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#xQc #pursuit #chase

Feeling that he is armed and dangerous I Can hear the officers right now trying to clear. Chad Chad that's the email viewer. Give me the other guy so they're sorting that out. Give me the visual broadcast.

I'm not kidding. They believe that they know him and I and I Thought that was the case because one of the units that is involved in this Uh has the radio identifier of five King which is usually a detective unit from one of their centralized detective. Bureau I'm not getting it. Uh, they do have detectives involved in this.

It sounds like a detective may have been uh, the one that was initially in what they call a following which is when they you know want to make a stop on this vehicle, but they need to coordinate it and get other units involved and they did that with those Black and Whites And now we have this: Pursuit So how did this or how did police get tipped off to this Mike What What actually started this? Well, all we know is that they they originally got on the radio and said we're following this vehicle. Um, and they you know they said they needed additional units. Uh, an air unit. They didn't do anything until they had a bunch of marked units.

you know Dez was pointing out how many Black and Whites were down there. Um, so it's It's very possible they were surveilling this person. Okay, um and then they were, you know, ready to get felony suspect. uh, that they believe is armed and dangerous.

So most likely the car was reported stolen exactly And as Mike was just talking about. you know the different processes that the law enforcement officials have before they go into full on Pursuit mode as we call it. Um, we're talking about it being a following. It's like a pre-pursuit If you will find the car, get more units and place an idea.

Is that more Black and Whites units will be present so that maybe the person won't run. Maybe they you know it'll minimize the likelihood that they'll take off and the grounds. They have the airships so that's what was happening before we got to you here on air here on KCAL News at 10. But again, we are following a police pursuit right now.

The LAPD chasing a stolen car, a black Honda sedan. Let's get back to Mike Rogers at the desk with an update. Yeah, so we're continuing to listen to this. They're still trying to sort out what the weapon was.

They're trying to get some of those detectives involved in this. I Can hear them trying to coordinate the radio traffic. It sounds like some of the officers may have been on a different rate radio channel, so you know they're coordinating all that right now. But you know, like you were mentioning, please stop coordination is exactly for this purpose.

especially. You know this is one of these followings that for us at the desk. a lot of people don't realize there are a lot of followings every day. Like this kind of thing happens all the time.

Um, that was much longer than what they usually are and that really indicated to me that they really wanted to have their ducks in a row. They wanted to have a lot of officers here. Um, I'm gonna hold back some of the things that I am hearing, but they are requesting some kind of specialized unit to be involved in this as well. Uh, which really again leads me to believe you know that these guys are somebody that could be potentially pretty dangerous that they really want to get off the streets.
The other thing you know I was talking about that radio designation earlier of that detective. Uh, those King units that we call them are city-wide detectives. They're not from Individual bureaus. Um, so it could have been somebody you know that was being investigated potentially by Robbery Homicide division or some city-wide detective division, right? Um, so it sounds like in precautions, potentially pretty dangerous.

Not anymore, right? That whole code six Charles With the felony one now armed and dangerous? Uh, changed everything and here we are in Pursuit Uh, Desmond Shaw Live up in Skycal. for the most part he's staying here on surface streets, huh? Yeah, kind of looping around the area. Now we're in the in the Pico Union area you can see so briefly went down towards USC and it turned around. That was right when we had heard That this had uh become a Pursuit so kind of hanging out in this area, we first heard about Uh LAPD wanting to pull this over though over on on the West Side Overall for the tenants and Lincoln that was when they were still following and trying to get all of these officers you know in their Black and Whites ready to pull this over.

get the helicopter overhead as well which obviously they have. You see that Spotlight there as they get ready to go underneath us. here. on to Olympic Boulevard and there you can see the sharp turn by Lapd's Airship there to stay in pursuit of this one.

Uh so bear with us here as we just spin the camera around a little bit as we are on Olympic Picana hanging out in this area so you know, is this where the suspect lives or is this where they want to ditch the vehicle, get out and run I Would you know? So we'll see this is obviously after all the details that Mike was giving you. Definitely not one of the run-of-the-mill Pursuits It sounds like it's a lot more than just property crime going on. They believe that this person is armed and dangerous. That's a whole other factor.

and so knowing all that it does, this does not seem like one of those ones where LAPD will go up. They're probably going to try to take this one as far as they can. However, this concludes what's interesting: I'm noticing here that the cruiser behind this car that's being pursued also has a spotlight of its own. I'm guessing it's to maybe look inside the car mike or Des what would you say to uh, try to alert Pop? Maybe maybe alert other people of the guy coming through the area.
Sometimes we'll see him shine a flashlight. We're also dealing with a black guy. A lot of times we see that when it's a black vehicle. when they have their life to do that just to keep you know a visual of the vehicle or to warn other people that something's coming towards them.

I May have even been a coordination with you. Saw that the the Airship was in a really tight turn there, so maybe they were doing that to kind of help assist the the helicopter as well so that they could, uh, show them you know where the vehicle is going. This is a pretty common car. Is it a ninjas? Still, you know a decent amount of people out here tonight.

It's definitely not dead down in this area. We're pretty close to downtown Los Angeles So you know a moderate amount of danger to the public right now. Obviously it speeds up to 75 miles an hour as we get up. so maybe trying to formulate a plan or or something or you know where they want to get out of the vehicle we'll see.

but LAPD obviously all over this one. Uh, ready. However, this is going to end talking about dangerous because of the high speed on surface streets right now, a danger to the public. Obviously for anyone who might be walking or driving outside and not see this car coming their way at full speeds like this, you know these narrow streets that we see these dark streets and you wonder you know my gosh, are they you know going to stop for that stop sign? They just keep going and it gets really scary especially for Neighbors out there who maybe you know do not know again that this is coming through.

but this is a tough situation for the LAPD as we're all talking about because of the fact that these suspects are armed and dangerous and as Desmond was saying, this is another level of danger when we're talking about armed and dangerous because police cannot do the things that they would maybe normally do to stop this car during a another pursue that we're not talking about armed individuals right? Mike Yeah right. I mean this is you know. I Just heard them request additional units even to add to all of the units that they already have there which again just kind of goes to show. Um, sorry I was listening to some radio traffic here but goes to show that they're really taking this seriously and again they're repeating right now Armed and Dangerous um and so you know the Airship has a couple things there they want to try.

They're waiting to get some approvals for those so we'll watch and see if those happen. Oh um, you know, not something that they're probably going to give up and that they'll give up if you're at the courthouse. Is that the felony suspect that is they believe is armed and dangerous, right? Well, they'll drive them so you know. but we are getting into these kind of surfer streets where we're trying to starting to Circle a little bit.

I'm monitoring some of the air traffic here. uh with Sky Cal and the lap down this area. uh you know Pico Union into close to downtown. So uh, we'll see.
you know if they're able to get something to to, maybe stop this guy. Yeah, to use spike strips right? Because it seems like he's following some sort of patterns telling us and we see it here. Live, just turn after time. I'm just staying in the Uh Pico Union area and it looks like this is an area that has some homes and a lot of apartment buildings as well temperatures at night, but we're not seeing a lot of foot traffic right now, which is a good thing right now with this car, uh, blasting through residential streets at anywhere from 30 to 50 miles an hour, which of course is very dangerous.

Yeah, I mean you know this is one of those situations where they're probably not going to go obviously because of the fact that these suspects you can imagine. you know kind of techniques that they're thinking about you know, deploying right now and uh, definitely a normal reason because they are armed and you can only imagine what could be arrively should the officers get any closer to this car. So again, a big danger to not only the officers who are in Pursuit but also uh, in the neighborhood that this uh suspect is driving through and we've been talking about, it's been perfect. I would say half an hour now.

Um, you know we were back in the USC area and then they trained and came back. yeah this entire time. but you know it always makes you wonder why. Um, are they familiar with the area? Do they live in this area? Do they have a friend who lives in this area? Maybe they're hoping to, uh, you know, ditch the car and run into there.

who knows or like we saw not too late area and the suspects all scattered and there were so many people just wanted to figure out who was who. Eventually they did. Uh yeah, we're coming into this area here where there were a lot of apartment buildings. but no, there's the car right there.

Uh Desmond is right on it and it looked just a little while ago right there on the on the map tracker. are they near L.A Um Desmond is that the convention center? Yeah, we are right by there right now. wide now to show you. so we are right next to the convention center.

uh right now. which is you know, long since closed. Fortunately, so not I Got to see too many people out in this area so but now just kind of crisscrossing around the 10 freeway. you know, right around there as well.

Pico Union So starting to kind of Branch out a little bit what the strategy is here? you know we are on this year. They're kind of hanging back a little bit as well and you know what when we figure lost this vehicle. So uh, you know we have about five percent. Of course they do have the helicopter overhead uh as well, but you know they've got to be kind of careful if this is because it really does oftensity to of intensity to this Pursuit uh For authorities like this, you'll always assume the worst, but when you have concrete evidence uh or or good information to go on uh to lead you to that conclusion uh certainly is indeed uh, armed and dangerous and uh, you know potentially either use the weapon or threaten to use the weapon uh in the commission of a crime leading up to this person circumstances but a very dangerous situation unfolding for LAPD Tonight It really is here goes a right-hand turn.
Northbound Yes, Wednesday is awesome. He really is. This driver really is all over the place and uh well, let me pull out to a wide shot. So you get an idea of uh, how many units are in this Pursuit It makes more sense now that they said these armed and dangerous might be ending right here.

he's jumping out. Whoa. Two passengers, two passengers coming out. the driver is going to continue.

We're going to stay with the vehicle we're hearing that is uh, one is a female Northbound in an alley right now. but the vehicle is going to continue here on. Hoover Again, we just saw that happen. um, two passengers footbailed, one female, uh, one male there I'm sure that uh, you know units are on them trying to get them into custody, but we're keeping our eyes on this guy.

um, on the on the driver of this vehicle of this stolen car who is considered armed and dangerous and now um, making his way again. blowing through another intersection. passengers are stopping shocked that there was somebody that actually just ran a red light not realizing that it was a Pursuit that um that just went through that red light and you know the subsequent patrol car is behind him that are going to follow. So here he is in this neighborhood making the rounds again.

Northbound Yeah, making his rounds again and uh, we're hearing listening to the foot chase as well. The female's still running In an alley, a male passenger also on foot. Still, they they are not in custody yet but the Uh officers that were in trail uh, jumped out and were running after those two. But this Pursuit continues here.

Boy Desperation time for this driver. so two passengers jumped out. Unclear if there are any other passengers that may have decided to stay on board or if there are no other passengers erratically in this nature on surface streets at night as well as overhead. LAPD Airships? Yeah, definitely hard to get away.

Look at the units in this: Pursuit There's a four right now. the other one is Pursuit and it is in boys and he's in it. Um, Oh Boulevard Now on to Southbound Union Avenue A lot of erratic turns here, doing his level best to try and lose those officers not pulling around here. they are really look at that possibly set up for a spike trip there and it went the other way making a left turn.

Yeah, that comes now because we got Andy a quick right onto Washington and all four of those units behind him managing to keep up here. Look at that officers now waiting at various intersections ahead of him as he continues to Circle this area 10 near Pico Union we're continuing now on. Hoover Street Mom they flooded Hoover they flood the heavens Excuse Me: give him on the job and they get my bad Mica Ma'am Andy needs to get and it doesn't They don't treat Angie right now trying to make out the make and model of that car but obviously uh, a dark color vehicle maybe a Civic a Honda Civic perhaps with heavily tinted windows Again, continuing these circles here in the Pico Union area. Background: Northbound Alvarado Once again on streets that we have now been on several times just in the last couple of minutes.
now again Northbound on Alvarado Street Like installing it. What are you installing it? There are now upwards of a half a dozen LAPD units in Pursuit here. Lots of cops on his tail as he continues these erratic moves over the double yellow line. Lots of traffic to get around anybody in his way, weaving through the rampart.

District Here now making another wild right turn there on to James Woodville Northbound Slowing down another turn and look at all of the units as they try and flood this part of downtown. L.A Again, we're west of the 10 freeway, the 110 rather north of the 10. and now on to you. Now on to 8th.

Street Unless they were involved with the with, um, what if it was the initial Daniel Once again, the driver of this vehicle leading police on a wild police train through downtown. L.A It's been going on for the better part of the last 25 minutes as he continues to weave his way through downtown. LA Uh, trying every trick in the book to try and lose those officers, but no less than a half a dozen to a dozen units right on his tail with that. LAPD Airship Trying to shine a light there, warning drivers ahead of him of the danger coming their way as he continues at a high rate of speed.

possibly onto the freeway. Here, he'll come out the other side that's eighth and he's gonna weave around this traffic here. Not getting on the freeway, that'll put him in front on just past Francisco there as he makes his way. Now in business Chinese Days the town for these Pursuit suspects Very tricky for the helicopters to keep up with them.

here. It's going to fall on those units down on the ground to keep a close distance and a close eye and prevent him from, uh, getting away here. Lots of parking garages, lots of hiding spots here, plenty of apartment buildings. Uh, it's just so easy to hide out in downtown.

L.A Now onto Hope Street at a high rate of speed downtown L.A Relatively empty this time of the night. still though, lots of pedestrians uh, walking their dogs and out and about for a Wednesday evening walk and you can see he's now continuing on. Hope Street Here, all of those units still right behind them. Well, that helps.
Rita Oh, hold up, not something southbound. Hope slowing down a little bit. The church looked like some I would have made in third grade back onto. Pico Boulevard I would never live in these apartments right around La live as he makes his way past Figueroa Continuing westbound past Figueroa past the convention center.

Oh, they can't reward though. Pico At 70 miles per hour coming up on the freeway, he's gonna go I Think once again underneath the 110 freeway and there's the overhead traffic here. He's going to get around that by going into the oncoming Lanes of traffic. Once again, another wild left-hand turn here.

All of those units behind him as he makes his way onto Valencia Street I Guess we're less scared now because there's only you know it's I'm dangerous. There's only one guy but a three. Since three with a gun have jumped out of the vehicle, we believe that at least one of those suspects is in custody and presumably LAPD is in the process of gaining more Intel on this driver and trying to get some more information on what you know we're working with here. who they are.

they were three go off of the vehicle license plate because it appears to be a stolen vehicle and so they have limited knowledge about the driver. But once again, you can see he is posing a real danger to all of these other motorists as he speeds down. Venice Boulevard at upwards of 50 miles per hour. Oh, a spike strip.

A spike strip. It missed a failed Spike Come on man. Continuing westbound Venice Boulevard Then get him. Well, it wasn't bad.

It doesn't have it, It doesn't have the full hits. It all has to do is clip it at least a little bit. Thank you. Oh wait, now he's got a Northbound turn.

Oh Cortland Avenue They're gonna take him into custody in short order here and the driver is continuing once again. So now three people have jumped out of this vehicle. This is a stolen vehicle and we're told uh by sources that there was also a felony want for the driver of this car. There are additional charges that this suspect is.

Ah, you got me, you got some reason there are so many officers dedicated to this. Pursuit We're gonna see what those other wants are, but there are additional felony wants for the driver of this vehicle as they continue this pursuit of a stolen vehicle in downtown. L.A 50 miles per hour of Alvarado Street Then that was the only one I left. unless that unless they had three at the back.

no shot, another Y turn they're on to Olympic Uh oh. almost losing control fishtailing at West Lake Avenue off of Olympic Boulevard to lose control a little bit. good recovery though. Turns way too fast, very little breaking breaking, way too late.

and here he comes again as he makes his way. chat uh this time is zoomed in like times. 24 is like that as all of those. PDS The Haley looks close, but it's not close enough.
but again, about 10 units, approximately 10 units that are on his I Mean, look at this. It's not. It's like setting up whatsoever. They really are dedicated to this.

Pursuit Look at that. Check out all of those all going in line like this. What are they doing? This is normal Jennifer Chase Driver is one. We really see this many people in a row like this.

Left hand turn there on 12th Street and once again heading back towards downtown L.A Because it just quit more traffic, more people in the one thing westbound: 12th at 50 miles per hour 10 freeway LAPD right on his tail there with that Airship right overhead trying to keep that noise on him. there's the overpass. Once again, we're covering a lot of the same real estate that we have just in the last few minutes. Another wild left turn there as he continues to push the limits of this.

Honda Civic again right near here I Saw that guy AJ Watson Just past chick Hearn here paralleling the 110 freeway. Imagine they went back and scooped the guy that got out. it's illegal in California it is Olympic Boulevard Live Tours I Turn on Olympic and if you're watching Us Live on and our ABC 7 streaming apps, get ready to switch over to ABC7 on your TV set As we get ready for our 11 o'clock broadcast. Uh Eyewitness News At 11 o'clock starting in just a second, they're cutting off Andy I have no icon What the is the problem? Nothing No icon you hear I don't hear I have nothing help Andy Man I I Heard nothing bro I Heard that I Heard that Yeah I had left ABC but I probably top of your screen Knights on top of your screen right there.

Come on. That's right Jory The suspect who's been on the Run for the better part of the last half hour dumping several of his friends passengers in the vehicle jumping out of the vehicle. Some wild turns here through downtown L.A as he tries to lose about a dozen officers who are so far managing to keep up with him at high rates of speed through surface streets. it started on the freeway in Lapd's Southwest Division and now we are in LA Downtown LA where this Pursuit is continuing with some really wild and erratic moves at times, almost losing control of the vehicle.

Jury: We believe this is a stolen vehicle, but there is much more to the story. In fact, sources tell us some felony wants for the driver of this car this person believed to be armed and dangerous. They have tried several times to spike the vehicle, they have set up perimeters, but so far he has really done a good job at evading those officers, but they have done an equally impressive job of keeping up with him. They have not let him go.

They are applying a lot of pressure upwards. as I mentioned, 10 to 12 officers right on his tail there. In addition to that, LAPD Airship Who is keeping that Knightson on him as he makes his way down? I Think we're on 8th Street Once again, we're covering a lot of the same streets over and over again. between Downtown L.A and some of the residential neighborhoods near the Pico Union area that's allowed them to set up for those spike strips.
But again, so so far most of those Spike attempts up 25 males on to Parkview Street Here in the in the Uh in the downtown L.A area. Look at this. What a yep, what? Look At this rate, it's just a hard stack that yeah, you can't help but presume that this is probably an area that he's very familiar with if not resides in. Too early to tell.

Again, three suspects jumping out of the vehicle in this neighborhood and we believe at least one or two of them have been taken into custody and hopefully LAPD is in the process of trying to gain more. Intel Look at all not only the units behind him intersections, there are units that have been able to set up for him even he went past the back. Uh, successful spikes just yet. At one point, the street we have been on at least three or four times already as he continues to do circles just to the east of downtown.

L.A Occasionally making his way under the 110 freeway into the taller buildings in downtown where it's much easier. but inevitably, he continues to kind of go back in the vehicle three more I might have caught that front right wheel. Yeah, we're gonna be approaching Hoover What is this clown car joke? from Alvarado Oh yeah, 60 to 70 miles per hour surface streets I Think we just caught a glimpse through that driver. That windshield uh, appears to be if I'm not mistaken, another passenger.

Yeah, it's filming it. Look at this guy. Look at it, Look at them individuals still inside that car. It's a compact car.

We believe it might be a Honda Civic And as we've already mentioned at least three other people from our vantage point, it does look like the driver. and again, this is not normal. especially for the Los Angeles Police Department to work a Pursuit like this with this size of a Pursuit package, especially through streets through downtown. L.A It's just not something we are typically used to seeing.

It's 11. there's a lot more to the story to say the least. In any event, he's back on Olympic Boulevard another Boulevard that we have been on numerous times as he continues to Circle This neighborhood wouldn't be surprised if there are more songs as he continues now eastbound on Olympic Boulevard Jury hahaha apparently comes to go for spikes, huh? Really successful. Another while To the guy who was recorded: yeah, going the wrong way again or actually just turning anything he could have.

He seems he's had many opportunities to get on the freeway and he seems to be intentionally avoiding it. If anything has changed since that spice trip, I would say maybe he's traveling a little bit slower now going the wrong way on 12th. Street that might be a one-way Street Underneath there, underneath the 110 freeway. at the other side, that's going to be the east side on the 110 freeway where there are so many spots to hide out.
there parking garages, apartment complexes, and you could tell that vehicle is definitely slower. How essentially injects a straw-like uh, pan into the tire that slowly releases the air. That's what we're seeing here is that left tire starts to come apart there as he's now underneath the freeway. really slowing down.

There he is coming out, coming out still pushing the gas pedal, trying to get away from those officers. But that vehicle is. Look at that. there's more flat tires.

In fact, both of those tires on the right side are flats under control. That's bad. that's 07 as they are now setting up at various intersections along. Pico Boulevard Getting ready to Pursuit Authorized units disengage huh? inside line.

What song do you all think he's listening to? Nothing? Yeah, I'm approaching the Union Wait no wait, no no way. He makes a turn here. Yeah, another turn here. trying to make those turns I Think it's just a matter of time gonna rip though.

He's making turns on it on a flat tire himself. Up here, you can still see occasionally some smoke in a minute from our Vantage Point All right, and as you mentioned, he is swimming is a great way to put it as he makes his way again back. Northbound on Alvarado Street Really doing circles over and over and over on these same exact streets? Uh, not a lot of surprises with this guy that's allowed them to really, uh, execute those uh, spice trips and slowing down ever more slowly here as he continues at about 20 miles per hour. They've done a great job at trying to keep other traffic at Bay but it's a testament to how much resources have have been dedicated.

Uh to this. Pursuit On the part of the LAPD, they have dedicated a copious number of Uh officers and resources to try and get this person off the road believe to be armed and dangerous. The vehicle itself said to be stolen, but there are additional felony wants for the driver. They're going to go way hard on them once the two guys are at it on him at all, all of those units continuing to close out on him from behind as he continues not going hard because there's two inside and they have guns.

Boulevard If you recognize these streets, trust yourself. Even though his arms are following us on but the better part of the last half hour, he is continuing to do circles around these same buildings here just to the west of downtown. L.A Between MacArthur Park and Downtown L.A is where he feels most comfortable now making his way back towards the 110 freeway. Yeah, back and forth.

He's been here like four times. Wait a minute. I Mean technically one of them to get like, build or find with the amount that this costs for them. Like all the equipment lost and damaged during the pursuit Foreign? That's right, multiple felonies Jesus the tax dollars and we've seen a lot of experienced uh Pursuit drivers try that very tactic, intentionally making their way into the downtown area where there are so many hiding spots, it's become a well-known thing.
Uh, if you know you're trying to lose the cops, you know downtown is the place to do it. I Don't think that's going to happen with this guy because you could just see the number of units on the ground, even if you know the minute I had to peel off. There are just so many ground units dedicated to this person. Uh, it's just the chances of it massive speed checking two of them.

it may end up in a foot pursuit they might have to set up a perimeter, but they are going to get this guy. Uh, this is not something that we are used to seeing Dido and it's right behind him again as a reporter I Cannot wait to hear uh, the uh, the details behind what this person is wanted for some very serious charges stacking up against them here as he refuses even at this late uh juncture with all of those flat tires said to be armed and dangerous. Uh, we don't know what crimes have been committed, but obviously, uh, they are stopping at nothing to keep up with him. They are not going to lose him.

it's just a matter of he's on borrowed time. He knows it, and so he's just enjoying these final moments of freedom to kill and crawl through downtown. L.A Again, back onto Alvarado Wait, Isn't that what they got the other guy last night? No, it's not. There's trees HD it is.

HD It's getting dark in there, isn't it? Easily right? That's right. And now you have the issue as uh, as word gets out on social media and of course, uh, across uh, everybody's TV set, you start to see some more people coming out to try and catch a glimpse. Again, this is the type of Pursuits basically established such a pattern. Absolutely.

they don't want to see pedestrians get involved, even if they want to try and catch a glimpse or take a picture. It is so ill-advised because you just don't know how this Pursuit is going to end. And there are indeed lots of pedestrians out and about. Some just happen to be walking around obviously in this part of town.

In other parts, they are coming out just to take a look at what is going on in their neighborhood. Guys stop in the middle of the switch to watch this, making his way through the same regen over and over again. back onto Alvarado Street Doing these circles at about 20 miles per hour with all of those lights and Sirens behind him getting everybody's attention. Uh, of course there's a good a smart idea.

So they're going to try and continue to keep the closed down here, making these turns with him back onto Olympic Boulevard from Alvarado again doing a very, very tight circle around this group of buildings as he makes another uh, left-hand turn here this time Olympic Lake Street another Narrow Street Basically just exhausting whatever rubber is left. it's the driver's side. Tire I Don't want to cross traffic. So now if I was coming here comes.
Lake Street It looks like it. I'm not sure if it's actually come off left side. oh no, that will. that's really about it.

But so far I mean considering here with that steering wheel and you can see if he goes any faster so he's got to keep it in a straight line because any hope of keeping this going? but I Just think he is. uh uh, you know he's on borrowed time. It's clear that there's just not much time left. and it does.

Look there's a little bit of rubber. Oh my God. dude, this is busted. Pico I Mean dude I mean citizen driver I don't think it's good I don't even see it a lot I think it's at least decent For sure it's been doing pretty good.

Oh there it goes. Uh will start to grind into the paper and you'll start to see some Sparks here. uh as he continues I just don't think he's going to be able to maintain control. Bad idea.

crossing over the double yellow lines. This is real potential for danger. It takes nothing for him to accidentally spin out of control or drift over those double yellows. Now we're back underneath the freeway here as he Contin ents bound on really start to hold your breath as he tries to make this up as he goes along here.

Holy oh no last Tire Here Comes that's the last alternative he's got right. and Ellie then he's got. he's got a one more at the front search down L.A Live from Pecos Yes, there's something contemplating. uh, maybe some more unorthodox tactics here.

I Mean they can continue uh in a traditional way. Holy off the front right tire. There that front rim starting to light up as it grinds into the asphalt there. But you wonder? uh with the dangers at play here, whether there might be other options for them? A dozen or so they didn't write the message.

nails trees through Albany dark flare reference. Oh my. God Jesus he's still doing it foreign. That's what I would think.

Now he is back on. Oh my. God this is buzzing. light up.

Oh is there eastbound? Olympic Uh Olympics Oh, and that's gonna start to heat the back tire as well. Couldn't the Sparks affect the back tire? or do you think it's going fast enough that it's it's cooling down as it goes? Westlake No, he has one tire left. Repeated circles along the same exact streets, really close to those parked cars. It's telling he does the spikes again.

It seems like relatively at this point just cross spikings. However, why they are not opting for that pit maneuver? their oh no, they got them. Here Comes Hey I can't follow at a close distance. They could easily hit him.

not with their arms and for some reason they have not. And then for some reason there's three armored people in there today. Uh, pretty quickly here. We'll see if there's any cooperation or any signs of cooperation.
The very first step I mean oh yeah. windows down. Shut off the car. Will he pop open that door? They're gonna.

It's just what is he doing here? It looks like he is. Uh, it looks like he stopped gassing it I Don't see those Wheels spinning but the car is still on I'm sorry. Yeah, for sure Olympic to plug southbound traffic. Yeah, they're ready to make that felony.

Please Stop Live Play live. It's not in the air. He's out of the beagle. There's the hands hands up in the air, is back facing those officers stepping away from the vehicle slowly and now it appears he is giving himself up.

They are, uh, not going to take any chances with him. They are going to continue to instruct him, uh, to do a number of things and uh, eventually he'll be proned out here in just a second. He's walking away from them for some reason and now on his knees because there's other on the cards. Why Here he is proned out.

all eyes now on the passenger seat is felony arrest. They will take him into custody here momentarily. Uh, but they want to wait I Think they want to. They want to knock with a crossfire.

They can't go past that because he's alone. until they understand that that suspect they don't have his own or not. They have to assume that there's always more One passenger. There's the passenger door passenger vehicle, her hands now up in the air.

Again, worth reiterating that three other suspects jumped out of the back seat. Who the is this hippie earlier in this? Pursuit That female passenger now stepping backwards in the direction of those officers as she appears to be cooperating. and this Pursuit fortunately appears to be coming to a peaceful resolution. Not before putting lots of lives in.

Danger Tonight with the crazy driving we've seen, it's a miracle nobody's been hurt. But fortunately coming to a peaceful end now as both the driver and the passenger appear to be. yeah, he's talking. Yeah, okay, nobody's dead brother.

is it more I can fix her. Shut up. How fat are you chickens? All right? What the are they doing here? You gotta copy that. Southwest Imagine how annoying the sirens have been if you live in that area.

Also, all the cars he drove by probably have up paint now from Sparks xqcs locked. After you clear the vehicle, officers are clearing the vehicle I Put the trunk bro. This is the part where a wild Gene Paul jumps off the ground, runs at the officers and starts swinging on all the officers. Imagine the trunk opens up and a machine gun emerges.

Oh chill. use ambulance topic. The girl engaged figure on gauge cut three and seven, four, seven, eight, seven already 12 49. imagine a Chase it would last 40 minutes.

They haven't taken a menu. this car was a toaster. ha ha Well this is anti-climatic world. The relaxer.

There's another movie. There's no like a cold PD for this and they can't even wrap it up quick. This is Shift three for real and they've got my man Andy Isaac without him. Yeah, girls are unhinged and we'll get you into this.
Rare for a member of the House of Representatives to become well-known nationally, especially someone in only their second term. Oh basketball Bro Really? bro. the King and Chick rounding turn four. it's too close Bro bro.

What the bro. These police chases remind me of this clip Omegle Bro oh my God this guy and I caught that beta. Is it? look at the yeah okay yo. this is stupid man.

absolutely brain dead. Oh he's gonna go snipe the ID the this guy not a little biaro sniping IRL yeah my head hurts man I can fix her What are they doing? They're just tapping it. we're filming your GTA 6 Is that what he said? What the? What's this animation I Want to see the juice Lord's God level reaction link here. Foreign Guys: we're just filming GTA 6.

I'm released. What some questions The suspect that we get the exclusives. The exclusive is that down? Go away actual Nightcrawler Andy's what the ready here always. Oh he couldn't go no more either.

Yeah, all right, that's enough. I Think that was fun. It was a crash problem that was a different one. A whole different crash that was just something by itself.

No, that's what I Think of pursuit too. Oh for real. Yeah so this was a second. Pursuit yeah I think so.

I Think they might have been like crazy. maybe? Oh and they thought, well they're saying some random oh my god dude. They were saying the most random out there dude is a fake worse than death. You're not wrong brother.

Yeah six man, what else? Look at her. She hides the hell, the city. Gonna remember this in the morning. She's on that blue pill.

If I don't remember it. Do it count. I'm sorry you didn't have any cheat codes Jesus R1 R2x down up left. Oh my God bro.

Imagine being a relentlessly cooked by actual locals when you're in the cop car. real life smacked back to reality that he hella thought he was. So once you go to jail then as far as an Adventures of the passenger thank you X and thank you chat for keeping my mind off of things right now. Just know it gets better.

Maybe not now, maybe not next month. but it does. hmm what the hell yo? What the is that? What the is that you guys chill I was watching in peace. Stuff like it I'm just watching.

hey guys this is bad I'm not I'm not gonna say it or I'm not gonna request anything dude. listen it's just weird. It's just weird because I feel like there's like a whole other branch of TOS like like ass like yo Ashley gotta to do this I ask you to say that like what the ing work? no no I can't see that is crazy damn one you dog wanted. Yeah yo sniper man plug your insta bro shut it out by the detective yo sniper plug that they were really on a hot one huh? Gonna tell on them.
Apis is amazing GTA 6. let's get it. he did it happening. Hey what's that one song? This was definitely more and more effective.

Bro: this sniper's metal range. Look at him. This is Middle range literally straight up huh? you cooking Air Bud What is everybody Bald brother oh bald. How so yo sniper? Ask them why is everybody bald stuff? That is it.

like a standard. You could do another tape down there. Appreciate it. Thank you The last car we're gonna put up some tables damn way over there.

The last elasticity car s Xqcl Ude ninja. oh bald. okay let's go this way now. let's bounce now.

they're gonna push us too far. 50 months ago. this is juices in there. Yeah in the street.

Oh yeah, right here. Oh what? what do you want? What do you want? Well hurry up hahaha well don't talk to me. you're the ones that wants to put your business all up in my business. These Travelers right here.

This fake ass food right here dog. What the What is? Good morning. You're the one that'll be here all night. You'll be here all night.

Get to work. Hurry up. What's going on here? What The Connect the Dots Tape 101 Dog: Police cringe GTA RP Enjoyer Yeah, but he lives there. Man let him go.

And when I do numbers Since you came and talked to us, man, tell me now. hey. Castro Kick rocks. You guys better come remove all this tape when you're done.

Yeah, what kind of tape line is this dude. This is like a merry-go-round tape liner. a roller coaster ride. Look at this.

Connect the dots, connect the dots. You should have just connected it to the other one. No, we can go all the way inside of where's the perimeter actually I Don't know where the outside of this perimeter is. Sick Crime Scene Tape 101 He failed.

Oh, there you go. Yeah. Oh, we can stand right there in the middle now. Foreign.

Where's the outside perimeter? I Don't get it. I Don't get it. Don't cut yourself man. You're not supposed to tie stuff with an open blade in your hand.

Sick now. I Gotta teach you how to use a knife too you sick individual. Don't cut yourself. Don't cut your finger off, actually cut your finger up.

Do it now. look at. Billy Billy Three Head that fool was trying to make make a knot with the tape and he had an open knife in his hand. He's doing this idiot and we need the big guy right about.

Noah You don't have it. it's in the car. I Just have the mini me. All right Circle Jerk Sasquatch A shame right here.

Three, Two, One Direction Jesus Where's lollipop is at you guys pulling a train on there detected lollipop eyes? Where are you bro? Actual IRL Sniper Hecklers from hell? Dude. Not right here. right here. Successful though they don't even know how to put a tape or nothing I mean did it? um, protects them though to say whatever they want I mean what you say, but they can like antagonism and insult them.
You shouldn't be doing that I Don't know I don't think you should do that but protects that crossovers not too bright. All right. Yeah, no, they won't mess with you man. that was nice I'm an idiot.

that's fun. so long streaming it might just be brother. Try to look with these things guys. they're not going to give any more content unfortunately unless it gets unless it gets really spicy.

All right, All right, what's this brother? Oh wow, this is why America Number One base. Um, we have this so one what looks like a male suspect coming out of the vehicle. Hands up. see those CHP officers there still in a position of cover, keeping themselves safe as they're not sure what the suspect can do, but he's keeping his hands up.

Uh, we don't always see that happening. What is he doing here? Pursuit But now it looks like he is reaching into his waistband. They're gonna have him lift his shirt and show that there's nothing there. That uh bro, he's stuck in Emote only in this guy.

They are going to take him in the custody. You see, officers will also walking up to the vehicle to make sure that there's no one else in there that could harm the officers that suspect. After the short Pursuit Here in the San Fernando Valley looks to be in custody. a vehicle.

We're gonna say it, bro. Oh no comments AP No comments. Come on man. now maybe not next month.

but it does. Xqcs that um who is this? who is it? Oh man, this one is founder on Short Guy I Think this guy. Oh man. This guy.

Yeah this guy. All right.

By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “The wildest police chase of all time”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan says:

    In a state that rewards crime its no wonder its becoming a real life GTA.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrNuts70 says:

    That XQC yell from real life Juicers was just too funny!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xHyperSai TV says:

    Just EMP him like in RP BAAAAATTT

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Hogue says:

    Fully loaded civic

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BeegBraining says:

    "I can fix her"
    this chat dud

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MinecraftMiner59Mineboymineslow says:

    he had fun atleast!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars it85x30 says:

    It's all staged

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BGGAMING Deluxe says:

    Chat was too busy batting.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars STYX says:

    This is the wildest "wildest police chase of all time" of all time

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ꮆнѻѕтƒα¢ҽ says:

    Whole pd for what !? What's the point they didn't even try to cut him off or box him in with all those cars

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fix says:

    Or send drone to shoot tires.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fix says:

    Just spray something on a window with a drone.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fix says:

    They can't send a drone with a tazer?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PlanB says:

    Imagine living on Uber St. Ordering Uber Eats

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