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I'm so sorry that I've done this. I Want you to know that you mean everything to me. YouTube's darkest channels see how mild and good tasting a cigarette can beat this? Please come home, it's good enough. Hey guys, what's up it is? Harley Dewey Our first channel, like many others we've discussed before, doesn't look like much at a glance.

It's an account run by a young boy named Harley Dilly which served as an outlet for him to post videos about his life, his favorite video games, and even the occasional live stream. And quite honestly, the majority of this YouTube channel seems completely normal, but when looking at this content closer, it becomes more and more apparent that there was Darkness lurking behind the scenes. Darkness that would become even more apparent as in December of 2019 Harley Dilly would vanish but first, a heartbroken mother waiting for her missing son to walk back into her arms. Tonight marks seven days since The Disappearance of 14 year old.

Harley Dilly Huh Like many kids his age, Harley was interested in video games such as Roblox and Madden and he had been posting videos of himself playing these games since the young age of 10 years old. Over time Harley would begin to show his audience more and more about his life, with topics ranging from his hobbies to his recent performances at school. There was nothing that really seemed to hint at anything dark happening in Harley's life, but over time a clear Trend starts to emerge. Within These videos And that is the fact that Harley and his mother would frequently get in arguments an argument because I didn't want to walk to school because I live like four blocks and it's like 34 degrees.

This is something mentioned multiple times throughout these early videos and it's nothing all that surprising I Mean, after all, most kids will argue with their parents and it's likely that Harley was using his channel as an outlet to express his frustrations. But any idea of this being your typical family bickering would soon be thrown out the window in October of 2018 when Harley would hold a now deleted live stream titled I'm scared what's up it is Harley Dilly Probably one of my worst days in my life. My mom wanted me to go with my with her to go get a friend and I said I don't want to I have work to do so I want to go home We argued for about a good five minutes, then she snapped. She said she's gonna call the police and she said she already did and she locked me out of the house.

So right now I'm outside the house is locked I haven't ate anything and I still haven't even got to get my work done. My mom's gone, she won't answer the phone I Legit was scared in the video we see Harley outside in the cold as he explains that his mother had threatened to call the police on him over an argument that the two had had. On top of this, his mother also locked him outside of the house without any food or water on a frigid October night. Now clearly these aren't really healthy things for his mother to be doing, especially given the fact that at this time Harley was merely 12 years old.
Six months in this extreme punishment came from a situation that didn't seem all that bad. The whole situation is a major red flag that's made all the more concerning. After Harley says the following line I just want you guys to just be good luck because the future could hold bad things for me I don't want to find out what that could mean, what the up the relationship between Harley and his mother clearly comes across said how is this good as toxic within this video and this was far from a one-time thing. In fact, in details that would later it would be revealed.

well I would never need to say anything like that at that age. I mean I guess just it's crazy to hear that if I'm a child that Harley's mother had actually called the police on him on five separate occasions, one of which coming when he was only 10 years old. Now you might take this information and just assume that Harley was a poorly behaved kid. However, in actuality Harley had ADHD as well as high functioning autism, two disorders that can cause hyper fixation outbursts, and many of the behaviors that had led to all of these family arguments.

And in these situations, Harley is practically powerless to stop his own outbursts or destructive Tendencies And it's really up to his mother to understand this and find a way to help him with these habits, but rather, it's made clear that she would punish him instead. And it's important to add that with these outbursts: I Haven't seen anything stating that they were violent or anything physical. Rather, it just seems that they were really occasional Behavioral Issues in this friction-filled relationship extends past just Harley and his mother. On one particular video, we can hear Harley's father Marcus yelling and screaming in the background at Harley's mother and four-year-old sibling because the young child had spilled their drink four years old.

My dad's being an right now wait a little bit. What is opening here? He's opening packs bro. please check this really that was shown on IGN Holy moly, it's so real. No trolling, mine has been an right now time would go on in.

These slight moments of concerning behaviors would show up here and there, but for the most part went unseen from his channel. Harley would eventually switch to a brand new page in 2019 called Harley-dilly 2.0 where he continued posting similar content until eventually on December 10th, 2019 when he would post a typical looking Madden Mobile gameplay video a video that would turn out to be one of the darkest on the channel. not because it showcased any family fighting or anything along those lines, but because it would prove to be the last video that Harley would ever make. One week later on December 19th 2019 Harley would complain of an upset stomach and ask his mother if he could stay home from school.
She would not allow him to, however, telling him to quote get Your Ass To School And so he left the house walking towards the school as he always did. Only this time he wouldn't make it there Huh? They would turn to night and not only had Harley not shown up to school, but he wasn't at his home either. And to make matters worse, it was yet another freezing cold night. Still, Harley's parents did not seem overly worried as they would end up waiting until the next morning to report their son as missing.

Harley's mother Heather would take to Facebook in a now deleted post begging people to help find her son, but days would quickly pile up into weeks with no sign of the 14 year old boy and the story became national news. People began to stumble across Harley's Channel discovering videos like the I'm Scared Live stream, calling many to question the parents' potential involvement in his disappearance as it seemed throughout these videos that Harley had been potentially neglected or even abused. Theory was especially prevalent given the fact that they had waited a whole day to report Harley is missing as well as the cold message that Heather had left Harley with that morning. However, most I could be wrong about this.

I think each state is different though, but I think there's a little there's a literal hour cut off before things can be reported as missing. you're not even allowed to I think sometimes it's like 24 48 Hours Like that isn't it? Appreciate that there's a cut off, is it up? Others believe that Harley had just been away under the guise of going to school. Either way, authorities had no clue where Harley could have gone as he just vanished without leaving a trail behind. However, on January 13th, 2020, this would all change that day.

police had searched an empty home across the street, which at the time no one was living in as it served more as a summer home for the owners. When searching the house, police would find clothing that belonged to Harley including his jacket, sweatpants, a single sock, and slip-on shoes. His glasses were also found lying there as well. It was clear that Harley had been in that home, but the rooms were all empty and there was no sign of him at all other than his clothing.

It wasn't until investigators decided to look up the chimney that they would find what they were looking for. What lodged within the narrow, claustrophobic opening was Harley's decomposing body trapped within its four walls. Coroners would later conclude that he had died of compressive affixiation, which happens when respiration is prevented by external pressure of the body. According to official reports, it was believed that Harley had attempted to get inside the locked house knowing it was vacant by going through the chimney.

Right next to the house stood a telephone pole with prongs like a ladder that he would have likely taken to get up there once on the roof. Harley then supposedly attempted to slide down the chimney an opening that was just 9 by 13 inches. Harley would become stuck having just enough room to shed his clothing in an attempt to have just a little bit more space. Unable to climb out of the chimney and now in a minimal amount of clothing, Harley would have been stuck there in the cold with virtually no hope of survival as no one was home to hear his screaming.
he would be within that chimney that Harley would slowly suffocate to death. It's a heartbreaking way to go, but even though this is the official conclusion, there are still many who Point blame at the parents, with many even thinking that they were somehow involved. This is not only because of the circumstances seen throughout the channel, but also because of these. Okay, Whoa.

Harley's father Okay, no shots, okay I just speculate, but there's absolutely no shot anybody. bro, Bro if they killed him out of the rooftop, come on bro. While police were frantically searching for Harley his father had allegedly bragged about the amount of coverage that this case was getting. He had also told his colleagues that he was taking out a life insurance policy on Harley just a week after he had disappeared and two weeks before his body was found.

Wait, and when describing their way, what did Lee bragged about the amount of coverage that this case was getting. He had also told his colleagues that he was taking out a life insurance policy on Harley Just a week after he had disappeared and two weeks before his body was found. and when describing the relationship that Marcus had with Harley his own son, he described it as strained, saying we know each other and there's a relationship there. He knows I'm his dad and he's my son, but the relationship is Rocky Now honestly I have never heard a father talk like this about their own son, especially when that Sun was missing and so I can understand why people have red flags about the parents, especially with the dark Clues left behind on his channel, plus a slew of other minor inconsistencies throughout the entirety of the case that truthfully would require a full documentary to go over every detail.

But Ultimately, there is no actual concrete physical evidence that proves that this was anything other than an accident, an accident spurred on as a combination of Harley's autism and his frayed relationship with his parents. a relationship that led to his eventual running away and ultimately his death And seeing it play out through his channel is an eerie thing as it subtly hints at the Fate that would soon befall him. But in Harley's case, these Clues were hidden buried within a channel that was otherwise nothing out of the ordinary. Oh, this isn't always the case.

Sometimes you stumble across a dark Channel with nothing to hide, and oftentimes those can be the most disturbing. More doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette. There's a little bit next feeling. This next Channel takes us all the way back to the Spring of 2006, a time that was essentially the dawn of YouTube It's a period that is left behind some of these strangest contents on the site, and through it all was a single forgotten account known as Leather Smoke Me, a channel seemingly dedicated to smoking cigarettes.
The page shows a man who rarely speaks as he finds creative ways to smoke with his very first upload being called gas Mask Smoking as this man does exactly what the title says: he smokes a cigarette with the use of a gas mask, and though it's clearly a fairly extreme way of smoking, it's nothing compared to what we'd see in his following videos. Throughout his first year, this man would smoke cigars out of his nose, smoke multiple cigarettes in his mouth, and even a combination of both. It is definitely a strange thing to watch, especially all these years later, but in the realm of early YouTube it was nothing all that crazy. However, as the years would go by, we would see Leather Smoke Me continue to push boundaries and find new ways to smoke more and more.

At one point, he even built a Contraption That's a classic 10 cigarettes at a time. It's really a shocking thing to see just the way things progress throughout the early years of this channel. Channel especially knowing the effects that just smoking on an average basis can have on your body. But As time went on, his smoking habits weren't the only noticeable change.

In the beginning, we can see that this man looks to be clearly an adult, but definitely isn't all that old and just based off of the footage provided, he seems like during his decent Health released as healthy as someone can be with the lifestyle he was living. But As time goes on, his appearance starts to slowly change. He begins to look much older, with noticeable paleness and aging within his face. and along with this his appearance becomes much more fragile to the point where this man looks to be completely withered, even having a noticeable bandage on his neck in his later videos and all this happened in the span of just a few years, yet it seems like he's aged a Lifetime By 2011, Leather Smoke Me just looks like a shell of a person, but he just kept on smoking and uploading these videos.

I mean his uploaded smoking stuff? That's pretty crazy considering that in just five short years, he would post around 229 videos without ever taking any major time away. something that is somewhat surprising, especially for a channel as small as Leather Smoke means. But nonetheless, he seemed to just love making these videos. Kept on smoking video 195.

in it, we see the unrecognizable man smoking a single cigarette while listening to Lady Gaga's Alejandro By the ending, the song finishes and he attempts to speak to his audience, but his words are impossible to understand. Video was posted on July 10 2011 with the caption Still Here and Still Smoking This would be the final video he'd ever post. The red flags here are obvious and obsessive smoker who was withering before our eyes and just randomly stopped posting on a channel that was so clearly one of his life's passions. It's not hard to speculate on what became of him, and just by following the trail he left behind, the evidence confirms my dark suspicion in the video uploaded on January 31st of 2011.
we see this smoker looking especially ill, something that is confirmed by his description where he says my return after cancer surgery. He elaborates more on this in the following video when he writes: hey guys, after a six-month battle with oral cancer I'm still here and still Smoking Dave With this information caused by his rampant smoking. yet even through a major surgery, he was still continuing to smoke these cigarettes. doing the very thing that likely led to his failing Health in the first place and as it turns out, the cancer would prove to be fatal.

I Wanted to let Dave's friends on here know that he passed away last night I Have good memories of our friendships over the last 11 years and he will be missed it with multiple others on the channel addressed to Dave Awesome to confirm there's something respectable about that to some degree. I Think I mean he does what he what he wants to do when he I mean I think he knows the consequences 100 and he does his thing in Apple's videos and that's it what many of us were thinking that Dave had after posting this final video. Please do that. You have this take.

Well, now you have about smoking. Yet millions of people do this with eating and nobody blinks an idea you yo. It's a channel that is probably as dark as it gets. What other man documenting the literal thing? We'll end up taking his life and it's so saddening seeing his addiction.

That is true. Even though he knew it was going to kill him, he just kept on smoking. It's almost as if this: Channel shows a man in a five-year-long suicide. You say it's addicted, bro.

If anything, there's even a big argument that it's worse for you than than it is for smoking it. I mean addiction, physical addiction to the product. Although this channel is dark in and of itself, there's a whole other side to this. All right.

It must make things and it's something that I'm initially I'm just right. Completely missed. until I Read the following: The thread reads: smoker with cancer Such a frail man in his late 40s, he loved to smoke Someone then responds with exactly correct: the man ruined his life I Love it The original commenter then replies, me too love the damage that Dave inflicted on his lungs so hot I'm pretty much falling in his footsteps I have an insatiable craving for my smoke. It's a alarming set of comments, as it's almost as if these people were sexualizing Dave's death and the fact that the smoking had caused this horrible cancer.
And it's made even stranger when the commenter says he wanted to follow in his footsteps. Yes, it's something. Yes, you have. Yeah, you have to eat a Survivor you don't need to eat 9 000 calories 16 Burgers to survive.

Okay and even even when you're in lack your body will eat uh what is wrong with you? You know you don't know about nutrition or just basic biology thing that could have easily been chalked up to as well if you're a Burger okay and just don't eat for a couple days, what happens is you just disappears. it's a troll Until You realize that throughout many of his videos, even in the beginning, there were similar sexualized comments with people saying stuff like hot as hell just miss some lung Spit Hot mate be great for you to do more vids where we can hear the cough and the wheeze. Hearing that is the hottest thing of all. Keep smoking hard fella.

and um, he was starting to show his illness a bit here with his sunken eyes getting skinny cancer God Love it when smokers cancer starts to shrivel them up even in YouTube standards. This is a strange comment section and it's clear that people were viewing Dave's cancer and his death as sexually appealing and after watching this video, I then realized that Dave's entire channel was seemingly meant to be fetishized as he watched videos of himself showing off his gut and his wheeze for his audience, knowing that they're enjoying it in a sexual way. He even at one point posted this fairly disturbing clip where he has someone wrapped in latex completely with a gas mask on and then forces them to smoke all the while he talks. oh, I get a sexual way that I'm clearly not going I've heard about like people that like smoke fetishes but I guess these guys have such a deep one that even if it's bare sexual but very much about smoking it, that it, it it it.

hits a spot for them in the show, but this is definitely very much maximized on smoking going off that he even subscribed to and linked to a number of other smoking channels that were obvious fetish Pages as well, but follow the same old as him and he went as far as to put these accounts on his home page and of the four separate channels that he links to that showcase other obsessive smokers none of them have uploaded in years, making me wonder if they suffered from a similar face. Jesus Ultimately created this channel not simply as a hobby, but as a fetish as well. Now, having a smoking fetish is a fairly common thing, but it's easy to tell that this is very different than just that, as these people seem to be aroused by the most disturbing parts of smoking no coffee. Does that mean that these people try to get hard when? um, Fulcrum hits a blinkerton in the wheezing and the eventual cancer and death now? I've heard of fetishes where people like to watch others destroy their bodies, typically from overeating to the point where they become obese and handicapped along with others who fetishize the idea of doing that to themselves.
They like the feeling of their own body shutting down slowly over time thanks to their destructive behaviors. although this is something that I wasn't really sure actually existed watching this channel I Can't help but wonder if Dave was into something similar. Maybe he liked the idea of his body decaying due to his smoking and that's why he did it so obsessively and continued to do it even when his health began to fail. So maybe this was the end game all along with this fetish.

But either way, it's dark no matter what, because on one hand it may have been his overarching goal to end his life by way of cigarette smoke. On the other hand, if it wasn't then you just have a group of people who are always sexualizing this man's cancer and ultimately his death. But judging by his description, his follower, it wasn't a good leave expected. But for our next channel the disturbing Mark that they would leave came out of nowhere.

Uh, it was an account that featured sparse with this nick uh guy this video was. He always re-explains the main premise like nine times always. it re-explained it. It's like the unwatched content and feature just to select few videos by a man named Trent Pashal.

Over the course of this, oh it looks nicer. it seemed. the thing that he would film most was his RC cars and family trips showcasing his two young children as well as his wife. Savannah It was the type of content that someone puts on YouTube so they can look back on and remember their good times with the family.

The channel would remain active up until late October of 2020 when it would take the ultimate turn for the worst. Trent would upload a video titled simply by his daughter's full name as the video was directed at both of Trent's children as he apologized to them further stating that this was their mother's fault and that he had caught her cheating. I'm recording this because I Want my daughter to know that I love you Pascal I'm so sorry that I've done this I want you to know that you mean everything to me I didn't choose this. your mom chose this.

She's been cheating on me for a long time I didn't do nothing wrong to her. It's a clip that you can tell is deeply personal and probably not something that should be posted for everyone to see. as at first many would likely assume that this was in regards to a potential divorce or something along those lines, but in actuality what Trent was talking about was far more twisted on October 21st 2020, the very day that the video was posted Trent would hide in the shower of his bathroom waiting for his wife Savannah to come home once Savannah had entered the bathroom Trent would jump out pulling a gun and firing twice, hitting her in the stomach Savannah would later pass away due to her injuries immediately after the murder Trent would post this video to his children apologizing for murdering their own mother while at the same time blaming her for all this happening. I put everything into this relationship I have done nothing to your mom I've never hit her I've never hurt her I've never called her names throughout the video Trump Used to cry on multiple occasions although no tears actually fall.
I'm like why me? my hair's a mess and I look horrible. Oh sorry. take these off and it comes across as completely emotionless as he shows. No Remorse for killing his wife and the mother of his kids.

It's also made all the more disturbing as he's clearly more focused on his hair and his looks. All the whilst, he swears up and down that he is a good man. I'm hurting so bad I didn't do nothing wrong to her I provided what I could I've done what I could for her I've done nothing but good for her and I've treated you all good I've done good things for y'all after the video would go live Trent would then call Savannah's Aunt to confess to his crime and then take off from the home. Police would later find Trent at a local Walmart where he would pull a gun but before he could shoot, authorities would open fire striking the man in three separate places and they'll be an incredible.

He would go on to survive these injuries and is currently awaiting trial. It's a shocking crime and an equally as shocking video, especially given the fact that it was addressed to his young children. I Don't know what these Busters uh why don't I mean pray like that. a bunch of on top of that.

Well, but they're about to pull a gun on some on some innocent people doing their jobs and like that man, what is one of these man? What is this? oh are without their mother I mean the whole situation is just wrong, but there is one more detail that makes this video stupid. Throughout this final post Trent can be seen looking to the right very often in a clearly nervous manner until the end when something catches his attention, causing him to grab the phone and run into a dark room before the recording would suddenly stop. And at first I honestly thought that he was just nervous about the police coming and catching him. but in actuality I don't think that that's the case instead I think that his nervous looks gun out so he would get killed I Oh my God makes so much of a difference to that.

you're so smart bro. Then you force other people to to shoot a man and then they take a life and that that is a tour of some people. man like what the? I think that that's the case I think that's his nervous looks to the side. Oh my God we're being done in anticipation to his life man.

shut up I Say this because when he eventually gets up to hide, it sounds like someone had entered the house. Love me like your own. And when he walks into this dark room and shuts the camera off, you can clearly hear what seems to be the movement of a shower curtain. This sound is definitely noteworthy considering the fact that Trent had hid in his shower before killing his wife.
So, I personally believe that this whole video was premeditated and rather than this being filmed right after the murder, he filmed this immediately before as he likely shot and killed Savannah just moments after stopping the recording. It's a revelation that makes his demeanor all the more surprising as he shows No Remorse regret or even that much nervousness for that matter despite knowing what he's about to do. The video itself quickly went viral as the story became a national talking point, which led to YouTube stepping in and removing Trent's Channel altogether stating multiple Community guideline breaches. However, today, this Twisted clip can still be found circulating throughout the site.

and as is the case with each of these three channels, the videos they have all Left Behind elicit that same uneasy feeling when you watch them back today, knowing the Fate that would soon befall each of them. But out of all these channels, none of them quite match how visually creepy our final page is. The Channel's name is Francine dancer and before I can even begin to describe her videos, just have a look for yourself. What the none of this usually doesn't show any thoughts.

Oh bro, it's interesting I've heard some crash today dude I was like what the yo, what the hell am I watching here. There was a clip taken from her 2010 video called Tom Stat Lose 088.avi that plays out the bizarre scene of a cat stuffed animal playing a keyboard as well as a lady named Francine playing the guitar and singing. But Out of all the elements of this decade old video, it's clear which one is the most concerning. Highlighted within this clip is this off-looking lifelike figure standing nearly motionless.

However, there are certain moments where it appears to be moving Francine dancing alongside it. Yeah, but still. Oh, that's just yeah. What exactly this thing is.

What? The way it just stands there in such a limp manner implies that whatever it is, it's likely not alive. It's a figure that makes this video extremely unpleasant to watch. And as we're about to see, this wasn't the only clip that would feature it. In fact, in her very next upload, Francine gives us a closer look Is the doll? Yeah, but bro, that thing is cooked up though.

like what the oh my God is she? It's something to me that appears completely unrecognizable. I Mean the figure does look very mannequin-like However, this face is like no other mannequin I've ever seen. It looks dirty, almost decrepit. And to make things even darker, this thing appears to be hung by the ceiling.
Francine Would go on to post four Total videos featuring this thing before abandoning the channel altogether having gone unnoticed by the majority of the platform. What is all that was until just recently? Is it getting worse? Some of these clips were picked up and shared across: Tick Tock Throwing the channel wait. Isn't the Medica getting worse though? and it's strange contents into the Limelight without context. Many felt frightened, with the majority looking to the comments for guidance as to what was happening within these videos and there many would share the supposed story of Francine The Story Goes that Francine used to be a star on TV before the partner she performed with eventually passed away, essentially ending the show that the two had made together in, thus ending Francine's lifelong dream of becoming an actress.

This would cause Francine to suffer a mental collapse, leading her to steal the body before it was buried and hiding it within her home. Once there, she would film these videos to relive the show that they once had in a desperate showing of denial until eventually police would intervene and take the body back, leading to the arrest of Francine. Now, normally something as outlandish as this could easily be chalked up as a no that was not a real body. No, I was not guys.

He did not mention that it's the same. He does not. He did. He does it.

He did not say that he did not. Internet myth, but in actuality someone would link to a separate video posted back in 2007 and in it we see her performing with a tall, lanky man who has the same body type as this figure. The figure is always shown wearing a bleach blonde wig, which one would imagine that if this man were to wear a similar wig then the resemblance would certainly be there. Amazing.

It's a story that is extremely haunting and it's true brother to this side. I Can't do it huh? Bro bro. No shot. On the clip, we can see Francine dance with not only that notorious life-like mannequin, but with a new one as well.

It's a revelation that completely disproves the myth that this thing was actually a corpse. a theory that baselessly spread around thanks to a few people trying to get a cheap scare out of it. Thanks to your slow generation of the video, what are we actually watching here? Well, in other Clips posted to YouTube we see that this figure's name is actually Starry dancer. It is essentially just a dressed up and painted mannequin.

In one episode, Starry is even described as Francine's boyfriend, but ultimately it seems pretty clear that this is all just an act. It's not an ARG or anything that's meant to be scary, it's just a bizarre, funny show that was really only made creepy due to its lack of context and false stories. And sure, the mannequin is still quite creepy, but the strangeness of it all has helped to propel Francine into a household name for many while being completely harmless. Fair enough, there's always more to a YouTube channel and whether it be in a positive or negative way, what we see is never really the whole story, and oftentimes the pages that seem the scariest end up being the most harmless.
It's the accounts that are hidden buried in a sea of normal typically hold the darkest secrets and after three installations of the series, I can confidently say that we're just getting started and I can only imagine what we'll uncover next people. Ah, maybe it's because of density of content, but I feel like a lot of people uploaded just like just record upload it like some random. you know, like there's like a lot of random low quality that made people like do like make conclusions and you know.

By xQcOW

15 thoughts on “Youtube’s darkest channels 3 xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thocc says:

    rest in peace

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CavalryOW says:

    He smoke and smoke over and over he literally show us what happens when you smoke this much, did he wanted to show us that smoking to much is bad?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeeAnn Chesebro says:

    bruh who made the video said tom stat blues wen it clearly says tomsat blues . L edidting Nick

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sara Morin says:

    The man that caught his wife cheating and was determined to kill his wife over it is the least disturbing out of these, this is a thing that happens a lot and you can totally understand and relate to that.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garrius Tius says:

    Holy shiet, im finally starting to understand a lil bit of what xQc is saying.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark says:

    R.I.P. Harley

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Phelps says:

    Is it just me or does the theory on Harley trying to get in through the chimney seem weird? He had clothes and glasses inside the house already. So unless he successfully went down the chimney before it doesn’t really add up. Such a sad story though

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Kingsley says:

    Man who smokes gets cancer and dies, wow such video worthy

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cxzay says:

    xqc's chat is horrible. notice some of the things that were said during this video. disgusting

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rare pepe combos says:

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colbie Bergeron says:

    i dont think the parents killed but they definitely neglected him

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Known As Qurtz says:

    The delay is insane, pretty much criminal

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Misrupt says:

    Lol this dudes cringe ass burger king foot lettuce voice talking about a dude smoking every day getting cancer like its the scariest most unpredictable thing. Dude like ofc the dude was gonna die early. Thats literally what you accept when you smoke. I just thought this was such a reach for "darkest channels", like its obvious to anyone even probably the guy himself that this was the outcome. Don't know why the dude making the video has to put on the cringe voice and acts like its scary or haunting or something. Its just weird. This is reality. God, I can't stand burger king foot lettuce or his clones.

    Also to his other point that people were sexualizing and fantasizing about him committing game end over smoking, so many people want to die and this is such a common thing for people to do. Its literally the meme "god I wish that were me".

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Niar OG says:

    go china francineque

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Niar OG says:

    dont have name land advencures ended bad big message everyone is killer dont lost your incest sucker schools weak

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