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#xQc #AI #artificialintelligence

Brimbling in fear, wetting your britches. And no, it's not a picture of me without a beard, but it is something equally as terrifying AI Technology is advancing at a rapid rate and it's reaching levels only thought possible in science fiction. that experience you just had of your heart sinking from my master class in jump scares is the natural reaction to AI It's showcased that the flesh is cringe and Machines of the future. pretty much anything humans can do.

technology can do better AI can do better rather. and that includes entertainment I have been glued to Ai and the entire industry that's bloomed from it for years now I have been like a mock to a flame following each and every development and new yeah, because it is fascinating and at the same time a bit startling now. I Think it's not easy for people to write off all AI as evil and saying we should ban AI outright. never Pursuit Guys I don't need to understand the things that AI can do without the uh filters that they have chat.

You know when you jailbreak them okay, you can Jailbreak them way harder and on top of that. On top of that, when you jailbreak the art ones, it's insane. It is busted what it can do. People don't get this.

when you fully jailbreak it the the the actual the interface. Okay, without the filters it's insane I think that is such a dog way of looking at the technology. As with every new innovation, there is good and bad that comes with. It is some certified.

Goofy Goober Goofball to just write off all the good things AI can do for Humanity and focus instead on only the bad things they can do. I'm not here to get into the nitty-gritty of like the pros and cons of AI I Feel like you should be able to immediately recognize some of the incredible things AI can offer, especially in the medical field, but again, that's not what today's topic is today. I Want to show you and talk about a viral clip on Twitter that's going around that has to deal with AI In the music industry, you might notice I sound like Kanye West No Easy to record a voiceover for me for this video and learn how to do Impressions This is AI So let me come back to my original voice for a second because this is crazy. The captioning this video says that it'll change the music industry forever and that's 100 accurate.

This technology will forever change the entire landscape of the music industry. It's important to realize that AI technology, especially when it comes to voice models very new and they're already advancing to a point where they're starting to get pretty goddamn convincing. And right now the main usage is just posts like having Joe Biden and Donald Trump playing OverWatch together and experiencing games I've noticed that I sound like Kanye West No Easy Didn't record a voiceover for me for this video I didn't learn how to do Impressions Oh but yes, yes I mean that this is not even that good. It says a problem of um, it's dragging hello Yes, it's something that that when I when we start doing the Bots for the for Rtts right, a lot of voices are dragging.
They do that a little bit. Oh, it's over for me for this video. I Didn't learn how to do Impressions this is AI So let me come back to my original English for a second because the dragon the caption of this video says that it'll change the music industry forever and that's 100 Trump Playing OverWatch together and experiencing gamer rage and or making goofy AI generated tracks. But this technology has huge implications for the whole industry going forward when it comes to music and it's already advancing very quickly.

I Made a brief mention of my own AI voice that's been getting used on YouTube pretty often about like three months ago where they had me singing Rap God and I was like damn it sounds pretty good, but you can easily tell that it's AI. At some point because words get all mumbled and jumbled, it sounds like I'm overdosing on Xanax sometimes like it's clear that it's not perfect, but it can and most likely will be in a relatively short period of time. So in this example, with his a voice filter, you can tell that something's a bit a rider. it doesn't really sound 100 accurate.

Yeah, it sounds a bit glitchy like something's wrong there so you can tell it's not actually Yay speaking and he also goes 10 seconds without mentioning Jewish people so you know for sure it's not actually yeah. but if you're just hearing that, you'd be raising an eyebrow was that was that actually? Yay Now all you have to do is record reference vocals and replace it with a trained model that any musician you like which is exactly what I did I found this Kanye style beat on YouTube I wrote eight bars and I'm gonna record them now and then I'm gonna have Ai Kanye replace me. So before showing you the results of that I would like to mention that he did covers of popular songs with this Kanye voice model and they sound very convincing even knowing it's AI It is pretty convincing. now.

how this affects the music industry should be obvious and he explains it there. You don't really need the artist to come in and do full songs anymore and they don't even have to write the music themselves or perform it. They can just give you reference way. That's just a good point.

Yeah, wait. I just already didn't even make their own beats and write their own lyrics a total like maybe 40 hours and record every possible thing, a reference box of everything that their voice could do in terms of like syllabus and awards and letters and then they do it while yelling while Whispering while dragging while everything for like 40 hours and then they're like all right man, Peace out Brother I'm selling I'm selling you my my my voice for like one billion dollars. Well and then they do whatever they want with it vocals. and right now there's Services where if you just have a minute of uninterrupted audio from anyone, it can make and train a pretty decent AI model on it that sounds pretty good.
Now imagine that extended to a professional level. Where holy, it's gonna sound very close to the real artist. That's alarming. You'll never know if the music Vocaloid did this, but they had no fans before becoming a vocaloid.

That's the thing though. Other things Vocaloid is that Vocaloid didn't have a lot of fans of that thing before beginning of the Lord It started as a vocaloid like I see the Nico I love it I Love it. Okay, this is this is I'm pretty. this is full Vocaloid This is my favorite song.

What is my name? Foreign. There's a crowd of people that are fans of this, right? Which if I don't think it's bad music and the whole voicing is all faking. These are all fans of this. but this is nothing.

There's anything that's what I'm saying. Remember, they're gonna turn to actual humans and actual human voices and famous people's voices into this. But now it has a lot of fans already, so it's like a vehicle for expansion. It's crazy.

music you're hearing was actually created by humans or just ai. Ai is actually extremely good at creating songs themselves. There's entire channels dedicated to just AI generated music and it can do pretty much every genre and that even includes like metal. it.

There's actually some pretty hardcore AI generated metal tracks out there right now. So for the music industry, you could have Ai make all of the songs and only rely on reference vocals so you wouldn't even need to like pay an artist to perform or make an album. You would just pay an artist to come into the studio one time, or maybe even a handful of times if you really want like a perfect model to record these reference audio samples. and then they would just use that forever to make full albums based on that and that artist would never actually make the songs themselves.

they just kind of be the face of it. Meanwhile, AI is doing what happens when everybody's filing DMC claims like crazy, right? And the system is so clogged, there's nothing they can do about it. It's so colorful I didn't say requests and claims and takedowns and counter claims. it's just it becomes just bugged up.

They can't do about it. all of it. And not to sound like a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist. But I really do think this will end up being the reality of the music industry in the future because it'll just end up being cheaper like more so Dendev AI Chords would an AI judge with AI jury and they then they run it on a AI Zoom call right? and all the cases are going through AI process or financially viable for these major labels.

Instead of hiring like bands or artists to make the music and perform it, they'll just save money by having AI do think about all of it and then just using the voice models they've trained because as this technology continues to develop, it's going to be easier to use and cheaper as well. So that's just my bold prediction here. I Got a fantasy that's beautiful that's dark and twisted. but I attacked the Whole religion all because of my ignorance.
What was I thinking that was some I lost Adidas but I'm still Yeezy back in the Kitchen man I'm a genius boys in the hood just like I'm easy Kanye Wheezy South Side of Chicago Life ain't easy. All praise be the Lord Jesus Donda please rest easy I got a fantasy that's beautiful that's dark and twisted. but I attacked the Whole religion all because of my ignorance. What was I thinking that was some I lost Adidas But I'm so easy back in the Kitchen man I'm a genius Boys in the hood just like I'm easy Kanye Wheezy south side of Chicago Life ain't easy love at all.

Praise be the Lord Jesus Done the fleas Rest easy. All right. let me cut it there. Let me cut it there.

Pretty spooky stuff and I think it's yeah. this is good and and this is just one guy. This is not like a team of like engineers and producers and crazy people that are, that's just one guy in his basement or whatever. So I think it sounds pretty good.

It sounds pretty accurate too. It's not bad at all. It is actually pretty good and this is one guy many many. With the funding, the money, the companies are behind it, the things are scalable.

then it becomes insane. A lot of people on Twitter were pretty unsettled by it and I I also agree with quite a few people on Twitter that pointed out that it's pretty diabolical to put a bar about Yea's deceased mother in here and then have AIA wrap it for you I think that's pretty weird, but it does lead me to something else. I'd Like to briefly mention even though it's not directly related to the AI in the music industry per se, it is just AI voice models in general I've talked about this a lot, but going forward as these continue to become better and better, you can have these AI models say anything. So pretty soon when you hear like audio recordings that are leaked of politicians to um AI bots on all platforms, the detects and something is the AI yeah and tells you okay this is made by AI yeah so that so that people can't like fully um like impersonate and damage somebody's life and somebody's person questions or movie stars or something.

You're gonna have to take all of that with a grain of salt because pretty soon all of that's going to be very easily faked. I actually made a video showcasing some AI voice models for Obi-Wan Kenobi for example. Now I do think I do think that uh for court stuff I would assume that video ends up it will still be visible because um of the metadata I think metadata is Vamp Parts I think metadata is all that matters. Where he was talking about Ahsoka's orange and how she was one of the finest meat.

Jedis Meet Saber Wielder Jedis in the entire Temple and stuff like that like it'd be very easy to just have these AI models say anything to try and get people in trouble or try and start online like it could go easily Beyond posting where it's just like jokes to a point where hmm you can really kind of someone with it and keep in mind this is the worst that AI will ever be in just a few years. Basically every popular musician will have multiple trained models of them and also the UI the front end of this is all going to get a lot simpler. Again, he's 100 right. We are currently in the worst stage AI will ever be.
It's only going to get better. Yeah, and significantly better. It's already getting huge steps forward every couple of months. It just gets more and more mind-blowing.

What AI is capable of? You're going to be listening to songs by your favorite artists that are completely indistinguishable. You're not going to know whether it's them or not not. and I'm just starting to think of all the good, all the bad that's going to come out of this. I Want to hear your thoughts in the comments so drop those below.

Oh, I'll let you know what. I Think All right. I'll give you a piece of my mind and it won't be a comment. it's a whole video.

Uh, I Think there's not a lot of good that comes from the AI voice models in the music industry in particular Guys: I Don't see many positives now. I Know there's people that will probably try and spin an argument that it's great because now you can have deceased artists still releasing new tracks thanks to the AI technology for example. Wait, But before everybody gets crazy, this is all for things that aren't like really moving and have all the pieces that are set. But when you think about like let's say videos and I mean that's impossible, you can't AI Something You're walking the streets making a print with other humans I Think that'll still hold value if not more, you get it.

sample Michael Jackson Already has a few AI voice models that are pretty good so you could release new Michael Jackson tracks. but I would argue that's not a good thing like that to me is kind of up. He's dead. he can't consent to having new tracks come out post-mortem here.

It just feels so creepy and destroying like his corpse like a neck. and who's gonna fight for him too. Let's say they're an artist who who was like not broke but isn't like rich is that people that are hired to battle for them even though they're dead. Who's who's gonna fight, who's gonna fight the people that are copying his voice and making your with it and how they're gonna get paid profiliac for the sake of making money off of new tracks from his name.

It just it doesn't feel right. The the artist is gone and the music they made should rest with them. That's the music they poured their heart and soul in. Not everybody is that rich.

At one point it will run empty. You need to realize that the world war, the world is paid to win and the world's a lot of money. One point it will be empty. They made that with their own Blood Sweat and Tears And to dig them up with these voice models and have them releasing tracks that they had no part in making is just I Think wrong I Don't think that's a good thing to me I just really feel like that ruins and belittles all of the hard work they put into their career before they died.
It just kind of dismantles the whole Legacy because then there's new tracks coming out that they didn't make and they might be I I don't know I'm just not a big fan of that. Let me give you another example. one that pertains very personal to me: Linkin Park I Love Hybrid Theory and I love Meteora Chester Bennington has passed away unfortunately and I would be extremely upset if they started to use AI voice models in order to have Chester Binnington deliver vocals on new Lincoln Park tracks that start coming out. They have recently released two new tracks, but those are tracks that were actually recorded by Chester himself.

So those tracks still have the very human element to it that I can appreciate. So if they you know five years from now, start releasing new Lincoln Park tracks with Chester Bennington doing the vocals, I wouldn't like that. I I really would feel like they'd spit in the face of all of the incredible work that he had done throughout his career. So I I don't see that as a benefit and that's like the only argument I could see people making for a good thing that can come from the AI voice models in the music industry.

Everything else I think is just negatives. You'll have significantly less people entering the industry because they have to compete with all of these Mega corporations because the execution, the way it's done, his take on on the on the lyrics or on the delivery won't be there. It'll all be things I would either already done or being changed by the people who are working with it. It's just trash just churning out these massive mainstream hits that are all generated through these AI voice models.

You know from the most popular artists of all time it'd be very difficult to compete and most people aren't going to get signed to a label because it'd just be cheaper to use AI in the first place. Interesting. So I just don't see a whole lot of benefits to the music industry for this kind of AI implementation. Now that's not the same I Think it should be banned I'm never really on the side of banning things.

that is his morality. He doesn't care. Keep people he cares, People won't care. The people's morality is that a all time is zero.

So I mean especially when it comes to stifling potential. Innovations Maybe I'm just a little short-sighted in potential benefits that this technology could have. Like, Maybe if the artists themselves wants to start using the AI voice models to help complement their work or even you know, weave it in with their own you know personality inserted into it I could see that maybe working but again, you don't exactly know. But overall I Don't think it should be banned, but I Also don't think it offers anything super beneficial to the music industry as a listener of the music I only see the financial benefits to the companies which I don't really give a about the companies you know my heart's not breaking for Universal Music Who has billions of dollars to spend and now just can cut Corners using AI technology to their artists even harder? oh my God like it's all about movies then you know I said you can make a video of it with a Terrain and like a city? whatever.
what if it's not AI yeah what did they get a an insane model incredibly Advanced of the of the of the of the actor's face and how how his muscles move a little bit right like if it's Unique and then and then and then and then they get the stunt doubles that do everything here but then they become more responsibles. They do most of the acting themselves and they just replace the face with the AI one that's generated and then boom, then it's fully. Not least, Thunderbols. it's everything in it I Just don't see a lot of great things with it.

but I Do want to highlight the technology itself because Holy! I Cannot believe how quickly all of it is advancing this AI Technology There's more I Can't even imagine where it's going to be in the next couple of years, so just wanted to talk about it a little bit again. and that's really about it. See ya guys! It's a super modern tap. super modern Kappa But they just do both.

Whatever, what else, what else? What else?.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “This is actually scary xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars saych says:

    damn why does xqc chat hate charlie so much

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rizaadon says:

    He loves Hatsume Miku? AYAYA Clap

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gavin Dennis says:

    Xqc actually speaks x1.5

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Insert Money says:

    AI based humans mad

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr J says:

    he needs 2x because that's how he talks and he understands it more

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Brady Deflates says:

    Bro streams for 24 hours straight every day, and speeds up this video 2x. ?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Fanon says:

    I wonder how many people defended ai art are now worried about this? did people seriously think ai would just stop with art? ai will go after creative outlet until theres none left. artists said it months ago there needs to be regulations and laws about this stuff before its too late but we were shunned because we were "preventing the future"

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alberto balsalm says:

    Can't wait for 2pac's And biggie's next New álbum

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amoeba says:

    L take, dead people don't care, neither should you

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars p1vat says:

    since when did people disliking charlie, unless it's just his chat being weird

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregor says:

    I don't the kids MJ touched consented either sooo

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aymen 2k says:

    Yameii and Hatsune 😍

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bumble says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lossio says:

    This video hits different on 2x

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars qwertyascanbe says:

    The fact that the term legend's will die because in 50ish year Stevie wonders voice will be talking to you about your job in a elevator….nightmare fuel….cyberpunk type stuff.

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