game and there's two phones. Again, where do we go? Where do we want to be for rotates and like how many people want to come into the ball and people stay back and how far do they stay back and they give us like a complete like a 101 of a food positioning? Um okay. hold on, let's explore real quick.

Let's see this. I've kind of just on what's happening in the game. not really like how you want to be at all times. What about what's the scenario in game? What about big No? No.

like a big big over committing or being somebody being too bad too backwards like it. The thing that you should 100 avoid all the time. Whoever is the last person back Like here. everyone come to blue side.

they say ball is like orange side and Oak and Jesse are up here. The third guy should be mostly like here. like where I'm at right now. yeah covering this space being all the way back here is kind of.

yeah. So we want to like I said Midfield is like very important Midfield Like presence is very important. you always want to have the Midfield unlocked Should we just play Threes And stream our game on Discord and coaches Just yeah. Yeah yeah yeah.

How about I think a notepad out use Discord pull out one of our streams on Discord and take notes. Almost really bad. you get the deals on the fly, but if you give a, write a reminder so you know what it does later, you can watch all of us and be like stop doing that. Slap us, we'll hit us.

Okay, let me put. let me put this. Let me put this on. Uh, this is the catcher.

An hour of scoreboard entirely? Uh, empty. Now it's my turn. Oh I'm dead. Okay, boom yeah.

I can't teach this. By the way, this is good. This is good. nice.

can I still I didn't get enough energy with it though I Want to pop it in the middle right and bounce it dollars I Want you guys to go mid I'm gonna die me poke ready into scoreboard though. Oh all right I want you I want you to shoot on Blue Okay, okay here we go. All right. Start running Yeah Oh yeah.
nice. Okay. also in this world over there folks got it. Give it to Rocket League Screen one.

Oh, you're not gonna have any audio though. Um, hold up. uh. audio is fine.

No audio is fine. You sure? Yeah did 183. We just know you're gonna win. It's like yeah.

I don't know why they're asking for a 1v3 Yeah, it's like it's like really washed up old school like. uh YouTube click made content I'm I'm good. another so I'm gonna do that if you want I don't mind whatever you guys want. hey Justin is my car bad to use? Uh, if this was 2018 2019 it'd be usable.

but nowadays either Octane or FANUC ominous is kind of just falling off. oh my. God I didn't do this I didn't think about finding boost uh I think I can't lock it Now look at my score. foreign.

What the was that? yes it's Wizardry yeah I said I Went there second place and I I had to really learn that. Look at the gravity. There's also stress that you can do on kickoff or you can go slower but you hit the ball second. I Feel like whoever's going first hits the ball into you and then you pop it over them and basically you're winning the kick off if you're doing it slow.

Uh, you could also do very fast or you just beat them. The ball. Yeah just a bunch of different stuff you can do. but are you guys? I Think we just do the normal front flip and then just kind of just hope for the best fancy stuff.

Hit it with the 50 50s. Yeah, let's keep it. Let's keep it nice and simple. Oh my.

God So one jump Ariel then is that better than double jump or what? Like one jump Also also depends on the scenario because yeah it can be good but the ball is like right under me. say like I Yeah, double jumping here would be better actually. when do I use Arrow I Still don't know what the I'm doing that. That kind of just comes with muscle memory that's going to take some time.

Yeah okay I think my brain I can feel a physical tangle in my brain when I have to move backwards. Yeah, it's very very hard to deal with. My cousin? yeah I've heard yeah I was uh I was on a team with him back in the day. Oh yeah now crazy no All American Reject singers my cousin.

whatever. it is nice you want a signature. Um is that bad if I just said no different. bad right? I couldn't get a signature Anyways, he doesn't talk to us anymore.

Man, why not famous? He forgot about us. He literally sent us a care package of like autographed stuff like she wanted it and never tacos again. that's gonna pay you to be honest. not famous and I'm talking to you ass You're Nobody true I'm living this border.

What if he's watching extra stream right now? you you? All-American Rejects I'm telling everybody. Hi everybody. All right. All right.
All right. All right. You could say you could say things you can Max it out max out the dialogue. All right.

Okay, yep, it's gonna be interesting. Uh, you need to leave the game. uh Stephen I did how old are you Justin I'm 20. um so I'm gonna use a Scarab s Purely not right.

Really, you're not using serum. Is it really that bad? It's horrible. Yeah. but what if like you can make it work? you know I mean yeah, you got that I believe in you.

it's that bad. It doesn't feel great. Very very very weird to you. But I mean is it does it just feel like super shitty because you're so used to using another car and all your muscle memories around that car? Maybe? yeah.

I've also yeah, yeah, probably I think I think if I maimed it, it would probably feel nice. but I don't think anyone would ever mean that I'd made it in Pro play and be that guy. Yeah, like in the headline I used to play uh the Elita no joker. you know about the Elita yeah no one played the elite everyone played Master Chief Yeah, I'm not kidding.

I was 15. every game of them epidemics that crazy actually yeah, she just said like the biggest hitbox of all time. Yeah, that's actually? psycho I don't even know a single person that played Elite It's kind of dumb chat. Where is? uh, tournamentation? You miss it? Uh, you have three minutes, three minutes until the main tournament starts and then 15 minutes after for second chance.

I Mean we could just do this game to be honest? Yeah, All right. Lock in. All right I Need some comms guys I Miss I Miss you guys I can go for it here. Okay guys, you don't know.

All right. Excuse you? Yeah, okay, that works. That's fine. Jesse Go Yeah guys.

take it to our side. Okay, that's fine. Yeah, that works all right. Let Poco here or something.

Oh geez, this is a disaster X you're supposed to be in a certain spot. Get off my net Dad Okay guys, yes, that's double committed just to tell him. sorry about that I did here I Missed I Missed I Missed Sorry. Okay, okay, nice.

X Take nice. Stay on. Yes. nice.

Keep going. Nice little good. Take the corner, take the corner. take the corner.

Feels bad Yes I meant I missed I See thoughts especially to stay on it. Okay, all right. oh. go all the way.

Do something crazy. Show us why you go. Oh geez. All right.

Nice. All right. Pick up some pads. Actually Five Zero boost.

Yeah yeah. I hit this. Remember the small pads. The Twelvers: Nice.

Nice. Beautiful. Nice. All right there.

Go. This is double commit guys. We're using calmness. Yeah yeah, we are every fireplace missed except for me I miss even more somehow look at me, look at me, look at me I almost actually I almost saved it.

Purple will come in but it worked all right I Can't go back right? Yeah. Nice good touch. You go now X 1v1 take your time here. Don't boom? it works.
That's fine. No I can touch I can touch I can touch that. Let Jesse go yeah. pick up some hats.

can't take this mid. Oh geez. Okay yeah. I don't know what's going on here.

We need some help guys. go off the wall. do something crazy I have it. Yep.

Yep, you're trying to try. Go back. let poke go. Okay, this is awkward.

just wait. wait on the ground. Okay, yeah. sorry I thought I could do something magical.

No you're good. you're good I respect it is Off the Wall nice good touch. Stay on that. hold on.

Oh cut it. cut it nice out mid. Boys take their Corner no me. All right.

Go back. Yeah I want you to cut this? Yeah nice Jesse turn Yep nice. you can go X uh he's coming out mid for one of you. Oh do that you try me.

Go yeah Jesse Go Nice. Actually you can touch do you want? It's fine Oak should have. Good job Nice I'm playing back now with us I'm chilling. Nice.

Stay on that middle middle. Is it awkward? Just jump in the air. Your score Nice. Go go back.

Go back. Go back. Go back. Go back.

Let poke go here. Oh I'm gonna try again. Not that's good. Okay, okay.

it's all good. It's all good. We're learning guys. I think we're over committed here? Yeah X there.

you want to go back? Okay yeah. I think turning there kind of confuses everyone. Yeah. go back.

Left here. Foreign? Yep. Nice. Nice.

You can go away. Yeah. I can't get away. Oh geez.

nice. he's gonna punch it. Yeah, he is I got it? I got it? I got it? Yeah? yeah. yeah.

Take your time. Nice. Stay on it. Nice.

Okay. went backwards. All good. all good.

all good. Oh no oh my. God oh no. oh geez.

Okay, it's fine. you guys have time. relax, relax, relax. Justin Shoot Boom the absolute most bloody ground balls.

Which I guess it's all good. Did everybody miss? Oh my God Okay fine guys. they're clutching. It's fine.

it was rough but it is. My car looks really cool, right? Look, you guys are learning. You guys are learning. This is good progress.

Nice All right. I Got MVP What does that mean? Oh shut up. This guy was the Bronze from that game. Uh X yeah up turning so much let's let your other teammates go turn.

Yeah, um yeah. go back. a little bit more pick up. more pads too you were going for Corners a lot.

Um, other than that, that's pretty solid. It's a work in progress. You guys looked very good in that game for the first time. I Get what he's saying though.

If we invite invite wait, you guys are playing. No wait. Nuketown is on your team right now. kicked me and then queued without me please.

Already in shambles. radio replacement I didn't take you yeah it said it even said you kicked me on my screen I mean Neutron is awful purposely buffing. Oh this is dude. Actually he just wants me to get kicked and he wants you to join and just carry.
What's this man? Wait, the three versus two. The three dub. nice good touch. Your time here.

Oh I like this. wait that was kind of nasty. I tried it all right. turn into this.

Oh oh geez. wait why? that's why it's okay. it's okay Fox Rocks are sitting at yeah I I I should have. um you need to reduce the panicking.

yeah I Always double click my A Jesse Are you serious man. Oh good. All good. plenty of time.

No way. right? nice. Let's go girl. the way X go mid.

oh what for them? Oh, look at this screen I might be able to coach actually a little bit. Yeah, put an assistant coach. let's go All right. Yeah, don't don't do that.

Yeah, okay, don't panic Guys Don't Panic it's all good. All right. just don't do that. All right.

Pads need some boost nice 12 and hit it forward if you want nice. What is Newtown Doing This guy is lost. Yep, wait. this guy's actually trolling.

Can you talk in the chat I don't know I haven't muted but he's actually awful. He has zero points. He actually has a full scoreboard of donuts. That is just a tragic yeah.

that's what I'm saying. he's got a cookie. I I Poke You go? Okay, fine, fine touch. Oh oh.

open that. Take your time. take your time. take your time.

I mean that's as much time as I should have taken I do that. I mean I got it. there's 50 good 50. doing English I probably don't do that there.

nice try OH Close Don't do that. Oh free shot. Oh good pass. no I mean fish.

that was the way for your net I can't anymore. Oh good when you miss Nets just save the pass. Oh watch out. it's wide though.

the ones on it okay. roll away. what is Nuketown doing This guy is seeing like another ball or something you tried flipping somewhere else. All right I Give up.

Nuketown's one of those players that has Netflix on a second I tried it I have helped I tried it and it made us loose. No no no no no seriously look no Yes. Oh but hey, can we get a scoreboard? check real quick on Nuketown that's still Donuts How is this possible? He hasn't hit the ball once. He hasn't done anything.

Does he have an expert? You guys are 2v3ing folks writing seriously Nuketown What the bro? Oh wait. that's weary though. Middle is smoking. Me: Okay yeah yeah in that situation.

double jump set up because you have noses nice. Is there ball transmogger? now? it's always the same. Oh what the is that it means I make a different ball of color and let me skin. So yeah there's like a trail behind it where it shows what? Like which player which team hit it before so like it'll be a blue truck.

a blue player hits and it'll be an orange throw I haven't noticed that Nuketown just keeps hitting me man. Oh God happens. I Literally okay. apparently he still doesn't have zero points.
Oh that was good. Oh he's good Now he's good now. Yes. four.

Oh good. and this is still winnable. It's gonna be very difficult though. Oh, follow this.

just go. I Can I try Oh, you missed it. He missed the ball. When the ball's over, you turn off your camera ever.

No, he's learning right? Yeah, Oh good. This game. What's everybody doing? What was it? Because they won the game I don't know about that one. I Don't think we can score through in three seconds? Okay, right here right here.

Nice. So is this just uh, it's not just a troll, right? Uh, yeah. worse than you guys invite me please? Could Justin play a game or no? Justin Is it you too high rating or something? I am too high rating I Don't have a Smurf either. xqc I don't have any smart accounts zero twice a Smurf that would be so up.

Did you guys do a tooth match? Why? I want to eat my uh Chick-fil-A real quick? Yeah. I'll do one more I'll do more? No No. I mean I'm in a game with you, then leave. then wait.

Why am I in a competitive solo? All right? I'm not gonna lie, this game's kind of shiz. I Feel like that happens? So I'm not surprised. Disgusting. Okay, does anybody? yeah.

wait. Tournaments are five minutes I left. Second Chances In four minutes you guys want to play that one. Yeah, we'll play that.

Okay, you guys weren't looking too bad though that first game I saw lots of improvement rotation. Very good. Oh is it 2v2? Oh, it is. Okay, never mind.

Don't do it. Yeah, how do you leave it? What about the esper? The esper looks crazy. This isn't good. Uh, how do you look at that? Uh, go to tournaments? Uh, press on it and then how do you leave it? What the wait? Am I in your party anymore? Careful.

Okay I didn't have any. You click on it, then it's actually sorry. Yeah. points.

Where's my points at? Wait: I have 12 blueprints? What the we have 8200? Okay, did you just queue? Oh okay so it's kind of the same thing just Front Field Backfield this game Mode's kind of who do Pros: play TV 2s most players most Pros 95 percent of Pros play 2b2 right over it through. everyone finds 32 just awful nice. All right, this doesn't count a little gun. nice.

Touch it for me. All right. You just roll it in good try. good try again.

Trying to kill him Okay, yes, he just turned for that. Yeah nice. Just sit here. You can just sit here and wait.

Yeah, all's coming right to you. Nice guitars. What a loser. Uh, you might want to touch corner.

just hit it back. Yeah, pick the corner and then might want to touch it because the ball is rolling right in front of here. Yeah, all right. So what happens when you do a game and get an Apollo you have a teammate that isn't playing the game? Yeah, what do you do with like I'm being useless? Uh normally I just insta leave.

Yeah either he leaves, we both leave them. uh All Me by the way and I'm gonna guess holy crap it's over. it's over. See I'm just fine I just follow the sex.
Nice to meet you Jesse yeah he's winning that you have a lot of time. What? I'm going back. Oh that's not lagging my things. Oh no, this is nice.

David Yeah, um no. I think I'm actually a thumbs up. You don't have to flip at everything with this game. I Keep getting like it shows dice in the corner of my screen or something and then I just teleport across the map I Don't really know why? Well, that's your own I Don't get it now.

All right. You flipped under it. you had no boost. None of you went for the kickoff.

This is bad. Yeah, yeah. I knew that was happening. What do we do better? Uh, just.

you might want to go for the kickoff there. All right? Yeah I thought it was. You said the left side goes. Yeah, yeah.

but unless you're presented differently gotcha, it's going in probably one more time. Mine is fine. It's gonna land right on your car. Oh damn.

I'm not gonna lie. I'm I'm not gonna. We need to when I'm doing the winning stickoffs I touch this Gonna Be You Jesse Yeah I Stay on that nice good 50. nice Edit: Ax Let's go back.

Just go back. And he's turned it up like a corner. Your bomb I Hit it Yeah nice. Get it mid.

Why is he dying I Don't get adjusted you nice. Why is he dying? Just no. The game's ass. Sometimes you run into them, you rail them full speed.

They don't die. There's nothing you can do about it. Really treasure. Okay, that's cool though.

Good work I Like some plays. good work. Oh you go. you go.

you go even up. lots of time. lots of time. Aim's not over.

Nice. Good Boom. stay on that. Hit the middle I Tried I was slowed down, slow down the streams recently and the schedule.

you're aware of where everyone's on the field as well. The other team nice. That's nice coming out mid for you Jesse Yep. nice.

Oh hold on nicely. Touches: it's an open net I Tried I Tried here you go try that's used to be Yeah. get the pads. remember pass your iPads right.

you can shoot up here unless putting in the middle for you. go for it. Just full commit for this for sure. Aerial training stuff.

Yeah yeah. so whenever your key for a game, just try doing that every time for like other free play stuff. remember when I said that nice there roll it up the wall because you're so close you can follow it. If you roll it you don't have to flip into it.

Nice good. try ice cream for this next. Oh all right I'm gonna kill him. Oh good time last time.

lots of time. Don't panic. Wanna cut right side I'm not sure that was amazing Nice Shot Come on. good job taking your time.

Good work. Good yeah. I think I can download it Can they fell for that? A minute and four? yeah. I'm gonna slowly kick off right now.

Nice. Thank you. Nice. A little bit of a rolling but hey.
All right, no problem. Just listen to you how to keep it in if you can. Nice. It's right here.

You can head it right here. there's two of them. Try. let's see.

Uh uh. shoot. Honestly right? Uh Jesse Yep. Nice.

Hey, we don't play Rush Here we play properly for this for this last these last 23 seconds. I Guess once you I want you guys to calm where you're at on the field like I'm behind you from to your left, you're right. You go. You go.

you go smoke that you're good. Good. Did the late thing I'm gonna come right back out to you. Just wait.

Don't don't fully rush it. I'm back behind you I'm going for it and I'm going. Yeah, yeah, that's right. That's right.

10 10 seconds. you're good. You're good. Just cut it here.

nice am I it's wide I'm going for it I'm hitting it Hi Nice, unfortunate game we've We've lost four goals in the beginning in five seconds. Yeah, Listen, it would have been tied if Jesse If Jesse won't feel the kickoff, we need you to go for more kickoffs. All right. Okay, also the comms were just irrelevant.

There we need columns guys. Cam Cam Jesse I'm gonna monologue this like it's a book I You guys want to become the Super Sonic Legends right? Yeah yeah. Communicate your way out there I will talk like I'm fighting Captain Spock Yup yup I Love it I'm gonna come like I'm Darth Vader she's good. That's fine.

You guys play another game okay buddy I Go man I Go I Go yeah their side I'm getting big boost. They're gonna touch it though unless I'm on your right side. uh they're gonna I touch I touch. It's nice.

Wait man he might hit it to you. Hey exits you try. take the corner. take the corner.

Nice. Good boost. still uh oh God wow I'm on right side. hit it.

Yep. hit it. Moving it this way. cool just for them on your right.

Take your time you can. you can see both of them I'm right behind you I missed. Okay, take your Timex on you now. Nice open that I'm behind you yeah I'm watching The Stream I'm watching the Stream s middle middle I hit these by the way.

Nice. three shots nice nice torpedo. good guys. this I'm left out good.

good work. good folks left out I can't see Folk's car yeah oh you go you go I go I go left. Yeah no rush it. rush it.

come on. but I'm mid nice hello Fields I Just wanted to let you know. Okay, it's okay, it's okay. you can make it.

Let's see, it's gonna be easy though. Yep, I'm hitting it Off the Wall no he's far net. he's far enough. Yeah, you're fine.

just sit your time. Go for a 50. 32 months nice and I'm gonna walk it a little bit this way. um it's off this way but you're behind me.

Nope, this is all you to tell you to tell you. Yeah, that was lucky that was lucky I didn't whisper he went forward I said I get the ball before I Go I go I Go I Go 16 years and you know above them good bomb s it nice. Stay on it. keep it low.
keep it low. that's okay. that's okay I miscalculate my passes I was kind of far. yeah holy crap that'll help.

Oh my. God Okay, he's good. save this is you. You know you know you know we're doing.

Skip Hop I'm gonna smoke in the middle I missed completely. You're not you now. Yeah. I got it Nice.

Uh, actually middle. Oh that is me. No, you see it. Yeah, we need a third man.

Are you getting on? I'm here I'm watching. This is looking rough right now. You know you know, you know, you know, you know. nice this face your space.

Take your time and keep it low. Dribble around. Destroy them. No, just talk to me you.

Goblin I was on camera communication I was trying to kill I'm controlling I was trying to kill someone I'm sorry. it's all good happens Google's down a minute. you have plenty of time. has to take it.

you have the Boost I Guess okay put it in. Nice Torpedo nice nice good policeman that was bottom race fly good work God Foreign nice good bub ble a good time. Oh okay. 20 seconds, 20 seconds.

Worst thing to say to me before I Up Literally ever. What? What do you say? Don't up. Take the back left. Hey guys communicate I hit it.

it's going off towards your thing. Yeah two minute delayed columns You you? Oh man. wait what is guys. Until you get Poke in the party I'm worse I don't know what you're talking about.

it's the lock-in you guys are you guys. Started off the comms. probably good for the first 15 seconds of the game and then it went downhill I Need you guys to keep it consistent the entire game? oh my God it's actually fine I have a ton of security Yeah I give a it's controller is a sturdy as crazy easy. so were they afraid? Yes 100 they were bro I Just got so much loot from challenges.

Oh wait. invite poke Now invite Jordan party is no longer available bye really cute up imagine look foreign. Wait this guy's cheating. That controller is hideous.

It's modified. Yeah all right guys. you don't need to calm everything. just come important stuff.

I'm gonna hit the ball all right. Go left phone you Go right there. So crazy. I Love you chat.

All right yeah. Go for it. I Go Oh I Don't know. Stay on it.

Set that up for me. I got it XX open that. oh he's back. You made it back I tried to I hit it backwards right look at pads.

Okay, all right. let Poco let Poco nice me wait I'm playing I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm going back. Oh nice. Oh go mid here.

try position. you probably get it. Get it in there. Oh I Missed it.

All good. All good. Anybody missed again. Yeah fine.

okay too. nope. Get back a little further next time. Yeah I forgot.

Yeah. Oh good. All good. I See you.

You have to make the greatest save ever. Good try. What is the scariest thing I'm scared. why did it scare me What the was that and I ate Chick-fil-A I'm a new person.
this is not fair. Hold on I was in the goals I think I would have eaten I go left is that Chick-fil-A You guys go I Go go get it a shot. Nice. Interesting you media a tribe I Hope it's gonna be here.

just sit next here just Go Slow Down Slow down. Oh that was actually a crazy job. No, that's my fault. It's all good.

All good. There's no net we need. we need to stop panicking. Slow Down Slow down.

You don't have to play full speed at all times. Oh that's beautiful. That's gorgeous coming straight down. Yup, it's a floater in.

Don't even touch it. Nice. good work there. Good bump.

Get him out of the play. Yeah, Never all right. Are your ex back left here? Yeah right? Oh what nice that works? Yeah, fine. It's your time.

Yes you guys go. You got zero boost on it. Okay gonna be Ux for now. Nice for 50 watt shot here.

Yeah all right. See you yo yo. Then one more time I'm gonna say some words I don't like it you as I'm as I'm chasing it like oh God All good, All good, all good. all good.

Is it a fourth? Nice Over two? Owen has to be there. No, that's nice. Follow: it's in the air for that Nice good dog. Okay, come right to you next.

Hold on Yeah I'm I'm ready for a punch. Yeah, yeah, that's fine too. Yeah huh? Oh no. Nice.

I used to pop. Don't follow that. That's not. Yeah.

nice pick up pads X that's open that's open I tried to contest I had no pass look at the mass pads. Remember pads take it. nice. he's going last man.

he's gonna miss it. Yeah, can you get it better for me trying to just keep going, keep going. just go full speed. it's coming up I'm safe, nice, nice, nice, nice.

I think I think I know how to play the ball now I think I think I'm this is like this: look at my points. oh yes I mean never mind I thought it was the other guy I think I'm getting him out I put it on metal yo yo when the ball's not jumping if I say something. Always gonna be inside like that. yeah you always just want to drive there.

Don't don't jump, don't flip me. oh it's called you said hit he said Me: oh I was asking I was asking if he was talking about me. Never happened, never happened. Take it nice Me: does he stay on it? yeah stay on it.

Nice nice find X it's gonna be you I shouldn't you try? um let Poco no I had it nice good touch. take the mid follow up mid middle right? How am I So cool man? All right. yeah that's a good word. Oh no no wait what the I just terrified.

Okay let extra lagster I can I can I can in the middle yeah nice. so we're bouncing it nice good words thank you. Oh there's heaven actually anymore that go. go for the mid boost next time it's white.

it's not in that end I Don't have to walk, let's drive into it. Beautiful. You can wait here and you can drop at it. Nice I Hit it all right.
You guys are up one you don't need to score. Just like keep away coming out mid. It's gonna be one of you I don't know what's going on I need comps guys I can hit it Nice Beautiful, clear folks who played the best. Um I have two goals but it might have been a raincoat but that's because the end of the day this is the most goals I think is who plays the most solid and does the most for the team.

Yeah and ax look really good that game besides the whole boost pad picking up issue stuff I think that's one thing but I think I do now if I took the ball for somebody I don't sit there I just get out. Yeah you guys both played solid good work Yeah no I didn't I'm telling you I'm debuff right now it's all good I did that I won the game oh I did actually then rocket League what is a snap? no my eyes yeah this map is forward. All good though I had it's beautiful. Nice good.

see that's what I like to hear I'm in the middle. Yup, nice act. See you next. Enjoy! That's right.

that's right. Nice. Oh my God bouncing it back I'm gonna try to get it back to you Okay yeah, oh goodbye. you missed it.

Nice? Nice? Okay yes Yep. I can't walk it. Come on. a middle middle.

Oh goodness yeah. okay. actually follow this. Jason yeah I got it? Yeah.

oh that was almost sick. Try good try. Yeah. drive into it Nice.

Oh they pushed me. shoot it. almost the corner from nice. Wow.

Seriously? Oh no. Oh no. oh yeah. me, that was me.

that was me. It's like a man hex. we need. we need to slow down a little bit.

All right yeah. I'm going with the best I'm just I'm doing uh ball today and also uh, boost yourself. Got it? It's a nice one I'll hit it here I got it I got it I got it I got it. nice.

great touch, great touch I got it up. flip into it nice. nice. excuse me.

by then my brain was Tangled but I took a deep breather I don't like it. detangle my brain and it actually detangled I just gotta think about it because the ball is going from left I'm looking backwards and I want to go to the other side as it's a Doubler are you going nice this time for real nice? That's really good. xqclm they're they're nervous they're panicking. Where's the ball? yeah you got you got smoke lineup done.

All good. Got it nice I'm still hitting here coming. Oh ah yeah. I've seen swiping in.

Wow. All good, all good. You got two minutes left should I Love defense. Okay to a fortnite player here I know I shot okay, this is him.

This guy didn't see it coming I'm sorry because I was on the computer but still that was an amazing play. It's crazy now I'm watching from under your desk. Thanks Fog Huh? fine. I'll try the new thing I hit it after your time here.

Nice work I'll hit it I'll hit it. Yeah, okay, yeah. stay on that word. fine.

Really, it's good. dunk. Oh guys, what is going on? Come middle. Oh no, this is not good.
Oh geez. I Killed him. Oh do we want to be one? I got it. I got it.

Roll it. roll it into the net. That's it. No, it's not what.

Oh no. Oh more invested than you guys. Come on guys. lock in turn.

someone go what the going on I hit it I hit it. Oh no. okay okay me. nice ax cut open.

good bump. wait that guy's the luckiest Fire under nice. you can take the corner. Yep.

oh as far as far I see you go Shoot yeah oh go back. Oh that could be crazy. what's this way here? x Nice shot Nice. so sick nice that was good.

Torpedo plastic boy good good Steve nice actually you can chase it wow poke yeah ah it's good. save for this I thought oh no oh no we clapping got it I got it. Nice. nice, nice my exco Alexa you guys are up on the lead I got this in the middle.

um I'm ready for the ball I'm into the ball. Yeah oh good if you want to be dead. Nice. That's a big bunk 'd Again, the comms were kind of blacked out.

That's okay. that comes were way better I think that was way better. Yeah yo I'm a little I'm running up so slowly. Yeah, that game's kind of ass though.

It's like that did you get NMR like increase whenever you're going doing more room. Uh, you're pretty sure you get MMR increased when you're not in a party. or if you sell it, can you get one? It's a nice ball. Oh wow.

yeah it's a fudge ball. Me: If: yeah. nice. That's me though.

that's nice. Exits: nice. The touch around bubble that is. get him out of there.

Oh nice. Good place, good play, good play, good work. I Didn't want to fight my teammate over. Yeah, that's fine.

that's perfect. Honestly, if you bump them there, you probably would have bumped them into the ball. Yeah I Go I Go I up I'm fine. Stay on it.

I'm coming. Nice. Oh yeah. uh.

wait. Night here Nice. Nice I Pass this to them though. No no no no yeah I've watched this look at that.

Maybe maybe it worked with enough dude. Whiskey for sure though. Nice. fine.

Poke it's gonna be. You know he's gonna stay on that. What just happened. Oh, we just got a brawl I moved All right.

That's me. That's me. It's Ux. Fast.

Beat him. Nice man. Stay on it. You go, you go.

Yep, it's in the center that's past Pads remember Oh nice. oh what the and he's gonna head over. How nice to go. Yeah guys, it might just be in you don't need a tattoo.

Well I was scared it was gonna go to the left side so I was just ready for a little bunk to decide. I was gonna hit it I was trying to be a wall so it went out. It was gonna go back in bruh. All right X You go nice nice.

Oh do something cool here I died I died I think most Shadows Just fine. Oh go let's go. it's come on I know it was. it was very like a fast thing.

Oh good. All good. Go back guys. You actually went back a long time ago.
How do I how do I call is what? I'm thinking dude I can hit this I can hit the game. This game requires no thinking fun I can hit this again. No wow. this guy is like a maniac.

That's good. Nice: I'm trying yeah yeah something happened I can hit it Oh oh the man is no that's right. pads, pads, pads, pads. You've missed every patch.

It's all good though. Good turn then that was solid. pretty word. stay on it middle yeah good Pop poke no it's too high.

What are you doing? Take the quarter stand. do something cool All right. Nice: Me: Yeah yeah. I Just drive.

Just drive. Just drive. Next time, just drive. Don't flip.

Leave me believe you're staying up too long. It sucks. All right. Yeah, Yeah, for sure.

Oh, that is just me. Yeah Slow Down Slow down a little bit. Yeah, nice. Watch the boom here.

Okay, just drive on the wall and boom and hit it all right. That's right. I did that? I Just stay on that beautiful Chase Guys nice. it's coming right down to you.

This guy's a little weasel. What a loser. Get the Merc out of the game. Bump him.

Okay, okay. back Flip: nice. They're gonna get it in 25 months. Can you welcome me to the assistant? Yeah yeah, that's nice.

Open: Boom. Nice. Good work, good work. I've become the goalie that we used to talking about.

Dude: uh in some scenarios if you you see how under the ball there's like a circle on the field when it's in the air, you'll see it in a second. Yeah, there's a circle. Yeah, you can turn off your ball cam and you can see more in front of you as the ball came off. but you know if someone's like super close to you or super far you need to like get it over or take your time.

But like right there you could have taken it off and you could have like not panicked. It still worked either way. But just for future Me: Whoa Whoa Whoa. Bench today I Lost the pinch five.

What's the shot here though? Me: oh my God you guys are up. Shoe up, triple committing. Take your time guys. take your time.

Nice thoughts: I'm gonna come right back out to you Oh that's a Me on. Yep, that's nice. Oh that's a me. No Oh no, it's fine.

It's fine. You guys won already. Oh good work. Let's this girl that's a super solid game there.

I Like what? I See good work I mean we're not losing it, Is it? She's the best way to go. right? At one point we won't need you to test where to go because it'll be anything in our heads already. Yep, Yep. dude, my phone's blowing up.

How about you leave me the alone I'm not at the work you know I'm at the office Dumb? yeah I'll stop calling me I was trying to give you calms yo I'm at the office. You don't call the phone. You got that. Oh nice.

Watch out meds Okay, okay. why would you go to that side though? I don't know Oh my God guys this is another miscommunication. Oh nice. You can still go.
keep going. Yeah nice nice Chucky slap that I'm trying. it's coming mid it's coming mid donkey. Oh follow this napkins and McDonald's oh I see so we're just rotating positions.

there is no goalie oh my God it all makes sense. Oh my God Thanks bro. Good work, nice calms yo I was at the craziest. Oh good.

All good. I Do get it though. I Do get it. So like someone needs to be, that's probably me here.

It's time to act nice. Yeah okay. you can turn. Let's go back guys.

go back. Yeah okay I can't turn. Okay, that's fine. it's wide.

Just wait here. left side assistant. All right. Nice foreign I Got hit by someone.

It's not me right now. Yeah okay. what are you doing there? You're not even in the position. whoever's behind the guy who's on offense I want you to play a little closer? What is that? Who does that? then I hit I I Oh gonna bounce out the wall I'm gonna come in watch the shot party I hit the guy that was gonna get it out.

You're following it. Keep following up. Nice beautiful, nice. Poke found that I got it I got it.

You trust me? Try. go back. Yeah, we're doing that 24th for this now and go. Okay, just drive into it.

nice he's Gonna Roll It's gonna bounce mid. It's gonna be a free shot here. Nice. Oh good job.

All right we're just in the Triangle position. Double boost whoever's behind the guy who's on offense. just play cluster I go left gonna Bounce Down to You Just oh I I actually hit work I can continue I can keep walking. Yeah good.

try you're trying, it's still in the middle I try a nice try. Okay I should have been backwards. just roll it in. Good work.

nice. Oh I get the rotation. Now this is only three jobs. that's why Duo suck right? just like open space.

um it's just like I don't know. it's just different from this. like wow. it's like a sweet spot.

you know I feel like I feel like yeah? okay? 33 is like there's a good amount of depth to it but it's not too old with spammy. and then 45 is the Mega spammer or sort of yeah. thanks. Go back now.

go back. Let Poco I got it I got it this corner Oh no. oh you missed fine. okay I Hit I hit Yep.

nice. nice. Hope you next I Get it on the wall. Nice.

it's in the middle, it's not in the net. I'm gonna come right to you. just hit it Forward nice Hey Jessie you do that? no Mexico just go. Oh oh I'm so confused.

All right. fine nice I Like I like oh my God Can you hit it again? Try it soon I'm trying to stop it too nice You it? Oh I'm on your left side I'm on your left side. Good point. good time that's right next to you sorry I Love it good Bob X Nice.

No, they're not dying. they're not dying. Yeah, you might have hit your own teammate there. Um, all good though.

I hit it I Hit it. Yeah actually nice. nice I Like the confidence. good work, good work.
He's gonna paint it. Watch the Boomer Yeah you guys are bumping each other. This is not good shot. Nice.

good cut X I Hit I Hit I Hit me okay. Dump back. Oh no oh my God Nice. Stay on that.

Stay on that. Go as fast as you can. Just hit it. just drive into it or something.

Nice again again. Oh man. Jesse Go for next. nice exhale I Can't do it.

Just drive into it. Nice. He's not. He's not here a lot of time.

a lot of time. Nice. we come out I'll get it. Yeah.

oh that's me. That's not you. You've done nothing I know you got it. Let's go.

That works. Yeah Nice. I mean I didn't get that. yeah.

Oh X Oh nice guys. You have to slow down. Slow down. Okay.

you're overheating a little bit. Me blocking okay. um. go for it.

Nice. Nice. Keep it rolling. Keep it rolling.

That works. Stay on it. be annoying. Nice.

Pick a corner and leave someone else middle spine, middle Brown Middle Brown Middle Brown It's rolling all the way. Oh, you're all three here. You're all through here. I'm back.

Keep it in. Nice. Nice. Oh this is me.

What energy is about to stray any second now X Take the Boost and turn. Beautiful. Nothing. Oh man.

Slow down. I'm the only one calming. What do you mean? Okay, please man. I Spent three hours.

Let's go. let's go again. Oh I'm going away. Hey, stay on that beautiful place.

lots of time. Nice: Jesse You next? Yeah Next again. Yeah, What do you mean calm I I Don't you're telling me. Okay, Okay, okay.

okay. listening to Justin Okay, what do you mean? Pull it down. Slow it down. We're going a little too fast there.

Yeah. I did all win for the ball at all times I think I need to. You guys need to trust each other. Okay, it's gonna say I'm going for it and he's got it.

He's got it. Okay, if he doesn't hit it. Okay, that's fine because we're bad at the game. We'll fix that over time man.

but we still need to build a belief that he's gonna get it. You need to believe each other. You know? one more dog. Mm-hmm Are we better than we were before the phone call I Think we've got money? Yeah, probably works.

It's all part of. The Learning Experience Go get it down eventually. Me: Me: All right. I'm back I'm back here.

You go nice X you next poke go back. Uh, it's okay. I'll go though. it's a good bounce for you guys.

you can make it back. There's someone challenge folks. Beautiful! Dusty 10 for it I Want you next go Okay, it's all good. Okay, it's all you.

Yeah I'm here. Nice. Oh, that's clean. Oh my.

God They look hit all three of them because they're nerds. They're kind of nasty. yeah. I'll play them.

Oh wait, look at that. He's doing this backwards. I Literally pushed the goalie all the way over there too. Actually, you can go Nice good dunk.
That is nice. All right. You turn mid here. Rex Oh oh, it's in anyways.

Boom Got a squadruple fake I don't know what just happened I Tried to do what you did in our classroom earlier. Well, you you you you. You pinched against the wall and you started humping at it earlier. I don't remember doing that one.

Hey, you squeezed against the wall anyway. finally. Oh the triple tap off the back way. I See what you're trying to say? Yeah, a middle.

yeah. Drive into it Nice. Oh, that's me. that's me.

Take the mid boost and then you can turn. That was me. I'm not nice. Watch out.

Watch out. Watch out. Nice. Good.

Caught. it's coming mid. When do we have to go? Uh. running back? Yes, don't don't Oh guys I can get it.

Yeah. I got it. I got it. Oh, it's in the middle of them.

Oh yeah, yeah. let's take the mid boost and follow the ball. Let's push that. Yeah, push that.

Yeah, it's over. It's over. Fine. Who knows, that's me.

I didn't expect that hit God Damn it. All right three minutes I Thought you guys gonna push it far over here and then this guy. Is that my fault? You mop head fudge? Uh nice. You can go back.

Attacks: Yeah. Oh okay I got it. I got it. I got it.

I Mean I was in the position though. but okay guys. wait a minute. wait a minute.

going challenge I Thought I Have to go here. Oh my God are you hitting guys My mental was there. chat, chat if my hands are bad, my brain is good. When my hands get good, my gameplay will be good.

It's called dude. It's a simple equation but my hands are bad. That's not a problem. if the mid boost and go back.

let your team go. let your team down. Oh you couldn't win for the middle, right, one left side. stay on that.

hold on. Next stop that shoot it. Beautiful that is not panicking. Good work, good work that is nice I think I'm on drugs.

try try not to sniff uh your teammate's asses there. just sit back a little bit more. Got it? Uh, you know if you hit the boost on the go, you get speed boost right? Yeah I Wish take the corner. take the corner.

Nice. Keep going good. Try it. I'll hit it Nice Good Boom.

Stay on it. Jesse call you back. Slow down. Yeah yeah.

in the middle. Yeah. Turn for it now. turn for it now.

I'm Gonna Roll Up It's Gonna Roll Up You can just drive into it. The bomb. Leave. leave, leave.

You don't have to turn. You know? yeah? if I could stop it. Uh, why do you have to jump fast? Nice. Clear.

pick the corner. Hey, that was crazy. That was crazy. Good word.

Oh wow. that's a hard ball huh? So fast. Search the bottom right? Yeah, that should be going 60 miles an hour. Guys, stay on.

Stay on Me: Me: yeah yeah. I'm back. I'm back on a minute. Okay I'll come back in the next you go.
All right. it's gonna be good. It's our time time time. relax time on you now.

Good cut open that be pumping you Good try. Uh, two of us. that's me. Yeah.

Nice. Two folks. The corner at night. Nice.

X Go nice. Put that in the center for me. Oh there it is. Yeah yeah.

nice. try. That's right. Good pop.

there's two of them. Follow again. nice. Jesse Kick it.

Okay, okay. take the Boost ER no it's over. It's not enough. I'm in the mid though.

over still wide. Oh good. Nice. Great time.

Stay nice. Nice. good bumps. No it's good to be you.

Oh man. Ah okay. okay. Lock in.

lock in lock in lock it. Uh wait. hold on in the middle. All right.

I mean try to try. Okay, good touch. Okay on that nice couch. just go.

Just good. No what he did was insane though. I'm not gonna lie, it's nah. this guy's name is soccer for life.

Look what he did though. look at this stop that um it looked like it wasn't moving I just got there I I Swear to God I was gonna replay x for this next game I want you to play slower and let your teammates hit the ball more. It looked like it wasn't moving but I just got there. it looked like it wasn't moving.

How did I throw? finding three people hitting the ball, killing people doing Maneuvers and metal gymnastics and add CTP on the net of any of the cows to come home like what the Am I do there yo What the okay. Also calm if you're next to me, like if you're following up next to me because I could pass it to you like instead of doing the Hitting off the left wing middle Strat I could just pass it all right then I'm gonna play. where's this anymore? Yeah I made the double shot to be honest I think I saw folk go for the ball at least two times that game. You need to opt out a little bit.

We need everyone involved equally. You guys need to lock in yo. check your DMs though. Oh man did you take a damn son.

Uh, just checked it. Oh yeah, we'll talk later. Sorry guys. Peace Yeah strikes when.

I Enterprises what's the what's the best rocket boost? Please give me the guy got sparkles. Standard any color or alphabet? Yeah Jessica yeah I'll do it I'll give it a shot I guess I'm gonna chill. That's me. Okay, Nice.

you can go here. Nice. Thanks for that. Go back I got it? Never mind make sure we're rotating a goalie a little bit.

you save it good try I need you to slow it down bro. I'm going faster than poke one another one here there. You don't have to go fast every time. All I have to say okay.

he's taking his time trying to hit it around me. All good. All good. Only one goal, one and a half minutes.

All right. Okay, go that. Go down here. Probably Me: Yeah, yeah, that's where you cut it.

Okay, that's okay. That's okay. let's go go crazy. That's bad because if I hit it, it's gonna be in the other position.
You're gonna do that. Okay, it's okay. it's okay. Okay, nice.

go again. Nice again. It's in the middle. I'm not hitting it.

you try oh the enemy Me: uh maybe maybe yeah. I'm back I'm back I'm back now I'm back I got it. Go try it. No, that wasn't me.

That literally wasn't my fault I don't care. it hit the top ropes anyway and it had like a super like triangular angle looks like in Pentagon General Okay, it's okay. it's okay. Three and a half I think I can go back work okay that is a that's a Me angle oh my God Ever since he told me to do more hits, it's me up I I'm gonna go okay you want to go back Boxes: you're actually stupid but I need files between you and Jesse okay Luke feels more comfortable in the in the defender then uh I buffed it um I can't I can't hit me I can Edit: I can hit it no what? it's just locking.

This is luck. but we report them before the game ends or do we do it after? No. I do it during the game and he said to them them all right. look how look at that was.

look at. look at that. look at. look at this.

oh it's lucky these guys are. It's okay. it's okay. it's okay.

four goals. we can do it all right. Okay I'm gonna put drama but y'all Justin do you have a rocket League battery What do you mean like so much? um yeah. I could probably go like six hours but I used to be able to like 12 like 16 hours.

Yeah I hit here. By the way, if I was just a little bit bigger like a RV they give me an RV I hit those. that's me I'm in the goal man it's me. Okay, it's okay, it's you.

If you comment you're not calming it somebody come on this. Come on guys. Palm On you bro. Do it.

Oh there's a lot of calming going on. You want to hit it calm that you want to hit it you they lost connection. This is your time. 2v3 2v3 me.

No there's no shot where there's a 33 here. Guys: Okay, no, it's just because you're making me mad. You're gonna agree. It's nice to come back time.

This is a store that we need a chat. Three more. Come on nice. Come on guys.

Player disconnected. This is what happens when you make me mad jokes. That was even cool. It was a slow patient goal.

nobody else I had this and I hit this again. Yeah guys. okay. hold on hold on guys guys there you go.

I'm gonna google I don't know what just happened, but keep it up guys. I Love these double triple commits. Honestly I mean keep going. Okay I mean we're looking into the the poorly way.

uh you guys go I think most what the oh that's just me. It's literally like me right now. Yeah, all right. X you bang nice.

Yes, it's me. oh oh me. around them nice. don't finish.

Oh if I would have hit her at a better angle though. Oh nice try. nice try that was close. Oh no.

nice. pick the corner. Yes. okay, so am I alone.

Is there any place on my team at all or not that was that was Dusty that was Jesse Believe it or not, you're not alone. We're actually all here and watch as 46 seconds to score three lock in. but it's a good one. My brain is Pride right now and mine is too.
Yeah I'm done with this game. Fun! Oh that's a free goal though. Oh I got it. I think oh I got hit by an enemy I think the um over here right over here I'm lucky.

Okay, you know what? are you guys playing? One more. Yeah Okay this game. I'm not gonna say a word. it's just gonna be the same thing like this one.

No, it's by Simon James I'm not gonna say a word I Want to see what happens? We're doing one after this. I mean we lost against two players? That is what it is. All right. Wait, let's make sure.

I'm not gonna say a word. but I want you guys to look at my communicate actually communicate this game how the happened? How does that even happens I don't know what happened to Chick-fil-A Metabolized weird my body. wait how many points did you have? Six six with zeros across the board I Don't know I wouldn't have had the ball if you didn't take it every time Jesse eyes and let me hit the balls into the game before. I Snap Yo Lock and lock brother sometimes I've hit the ball eight times I See nobody in my team doing anything yet What the is that across the board? I Think we need to have a team leader first I'll do it I could do it all right I Want you guys communicating this game? Okay, yeah.

big comes the entire game. the entire game. All right. 15 seconds.

don't have to ask me twice. Yeah, me me, me me me. it's middle guys. horribly.

Come on guys to me. Nope. What do you mean Start off horribly. You're so lucky.

So lucky. I'm lucky. What's going on that's is. that's mine.

He comes. hey feel it's it's my 29 months of today. That's fine. it's been a good three years.

Uh, that's a U angle. It's me, that's me me I Need more energy man. come on I got it. That does not look like you have that one.

Yeah, unlucky happens. The best of us. My engine shut down I need to go to Benny's repair I'll go dude. you ran out of gas.

It's all good. All right I hit the ball I don't have to do it. Okay, okay, come on, come on, come on. that's that's Jesse I go left ABS That's me as hell.

That's good boy. Maybe I think I got this one. Why? Faith that says whatever I'm going for. Like me, that's poke.

that's X that's me man. this guy is insane. They don't hit the ball once I'll let him get to your head. It's all good.

Gotta kill you All right? Get a good Center Yeah I Can re-center I'm re-centering four foots. No. I didn't they missed it? hello I Don't want to say things oh man, come on guys. nice you Five Guys Nice.

You got it. You got it guys. How are we crumbling on defenses badly? bro. I'm actually I'm actually I'm not just swimming in life I'm actually hitting it from this though.
I'm just eating it. Oh, it's okay. Nice. I think that's me.

Any positional comms where you guys I'm at our Nets Beautiful. That's it. Remember what Pope just did a metal? Hey, it's coming to the side. Go for it.

I'm playing back and playing back. Don't worry about it. hold your door. I'm playing back I'm playing back here.

me middle middle I'm playing back. You guys go. Florida for me. a minute wait.

do I Way too high I I Put the game the game. I'm playing Minecraft A good seat. six minutes. Oh that's a village actually.

yeah. Lava pool Nice. Oh look at this. wait.

a nice shot. It works. That's a pretty decent shot I Can think of my time there, they're going like a Full Throttle if I just stop full Twilight I'm chilling I'm playing back I'm going back I'm back. Yeah, but that's me.

Well if you go Me: oh I don't even understand how the ball did that. yeah I mean it's so fast. Oh um, that's actually you never mind I didn't miss it. Miss Little nice Yes we did with that one team did to us yo.

So we literally get like three attempts technically. Thank you. That was nice though. Strategy right there.

That's a cool strategy right there. I Go I go left side. keep it up. my back doesn't chill.

Um I can actually hit it again. Yep, that's me. Fudge got it. a middle cell middle cell that's going directly into our eyes.

okay I'll hit it I'll hit it no I can't thank you. Pinched it. made it hard. but if you want I'm gonna put I'm putting the middle I did a little debate I need to go for it.

Nice. crazy. that was crazy. Get him out of here 30 seconds.

Still losable but well I went through them like Matrix You can lose a two goal lead instantly I apologize I mean beautiful. Oh yeah son, you guys don't need the store all the time. I Guess what? it's nice I'm gonna be able to hit it. uh, middle.

What's up? Everybody caught it up. Good work Squadron Oh we went a little quiet though. but but we're all a solid game. Geez yeah, you have any um feeling, uh, you have any uh things that are absolute dog that is very precise for each of us About that.

Okay, all right. starting off with you, you suck at picking up pads, pick more power. okay mistakes. Um, that's how you learn.

Jesse I Need to start saying me more. Remember to maximize the things you can control and mini

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “I challenged rocket league pro jstn to a 3 vs 1 and this happened!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eclipse Beatbox says:

    Finally got JSTN!!! ❤

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Average Thug Hunter says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MusicalTarrasque says:

    Jstn not the best coach lol

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oxygen not needed says:

    wathced this 600 times can say this is a xqc classic

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bengy_s says:

    xqc swore 87 times during this video

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mouffer says:

    When he said "At your level", it reminded me when Hikaru tried to teach this absolute Pepega chess.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mini says:

    Love that Xqc is playing with Jstn 🔥

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keysar says:

    goated stream segment

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xtroyd says:

    yo xqc can i get a heart ♥

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars paper towel says:

    Oh no

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheBigDesigner1 says:

    This guy knows how to lose 17-0 in a 3v1

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ˡ 🐈‍⬛ ˡ says:

    Ah yes, I clicked on the video the first 2 minutes and I've seen 4 different people say "First" who is really the first person was here?🤔

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars decxmbers says:

    who else was sad xqc tubbo and quackity got eliminated from mc squid games 🙁 xqcL

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Hettesheimer says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raihan says:

    He really maximized the things he could control and minimized the things he coudln't control.

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