xQc gives his opinion on a national gun ban and debates a viewer.
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#xQc #debate

Policies you would prob align with a liberal than a conservative LOL like on: Health Care schooling Guns Etc I Think guns are fine, probably not on guns. It's kind of hard to convince me anything about guns to be honest. I think guns are chilling. Um, people have guns forever.

Okay I I I I Feel like the only thing that's different is the crazy Andy behind the gun. That's the problem I mean I hate to say it I mean the gun doesn't just go around the street itself I mean I'm absolute unhinged dumb is gonna have to be the one that shoots it I don't know um other. otherwise I mean I don't want you how's it a bad? take him I think I shouldn't think that guns listen I like I like it I like the engineering I like the I like the the um, how do you call that Everything about a gun is cool I think okay I get it I get it. it shoots ammo and and how am I so dumb? How am I so dumb bro you just you just timed up who has them and how to get them and and and and and consistent checks on people who have them and whatnot.

it'd be. it'd be crazy. It'd be very good. That's the problem.

I Don't think the problem is the actual gun itself. The only difference is the statistics of school shootings. Omega LOL Um yeah, but there was just as many guns and as many people. It's just that the people got crazier and Dumber brain rot, black mold, dumb, bad parenting, fixed appearance Am I Wrong Am I Wrong I Don't get it.

Have a wrong one. You literally can't take things away from people. People who want them will eventually get them one another. Uh, it depends though.

Um, here's my. it doesn't love to see an unhinged mentally ill Maniac try to eliminate 20 kids with their fists and no access to gun. That's just kind of a bad thing to be honest. I mean that's just bad.

How's that real? Don't know bro bro. Please guest star me. so I can educate you Kennedy By the way, what if you what if there's like a man-made like a boom and you just Chuck it in and then boom I mean that's all it took I mean what? how's that bad? the I can't do dude guys it's hard to speak in normal words. well that sound like I'm speaking in code.

That was my dump take. but after yes I have two takes about this. Okay that was the that was the pretty much the the more brilliant take it. Here's the second taken.

Okay, here's why. Okay, here's why: I didn't agree with Will Smith then so this is Will Smith again IQ Right and here's uh. what's the name Chris Rock was his name. Here's my actual thing about guns again.

so this is what: Smith Yeah this is my boy Will and this is this is Chris again if let's say in a scenario where I'm next to you chat, I'm a student I'm right here. okay and I say yo, you look like a ass dumb Bang You're punched. bang right. There's an emotional reaction.

isn't it right? And you know the steps needed for the punch delivered. There isn't a lot. Your fist is right here. The toys right here.

bang done. So there's zero steps in between intention or an action. It's right there. But then.
But then here's why. I Don't argue about mountains about guns at same time. Why is Will Smith zero IQ In this context, Well, because he was sitting down when it happened, right when he did. A guy right, watches, yet listen.

he had to stand up. You have to walk down, walk across close distance, and then punch him. Now you have one, two, three, four. There might have been five barriers to cross before dueling something stupid, right? Well, it's Cindy I Think with guns, it's sending.

Somebody has an idea. Okay, right. A lot of times If it's if there's too many steps to get to the thing that they want to do, they won't do it legitimately. There's something that I learned in the past.

If there's too many steps between them and the bad action, they legitimately just won't do it. That's it. Because they're gonna. They're gonna get annoyed and by that time they're gonna change their mind.

This, This is how it is. Okay, that's human nature in my opinion. Okay it. it's not scientific, so that's how it is.

So then hold up. Let's see. Let's say um guys. here's an example of this example of this: I am in um okay and she kills me and I'm chat band I can't talk in chat and I'm gonna tell them you'll tell me you're bald, you're a bald, you're a ball ass I Go in the chats.

So in this example, right in this example, hold up I'm right next to 10 right? but I I would have zero steps into him to do that Bing I could just say it. but no I can't say right because I'm Chapman So what am I doing today it dude I'm gonna go into this this order and come bald I Go it. Okay I Tap out one. step two I download this one Oh my.

God I have to make a account Oh my God okay Bing You right? Okay, oh my. God I Have to join the school and finally find a uh, an invite code Oh my. God Okay thing oh my. God after I joined this world afterward 10 minutes five.

there's a good chance that I'm going to not call involved either here here here. There's a good chance that I don't go through with calling bald because this is just annoying. Okay, in my opinions, this is my opinion. I Don't think guns shouldn't exist.

There should just be a lot of steps behind them. Megan finicky as possible. Whatever. it should be a bunch of steps to get them a bunch and also to maintain them Also right.

So this is belongs to some dumb right? Is it gonna sit for like in 40 hours of training? Yeah right. Do a mental check and do a and then wait a month to wait six months. They probably just won't do it unless the thing is that it fully loaded in in the that's just kind of how it is. That's that's how I think this is.

This is my truth about it. So how am I a libtard with this example I Don't get it I Want to see what the same energy you have when you have a tragedy where somebody takes their car and Rams down like 30 people. They say, well it's on the band The Cars guys the cars pick up trucks I mean bruh pick up trucks. We can't have those because I mean look at this, what's going on right now like if it's a sentence I think it's I think it's the same energy All right anybody.
anyway Wizards In to not ban them because not everybody can fight and defend themselves or whatever if they get like, invaded or threatened as an individual. There's also girls that live on their own and and mothers only breaks in. they just GG They just lose. They lose their lives because Gigi What happens You think when when people always have a way to get people always find ways to get them right? All countries, Whatever people always find a way to get to get them right.

What happens when somebody pulls up right and has it and nobody else? Nobody can do anything about it? Then it's a Checkmate They just they win against everybody. They just win. What do you do against that? the I'm confused. They just check.

make the whole squatty. oh you have the police. Oh oh oh okay. this is called the police.

Hey hey holy wait a minute to see. Oh I Generally I Really don't agree with it with Benny all guns. It's just on average. on average.

Cows were intended to drive on average, students were intended to kill Nerf gun. enjoy as Jay Gecket Hold up guys, guys, don't cancel me yet. Please please I guess please I beg you? Okay on average? Okay, the average male. Okay, the average male.

Okay, let's go into a fight, right? They'll clap. You know? Um, the average uh, a female is this is this is the correct sentence on average. Do you do begins or not? Is this something people agree with right? Because because of a bunch of biological markers like brother, brother, like like a height? VO2 max Bone density. A bunch of biological markers will make it so.

uh uh. the man in a physical rotation will win in this fight, right? Is that fair? Not really in a fight And it's not a fight. It's not fair, right? Let's be some stuff that people can have in my opinion so that she can still win if in trouble at like a I don't know? Okay, like a like a like a taser, like a pepper spray right and to the extent possibly oblique bing bong, right? It's kind of like the basis of that basis, right? I mean boom Nope. The truck into the school full of concrete.

You pepega? Actual. I'll take oh Xqcl. Oh interesting, yeah lips in general just once. So now now it's another problem.

Is the target you're saying to getting these guns interesting. Most conservatives want less background checks, steps to getting one. Um yeah. I don't know I don't know does.

Is this a bad take? This is a bad take it I guess I Don't get it because why don't you educate me? How about anybody on the topic? Yeah, because I I just don't know. Shouldn't there be some things where they can defend themselves and and not get rolled over? I think the men also get a gun I mean then again, then you have a gunfighter little bro thinks that are 15 he gets with his Happy Meals is a must to defend his rights. Oh Megalo Well I mean now that you pause the topic of yours or uh and rifles, the way that the barrel is made will make them make the boat. so using your thin.
but if you can't get rid of all right spins not like a nine I always get them. The thing that happens with it because I'm not a nerd. it spins big, physiological impacted them. Continuing further compared to something that will just Pierce us is the only thing.

not all spins acting like you're done. There's rifling Okay now I now there's any other channels I think but I need this. This topic is chat. Doesn't know much about anything.

This video was voted for by Patrons of questions. What happens when someone is shot in the head? Get what you deserve. Okay I think it's pretty good it back with evidence. it's back with science and bunch of cool.

Just watch it. God is a fatal wound. but beneath the Gory reality, there's a lot that goes on when the bullet enters someone's skull. First things first.

in terms of firearms, we're talking strictly pistols and rifles, not shotguns because a shotgun to the head is pretty self-explanatory Let's start at the firearm, shall we? When a bullet is fired from a pistol or rifle, the bullet travels through a rifled barrel. A rifled barrel has grooves in it that cause the bullet to spin. When this spinning bullet penetrates the skull, its rotating motion flings cranial tissue outward. Tissue then expands to about 12 and a half times the diameter of the bullet, but is only this stretched for about five to ten milliseconds and then shrinks back down to normal size.

For instance, a 22 caliber bullet produces a wound of 2.7 inches. A 38 caliber bullet creates a 4.4 inch wide wound, and a 45 caliber bullet creates a 5 inch wide wound. Though it's very short, the expanded cavity does a remarkable amount of damage to the skull. This one is the video I mean vacuum effect causing air to rush into it, making the cranial cavity expand, causing secondary fracture lines that spread out from the wound.

Most fractures occur at soft locations like the temples and orbital plates behind the eyes. The higher power the firearm, the more secondary fracturing of the skull, especially at more thick and hard locations like the front and back. Speaking of high-powered what factor do you think contributes to making a bullet more damaging to the human body? Its length, its velocity, or its weight? The answer is velocity. To understand why, let's look at this equation for kinetic energy.

In this case, the kinetic energy of a bullet is equal to the weight of the dive. Everybody everybody that has these these like late nights where they're going to the rabbit hole of YouTube and it's click on the recommended Okay I Ended it here and I thought it was a good video. times its velocity squared divided by the gravitational acceleration constant times two. This may seem like a lot, especially if you haven't taken physics, but allow me to make this insultingly simple or kinetic energy equals more ouch.
The higher the kinetic energy of a bullet, the more damage it does. and we can prove mathematically how velocity does this. So let's make everything a value of 10. Okay, so the weight is 10, the velocity is 10, and the gravitational constant is also 10..

we run the equation and the kinetic energy is 50. Okay, great when we double the weight of the bullet, the kinetic energy also doubles to 100.. Now, if we double the velocity, the kinetic energy does not double. it quadruples.

When there's more kinetic energy, there's just overall more damage. We're talking a stronger pressure wave through the skull, more external gases going into the head, more secondary fracturing and even splitting of the skull itself. This is why rifles are more lethal than pistols. Not because of the weight, but because of the velocity of the round.

Now, let's look at what happens inside the skull. when the bullet punctures the skull. It creates an entrance wound about the size of the bullet. You know what? Maybe watch something else I Try I Get it political Compass It sounds like a good idea.

Holy holy Holama there's a muppet. The chat should I do this on the micro Dot Guest Starving dumbass Okay I will get started you again wasn't it? Why are you trying to make an argument against infinitives? It's only three times. You better be ready instantly You have been getting oh my it's gonna be so brain blame black mold. Oh my God Oh my God Who the is says you what? Listen oh my God this is Scuff the shell up hello hello yo.

Look at you wait look look at you you you wait Nine pounds. Okay okay, sorry what am I saying What do I saying you can only three dollars to come here and the French so this will be worth it. Thirty dollars bro. your entry ticket was 30 plus insults and you're already on the Fine Line What do you want? Okay well I mean everything you said about guns is absolutely stupid and that's coming from someone who actually like enjoys going to the fire range.

Okay, are you a registered Uh owner? Um I'm not gonna tell you. you're not gonna tell me what was number one rule with owning a gun or only guns? Uh, not shoot up a place with it. Okay, well that's number two. Number one is number one is that's number two.

See that right there just proves how your whole point is just like literally out of the roof. All right. Well I mean number one is is uh um. well you shouldn't let people know whether you own a firearm or not.

That's how it is. It's it's part of being irresponsible with firearms. not if you're a concealed I give up I'm I'm over hell by this girl looking at Sky's look. you have a you have to make a valid point.
Back to what I've even said and we haven't even started yet I'm not getting cooked bro bro, you don't go on the internet anymore. You have a gun. It's just not. It's just you see, you don't do that.

Okay, okay we can get besides that you guys want to do with this I mean you guys just don't know anything about it. There's no point are you a chat or if anybody about about Firearms States or whatever you guys are just being dumb I can't do it anymore. Okay, we can get besides the point of that. one thing I will say though, uh, without even abolishing the whole gun situation, you can get on the fact that there should be no such thing as a AR you shouldn't have if you want to have guns.

If you want to keep the Amendment whatever, you should still be able to. First thing first, you should abolish all ARS that shouldn't even be remotely in anybody's hands. You don't need a AR to protect yourself. a Glock 19 will do the work all you need.

Um, okay, so so whatever you just said is wrong. so that's just wrong. I mean you could use a shotgun. Uh, would have been a smarter I think a 12 12 gauge or buck shot would have been probably a better way to award this because uh, yes, yes.

If you, if you, if you're using a firearm for for safety and for self-defense then a shotgun would achieve somewhat of the same uh, achievement as they are in terms of what it does to somebody when when you're in danger. yes, whatever you just said, yeah, that gun it, it'll Pierce or whatever. but it doesn't. It doesn't have the same amount of stomach power.

Chat knows nothing about it. This, it's just so annoying. Look at the chat and see some people that are so okay. Ignore about this.

It's insane Why my dad and my brother I'm not personally, but my dad and my brother both own ARS They both own 300 Blackout AR guns so it's like really expensive for it again them to get those bullets in the first place. They fantasize about guns. whatever all that. The thing is all they do other than take that gun to the firing range.

if they are going to get invaded in the house, they're not getting a AR They're getting the pistol because they have to go down right? No, not from Canada Oh okay, because why? Because where I'm from, it's kind of like that you have to put like that it has to be a lock. It has to be another room and another room and you have to get all the pieces together and assemble it. That's how it should be. In general it's like literal inventor pulls up in Canada he has to become a Lego block specialist but uh I didn't mean I didn't even know guns were legal in Canada I thought they were completely illegal.

Legislation is like tightening up and I think it's coming up very very soon. but I think I think overall it's it's about a no I think they're illegally over now. Okay my main point about the AR thing is so let's say if someone wants to go and do some really bad activity with that the gun, you're more likely to put a stop or have a least amount of damage dealt if they only have access to a pistol, if that person has an AR they're going like for instance, this last shooting if that person had a pistol I mean it sounds bad to say, but there wouldn't have been as many deaths if or maybe confirmed this. I thought I thought the main weapon used was a pistol.
oh yeah, what's that I thought it was the AR I thought when I watched the cam it they had a larger uh a larger gun. Maybe maybe I'm incorrect I thought they had literally two ARS on their on their body. like okay, they had a full strap around their shoulder. Um yes, there's something called I I don't even know about this.

it's called a a pistol AR or a pistol. uh it's kind of like uh, it's it's more more compact. yeah my brother has one. Also it definitely has the whole squatty has guns in.

yeah except for me not I mean yeah I mean if I were to ever get a gun which I actually do plan on getting it because guns are legal. If guns weren't legal I wouldn't even bother. But because guns are legal I plan on getting a gun for my own safety and that would be a pistol. but if it they aren't legal I'm not gonna I'm not gonna insult so.

so you live in a world where if they say guns are illegal, right? anybody who has them, this is some sort of code glitch and they all vanish. They disappear, the gun disappear. They don't need this anymore present. No no I'm not saying that at all because that's not.

That's just not possible because in the United States it's like you can get anything in the United States but it's going to bring it down and if we have Prime examples from other countries sure you can say England you ask them the time you get stabbed but it's it doesn't That's so. once again, sad to say that's one person getting injured compared to 30 people getting injured by one clip of an AR Yeah. I I this is this in the dark I think I Think the problem so prominent now right that there's always so many Instagram There's something that so many that are here right now, right? It's a much, okay, much deeper, more, uh, voluminous problem. And there's so many guns already out there, right? you tend to just make them disappear, right? Okay, well I mean the only guns you can't make disappear are the illegal ones because the only guns you can't make disappear are there legal ones because if there were legal guns, if they did it all legally, they're all registered.

so you literally could just look up in a system where that each person has a registered gun real then that is true. That man actually makes a lot of sense. There's nothing and it would happen I Thought people bought them from like private sales or whatever and they're not as registered it was. The whole audience of chat was that the guns weren't registered.
um I guess. But yeah I mean that whole that whole video should have I Mean that's a prime example. that whole video should have been like that shouldn't be able to happen I Mean that's just plain and simple. You shouldn't be able to walk up and say I want this gun and here's some cash and then get it.

I Mean that shouldn't happen. Close the pole. Okay so so you want no against at all, bend them all or just arrows because because it might be in there. um all all or nothing I think I think I think people that are up to no good uh we'll find a way to do up to no good type.

that's that's my that's my thought bull. Yeah I mean you could look at it as the same fact as drugs I mean methamphetamines banned but people are still going to get it and do drugs. and I mean it does. You're not going to put anything to a stop, but it's going to make a dent in it though.

Regardless, if you agree or not it literally is. If you can't have access to something, you're gonna have to take it through an illegal route to get it. And if you can take it through a legal route, you're at least giving a risk for you getting caught. But whenever you take it the legal route, you're not getting a risk and nobody knows exactly what you're gonna do because you have it all in your mind.

Let's let's okay let's say let's say let's say people evolve They they they they right and they decide to I don't know. uh put like a bunch of items together right? and they make like like a like a like a claymore right? Let's try crazy about it. Then then once, what do you ban? body band? Just ban all the items. What you're saying you said sound crazy because that's literally like actually crazy.

I I don't know if you can use it here I'll make a better a better position and better argument for you the Boston bombers. They use chemicals and stuff that you can get at a Lowe's at a Home Depot right? Yeah, so they depends. Yeah, you're right. no those that is.

Well first off, they should have more things you should be able to. Well when I I used to work out of Lowe's whenever we were there, you had to check the person's ID whenever they're purchasing stuff like that. um a lot of that. then it doesn't matter.

Once it's done, it's done right. I mean I mean yeah. I guess once it's done vagina the likelihood of I mean so yes it is a bad thing and honestly you can. You can get on top of me about that discussion because I I personally off the top of my head don't know how to attack that because the thing is guns are made.

They were made to kill people right? Yes, Do you believe that? Do you I think the origin of guns was um I think I think yeah in like um it was it was too. uh it was in the wars technology technology they made they made gut to to to to to stop the opponents from Life Okay and what you're talking about that you're saying should be banned is literally made to do other because I mean do other work. So I mean it's just like the same thing as using the car argument bad cars. but cars are not used to kill people.
they're used for transport. So yes I understand what you're getting at. so when uh I don't so I'll simplify for yourself. and then what you're saying is that if something somebody pulls up at at your spot and they have the intention of doing that to you, you pull out of slingshot or some sort of like um, device throws rocks and you stop them because obviously you should be able to right? you're gonna roll them with a slingshot.

right? It pulls up the device with you. What do you do instead of the samples up? What are you gonna do? Okay, oh you know what? Yeah, you're right. I don't know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I don't know Then okay then you're a chick. made it.

you're a Checkmate there. Then it Staples up your checkmate. Okay, absolutely you are right now. Can I use another analogy for you? Why is it that guns are legal? But every time someone uses a gun in a mass shooting, there's no one there with a carried firearm to defuse it.

So you're saying that they should have this. They should have people in the school with two guns. Then no. I'm just saying that you're using the analogy you're using.

just it literally makes no sense. Like and also okay. Vehicles can kill people. Someone's running over people with a vehicle.

Where have you ever seen a story where someone who is a carried firearm? uh, who has a carry firearm? Stop that person from running over a vehicle. Oh no way. Yeah. I mean the analogy.

You're saying. It just makes no sense if someone comes up to you and whatever you said, it just I don't know I don't know what is that saying What I'm telling you though is that we're gonna go I mean these arguments I'm not gonna let you again. they're not even mine I don't even believe that. Okay because I think I think I think it's the wrong.

Terrible is dumb because I think I think I I'm people are ill. But let me do this scenario where some dead pulls up with a firearm in in a spot to cause damage, right? You have one employee of said a place right? Um, one per place I get who's like licensed carry, who's very responsible and there's a guy, pulls up right, rolls up and then Bob guy gets clapped on the way in right? Yeah, Yeah. I mean that's happened before. So then then no, but nobody.

Boom Well yeah. I mean problem solution. What's the problem? you're You're absolutely right. So I'm going to go in every single building in the whole facility of the United States We are going to get an armed security guard and we are going to make sure they go through all this training and make sure they show up on time for work and they don't call off and all this stuff.
and they're gonna show up every single time. right? There's not gonna be a security guard. You can just have it. Somebody who has training who is licensed to carry just like you should have.

Okay gotcha. Okay, so what if one day that guy and his wife just get a divorce and he goes absolutely psychotic and show up to work and starts shooting people, Then he's going to protect you well, whether he worked there or not. He also be able to do that. What do you mean, Work there or not? He's your protection.

Well, whether or not you would still be able to do that. Yeah, I right. I I Don't know what you're trying to get out with that, but sure. I guess I mean what I'm saying is he's put in a position where he can use a firearm where he shouldn't even have the position to be having a firearm in the first place.

Okay, so okay, interesting I think this is interesting I I I've never heard of a of a a bad scenario you're talking about to, but maybe millions in some world I guess I Don't know I think I think this. yeah I think this is some schizo battle. um you know what? I think this is zero head. What is your solution That nobody has anything? My solution.

If you want to make all these uh people, this, uh the Second Amendment all this if you want to make all these people happy take away ARS Okay, just let them happen soon enough for sure then what? Okay, okay I mean well then at that point then some guy pulls up with a whatever automatic pistol with a drum gun and a bump stock. Well these those absolute Maniac mode right? and it's like well guys, maybe we should, uh, rethink about this actually. maybe Ben uh, gunpowder per episode then what? Okay, what the no. First off, no, you shouldn't be able to have an automatic pistol either.

Let me I guess I'll add that on top of the area Okay Okay so okay boom boom. now now we're going down then until somebody is not allowed to own a a rock, you're gonna have rocks if you have. Reborns I Found them. What? What is this rust? No, that's not how that works.

Okay, so yeah, what else? Okay, you shouldn't have an automatic pistol, you shouldn't have AR shotguns I'm I'm indifferent on because I I'm looking at that here this is there's a lot of band shotguns and band models and Ben uh band, um uh, attachments and whatever. So yeah, but they give up what you say because you're gonna get got them. I'm gonna get God I'm okay, no automatic shotguns. Let me put that out there.

like keep that a thing. Pump shotguns. whatever if you want to because they only hope so. Pumps are good.

Now if you don't have a drum on it or whatever, any attachment, yes, there should still be a certain amount you can keep on that gun. So no, what? I'm saying what I'm saying in my aspect is when you look at it, Guns: If you want to limit guns and you still want to keep people to have firearms, you keep it at an aspect where they can't con, um, have a absolute massive murder scene with that gun. If they want to do something bad and they want to commit a shooting for some reason, for some crazy reason, they can't do that much damage because they are only limited to this amount of guns and only limited to a pistol or a shotgun that only holds maybe like 13 bullets or six slugs if you want. If you want to keep the amendment, if you don't want to, if if there's a wave, there's a world out there, you can't keep the amendment.
You have some ball of look at every other country who has abolished it. Yes, they still have. They still run into issues, but it. causes a dent.

It causing a dent is a start to everything. Nobody is saying that taking this stuff away is going to stop all this. if anything, if anything, once once it happens, it might even get worse for a little while because all the people are going to get upset and probably do something. But in the end the end matter.

There's no denying that it will get better. All right. I mean that that that makes kind of I guess like a reverse slippery slope. but I guess I'm saying that makes sense.

Yeah I mean you're right. I think you're generally right originally right I think all this does make sense. It doesn't make sense. Boom Done.

Done. So what is your take now? Still the same. Oh, look at this. I don't think it's what we're debating.

That's all. So I agree. Well I agree with you I just don't think that's what we're debating. What do you mean you? What do you mean that song We're debating why'd you lost the plot So so bad I Lost about certain guns? What is it? What is it I don't understand what your tickets I was saying okay I was saying there's two options too because I want to look at both ways of the party because I don't declare myself to a certain party because I think each side is stupid I want to say um, oh yeah.

Disclaimer: By the way, just because my I have a Turkish flag doesn't mean I watched that uh, his song. Dude, that guy's awful I'm sorry I know he's your friend but I'm sorry. but why is it because he's a libtard Is that? Why is it because it's a lip? Yeah, it's because he's a lip chart. You think I'm gonna say no Yeah Okay so whenever you go and if you want to please some people and you wanna you wanna keep this thing where you want to keep the amendment in right, you want to keep it.

You want to keep the amendment in. You want to keep all these people. this amendment that was made 200 whatever years ago and don't make good, get me started on that. Anyways, if you want to keep that in, abolish all the ARs automatic, all that stuff.

sure boom. if you don't, if there's a way you cannot keep that in and take guns away, do that instead. That's my number one. If number two, there's nothing else you can result to take ARs and stuff away, there's no need for it.
Okay, what if what if you were uh what if I were to tell you right that um what did I already tell you? Okay, it is in my opinion that um, there's a point in time I started talking about this right or crying didn't make sense anymore or the motives got gonna poof. Wow, What the is the motive here right? Because the people got ill, People are ill I Think people, people are crazy, People are crazy like people are cooked in the brain, right? Yeah, yeah. so they should be allowed to get a gun. You're right.

right? So then so then uh I agree that that making a dent is fantastic, Isn't it? Yeah, right. That's all good. Well what if there was a way right to make it? uh I'm very very severe on how tight it is if you really want to own a gun, if you really want to own it, not not everybody should be able to just go mom if you. really.

if you. if you because people put this is what people do in general right, they pretend to care, they pretend that they want something, but they don't actually want them right. because whenever you put the things whenever you put all the barriers I think you're very familiar with that right now I don't know what that means, but whatever. Uh, there's a bunch of there's a bunch of There's a bunch of steps for them to get there right? I Don't That was the low hanging fruit.

It's not just steps to get somewhere right? Um, right? The people that that prevent the care. Well, at the point they won't care anymore. They literally will not get training yet they won't. So then they will not be able to own it right because they have to do a bunch of stuff to get it so they don't actually care right? And do you think that that would fix the problem if people actually own them or like saying trained smart to some degree knowledgeable about this I have good gun etiquette I think that would solve most of the problem I I've So your solution is stalling.

Your solution is literally cop RFP stalling. That's what your solution is. Um no. it's a realization that um, to what like paperwork like this in? Mass Oh, we have to do all this paperwork.

We have to do all these classes. You have to do all this stuff. and then yeah, so you so you want to stall them. You want to stall somebody from not doing it from.

somebody is unhinged and crazy and wants to go do something crazy right now? Well, they won't be able to because they have to do all these steps first. I'm pretty sure. sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you I'm pretty sure I don't remember what shooting it was but there was a guy. One one is not like evidence of anything.

Usually it's like one I'm just I'm just giving an example on time perspective. There is a guy who went and I believe it was I don't want to actually I'm not gonna describe the shooting, it was just bad he I read in the Uh article that He specifically worked at a Wendy's for a certain amount of time until he can get these amount of money he needs to purchase everything he needs for the master shooting. then this. if you think he would work restaurant for that long you think he okay maybe maybe if you mentioned I know what you're saying.
Ah really we want to get into excuse me Argument: Is that what we want to do Is that Now listen Okay This is what this is. a scenario that I would call in my opinion nearly nearly unavoidable, right? Somebody that will get to his goal regardless right? These people in my it is in my opinion, the damage already done. They're already nuts. Okay, you're contradicting what you're saying.

Then if the damage was already done and they're already plotting a mass shooting, they're gonna go through all that training and installing you're talking about. You're just contradicted yourself. You: Muppet are you saying yo? yo? We get it bro. you're weighing your hoodie because you have no chin ass.

I Get it? Really? we're getting to this instead of my windows open all right I Like it Cold? all right. Look, Look, at least he is here is unbanned. You have no Chin I Get it now, then no chance, no no, then now then no. Okay, go ahead.

this type of scenario right? that some of these people okay, they're they're If they are actually set on a goal, they will. They will reach their goal. That that should my opinion. Okay, if there are things we could do as people to make these people not do something yet it's before.

At that point it's they're far gone. They will reach their goal so one way or another. Okay, so like without any I'm not even trying to joke anymore, but you are contradicting yourself though. you're gonna try.

You're you just said you? just. you're gonna try stalling them out. But if they have that long-term goal of making that mass shooting then then they're gonna do. Then they're going to go through the stalling to commit that mass shooting.

They're already absolutely this. I'm out of content. Like what the oh I mean if you didn't bro bro. My three first takes are all against one another I don't know what what you who you think but the main point is guys I Hope you understand this when whenever we're talking about another another side topic or not.

the main points right I mean no everybody wins or I lose I don't give a because whatever that any everything everything that that matters is the main points. The main point. What is it? Remember was bad All them or not. Um, are you asking me? Are you just saying yeah? Yeah, Ban all of them.

Okay, cool. okay, that's it. That's it. Then at that point, it's just an opinion.

Okay, so you're still on. Don't ban them. Uh, um yeah. I think I think I think it's overall better.

It's generally better if it's extremely tight in in how um how to Denim how to maintain them, how to keep them right and there's severe penalties for the ones that are illegal or not are not checked right and that says you better then nobody having them because then the people that do have them are rolling everybody. It's like Ops Okay So would you at least come halfway and say that all ARS should be taken away? Sure. Yeah, that's fine. Okay, um, and you're not making this point because you just think guns are cool, right? I Think that's pretty cool.
They're pretty. They're pretty like they're pretty well engineered. like it. I mean we're talking about that.

If you think anything about funding and and think about the world, right, who has the perfect technology and the most funding it right? I mean I mean right? Mm-hmm right? So all that thinking on it. it's all this Engineering in this I think the gun is cool because it doesn't do with people having them I just think that that a gun is cool. but the thing is you should use them or or I just think it's they are cool I I I agree they are cool I mean I'm interested in them I like going I like going to firing ranges I like using them Yeah I do I mean what? I I just don't understand like what aspect. It's the same thing to happen though.

Nothing. nothing. It's the same thing as somebody who studies. uh, um, there's a nuclear physicist like that, right? And you think I mean we're thinking about a nuclear bomb.

Let's say maybe they'll say oh, it's I think I think it's cool the idea that the the whole thing and you know because but they can't they can't go purchase a nuclear bomb exactly exactly. My example is that I said I think those are cool but I'm not gonna buy this or buy that or buy this but I don't I'm not something I just think that they're cool but you just I are you trying to contradict yourself or content or I I can't I actually can't tell anymore, huh? No, no, this isn't This is a side topic, isn't that? you just could. You just compared I just I just did What? I think of them is irrelevance. I think I don't think you're right I think it should be very, very tight and and having them.

but I don't think outright Banning them. um, stores any good but I mean who knows. maybe certainly good to what aspect Now I mean yeah, I guess. But you do realize they have to go through the risk of getting that gun though, right? So there is a there is at least a chance that they do get caught before committing that I mean I guess so but you can become and yeah, sure so wouldn't you rather have the chance of getting caught before the act or just a chance of hey, maybe this guy who's gonna go purchase this AR is not going to go up a school Jesus bro chill out man.

uh okay bad shooting. shoot up. let's go. sorry dude I'm just using a real okay sorry man I mean but like I don't know I I just I think a lot of people don't understand is just like you said and a lot of people said this is not gonna go away like even if we take it all away.
but it's not the matter of fact if it's all gonna go away, it's a matter of fact that it's gonna make it at least is hunting guns okay uh, shotgun to uh to shoot a flying, flying or like, um, like deers for food and like that. so I don't I don't I don't really uh know about any of this but ah, the Canadian route. okay see that's why I said You Canadian in the donut yeah I mean I I had guns growing up but they're for hunting and like that. Yeah I mean uh.

hunting guns are fine too because they're like really really slow and shooting. um Leaf country is fine I think guns are like mandator? uh I'm almost. They're gonna get bad at one point. I mean it's gonna get in there.

but um I think I think I think um fix the the way to get them and fix the people. We should count the people. The people fix the people. Yeah that works.

but people need help and the people need help and when they go get help, it shouldn't cost them a lot of money. That's that's how you fix people. So now we're going to the mental issue route. Well it's always been a missile issue about it's always been always been.

it has always been a mental issue thing. always okay. So if you can't fix someone who isn't open to fixing themselves, what's the alternative route. It's about being that investment used to kill everybody or what.

Remember we said that it's about making a dent right? if you make it more affordable and then they, they don't have to go broke to get therapy. You know what? you're making a fat ass dancing people that will get help because the value isn't simple. Don't want to go into Financial ruin to get mental help? Try this is a little bit. That's the thing I could be I could be wrong in this aspect.

Uh I know where like anywhere near um certified to say this. but I believe. Just like you said, if they have the thought of having a mass shooting, they are far gone. There is no helping them.

They are done exactly And how did they get there. Do you think that they developed a craziness overnight or boom no no, you know what happened, what happened. It's a built up thing that happens over a lot of time of pent-up that they could have tried to fix at one point. Probably right.

And if money was a problem because the government doesn't pay for their mental health right, they probably didn't do it. Probably would have done it and they would. That's just how it is. That's just how that works.

Uh yeah. I guess I mean to be honest what you're saying I agree with so like I mean I don't I don't have anything to go against you? yeah I wish Mental Health was more open. That's it can you make fun of? Canadians Dude, we have in-school counselors, a therapists and therapy is pretty much free dude. So instead of going to the local shop and buying a piece of Boom Okay you go, talk about the problems yo.
Holy boom Holy yeah crazy bro that is crazy. instead bro, let's use all the taxpayer money and buy filling. F-16 jet boom bang bombs and bang bang but the people are dying. Number one, Burn the guns No dude real.

Madness was a dumb spending and help the people get better. Yo yeah? I I I guess that's sure. I Don't see how that has any relation to fix the people gun. That's my issue.

You know what? You know what the United States should do. They should have a worldwide broadcasting stream that everybody's mandated to watch and it's gonna be your stream about you like 10. But social credits? You're just getting social credits for now, you're getting a lot of social credits right now. That's fine.

Okay, keep going. keep going I mean like that. What do they? what are they gonna do about like the social credits? I'm just saying you're being awarded uh China is letting this and they're They're actively upping your Social Security right now you're you're popping off right now. Keep going.

Okay, what if I'm over? What if I'm over 9 000 social credit? what's gonna happen? I'm locking loaded. Whatever they want is they're saying that everyone should have a chip and whenever one of the government says it says it, says a communication. if they see the images through their eyes and whatever message they have or propaganda, it's in their brain automatically. boom what we're saying.

when did you start this Chinese thing I I there was a Chinese emo I guess I must have missed it. Is that where you're moving next is it is which is banned over there? but I could probably use uh the uh the knockoff Tick Tock uh Live app and then under the bridge and so if I can find some content I could do some good drama, contents and live stream that that'd be that's gonna thank you Julian do ya do yen that sounds gonna make it Thoughts: is game illegal left then right to the goal which I mean you probably thank you for press points. Yeah you can gamble your social credit points oh my God Wait that opens up with some new possibilities. Yeah that's actually crazy.

It's a it's like a double and give it to the next person type of thing. Imagine this is like an official political party Black Market Social Security Gambling it and people were like gambling their actual lives away. That would actually be a really good movie I would actually watch that I'm not sure yo this is the next Black episode People who gamble in like back room, gamble, black markets. there's a little bit of score.

It kind of reminds me of that one movie with uh I forget what his name is but they have like the time on their their wrist. but there's a you know the old movie. yeah yeah I saw I saw that yeah that's what it reminds me of but uh I think as yeah Justin Timberlake in it. oh yeah time oh yeah I watched that.

it's got a chance for me. that's just wrong. Look before you leave, if you do something bad, you're gonna abandon. Not me.
So no, no, no no no no no, don't hold it like that. you bum. Okay I was actually gonna. why can't I hold her like this? Yeah yeah yeah.

you have to hold it like, um, like football and you have to squish it like huh? Football? Uh, the carrying the over the shoulder, carrying like this like that and you squish squish. You haven't played a sport in your life I don't know what you're talking about. Oh like this. Oh she farted okay, and you you squish.

What do you mean squish? oh why do you? why would you squish of a guest star? I'll show you a squish, get out of Go sir. okay hey wait I have one more thing to ask. Oh no I need to get something. No I'm not.

uh because I absolutely smoked and rolled you in the debate. Can I shout out one person. she's a really big fan of yours. Sure though.

Oh man uh, she's been trying to get in contact you multiple times but yeah sure. If you want to take her uh from me, go ahead man. uh uh no. I'm good.

okay can I still shut her up? Sure. Okay, it's Hannah from Hamburg bye-bye I don't know what it is. you don't know what is hamburger I don't know what that is but yeah I guess watch my squish video. Okay, you didn't want anybody.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Should we ban all guns?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eli Skinner says:

    This kid is somehow even more braindead than xqc, He thinks that all firearms are registered in the US he also thinks that automatic handguns are legal in the US, He calls Magazines "clips" and Thinks that a tube fed shotgun can accept magazines, also thinks that Ar15's are somehow more dangerous than other rifles that have the exact same capabilities

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrRaylax says:

    There are many examples of legal firearm carriers atopping instances of violence. Just google Brazilian off-duty cop.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dumb buffoon says:

    No absolutely not lmao just make mental health more of a priority taking guns away will make even more gun violence from bad people you take away good peoples guns but not criminals guns

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max says:

    i think its too late to ban guns, we should do more for the requirements because it is pretty easy to get one

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mick0maticNL says:

    Really, you just take this L because youre out of content.
    Jim Jefferies has said all there is to say about guns.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yungacidd says:

    its funny how you have any other opinion then them and then they just call you wrong and wrong and dumb.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yungacidd says:

    xqc 2A W juicer

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Giertz says:

    .300 blackout is considered a pistol though?!?!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marswxn says:

    I mean he said well Britain’s got a knife problem so I mean case closed honestly knifes are more deadly than guns that’s why every cop and everyone in the army has a knife and not a gun historically

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Gillies Manson says:

    Cooked tbh

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wyatt C. says:

    No matter where you stand on the issue, first guns have to be banned, which won’t go over well with gun owning civilians, and second, you’re going to need someone very brave to go and forcefully collect their guns. That could end up being a civil war.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gho5t Calib3r says:

    Most braindead takes I've ever heard

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meta Discussions says:

    How do you define an ar cause if you ban 556 and anything larger. I promise you I can build a smaller gun with smaller bullets and it will be more effective than ar15. The reason ar 15 is popular is because it’s cheap.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xQc says:

    Should they ban all guns?

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