xQc Reacts to 'Moist Hypocritikal Cant Stop Lying' by MuKitty
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Okay, okay yes yes I know we want to watch this. but since Chet is off the rails, I'll watch your video Pac-Man Championship Guys wasn't it wasn't Um I will be taking notes if you're coming here to see me troll around hypocritical like so much about me and the situation put her money where her mouth is that I was forced to re-edit my whole video and now debunk every single light that was made. Everybody including me is tired of this subject on him defending promotion of porn to kids. but I'm making this video to show you in detail the real side of most hypocritical.

So now I'm gonna debunk every single line and show how he manipulated mispresented me for millions of people that I'm never gonna get to prove wrong. after this video you will not see his videos the same way that he already said both are bad but that clip happened after my video when his own fans has pressed him for one week for saying nothing and on stream. I Talked about this last night and I'll go ahead and do this out of the way right away during that stream and in the exact same video mu Kitty has posted on one of her channels. I Outright say both are bad.

he never say outright, both are bad. all the streams is on my second Channel he defended himself. okay, um yeah, it makes sense I mean I I Just think overall it's kind of hard to say everything about a certain topic I don't know but I don't know I'll only play yourself and argue with his minute and after a long battle I outright say both are bad and this lie is important he advised as the viewer didn't hear the full statement when the clip he's talking about is from the day before this recording which is weeks after the call out. Pretty clear from reading her comments.

not like her personal comments, but like the audience comments that the majority of the people didn't even watch the full statement. The next slide is also very important and it's done many times. Worry words: I didn't do the exact same statement when he didn't do any statement at all. thus I disagree that it's hypocritical that I made statements about Aiden Ross and the porn thing being really weird and I didn't make the exact make the exact same statements for Cutie Cinderella's fansley sponsor.

he does. Yes, this is why it's the last time. I think um sometimes the thing will match the reaction if somebody somebody shows porn on stream and then your is like okay, that's cooked up, that's what the that's that's spawner and then some somebody uh did the ad thing and then he laughed I think I think you're kind of like matching what happens to whatever right? If somebody comes in and and takes a hammer and it goes Bing on somebody you go like what the is, what was going on and if you don't watch a video and something you'll go like the I think the reaction matches the um, what's going on That's just gonna how how we operate as people keep pushing on this narrative that we missed the clip that proves he's not a hypocrite. but the clip is after my video today before this video.
so he uses the word prove which in the viewer's minds means that he is proving something but the clip. So after my videos guys, do you understand the proof is after my video weeks after streamer Awards necessarily find it Okay okay guys, yes I'm just I'm being developing I Practice. appreciate it I'm being resembly okay. Chat really fast because I'm a student.

Okay boom this is a meal. Okay, this is a meter. Okay, this is the middle of severe. You're relaxed.

relax, relax. This is made of severity of the action. Okay, this is a meter. Okay, you know, like a like a like a like a You know, like I mean like like this, right? Usually the way things work in real life is like this.

Okay, so this is sort of the this is the action right and this is the reaction. Okay, if something of this degree happens, you actually able to react in about a reasonable scale in that area. So like let's say, if I'm here to here I want to react according to what happens right? and if if it's bad, if there's anything, it's really bad, you expect them to react in this about this area right about the same, another area right? So something is really bad. It's something.

Guys, if somebody says dude, you're a doo-doo head, you're like oh, and somebody says wow, you're up and this is a really bad word, you're like what the is wrong with this guy Jesus Christ Who raised this guy man right I Think you guys can understand this right? So let's in this case, you have a really bad word. You know, really bad word and again, Doo-doo head Okay I just feel like it I because I'm playing okay I Think what? what was saying is that when he laughed at it, it matches the severity Or if it says that, you think it's bad, right? And whenever, uh, um, the other thing happened whenever Aiden did his own thing, he reacted this way. That's what he's saying it. I think I think I think he's matching it.

the reaction as in like, yeah, it's bad and he's really saying it right I think that's what he's getting at I Think that makes sense I do think that there is a small but noticeable lack of reaction on that Parts Which isn't too big to be alarming, but that's my thoughts about it whenever he watched uh, the family sponsor. Maybe his reaction. it wasn't uh, up to par with the severity, but it's not by a big margin. It's shocking that they didn't watch all 10 minutes of what I was saying.

I'll go ahead and prove that it's there right now real quick before getting into why of course, advertising fansley only fans or anything in front of an audience that has younger children on it. It's always going to be not a great decision. Imagine how many people fell for this look at asthma Gold's reaction I Think that Charlie absolutely isn't the right to make a video like this. even if like I feel like it's it's it's not as different as he's leading on to at least I Don't think it is fundamentally like somebody made a video about him and misrepresented him and then made him look bad because of the misrepresentation.
I think that sucks. That absolutely sucks. There's no that like they didn't Well, they did, though, right? because so showing showing a clip of him laughing and then not showing the context of him saying later on like like that it was weird that's intentionally disingenuous. Like you're not going to convince me that not including that isn't intentionally disingenuous.

This shows how Danger you're as hypocritical is the way he can twist things and makes the viewer look on a situation from the false lens. He then lies about fancy having a lot of obstacles. So I viewed the advertisement very differently than a lot of people because even when you scan the QR code, you still don't immediately get foreign. There's already a lot of Degrees of Separation a lot of obstacles to go through what happens.

This is crazy that this website is being promoted in front of hundreds of thousands of children because as soon as I go to the home page I am instantly greeted with an open vagina. Despite the account being underage, he lies about now saying a statement immediately which indicates to the viewer that he did say one when he never did. Guys, he didn't until he got called out. I'm hypocritical because I called Aidan Ross pulling up Pornhub weird and didn't immediately start.

didn't immediately start cooking unless again that it takes a lot of stuff to access it. When he just said that anyone can access yeah and you only need your Twitch accounts, it's completely different than an average management to a platform which does have porn. but a lot of things that they do that doesn't make sense yeah. He then ends the video with saying neither is there, it's all out.

why one Which is the point. but he still doesn't think he's a hypocrite. This is the best example of a hypocrite in the Nile. So I still just don't think it's hypocritical.

As I've said, neither one of them is great I don't think either one of them is an amazing thing to do. So I still just don't think it's hypocritical. Neither one of them is great. so I still just don't think it's hypocritical.

He says both are bad or in other words that's the only one he called out was the stranger and the one he didn't was his business partner. Guys, how is this hard to understand. It's very simple. The subject was never which one is worse, but he changed it so automatically.

everybody agrees. But that's not the point and it was never the point. Not in my video, not of his own viewers, not of anyone that called him out. Now let's hear all the lies about me and how we mispresented me in front of millions of people.

Oh no I don't like his content. Big lie I've never said this something that I'm personally a huge fan of the same way that she doesn't like my content. It also lies that I'm genuinely upset with him when I've never expressed anything against him I always thought her content was supposed to be silly and over the top trolling, but she does seem genuinely upset at me and I imagine it's because of my statements and I also did say I'm not the biggest fan of the way she edits her content. He then goes live after this video and keeps lying even more.
I just can't even understand there's a real debate I know Mew Kitty's really upset he starts lying about me saying Aiden Ross did the exact same thing when I've never said that I'd like her to put her money where her mouth is and she really thinks that the Aiden Ross PornHub situation is exactly the same as the QT Cinderella one that I want her in her next video Crystal Weed Man this is why they shouldn't legalize Crystal reader lacking it dopamine dope I mean he doesn't watch you this is the QT Cinderella one then I want her in her next video then he lies about saying both are bad and called one much weirder which indicates that he called cute is weird when he never did I don't know how many times I have to say they're both bad but what's definitely worse which is why I called it much weirder and keeps on lying about doing it much quicker but quicker than what when he never did it and that is why everybody's calling him out. but one is definitely worse which is why I I think it's like I think it's gonna controlling though like I feel like I feel like that you can kind of make it. You can kind of make up what people's feelings are based on what they do right I think that if you have any conclusion about it wrong or right I mean it's still up to interpretation and I don't think it's it's a lie per se, but much weirder, much quicker. and one of the most biggest lies is that he said that it was not good and he was uncomfortable when he saw the ad on streamer Awards this never happened as opposed to laughing then saying that yeah, that was that was uncomfortable and not good.

Let me prove it for the lazy ones: Your favorite streamers are already creating adult content on Fansley. Fansley has a whole algorithm dedicated delivering new content and creators through the Fancy for You Feature: Swipe and Discover Today at Fancy.com Hey I Gotta tell you I'm not too confident about that. Click the check box and subscribe. This is just my little tinfoil hat conspiracy I think Prime's on its way out.

Within the next two or three years, they lose a ton of money on it. All right? Hey, that's all good. Um, Mansley for sponsoring the streamer Awards Make sure you follow the Fansley account for exclusive behind the scenes content and get a free trial of their top creators only at Fancy.com Rewards Speaking of artists in our community, can I get everyone on their feet to welcome our next musical act? He then keeps on lying that there is an 18 verification. When he just admitted in his video that he posted that there isn't he's saying there's no 18 plus tag on the Fancy AdWords You have to verify being 18.
Yeah, but on the actual four months. so you have to verify being 18. that absolutely is cooked. Yes, yes, I'm not getting over involved.

But lastly, I did call it out that not having 18 plus and adding the QR code goes straight up. Uh, all this. Yeah, that's just wrong. I I call it I Didn't have to read the chat with him I come with this.

Intend on my own because of the Gamba uh uh. So we're gonna talk about verification. Then you would still need to verify your 18 to see that she's up. Uh, Fansley I Thought you had to verify you were 18 plus in order to even get to the pornographic content.

But according to some research now, it actually seems like Fansley is extremely easily accessible. Guys guys, it's simple. You could put in the title you could put in the panels. You can put it on screen.

you can put it on the channel. You can put it anywhere. Okay, even having one of them gives you enough. It gives you enough, uh, flexibility to say yo guys I would say I Try to put a safeguard and you know what? Not the reason to agree with you, right? But objectively you.

you make you make an argument. Let's see. let's say you're in court. You make an argument that you tried.

That's how it would play out right, legally and also kind of morally right. But if you do absolutely nothing, then you have a you have you have no plausible deniability across the board. Nothing. And there's nothing you can say about it.

That's that's just how it is for anyone of any age. There's not a whole lot of security to it based on the things I've read which is knowledge I didn't have last night. still need to verify your 18 to see the porn with uh, fansley. He then keeps on brainwashing the negative that he didn't do it immediately when he never did anything.

It's a lie guys, but one is clearly worse than the other 20. the one that I talked about six Qcm like immediately after it happened and then the one I didn't talk about immediately after it happened. And now guys, if I take a peer sponsor. Okay and today we're doing it.

Bud Bud Night Bud Night Light Okay and I like it up on stream. Okay, I will have 18 plus tag on title or something on stream, right? The same should apply it to uh platforms that are that are inherently for adult content. That's it. He likes it.

Um, oh sure. I'm from Quebec it's 18 over there. So again I said that it was kind of weird when I just proved that it didn't after happened I laughed and it said later. Wow, that was kind of weird.

It then lies about me harping on him and bringing him up I think this is to make his fans defend him but I never harped on him. That's her whole point. Why did she keep bringing me up and harping on me? Because I laughed at it I'm not saying you should promote that. you did at least one thing about me today alone.
what are you talking about I Just posted some memes and those was after the video I showed Bro what What? when did I get cooked I didn't I never got cooked What the how did I get? How did I get killed bro Bro: why am I when did I get cooked? What the I never got cooked and those was after the video I showed I'm gonna touch on why He's a hypocrite. Same thing happened when they try to scan their fans with overpriced computers. Oh my god when they exposed him, the suddenly criticism exists I knew that brain dead pig was coming. What is the point of criticism if you don't want to see a change, but not for a single sky that he made a video.

Let me try to think this was going to the mods which he is a co-owner of. He never mentioned his name in the video. Is that a coincidence? Well when Rich Campbell got kicked out of Otk, he didn't make a video on that either. So I see a pattern and I called it out.

so that's why he's so mad and lied about everything. The Moo Kitty video New Kitty says new Kitty Okay, okay I think whoa Okay, the severity and the reaction based on what happened with nitrogen was absolutely unhinged. that was. that was extremely real and and severe.

I Don't blame anybody but not he's really upset like her to put her money where her mouth is. If she does that then yeah, absolutely. I'll eat on it I Would love to see her do the Aidan Ross PornHub I'm not even talking about X I Just saw Mew Kitty's response I I'm like I said I'm pretty sure she just trolls with her just once again saying Coke but she seems like legitimately upset and like and again I'm saying if she really feels that way, if you knew Kitty's whole point, then in her next video, she needs to play the uh, that's her whole point. why does she keep bringing me up and harping on me if she wants to critique QT Cinderella Clearly not her whole point.

she's made three tweets about me today alone, what are you talking about or if new new kitties here would love to talk to her. So for the slow, why most insane thing until he was called out by me a small YouTuber and even after getting called out by me, it took him a whole week of his own fans resting him every single day on live stream. Please say something which he was aware of. Why do I keep getting this question? are you talking about the Moo Kitty video and when he responded to this to the promotion of Punta audience fellow miners, his response was yeah, it's not a great decision, it's just one of those things of course advertising fansley only fans or anything in front of an audience that has younger children on it.

It's always going to be not a great decision. It's one of those things. Yeah, one of those things like it's a daily thing we all do about porno family from the show Daily Okay guys guys I smell like a Glazer Okay, but the reality is that Guys these arguments I push all the time. Okay I think listen to realize that not a great decision.
It kind of means like um I'm I'm on the spectrum of things that are kind of like um, possibly harmful, surely harmful. that's more like towards like the surely harmful right I Think that's pretty much what he means by that, right? So he says one of these things as in it's in the scope of things that are probably harmful, right? And then that's just it. it. it categorizes the the behavior, That's it.

Wait, what does that even mean yeah Rises the behavior or the sponges. It's one of those things. Yes, that's what it means. and I think that's minimizing.

It is a thing for 10 minutes and the reason because it's this business partner I Didn't realize that was my group you realize I've never talked to QT like in my life outside of DMS what are you talking about He changed subject and started pointing finger. There's like a little child. But the main point remains if I didn't call it called it would have never said anything and the reason is because it's his business partner. It's more hypocritical.

admits that the ad is wrong. Then here's a hypocrite because no statement was made. But if you think it's not wrong, then can you explain the law to a friend? you've obscene matter to minors. Any transfer of attempt to transfer such motility to a minor under the age of 16 including over the Internet is punishable under the federal law.

Oh so I challenge my hypocritical to debunk all this slice or you will always be remembered as the hairy Pinocchio Make sense? Um, yeah, I think it's some I think it's important to keep track of um of a I Think there are some points there, right? I'm sure I'm sure it'll you'll see a half debunk. but I think some of these things are kind of subjective. Um, you know that that was a bit. that was a little hinge to be honest.


By xQcOW

14 thoughts on “Mukitty exposes moistcr1tikal xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Jackson says:

    The amount of stretches in this video is kinda crazy.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Jackson says:

    She has to be a troll. She is literally cherry picking a few grammatical errors like saying "weirder" and somehow that is a smoking gun that hes hypocritical?? Moist is literally live streaming while she is editing her videos so of course she can pick out small mistakes he said during a livestream. But his overarching argument still stands no matter how many little grammar mistakes she finds

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Back Log says:

    Mukitty is literally Leafy 2.0 in woman form … with better editing

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Strapping Young Chad says:

    Dumbest drama I've seen in quite awhile Pog

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aspen Young says:

    mukitty turned me into a misogynist help

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LeoPlays says:

    Kinda grew old of this kid shit

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1000 Winters Media says:

    Idk whats going on but alot of these streamers move like pedos out here. They know kids watch and purposely expose them to adult content

    Also the only difference between them and most others is their view count. It really is just people talking most times

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lulzmeup says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cartier says:

    shes farming for views and nobody gets it

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mr. man says:

    Wait so charlie didn't make a video about the sexual assult stuff but immediately made a video defending amowrath from her husband?

    So soy.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mr. man says:

    Girls in 2023 "don't objectify me, I'm a human being, Al give me a few dollars and you can see my tits and pussy"

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CJO says:

    I love how xQc defending his friends just keeps giving MuKitty fuel for her next videos to call him out for hypocrisy even if he tries to play both sides lol just shut up xQc and listen to the video or you will get cooked by a female tiktok juicer again

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mr. man says:

    I knew it would backfire when hypocritical brought up that advertising porn to kids is bad, and that being a cuck, who's girlfriend sleeps with other men.

    Like bro that's your entire audience.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tempex says:

    why do people even care about this bish

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