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Well guys, what else? Watch the most videos. A few months ago I watched what had to be one of them wildest encounters I've ever seen away. This is a vigilante. Predator Hunter Group that was busting the person there and this goes completely insane style.

It becomes cartoonish. It's almost like a Benny Hill chase scene here I Couldn't believe what was unfolding in front of me. I'm currently looking my fiber. Your what fiber fiber? Yeah, cause I Gotta poop? You gotta poop I'm constipated I've been constipated? Yeah yeah.

This is a very interesting tactic. This is a high level maneuver. He is claiming that he's not there at the meat spot. For a 13 year old boy, he's there to get some Fiber So he can take a.

He's been constipated. so he's there for some poop pills and it doesn't talk about Galaxy Brain genius. To put together the puzzle pieces here, connect the dots and deduce that he is on meth. You know he.

he's getting loopy off that poopy right now. He is high on meth, which isn't just speculation. At the end of the video, they release their entire investigation. Screenshots of all the text messages that were exchanged between this guy and who he thought was a 13 year old.

and meth comes up a lot. Even right before meeting, meth was discussed and as you can see in the title, he was arrested. This guy. he'd pretty much confirmed meth was in his system.

Hey man, I Can involve the police or we can have a conversation. You want to have a conversation. you want to turn around and talk to me I Gotta find this person. Hey bro.

I Can call the cops right now or we can just dissipate it or we can just have. We can just have a conversation I'm actually really constipated sir. Please can you actually let me get my supplements? so I can poop and Ashley so I can poop? Well, Step one authorities. The second: you found a real pedophile that was trying to meet up for sex with a 13 year old and like get them smoking meth or whatever like I I Don't understand why that wasn't the first thing you did.

Luckily there's spoilers in the title so you know he does get arrested, but not for the reasons of this investigation. Some crazy happens towards the end had he involved law enforcement earlier. Even from the start I feel like this could have been far more effective. It seems like the first thing he did when he identified a real pedophile was trying to figure out how to monetize it and make a viral and then you just because he gets like two different cameras out.

He's got like the Steadicam he's got so many cameras set up. He's got like the GTA cinematic angle going on here so it really feels like the number one concern was trying to figure out a way to monetize it. He also was like I mean that's it I mean obviously how it is up with the camera says yo, give me content oh I'm gonna do the right thing and call the police like bro do I didn't do anything to do here is to call the police. don't say it yo give me content and then I'll do the right thing.
Yeah what the is that that's brain dead? That's just like blackmail. Like what the action in the video to subscribe to his channel? he's got the People vs. pred Watermark this is branded out of the Wah Zoo so it does really feel like the number one thing he was looking for here was a way of making money off of the bust. which is kind of weird.

Who cares though? Didn't meet a child dumbass. So yeah, you're dumb. you're you're being an idiot now. just don't no stop.

It is still good that this does lead to an arrest, but I really do wish it was handled with collaboration from the actual authorities. Can you help me find it? You want me to call the cops? Why would you want to call the cops for me when I'm trying to find my friends? Why am I here? My 13 year old little brother, who is that I don't know who that is. Okay, well this is like crazy though. Who is that I Have no clue Christ Where are they hiding the fiber pills in this? Like goodness gracious, are they underground? This man's out here trying to locate fiber pills and it's like trying to find Pirates buried treasure apparently.

Uh but anyway, you can see he's really starting to tweet quite a quite a bit now. Uh, things are getting escalated. the the man filming is starting to call the cops which is something I feel he should have done quite a long time ago. but we're only just beginning.

hey buddy, is this you? Hey you please? Why do I have to pick? Why do I have a picture of you? Is this: Why are you doing this to me? Is this you? Is this a picture of you? Why do I have a picture of you Almost this? What is it? Why do I have a picture of you Oh my God Why do I have a picture? Why do I have a picture of your? This guy's here to meet a 13 year old boy first. then they give him Crystal Man oh my God Negotiations yo what's in his hair? You're all boy first. then they give up Chris Still man yo what's up oh he probably tweaks on methany's scratches his head and he's getting dandruff up in his oh my God negotiations crumble diplomacy Falls And then things really pop the off. so he shows him that he has a picture of this guy's and then we enter like the DPS check of the raid boss encounter here.

So now he's chasing the pedophile around while shouting. he's here to meet a 13 year old boy for sex. The Predator starts shouting. Everyone in the shopping center is confused and maybe even a little frightened from this sudden explosion of yelling and all of that.

And we also get close-ups of the meth molester's head and it seems like he has a lot of dandruff. Anything at all. It just struck me as wow, that's a lot of dandruff so he might want to pick up a bottle of Head and Shoulders on his way back to the poopy pill aisle. Well I know I noticed it I Was here to meet a 13 year old boy and to give him crystal meth.

He said, what's happening you do you know where Czar Call the cops. This guy's here to meet a 13 year old boy. Don't touch me. Seriously, don't touch me.
What? Stop, Don't touch me And don't put your hands in front of my camera bro. Are you stop? The cameraman here is really coming across like a combative. Obviously, the store employee doesn't know the situation. He's not omniscient.

All he sees is two people screaming in his store while one of them has multiple cameras set up like he's out here trying to film a 360 degree music video. So he's just trying to get in the middle of this and like, hey guys, how's that? How's the employee Ella The guy that has no deal. What the is going on. Everybody's yelling and like that and some guy in this perspective.

Okay, there's two people. One guy claims something he doesn't know, it's true or not and it is recording it and antagonizing. And like that. he doesn't know what the is happening.

How could he know what is happening here? He's a store employee dude. Like what does all do Hey, can you de-escalate it? You know, take it anywhere else. And and for some reason the Predator Buster is now starting to get mad at this guy who's just doing his job like he's done nothing wrong. He doesn't know what's happening here.

He's just trying to de-escalate the situation. This guy's here to get a 13 year old boyfriend. get in front of my camera again bro. Because you're not.

Get in front of my camera again. Who are you? You need to leave. Hey buddy, get the out of my way. This guy seems like he was closer to fighting the store employee just doing his job than he was to fighting the actual pedophile that he was there to bust.

His is crazy. Why Why are you here to meet a 13 year old boy? Let me find my fiber pills. Oh your fiber pills. Where's the fiber? What the? Just when you thought it was starting to wrap itself up, this guy goes back looking for fiber pills.

He goes back to the fiber pill aisle and keeps keeps the whole song and dance going. We're in act two now. Incomprehensible. The that is unfolding here.

I Can't believe that this actually is a real thing that happened and isn't some like staged scripted piece of I Don't know. Fiction it's it's It's unbelievable. Why are you here to meet a 13 year old boy? Why are you here to harass me? Why are you here to meet a 13 year old boy? That's why I get a 24-hour span for typing the same thing. is everyone else? Why do I have a picture of this If I'm a weirdo, Why do I have a picture of his face? Look at it.

Why do I have a picture of his face if I'm the weirdo. Some of the other people around him start calling him a weirdo, the guy filming to which he takes great offense. so he goes over to the proof that he's not weird. So he goes and says if I'm a weirdo, why do I have a picture of his Goodman over here defending himself I Can't be weird I have a picture of his butthole right here.
Look at this. He takes his phone around like it's show and tell. He passes it around saying hey, look I'm not weird. look this is his anus I don't know what the strategy is there.

He could have easily explained I'm conducting an investigation. This guy was trying to meet up with my 13 year old brother. That's a lot more easy to understand than like hey I'm not weird. this is this like I don't I don't know what the thought process was I think he was so lost and deep in fight mode that he was just trying to like get aggressive with everybody, even just completely innocent people that didn't understand what was happening trying to meet up with little kids.

Oh, it's also a comment that probably described how this part in the parking lot plays out. They said he's acting like he's the general boy running away from a pedophile and that is so accurate. He's running around like hysterically screaming and just going absolutely ballistic. He runs in a circle and then even lays on the ground for a little bit kind of wiggling around.

Can I just go poop. Okay Chad Okay this this legitly feels like an NPC though. Wicked Holy what the oh my God it gets even better. The pedophile is high on meth and operating a vehicle and it goes about as you'd expect.

He immediately peels out and blasts himself like right over like a small little tree and some bushes. It really looked like it was about to take flight. That was some what if this was daytime and that was like somebody somebody could have died man beat for. Speed with like the Vigilante Andes Who who have no like operating procedures? You just don't You just do the dude.

I Had to say it again. there's nothing wrong. It's a terrible person that a bunch of other people should suffer from it. That's how it is.

It's not because a woman is being degenerative that that other people should suffer from the consequences of that. That's how it is like. God Damn Oh my. God Whoa.

Hit and run. Call the police. Call The Police. Immediately after vaporizing a tree and destroying that like area of bushes, he peels out once again and manages to hit one of only two potential obstacles in the entire parking lot.

Someone else's car. He goes by and hits someone else's car. There is literally only two cars in this entire parking lot. It is actually more impressive that he managed to hit something like I Can't even I Don't even fathom how he could have up.

even worse. It's unbelievable. Just call the police guys. I Got the taxes.

Call the police. Call the police. Why? what time the cops bro. I Got the video.

You don't need the video and he pulls the handbrake it. Tackle is done I Always hate that mentality. Hey, someone else called the police I'm busy recording. No no no, no I'm recording.

so someone else called the police to handle this. There's only a handful of situations where that makes any sense and that's when there's one of my watching. Then having a video of the situation can be helpful to the overall thing. So you could have one person video while someone else is calling the authorities, but in this case it was just him for the entire thing.
right up until the very end. He should have been the one to call the police but didn't and the uh predator makes another inexplicable decision. instead of leaving and instead pulls up to the front of the store he just ran away screaming from and Parks it he just he just drops that right in front of the storehouse and then gets out to try and run back into the store which I don't understand at all. He's treating it like this with some kind of safe zone or something and as he gets out of the corner and tries to run back in the store, he gets tackled by a Good Samaritan who had just seen the hit and run the and everything that unfolded in the parking lot.

So he gets tackled by that guy and it's like a Goldberg spear he that is a great form textbook. Maybe he's just tweaking and he's convinced that that the meat will still happen somehow I think he's like in a thought Loop that he starts to meet somebody in a store. so he goes like in the store that's what I think tackle and then the cops do show up to like a meth infused thought. Lupa Yeah, that's the one thing.

come on man. The cops go through his things. They find a pipe, they find a lot of stuff. They arrest him for the driving.

DUI They don't seem super interested in the Predator catchers investigation and what he's talking about. They they don't really pay too much attention to that. Instead, they arrest him for of course the way he was driving the vehicle. now.

I've mentioned this numerous times over the years. I'm not really a fan of vigilante Predator Hunters For the simple reason that nine times out of ten the pedophiles that get caught in these operations don't face any real repercussions other than like a video being made about them. You guys have reality. Yes, I'd always be a bootleg or India game but they have a job to do by now and and things that did happen right? And yes he has like part of Investigations and I'm sure that if you're like giving it to them or whatever what can they do right now they can conduct a thorough investigation in the parking lot as they as they uh get get the guy over there after the crimes that he did commit uh what would want to do can't use the investigations because they're less than professional meaning the Predator doesn't spend any time in The Slammer They don't go to jail which allows them to continue preying on children in their communities now.

I Do think there are extenuating circumstances like for example EDP EDP may have not gone to jail, but that video that was made about them by the you know Gotham Knights of Predator catchers did a great service to the whole Community because it exposed him for abusing his platform trying to meet up with Children And Even if he didn't go to jail, it still took away his access to more potential victims. So overall it was a positive thing though. ideal outcome would have been him also going to jail. in this case, the video we just watched this Predator Probably would have never went to jail had he not operated the vehicle while high on meth and caused a massive commotion hitting multiple things.
Had he not been driving that recklessly and high, he probably would have never, ever seen any jail time for the investigation conducted by this channel classic. So it's just one of those things where yes, it is good to expose the Predators but I really wish it was handled in collaboration with law enforcement. so that way Not Only would they be exposed publicly, they would also face jail time associated with the crime. but yeah, anyway, this video was wild and I just that's interesting I know that the video anyway.

entertaining for sure.

By xQcOW

13 thoughts on “This whole situation was crazy xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The_Gr8_Deceiver says:

    I'm here after Tim's and Nick's reaction video to the flashgitz spoof of you guy's . I subscribed to your's and the other's channels. I respect the hell out of you guys after you all seen the spoof and got a good laugh out of it. Honestly, I learned of the four of you guys after the flashgitz video. I'm definitely a fan now.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars People v. Preds says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beau says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Whoeverdafuck says:

    Wish he watched the full vid instead

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Getz says:

    How is it possible that both you and long-haired man are both trying to critique the investigator? Can you imagine coming face-to-face with someone who was trying to prey on your innocent brother and not being filled with rage? Sure he may not have made the best decisions to bring the situation to a close, but to critique him is fuckin stupid. Also, by alarming other customers in the store, it should have given plenty of opportunity for a rational customer to take the situation seriously and call the police while he continues to gather evidence on the scene.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ok says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corn Holio says:

    interesting strat for the store employee to instantly play defense for the guy being accused of being a pedo

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NOICE says:

    hate moistcritical commentary

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bring Me the Monkeys says:

    Bro only wanted to poop 😢😔💔

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars liam ferguson says:

    Xqcs chat is filled with trolls and 10 year olds xD
    I literally started to just watch chat during this video and holy shit, it's like a retarded echo chamber 😂😂😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Delbs says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Treyskyy says:

    L chat

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JhonDiick 420 says:

    video is old af lol

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