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Foreign My boyfriend has said okay, send the line for the fire department. Do Not hang up. Yes, well that sounds really hardcore. Just tell me exactly what happened there.

Uh, my boyfriend already were playing last night and I put him in a vacation. We were playing like kind of a hide and seek kind of thing. So wait, it's this girl and I woke up and he was dead in the suitcase. So I don't know what happened from somewhere or what.

Man: no I pulled him out of the suitcase. He was in a suitcase yes and I fell asleep right? you see breathing? No I need you to get him on the proof and his back for me. Okay I did I did I tried giving him CPR Yeah Okay, listen to me. Okay, listen to me.

I want you to learn Spanish back for me on the floor. Okay man, that's fine. we're still going through compressions on him. Okay, please see heel of your hand on his breastbone right instead of the chest.

Yes, would you have a head on top of that hand? Okay, please. Okay, he just gurgled. Okay, listen to me, place the heel of your hand, rub it in his chest right between his breastbones. Yeah, the top of that hand.

We want to pump his chest of me hard and fast. twice per second. One two three four one two three four now. Oh right there this is 42 year old.

Sarah Boone who you just heard on the 9-1-1 call a few seconds ago. Her boyfriend was 42 year old. George Torres Jr who she locked inside a suitcase the night before, ultimately leading to him dying of. Suffocation Sarah's explanation is that it was a totally unintentional and unforeseen accident.

But what she's completely unaware of at this particular moment is the fact she recorded two videos on her phone last night. The first of which was taken at 11 12 Pm and shows her laughing at George while he's zipped up in the suitcase. but George isn't laughing, he's asking to be let out and repeatedly stating that he can't breathe. The second video was recorded 11 minutes later showing the same thing except the suitcase was flipped over and in a different area of the apartment.

Sarah is both unmistakably and heavily intoxicated in these videos, which may explain the fact she didn't delete them. It would be safe to assume that she has no idea the videos exist, and yes, you will see the moment she becomes aware of their existence. but we first have to acknowledge how this episode was even possible and that would be the law and crime. Network They sent us the uncompressed documents that comprise this video.

In almost every case we have covered or will cover is already available in its raw form on this channel, which includes the two main items of public record in the case of: Sarah Boone Starting with the body cam footage which is right where we left off, that's why hello there I Go! I Had a cigarette wait one second. Okay I really need some drink? okay I got my Dr Pepper on the counter. Okay, okay, um you are putting a puzzle together. Yes, we have a puzzle that we started in there I can ask lady having a good time but we're drinking.
We had a bottle of wine last night. Okay, so then it's like excited to play hide and seek right? Okay, so he gets in the suitcase. Okay, who is this guy? That's my ex-husband my former husband. No.

I called him over here. Okay, okay I didn't know what to do here. Let's talk in private. Okay I called you guys.

all we had was a bottle of wine. Literally just a bottle of wine. Okay, okay doing puzzle artwork. Then we decided to play hide and seek.

That's all that happened. Okay here. let me fill this step in. Okay, please may I have my Dr Pepper it's on the counter anymore I can get you some water.

Okay, the officer then talks to Sarah's ex-husband because it's supposed to be her. refer to the fact that Sarah was meant to have custody of their son today. I'm really not very good about always doing it. Um, you need to call 9-1-1 and get somebody over here.

and then, uh. basically. she said she needed to go outside, have a drink and a cigarette. but um, domestic violence with her? Yes, Okay, He explains that George has been arrested for domestic violence multiple times against Sarah and that Sarah's literally bailed him out every time.

Okay, well listen, the police officer asks the ex-husband to stick around for a little while longer. She then gets a notepad and returns to Sarah to collect more information. At some point you put him in the suit. no he got in the suitcase so he thought it'd be funny to be put in the suitcase.

So I was like okay, well I'm gonna joke with you and I'll zip you up, make him you know squirm a little bit. whatever it is. but then I fell asleep right there. Where did you follow through that upstairs I just totally began to do CPR on him.

Yes yes no it was the afternoon and it like air was coming out and he was gurgling. but I just told by looking at him but she knew how to do CPR you're doing that on your own Yes okay I want you to sit back down because I don't want you to have one more sip of water? Please can I have a cigarette please ma'am I can't take anything out of the house. it's on the back porch. Nope.

All of it secure. Okay, The officer then confirms the ex-husband will be taking custody of the child and your child is in school right now. he's not here with you. No no no no okay I can't even start with how you would explain something like that.

Okay, the ex-husband leaves and the officers wait for investigators to arrive. Not right now. We can't have you go and get anything. Why don't you sit in the shade.

The investigators then arrive. Hey Sarah did you get enough water? No. If you want to stay seated, don't I don't want you getting light-headed So remember I said the detectives were going to come out and talk to you and go from there. they're here.

They're going to ask you a few questions and then go from there. Okay, all right, all right sir. my name is Chelsea my partner Scott they asked Sarah what happened we need to dip them up in there I go upstairs and fell asleep. um I don't know what happened.
Okay, we're laughing about it I went upstairs and I fell asleep for my life I Want you to know that I am afraid for my life. Your family have never liked me. Have you called any of them? Um, we talked to his uh no I mean like about this? Okay, okay, we live local yes or down the road. They're going to tell me.

the detectives reassure Sarah that she's not about to get murdered and then go in to investigate the apartment they seated. okay Sarah I know you're panicking. Okay, just relax. We'll come and talk to you.

We'll keep checking on you. This police officer was brilliant. Her temperament was perfect for the situation. The investigators simply asked Sarah to stay somewhere else for the night and to come to the police station the following day with any questions she might have.

Sarah Stayed with her ex-husband then showed up at the Sheriff's Office the next day at 3 51 PM with an entire handwritten page of questions. the first of which was about when she's getting back her phone. I'm gonna have you fit the green chair that doesn't move. Appreciate you coming in.

yes, Ma'am Sarah takes out her page of questions which the investigator semi-aknowledges then brushes off. Um, so obviously. um, he received his autopsy. So I'm gonna read you your rights again because I we have to talk about that.

Has anyone threatened you or promised you anything to get you to talk to me? No, and do you understand what I described you? Yes. Perfect. Okay, Sarah has no idea what just happened. This morning we went to his office and we were informed of some injuries that he has by the doctor.

So he had some injuries to his left shoulder. um he had um, he had cut near his like lip. you can see we could see his um, his mouth was a little I haven't laid his hand on him. Okay, Forensics have since proven that George sustained his injuries the night he died and he didn't have them before entering the apartment also too.

I he fell off my son's bike. Okay, so I don't know and he's notorious for running into the wall or the hall tree. that's why. Okay, the investigator details further injuries including a contusion on his neck and they're all recent.

like if they they occurred recently. It wasn't something that occurred post or that occurred a week ago or two days ago. Three days ago. They definitely occurred.

you know, the night leading up. So when is this okay I Get it, it can happen fast. Okay, this this lady and then uh, she tells him that, um, her husband is dead but basically he was. She locked him up in a suitcase and she just hit them up and he died in there.

And then she has like three stories on how it happened. Pretty much we have not gotten it. no idea what it is. We had a good time sitting on the back porch having wine and smoking a couple of cigarettes and then decided to go inside and literally paint, do puzzles and play and listen to music.
That's why she had all night to set this up, which is the issue for all we know. She could have designed this entire scene of events from scratch. There is a 12-hour gap between the time stamp on her videos to the moment police showed up on her doorstep, which is plenty of time to assemble what looks like a very pleasant scene of events that in no way precipitated a drunken act of Revenge that ultimately led to murder nobody got out of. this is Wes mind-blowing to me like I don't I have no clue, nobody laid a hand on anybody.

He also had um, like on the left side of his forehead. He had basically bruising um and um like his head and skull I have no idea as if something hit him I considered I have not touched him I have not touched him I have no idea we had a good day. It was a good day. We've had good days.

Lately it's been good. like I don't even know where this is coming from. The interrogator now brings up Sarah's last call to police reporting domestic violence going to hit you with a curtain rod. Yeah, with a curtain rod.

that's why I Can't believe you guys didn't take that either. She just referred to the fact that George didn't face charges for the alleged assault like we've been good I don't the last time he got out of jail like we've been good and he's been having his classes. What do you mean by good? What's your definition of good? It couldn't ride. Oh no, you said you guys have been good which sure doesn't I've been good I Don't think you all understand.

He comes at me all the time he comes at me so it's either I flee or try to go upstairs and go to sleep. That's usually what it is I don't know if you talk to Brian about any of that, but most of the time when I sleep I go over there. So Sarah is detailing possible motives for retaliation. Routine procedure would be to keep her train of thought locked on this element, provide encouragement and understanding while inquiring further into the suspect's Grievances with the victim.

The only problem is that the lead interrogator really, really, really, really doesn't like Sarah and abandons the task of pretending to. which makes this a significantly flawed yet remarkably entertaining process to Bear Witness right? But you're saying that you guys have been good. and when I asked you yesterday that you could remember was the curtain rod incident when she said it was a month ago. So give or take right, the investigator challenges an earlier assertion which remodels the discourse and the suspect then starts defending her relationship with the victim.

I really love him like I do and I feel like I can help him. he came a really long way and he was trying. She somehow transitions into the principle of how she doesn't normally drink and it's kind of only because of George that she drinks it all the occasional why, whatever or if it's a weekend that's when you. you have a good time.
you don't have to wake up the next day I have to wake up the next day and do things I Can do 50 things at once and still know the 50 things more previously prior that I need to get done. He can't process like that. He didn't process like that. so the next thing you know, he doesn't want to deal with it.

I'm gonna go get something to drink. Nobody knew George better than I did I say that I knew George better than himself. What was that chronology and I tried in every way shape and form. Ask everyone I helped him I took care of him Sarah talks about George's anger management classes and the supposed progress he was making and would always come home and show me where it's like wow you actually are learning this in class and some of the stuff that they would show them like videos.

he would come home and be like Sarah I'm so sorry for what I've done to you. he changed and that's why you're still with him even though he's done all these things to you. and when I tell you I love him I love him. Wow, when you love somebody, you have limits.

At some point somebody gets enough. In the next moment the detective will say then they have to do something to defend themselves Sarah's temperament will completely switch at the completion of this sentence. Then they have to to do something to defend themselves I would just just flee and or I think it's I think it's actually on a laptop. She explains how she once filed a restraining order against George.

Then for some reason brings up his ex-wife Interrogator lets her vent about the ex-wife for two minutes. She will now bring the focus back to the investigation. Um, playing what time you he was zipped up in the we started because we had. we cleaned the house a little bit, did some laundry.

She recalls the game starting at around 4 P.M and her going to sleep. So I have four and I have midnight so there's a big gap. So I'm just curious. Like if you recall when you went upstairs to hide in the shower or like when we started to play hide and seek.

Yeah, well. we went inside. probably about if I had to guess. two adults, one apartment.

hide and seek. got it started to pay? well. started listening to music for a little bit. started paying.

Uh, can we turn the music off? No problem. start at the top. Paint. whatever.

I don't want to paint anymore. Let's just. ah, come on. Okay, you want to play hide and seek.

What he does is okay. Tag, you're it. Which looks like okay, we know. Okay, take off.

That's not how you play hide and seek. Yeah, that's that's what I said. That's what we did. Um, have you guys ever played the you said you played hide and seek like probably three times in your relationship when you have played, Have you ever zipped him up in a suitcase prior? No.
Okay, the suitcase originally is in our closet buried all the way to the back. that won't I don't that's what God she's going to use. Yeah, our closet needs to be cleaned out really bad. My son's clothes need to be cleaned out really bad because they don't fit him anymore and I'm tired of looking at him so he took it upon himself including that suitcase to take it downstairs so we can get all of our clothes, our donations, and everything and just leave the whole thing by the clothing and shoe thing at my son's school.

No, we're just I'm just asking out of the in the past like have have you ever zipped him up in anything jokingly or not but obviously I Understand, you know you're claiming that Sunday it was a joking matter, you were laughing, he was laughing. But what I'm just asking is in the past like is it something like I normally do? absolutely not. Okay, um okay. so do you remember making any videos or maybe having any cover anything? Any photos videos that you remember doing on your phone on Sunday No I think I took a picture of a dog? Okay, um so I have something that I want to show you that we found um and it was from your phone.

With regard to the Colossal realm of interrogation footage, the level of notoriety these next moments acquired is virtually unprecedented I Feel like this picture belongs on a wall Somewhere You need to move it around? Go ahead. Oh no. I Don't remember that for everything you've done to me. for everything you've done, your battery's about to die.

Shut it down. Oh okay. Sarah may have been hoping that that was the end of it. The battery is low.

rookie. Is it long? That's ironic I Continuously throw up I Don't sleep I Don't want to see it. If that's okay, you can either explain it or we take it for what it is. Yeah, yeah.

try to give you the opportunity to tell us what's going on. That's it. It's that long. that laptop is dying.

The whole that's my name to learn I Don't want to watch that please. I'm saying that she can't breathe. it's upside down. The interrogator should not be cutting each other off, but their missteps can be forgiven.

On this occasion, due to the power of the evidence which the lead detective will now focus on. Guys, it's upside down and then the heritage of words that occurred 11 minutes later, it's flipped over the other way closer to your dining room table. Okay, now he's obviously still in there, so he didn't How did that? How did it go from the back to the front I flipped it. Okay, My plan was not to go upstairs and go to sleep.

Well, that's what you did. Yeah, but not intentional though. No, you told me you went upstairs because what you were getting ready for bed. Just to be clear.
Sarah Still has no idea how screwed she is. She just referred to an earlier statement that she didn't lock up the suitcase all the way so George could get out. So going like this, it's like this. But why is he saying I can't breathe and why is he pushing on it as if he can't get out and it doesn't show a hole? There's no hole.

there's no fingers I don't see his fingers. There's no hole I don't know what you want me to tell you like I don't know. like what you want me to tell you I'm just showing you I'm just telling you what we see and what we've heard from them. I understand he's begging to let for you to let him out.

You sound you're laughing in the beginning and then in the end it sounds kind of like a no. it's not malicious. Well saying you, it's not malicious then. What is that? My intention was not to leave him in there.

Please understand that my intention was not to leave him in there. This video is on 11 12 when it starts. So is he in there for like a long time prior to supporting this? No, No. I Think we've all gathered by now that Sarah might be twisting the truth in her favor a little bit.

She seems to have forgotten that two minutes ago she claimed to have no recollection of this incident, so her impeccable memory all of a sudden seems rather selective. But I didn't think that he was like panicky like I didn't I So pushing Up On A Suitcase saying Sarah Sarah Sarah I can't breathe and you're the only one laughing. Okay, and you're the only one saying derogatory comments like you're mad. No, please don't I don't mean to sound negative and I don't know if I can say this but like it's like you guys are kind of trying to like feed me.

The interesting thing about Sarah is that her intuition is correct. She sort of recognizes what the police are doing here, but still has no idea of the ramifications. Her energy resembles that of someone who feels the police are about to start rumors about her like no, I'm just just trying to show you a video that you no longer want to watch because you probably don't want to know the outcome of how and what you said. My plan was not to go upstairs and go to sleep.

My plan was not to he'll be up here any minute, but you willingly went upstairs and went to sleep. No one forced you to go upstairs and my pain wasn't also to leave him in the suitcase. So why didn't you take him out? Because I went upstairs and then I fell asleep. but why didn't you consciously think he's asking to come out I didn't do it intentionally.

What do you think is going to happen if you leave somebody in a confined space like that? Well I thought by not tipping it up all the way, it would be okay. My plan was not to leave him in waiting for him to come upstairs. I thought it was like I thought he was okay. like I didn't that you all telling you he's not, he's telling you Sarah I can't breathe.
He's saying your name and you're like that's my name. Don't wear it out guys. That's how we are with each other. The whole suitcase thing never happened before.

Sarah tries to move on to another topic, but the interrogator doesn't allow it and brings her back to the specifics of the evidence. again. his head is closer to us facing the video so we should be able to see fingers and we don't see anything. We see no movement of him trying to unzip it or physically unzipping it.

All we see is pushing up trying to push out of it. Please do not assume they're really talking as much. By the way, it's kind of crazy. She's rambling because I was upstairs and I fell asleep.

No before you go upstairs, you like consciously had to walk upstairs. do you? I mean you obviously remember going to bed because you remember giving me a time frame on that and you specifically told me that that downstairs My intention is not for this to happen I am sick about it done anything like this before in the past I am sick. The lead interrogator starts playing the video as Sarah is mid-sentence reiterating her innocence. I Don't I don't I mean I don't know what you all want me to tell you because this was not in any way shape or form.

you moved. You admit to moving the suitcase like over. so you roll it out like it's not like I said in one of the baby like that which is, you guys are killing me right now I don't know how what is this choice of words you want me to say it I didn't mean to leave him in there. Okay, what's your reasoning for? um, not calling 911 sooner because I didn't know what to do and how horrific it was I called Ryan in like what? five minutes later I called you guys not even five minutes and it was continually doing CPR with the dispatch on the phone.

So when he asked to be let out like, what's your reasoning for not letting him out when I was upstairs, no when he's acting on the video, he asked multiple times. Yeah, well, she would be let out I can't breathe. What? Like, why didn't you let him out? Well, Number one, Number one. I had no idea it was going to end like that.

Okay, number one. Okay, uh. number two. Just, you know what? I'll give you five minutes or so in there.

That's not gonna be five minutes or so. Five minutes for what? This was. an absolutely imperative moment to allow the suspect to elaborate, but the lead interrogator cuts her off. Yeah, well, based off video One video is at 11 12 and the next one's 11 23.

So you actually gave him at least 11 minutes per video recording the silence strategy. My thing is, when it's when it times I mean why? Why did you not let him out? It's just a simple question to be honest with you. I mean are you punishing them? Yeah, you did it again. Well, that's what you're saying in the video.

This is what you got. This is what you make me feel like, see and that it's all backfired on me. I will never drink alcohol again. Okay, I don't care what it is in any way, shape or form.
Let me out and you say you, why don't you just let him out? What are you trying I Challenge them. There's obviously something in your head that you were thinking of when he was asking to let be let out. You're like again. it's the boy calling wolf and it's not fair.

It is not fair. you guys are trying to again. Oh, he's in there night night. he's begging for his life, telling me if he can't breathe I Don't know what you want me to tell you like I don't I didn't intentionally mean for this to happen.

So my question is, why didn't you just let him out prior to going up I Don't know why he's begging to be let out. He's not laughing, He's not having fun. So are you guys. So what is it you're trying to like? Like he's trying to figure out why.

Why? what? What was the motivation for leaving them in the back? Why he was left in the back? I didn't have any motivation. It was me, he and I having a great day, fooling around and being stupid. You know it's a good analogy for the day excluding the fact that he's got, uh, he still thinks she's out there and he has a oh my God I mean I don't know what you all want me to tell you like. This is not fair that you all are assuming that that's from me.

If you were, say it's opposite, you were in the suitcase and you're asking to be let out Should they not let you out? essentially I'm guessing I mean I don't I'm blaming it on the wine. Well, that's it. Laughing and fun. Now we're watching a video where it's not laughing and funny.

He's begging for his life and you are in a very angry voice telling him to off. No, it's not fair that you guys keep trying to say that. That's what I did Um, he can't breathe. What is up with this guy? Okay, if someone can do something for themselves, they're going to do it.

They don't need assistance. This student lay hands on each other. No, no I don't have anything. You're right.

You're telling us that we're assuming stuff, that what we're simply doing is telling you what we saw in the video. I Understand because I don't remember that. Okay, doesn't mean it didn't happen just because you don't remember it. Sarah Now gets freaked out by the male detective.

She thinks he's texting someone about her, which creates an absurd yet hilarious moment. So is the texting. Think something about me like what's the one texting oh no. I'm texting.

so I I have one last question I Just I mean you realize you're the person that killed him right? I thought about that. Okay, you left them in a bag when he's begging you saying I can't breathe. Let me out and you said you not good intentionally You got up and you went up to bed. You all.

Please sit down. Listen to me. I did not not intentionally kill him I got you on video screaming you. This is what it feels like when you're choking me, they're still feeling towards it.
You wouldn't say it if you didn't feel it and then you flip the bag around several times. I didn't do that intentionally. You didn't intentionally flip the background. No, why would I do that? Well YouTube when he was upside down, right? Well, you had to put him up.

You can't get in a suitcase upside down because it hadn't been on his back with the lid open for him to get in there for you to zip it up. Then it shows it on the other side with him in it. so you had to flip it to there. Then there's another video where it's on his back again.

So you had to. I'm leaving it like this. please. I'm leaving it like this.

I did not intentionally do this. You're trying to dance. It's not cool. You intentionally left him in there and left the room.

You went upstairs to a different room. I Would do anything for him. Well, you gave up checking up on him. Yeah.

I don't think anybody will look that video and go. Georgia's having fun right now. The discourse repeats itself a few more times and then Sarah brings out her list of questions. So um, what about Lucas's laptop? Yeah, how do I go about getting his um, wedding ring, engagement ring does the medical examiner's office? It'll come to us eventually and then it'll be released with Kim Yeah, okay.

I bought it for him. That is a civil issue. It was on his finger. it goes to um so I won't get that back.

So what's next? They're going to come and swab your fingers. No. I'm talking about like in the long run. like what do I need to like? Do I need to be doing something or like I can't tell you what to do I mean like so like for like I don't understand like I don't know if you guys are just gonna like I'm not admitting anything about being intentional and I like told you everything that we have.

you know everything that we know I'm done in itself. For me to have to live with. getting him out and doing what I did is punishment enough. nonetheless.

I have to live without him Now there's some. Have yourself a flushing right there. Sorry, what are you trying to make it work? s yeah CSI that was there yesterday. Forensics take her DNA and fingerprints the investigators, then return.

okay Sarah so you're not free to go. Okay, this comment seriously puts Sarah on edge, but she still won't quite be fully aware of what's happening. This is coupled with the fact the investigators now try to get a solemn declaration out of her to close out the interrogation. The psychological dynamics of the moment are extraordinary.

Oh, do you promise Everything or no we talked about today? Yes, What do you mean? The investigator explains that it's just protocol. Do you promise my knowledge? Correct me? Yes. Why? Okay, the male detective re-explains that it's just routine, only in a far more comforting tone. but the tone doesn't do a whole lot to reassure.
Sarah She looks about ready to get swallowed up by a wormhole and take her chances in a separate Dimension 100 questions. Yes, but it was not intentional. Why? All right? Do me a favor. Stand up I need you to turn around, face, pull off, put your hands behind your back.

Do you have anything in your pockets that I should know about? Well, why is this happening? Because George is dead. Not intentionally. So this was a trick you remember right? Oh man. Before y'all said I could leave.

So what am I supposed to do? Now that's what's going to happen. and I need water like really bad please. an officer comes to take Sarah to the jail. but Sarah has questions first.

Um, those holding cells. The holding cells. Am I gonna be part one of those I don't know. last time I had a panic attack.

let them know that I don't know what am I gonna do with my purse. What made you all decide to do this? You made us decide to do this. George is dead you guys I knew this was gonna happen. you do? Sarah was taken to the Orange County Jail at 5 44 PM she was charged with second-degree murder and held without bond which keep in mind was in late February of 2020 just before the entire planet went into lockdown due to a pandemic.

So Sarah must have had a real fun time getting acclimated to the new environment She's been in the county jail since with a trial date set for April 10th of this year. She's currently working with her seventh attorney. Six have already filed motions to get the out of there, and all of them cited the same reason, which was irreconcilable differences. Jesus I Mean dude, she's absolutely boiled this persona well.

of course it must be impossible to deal with it. She did. After admitting everything, She still she still thought she was one free to go and two that and as you said, wasn't intentional so she's chilling I don't know what the this is. all of them every episode.

Um, I'm gonna wait for like more than a day now. I Had a pretty, um, eventful day before I went live so.

By xQcOW

17 thoughts on “Xqc reacts to sarah literally thinks she’s going home later… jcs – criminal psychology”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars holf waley says:

    Of course this trash ask for Dr pepper and cigarettes.

    And seriously went to her ex husband's house so she can ooze her evil on her son for a night

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carter Allen says:

    I honestly think she didn't mean to kill him. No doubt she's crazy as fuck and her boyfriend is crazy as fuck too. She probably MEANT to let him out but was drunk as hell and fell asleep. She couldn't articulate it well enough to tell them that she fucked up and left him in there. She just needed to tell them the truth that she got wine mad, locked him in, beat him up, and then forgot. Alcohol can suppress heaps of shit why wouldn't it suppress that.

    She knew she fucked up and made the accident, but she started lying and making up stuff to try and get out of it when she should have just telled them straight

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hol Horse says:

    I swear I saw a bit of the briefcase video on 4chan, messed up

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RockyTopTwizzy says:

    tis definitely some Florida Fan Activity

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R says:

    "I'm blaming it on the wine"

    The wine was sentenced to life imprisonment.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ham says:

    forgot xqc was even in this video

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lourenço says:

    that's some amber turd memory right there

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaqkull says:

    She tweakin fr fr 💀

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaimicow says:

    boiled brain she has

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars It's Akile says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars k says:

    Honestly im almost sure she isnt lying about the intentional part. She seems like the person stupid enough to think that it was perfectly safe conditions to spend the night in a suitcase

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flock of Beans says:

    She sounds so guilty in the first 5 seconds of the 911 call

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheBlaster564 says:

    she gives off Betsy Kettleman vibes

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ye says:

    Am I the only one who feels like the voice is AI generated?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Logic44 says:

    This bitch had to have been rage baiting, unintentionally or otherwise, because I flipped tf out not even halfway through the interrogation.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Firey says:

    When did JCS come back

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeliaTheWolfYT says:

    dude, scarier shit can happen, imagine 50 people falling into a glass furnace factory, and another 5 people in the Caribbean Disaster

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