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Seeing a more Despicable set of facts as I've seen in this case, these were the remarks of the judge who presided over the case of Jalen wait wait bro, this is this guys like second Channel he gets seven million views on a video in two weeks. man I did he probably wishes he posted on the main office Main: Channel I'm Fleer you never know Diego County Sheriff's deputy the 27 year old looked clean as a whistle in his day-to-day routine, but a private investigation caught up to him leading to an interrogation that led to a search which then led to a reveal of over 20 felony charges in this video. We'll take you through the interrogation that finally put this monster behind bars. Special thanks to 5-0 Patrol for sharing the original interrogation clip.

Jalen Fleer was a San Diego County Sheriff's deputy who once starred for Santana high school in baseball and football. He is married and was expecting a baby at the time. But instead came the San Diego County Crime Stoppers who received tips regarding the sheriff's quote unquote, lewd Behavior Their two-month long investigation led to a lot of evidence that needed answers. This is how the interrogation went down.

this story with us of course, in regards to um, you're not under arrest yeah, because the interrogator is acting upon tips from a non-profit organization. She has to set the disclaimer that this interrogation is voluntary and that he can leave whenever he wants to. He can even choose to not answer any important questions and can request a lawyer anytime he wants, which the interrogator has. Such a simple and open communication with Jalen that he looks at this interrogation like a conversation.

Later on, he starts to open up about himself at the Grossmont College for a little bit, play baseball there and got a job here. organic Sporting Goods before this so this is my second job I Started working with this department for coming up on five years now, so baseball seemed pretty important to you back in high school. Um, what position? Pitching cool? How's your arm holding up soreness every once in a while? but I've been through it for a while so that still kills me. Um I Play softball so I was yeah.

Third short Center and pitcher here in San Diego down Hilltop Indian Valley and have you always worked? Corrections uh yeah I Attempted to go out to the patrol, went to the academy things did you have fun at the Academy while you were? Oh yeah I Enjoy it. it's good. I mean come on. camaraderie and stuff like that.

So yeah, she's just building Rapport Man married How many kids? Oh yeah uh. married recently got married this last year in September Okay, we have a kid due on the way in August Oh okay boy girl very nice. um unfortunately. yeah where you're like looking forward.

Oh looking forward I Thought you said unfortunately? no I'm excited. Okay, that's cool. Um and your wife? How long have you known her? Uh, actually preschool I'm preschool going Separate Ways um met her back in high school. Things like I was trying to date her but she was playing playing it hard to get again yeah um then College came around, tried to get in and actually ran into her in PB like a little about three years ago.
Okay and yeah, we reconnected then. yeah, um and I hear your schedule recently changed. How do you feel about the schedule change? Yeah, seven, twelve and a half in a row kills you. Seven off is nice, but it flies by So yeah.

and then the seven drag. Yeah, once you're here today, right? This entire discussion is important because it will create a pattern of events that could lead to a bigger crime. First she establishes now she moves on to the place where the crime happened. social media Facebook and Instagram um had Snapchat back and they got rid of that with my wife.

got caught in the academy with her and stuff some stuff but can you tell me about that or um I mean there's with another recruiting Academy but okay to communicating with another recruit I was back in I stopped after everything cut off yo come on man, what is oil on this guy the Snapchat I just got deleted the app so okay I haven't used it for like I don't know about two years and a half now. Okay so on. Facebook just because I like to jot down everybody's social media when I can um what's your Facebook login like your um username? uh, interest on a Jalen Fleer what's your name? Yeah, okay, cool. um and then you said yo yo yo yo yo, why don't you want me to yo um and then he said Instagram like wrap it in like a bun what's your Instagram username and then you said you got rid of Snapchat but when you did have it, what was it? um just Jalen Fleer Okay okay so the one that you had there and has that said that account since been deleted or just deactivated that? Yes.

okay okay. last pause, just another time I Feel like I feel there's a lot of questions I don't know what we're trying to get with this I think it's bad? It's it does. It's very formal. like oh yeah, what is your username login I I don't know I don't know I didn't hit him answering all that.

It's pretty bad. it's It's so bad when it comes to um Facebook you connect it to an email address because it's you know what email address is connected to it, it's very clunky and then your Instagram account with same email. okay and I know sometimes with Snapchat they'll have you either sign up with a phone number or an email I believe it's my phone number. Very cool.

So um, by knowing a social accounts, the interrogator is trying to piece Jalen's social accounts, with the anonymous tips so that a connection can be verified. Yeah! Joe by now Jalen is too open with his social accounts and it took him this long to ask the obvious question. do you have any questions? For me that was obvious. It's just very clunky.

So we're looking into some allegations that were made. We're kind of. It started with a crime stopper report, so we're just kind of going from there. um uh, we did receive a picture.
Um that. um you know when we looked into it it looked similar to us I Don't know if you can take a look at the picture and just tell me if you've seen this picture before. I have like 15 million things here. So this picture right here.

so definitely the gross one. Okay, so um, this picture right here. how old were you when it was taken? I don't know. 20? 20.

have you ever used this picture on any social media site I think it was Snapchat back in the day? Yeah. Okay, okay, all right. have you ever shared this picture with anybody on? Snapchat Um, yeah, probably my wife to be honest. Um, you say talk to other girls back in the day too.

but I can't remember. Okay, um, if you had a guesstimate how many times you may have shared the photo, how many times that one? Okay, so definitely to your wife. Yeah, Okay, so you've used that photo for your life and you're about 20 years old in the photo. You did share it on Snapchat and then maybe some other girls you were talking to I Mean yeah, this was a long time ago.

so I don't really remember who it was Okay, Um, have you ever posted it as like your profile photo or no ever posted on Instagram Oh I Forgot to ask you are your accounts? Is your Instagram and your Facebook Are they private? Okay to add somebody? Yeah, Yeah, you can't just request a friend. Yeah, you can't just be anyone. So that one's at least a little bit better. Where it's like you have to actively search for somebody, Right you in the photo.

Um, and is that a Grossmont Is that? Grossmont Yeah, Okay, cool. This picture here was the first piece of evidence. The interrogator wanted to know how the quote Unquote anonymous tip could get a hold of a selfie like that. You can't download pictures of each other on Snapchat unless you actually send them and it was never uploaded on Facebook and Instagram.

So this means oh, it's the only language intentionally sent this picture to someone who is, according to the interrogator, a quote unquote young female on Snapchat Based on Jalen's facial expressions, you can tell that he's now realizing where this is going. Your schedule I Know that? um, you were every seven days every Friday Saturday off for nine to five and you work like the complete opposite depends every three months. we rotate days and nights. Okay, and how long have you been on nights now? it's now probably a little over a month now.

Month and a half. Can I ask? is this something I might I should have lawyers on? So right now we're investigating allegations that were made that you were communicating might have been shared. okay, um, some photos, some images, stuff like that. So we of course want to be able to hear what happened from your side.

if that in fact did occur or if it didn't occur, we went off. The interrogator now learns his schedule which will help her fit the pattern of the investigation. He once again jumps in to ask if this is something that he should have his lawyers on CE Again, the interrogator's response puts him at ease that he's not being treated as a criminal and they're only investigating allegations. The first time she mentioned texting the quote-unquote young female on Snapchat he didn't respond much, but this time he gave an answer that led to the revelation of his Tinder profile and from your side.
If that in fact did occur or if it didn't occur, he went off I talked to I mean it was about my age I Remember Okay, so who have you talked? my wife I'm his back then when I had I had Tinder He describes that the only use of Tinder was when he met an ex-girlfriend they dated for three years and then he got married to his wife who he had known since preschool. Wait a minute. Now, in case you're wondering why we haven't displayed the second picture, it's because it's a nude picture. He recalls that the only person who had access to this picture was his ex's Tinder account and his current wife.

His wife is loyal enough to not leak it and even though he had a bad breakup, his ex would not leak that picture. Yes, I'm safe stuff. I Don't know who would save a picture like that. Nude? Maybe? Yeah, that's just right.

And there's nothing wrong with this photo, right? It's just I just I Don't know how I would get enhancement younger person? Not funny. sorry about that. There were also some conversations that were exchanged between you and I'm lip licking it. Not on Snapchat No, no, not recently, not recently.

He not only continues to deny sending this picture, but also sending this picture to a younger person. Quote: Unquote Recently, the word recently implies that he may have sent it to someone a long while back who he's not trying to disclose. Now you said all of your social media accounts are private, right? Yeah! and I know you're a law enforcement officer. So I know that you've also taken the time to make your plates confidential.

Um, I mean obviously I ran your plates so you're still driving the Ford Fusion Yeah, yeah, and it's is it black or gray? It's gray. Okay, and you got tinted windows on it? still? yeah? and so um, turn to the windows. you know when it comes to the photo. I Really Kind of just.

I Really want to understand why this person would be in possession with the photo, but the only one who could really help me with that is you? Yeah? I can't tell you that I don't know? Okay, well along with the photo came some additional information about your personal life. Okay, um, and based on some of the information you shared with me today, it seems to add up. Okay, um, so is there any reason why the person would see there you? they're you and share your information. Sounds like it'd be someone that knows me then obviously.
I don't have any enemies I would be doing something like that. Gotta ask what information was shared, what they, what, they know? Um, well, um, we know that you're a baseball player. Yeah, very popular. Yeah, so that information was kind of shared.

Um, your work schedule five years now. Specifically, the transition to seven days on seven days off? All right. I Haven't shared anything like that recently, bro bro. It's also dumb though how he's not triangulating it some of the data in his head I'm like what that could be and she's giving him.

She's giving him so much, she's giving him. a lot of data to work around it like I Don't know what it is guys. The reason why the interrogator used the word recently is because the sender knew his current work schedule, something that was enforced just a few months before this interrogation. Now, the information's not adding up and it's clearly implicating.

Jalen Now we have a username. j178211 7 is the college jersey number, 82 was the high school jersey number and 2011 was the graduation year. Now he claims to have quote unquote. Never heard of this account, but it suggests that this account sent the nude pictures.

Things are not looking good for him. Shared any images of your penis with anyone? Yeah, and how many times did you say you've done a lot? Can you kind of explain that a little bit more to me? I mean my life, my ex, girlfriend day Tinder And stuff. Yeah, yeah. Junior High Did you ever share any videos of you having sex with anyone? No.

I've always had oh hell no. All right. Okay, and my ex actually had one. but what does your ex look like? It's fine.

Um, so you've never shared any videos, Just still shocked. Yeah. So um, when it comes to the crime stopper that we're investigating and the Snapchat account and of course your phone number and everything in connection with it and some of the combinations of numbers and everything there, you can understand why. Obviously nice.

We have a growing concern. Um, and of course your picture is attached to it. Yeah, right. Um, which is even more like either someone's I asked what you said you got new ones too.

There were images that were shared yes I've sexted a bunch of girls in the past I'm saying not so importantly I'm saying like you know she gets like that sometimes Okay and I don't think I've ever, ever even came close this version of me posting it my juicer. Which makes me think that most guys that post their dicks there's a good chance that it's them who want to do it. They're probably pushy about them showing their dicks bro. I've been in the depths of these conversations.

okay and it never is It went back to me. show my juicer this is a probably like it yo wanna see my sausage? yo? It's like Jesus bro, how the that's like a little trick out of here. kind of nice to see what they are I I think that's just awesome I think that's all that's fun? Yeah yeah. um so I don't actually have a clear shot of one Yeah so I can't I did not okay I understand this is weird.
so of course like um, you definitely have the ability to do that and of course you know this is completely voluntary. Um and so um I just don't want to get caught up on some people who have workers I fully understand. Yeah, so um, you can Yes, 100 elect not to speak with us. You are not under arrest at this time.

Um, obviously given the fact that we're here and the fact that we're speaking to you I know that your bosses are going to want to speak with you afterwards. Yeah, in this part, the interrogator has confirmed some details which are vital to the investigation. It was only after the discussion of the nudes that he finally decided to not share further. But another interrogator in the room who was just observing entered to ask three questions of her own.

I have a couple of questions because you can choose to answer or not answer. So if I ask you a question, you're like I don't want to answer that Yeah, one of my questions was I think I missed it. but when was the last time that you had Snapchat because I know you said you deleted it but I didn't hear why I'm doing it I never I just delete the app I deleted that when I was in Academy in the academy. When did you go to an academy? It's like a little over a year ago.

you're a year ago. So in 2019? Yeah, right beginning 29th January does. Yeah, you went and talked more somehow. What years did you go to college at Grossmont 2011 to about and then I Just want to make sure that we all understand each other.

When my partner says, um, that's obviously why it is, you understand that? Okay, um, do you have any siblings I have a younger sister yeah, she's 19 there 27. Oh okay, so there's something. Then my last question was she was asking about the house and the decorations of your house in any of your rooms in your house. Do you have that new, um that new look where they have like the Barn Door Um, here's what the three questions were confirming.

Bro, this is last week he deleted the app, not the account so chances are that he could reinstall use and later delete it to look clean to his wife. after all their schedules don't match so he might reinstall it when she's not around. Secondly, the College Years were confirmed just to set a timeline of activities and the third question was just a clarification in case he later ends up denying what they meant. After these three questions, he chose to have a lawyer present and denied answering any more questions.

By law, he was free to leave, but that was after he turned over everything to Johnny Law with the next Johnny Law son. So there are a few steps that we're going to be taking after this. Again, you are not being detained by us or anything, but we are acting on behalf of the Court moving forward. Okay, okay, so I will give you a chance to read through this.
Um, this is a search warrant that was granted this afternoon by a judge. Um, the warrant does allow us to grab some DNA swabs from you. Okay, um, as well as any mobile devices that might be in your possession or potentially in your locker. Do you have your personal phone with you here? I Do have them? Okay, is it inside your locker? It's on the person right now.

Okay, so we'll if you want to go ahead and hand it to us, we definitely don't need to go in. Oh, too late for a quicker than microwave. Dude, it is what it is. okay.

Um. additionally. um, it does allow us to have access to your vehicle. Yeah, if I mentioned I wouldn't like it I'm ethical people, it's really bad.

I can hold it, go to the microwave and thumbs that ass. And dude, that's the only way out. Is your vehicle parked here? It's parked a few blocks away. Okay, do you remember exactly? It's over across from Cap suits over there.

Caps Pizza Is it like in a parking parking lot? Okay, um, is it like one of those paid parking lots? Yeah, Okay, so Caps Pizza Um, so the warrant does allow friends to also process your vehicle. You guys are gonna take my vehicle. No, we're gonna process it here. After that, we will also have access.

Um, because technically she she didn't tell them a distance of a warrant right? So then he wouldn't be additional evidence because he's not. He's not and he doesn't know what it's evidence yet, right? But now that she's told him, if you did that, then he could clapped because it's only evidence Now he's cooked. I'm just saying I'm just saying my vehicle is they're in your vehicle. Yeah, yeah, so you have a code I have a code.

Okay, would you mind sharing that code with us lawyer sitting under that? Well, the warrant allows for us to have access to your vehicle. Okay, yeah, so you bring it. Yeah, that's fine. I'll give it up to you.

Um, Now he's realized that there's no turning back. As the so-called anonymous tips turned into an investigation and finally turned into a search warrant for everything he owns. literally everything. The officer was later put on desk Duty for a couple of weeks until the investigation went its course.

his DNA swabs and everything were collected and then in came the shocking revelations in the court case of People versus Fleer There were four victims between the ages of 12 and 14, but prosecutors allegedly to have contacted more than 40 who described themselves as minors. The prosecutors read graphic letters of his Encounters in the court brothers and sex acts with a 14 year old girl and contacted numerous other underage girls over social media with the aim of meeting up for sex on or about April 8th that Fleer unlawfully participated in an act of oral copulation with a person under the age of 16. And counts seven and eight said FLIR lewdly committed a lascivious act upon the body of a child 14 or 15 years of age Jalen Fleer pled guilty to 20 felony and misdemeanor charges and was sentenced to 10 to 12 years in state prison with no probation. wait.
That says he will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. What started as an investigation in 2021 led to the arrest of this madman in 2021. Yo isn't going to get out in like six for like good behavior type and he's done so with it at the same time. We have to commend the efforts by the interrogator here who was able to take out so much of the information from him voluntarily.

but even if he had refused to talk well, the search warrant had already come through so there was no point in hiding anything. However, considering that he was charged with 20 sex offenses, do you think that attend 12-year sentence was enough? we'll make sure to tell us in the comment section below. and as always, thanks for watching into uh the worst things inmates ate combined a former comment pedo interesting interesting yeah okay I know I'm being hides and held but no one did Knowing the exact name you use on your Facebook I feel like it. You had to know that if you're trying to match your evidence otherwise what else you okay All right bro.

I don't even know what the ing way.

By xQcOW

10 thoughts on “Cop realized he is going to jail for being a p*do xqc reacts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Gomez, Jr says:

    I went to Santana High School lmao

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sebastian Em says:

    But if it were an ugly guy, he would've been under the prison

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maesam Sherazi says:

    Based Cop

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan says:

    I find it funny he mentions the channel, views, and upload date while completely blocking all 3 with his facecam

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yh0gur1 says:

    Bro's got 50 crafting tables open while watching a pedo case

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jiggums says:

    hopefully the inmates sort him out in prison

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Panah says:

    The people he arrested are going to have some fun with him😂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lourenço says:

    12 years???

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles De Lafontaine says:

    People don't understand that 10-12 years in prison for a sex offense is a red card (cherry on top, he's a cop!); I'd be better of dead than having this alleged sentence put into my soul. Guy will get clapped in every possible way in prison (if not even killed); he will hate and despise every inch of life there, it's worse than a lifetime sentence for a green card (drug sell or others).

    He's basically doomed for the rest of his life, if he even copes with his PTSD after his release, if he's not dead before getting released that is.

    It is not the sentence that is bad at the end (the time made), but more what 10-12 years in prison look into his perspective – more than a lifetime in this case.

    What is worse in this case is his kid, growing alone until teen, with daddy issues and just no dad at all, in the hope that his wife changes her mind and chooses a real dad for her kid and not stick to him, as marriage prevails.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Σvan LaFrance says:

    I have a friend who got SA'd by an officer who is still on active duty. She told me ab it and nothing was ever done bc of money and fear of it going public. I live with what happened everyday and It didn't even happen to me. Just venting and this video made me think ab it, that's all.

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